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It is of great interest for gene therapy to develop vectors that drive the insertion of a therapeutic gene into a chosen specific site on the cellular genome. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is unique among mammalian viruses in that it integrates into a distinct region of human chromosome 19 (integration site AAVS1). The inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) flanking the AAV genome and the AAV-encoded nonstructural proteins Rep78 and/or Rep68 are the only viral elements necessary and sufficient for site-specific integration. However, it is also known that unrestrained Rep activity may cause nonspecific genomic rearrangements at AAVS1 and/or have detrimental effects on cell physiology. In this paper we describe the generation of a ligand-dependent form of Rep, obtained by fusing a C-terminally deleted Rep68 with a truncated form of the hormone binding domain of the human progesterone receptor, which does not bind progesterone but binds only its synthetic antagonist RU486. The activity of this chimeric protein, named Rep1-491/P, is highly dependent on RU486 in various assays: in particular, it triggers site-specific integration at AAVS1 of an ITR-flanked cassette in a ligand-dependent manner, as efficiently as wild-type Rep68 but without generating unwanted genomic rearrangement at AAVS1.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) integrates specifically into a site on human chromosome 19 (chr-19) called AAVS1. To study the kinetics and frequency of chr-19-specific integration after AAV infection, we developed a rapid, sensitive, and quantitative real-time PCR assay for AAV inverted terminal repeat-chr-19-specific junctions. Despite the known variability of junction sites, conditions were established that ensured reliable quantification of integration rates within hours after AAV infection. The overall integration frequency was calculated to peak at between 10 and 20% of AAV-infected, unselected HeLa cells. At least 1 in 1,000 infectious AAV-2 particles was found to integrate site specifically up to day 4 postinfection in the absence of selection. Chromosomal breakpoints within AAVS1 agreed with those found in latently infected clonal cell lines and transgenic animals. Use of this quantitative real-time PCR will greatly facilitate the study of the early steps of wild-type and recombinant AAV vector integration.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV-2) can preferentially integrate its DNA into a 4-kb region of human chromosome 19, designated AAVS1. The nicking activity of AAV-2's Rep68 or Rep78 proteins is essential for preferential integration. These proteins nick at the viral origin of DNA replication and at a similar site within AAVS1. The current nicking model suggests that the strand containing the nicking site is separated from its complementary strand prior to nicking. In AAV serotypes 1 through 6, the nicking site is flanked by a sequence that is predicted to form a stem-loop with standard Watson-Crick base pairing. The region flanking the nicking site in AAVS1 (5'-GGCGGCGGT/TGGGGCTCG-3' [the slash indicates the nicking site]) lacks extensive potential for Watson-Crick base pairing. We therefore performed an empirical search for a stable secondary structure. By comparing the migration of radiolabeled oligonucleotides containing wild-type or mutated sequences from the AAVS1 nicking site to appropriate standards, on native and denaturing polyacrylamide gels, we have found evidence that this region forms a stable secondary structure. Further confirmation was provided by circular dichroism analyses. We identified six bases that appear to be important in forming this putative secondary structure. Mutation of five of these bases, within the context of a double-stranded nicking substrate, reduces the ability of the substrate to be nicked by Rep78 in vitro. Four of these five bases are outside the previously recognized GTTGG nicking site motif and include parts of the CTC motif that has been demonstrated to be important for integration targeting.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-based amplicon vectors have a large transgene capacity and can efficiently infect many different cell types. One disadvantage of HSV-1 vectors is their instability of transgene expression. By contrast, vectors based on adeno-associated virus (AAV) can either persist in an episomal form or integrate into the host cell genome, thereby supporting long-term gene expression. AAV expresses four rep genes, rep68, -78, -40, and -52. Of those, rep68 or rep78 are sufficient to mediate site-specific integration of the AAV DNA into the host cell genome. The major disadvantage of AAV vectors is the small transgene capacity ( approximately 4.6 kb). In this study, we constructed HSV/AAV hybrid vectors that contained, in addition to the standard HSV-1 amplicon elements, AAV rep68, rep78, both rep68 and -78, or all four rep genes and a reporter gene that was flanked by the AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). Southern blots of Hirt DNA from cells transfected with the hybrid vectors and HSV-1 helper DNA demonstrated that both the AAV elements and the HSV-1 elements were functional in the context of the hybrid vector. All hybrid vectors could be packaged into HSV-1 virions, although those containing rep sequences had lower titers than vectors that did not. Site-specific integration at AAVS1 on human chromosome 19 was directly demonstrated by PCR and sequence analysis of ITR-AAVS1 junctions in hybrid vector-transduced 293 cells. Cell clones that stably expressed the transgene for at least 12 months could easily be isolated without chemical selection. In the majority of these clones, the transgene cassette was integrated at AAVS1, and no sequences outside the ITR cassette, rep in particular, were present as determined by PCR, ITR rescue/replication assays, and Southern analysis. Some of the clones contained random integrations of the transgene cassette alone or together with sequences outside the ITR cassette. These data indicate that the long-term transgene expression observed following transduction with HSV/AAV hybrid vectors is, at least in part, supported by chromosomal integration of the transgene cassette, both randomly and site specifically.  相似文献   

The Sleeping Beauty (SB), piggyBac (PB) and Tol2 transposons are promising instruments for genome engineering. Integration site profiling of SB, PB and Tol2 in human cells showed that PB and Tol2 insertions were enriched in genes, whereas SB insertions were randomly distributed. We aimed to introduce a bias into the target site selection properties of the transposon systems by taking advantage of the locus-specific integration system of adeno-associated virus (AAV). The AAV Rep protein binds to Rep recognition sequences (RRSs) in the human genome, and mediates viral integration into nearby sites. A series of fusion constructs consisting of the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of Rep and the transposases or the N57 domain of SB were generated. A plasmid-based transposition assay showed that Rep/SB yielded a 15-fold enrichment of transposition at a particular site near a targeted RRS. Genome-wide insertion site analysis indicated that an approach based on interactions between the SB transposase and Rep/N57 enriched transgene insertions at RRSs. We also provide evidence of biased insertion of the PB and Tol2 transposons. This study provides a comparative insight into target site selection properties of transposons, as well as proof-of-principle for targeted chromosomal transposition by composite protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The Rep68 and Rep78 proteins of adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) are multifunctional proteins which contain overlapping amino acid sequences. They are required for viral replication and preferential integration of the AAV genome into a region of human chromosome 19. During the terminal resolution process of AAV DNA replication, these proteins make a site-specific and strand-specific endonuclease cut within the AAV inverted terminal repeat DNA. The Rep68 and Rep78 proteins also have helicase and DNA-binding activities. The endonuclease activity is believed to involve the covalent attachment of Rep68 or Rep78 at the cut site via a phosphotyrosine linkage. In an attempt to identify the active-site tyrosine residue of Rep78 and Rep68, tyrosine residues were site specifically mutated to phenylalanines by overlap extension PCR, and the resulting PCR fragments were cloned into a maltose binding protein-Rep68 fusion (MBP-Rep68delta) expression vector. The mutant MBP-Rep68delta proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli cells, purified with amylose resin, and assayed in vitro for Rep68-specific activities. Although several of the mutations disrupted the endonuclease activity, only the mutation of tyrosine 152 abrogated the endonuclease activity with no discernible effect on the helicase or DNA-binding activities. Our data therefore suggest that there are distinct active sites for the helicase and endonuclease activities.  相似文献   

A key feature in adeno-associated virus (AAV) replication is efficient integration of the viral genome into host cell DNA to establish latency when helper virus is absent. The steps involved in this process remain largely uncharacterized, even though AAV integration was first documented 20 years ago. Using a protein--DNA binding method we isolated AAV--cellular junction DNA sequences. The cellular component hybridized to a single restriction fragment in the virus-free parental cell line, and also co-migrated with AAV-specific sequences in numerous latently infected cell lines. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids indicated that this cellular sequence maps to the distal portion of the q arm of human chromosome 19. In situ hybridization of AAV DNA to chromosomes from latently infected cells confirms the physical location of AAV integrations to be q13.4-ter of chromosome 19. Sequence analysis of several independent integration sites shows breakpoints occurring within a 100 bp cellular region. This non-pathogenic parvovirus thus appears to establish viral latency by integrating its DNA specifically into one chromosomal region. Such specific integration is so far unique among the eukaryotic DNA viruses. The incorporation of site-specific integration into AAV vector schemes should make this vector system attractive for human gene therapy approaches.  相似文献   

Activation of the ATPase activity of adeno-associated virus Rep68 and Rep78   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rep68 and Rep78 DNA helicases, encoded by adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2), are required for replication of AAV viral DNA in infected cells. They bind to imperfect palindromic elements in the inverted terminal repeat structures at the 3'- and 5'-ends of virion DNA. The ATPase activity of Rep68 and Rep78 is stimulated up to 10-fold by DNA containing the target sequence derived from the inverted terminal repeat; nontarget DNA stimulates ATPase activity at 50-fold higher concentrations. Activation of ATPase activity of Rep68 by DNA is cooperative with a Hill coefficient of 1.8 +/- 0.2. When examined by gel filtration at 0.5 M NaCl in the absence of DNA, Rep68 self-associates in a concentration-dependent manner. In the presence of DNA containing the binding element, Rep68 (and Rep78) forms protein-DNA complexes that exhibit concentration-dependent self-association in gel filtration analysis. The ATPase activity of the isolated Rep68-DNA and Rep78-DNA complexes is not activated by additional target DNA. Results of sedimentation velocity experiments in the presence of saturating target DNA are consistent with Rep68 forming a hexamer of the protein with two copies of the DNA element. Activation of the ATPase activity of Rep68 is associated with the formation of a protein-DNA oligomer.  相似文献   

The DNA of human parvovirus adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) integrates preferentially into a defined region of human chromosome 19. Southern blots of genomic DNA from latently infected cell lines revealed that the provirus was not simply inserted into the cellular DNA. Both the proviral and adjoining cellular DNA organization indicated that integration occurred by a complex, coordinated process involving limited DNA replication and rearrangements. However, the mechanism for targeted integration has remained obscure. The two larger nonstructural proteins (Rep68 and Rep78) of AAV bind to a sequence element that is present in both the integration locus (P1) and the AAV inverted terminal repeat. This binding may be important for targeted integration. To investigate the mechanism of targeted integration, we tested the cloned integration site subfragment in a cell-free replication assay in the presence or absence of recombinant Rep proteins. Extensive, asymmetric replication of linear or open-circular template DNA was dependent on the presence of P1 sequence and Rep protein. The activities of Rep on the cloned P1 element are analogous to activities on the AAV inverted terminal repeat. Replication apparently initiates from a 3'-OH generated by the sequence-specific nicking activity of Rep. This results in a covalent attachment between Rep and the 5'-thymidine of the nick. The complexity of proviral structures can be explained by the participation of limited DNA replication facilitated by Rep during integration.  相似文献   

We have used differential cell extraction and conventional chromatography to separate and partially purify the four adeno-associated virus (AAV) nonstructural proteins Rep78, Rep68, Rep52, and Rep40. In the cytoplasmic extracts Rep52 and Rep40 were present in greater abundance than Rep68 and Rep78, with Rep78 being the least abundant. In nuclear extracts the four Rep proteins were approximately equal in abundance. Regardless of the subcellular fraction examined, three of the Rep proteins (Rep78, Rep68, and Rep40) consisted of two protein species with slightly different mobilities during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In contrast, Rep52 consisted of only one protein species. Both Rep78 and Rep68 were capable of binding efficiently to AAV terminal hairpin DNA substrates, but we could not detect site-specific DNA binding by Rep52 and Rep40. Like Rep68, Rep78 had both an ATP-dependent trs endonuclease and a DNA helicase activity. Both Rep78 and Rep68 cut the terminal AAV sequence at the same site (nucleotide 124). The binding, trs endonuclease, and DNA helicase activities comigrated during sucrose density gradient centrifugation with a mobility expected for a monomer of the protein, suggesting that the three biochemical activities were intrinsic properties of the larger Rep proteins. The chromatographic behavior and the DNA-binding properties of the four Rep proteins identified at least two domains within the rep coding region, an exposed hydrophobic domain within the C-terminal end (amino acids 578 to 621) and a region within the N terminus (amino acids 1 to 214) which was necessary for binding to the terminal repeat sequence. No site-specific nuclease activity was seen in the presence of nucleotide analogs ATP-gamma-S or AMP-PNP, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis was required for the endonuclease reaction. Furthermore, although ATP was the only cofactor which would support the trs endonuclease activity of Rep78, Rep68 nuclease activity was seen in the presence of several other nucleotide cofactors, including CTP, GTP, and UTP.  相似文献   

A challenge for chromosome segregation in all domains of life is the formation of catenated progeny chromosomes, which arise during replication as a consequence of the interwound strands of the DNA double helix. Topoisomerases play a key role in DNA unlinking both during and at the completion of replication. Here we report that chromosome unlinking can instead be accomplished by multiple rounds of site-specific recombination. We show that step-wise, site-specific recombination by XerCD-dif or Cre-loxP can unlink bacterial chromosomes in vivo, in reactions that require KOPS-guided DNA translocation by FtsK. Furthermore, we show that overexpression of a cytoplasmic FtsK derivative is sufficient to allow chromosome unlinking by XerCD-dif recombination when either subunit of TopoIV is inactivated. We conclude that FtsK acts in vivo to simplify chromosomal topology as Xer recombination interconverts monomeric and dimeric chromosomes.  相似文献   

The adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) Rep68 protein produced in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein (MBP-Rep68 delta) has previously been shown to possess DNA-DNA helicase activity, as does the purified wild-type Rep68. In the present study, we demonstrate that MBP-Rep68 delta also catalyzes the unwinding of a DNA-RNA hybrid. MBP-Rep68 delta-mediated DNA-RNA helicase activity required ATP hydrolysis and the presence of Mg2+ ions and was inhibited by high ionic strength. The efficiency of the DNA-RNA helicase activity of MBP-Rep68 delta was comparable to its DNA-DNA helicase activity. However, MBP-Rep68 delta lacked the ability to unwind a blunt-ended DNA-RNA substrate and RNA-RNA duplexes. We have also demonstrated that MBP-Rep68 delta has ATPase activity which is enhanced by the presence of single-stranded DNA but not by RNA. The MBP-Rep68 delta NTP mutant protein, which has a lysine-to-histidine substitution at amino acid 340 in the putative nucleoside triphosphate-binding site of Rep68, not only lacks DNA-RNA helicase and ATPase activities but also inhibits the helicase activity of MBP-Rep68 delta. DNA-RNA helicase activity of Rep proteins might play a pivotal role in the regulation of AAV gene expression by AAV Rep proteins.  相似文献   

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