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Acetylene reduction, an assay for nitrogenase activity (nitrogen:(acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC, Is dependent on the ratio of the two protein components of nitrogenase as well as on C2H2 concentration. As the component I : component II ratio (based on activity) is increased, the C2H2 reduction : N2 fixation ratio decreases to a minimum of 3.4 and then increases. The minimum is found at a ratio near 1 : 1. At a component I : component II ratio of 20 : 1, the C2H2 reduction : N2 fixation ratio is 5.3. Acetylene exhibits substrate inhibition in assays for nitrogenase activity. Both the apparent Km and Ki for acetylene vary as a function of the relative concentrations of components I and II present in the assay. When the more labile component II is limiting in the assay and "saturating" levels of C2H2 (above 0.1 atm) are used, N2-fixation capacity may be greatly under-estimated.  相似文献   

Polach KJ  Uhlenbeck OC 《Biochemistry》2002,41(11):3693-3702
Unlike most DEAD/H proteins, the purified Escherichia coli protein DbpA demonstrates high specificity for its 23S rRNA substrate in vitro. Here we describe several assays designed to characterize the interaction of DbpA with its RNA and ATP substrates. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays reveal a sub-nanomolar binding affinity for a 153 nucleotide RNA substrate (R153) derived from the 23S rRNA. High affinity RNA binding requires both hairpin 92 and helix 90, as substrates lacking these structures bind DbpA with lower affinity. AMPPNP inhibition assays and ATP/ADP binding assays provide binding constants for ATP and ADP to DbpA with and without RNA substrates. These data have been used to describe a minimal thermodynamic scheme for the binding of the RNA and ATP substrates to DbpA, which reveals cooperative binding between larger RNAs and ATP with cooperative energies of approximately 1.3 kcal mol(-1). This cooperativity is lost upon removal of helix 89 from R153, suggesting this helix is either the preferred target for DbpA's helicase activity or is a necessary structural element for organization of the target site within R153.  相似文献   

The influence of hydrogenase in Bradyrizobum-Phaseoleae symbioseswas studied ex-planta and in-planra in soybean (Glycine max)and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). The hydrogenase was activatedby the addition of hydrogen in the incubation gas phase whichmodified the response of nitrogenase activity of Hup+ (hydrogenuptake positive) symbiosis to the external oxygen partial pressure.For bacteroids the hydrogenase expression increased nitrogenaseactivity at supraoptimal pO2, acting possibly as a respiratoryprotection of nitrogenase. However, at suboptimal pO2, nitrogenaseactivity of Hup+ bacteroids decreased with hydrogen, a phenomenonattributed to the lower efficiency of ATP synthesis from hydrogenthan from carbon substrates oxidation. For undisturbed nodules,the hydrogenase expression in soybean increased the optimalpO2 for ARA (COP), from 35.3 to 40.3 kPa O2, and the ARA atsupraoptimal pO2; at suboptimal PO2 there was a negative effectof hydrogenase on ARA, although this inhibition was less thanon bacteroids and was not detected if plants were grown at 15°C rather than 20 °C root temperature. No H2 effectwas detected on cowpea nodules. The results on soybean nodulesare consistent with the concept that symbiotic nitrogen fixationis oxygen-limited and that hydrogenase activity has no beneficialeffect on nitrogen fixation in O2 limitation. Key words: Glycine max, hydrogenase, nitrogenase, nitrogen fixation, nodules, Vigna unguiculata  相似文献   

A purification procedure is described for the components of Bacillus polymyxa nitrogenase. The procedure requires the removal of interfering mucopolysaccharides before the two nitrogenase proteins can be purified by the methods used with other nitrogenase components. The highest specific activities obtained were 2750 nmol C2H4 formed . min-1 . mg-1 MoFe protein and 2521 nmol C2H4 formed . min-1 . mg-1 Fe protein. The MoFe protein has a molecular weight of 215 000 and contains 2 molybdenum atoms, 33 iron atoms and 21 atoms of acid-labile sulfur per protein molecule. The Fe protein contains 3.2 iron atoms and 3.6 acid-labile sulfur atoms per molecule of 55 500 molecular weight. Each Fe protein binds two ATP molecules. The EPR spectra are similar to those of other nitrogenase proteins. MgATP changes the EPR of the Fe protein from a rhombic to an axial-type signal.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogenase from the facultative anaerobe Klebsiella pneumoniae was resolved into two protein components resembling those obtained from other nitrogen-fixing bacteria. 2. Both proteins were purified to homogeneity as shown by the criteria of disc electrophoresis and ultracentrifugal analysis. 3. The larger component had a mol.wt. of 218000 and contained one Mo atom, 17Fe atoms and 17 acid-labile sulphide groups/mol; it contained two types of subunit, present in equal amounts, of mol.wts. 50000 and 60000. All the common amino acids were present, with a predominance of acidic residues. The apparent partial specific volume was 0.73; ultracentrifugal analysis gave s020,w=11.0S and D020,w=4.94×10−7cm2/s. The specific activities (nmol of product formed/min per mg of protein) when assayed with the second nitrogenase component were 1500 for H2 evolution, 380 for N2 reduction, 1200 for acetylene reduction and 5400 for ATP hydrolysis. The reduced protein showed electron-paramagnetic-resonance signals at g=4.3, 3.7 and 2.015; the Mössbauer spectrum of the reduced protein consisted of at least three doublets. The u.v. spectra of the oxidized and reduced proteins were identical. On oxidation the absorbance increased generally throughout the visible region and a shoulder at 430nm appeared. The circular-dichroism spectra of both the oxidized and reduced proteins were the same, consisting mainly of a negative trough at 220nm. 4. The smaller component had mol.wt. 66800 and contained four Fe atoms and four acid-labile sulphide groups in a molecule comprising two subunits each of mol.wt. 34600. All common amino acids except tryptophan were present, with a predominance of acidic residues. The apparent partial specific volume calculated from the amino acid analysis was 0.732, which was significantly higher than that obtained from density measurements (0.69); ultracentrifugal analysis gave s020,w=4.8S and D020,w=5.55×10−7cm2/s. The specific activities (nmol of product formed/min per mg of protein) were 1050 for H2 evolution, 275 for N2 reduction, 980 for acetylene reduction and 4350 for ATP hydrolysis. The protein was not cold-labile. The reduced protein showed electron-paramagnetic-resonance signals in the g=1.94 region. The Mössbauer spectrum of the reduced protein consisted of a doublet at 77°K. The u.v. spectra of reduced and O2-inactivated proteins were identical, and inactivation by O2 generally increased the absorbance in the visible region and resulted in a shoulder at 460nm. The circular-dichroism spectra exhibited a negative trough at 220nm and inactivation by O2 decreased the depth of the trough. 5. The reduction of N2 and acetylene, and H2 evolution, were maximal at a 1:1 molar ratio of the Fe-containing protein to the Mo–Fe-containing protein; excess of the Mo–Fe-containing protein was inhibitory. All reductions were accompanied by H2 evolution. The combined proteins had no ATP-independent hydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

1. A large-scale purification of the nitrogenase components from Azotobacter chroococcum yielded two non-haem iron proteins, both of which were necessary for nitrogenase activity and each had a specific activity of approximately 2000 +/- 300 nmol of acetylene reduced/mg protein per min in the presence of sautrating amounts of the other. This procedure freed the Mo-Fe protein from a protein contaminant which had an electron paramagnetic resonance signal at g = 1.94. 2. Both proteins were purified to homogeneity as determined by disc gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugal analysis. Both proteins were oxygen-sensitive but not cold-labile. Ultracentrifugal analysis indicated that both proteins dissociated to a slight degree at concentrations below 2 mg/ml. 3. The larger of the two proteins had a molecular weight of 227 000 and contained 1.9 +/- 0.3 atoms of Mo, 23 +/- 2 atoms of Fe, 20 +/- 2 acid-labile sulphide and 47 tryptophan residues/mol. The protein consists of 4 subunits of mol. wt 60 000 (approx.). The reduced protein showed electron paramagmetic resonance signals at g = 4.29, 3.65 and 2.013 but not in the area of g = 5 to 6. Upon oxidation abosrbance increased throughout the visible region of the ultraviolet visible spectrum, with a maximum difference between oxidised and reduced protein occurring at 430 nm. 4. The smaller protein had a molecular weight of 64 000 and contained 4 g-atoms of Fe and 4 acid-labile sulphide groups/mol but no tryptophan. It had two subunits of mol. wt 30 800. The reduced protein showed electron paramagnetic resonance signhe protein retained almost full activity after oxidation with phenazine methosulphate. The ultraviolet visible spectrum of oxidised protein was clearly different from that of the oxygen-inactivated protein: it had a sharp peak at 269 nm and a broad absorbance between 340 and 470 nm with a maximum difference between oxidised and reduced forms at 430 nm. Oxygen-inactivated protein showed a sharp peak at 277.5 nm and broad peaks from 305 to 360, 400 to 425 and 435 to 475 nm. 5. Amino acid analyses of both proteins showed that most common amino acids were present with a preponderance of acidic residues. Analyses of compositional relatedness showed that the nitrogenase proteins from A. chroococcum were most closely related to those from A. vinelandii and least so to those from Clostridium pasteurianum.  相似文献   

Non-linear rates of acetylene reduction and concomitant H2 evolution were observed for the nitrogenase of Klebsiella pneumoniae at 10 degrees C. A lag phase of 1-4 min, dependent on the ratio of Mo-Fe protein to Fe protein present, occurred before linear rates of acetylene reduction were achieved. A complementary burst phase for concomitant H2 evolution in the presence of acetylene was also observed. When the proton was the only reducible substrate present, linear rates of H2 evolution were observed. N2 was a poor substrate under these conditions. Similar lag and burst phases occurred at 30 degrees C, but only when a large molar excess of Mo-Fe protein with respect to Fe protein was present. The results at 10 degrees C show that the binding of acetylene to the enzyme stimulates electron flow, but that these electrons, which initially reduce protons, can only reduce acetylene after a lag phase that cannot be accommodated in the turnover time calculated under steady-state conditions.  相似文献   

The in vivo activity of nitrogenase under aerobiosis was studied with diazotrophic chemostat cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii grown under glucose- or phosphate-limited conditions at different dilution rates (Ds, representing the growth rate mu) and different dissolved oxygen concentrations. Under steady-state conditions, the concentration as well as the cellular level of ATP increased in glucose-limited cultures when D was increased. Irrespective of the type of growth limitation or the dissolved oxygen concentration, the steady-state concentrations of ATP and of dinitrogen fixed by nitrogenase increased in direct proportion to each other. Specific rates of dinitrogen fixation as well as of the regeneration of the cellular ATP pool were compared with specific rates of cellular respiration. With glucose-limited cultures, the rate of regeneration of the ATP pool and the rate of respiration varied in direct proportion to each other. This relationship, however, was dependent on the dissolved oxygen concentration. As compared to the phosphate-sufficient control, phosphate-limited cultures exhibited the same nitrogenase activity but significantly increased respiratory activities. Rates of ATP regeneration and of cellular respiration of phosphate-limited cultures did not fit into the relationship characteristic of glucose-limited cultures. However, a linear relationship between the rates of dinitrogen fixation and ATP regeneration was identified irrespective of the type of growth limitation and the dissolved oxygen concentration. The results suggest that the ATP supply rather than cellular oxygen consumption is of primary importance in keeping nitrogenase activity in aerobic cultures of A. vinelandii.  相似文献   

Sedimentation-velocity analyses of mixtures of the component proteins of nitrogenase of Klebsiella pneumoniae at a 1:1 molar ratio, showed a single peak of sedimentation coefficient (12.4S) considerably greater than that obtained for the larger (Fe+Mo-containing) protein centrifuged alone (10.4S). When the ratio exceeded 1:1 (the smaller Fe-containing protein in excess) an additional peak corresponding in sedimentation coefficient (about 4.5S) to free Fe-containing protein appeared. When proteins, which had been inactivated by exposure to air were used, no interaction occurred. Na(2)S(2)O(4) at 2mm both reversed and prevented interaction between the two proteins; sedimentation coefficients corresponded to those of the proteins when centrifuged alone. These results demonstrate the formation of a complex between the nitrogenase proteins, and, together with data of activity titration curves, are consistent with the formulation of the nitrogenase complex of K. pneumoniae as (Fe-containing protein)-(Fe+Mo-containing protein).  相似文献   

Regulation of H2 oxidation activity and hydrogenase protein levels in the free-living hydrogen bacterium Alcaligenes latus was investigated. Hydrogenase activity was induced when heterotrophically grown cells were transferred to chemolithoautotrophic conditions, i.e., in the presence of H2 and absence of carbon sources, with NH4Cl as the N source. Under these conditions, H2 oxidation activity was detectable after 30 min of incubation and reached near-maximal levels by 12 h. The levels of hydrogenase protein, as measured by a Western blot (immunoblot) assay of the hydrogenase large subunit, increased in parallel with activity. This increase suggested that the increased H2 oxidation activity was due to de novo synthesis of hydrogenase protein. H2 oxidation activity was controlled over a surprisingly wide range of H2 concentrations, between 0.001 and 30% in the gas phase. H2 oxidation activity was induced to high levels between 2 and 12.5% O2, and above 12.5% O2, H2 oxidation activity was inhibited. Almost all organic carbon sources studied inhibited the expression of hydrogenase, although none repressed hydrogenase synthesis completely. In all cases examined, hydrogenase protein, as detected by Western blot, paralleled the level of H2 oxidation activity, suggesting that control of hydrogenase activity was mediated through changes in hydrogenase protein levels.  相似文献   

Cross RL  Müller V 《FEBS letters》2004,576(1-2):1-4
Members of the FoF1, AoA1 and VoV1 family of ATP synthases and ATPases have undergone at least two reversals in primary function. The first was from a progenitor proton-pumping ATPase to a proton-driven ATP synthase. The second involved transforming the synthase back into a proton-pumping ATPase. As proposed earlier [FEBS Lett. 259 (1990) 227], these reversals required changes in the H+/ATP coupling ratio from an optimal value of about 2 for an ATPase function to about 4 for an ATP synthase function. The doubling of the ratio that occurred at the ATPase-to-Synthase transition was accomplished by duplicating the gene that encodes the nucleotide-binding catalytic subunits followed by loss of function in one of the genes. The halving of the ratio that occurred at the Synthase-to-ATPase transition was achieved by a duplication/fusion of the gene that encodes the proton-binding transporter subunits, followed by a loss of function in one half of the double-sized protein. These events allowed conservation of quaternary structure, while maintaining a sufficient driving force to sustain an adequate phosphorylation potential or electrochemical gradient. Here, we describe intermediate evolutionary steps and a fine-tuning of the H+/ATP coupling ratio to optimize synthase function in response to different environments. In addition, we propose a third reversal of function, from an ATPase back to an ATP synthase. In contrast to the first two reversals which required a partial loss in function, the change in coupling ratio required for the third reversal is explained by a gain in function.  相似文献   

An experimental rat model of Parkinson's disease was established by injecting rats directly in the striatum with the neurotoxic agent 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). In order to study the action mechanism of this neurotoxic agent, MPTP and its main metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) were also added to suspensions of pyruvate/malate-supplemented nonsynaptic brain mitochondria, and the rates of hydrogen peroxide and ATP production were measured. Intrastriatal administration of MPTP produced a pronounced decrease in striatal dopamine levels (p < 0.005) and a strong increase in 3,4-hydroxiphenylacetic acid/dopamine ratio (an indicator of dopamine catabolism; p < 0.005) in relation to controls, as evaluated by in situ microdialysis. MPTP addition to rat brain mitochondria increased hydrogen peroxide production by 90%, from 1.37+/-0.35 to 2.59+/-0.48 nanomoles of H2O2/minute . mg of protein (p < 0.01). The metabolite MPP+ produced a marked decrease on the rate of ATP production of brain mitochondria (p < 0.005). These findings support the mitochondria-oxidative stress-energy failure hypothesis of MPTP-induced brain neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

1. The rate of electron transport from H2O to silicomolybdate in the presence of 3-(3-4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron) (which involves the oxygen-evolving enzyme, the photochemistry of photosystem 2 and the primary electron acceptor of photosystem 2) is controlled by internal pH. This is based on the shift of the pH profile of the rate of electron transport upon addition of uncouplers, or by using EDTA-treated chloroplasts. Both stimulation and inhibition of electron transport by addition of uncouplers (depending on external pH) could be observed. These effects are obtained in the diuron-insensitive photoreductions of either silicomolybdate or ferricyanide. These experiments provide strong evidence that a proton translocating site exists in the sequence of the electron transport H2O leads to Q (the primary acceptor of photosystem 2). 2. The photoreduction of silicomolybdate in the presence of diuron causes the formation of delta pH. The value of delta pH depends on the external pH and its maximal value was shown to be 2.4. The calculated internal pH at different external pH values was found to be rather constant, namely between 5.1 -- 5.2. 3. Electron transport from H2O to silicomolybdate (in the presence of diuron) does not support ATP formation. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that the delta pH formed is below the "threshold" delta pH required for the synthesis of ATP. By adding an additional source of energy in the form of a dark diffusion potential created in the presence of K+ and valinomycin, significant amounts of ATP are formed in this system.  相似文献   

In contrast to previously studied ATP analogs, the two-substituted ATP analogs, 2-N3 ATP and 2-Cl ATP were good substrates for dynein ATPase. The Vmax for hydrolysis of both analogs was significantly higher than for ATP and the Km for both analogs was comparable to ATP. The higher hydrolytic rate for the analogs might be explained by a faster dissociation rate of the diphosphate product. This interpretation is supported by measurements of the dissociation rate of the inhibitor, vanadate. The estimate dissociation rate of vanadate with the analogs as substrate is approx. 2-fold higher than with ATP as substrate. These data together with previous studies on a variety of ATP analogs suggest that the 6-amino group on adenine is important for recognition by dynein and that the anti-conformation of the adenine, favored by 2-substituents, is the favored conformation of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

The H(+)/ATP ratio and the standard Gibbs free energy of ATP synthesis were determined with a new method using a chemiosmotic model system. The purified H(+)-translocating ATP synthase from chloroplasts was reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid liposomes. During reconstitution, the internal phase was equilibrated with the reconstitution medium, and thereby the pH of the internal liposomal phase, pH(in), could be measured with a conventional glass electrode. The rates of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis were measured with the luciferin/luciferase assay after an acid-base transition at different [ATP]/([ADP][P(i)]) ratios as a function of deltapH, analysing the range from the ATP synthesis to the ATP hydrolysis direction and the deltapH at equilibrium, deltapH (eq) (zero net rate), was determined. The analysis of the [ATP]/([ADP][P(i)]) ratio as a function of deltapH (eq) and of the transmembrane electrochemical potential difference, delta micro approximately (H)(+) (eq), resulted in H(+)/ATP ratios of 3.9 +/- 0.2 at pH 8.45 and 4.0 +/- 0.3 at pH 8.05. The standard Gibbs free energies of ATP synthesis were determined to be 37 +/- 2 kJ/mol at pH 8.45 and 36 +/- 3 kJ/mol at pH 8.05.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of Mg2+ on the extramitochondrial hydrolysis of ATP and ADP by human term placental mitochondria (HPM) and submitochondrial particle (SMP). Extramitochondrial ATPase and ADPase activities were evaluated in the presence or absence of K+, and different oxidizable substrates. Mg2+ increased both ATP and ADP hydrolysis according to the experimental conditions, and this stimulation was related to the mitochondrial intactness. The ADPase activity in intact mitochondria is 100-fold higher in presence of K+, succinate and 1mM Mg2+ while this activity is only increased by two-fold on the SMP when compared to the sample without Mg2+. It is clearly demonstrated that up-regulation of these enzyme activities occur in intact mitochondria and not on the enzyme itself. The results suggest that the regulation of ATP and ADP hydrolysis is complex, and Mg2+ plays an important role in the modulation of the extramitochondrial ATPase and ADPase activities in HPM  相似文献   

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