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Regeneration of lost cells in the central nervous system, especially the brain, is present to varying degrees in different species. In mammals, neuronal cell death often leads to glial cell hypertrophy, restricted proliferation, and formation of a gliotic scar, which prevents neuronal regeneration. Conversely, amphibians such as frogs and salamanders and teleost fish possess the astonishing capacity to regenerate lost cells in several regions of their brains. While frogs lose their regenerative abilities after metamorphosis, teleost fish and salamanders are known to possess regenerative competence even throughout adulthood. In the last decades, substantial progress has been made in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain regeneration in amphibians and fish. But how similar are the means of brain regeneration in these different species? In this review, we provide an overview of common and distinct aspects of brain regeneration in frog, salamander, and teleost fish species: from the origin of regenerated cells to the functional recovery of behaviors.  相似文献   

白冰  周伟  李伟  刘钊  朱明育 《四川动物》2007,26(2):370-373
2006年8月对高黎贡山自然保护区赧亢片区开展了鱼类、两栖和爬行动物的资源调查。调查结果,赧亢片区共有鱼类4种,隶属2目4科4属;两栖动物10种,隶属2目4科8属,其中云南特有种4种;爬行动物9种.隶属2目3科8属。赧亢片区的物种全为东洋界种,区系成分为西南、华南区,或者两区所共有的成分组成。将赧亢片区与邻近的高黎贡山自然保护区和小黑山省级自然保护区(小黑山片区)的多样性对比,赧亢片区不仅具有较高的物种多样性,亦是连接两个保护区物种交流和基因流动的重要通道。  相似文献   

1. Site-directed mutagenesis of human plasma butyrylcholinesterase has led to novel hydrolases that rapidly destroy cocaine. We are investigating whether viral gene transfer of such enzymes might reduce addiction liability by blocking cocaine from its sites of action.2. As groundwork for a possible gene therapy, we previously studied adenoviral transduction of cocaine hydrolases in the rat. Systemically injected vectors raised plasma cocaine hydrolase activity greatly, reduced pressor responses to cocaine, and lowered cocaine's tissue burden.3. In the present study, to reduce cocaine's brain access still further, vectors were injected directly into the nucleus accumbens. Six days later, medium sized neurons gained dramatic butyrylcholinesterase activity. Species-selective immunohistochemistry proved that the transgene accounted for this activity.4. Since the transgene product is so efficient with cocaine as a substrate, it is now reasonable to begin testing gene therapy in rodent models of cocaine addiction.  相似文献   

This work deals with studies on anatomical relationships, neuronal composition, and some synaptic connections that exist in the central complex (CC) in the supraesophageal ganglion in larva of dragonfly g. Aeschna. It has been shown that CC contains protocerebral bridge of an elongated and slightly curved cylindrical shape, fan-shaped and ellipsoid bodies of a bean-like shape and two small roundish noduli. There were revealed (stained) neurons providing both internal connections of CC and its connections with other CNS regions. Connections with tritocerebrum, the higher center of the autonomic nervous system, and subesophageal ganglion, an intermediate relay between supraesophageal ganglion and truncal brain, have been established. The existence of connections of CC with nuclei of abdominal nervous chain is suggested. Connection of ocelli with the CC has been traced. Unipolar neurons of the same type have been revealed, each of them giving collaterals to protocerebral bridge and ending as bushy terminals that form the main part of glomerule in the fan-shaped and ellipsoid bodies. Glomeruli are arranged in rows, in which cross connections have been found. It has been established that the structure of neuropils of the fan-shaped and ellipsoid bodies represent a shielding structure described in the cerebral cortex, midbrain cortex, and cerebellar cortex of vertebrates. Thus, in insects, like in vertebrates, the shielding structures developed not only in optic centers, but also in structures performing higher integrative functions. A possible functional role of the central complex is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Wildfire can influence a variety of stream ecosystem properties. We studied stream temperatures in relation to wildfire in small streams in the Boise River Basin, located in central Idaho, USA. To examine the spatio-temporal aspects of temperature in relation to wildfire, we employed three approaches: a pre–post fire comparison of temperatures between two sites (one from a burned stream and one unburned) over 13 years, a short-term (3 year) pre–post fire comparison of a burned and unburned stream with spatially extensive data, and a short-term (1 year) comparative study of spatial variability in temperatures using a “space for time” substitutive design across 90 sites in nine streams (retrospective comparative study). The latter design included streams with a history of stand-replacing wildfire and streams with severe post-fire reorganization of channels due to debris flows and flooding. Results from these three studies indicated that summer maximum water temperatures can remain significantly elevated for at least a decade following wildfire, particularly in streams with severe channel reorganization. In the retrospective comparative study we investigated occurrence of native rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and tailed frog larvae (Ascaphus montanus) in relation to maximum stream temperatures during summer. Both occurred in nearly every site sampled, but tailed frog larvae were found in much warmer water than previously reported in the field (26.6°C maximum summer temperature). Our results show that physical stream habitats can remain altered (for example, increased temperature) for many years following wildfire, but that native aquatic vertebrates can be resilient. In a management context, this suggests wildfire may be less of a threat to native species than human influences that alter the capacity of stream-living vertebrates to persist in the face of natural disturbance. Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of histone H3 on pituitary hormone secretion, rat anterior pituitary (AP) cells were used and growth hormone, prolactin, thyrotropin, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone measured by radioimmunoassay. Incubation of cells with H3 (1, 6, and 30 microM) stimulated the release of all five hormones in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was blocked by preincubation of H3 with an anti-H3 antibody. Incubation of AP cells with 6 microM H3 in the presence of specific AP hormone secretagogues (GRP-6, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)) showed additive effects on hormone secretion. Pharmacological experiments suggested that calcium- and diacylglycerol- (DAG) associated pathways, but not cAMP, participate in the hypophysiotropic activity of H3. Our results confirm previous evidence that histones may act as hypophysiotropic signals.  相似文献   

The box-counting method for calculating the fractal dimension (D) with the ImageJ 1.20s software is used as a tool for quantitative analysis of the neuronal morphology in the fish brain. The fractal dimension was determined for several types of neurons in the brain of two teleost species, Pholidapus dybowskii and Oncorhynchus keta. These results were compared with those obtained for some neurons of the human brain. The fractal (fractional) dimension (D), as a quantitative index of filling of two-dimensional space by the black and white image of a cell, is shown to vary from 1.22 to 1.72 depending on the type of neuron. The fractal dimension reaches its maximum in less specialized neurons that carry out a number of different functions. On the other hand, highly specialized neurons display a relatively low fractal dimension. Thus, the fractal dimension serves as a numerical measure of the spatial complexity of the neuron and correlates with the morphofunctional organization of the cell.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Following the isolation, synthesis and subsequentdevelopment of specific and sensitive radioimmunoassays forthe hypothalamic hormones thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH),luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) and growth hormonerelease-inhibiting hormone (somatostatin), it was recognizedthat these peptides were not localized solely in the hypothalamus,but were widely distributed throughout the mammalian nervoussystem. Somatostatin occurs outside the nervous system altogether,being located in the gastrointestinal tract of vertebrates whereit may have a physiologic role in the secretion of gastrointestinalhormones. TRH, also, has been located outside the nervous system,occurring in large quantities in the skin of Rana species whereit may be of physiologic importance in skin function. This tripeptideis found throughout the nervous system of vertebrate and invertebratespecies in situations where it has no pituitary-thyroid function.Thesepeptides are present in brain synaptosomes and enzymatic degradingsystems have been recognized for each in brain tissue. For TRH,specific receptors and synthesizing activity have been detectedoutside the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The anatomic location,phylogenetic distribution, neurophysiologic and behavioral effectsstrongly support a role for these substances in neuronal regulation,apart from control of pituitary secretion. Evolutionary studies,especially of TRH, suggest that their primary function may beas neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

Under section 401 and section 404 of the Clean Water Act, permission to degrade existing natural wetlands in the USA may be conditional on restoring or creating ‘replacement’ wetlands. Success of wetland mitigation efforts in adequately replacing lost wildlife habitats depends on our good understanding of key ecological attributes that affect the structure of wetland faunal communities. We examined the effects of the presence of predatory fish, shallow vegetated littoral zone, emergent vegetation cover, wetland age and size on amphibian diversity in 42 replacement wetlands located in the Ohio’s North Central Tillplain ecoregion. We recorded 13 species of pond-breeding amphibians, and the average local species richness (α-richness) was 4.2 ± 1.7 species per site (range 1–7). There is strong evidence for the positive association between amphibian species richness and presence of a shallow littoral zone, and the negative association with presence of predatory fish. There was no evidence for the association between species richness and age, size, amount of forest cover within 200 m, nor the amount of emergent vegetation cover at the study sites. It is estimated that local species richness in wetlands with shallows was 1.76 species higher on average than in wetlands without shallows (95% CI from 0.75 to 2.76). The presence of predatory fish was associated with an average reduction in species richness by an estimated 1.21 species (95% CI from 0.29 to 2.11). Replacement wetlands were placed in areas with little or no existing forest cover, and amphibian species associated with forested wetlands were either rare (eastern newt, spotted salamander) or not present at all (marbled salamander, wood frog). In addition, we surveyed all replacement wetlands constructed under section 401 in Ohio since 1990, and found that predatory fish were present in 52.4% of the sites and that shallows were absent from 42.7% of the sites. Our results indicate that current wetland replacement practices could have a negative effect on the amphibian diversity within our region.  相似文献   

Fishes display a variety of anatomical relationships betweenbrain and pituitary to a degree unique among vertebrates. Thisgroup is pivotal for understanding evolution of functions ofhypophysiotropic peptides. We review information concerningoccurrences, distributions and physiological activities of threeidentified peptides in fish brain, and biological propertiesof fish brain extracts. Thyrotropin releasing hormone may bepresent universally in piscine central nervous tissue; however,this peptide has not been clearly demonstrated to have hypophysiotropicactivity in fishes. Somatostatin also has been shown to occurin fish brains; studies of actions of this substance are virtuallyabsent. Gonadotropin releasing hormone is apparently of broadoccurrence in fishes; its hypophysiotropic activity is wellestablished for several teleostean species. Anatomical relationshipsbetween brain and pituitary are particularly varied among elasmobranchs.Investigations involving additional elasmobranch representatives,as well as other fishes, are needed before generalizations canbe made. Widespread extrahypothalamic distribution of hypophysiotropicpeptides in lower vertebrates and neurotransmitter (or related)functions of neurones containing these peptides provide a basisfor proposals concerning evolution of hypothalamic control ofthe pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Summary The horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) technique was used to visualize the cell bodies of axons projecting to the goldfish pituitary. Following intravenous injections of HRP, HRP reaction products were observed in axons of the rostral pars distalis, proximal pars distalis, neurointermediate lobe, pituitary stalk and in axons coursing from the pituitary into the hypothalamus. HRP-labelled cells in the brain were localized in two regions only — the nucleus preopticus (NPO) pars magnocellularis and pars parvocellularis, and the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) of the hypothalamus. These observations suggest that the NPO and NLT are the source of the neurosecretory innervation of the goldfish pituitary.  相似文献   

The central control of growth hormone (GH) secretion from the pituitary gland is ultimately achieved by the interaction between two hypothalamic neurohormones, somatostatin which inhibits and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) which stimulates GH release. The regulation of the somatostatin and GHRH release from the hypothalamus is regulated by a range of other neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, neurohormones. In this mini review we attempt to provide a short summary covering the anatomy and chemical characteristics of the various cell populations regulating GH secretion as a tribute to Miklós Palkovits who pioneered the field of functional neuroanatomy of hypothalamic networks.Special Issue Dedicated to Miklós Palkovits.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of the Immune System in Amphibians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Experiments with amphibians have revealed that tissuesallografted in embryonic and early larval life may later succumbto a host immunological attack. In Xenopus, the ontogeny ofthis alloimmune response is correlated with the lymphoid maturationof the thymus. This article describes experiments primarilydesigned to ascertain if such a correlation exists in Rana pipiens. Initially, a histological study of the differentiation of thelymphomyeloid complex of the leopard frog was undertaken. At18–21°C lymphoid histogenesis is well under way inthe thymus and is beginning in many other organs during thethird week of larval life. Extensive growth and differentiationof these organs follow. Observations are also presented on thestructure, function and development of the lymphoid and Iymphomyeloidorgans from late larval life throughmetamorphosis to adulthood. Experiments were then performed to determine the onset of thealloimmune response to embryonically transplanted neural foldmaterial. At 18–21°C incompatibility phenomena, albeitslight, are first detected in these grafts as early as 17 daysafter fertilization, i.e. 15 days after transplantation. Thus,in the leopard frog, the alloimmune response develops soon afterlymphoid maturation of the thymus. At later stages of development,a more vigorous response is witnessed, concomitant with a rapidphase of lymphoid organ differentiation.  相似文献   

Two hitherto unknown ligaments that assist in holding the brain in position occur in the brachiopterygian fish Polypterus senegalus. These rounded fibrous cords, placed one behind the other, are called ligamentum intracraniale transversum and ligamentum intracraniale obliquum. The former spans the orbitotemporal division of the cranial cavity and passes through the velum transversum. The latter, which is paired, extends from the roof to the sidewall of the endocranium and runs in the rhombomesencephalic sulcus in company with the trochlear nerve. It is argued that these intracranial ligments, like the spinal denticulate ligaments, are derivatives of a pair of fibrous bands which in early craniate phylogeny extended throughout the length of the neuraxial meninx and enhanced its tensile strength. It is also argued that at least the transverse intracranial ligament was already in existence some 350 million years ago.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A state of immunological tolerance, or specific unresponsivenessto foreign antigen, can be induced in amphibians by joiningtwo nonsibling embryos in parabiotic union. The induced toleranceis immunologically specific; the co-partners are tolerant ofeach other' santigens but do respond to unrelated antigens fromthird parties. The parabionts are blood-cell chimeras; eachcontains blood elements of the type proper to the other. Thedegree of chimerism wanes in the later life of the parabionts,which may be the consequence of the appearance of a new cloneof uninhibited reactive cells derived from the bone marrow. Tolerance to a particular antigen is interpreted as arisingby the deletion of the population of competent lymphocytes capableof responding to that antigen. The breakdown of tolerance occursthrough the emergence of a new population of antigen-reactivecells. In essence, a tolerant cell as a discrete entity doesnot exist.  相似文献   

The orexigenic gut-brain peptide, ghrelin and its G-protein coupled receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a (GHS-R1A) are pivotal regulators of hypothalamic feeding centers and reward processing neuronal circuits of the brain. These systems operate in a cooperative manner and receive a wide array of neuronal hormone/transmitter messages and metabolic signals. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was employed in the current study to map BOLD responses to ghrelin in different brain regions with special reference on homeostatic and hedonic regulatory centers of energy balance. Experimental groups involved male, ovariectomized female and ovariectomized estradiol-replaced rats. Putative modulation of ghrelin signaling by endocannabinoids was also studied. Ghrelin-evoked effects were calculated as mean of the BOLD responses 30 minutes after administration. In the male rat, ghrelin evoked a slowly decreasing BOLD response in all studied regions of interest (ROI) within the limbic system. This effect was antagonized by pretreatment with GHS-R1A antagonist JMV2959. The comparison of ghrelin effects in the presence or absence of JMV2959 in individual ROIs revealed significant changes in the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens of the telencephalon, and also within hypothalamic centers like the lateral hypothalamus, ventromedial nucleus, paraventricular nucleus and suprachiasmatic nucleus. In the female rat, the ghrelin effects were almost identical to those observed in males. Ovariectomy and chronic estradiol replacement had no effect on the BOLD response. Inhibition of the endocannabinoid signaling by rimonabant significantly attenuated the response of the nucleus accumbens and septum. In summary, ghrelin can modulate hypothalamic and mesolimbic structures controlling energy balance in both sexes. The endocannabinoid signaling system contributes to the manifestation of ghrelin''s BOLD effect in a region specific manner. In females, the estradiol milieu does not influence the BOLD response to ghrelin.  相似文献   

Amphibians have long been utilized in scientific research and in education. Historically, investigators have accumulated a wealth of information on the natural history and biology of amphibians, and this body of information is continually expanding as researchers describe new species and study the behaviors of these animals. Amphibians evolved as models for a variety of developmental and physiological processes, largely due to their unique ability to undergo metamorphosis. Scientists have used amphibian embryos to evaluate the effects of toxins, mutagens, and teratogens. Likewise, the animals are invaluable in research due to the ability of some species to regenerate limbs. Certain species of amphibians have short generation times and genetic constructs that make them desirable for transgenic and knockout technology, and there is a current national focus on developing these species for genetic and genomic research. This group of vertebrates is also critically important in the investigation of the inter-relationship of humans and the environment based on their sensitivity to climatic and habitat changes and environmental contamination.  相似文献   

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