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The impact of benthic deposit feeders on marine dinoflagellate cysts was studied by adding a concentrated natural Swedish cyst assemblage to sediment with different deposit feeders in replicate 4-l aquaria. The deposit feeders used were the bivalve Abra nitida, the echinoderm Amphiura filiformis, and the polychaetes Melinna cristata and Nereis diversicolor. These species occur naturally near the Swedish west coast and were selected to represent different ways of feeding. The results showed a significant relative decrease of unfossilizable cyst species; whereas, the common fossilizable species Lingulodinium polyedrum significantly increased in the cyst assemblage after grazing. This work suggests that differences in dinoflagellate cyst compositions can in part be caused by different animal grazing behaviors.  相似文献   

在澳大利亚新南威尔士南部沿海,作者搜集了一个池塘繁殖的斑索蟾(Crinia signifera)的种群统计资料。通过捕捉进出池塘的1 612只个体,获得种群大小、结构、生长率、性成熟时的大小和年龄、死亡率及寿命资料。迁移高峰从6月持续到11月,蛙的最高、最低遇见数量分别出现在春季和秋季。但第2年,该池塘蛙的数量明显减少,可能是由于补充到种群中的幼体数量很少的缘故。6个月后个体的重捕率很低;但距第一次捕获18个月以后,仍有个别个体再次被捕获。性成熟时,雌性比雄性的身体大一些。生长曲线显示,雌性比雄性的生长更快,所以更早地达到性成熟。研究种群的数量、结构和死亡率趋势等与已知的其它Crinia signifera种群基本一致。但研究种群迁移活动的高峰出现较晚,并且夏季的活动水平明显很高。这种长的活动时间可能会导致存活率的下降,同时有利于选择迅速性成熟的雌性[动物学报51 (3) : 393 -400 , 2005]。  相似文献   

Cathy Hill 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):157-162
Summary The effect of 1-year-old Monoporeia (=Pontoporeia) affinis on the survival and growth of young of the year was studied in laboratory experiments. Amphipods were kept in jars with sediment and a continuous supply of cooled water for 3 months. Adults or juveniles were added to a control density of juveniles. Juvenile mortality increased at higher total densities, and was greater when adults were present. The mean length and dry weight of juveniles decreased at higher densities, but adults did not have a greater effect than juveniles. These density-dependent effects are probably caused by competition for food within and between year classes. Thus, a high abundance of juveniles or adults could reduce the recruitment of juveniles into the adult year-class the following year, and the suppression of juvenile growth could lower fecundity. The results of this experiment support the hypothesis, inferred from field data from the Baltic Sea and Swedish lakes, that intraspecific interactions contribute to fluctuations in the abundance of populations of M. affinis.  相似文献   

The effects of fluff deposit on benthic biota,NH4 + fluxes and nitrification was studied in thelaboratory using waterlogged and reflooded intertidal sediments fromMarennes-Oléron Bay, France. The fluff deposit was enriched inNH4 + compared to underlying sediments, and promotedchanges of the sediment pH, Eh, C:N ratio, C:chla ratio and the NH4 + efflux tooverlying water. Statistical analysis showed that pore waterNH4 + concentrations were strongly influenced byinteractions between fluff, drying, depth and bioturbation. The fluff depositresulted in anoxia in the top sediments and moved the nitrification zone tosurface layers in fluff. However, the NH4 + enrichment influff did not significantly change actual nitrification rates (range 0–1mmol m–2 d–1) or potentialnitrification rates (range 3–11 mmolNO3 m–2d–1).  相似文献   

The life history of the long‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus was characterized using mark‐recapture data collected within a focal study site and catch data from 53 additional sites in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, southern Portugal. Population structure in benthic habitats was characterized by high local densities (0·3–1·5 m?2), equal sex ratios and few juveniles <70 mm. Adult H. guttulatus maintained small (19·9 ± 12·4 m2), strongly overlapping home ranges during multiple reproductive seasons. Recruited (benthic) juveniles exhibited significantly lower site fidelity than adults. A Ford‐Walford plot of standard length (LS) at time t against LS measured during the previous year from tagged juveniles and adults led to estimates of the von Bertalanffy parameters K = 0·571 and L = 197·6 mm. The growth rate of planktonic juveniles (inferred from previous studies), was greater than predicted by the von Bertalanffy model, providing evidence of an ontogenetic shift in growth trajectory. The instantaneous rate of natural mortality, M, ranged from 1·13 to 1·22 year?1(annual survival rate = 29·4–32·2%). Sexes did not differ in movement, growth or survival patterns. On average, H. guttulatus measured 12·2 ± 0·8 mm at birth. Planktonic juveniles recruited to vegetated habitat at 96·0 ± 8·0 mm (0·25 years), had mature brood pouches (males only) at 109·4 mm (0·49 years), began maintaining home ranges and reproducing at 125–129 mm (0·85–0·94 years), and lived for 4·3–5·5 years. Early age at maturity, rapid growth rates, and short generation times suggested that H. guttulatus may recover rapidly when direct (e.g. exploitation) and indirect (e.g. by‐catch and habitat damage) effects of disturbance cease, but may be vulnerable to extended periods of poor recruitment.  相似文献   

Crustaceans are second intermediate hosts to several microphallid species (Trematoda). Some of these parasites are potentially pathogenic or manipulative. A laboratory experiment was performed to assess the impact of microphallids on the survival, growth and fecundity of Cyathura carinata, a protogynous hermaphroditic isopod, widespread within European estuaries. For nearly 12 weeks, experimental populations of infected and non-infected isopods were kept at 25 °C. C. carinata carrying microphallid cysts showed higher mortality rates than non-infected specimens and were not able to produce embryos. The reduced fecundity of infected isopods could be caused by parasite-induced castration and/or by mating failure due to behavioural modifications in one of the sexes. It might also be associated with lower growth rates and lower moulting frequencies, since infected C. carinata were significantly smaller than the non-infected after 9 weeks. This may imply a setback for the isopods to achieve sexual maturity (which may also affect the population sex ratio) and for females to lay their eggs in the marsupia. Regardless of the mechanisms involved, microphallids may have severe consequences for their host populations, through negative effects on survival, growth and fecundity. For species with direct development, such as C. carinata, parasite-induced reproduction failure may contribute to temporal fluctuations of abundance. Based on the present results, it is recommended to include parasites as an important factor influencing host populations from shallow-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

Benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis spp. are known as producers of palytoxin and its analogs, resulting occasionally in human health problems worldwide. Although distribution of Ostreopsis spp. along the Thai coasts has been reported, little is known about their growth characteristics. To discuss the bloom dynamics of Ostreopsis spp. in Thailand, first we tested four kinds of media to optimize growth conditions and then clarified the effects of temperature, salinity and temperature–salinity interaction on the growth of strains of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade, Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7. We showed that the f/2 medium was a suitable medium which gave the highest cell yields for all the strains tested. The strains of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade and Ostreopsis sp. 6 grew in the temperature range 20–32.5 °C, whereas the strain of Ostreopsis sp. 7 grew in 20–30 °C. The semi-optimal temperature ranges (≧80% of the maximal growth rate) for the former three strains were 22.7–27.4 °C, 27.9–30.8 °C and 23.5–26.4 °C, respectively, whereas that of the latter strain was 23–27.2 °C. The optimal temperature for the O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade was 30 °C, whereas for the others it was 25 °C. All the Ostreopsis strains tested could grow in a salinity range of 20–40. The semi-optimal salinities for the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 were 28.7–35, 23.8–30.8, 29.8–36 and 28–36, respectively. The optimal salinities for the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade and O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade were 30 and 25, respectively, whereas for Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 it was 35. In this study, our results suggested that the optimal and tolerable temperature–salinity conditions differ among the Thai Ostreopsis species/clades/subclades. Tolerances of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade and Ostreopsis sp. 6 to the high temperature of 32.5 °C may allow these organisms to be distributed in the tropical areas, where the water temperature often reaches >30 °C.  相似文献   

Anne Loison  Rolf Langvatn 《Oecologia》1998,116(4):489-500
Populations of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Norway have increased continuously over the last decades. We tested the possible effects of climate and increase in population size on the survival rates and body condition of individuals in one of the northernmost populations of red deer in Europe. Based on 678 individuals of known age marked between 1977 and 1995, we estimated annual survival rates, the probabilities of being harvested and the recapture probability according to sex, age, year, winter and spring weather, population size, and, body weight and body condition, using capture-mark-recapture models. Winter harshness negatively influenced the body weight of yearlings and the survival of calves of both sexes. Spring weather influenced the survival of males in all age classes. A negative trend during the study period was detected in body weight and condition of calves and yearlings, but not in any age- or sex- specific survival rates. No significant gender differences in mean survival were shown in any age class. Moreover, there was little (male) or no (female) detectable between-year variation in survival rates for yearlings and adults. Winter weather acts as a limiting factor on population growth through a short-term effect on first-year survival and a long-term effect on body weight. We discuss the surprising low sex differences in natural survival rates and the differential effects of winter harshness on body weight, body condition and survival in relation to life history characteristics of red deer. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 2 June 1998  相似文献   

研究了酸性水对椭圆萝卜螺和铜锈环棱螺等淡水螺类存活、生长及繁殖的影响。结果表明,椭圆萝卜螺对低pH值的耐受能力,96小时LC_(50)值为pH3.96。pH值低于5.0时,淡水肺螺类产的卵袋数量较少,卵孵化时间较长,幼螺生长较缓慢。铜锈环棱螺仔螺在低pH(对照组)下生长到第35和45天时,其体长生长率分别为1.21和1.07%,而pH5.0组则仅有0.18和0.29%。pH5.5对淡水肺螺类无明显影响,pH3.0则不能生存。  相似文献   

Light competition and interspecific differences in shade tolerance are considered key determinants of forest stand structure and dynamics. Specifically two main stand diameter distribution types as a function of shade tolerance have been proposed based on empirical observations. All-aged stands of shade tolerant species tend to have steeply descending, monotonic diameter distributions (inverse J-shaped curves). Shade intolerant species in contrast typically exhibit normal (unimodal) tree diameter distributions due to high mortality rates of smaller suppressed trees. In this study we explore the generality of this hypothesis which implies a causal relationship between light competition or shade tolerance and stand structure. For this purpose we formulate a partial differential equation system of stand dynamics as a function of individual tree growth, recruitment and mortality which allows us to explore possible individual-based mechanisms--e.g. light competition-underlying observed patterns of stand structure--e.g. unimodal or inverse J-shaped equilibrium diameter curves. We find that contrary to expectations interspecific differences in growth patterns can result alone in any of the two diameter distributions types observed in the field. In particular, slow growing species can present unimodal equilibrium curves even in the absence of light competition. Moreover, light competition and shade intolerance evaluated both at the tree growth and mortality stages did not have a significant impact on stand structure that tended to converge systematically towards an inverse J-shaped curves for most tree growth scenarios. Realistic transient stand dynamics for even aged stands of shade intolerant species (unimodal curves) were only obtained when recruitment was completely suppressed, providing further evidence on the critical role played by juvenile stages of tree development (e.g. the sampling stage) on final forest structure and composition. The results also point out the relevance of partial differential equations systems as a tool for exploring the individual-level mechanisms underpinning forest structure, particularly in relation to more complex forest simulation models that are more difficult to analyze and to interpret from a biological point of view.  相似文献   

The effects of ecosystem engineers can be mediated by direct and indirect interactions. For suspension-feeding bivalves that contribute to benthic-pelagic coupling, indirect effects have been linked to hydrodynamics; however, the influence of these ecosystem engineers may also operate through interactions with surrounding sediments, microphytes and macrofauna that, in turn, affect nutrient and oxygen fluxes. This study investigated the indirect effects of an epibenthic suspension-feeding bivalve (Atrina zelandica) on ammonium and nitrate-nitrite effluxes from the sediment, and oxygen consumption in the overlying waters, under dark conditions, at two sites with different environmental characteristics. Location-dependent effects were observed in the relative strength of the effect of Atrina on microphyte and macrofaunal abundance. The difference between the strength of the effect of Atrina on macrofauna between sites was not driven by a single species or type of species; rather all the species decreasing in abundance away from Atrina were small species that utilised the sediment water interface. Location-dependent effects were also observed in the relative strength of the effect of microphyte and macrofaunal abundance on oxygen and nutrient fluxes. While microphytes were an important consumer of oxygen at one site, at the other site, small infaunal macrofauna were important. Similarly, the strength of the effect of surrounding macrofauna on ammonium efflux varied between sites. These findings demonstrate the importance of natural history and species functions for understanding complex responses. They suggest that indirect effects by key benthic macrofaunal species in marine systems can also be important to benthic-pelagic coupling. In particular, while key species are often large, excretion and respiration of smaller macrofauna can be important to the exchange of nutrients near the seafloor and oxygen consumption in the benthic boundary layer.  相似文献   

Colurella dicentra clones isolated from bay water in the Mississippi Gulf Coast were cultured with artificial seawater. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of six algae species (Nannochloropsis oculata, Tetraselmis chuii, Chaetoceros gracilis, Rhodomonas salina, Isochrysis galbana, and Prorocentrum micans), six C. gracilis densities, and six N. oculata densities (25,000, 50,000, 100,000, 250,000, 500,000, and 1,000,000 cells ml− 1) on C. dicentra population growth. Algae type influenced rotifer production (p < 0.0001). C. gracilis treatment (9120 ± 3351SD) produced the highest number of rotifers followed by N. oculata (5760 ±2232SD). P. micans had the lowest number of rotifers, although not significantly different from numbers in T. chuii, R. salina, and I. galbana treatments (p > 0.05).The population growth rate (r) varied with algae species treatment. The highest values were recorded for C. gracilis treatment (0.22 to 0.26 d− 1), followed by N. oculata (0.21 to 0.24 d− 1), and the lowest for P. micans (− 0.19 to 0.14 d− 1). C. gracilis and N. oculata densities had significant effects (p < 0.0001) on C. dicentra population growth. The highest rotifer production was recorded at a C. gracilis density of 100,000 cells ml− 1, followed by 250,000 cells ml− 1 and 50,000 cells ml− 1. Algae densities of 500,000 cells ml− 1 and above produced the lowest rotifer numbers. Population growth rate (r) varied with C. gracilis densities. The highest values were observed for C. gracilis concentrations of 100,000 cells ml− 1 (0.17 to 0.19 d− 1), and the lowest for concentrations of 500,000 cells ml− 1 and above (− 0.19 to 0.09 d− 1). The 100,000 cells ml− 1N. oculata density gave the highest rotifer production followed by 50,000, 250,000, 25,000, and 500,000 cells ml− 1. Algae densities of 1,000,000 cells ml− 1 produced the lowest rotifer numbers. Population growth rate (r) varied with N. oculata densities, with the highest values obtained for algae densities of 100,000 cells ml− 1 (0.35 to 0.40 d− 1), and the lowest for concentrations of 1,000,000 cells ml− 1 (0.05 to 0.012 d− 1). This is the first report of C. dicentra in Mississippi Coastal waters, and perhaps the smallest marine rotifer species (93 by 49 μm) ever cultured successfully.  相似文献   

通过向水中添加不同浓度的铜(Cu2 ),观察其对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)Ⅰ期幼蟹(0.020±0.01g)和12月龄扣蟹(3.34±0.26 g)的毒性影响。Cu2 对Ⅰ期幼蟹24,48,72和96h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.70,0.43,0.33和0.22 mg/L,而对12月龄扣蟹相应的LC50分别是18.20,10.23,9.12和8.51mg/L。中华绒螯蟹Ⅰ期幼蟹在0.00,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05和0.08mg/L Cu2 的水环境中的蜕皮率、增重率和存活率的比较研究结果表明,虽然各浓度组存活率均高于50%,但其随着Cu2 浓度的增高而降低。增重率和蜕皮率的变化趋势与存活率相似。此外,研究了中华绒螯蟹12月龄扣蟹在0.00,0.01,0.05,0.10,0.50,1.00和2.50 mg/L Cu2 的水环境中蜕皮率、增重率和存活率的变化。结果显示,各组存活率均高于50%,除0.01mg/L处理组的存活率略高于对照组外,总的变化趋势是随着Cu2 浓度的增高而降低。增重率和蜕皮率随着Cu2 浓度的增高,总的变化趋势亦逐渐降低。相关性分析表明,中华绒螯蟹Ⅰ期幼蟹和12月龄扣蟹的生长、蜕皮和存活与水中添加Cu2 的浓度增加有极显著的负相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

S. F. Fox  J. K. McCoy 《Oecologia》2000,122(3):327-334
Tail autotomy is a defense against predators used by many lizard species but is associated with various costs, most of which have been measured only in the laboratory. We conducted a field experiment in which we induced tail autotomy to approximately half (58%) of a marked sample (n=326) of Uta stansburiana from western Texas in the fall, and left the other half with intact tails. The following spring we determined survival, measured growth, and brought females to the laboratory to allow them to oviposit their eggs, which we incubated until hatching. Based on past studies, we anticipated inferior survival, growth, and reproduction following tail autotomy. We also predicted that females with tail loss would be energetically compromised and would alter the sex ratio of their offspring toward more daughters (as predicted by the Trivers-Willard hypothesis). Tailless lizards experienced significantly reduced survivorship, but those that survived grew the same as their tailed counterparts. Tailed and tailless females produced clutches equivalent in number of eggs and total mass. Whereas tailed females showed a significant positive relationship between average egg mass and snout-vent length, tailless females did not. Contrary to our expectations, tailless females produced heavier hatchlings than tailed ones, and sex ratios of hatchlings were equivalent for tailed and tailless females. In this population, tail loss in subadults leads to an increased risk of death, but apparently does not impose an energetic handicap such that later growth and reproduction suffer. We suggest that because tailless females are faced with decreased reproductive value, they respond by growing as much and laying as many eggs of the same mass as tailed females, despite the fact that they are also regenerating the tail. In addition, they somehow produce larger hatchlings than tailed females. Nevertheless, tailless females probably end up with lower overall lifetime fitness than tailed females, and tail loss thus induces the conditional reproductive strategy ”make the best of a bad situation”. Because tailless females produce larger, not smaller, hatchlings, they do not produce more daughters as predicted; i.e., we found no evidence for the Trivers-Willard effect following tail autotomy. Received: 29 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 September 1999  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(1):102018
Heavy metals are known to modulate the life history traits of spider species. This study aimed to explore the divergence in life-history traits, including survival, growth, development, and reproduction, in Pardosa birmanica and Lycosa terrestris housed on artificial soil or fed artificial food containing10mM of CuSO4 and10mM of PbCl2 either separately or in a binary mixture(i.e., 10 mM CuSO4 + 10 mM PbCl2) from 4thto 8th instars under laboratory conditions. The results revealed that all metals treatments caused developmental delays, and reduced growth rate. Metals treated females laid lower number of eggs with high hatching success but prolonged hatching time. The co-exposure of metals had great potential to affect the life-history traits of spiders than did Cu or Pb alone, specially by dietary uptake. This study demonstrated that the lifehistory traits of spider’s species provided sensitive endpoints and biomarkers for ecotoxicological risk assessments. Spiders are beneficial sentinel species and bioindicators because they help us monitor the risk to the organisms themselves and the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The usage of probiotics proved advantageous in aquaculture due to its positive impact on fish growth, immune response and environment. This study was aimed to assess the effects of probiotics on growth, survival and histometry of intestine and liver in Gangetic mystus (Mystus cavasius) using two separate experiments for a period of 8 weeks (in aquaria) and 16 weeks (in earthen ponds). Three different probiotic treatments were incorporated i.e. commercial probiotic one; CP-1 (T1), commercial probiotic two; CP-2 (T2), Lab developed (Lab dev.) probiotic (T3) including a control. The results indicated that the probiotics usage especially Lab dev. probiotic (T3) significantly improved the growth parameters such as weight gain (g) and specific growth rate (SGR, %/day) as well as ensured better feed conversion efficiency. Zero mortality was observed in aquaria whereas probiotic application enhanced survivability in earthen ponds. Moreover, all probiotic treatment exhibited positive results for different histo-morphometric features of intestine and liver. Mucus secreting goblet cells and fattening of mucosal fold increased significantly with probiotic usage. The amount of regular shaped nucleus was maximum in T3 with least intra cellular distance between liver tissues in earthen ponds. The greatest value for hemoglobin with lowest glucose level was observed in T3 as well. Furthermore, probiotic ensured low concentration of ammonia during culture. Overall, it was anticipated that the application of probiotics in Gangetic mystus culture resulted positive effect on its growth, feed utilization, survivability, histo-morphometry, immunity and hematological parameters.  相似文献   

The mineral accretion technology involves the accumulation of dissolved mineral ions within the vicinity of underwater electrodes and their deposition via electrochemical processes onto the positive electrode forming a natural substrate. Branches of Porites cylindrica were reared under the presence of mineral accretion (treated nubbins), without mineral accretion (untreated), and under undisturbed (control) conditions for 6 months (mineral accretion phase). The electricity for the treated nubbins was cut off after the sixth month, and all remaining nubbins were allowed to grow for another 6 months (post mineral accretion phase). The longitudinal growth rate of the treated nubbins was relatively high during the mineral accretion phase then dropped during the post mineral accretion phase. Statistical analysis revealed longitudinal growth to be significant over time, but the significant differences between treatments lay only between the first until the second bi-monthly period (from January to May 2000) and the rest of the observation period (June to January 2001). This indicates that growth enhancement occurred only during the early stages of the mineral accretion phase. There were also significant differences in girth growth between phases and between treatments as well as a significant phase by treatment interaction again indicating that significant differences between treatments occurred only during a certain phase. In terms of overall survival, the treated nubbins fared better than the untreated nubbins. The corals in all treatments showed the same trend in corallite size and density after 1 year. Corallite sizes increased from the tip towards the base of the transplant. The reverse trend occurred with corallite density which decreased from the tip towards the base. Phenotypic alteration of the corallites (decrease in size and increase in density from the middle region of the nubbin towards the base) had occurred in the treated nubbins while they were exposed to mineral accretion. This effect disappeared, however, after 6 months. It appears, therefore, that enhancement of growth took place only during active mineral accretion, though there were positive, longer-term effects on survival.  相似文献   

Artificial membrane‐feeding techniques have replaced direct feeding on animals for the maintenance of malaria and arbovirus vectors in many laboratories. Membrane feeding facilitates controlled experimentation of pathogen transmission during mosquito feeding. Sheep blood is commonly used due to its availability and low cost. We evaluated the impact of blood source (human, guinea pig, sheep, and hamster via direct feeding) on feeding rates, adult survival, fecundity, hatching rates, and developmental times for five species of laboratory‐colonized mosquitoes (Anopheles dirus, An. cracens, An. minimus, An. sawadwongporni, and Ae. aegypti). We found that feeding rates differ among blood sources within mosquito species. Survival, fecundity, and hatching rates were lower in all Anopheles species and Ae. aegypti after membrane feeding on sheep blood. Survival rates seven days post‐feeding on sheep blood were significantly lower (P<0.05) for An. dirus (84.2%), An. minimus (67.2%), An. sawadwongporni (51.5%), and An. cracens (35.5%) relative to other blood sources. An. minimus and An. sawadwongporni laid no eggs by seven days post‐feeding with sheep blood, while An. dirus and An. cracens produced significantly fewer numbers of eggs and demonstrated significantly lower hatching rates relative to what was observed with the other blood sources. These findings support the conclusion that sheep blood is not a suitable blood source for laboratory rearing of Anopheles spp.  相似文献   

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