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F. Gasse  F. Tekaia 《Hydrobiologia》1983,103(1):85-90
Our purpose is to establish the quantitative relationship between recent diatom floras and ecological parameters, in order to extrapolate the results to the past. The parameter pH is here considered as an example. This work is based on the study of about I60 diatom samples from East Africa and of their corresponding biotopes. We propose some statistical methods to interpret the data. Correspondence analysis allows us to define the pH-indicator species. The regression calculations allow pH values to be calculated using the percentage of the diatom species in a sample.  相似文献   

Rosenblattichthys nemotoi is described from a single larval specimen, 37 mm SL (standard length) taken from the southern Indian Ocean Subtropical Convergence Zone. This species differs from all otherRosenblattichthys in meristic characters (25 anal-fin rays, 26 or 27 pectoral-fin rays), configuration of accessory pigment areas (two areas present; a dorsal area (DA) and a midlateral peduncular area (PDA), and nonprecocity of pectoral-fin development. All other records ofRosenblattichthys are from tropical or subtropical waters.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton community structure and grazing impact were investigated at 13 stations in the Polar Frontal Zone during the second Marion Offshore Variability Ecosystem Study (MOVES II), conducted during April 2002. Total integrated chl- a biomass ranged between 11.17 and 28.34 mg chl- a m-2 and was always dominated by nano- and picophytoplankton (<20 µm). Throughout the study, small copepods, mainly Oithona similis and Ctenocalanus vanus, numerically dominated the mesozooplankton community, composing up to 85% (range 30-85%) of the total abundance. Grazing activity of the four most abundant copepods ( O. similis, C. vanus, Calanus simillimus and Clausocalanus spp.), constituting up to 93% of total mesozooplankton abundance, was investigated using the gut fluorescence technique. Results of gut fluorescence analyses indicated that Calanus simillimus and Clausocalanus spp. exhibited diel variability in gut pigments with maximum values recorded at night. In contrast, O. similis and Ctenocalanus vanus did not demonstrate diel variation in gut pigment contents. Ingestion rates of the four copepods ranged from 23.23 to 1462,02 ng(pigm.)ind-1day-1. The combined grazing impact of the four copepods ranged between 1 and 36% of the phytoplankton standing stock per day, with the highest daily impact occurring at stations occupied in the vicinity of the Antarctic Polar Front (~35.86% at station 23). Among the copepods, O. similis and Ctenocalanus vanus represented the most important consumers of phytoplankton biomass, collectively responsible for up to 89% (range 15-89%) of the total daily grazing impact. Carbon specific ingestion rates of the copepods varied between 42 and 320% body carbon per day.  相似文献   

Knowledge of plankton biogeography for the Indian and adjacent seas is necessary for an understanding of the regional characteristics and changes in the plankton composition. Some of the plankters will serve as good biogeographical indicator species. Some phytoplankters and tintinnids among zooplankton are promising for use as such labels for the presence of different waters in the Porto Novo (Coromandel coast, Bay of Bengal) region. A biogeographical classification of the local phytoplankton and peculiarities in the distribution of some rare tintinnids occurring there are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of coastal vegetation on tsunami damage based on field observations carried out after the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004. Study locations covered about 250 km (19 locations) on the southern coast of Sri Lanka and about 200 km (29 locations) on the Andaman coast of Thailand. The representative vegetation was classified into six types according to their habitat and the stand structures of the trees. The impact of vegetation structure on drag forces was analyzed using the observed characteristics of the tree species. The drag coefficient, including the vertical stand structures of trees, C d-all, and the vegetation thickness (cumulative trunk diameter of vegetation in the tsunami direction) per unit area, dN u (d: reference diameter of trees, N u : number of trees per unit area), varied greatly with the species classification. Based on the field survey and data analysis, Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata (hereafter R. apiculata-type), kinds of mangroves, and Pandanus odoratissimus, a representative tree that grows in beach sand, were found to be especially effective in providing protection from tsunami damage due to their complex aerial root structure. Two layers of vegetation in the vertical direction with P. odoratissimus and Casuarina equisetifolia and a horizontal vegetation structure of small and large diameter trees were also important for increasing drag and trapping floating objects, broken branches, houses, and people. The vertical structure also provided an effective soft landing for people washed up by the tsunami or for escaping when the tsunami waves hit, although its dN u is not large compared with R. apiculata-type and P. odoratissimus. In addition, the creeks inside mangroves and the gaps inside C. equisetifolia vegetation are assumed to be effective for retarding tsunami waves. This information should be considered in future coastal landscape planning, rehabilitation, and coastal resource management.  相似文献   

Marine turtles long have been of great value to peoples of the Indian Ocean, nutritionally, economically, and culturally. Once directed primarily toward subsistence, the hunting of marine turtles for international trade has increased; today their populations are often so depleted that they are not only insignificant as resources, but are endangered. An understanding of exploitation is imperative to guarantee future populations, yet available information is sketchy. Subsistence hunting is an ambiguous term, since the most intense exploitation is for export. Historically this has involved Chelonia and Eretmochelys, whose populations are now much reduced. Yet, newly discovered populations (Lepidochelys especially) are being exploited, under the stimulus of new foreign markets (e.g., leather), and their fates seem even less hopeful than those of long-exploited populations. Moreover subsistence hunting for immediate local consumption has led to depletion of nesting and feeding populations of turtles in areas where protein sources are in great demand and human population densities high. Neither the future nor the solution to this dilemma is clear, but it is obvious that economic considerations must be carefully considered, and ecological arguments alone are insufficient to manage these resources.  相似文献   

We propose a simple and general resampling strategy to estimatevariances for parameter estimators derived from nonsmooth estimatingfunctions. This approach applies to a wide variety of semiparametricand nonparametric problems in biostatistics. It does not requiresolving estimating equations and is thus much faster than theexisting resampling procedures. Its usefulness is illustratedwith heteroscedastic quantile regression and censored data rankregression. Numerical results based on simulated and real dataare provided.  相似文献   

Mesopelagics are one of the largest under-exploited marine resources with wide distribution in the world oceans. Lanternfishes are the key members of mesopelagic communities and the total resource in the world oceans is estimated at 600 million tons. Lanternfishes belong to the family Myctophidae which comprises of about 250 species in 35 genera. Myctophids account for about 75% of total global catch of small mesopelagic fishes. They are known to exhibit diel vertical migration, concentrating during the day time between 400 and 1,000 m, and between 5 and 100 m, during the night. In this paper, an attempt is made to review the existing information on the occurrence and distribution of myctophid resources in the Indian Ocean. 137 myctophid species have been reported from the entire Indian Ocean. Studies in the Arabian Sea have indicated that the area is rich in the midwater fish stocks dominated by myctophids with an estimated potential of 100 million tons.  相似文献   

Approximate likelihood ratios for general estimating functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of estimating functions (Godambe, 1991) is commonlyused when one desires to conduct inference about some parametersof interest but the full distribution of the observations isunknown. However, this approach may have limited utility, dueto multiple roots for the estimating function, a poorly behavedWald test, or lack of a goodness-of-fit test. This paper presentsapproximate likelihood ratios that can be used along with estimatingfunctions when any of these three problems occurs. We show thatthe approximate likelihood ratio provides correct large sampleinference under very general circumstances, including clustereddata and misspecified weights in the estimating function. Twomethods of constructing the approximate likelihood ratio, onebased on the quasi-likelihood approach and the other based onthe linear projection approach, are compared and shown to beclosely related. In particular we show that quasi-likelihoodis the limit of the projection approach. We illustrate the techniquewith two applications.  相似文献   



Understanding the limits and population dynamics of closely related sibling species in the marine realm is particularly relevant in organisms that require management. The crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci, recently shown to be a species complex of at least four closely related species, is a coral predator infamous for its outbreaks that have devastated reefs throughout much of its Indo-Pacific distribution.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this first Indian Ocean-wide genetic study of a marine organism we investigated the genetic structure and inferred the paleohistory of the two Indian Ocean sister-species of Acanthaster planci using mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses. We suggest that the first of two main diversification events led to the formation of a Southern and Northern Indian Ocean sister-species in the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene. The second led to the formation of two internal clades within each species around the onset of the last interglacial. The subsequent demographic history of the two lineages strongly differed, the Southern Indian Ocean sister-species showing a signature of recent population expansion and hardly any regional structure, whereas the Northern Indian Ocean sister-species apparently maintained a constant size with highly differentiated regional groupings that were asymmetrically connected by gene flow.


Past and present surface circulation patterns in conjunction with ocean primary productivity were identified as the processes most likely to have shaped the genetic structure between and within the two Indian Ocean lineages. This knowledge will help to understand the biological or ecological differences of the two sibling species and therefore aid in developing strategies to manage population outbreaks of this coral predator in the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Top predators need to develop optimal strategies of resources and habitats utilization in order to optimize their foraging success. At the individual scale, a predator has to maximize his intake of food while minimizing his cost of foraging to optimize his energetic gain. At the ecosystem scale, we hypothesized that foraging strategies of predators also respond to their general energetic constraints. Predators with energetically costly lifestyles may be constrained to select high quality habitats whereas more phlegmatic predators may occupy both low and high quality habitats. The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate predator responses to heterogeneity in habitat quality with reference to their energetic strategies and 2) to evaluate their responses to contemporaneous versus averaged habitat quality. We collected cetacean and seabird data from an aerial survey in the Southwest Indian Ocean, a region characterized by heterogeneous oceanographic conditions. We classified cetaceans and seabirds into energetic guilds and described their habitats using remotely sensed covariates at contemporaneous and time‐averaged resolutions and static covariates. We used generalized additive models to predict their habitats at the regional scale. Strategies of habitat utilization appeared in accordance with predators energetic constraints. Cetaceans responded to the heterogeneity in habitat quality, with higher densities predicted in more productive areas. However, the costly Delphininae appeared to be more dependent on habitat quality (showing a 1‐to‐13 ratio between the lowest and highest density sectors) than the more phlegmatic sperm and beaked whales (showing only a 1‐to‐3 ratio). For seabirds, predictions primarily reflected colony locations, although the colony effect was stronger for costly seabirds. Moreover, our results suggest that predators may respond better to persistent oceanographic features. To provide a third dimension to habitat quality, cetacean strategies of utilization of the vertical habitat could be related to the distribution of micronekton in the water column.  相似文献   

 Detailed measurements of water levels, and tide and wave-induced currents were undertaken to examine physical processes and their relationship with morphology in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, a medium sized atoll in the Indian Ocean. Results indicate that the atoll structure controls both lagoon circulation and the spatial pattern of energy distribution. Lagoon circulation is tide dominated (currents 16–31 cms-1) with flushing (2–5 days) of the lagoon occurring through the deep leeward passages. Wave- and tide-driven unidirectional flows through shallow passages (26–65 cms-1) are important mechanisms of ocean to lagoon water exchange and contribute up to 24% of the lagoon neap tide prism. Reef flats are dominated by wave energy (maximum velocity 140 cms-1, east) with measurements of the attenuation of wave energy between reef flats and shallow lagoon (80–90%) conforming to measurements from fringing and barrier reefs. Spectral analysis shows that the characteristics of wave energy vary on different sectors of the atoll, with gravity wave energy dominating the east, and infragravity wave energy dominating the southern reef flat and passages. Wave setup at the reef crest is considered to be responsible for an identified 0.1 m higher water level in the southern as opposed to eastern and northern atoll, which promotes higher reef flat growth. Transmission of gravity waves across reef flats requires threshold water depths of 0.65 (east) and 0.70 m (south). The higher southern reef is an effective filter of gravity wave energy for most tidal elevations. Differences in the type and magnitude of physical processes within the atoll are discussed with relation to geomorphic development on Cocos. Accepted: 28 February 1998  相似文献   

In this paper we present two methods which can be used to numerically deconvolve indicator dilution curves to obtain vascular transport functions. In the first method, direct algebraic deconvolution is made stable and practical by the damped least squares method. The second method involves a time-shift of the output curve which is based on the first and second moments of the input and output curves. This method is stable, computationally simple and can provide reasonable estimates of the transport function.  相似文献   

The effect of power consumption on oxygen transfer efficiency has been evaluated for both surface and subsurface aeration systems. Two new dimensionless criteria (numbers) have been proposed for this purpose. They are termed the efficiency criterion or T(o) number and the power consumption effect criterion or Av number. The analysis presented in this article is based on data obtained on various full-scale aeration systems, and it shows that for each aerator there is an optimum power consumption at which maximum oxygen transfer efficiency results. The oxygen transfer efficiency has maximum values when the efficiency criterion (T(o) number) reaches an approximately constant value. The results have proven that when there are several aerators with identical diameters and the same rotational velocity but different geometrical shapes, the most efficient one will be (after having reached the maximum transfer efficiency) the one with the highest power consumption. For two aerators varying in diameter but with the same parameter as above (maximum transfer, equal rotational velocity), different efficiencies are obtained, the difference being a function of d(-0.5). The results of investigating subsurface aeration systems show that the efficiency of decreased.  相似文献   

Coastal ascidians collected over two centuries from Suez to Mozambique have been successively deposited in the MNHN and are now described and figured. Some of them were already known from the Indian Ocean, others are common to the Pacific, and some others are new species. Even though the present taxonomic work notably increases our knowledge of the tropical eastern African coast, it comprises so many miscellaneous collections from such distant points that it can only begin to suggest the diversity of ascidians there. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 135 , 65–120.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of weaver, that are best placed inPloceus sensu lato, and two species ofFoudia, madagascariensis andomissa, are regarded as evolved in Madagascar, though the process is not easy to envisage. In each pair one species belongs to evergreen forest and the other to drier country.Most of the other islands in the Indian Ocean have or have had an endemic species of Foudia except small atolls, but on nearly all of themmadagascariensis is established. On the Comoro islands and Mauritius the endemic Foudias are birds of evergreen forest, and do not suffer directly from competition withmadagascariensis. They all closely resembleomissa in plumage but the Mauritius bird has a beak greatly modified for insectivorous habits, and the Grand Comoro bird is losing its red. Aldabra is an example of a dry environment occupied by a bird of the plumage-type ofomissa; its colour is less saturated, its diet is peculiar, and its beak is abnormally strong.In the most outlying Foudia populations, those of Rodriguez and the Seychelles, the carotenoid pigment is yellow instead of red, but otherwise evolution has unaccountably taken different courses, in the former island towards the accentuation of specific recognition-marks, in the latter towards their suppression.Available details of life-history and ecology are summarized for each population and the evolutionary problems are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Von zwei Weber-Arten, die am besten in die GattungPloceus (s. 1.) gestellt werden, und zweiFoudia-Arten,madagascariensis undomissa, wird angenommen, daß sie sich auf Madagascar entwickelt haben, obgleich man sich diesen Prozeß nicht leicht vorstellen kann. Bei jedem dieser beiden Paare gehört eine Art dem Immergrünen Wald, die andere dem trockenen Gelände an.Die meisten anderen Inseln des Indischen Ozeans haben oder hatten eine endemischeFoudia-Art (ausgenommen kleine Atolle), aber auf nahezu allen davon hat sich spätermadagascariensis angesiedelt. Auf den Comoren-Inseln und Mauritius leben die endemischen Foudias im Immergrünen Wald und geraten nicht unmittelbar in Wettbewerb mitmadagascariensis. In Hinsicht auf das Gefieder sind sie allesamtF. omissa sehr ähnlich, aber der Mauritius-Vogel hat, weil er Insektenfresser ist, einen stark modifizierten Schnabel, und die Form von Grand Comoro ist im Begriff, die rote Färbung zu verlieren. Auf Aldabra zeigt es sich, welche Veränderungen ein Vogel vom Gefiedertyp derF. omissa im trockenen Gelände erfährt: seine Färbung ist weniger gesättigt, seine Nahrung ist eigenartig, und sein Schnabel ungewöhnlich kräftig.Bei den beiden am weitesten entlegenenFoudia-Populationen, denen von Rodriguez und den Seychellen, ist das Carotinoid des Gefieders nicht rot, sondern gelb. Im übrigen aber ist die Evolution ohne ersichtliche Ursache bei ihnen verschieden verlaufen; sie hat auf Rodriguez zu einer Betonung der Art-Merkmale, auf den Seychellen dagegen zu deren Unterdrückung geführt.Das über Lebensweise und Ökologie Bekannte ist für jede Population gesondert zusammengefaßt und mit einer Diskussion der Evolutions-Probleme verknüpft worden.

The characterization of global marine microbial taxonomic and functional diversity is a primary goal of the Global Ocean Sampling Expedition. As part of this study, 19 water samples were collected aboard the Sorcerer II sailing vessel from the southern Indian Ocean in an effort to more thoroughly understand the lifestyle strategies of the microbial inhabitants of this ultra-oligotrophic region. No investigations of whole virioplankton assemblages have been conducted on waters collected from the Indian Ocean or across multiple size fractions thus far. Therefore, the goals of this study were to examine the effect of size fractionation on viral consortia structure and function and understand the diversity and functional potential of the Indian Ocean virome. Five samples were selected for comprehensive metagenomic exploration; and sequencing was performed on the microbes captured on 3.0-, 0.8- and 0.1 µm membrane filters as well as the viral fraction (<0.1 µm). Phylogenetic approaches were also used to identify predicted proteins of viral origin in the larger fractions of data from all Indian Ocean samples, which were included in subsequent metagenomic analyses. Taxonomic profiling of viral sequences suggested that size fractionation of marine microbial communities enriches for specific groups of viruses within the different size classes and functional characterization further substantiated this observation. Functional analyses also revealed a relative enrichment for metabolic proteins of viral origin that potentially reflect the physiological condition of host cells in the Indian Ocean including those involved in nitrogen metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. A novel classification method, MGTAXA, was used to assess virus-host relationships in the Indian Ocean by predicting the taxonomy of putative host genera, with Prochlorococcus, Acanthochlois and members of the SAR86 cluster comprising the most abundant predictions. This is the first study to holistically explore virioplankton dynamics across multiple size classes and provides unprecedented insight into virus diversity, metabolic potential and virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

We analyzed recurrent groups of Radiolaria in 74 core top samples from a transect through the eastern Indian Ocean in order to supplement our previous results from the western Indian Ocean (Johnson and Nigrini, 1980). We now identify six distinct recurrent groups and nine radiolarian assemblages in the combined data set of 120 samples; this extended sample coverage has led to several re-interpretations of the oceanographic significance of the radiolarian distribution patterns. Assemblage boundaries closely reflect the presence of major oceanographic fronts and surface currents including the South Equatorial Divergence, Subtropical Gyre, Subtropical Convergence, and Antarctic Convergence. At least four major aspects of the assemblages in the eastern transect are notably different from those in the western transect, leading to a marked east-west asymmetry in faunal distribution patterns across the Indian Ocean. The assemblage formerly associated with strong upwelling near the Arabian Peninsula is present throughout the Bay of Bengal as well, and is interpreted to reflect high salinity and low oxygen in the subsurface waters of the Indian Ocean north of the Equator. A new assemblage has been identified associated with the westward-flowing Pacific water into the eastern Indian Ocean in low latitudes, and may be a potential stratigraphic and paleoclimatic marker for times of low sea level when this westward near-surface flow was shut off (i.e., glacial maxima). An extensive region in the core of the subtropical gyre between 25°S and 35°S is relatively barren of Radiolaria, yet is marked by a characteristic assemblage distributed asymmetrically, perhaps reflecting the lack of a strong boundary current off the west coast of Australia. Assemblage boundaries in the vicinity of the eastward circumpolar flow are not strictly zonal, and may indicate significant deviations from the mean eastward flow as a necessary condition for conservation of potential vorticity when the flow encounters topographic irregularities.  相似文献   

Seven tribal (Konda Kammara - 2 samples; Koya Dora - 3 samples; Lambadi) and caste (Madiga) populations from Andhra Pradesh (South India) have been analyzed for the distribution of Gc subtypes. The observed heterogeneity in the distribution of Gc1F, Gc1S and Gc2 alleles was found to be statistically significant. Comparisons are made with North Indian populations as well as with those of other racial affiliation. The anthropological impact of the Gc subtype polymorphism is discussed.  相似文献   

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