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Staphylococcus aureus causes a broad range of life-threatening diseases in humans. This bacterium produces a large number of extracellular virulence factors that are closely associated with specific diseases which are controlled by quorum sensing. In this study, we show that azithromycin was active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains with MICs ranged from 32 to 64 μg/mL. Azithromycin at subinhibitory concentration, markedly reduced the production of α-hemolysin at (1/16MIC, 1/8MIC) and biofilm formation at (1/16MIC, 1/8MIC), respectively. The results indicated that sub-inhibitory concentrations of azithromycin decreased the production of α-hemolysin and biofilm formation in MRSA in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, azithromycin may be useful in the treatment of α-hemolysin producing and biofilm formation MRSA infections.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of bacteraemia, which frequently leads to infective endocarditis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis and metastatic abscess formation. The development of these secondary infections is due to bacterial dissemination from the blood into surrounding tissues and is associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality. Despite the importance of S. aureus extravasation in disease progression, there is relatively little understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which this pathogen crosses the endothelial barrier and establishes new sites of infection. Recent work has identified a number of putative routes by which S. aureus can escape the bloodstream. In this article we review these new developments and set them in the context of strategies used by other established pathogens to traverse cellular barriers.  相似文献   

Contrary to earlier belief, the genetic constitution of each cell of the body (nature) is subject to modulation by environmental factors (nurture) which act throughout the life of the organism to shape the individual characteristics. The nervous system adapts and changes with the environment that the organism experiences through genomic activity controlled by chemical messengers from other nerve cells and from endocrine secretions. The nervous system expresses receptors for a number of circulating hormones, and the location of these hormone receptors has revealed a great deal about the neuroanatomy of neuroendocrine and behavioral control processes. The brain controls the endocrine system through the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and it responds to circulating hormones throughout each stage of life. These effects begin during early development (eg., sexual differentiation of the brain; effects of maternal or neonatal stress). They continue in adult life in response to cyclic events (eg., season of year; time of day, controlling reproduction and daily activity-sleep rhythms of behavior); and they also include the behavior of other animals which alters hormone output. Hormones also operate during the aging process and under conditions which induce neural damage such as hypoxia and stress. This overview summarizes involvement of steroid hormones of gonads and adrenals in many of these processes and also examines the features of the genomic activity which is modified by these hormones. This area of research is fruitful because it brings together molecular, anatomical, physiological and behavioral approaches in an attempt to understand the longterm plasticity of the nervous system.This overview article, written in recognition of the contributions to neuroscience by Professor Holger Hydén, is based upon a Presidential Special Lecture delivered by the author at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington, D.C., on November 11, 1986  相似文献   

The problems of fisheries and aquatic ecosystems in Canada have been analyzed primarily from the standpoint of the conservation of these resources, without much emphasis on the value of aquatic ecosystems for themselves, including their life-support function, vital to all the biota within them. This represents a purely anthropocentric approach, that is flawed from the standpoint of sustainability practically and theoretically (Westra, 1996; Norton, 1995). Without entering in the anthropocentrism debate, the intent of this study is to indicate the apparent conflict between theoretical legislative and regulative aims, and most forms of management principles, even when these are presented in their most enlightened forms. Starting with the examination of a recent Canadian case, the failure of present management practices is outlined, even when these are democratically chosen and support worthwhile social goals. The Canadian fish wars example shows clearly why the ethics of integrity provide better guidelines for public policy, as they alone take as primary biological and ecological objectives.  相似文献   

A comparative study was performed of the absorption, the plasma level at equilibrium, and the urinary excretion of digoxin using two types of Lanoxin tablets, those produced before and after the 1972 alteration of the tablet manufacture.After a single dose the absorption rate of the new tablets was about twice as great as the old, both in young subjects and in the elderly patients. There were no significant differences in the plasma levels of digoxin for the two tablets 15 hours after the last administration in patients on an equal maintenance dose. The urinary excretion of digoxin increased about 40% when the “old” Lanoxin was replaced by the “new.” In elderly patients a daily dose of 0·125 mg twice daily of the new tablets should be sufficient to reach the therapeutic range. Young people need a higher dosage. If the kidney function is reduced by as much as 50% the dose should be reduced.  相似文献   

This study presents results of research on the influence of rotating magnetic field (RMF) of the induction of 30?mT and the frequency of 50?Hz on the growth dynamics and cell metabolic activity of E. coli and S. aureus, depending on the exposure time. The studies showed that the RMF caused an increase in the growth and cell metabolic activity of all the analyzed bacterial strains, especially in the time interval t?=?30 to 150?min. However, it was also found that the optical density and cell metabolic activity after exposition to RMF were significantly higher in S. aureus cultures. In turn, the study of growth dynamics, revealed a rapid and a significant decrease in these values from t?=?90?min) in the case of E. coli samples. The obtained results prove that RMF (B?=?30?mT, f?=?50?Hz) has a stimulatory effect on the growth and metabolic activity of E. coli and S. aureus. Furthermore, taking into account the time of exposure, stronger influence of RMF on the viability was observed in S. aureus cultures, which may indicate that this effect depends on the shape of the exposed cells.  相似文献   

There is a widespread assumption, even among those who reject the Synthetic Theory of Evolution, that the form of “modern”Homo sapiens is somehow superior to that of archaicHomo sapiens (Tattersall 2000). Those who accept the general outlook of evolutionary biology also tend to assume that “modern” form emerged because it was selected for, which also implies that it was better than that which preceded it. However, after years of using craniofacial measurements to compare human populations, I finally came to realize that, with only a few exceptions, the dimensions measured have no relation to differences in adaptation (Brace 1989, 1996, 2000; Brace et al., 1993). Elsewhere the conclusion has been supported that what is shown by craniometrics is selectively neutral on the average (Relethford 2002). With the documentation that approximately 95% of the genome is not functional, molecular genetics has proved to be useful in documenting the length of time of separation of related human populations by investigating the differences that have accumulated in the neutral parts of the genome. Not surprisingly, the picture revealed by the study of genetic differences is very similar to the one revealed by the study of craniometric differences (Brace et al., 2001). For this reason, the logic behind the “neutral theory” in molecular genetics is very similar to that applied to what happens to morphological characteristics when selection ceases (Brace 1963; Kimura 1968). The difference is that random changes in the neutral part of the genome have no other consequences. However, random changes in the genes that produce specific aspects of morphology will be visible even when selection is no longer controlling the particular trait in question. From an assessment of what random changes in genes controlling morphological traits are likely to do, it follows that the most likely change will probably be a reduction in the trait in question, i.e. the Probable Mutation Effect will produce structural reduction. When survival in the temperate zone during the last glaciation dependend on “obligatory cooking”, one of the unintended consequences was a reduction in the selective pressures maintaining a Middle Pleistocene-sized dentition. The result was a gradual reduction in tooth size and a conversion, of a Neanderthal-sized face into one of “modern” dimensions. The manufacture and use of string for snares and nets similarly reduced the selective pressures maintaining post-cranial levels of robustness and muscularity. The reduction in the latter resulted in the emergence of moderm post-cranial robustness out of what had been a Neanderthal level,in situ wherever the technology can be documented and without any need for invasions and replacements.  相似文献   

Mankind has observed and documented life cycle stages of plants and animals for a long time. However, it was comparatively recently that the newly emerging science was given its name. The name of Charles Morren and the year 1853 are being cited, although not frequently. Exact information is hardly known among present-day phenologists, yet new evidence shows that the term “phenology” was already in use in 1849. In the early 1840s, physicist and astronomer Adolphe Quetelet set up an observational network named "Observations of periodical Phenomena of the Animal and Vegetable Kingdom” and issued instructions for it. Even though biologist Charles Morren welcomed Quetelet's initiative, differences between Morren and Quentlet regarding the instructions for the observations and the potential results soon arose and a debate started, which lasted for nearly 10 years. In the wake of these disagreements, Morren was compelled to create a new term to denote his ideas on “periodical phenomena”. At first, he temporally used the word anthochronology, but in the end he coined the word phenology. The term was first used in a public lecture at the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique’ in Brussels on 16 December 1849, and simultaneously in the December 1849 issue of volume V of the Annales de la Société royale d’Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand. One had to wait until 1853 before the new name appeared in the title of one of Morren’s publications. Based on evidence from archives and original publications, we trace the 10-year-long scientific debate between Morren and Quetelet. Morren states his biologist’s view on the subject and extends the more climate-related definition of Quetelet of “periodical phenomena”.  相似文献   

The concepts of biocitizenship and biosociality, in many ways developed as a reaction to the former critique of genetification and fears of a return of eugenics, have gained a stronghold in much of the current debates on the social effects of modern-day genetics. In contrast to claims of a return to eugenics, the literature on biocitizenship highlights the new choice-enhancing possibilities involved in present-day biomedicine, underlining the break with past forms of biopower. In this analysis, hope becomes a life-inducing and vitalizing force, opening new avenues of civic participation and engagement. Most critics of this analysis have attacked the claims to novelty attributed to these concepts, arguing that more traditional forms of biopower remain as important as ever. In contrast, we argue that the biocitizenship literature underestimates the radical nature of this break with the past, ending up with a too narrow and one-sided interpretation of the ramifications of the new discourse of hope. On the basis of two different case stories, the “Portraits of Hope” campaign from California, USA and the “Mehmet Case” from Norway, we indicate an alternative “darker” reading of the new discourse of hope, arguing that its driving force is not so much future possibilities as present despair.  相似文献   

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