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七星瓢虫对麦长管蚜,禾谷缢管蚜捕食选择性研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文报导了七星瓢虫对两种猎物捕食选择性研究成果,这对以瓢治蚜工作提供了理论依据。主要结果为:1.七星瓢虫对麦长管蚜有明显的正喜好性,对禾谷缢管蚜有明显的负喜好性。2.瓢虫对两种蚜虫的喜好性与麦长管蚜密度呈显著负相关,与禾谷缢管蚜密度呈正相关。3.当两种猎物共存时,瓢虫对每种猎物的功能反应有所变化。两猎物总密度增加,瓢虫对每种猎物的功能反应越来越趋向Hollink Ⅲ型,一种猎物密度恒定,另一种猎物密度变化时,瓢虫对猎物的功能反应趋向Holling Ⅲ型。而且随猎物恒定的密度增加,HoUing Ⅲ型典型性增加。4.麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜密度增加均降低瓢虫的捕食作用率。但是,禾谷缢管蚜所引起捕食作用率更为严重的减少。 相似文献
麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对小麦植株挥发物及蚜害诱导挥发物的行为反应 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用四臂嗅觉计测定了麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi对小麦植株挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物的行为反应,揭示了2种麦蚜的嗅觉及小麦植株的诱导防御反应特点.在所选的13种小麦植株挥发物及蚜害诱导挥发物组分中,6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇和水杨酸甲酯对这2种蚜虫表现出强的驱拒作用;反-2-己烯醛对麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅蚜的吸引作用最强;反-2-己烯醇对禾谷缢管蚜的无翅蚜吸引作用最强,反-3-己酰醋酸酯对禾谷缢管蚜有翅蚜的吸引作用最强.说明麦蚜取食能诱导小麦植株的防御反应,麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜及其不同蚜型间嗅觉反应的特点不同. 相似文献
通过福林法、葸酮法、滴定法等分别测定了不同抗蚜性小麦品种植株中酚、糖含量及酸度。结果表明:小麦对禾缢管蚜尺Rhopalosiphum padi(Linnaeus)的抗性与小麦体内酚含量有关,抗性强的小麦其体内含酚量相对高,反之低。同时小麦抗性的强弱与体内糖含量,酸度亦有相关性。另外还测走了在不同抗性小麦品种上生长的蚜虫体内淀粉酶及羧酸酯酶的活性,结果表明在抗性强的小麦品种上生长的蚜虫体内淀粉酶,羧酸酯酶活性强,反之弱。 相似文献
禾谷缢管蚜越冬与迁飞的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1974—1993年系统调查表明.在济南地区未见禾谷缢管蚜在稠李等植物上产卵越冬.其成,若蚜抗低温能力差.除特殊环境的麦田外,不能以成、若蚜越冬.调查结果表明,禾谷缢曾蚜在1月份0℃等温线以南地区可以在麦田越冬;有翅蚜存在“突增”,“骤减”现象:在高山与平地、海岛与陆地出现时间一致;在我国东部地区的发生期南北方相互衔接.据此,认为禾谷缢管蚜存在远距离迁飞问题.并推测本地蚜源是长江中下游冬冬发生区有翅蚜远距离迁飞的结果. 相似文献
禾谷缢管蚜的发生与小麦生育期关系的研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
通过5年的系统研究和调查发现:小麦的高生育阶段最有利于禾谷缢管蚜的发生、繁育。该蚜若蚜期随小麦生育阶段的提高而缩短;成蚜生殖量、无翅蚜比例、蚜体大小均随小麦生育阶段的提高而增大;麦田始终只有穗期蚜量高峰。 相似文献
利用开顶式熏气室研究了不同土壤水分条件下不同CO2浓度对禾谷缢管蚜种群的影响,以期对未来大气CO2浓度升高条件下不同降雨地区的小麦-蚜虫关系发展趋势做出蚜虫关系发展趋势做出初步预测,结果表明,随CO2浓度从350ul.L^-1上升至550ul.L^-1时,60%土壤水分下的种群增长最快;当CO2浓度从550ul.L^-1上升到700ul.L^-1时,60%和40%土亍水分下的种群增长相近,且高于80%土壤水分下的增长,据此可以认为,随大气CO2浓度升高,禾谷缢管蚜种群会持续增长,从目前至下世纪中叶的时间内可能是蚜种群增长最快的阶段,特别在干旱,半干旱地区禾谷缢管蚜种群增长幅度较大,小麦受受较重。 相似文献
【目的】评价四川小麦主栽品种对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus的抗性,比较以蚜量比值为标准划分的抗性等级与千粒重损失率的一致性。【方法】选择2000年以来四川省审定的34个小麦主栽品种,遮雨棚内盆栽种植,在孕穗期进行罩网接蚜,利用蚜量比值方法划分抗蚜等级,在小麦成熟后测定千粒重损失率。【结果】34个品种的抗性等级分布为中抗~高感,没有抗或高抗品种,中抗、低抗、低感、中感、感、高感等级的品种数分别为2、6、11、5、6和4个,中抗品种为川麦42和绵麦45。中抗至高感等级品种的平均千粒重损失率依次为43.6%、58.1%、60.3%、68.1%、73.5%和77.1%,川麦42(中抗)和内麦836(高感)的千粒重损失率分别为41.8%和80.7%。蚜量比值与千粒重损失率之间呈极显著的正相关,部分品种抗性等级与其千粒重损失率表现不一致,低抗品种川农16千粒重损失率为70.0%,而低感品种川麦107的千粒重损失率为52.8%。【结论】本试验条件下,参试的四川小麦品种在中抗至高感禾谷缢管蚜等级内均有分布,且主要集中在低感范围内,具有外源遗传背景的川麦42比近源品种的整体抗性稍强。蚜量比值结合千粒重损失率进行小麦抗性等级划分的结果更加可靠。 相似文献
D. A. J. Huggett S. R. Leather K. F. A. Walters 《Agricultural and Forest Entomology》1999,1(2):143-149
1 The reproductive performance of two aphid pest species, Rhopalosiphum padi and Rhopalosiphum maidis, was investigated on two seedling growth stages of Miscanthus sinensis, rhizomatous M. sinensis‘Giganteus’ and barley. Rhopalosiphum padi was unable to complete its development on Miscanthus. Rhopalosiphum maidis was most fecund on rhizomatous plants compared with seedling stages. 2 The ability of R. maidis to transmit the RPV isolate of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) to M. sinensis seedlings was further investigated. Following successful transmission, host plant symptomology and the effect of infection on the yield of Miscanthus were investigated. Total above soil biomass was reduced by around 23% following infection. 3 The inability of R. padi to utilize Miscanthus is reviewed in light of this species’ origin and inability to utilize C4 host plants. 4 The potential pest status of R. maidis on Miscanthus is discussed together with the impact that Miscanthus cultivation could have on the ecology of this aphid species and BYDV in the U.K. 相似文献
麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对吡虫啉敏感性的比较研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
采用麦穗浸渍法在室内测定了麦长管蚜Macrosiphumavenae(Fabricius)和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphumpadi(L .)对吡虫啉可湿性粉剂和乳油的敏感度。结果表明 ,禾谷缢管蚜对吡虫啉的敏感度是麦长管蚜的 3~ 4倍 (基于LC50 的比较 )。在北京、河南、江苏、湖北、四川等地同浓度的吡虫啉对禾谷缢管蚜的防治效果要好于麦长管蚜 (特别是在低浓度时尤为明显 )。依据我国不同省份小麦穗蚜的优势种不同 ,建议用吡虫啉防治小麦穗蚜时 ,在南方麦区 ,禾谷缢管蚜为优势种的麦田 ,吡虫啉用药量为 15~ 3 0g(a.i) hm2 ;北方麦区 ,以麦长管蚜为优势种的麦田 ,吡虫啉的用药量应大于 3 0g(a.i) hm2 。 相似文献
禾谷缢管蚜在三个小麦品种上取食行为的EPG比较 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi在不同小麦品种(Ww2730、小偃22和Batis)苗期的取食行为进行了比较研究。结果表明:在小偃22上蚜虫开始取食的第1次刺探时间最晚,且持续时间最短;在Ww2730上取食受到机械阻力的个体最多,且出现F波的几率和持续时间最长;两品种上蚜虫在木质部主动摄取汁液(G波)花费的时间最长。 在Batis上,蚜虫口针第1次到达韧皮部时需要分泌较多水溶性唾液(E1波),但随后只需分泌较少的水溶性唾液就可以成功取食,而且被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最长。蚜虫口针在到达小偃22韧皮部取食之前,出现多次的口针试探、回撤,并且多次、多量分泌水溶性唾液(E1波);虽然蚜虫在小偃22上口针最先到达韧皮部,但被动吸食韧皮部汁液的时间(E2波)最短。由此得出结论:小偃22表皮部、韧皮部存在阻碍禾谷缢管蚜取食的物理和生化因素; 禾谷缢管蚜在Ww2730取食遇到更多的是细胞间机械阻力; Batis是较感蚜的品种。 相似文献
S. MORSE S. D. WRATTEN P. J. EDWARDS H. M. NIEMEYER 《The Annals of applied biology》1991,119(2):251-256
Two different types of artificial leaf damage, crushing and cutting, were assessed for their effects on the growth and survival of Rhopalosiphum padi caged on maize (cv. LG11) leaves. Crushing significantly reduced aphid growth rate by up to 23% and their survival by five to six times, while cutting had no significant effects. Although the area of tissue involved was lower for crushing relative to cutting (c. 5% and 10% respectively), the greater level of cellular damage inflicted by crushing may have resulted in more phytochemical changes. These effects suggest that the feeding of one herbivore guild such as leaf chewers may adversely affect the performance of another, such as phloem feeders. 相似文献
禾谷缢管蚜发育起点温度和有效积温的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在 5种恒定温度下观察了禾谷缢管蚜的生长发育速率 ,分别确定了其有翅蚜和无翅蚜各龄若蚜及全若期的发育起点温度和有效积温 相似文献
变温条件下禾谷缢管蚜发育起点温度和有效积温研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在室内自然变温条件下测定了禾谷缢管蚜的生长发育速率。对试验结果采用2种计算方法,结果表明,直接最优化法稍优于直线回归法,由前者得出的发育起点温度为:无翅蚜全若蚜期5.50℃、有翅蚜全若蚜期5.36℃和全世代5.26℃;有效积温分别为105.69、132.28和125.40日度。根据发育起点温度和有效积温,预测了199年平凉、甘谷和兰州的理论发生代数;用有效积温公式预测了各发育阶段的历期;各发育阶段的最适温度由多项式回归法求得。 相似文献
Weight gain and intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) of Rhopalosiphum padi were measured on wheat plants given soil drenches of benomyl at various concentrations. Reduced weight gain occurred with concentrations as low as 3.125 ppm. Mortality of aphids significantly exceeded control mortality at 25 ppm, and no aphids survived concentrations above 50 ppm. Development time was extended at 12.5 ppm and above. Reductions in fecundity and rm became statistically significant by 25 ppm. Topical application of benomyl at 100 ppm or above increased aphid mortality, which reached 97% at 400 ppm. Weight gain of aphids was also reduced by topical application at 100 ppm. A factorial experiment showed absence of interaction between the effects on aphid weight of soil drench application to plants and topical application to aphids. 相似文献
Vectoring ability of four aphid clones, Rp-M and Rp-R26 of Rhopalosiphum padi and Sa-R1 and Sa-V of Sitobion avenae, to transmit barley yellow dwarf (PAV, MAV and RPV) luteoviruses (BYDV) was compared in controlled conditions. Significant differences between highly efficient vectors (HEV), Rp-M and Sa-Rl, and poorly efficient vectors (PEV), Rp-R26 and Sa-V, were found in transmission of their specific viruses with acquisition and inoculation access periods (AAP, IAP) of 5 days. BYD-RPV was occasionally transmitted by both clones of S. avenae. None of 150 tested apterous adults of the Rp-R26 transmitted BYD-MAV, while 10% of transmission was observed from those of the Rp-M in a parallel test. An improved ELISA and immuno-PCR were adapted to test for viruses in aphids. The results obtained by the improved ELISA indicated there was a good correlation between virus detection in single aphids of HEV clones after a 5 day AAP and virus transmission by them. In contrast, the percentages of virus-carrying aphids of PEV clones were generally higher than those of their transmission rates. BYD-MAV and BYD-RPV were also detected by the improved ELISA in single aphids of their PEV clones, with the exception of BYD-RPV in those of Sa-V. However, after a 2-day IAP, the improved ELISA in most cases failed to detect these viruses in single aphids of PEV clones. Detection by immuno-PCR demonstrated that all three viruses could be acquired and retained by the aphids of both HEV and PEV clones. But, as visualised from electrophoretic bands, after the 2-day IAP the amplified products from aphid extracts of PEV clones were reduced. The detection in a batch of nine aphids by the improved ELISA revealed that virus content in PEV clones decreased more rapidly than that in HEV clones during transmission. Thus, the difference in transmission efficiency of the aphid clones within species was not caused by an inability to acquire virus, but was determined by variation in vectoring ability between them. This was due to differences in ability to prevent the passage of virions from haemocoel to salivary duct and/or different capacities for the retention of BYDV. 相似文献
麦长管蚜和禾谷缢管蚜对小麦挥发物的触角电位反应 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
采用活体蚜虫测定法,利用EAG技术比较分析了麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae和禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi有翅及无翅成蚜对小麦挥发物及麦蚜取食诱导挥发物组分的嗅觉反应,揭示了两种麦蚜的嗅觉变异特点。结果表明:麦长管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-2-己烯醛、反-2-己烯醇、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2醇的反应较强,禾谷缢管蚜对水杨酸甲酯、反-3-己烯乙酸酯、-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮和-6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-醇的反应较强,并得到了剂量反应曲线。麦长管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮、反-2-己烯醇和水杨酸甲酯的反应差异显著;禾谷缢管蚜的有翅和无翅成蚜对反-2-己烯醇、辛醛、里那醇、水杨酸甲酯和反-3-己烯乙酸酯的EAG反应差异显著,其原因与禾谷缢管蚜迁移及转主为害的生物学特性有关。 相似文献