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Structure-function relationships in human α- and γ-thrombins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Human pro-coagulant -thrombin may be proteolyzed under controlled conditions to the non-coagulant - and -thrombin forms. These derivative forms nonetheless retain esterase and amidase activities with small substrates as well as several other thrombin functions. Structurally, human -thrombin consists of three non-covalently associated fragments which retain structural integrity as measured by several spectroscopic criteria as well as enzymatic function. The protein folding characteristics of three-chain -thrombin indicate that each fragment (domain) contains sufficient information to result in a correct renaturation of protein conformation. Those subtle structural differences which distinguish - from -thrombin are most likely the obstructions to fibrinogen binding which account for the loss of clotting activity.  相似文献   

Crystallin is essential not only for the maintenance of eye lens transparency, but also in the biology of other tissues. Eye lens α-crystallin exists as a heteropolymer composed of two homologous subunits, αA and αB. Despite the critical role of α-crystallin in many tissues, little is known regarding structural and functional significance of the two subunits. Herein, we describe a unique feature of αB-crystallin. At high temperatures (>70 °C) not only αB-crystallin aggregates but also enhances the aggregation of other lens proteins. Intriguingly, αB-crystallin-mediated coaggregation at and above 70 °C involves β- but not γ-crystallin. Further, αA-crystallin, but not a mutant (F71L) αA-crystallin, prevented aggregation of αB-crystallin and also reduced coaggregation of αB- and β-crystallin. These studies explain the rationale for the existence of α-crystallin heteropolymer with αA subunit as a major partner that is vital for lens transparency and provide insights into αB-crystallin-induced coaggregation which may have a bearing in some pathological conditions where αB-crystallin is overexpressed.  相似文献   

Wang S  Leng XY  Yan YB 《Biochemistry》2011,50(48):10451-10461
β-Crystallins are the major structural proteins in mammalian lens, and their stability is critical in maintaining the transparency and refraction index of the lens. Among the seven β-crystallins, βA3-crystallin and βB1-crystallin, an acidic and a basic β-crystallin, respectively, can form heteromers in vivo. However, the physiological roles of the heteromer have not been fully elucidated. In this research, we studied whether the basic β-crystallin facilitates the folding of acidic β-crystallin. Equilibrium folding studies revealed that the βA3-crystallin and βB1-crystallin homomers and the βA3/βB1-crystallin heteromer all undergo similar five-state folding pathways which include one dimeric and two monomeric intermediates. βA3-Crystallin was found to be the most unstable among the three proteins, and the transition curve of βA3/βB1-crystallin was close to that of βB1-crystallin. The dimeric intermediate may be a critical determinant in the aggregation process and thus is crucial to the lifelong stability of the β-crystallins. A comparison of the Gibbs free energy of the equilibrium folding suggested that the formation of heteromer contributed to the stabilization of the dimer interface. On the other hand, βA3-crystallin, the only protein whose refolding is challenged by serious aggregation, can be protected by βB1-crystallin in a dose-dependent manner during the kinetic co-refolding. However, the protection is not observed in the presence of the pre-existed well-folded βB1-crystallin. These findings suggested that the formation of β-crystallin heteromers not only stabilizes the unstable acidic β-crystallin but also protects them against aggregation during refolding from the stress-denatured states.  相似文献   

γ-Crystallin is the major and most abundant lens protein present in the eye lens of lower vertebrates such as amphibian and piscine species. To facilitate structural characterization ofγ-crystallins isolated from the lens of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), a cDNA mixture was synthesized from the poly(A)+mRNA isolated from fresh eye lenses. cDNA encodingγ-crystallin was then amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based on two primers designed according to the relatively conserved N- and C-terminal sequences of knownγ-crystallins from teleostean fishes. PCR-amplified product corresponding toγ-crystallin isoforms was obtained, which was then subcloned in pUC18 vector and transformed intoEscherichia coli strain JM109. Plasmids containing amplifiedγ-crystallin cDNAs were purified and prepared for nucleotide sequencing by the dideoxynucleotide chain-termination method. Sequencing several clones containing DNA inserts of about 0.54 kb revealed the presence of two isoforms with an open reading frame of 534 base pairs, covering twoγ-crystallins each with a deduced protein sequence of 177 amino acids including the translation-initiating methionine. Theseγ-crystallins of pI 6.364 and 6.366 contain a low-methionine content of 2.81%, in contrast to 11–16% obtained for thoseγ-crystallins with high-methionine content from most teleostean lenses. Pairwise sequence comparison of bullfrogγ-crystallins with those published sequences ofγ-crystallins from carp, shark,Xenopus and anotherRana frog, bovine, and human lenses indicates that there is only 46–63% sequence similarity among these species, revealing that amphibians possess a very complex and heterogeneous group ofγ-crystallins even from closely related species ofRana frogs. The sequence analysis and comparison of various isoforms of the frogγ-crystallin family provide a firm basis for identifying these lens proteins as members of a multigene family more complex than that reported for mammalianγ-crystallins.  相似文献   

Chaperone-like activities of α-crystallin, αB-crystallin and proline were studied using a test system based on aggregation of UV-irradiated glycogen phosphorylase b (Phb) from rabbit skeletal muscle. The biphasic character of the dependence of the initial rate of aggregation (v(agg)) of UV-irradiated Phb on the concentration of α-crystallin or αB-crystallin is indicative of the existence of two types of chaperone-protein substrate complexes differing significantly in affinity between the components of the complex. The dependence of v(agg) on the proline concentration is sigmoid (Hill coefficient is equal to 1.6) suggesting that the positive cooperative interactions between the proline molecules bound on the surface of the protein particles occur. When studying the combined suppressive action of α-crystallin and proline on aggregation of UV-irradiated Phb, a slight antagonism between proline used at a fixed concentration (0.15M) and α-crystallin was observed. At higher concentration of proline (0.5M) each chaperone acts independent of one another.  相似文献   

The molecular weights calculated from the amino acid sequences of the A and B chains of the lens protein -crystallin differ only slightly (19830 and 20070, respectively). SDS gel electrophoresis of these chains and comparison with marker proteins yield apparent molecular weights of 19500 for A and 22500 for B. The discrepancy between the value of 22500 and the real molecular weight of 20070 for B vanishes by the combined use of SDS and 6 M urea in the polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

Ghosh KS  Pande A  Pande J 《Biochemistry》2011,50(16):3279-3281
α-Crystallin is a small heat shock protein and molecular chaperone. Binding of Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions to α-crystallin leads to enhanced chaperone function. Sequestration of Cu2+ by α-crystallin prevents metal-ion mediated oxidation. Here we show that binding of human γD-crystallin (HGD, a natural substrate) to human αA-crystallin (HAA) is inversely related to the binding of Cu2+/Zn2+ ions: The higher the amount of bound HGD, the lower the amount of bound metal ions. Thus, in the aging lens, depletion of free HAA will not only lower chaperone capacity but also lower Cu2+ sequestration, thereby promoting oxidation and cataract.  相似文献   

Enzymatic 5′-monophosphorylation and 5′-phosphatidylation of a number of β-l- and β-d-nucleosides was investigated. The first reaction, catalyzed by nucleoside phosphotransferase (NPT) from Erwinia herbicola, consisted of the transfer of the phosphate residue from p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) to the 5′-hydroxyl group of nucleoside; the second was the phospholipase d (PLD)-catalyzed transphosphatidylation of l-α-lecithin with a series of β-l- and β-d-nucleosides as the phosphatidyl acceptor resulted in the formation of the respective phospholipid-nucleoside conjugates. Some β-l-nucleosides displayed similar or even higher substrate activity compared to the β-d-enantiomers.  相似文献   

The synucleins are a family of natively unstructured proteins consisting of α-, β-, and γ-synuclein which are primarily expressed in neurons. They have been linked to a wide variety of pathologies, including neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease (α-synuclein) and dementia with Lewy bodies (α- and β-synuclein), as well as various types of cancers (γ-synuclein). Self-association is a key pathological feature of many of these disorders, with α-synuclein having the highest propensity to form aggregates, while β-synuclein is the least prone. Here, we used a combination of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and single molecule Förster resonance energy transfer to compare the intrinsic dynamics of different regions of all three synuclein proteins to investigate any correlation with putative functional or dysfunctional interactions. Despite a relatively high degree of sequence homology, we find that individual regions sample a broad range of diffusion coefficients, differing by almost a factor of four. At low pH, a condition that accelerates aggregation of α-synuclein, on average smaller diffusion coefficients are measured, supporting a hypothesis that slower intrachain dynamics may be correlated with self-association. Moreover, there is a surprising inverse correlation between dynamics and bulkiness of the segments. Aside from this observation, we could not discern any clear relationship between the physico-chemical properties of the constructs and their intrinsic dynamics. This work suggests that while protein dynamics may play a role in modulating self-association or interactions with other binding partners, other factors, particularly the local cellular environment, may be more important.  相似文献   

The molecular weights of wheat γ2-, β6-, α7-, α8- and α9-gliadins were calculated with the aid of a computer technique from sedimentation equilibrium data obtained in an ultracentrifuge equipped with photoelectric scanner. The dissociative solvents, all at pH 3.1 by addition of HCl, included 3 M urea, 0.15 M KCl; 8 M urea, 0.15 M KCl and 6 M guanidine-HCl. The minimum molecular weights for γ2-, α7- and α9-gliadins, obtained in 6 M guanidine-HCl, were 34 600, 30 400 and 30 900, respectively. The β6- and α8-gliadins gave minimum molecular weights of 33 000 and 36 900, respectively, in 3 M urea, 0.15 M KCl.  相似文献   

Summary We have used the powerful methodology of DNA enzymatic amplification in order to assign human -globin structural mutants to one of the two highly homologous -globin genes. Selectively amplified 1 and 2-globin cDNAs were dot-blotted and further hybridized to synthetic oligonucleotides encompassing either the normal or the mutated sequences. The generated signals corresponded specifically to one of the two -globin genes. Using this approach the -globin structural mutants J-Buda and G-Pest were found to be encoded by the 2 and the 1-globin genes, respectively. Furthermore, the exact nucleotide changes were determined. We propose this technique to serve as a simple and definitive method for assigning -globin structural mutants.  相似文献   

The subunit structures of placental Hex A and B have previously been assigned as a and b, respectively. The 2 subunit is composed of two non-identical polypeptide chains, a and b. Purified Hex A and B were fractionated on a chromatofocusing column, and the fractions were reduced and then alkylated with iodo-I-14C-acetamide. The polypeptide chains were separated by polyacrylamide-gel isoelectric focusing. From the radioactivity measurements of the polypeptides a constant value for 2 was obtained in all the chromatofocusing fractions, demonstrating a non-random structure of (2) in each 2 subunit.  相似文献   

Tony Hunter  James I. Garrels 《Cell》1977,12(3):767-781
The mRNAs for α-, β- and γ-actin have been characterized with respect to molecular weight and poly(A) content. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions shows that the mRNA for α-actin (muscle-specific actin) is approximately 4.6 × 105 daltons in size, and that the mRNAs for β- and γ-actin (nonmuscle actins) are much larger, approximately 6.6 × 105 daltons in size. We therefore calculate that the noncoding regions of the β- and γ-actin mRNAs contain about 800 nucleotides. This is in marked contrast to the noncoding regions of α-actin mRNA which contain only about 180 nucleotides. During electrophoresis in high-resolution nondenaturing gels, the β-actin mRNA migrates slightly slower than the γ-actin mRNA. This indicates either that β-actin mRNA is about 100 nucleotides longer than γ-actin mRNA, or that these mRNAs differ in secondary structure. Fractionation of actin mRNA on the basis of poly(A) content shows that a substantial portion of the β-actin mRNA, but very little of the α- or γ-actin mRNAs, fails to bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose. Much of this poly(A)-deficient β-actin mRNA, however, does bind to poly(U)-Sepharose, a substrate with higher affinity for short poly(A) sequences. This indicates that many of these β-actin mRNA molecules are polyadenylated, but that they have unusually short poly(A) tails. The finding that β- and γ-actins are translated from mRNAs of different electrophoretic mobility and different poly(A) content strongly suggests that these two closely related proteins are products of different genes.  相似文献   

This study quantified the cell surface β-adrenoreceptor density and ligand binding affinity in the ventricular tissue of seven teleost species; skipjack tuna (Katsowonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), mahimahi (dolphin fish; Coryphaena hippurus), sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and an Antarctic nototheniid (Trematomus bernacchii). β-Adrenoreceptor density varied by almost fourfold among these species, being highest for the athletic fish: sockeye salmon among the salmonids and skipjack tuna among the scombrids. β-Adrenoreceptor density was lowest for the Antarctic icefish. β-Adrenoreceptor binding affinity varied by almost threefold. We conclude that there is a significant species-specific variability in myocardial β-adrenoreceptor density and binding affinity and these interspecific differences cannot be attributed to temperature even though intraspecifically cold temperature can stimulate an increase in myocardial β-adrenoreceptor density. Instead, we suggest that interspecifically myocardial β-adrenoreceptor density is highest in fish that inhabit tropical water. Accepted: 12 July 2000  相似文献   

In humans, ten genes encode small heat shock proteins with lens αA-crystallin and αB-crystallin representing two of the most prominent members. The canonical isoforms of αA-crystallin and αB-crystallin collaborate in the eye lens to prevent irreversible protein aggregation and preserve visual acuity. α-Crystallins form large polydisperse homo-oligomers and hetero-oligomers and as part of the proteostasis system bind substrate proteins in non-native conformations, thereby stabilizing them. Here, we analyzed a previously uncharacterized, alternative splice variant (isoform 2) of human αA-crystallin with an exchanged N-terminal sequence. This variant shows the characteristic α-crystallin secondary structure, exists on its own predominantly in a monomer–dimer equilibrium, and displays only low chaperone activity. However, the variant is able to integrate into higher order oligomers of canonical αA-crystallin and αB-crystallin as well as their hetero-oligomer. The presence of the variant leads to the formation of new types of higher order hetero-oligomers with an overall decreased number of subunits and enhanced chaperone activity. Thus, alternative mRNA splicing of human αA-crystallin leads to an additional, formerly not characterized αA-crystallin species which is able to modulate the properties of the canonical ensemble of α-crystallin oligomers.  相似文献   

G(M1) gangliosidosis and Morquio B are autosomal recessive lysosomal storage diseases associated with a neurodegenerative disorder or dwarfism and skeletal abnormalities, respectively. These diseases are caused by deficiencies in the lysosomal enzyme β-d-galactosidase (β-Gal), which lead to accumulations of the β-Gal substrates, G(M1) ganglioside, and keratan sulfate. β-Gal is an exoglycosidase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of terminal β-linked galactose residues. This study shows the crystal structures of human β-Gal in complex with its catalytic product galactose or with its inhibitor 1-deoxygalactonojirimycin. Human β-Gal is composed of a catalytic TIM barrel domain followed by β-domain 1 and β-domain 2. To gain structural insight into the molecular defects of β-Gal in the above diseases, the disease-causing mutations were mapped onto the three-dimensional structure. Finally, the possible causes of the diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

Nε-acetylation occurs on select lysine residues in α-crystallin of the human lens and alters its chaperone function. In this study, we investigated the effect of Nε-acetylation on advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation and consequences of the combined Nε-acetylation and AGE formation on the function of α-crystallin. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Nε-acetylation of lysine residues and AGE formation co-occurs in both αA- and αB-crystallin of the human lens. Prior acetylation of αA- and αB-crystallin with acetic anhydride (Ac2O) before glycation with methylglyoxal (MGO) resulted in significant inhibition of the synthesis of two AGEs, hydroimidazolone (HI) and argpyrimidine. Similarly, synthesis of ascorbate-derived AGEs, pentosidine and Nε-carboxymethyl lysine (CML), was inhibited in both proteins by prior acetylation. In all cases, inhibition of AGE synthesis was positively related to the degree of acetylation. While prior acetylation further increased the chaperone activity of MGO-glycated αA-crystallin, it inhibited the loss of chaperone activity by ascorbate-glycation in both proteins. BioPORTER-mediated transfer of αA- and αB-crystallin into CHO cells resulted in significant protection against hyperthermia-induced apoptosis. This effect was enhanced in acetylated and MGO-modified αA- and αB-crystallin. Caspase-3 activity was reduced in α-crystallin transferred cells. Glycation of acetylated proteins with either MGO or ascorbate produced no significant change in the anti-apoptotic function. Collectively, these data demonstrate that lysine acetylation and AGE formation can occur concurrently in α-crystallin of human lens, and that lysine acetylation improves anti-apoptotic function of α-crystallin and prevents ascorbate-mediated loss of chaperone function.  相似文献   

βB2-crystallin (gene symbol: Crybb2/CRYBB2) was first described as a structural protein of the ocular lens. This gene, however, is also expressed in several regions of the mammalian brain, although its function in this organ remains entirely unknown. To unravel some aspects of its function in the brain, we combined behavioral, neuroanatomical, and physiological analyses in a novel Crybb2 mouse mutant, O377. Behavioral tests with male O377 mutants revealed altered sensorimotor gating, suggesting modified neuronal functions. Since these mouse mutants also displayed reduced hippocampal size, we concentrated further investigations on the hippocampus. Free intracellular Ca2+ levels were increased and apoptosis was enhanced in the hippocampus of O377 mutants. Moreover, the expression of the gene encoding calpain 3 (gene symbol Capn3) was elevated and the expression of genes coding for the NMDA receptor subunits was downregulated. Additionally, the number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons was decreased in the hippocampus but not in the cortex of the mutants. High-speed voltage-sensitive dye imaging demonstrated an increased translation of input-to-output neuronal activity in the dentate gyrus of this Crybb2 mutant. These results point to an important function of βB2-crystallin in the hippocampal network. They indicate pleiotropic effects of mutations in the Crybb2 gene, which previously had been considered to be specific to the ocular lens. Moreover, our results are the first to demonstrate that βB2-crystallin has a role in hippocampal function and behavioral phenotypes. This model can now be further explored by future experiments.  相似文献   

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