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Patny A  Desai PV  Avery MA 《Proteins》2006,65(4):824-842
Angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor belongs to the super-family of G-protein-coupled receptors, and antagonists of the AT(1) receptor are effectively used in the treatment of hypertension. To understand the molecular interactions of these antagonists, such as losartan and telmisartan, with the AT(1) receptor, a homology model of the human AT(1) (hAT(1)) receptor with all connecting loops was constructed from the 2.6 A resolution crystal structure (PDB i.d., 1L9H) of bovine rhodopsin. The initial model generated by MODELLER was subjected to a stepwise ligand-supported model refinement. This protocol involved initial docking of non-peptide AT(1) antagonists in the putative binding site, followed by several rounds of iterative energy minimizations and molecular dynamics simulations. The final model was validated based on its correlation with several structure-activity relationships and site-directed mutagenesis data. The final model was also found to be in agreement with a previously reported AT(1) antagonist pharmacophore model. Docking studies were performed for a series of non-peptide AT(1) receptor antagonists in the active site of the final hAT(1) receptor model. The docking was able to identify key molecular interactions for all the AT(1) antagonists studied. Reasonable correlation was observed between the interaction energy values and the corresponding binding affinities of these ligands, providing further validation for the model. In addition, an extensive unrestrained molecular dynamics simulation showed that the docking-derived bound pose of telmisartan is energetically stable. Knowledge gained from the present studies can be used in structure-based drug design for developing novel ligands for the AT(1) receptor.  相似文献   

Chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is an integral membrane protein that is utilized during human immunodeficiency virus type-1 entry into host cells. CCR5 is a G-protein coupled receptor that contains seven transmembrane (TM) helices. However, the crystal structure of CCR5 has not been reported. A homology model of CCR5 was developed based on the recently reported CXCR4 structure as template. Automated docking of the most potent (14), medium potent (37), and least potent (25) CCR5 antagonists was performed using the CCR5 model. To characterize the mechanism responsible for the interactions between ligands (14, 25, and 37) and CCR5, membrane molecular dynamic (MD) simulations were performed. The position and orientation of ligands (14, 25, and 37) were found to be changed after MD simulations, which demonstrated the ability of this technique to identify binding modes. Furthermore, at the end of simulation, it was found that residues identified by docking were changed and some new residues were introduced in the proximity of ligands. Our results are in line with the majority of previous mutational reports. These results show that hydrophobicity is the determining factor of CCR5 antagonism. In addition, salt bridging and hydrogen bond contacts between ligands (14, 25, and 37) and CCR5 are also crucial for inhibitory activity. The residues newly identified by MD simulation are Ser160, Phe166, Ser180, His181, and Trp190, and so far no site-directed mutagenesis studies have been reported. To determine the contributions made by these residues, additional mutational studies are suggested. We propose a general binding mode for these derivatives based on the MD simulation results of higher (14), medium (37), and lower (25) potent inhibitors. Interestingly, we found some trend for these inhibitors such as, salt bridge interaction between basic nitrogen of ligand and acidic Glu283 seemed necessary for inhibitory activity. Also, two aromatic pockets (pocket I – TM1-3 and pocket II – TM3-6) were linked by the central polar region in TM7, and the simulated inhibitors show important interactions with the Trp86, Tyr89, Tyr108, Phe112, Ile198, Tyr251, Leu255, and Gln280 and Glu283 residues. These results shed light on the usage of MD simulation to identify more stable, optimal binding modes of the inhibitors.  相似文献   

Increasing resistance of malaria parasites to conventional antimalarial drugs is an important factor contributing to the persistence of the disease as a major health threat. The ongoing search for novel targets has resulted in identification and expression of several enzymes including cysteine proteases that are implicated in hemoglobin degradation. Falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 are considered to be the two principal cysteine proteases in this degradation, and hence, are potential drug targets. A homology model of falcipain-3 was built and validated by various structure/geometry verification tools as well as docking studies of known substrates. The correlation coefficient of 0.975 between interaction energies and K(m) values of these substrates provided additional support for the model. On comparison with the previously reported falcipain-2 homology model, the currently constructed falcipain-3 structure showed important differences between the S2 pockets that might explain the variations in the K(m) values of various substrates for these enzymes. Further, docking studies also provided insight into possible binding modes and interactions of ligands with falcipain-3. Results of the current study could be employed in de novo drug design leading to development of new antimalarial agents.  相似文献   


Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) has been reported to connect with a range of solid tumors. Thus, the exploration of LSD1 inhibitors has emerged as an effective strategy for cancer treatment. In this study, we constructed a pharmacophore model based on a series of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-competing inhibitors bearing triazole???dithiocarbamate scaffold combining docking, structure–activity relationship (SAR) study, and molecular dynamic (MD) simulation. Meanwhile, another pharmacophore model was also constructed manually, relying on several speculated substrate-competing inhibitors and reported putative vital interactions with LSD1. On the basis of the two pharmacophore models, multi-step virtual screenings (VSs) were performed against substrate-binding pocket and FAD-binding pocket, respectively, combining pharmacophore-based and structure-based strategy to exploit novel LSD1 inhibitors. After bioassay evaluation, four compounds among 21 hits with diverse and novel scaffolds exhibited inhibition activity at the range of 3.63–101.43?μM. Furthermore, substructure-based enrichment was performed, and four compounds with a more potent activity were identified. After that, the time-dependent assay proved that the most potent compound with IC50 2.21?μM inhibits LSD1 activity in a manner of time-independent. In addition, the compound exhibited a cellular inhibitory effect against LSD1 in MGC-803 cells and may inhibit cell migration and invasion by reversing EMT in cultured gastric cancer cells. Considering the binding mode and SAR of the series of compounds, we could roughly deem that these compounds containing 3-methylxanthine scaffold act through occupying substrate-binding pocket competitively. This study presented a new starting point to develop novel LSD1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography stationary phase containing immobilized membranes obtained from a cell line that expresses the human organic cation transporter (hOCT1-IAM) has been used to study the binding of the enantiomers of propranolol, atenolol, pseudoephedrine, and alpha-methylbenzylamine to the immobilized hOCT1. Frontal displacement chromatography was used to determine the binding affinities (K(d) values), and the data demonstrate that there was an enantioselective difference in the K(d) values of the enantiomers of propranolol, atenolol, and pseudoephedrine, while alpha-methylbenzylamine did not significantly bind to the transporter. Competitive inhibition studies with the cell line used to create the chromatographic column demonstrated that, for the enantiomers of propranolol, the ratio of the chromatographically determined K(d) values [K(d (+)-(R)-propranolol)/K(d (-)-(S)-propranolol) = 2.98] reflected an enantioselective difference in the functional activity of the two enantiomers [IC(50 (+)-(R)-propranolol)/IC(50 (-)-(S)-propranolol) = 2.75]. The chromatographically determined K(d) values were used to construct an initial pharmacophore which contains a hydrogen bond donating site that appears to be responsible for the observed enantioselectivity.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis is an insecticidal bacterium whose chitinolytic system has been exploited to improve insect resistance in crops. In the present study, we studied the CBP24 from B. thuringiensis using homology modeling and molecular docking. The primary and secondary structure analyses showed CBP24 is a positively charged protein and contains single domain that belongs to family CBM33. The 3D model after refinement was used to explore the chitin binding characteristics of CBP24 using AUTODOCK. The docking analyses have shown that the surface exposed hydrophilic amino acid residues Thr-103, Lys-112 and Ser-162 interact with substrate through H-bonding. While, the amino acids resides Glu-39, Tyr-46, Ser-104 and Asn-109 were shown to have polar interactions with the substrate. The binding energy values evaluation of docking depicts a stable intermolecular conformation of the docked complex. The functional characterization of the CBP24 will elucidate the substrate-interaction pathway of the protein in specific and the carbohydrate binding proteins in general leading towards the exploration and exploitation of the prokaryotic substrate utilization pathways.  相似文献   

The recent availability of crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin offers new opportunities in order to approach the construction of G protein coupled receptors. This study focuses the attention on the modeling of full-length alpha(1a) adrenergic receptor (alpha(1a)-AR) due to its biological role and significant implications in pharmacological treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia. This work could be considered made up by two main steps: (a) the construction of full structure of alpha(1a)-AR, through homology modeling methods; (b) the automated docking of an endogenous agonist, norepinephrine, and of an antagonist, WB-4101, using BioDock program. The obtained results highlight the key residues involved in binding sites of both agonists and antagonists, confirming the mutagenesis data and giving new suggestions for the rational design of selective ligands.  相似文献   

An improved generalized comparative modeling method, GENECOMP, for the refinement of threading models is developed and validated on the Fischer database of 68 probe-template pairs, a standard benchmark used to evaluate threading approaches. The basic idea is to perform ab initio folding using a lattice protein model, SICHO, near the template provided by the new threading algorithm PROSPECTOR. PROSPECTOR also provides predicted contacts and secondary structure for the template-aligned regions, and possibly for the unaligned regions by garnering additional information from other top-scoring threaded structures. Since the lowest-energy structure generated by the simulations is not necessarily the best structure, we employed two structure-selection protocols: distance geometry and clustering. In general, clustering is found to generate somewhat better quality structures in 38 of 68 cases. When applied to the Fischer database, the protocol does no harm and in a significant number of cases improves upon the initial threading model, sometimes dramatically. The procedure is readily automated and can be implemented on a genomic scale.  相似文献   


The mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) is the critical protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane that is the primary mediator for calcium uptake into the mitochondrial matrix. Herein we built the optimal homology model of human MCU which was refined through all-atom molecular dynamics simulation. Then, the binding mode of known inhibitor was predicted through molecular docking method, along with molecular dynamics simulation and binding free energy calculation to verify the docking result and stability of the protein-inhibitor complex. Finally, density functional theory (DFT) calculation enhanced our understanding of the molecular interaction of MCU inhibitor. Our research would provide a deeper insight into the interactions between human MCU and its inhibitor, which boosts to develop novel therapy against MCU related disease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Zhou Z  Bates M  Madura JD 《Proteins》2006,65(3):580-592
Human heparanase is an endo-beta-D-glycosidase that cleaves heparan sulphate (HS) chains in the extracellular matrix and basement membrane. It is known that the cleavage of HS by heparanase results in cell invasion and metastasis of cancer. Therefore, heparanase is considered an important target for cancer drug development. The three-dimensional structure of heparanase would be useful in the rational design of inhibitors targeted to the enzyme; however, the three-dimensional structure has not yet been determined. In our effort to design inhibitors, we developed a three-dimensional structure of heparanase using a homology-modeling approach. The homology-built structure is consistent to previous bioinformatics and site-mutation experimental results. The heparanase features a (alpha/beta)(8) TIM-barrel fold with two glutamate residues (Glu225 and Glu343) located in the active-site cleft. This feature supports the putative mechanism of proton donor and nucleophilic sites. Docking simulations yielded 41 complex structures, which indicate that the bound inhibitor could block ligand binding into the catalytic site. A free energy of binding model was established for 25 heparanase inhibitors with a training set of 25 heparanase inhibitors using the linear response MM-PBSA approach (LR-MM-PBSA). The correlation between calculated and experimental activity was 0.79 and the reliability of the model was validated with leave-one-out cross-validation method. Its predictive capability was further validated using a test set of 16 inhibitors similar to the training set of inhibitors. The correlation between the predicted and observed activities is significantly improved by the protein "induced-fit" that accounts for the flexibility of the receptor. These interaction and pharmacophore elements provide a unique insight to the rational design of new ligands targeted to the enzyme.  相似文献   


Endo-β-1,4-mannanase named as RfGH5_7 from Ruminococcus flavefaciens cloned, expressed and purified earlier was structurally characterized in present study. The RaptorX modeled structure of RfGH5_7 showed a (β/α)8 Triose-phosphate Isomerase (TIM) barrel fold. The Ramachandran plot assessment of RfGH5_7 showed that all amino acids fall in allowed region except one, Asn22 in the disallowed region. The superposition of RfGH5_7 modeled structure with its nearest homologues revealed that Glu154 acts as proton donor while Glu249 acts as nucleophile. Secondary structure of RfGH5_7 through Circular Dichroism (CD) analysis revealed 33.5% α-helices, 17% β-strands and 49.5% random coils. Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulation showed Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD), 0.67?nm and radius of gyration (Rg) between 1.9?nm and 1.85?nm. The binding interaction of mannotetraose on the surface of RfGH5_7 structure displayed polar interactions with His219, Tyr221, Trp278, Ser279 and Gly282 residues. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis displayed the intact and monodispersed nature of the enzyme RfGH5_7. The radius of gyration (Rg) by Guinier analysis for globular shape was found to be 2.29?±?0.09?nm and for rod-shape it was 0.95?±?0.02?nm. Kratky plot confirmed that RfGH5_7 structure is compact and folded in solution. The ab initio derived dummy model of RfGH5_7 displayed single domain structure of yellow humped fish like shape. The RfGH5_7 modeled structure was well fitted with ab initio derived model from SAXS data.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The vasotocin receptor family is homologous to the mammalian vasopressin G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family. The vasotocin receptor 2 (VT2R) and 4 (VT4R) have recently been shown to play important role(s) in the neuroendocrine regulation of stress in birds. A homology-based structural model of VT4R of the domestic chicken, Gallus gallus, was built using the sophisticated SYBYL-X suite. The structure of VT4R built with and without extra- and intracellular unstructured loops showed a seven-helix transmembrane domain, which is a characteristic feature of GPCRs. Several agonists and antagonists were screened by molecular docking to map their potential binding sites on the structure of VT4R. Interestingly, the presence of the N-terminal, intracellular and extracellular loops and C-terminal amino acid sequences emerging from the transmembrane domains during molecular docking appeared to influence the binding interface of the peptide agonists and peptide/non-peptide antagonists on the VT4R. The presence of unstructured loops, however, did not affect the relative binding affinity ranking of the peptide antagonists to VT4R. In general, the natural ligand, arginine vasotocin and the peptide/non-peptide antagonists were observed to be more deeply buried in the receptor. Results of in vitro inhibition experiments, using cultured anterior pituitary cells, showed excellent agreement with the binding affinity of the antagonists predicted by molecular docking. The results of this study provide valuable clues for the rational design of novel pharmaceutical compounds capable of blocking or attenuating the stress response.  相似文献   

Developing of multi-target HIV-1 entry inhibitors represents an important avenue of drug therapy. Two such inhibitors are hexa-arginine-neomycin-conjugate (NeoR6) and nona-d-arginine-neomycin-conjugate (Neo-r9). Our findings that NeoR6-resistant mutations appear in the gp120 constant regions; and NeoR6 is not CCR5 antagonist, but inhibits CXCR4 and CCR5 HIV-1 using isolates, led us to suggest that NeoR6 may inhibit HIV-1 entry by interfering with the CD4-gp120 binding. To support this notion, we constructed a homology model of unliganded HIV-1IIIB gp120 and docked NeoR6 and Neo-r9 to it, using a multistep docking procedure: geometric-electrostatic docking by MolFit; flexible ligand docking by Autodock3 and final refinement of the obtained complexes by Discover3. Binding free energies were calculated by MM-PBSA methodology. The model predicts competitive inhibition of CD4-gp120 binding by NeoR6 and Neo-r9. We determined plausible binding sites between constructed CD4-bound gp120 trimer and homology modeled membranal CXCR4, and tested NeoR6 and Neo-r9 interfering with this interaction. These models support our notion that another mechanism of anti-HIV-1 activity of NeoR6 is inhibition of gp120-CXCR4 binding. These structural models and interaction of NeoR6 and Neo-r9 with gp120 and CXCR4 provide a powerful approach for structural based drug design for selective targeting of HIV-1 entry and/or for inhibition of other retroviruses with similar mechanism of entry.  相似文献   

Although protein Z (PZ) has a domain arrangement similar to the essential coagulation proteins FVII, FIX, FX, and protein C, its serine protease (SP)-like domain is incomplete and does not exhibit proteolytic activity. We have generated a trial sequence of putative activated protein Z (PZa) by identifying amino acid mutations in the SP-like domain that might reasonably resurrect the serine protease catalytic activity of PZ. The structure of the activated form was then modeled based on the proposed sequence using homology modeling and solvent-equilibrated molecular dynamics simulations. In silico docking of inhibitors of FVIIa and FXa to the putative active site of equilibrated PZa, along with structural comparison with its homologous proteins, suggest that the designed PZa can possibly act as a serine protease.  相似文献   

All of the α-subgroups share similarity in their sequence and structure but different in the toxicity to various voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs). We modeled the first 3D structural model of the Od1 based on BmK M1 using homology modeling. The reliability of model for more investigation and compare to BmK M1 has been examined and confirmed. Then the model structure is further refined by energy minimization and molecular dynamics methods. The purpose of this modeling and simulation is comparison toxicity of two mentioned toxins by investigation structural feature of functional regions including core domain, 5-turn and C-terminal which make NC domain. In the one hand, it is intriguing that Od1 in comparison to BmK M1 shows same solvent accessible surface area (SASA) in 5-turn region but a little more exposed and feasibility (more SASA) in C-terminal region and key functional residues of C-terminal such as positive residues Arg58, lys62 and Arg (His)64. These data suggested that Od1 has similarity with BmK M1 but has more toxicity to sodium channel. In the other hand 5-turn proximity of C-terminal to 5-turn in BmK M1with cis peptide bond is less than Od1 without cis peptide bond which is a confirmation with experimental data about BmK M1.A better understanding of the 3-D structure of Od1and comparison to BmK M1 will be helpful for more investigation of functional characters action of natural toxins with a specialized role for VGSCs.  相似文献   

Over the last seven years our laboratory has focused on the determination of the structural aspects of nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDases) using site-directed mutagenesis and computational comparative protein modeling to generate hypotheses and models for the hydrolytic site and enzymatic mechanism of the family of NTPDase nucleotidases. This review summarizes these studies utilizing NTPDase3 (also known as CD39L3 and HB6), an NTPDase family member that is intermediate in its characteristics between the more widely distributed and studied NTPDase1 (also known as CD39) and NTPDase2 (also known as CD39L1 and ecto-ATPase) enzymes. Relevant site-directed mutagenesis studies of other NTPDases are also discussed and compared to NTPDase3 results. It is anticipated that many of the results and conclusions reached via studies of NTPDase3 will be relevant to understanding the structure and enzymatic mechanism of all the cell-surface members of this family (NTPDase1–3, 8), and that understanding these NTPDase enzymes will aid in modulating the many varied processes under purinergic signaling control. This review also integrates the site-directed mutagenesis results with a recent 3-D structural model for the extracellular portion of NTPDases that helps explain the importance of the apyrase conserved regions (ACRs) of the NTPDases. Utilizing this model and published work from Dr Guidotti's laboratory concerning the importance and characteristics of the two transmembrane helices and their movements in response to substrate, we present a speculative cartoon model of the enzymatic mechanism of the membrane-bound NTPDases that integrates movements of the extracellular region required for catalysis with movements of the N- and C-terminal transmembrane helices that are important for control and modulation of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Transgenic maize produced by the insertion of the Cry transgene into its genome became the second most cultivated crop worldwide. Cry gene from Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki expresses protein derivatives of crystalline endotoxins which confer insect resistance onto the maize crop. Mandatory labeling of processed food containing or made by genetically modified organisms is in force in many countries, so, it is very urgent to develop fast and practical methods for GMO identification, for example, biosensors. In the absence of an available empirical structure of Cry1A(b)16 protein, a theoretical model was effectively generated, in this work, by homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations based on two available homologous protein structures. Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to refine the selected model, and an analysis of its global structure was performed. The refined models of Cry1A(b)16 showed a standard fold and structural characteristics similar to those seen in Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A(a) insecticidal toxin and Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki Cry1A(c) toxin. After in silico analysis of Cry1A(b)16, two immunoreactive candidate peptides were selected and specific polyclonal antibodies were produced resulting in antibody–peptide interaction. Biosensing devices are expected to be developed for detection of the Cry1A(b) protein as a marker of transgenic maize in food. Proteins 2017; 85:1248–1257. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, benzothiophenes attract much attention of interest due to its possible inhibitory activity targeting FIXa, a blood coagulation factor that is essential for the amplification or consolidation phase of blood coagulation. To explore this inhibitory mechanism, three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationship (3D-QSAR), molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) studies on a series of 84 benzothiophene analogues, for the first time, were performed. As a result, a highly predictive CoMFA model was developed with the q2?=?0.52, r2?=?0.97 and r2pred?=?0.81, respectively. The CoMFA contour maps, the docking analysis, as well as the MD simulation results are all in a good agreement, proving the reliability and robustness of the model. These models and the information, we hoped, would be helpful in screening and development of novel drugs against thrombosis prior to synthesis.  相似文献   

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