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The isolation and identification of two novel metabolites in the fungal metabolism of pyrene are described. The plant-inhabiting basidiomycete Crinipellis stipitaria JK364 metabolized pyrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing four rings, when grown in submerged cultures in a medium containing malt extract, glucose, and yeast extract. In experiments with [14C] pyrene, after 7 days of incubation 40% of the labeled substrate was converted into organic solvent-extractable metabolites. Metabolites isolated from cultures grown with pyrene were identified as 1-pyrenylsulfate and trans-4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxypyrene. 1-Hydroxypyrene, the precursor of 1-pyrenylsulfate, was also detected. 1-Pyrenylsulfate was isolated from mycelial extracts, whereas trans-4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxypyrene was recovered from the culture filtrate. Identification of the compounds was based on their UV spectra, mass spectra, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. This is the first report on the detoxification of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon by a plant-inhabiting basidiomycete. The occurrence of 1-pyrenylsulfate and trans-4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxypyrene among fungal metabolites of pyrene is also new.  相似文献   

以长期被石油污染的沈抚污灌渠底泥为菌源,富集筛选出以芘为唯一碳源能够生长的菌株HXY-5,采用形态学和分子生物学鉴定相结合的方法进行菌株鉴定,运用光电比浊法测定其对芘的降解效果,通过单因素实验和正交实验确定其最佳发酵和培养条件。结果表明:HXY-5菌株为间型假丝酵母(Candida intermedia);其最适发酵和培养条件为蔗糖20 g,酵母浸粉2 g,MgSO_4·7H_2O 0.5 g,CaCl_2 0.01 g,KH_2PO_4 0.5 g,溶于1 000 mL蒸馏水中,初始pH 6.0,培养温度为25℃,175 r/min发酵24 h;在初始芘浓度为100 mg/L的液体无机盐培养基中,15 d时,HXY-5菌株对芘的降解率可达63%。结果表明,HXY-5菌株可以对芘环境污染进行修复。  相似文献   

Pyrene is a regulated pollutant at sites contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). It is mineralized by some bacteria but is also transformed to nonmineral products by a variety of other PAH-degrading bacteria. We examined the formation of such products by four bacterial strains and identified and further characterized the most apparently significant of these metabolites. Pseudomonas stutzeri strain P16 and Bacillus cereus strain P21 transformed pyrene primarily to cis-4,5-dihydro-4,5-dihydroxypyrene (PYRdHD), the first intermediate in the known pathway for aerobic bacterial mineralization of pyrene. Sphingomonas yanoikuyae strain R1 transformed pyrene to PYRdHD and pyrene-4,5-dione (PYRQ). Both strain R1 and Pseudomonas saccharophila strain P15 transform PYRdHD to PYRQ nearly stoichiometrically, suggesting that PYRQ is formed by oxidation of PYRdHD to 4,5-dihydroxypyrene and subsequent autoxidation of this metabolite. A pyrene-mineralizing organism, Mycobacterium strain PYR-1, also transforms PYRdHD to PYRQ at high initial concentrations of PYRdHD. However, strain PYR-1 is able to use both PYRdHD and PYRQ as growth substrates. PYRdHD strongly inhibited phenanthrene degradation by strains P15 and R1 but had only a minor effect on strains P16 and P21. At their aqueous saturation concentrations, both PYRdHD and PYRQ severely inhibited benzo[a]pyrene mineralization by strains P15 and R1. Collectively, these findings suggest that products derived from pyrene transformation have the potential to accumulate in PAH-contaminated systems and that such products can significantly influence the removal of other PAH. However, these products may be susceptible to subsequent degradation by organisms able to metabolize pyrene more extensively if such organisms are present in the system.  相似文献   

A strain of Aspergillus terreus was isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) polluted soil. The metabolism of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene by this fungus was investigated in liquid submerged culture added of 50 and 25 ppm respectively of each compound. Depletion of pyrene and Benzo(a)pyrene was evident during the first stages of growth and was 60% and 27.5% respectively of the added amount after nine days of culture. Solvent extracts of the fermentation broth and mycelium were analysed for presence of metabolites by HPLC-MS technique. Under the present cultural conditions pyrene was mainly metabolised to pyrenylsulfate similarly to benzo(a)pyrene that led to benzo(a)pyrenylsulfate. The structure of 1-pyrenilsulfate was determined after purification of extracts and H-NMR analysis. The result show that the isolated A. terreus strain metabolises PAHs by reaction similar to those previously reported for non lignolinolytic fungi with a mechanism that suggests the hydroxylation by a cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase followed by conjugation with sulfate ion.  相似文献   

Transformations of 2-hydroxybenzoate and fluorobenzoate isomers were investigated in the strictly anaerobic Syntrophus aciditrophicus to gain insight into the initial steps of the metabolism of aromatic acids. 2-Hydroxybenzoate was metabolized to methane and acetate by S. aciditrophicus and Methanospirillum hungatei cocultures and reduced to cyclohexane carboxylate by pure cultures of S. aciditrophicus when grown in the presence of crotonate. Under both conditions, transient accumulation of benzoate but not phenol was observed, indicating that dehydroxylation occurred prior to ring reduction. Pure cultures of S. aciditrophicus reductively dehalogenated 3-fluorobenzoate with the stoichiometric accumulation of benzoate and fluorine. 3-Fluorobenzoate-degrading cultures produced a metabolite that had a fragmentation pattern almost identical to that of the trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivative of 3-fluorobenzoate but with a mass increase of 2 units. When cells were incubated with deuterated water, this metabolite had a mass increase of 3 or 4 units relative to the TMS derivative of 3-fluorobenzoate. 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (19F NMR) detected a metabolite in fluorobenzoate-degrading cultures with two double bonds, either 1-carboxyl-3-fluoro-2,6-cyclohexadiene or 1-carboxyl-3-fluoro-3,6-cyclohexadiene. The mass spectral and NMR data are consistent with the addition of two hydrogen or deuterium atoms to 3-fluorobenzoate, forming a 3-fluorocyclohexadiene metabolite. The production of a diene metabolite provides evidence that S. aciditrophicus contains dearomatizing reductase that uses two electrons to dearomatize the aromatic ring.  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was detected in the ether extracts of culture filtrates of indigotin-producing strains of the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune. Several solvents, known to give distinctly different RF values for IAA, and 3 location reagents gave identical results with synthetic IAA and IAA found in the extract. Confirmation was obtained by the Avena straight growth test, split pea test, and ultraviolet absorption spectrum.  相似文献   

Pyrene degradation is known in bacteria. In this study, Mycobacterium sp. strain KMS was used to study the metabolites produced during, and enzymes involved in, pyrene degradation. Several key metabolites, including pyrene-4,5-dione, cis-4,5-pyrene-dihydrodiol, phenanthrene-4,5-dicarboxylic acid, and 4-phenanthroic acid, were identified during pyrene degradation. Pyrene-4,5-dione, which accumulates as an end product in some gram-negative bacterial cultures, was further utilized and degraded by Mycobacterium sp. strain KMS. Enzymes involved in pyrene degradation by Mycobacterium sp. strain KMS were studied, using 2-D gel electrophoresis. The first protein in the catabolic pathway, aromatic-ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase, which oxidizes pyrene to cis-4,5-pyrene-dihydrodiol, was induced with the addition of pyrene and pyrene-4,5-dione to the cultures. The subcomponents of dioxygenase, including the alpha and beta subunits, 4Fe-4S ferredoxin, and the Rieske (2Fe-2S) region, were all induced. Other proteins responsible for further pyrene degradation, such as dihydrodiol dehydrogenase, oxidoreductase, and epoxide hydrolase, were also found to be significantly induced by the presence of pyrene and pyrene-4,5-dione. Several nonpathway-related proteins, including sterol-binding protein and cytochrome P450, were induced. A pyrene degradation pathway for Mycobacterium sp. strain KMS was proposed and confirmed by proteomic study by identifying almost all the enzymes required during the initial steps of pyrene degradation.  相似文献   

Nonfluorescent highly virulent strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata isolated in different European countries and in Uruguay produce a nonfluorescent peptide siderophore, the production of which is iron repressed and specific to these strains. The amino acid composition of this siderophore is identical to that of the dominant fluorescent peptide siderophore produced by fluorescent P. syringae strains, and the molecular masses of the respective Fe(III) chelates are 1,177 and 1,175 atomic mass units. The unchelated nonfluorescent siderophore is converted into the fluorescent siderophore at pH 10, and colors and spectral characteristics of the unchelated siderophores and of the Fe(III)-chelates in acidic conditions are similar to those of dihydropyoverdins and pyoverdins, respectively. The nonfluorescent siderophore is used by fluorescent and nonfluorescent P. syringae strains. These results and additional mass spectrometry data strongly suggest the presence of a pyoverdin chromophore in the fluorescent siderophore and a dihydropyoverdin chromophore in the nonfluorescent siderophore, which are both ligated to a succinamide residue. When chelated, the siderophores behave differently from typical pyoverdins and dihydropyoverdins in neutral and alkaline conditions, apparently because of the ionization occurring around pH 4.5 of carboxylic acids present in β-hydroxyaspartic acid residues of the peptide chains. These differences can be detected visually by pH-dependent changes of the chelate colors and spectrophotochemically. These characteristics and the electrophoretic behavior of the unchelated and chelated siderophores offer new tools to discriminate between saprophytic fluorescent Pseudomonas species and fluorescent P. syringae and P. viridiflava strains and to distinguish between the two siderovars in P. syringae pv. aptata.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium sp. strain AP1 grew with pyrene as a sole source of carbon and energy. The identification of metabolites accumulating during growth suggests that this strain initiates its attack on pyrene by either monooxygenation or dioxygenation at its C-4, C-5 positions to give trans- or cis-4,5-dihydroxy-4,5-dihydropyrene, respectively. Dehydrogenation of the latter, ortho cleavage of the resulting diol to form phenanthrene 4,5-dicarboxylic acid, and subsequent decarboxylation to phenanthrene 4-carboxylic acid lead to degradation of the phenanthrene 4-carboxylic acid via phthalate. A novel metabolite identified as 6,6′-dihydroxy-2,2′-biphenyl dicarboxylic acid demonstrates a new branch in the pathway that involves the cleavage of both central rings of pyrene. In addition to pyrene, strain AP1 utilized hexadecane, phenanthrene, and fluoranthene for growth. Pyrene-grown cells oxidized the methylenic groups of fluorene and acenaphthene and catalyzed the dihydroxylation and ortho cleavage of one of the rings of naphthalene and phenanthrene to give 2-carboxycinnamic and diphenic acids, respectively. The catabolic versatility of strain AP1 and its use of ortho cleavage mechanisms during the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) give new insight into the role that pyrene-degrading bacterial strains may play in the environmental fate of PAH mixtures.  相似文献   

The metabolism of coumarin by a strain of Pseudomonas isolated from soil which utilizes coumarin as a sole carbon source was studied. The metabolic pathway was shown to be coumarin→dihydrocoumarin→melilotic acid→2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid, based on the results of (1) isolation and identification of metabolic products, (2) survey on the utilization of the postulated intermeidates and (3) examination of enzymatic reaction. An alternative pathway involving o-coumaric acid and 2,3-dihydroxycinnamic acid as intermediates at the metabolism of coumarin was also discussed.

Coumarin reducing enzyme (dihydrocoumarin : NAD[NADP] oxydo-reductase) which catalizes the reduction of coumarin to dihydrocoumarin was partially purified from the extracts of the above strain of Pseudomonas and some properties of the enzyme were investigated. The optimum pH of the reaction was 5.25. The enzyme is highly specific with respect to coumarin, and Km values for coumarin and NADH were 6.6 × 10?6 m and 4.1 × 10?5 m, respectively. The enzyme activity was extremely sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents particularly to p-chloromercuribenzoate. 2-Mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol protected the enzyme from inactivation by low temperature storage. The molecular weight of enzyme was estimated to be about 140,000 by gel permiation Chromatographic method. The enzyme showed a substrate inhibition at higher concentrations of coumarin. This inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to NADH. The enzyme was also inhibited by many coumarin analogues. 3-Hydroxycoumarin showed noncompetitive inhibition with both coumarin and NADH. The mechanism of inhibition for the enzyme is discussed. It is concluded that enzyme protein contains zinc atom and that NADH is attached to zinc in the enzyme reaction.  相似文献   

目前,关于microRNA(miRNA)的研究越来越多,但是有关负鼠miRNA的研究却相对较少.为了研究灰色短尾负鼠(Monodelphis domestica)的miRNA,以人和小鼠的miRNA为参考序列,分别利用BLAST、比较基因组学两种方法获得可能的短尾负鼠前体序列(pre-miRNA),并各自用机器学习方法分类鉴定,取这两个结果的交集即得到54条新的短尾负鼠pre-miRNA.将这些新发现的pre-miRNA与miRBase19中已经报道的156条pre-miRNA序列合并,设置miRNA基因间距为5 000 bp时,这些miRNA基因可以形成26个基因簇.这些新发现的miRNA均位于编码基因的间区,同时除部分外,新发现的miRNA基因可以归类到31个已知的miRNA家族.最后,计算分析了保守的新发现的39个miRNA基因的靶基因及其功能.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus sp. strain DK17 is able to grow on o-xylene, benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene. DK17 harbors at least two megaplasmids, and the genes encoding the initial steps in alkylbenzene metabolism are present on the 330-kb pDK2. The genes encoding alkylbenzene degradation were cloned in a cosmid clone and sequenced completely to reveal 35 open reading frames (ORFs). Among the ORFs, we identified two nearly exact copies (one base difference) of genes encoding large and small subunits of an iron sulfur protein terminal oxygenase that are 6 kb apart from each other. Immediately downstream of one copy of the dioxygenase genes (akbA1a and akbA2a) is a gene encoding a dioxygenase ferredoxin component (akbA3), and downstream of the other copy (akbA1b and akbA2b) are genes putatively encoding a meta-cleavage pathway. RT-PCR experiments show that the two copies of the dioxygenase genes are operonic with the downstream putative catabolic genes and that both operons are induced by o-xylene. When expressed in Escherichia coli, AkbA1a-AkbA2a-AkbA3 transformed o-xylene into 2,3- and 3,4-dimethylphenol. These were apparently derived from an unstable o-xylene cis-3,4-dihydrodiol, which readily dehydrates. This indicates a single point of attack of the dioxygenase on the aromatic ring. In contrast, attack of AkbA1a-AkbA2a-AkbA3 on ethylbenzene resulted in the formation of two different cis-dihydrodiols resulting from an oxidation at the 2,3 and the 3,4 positions on the aromatic ring, respectively.  相似文献   

The denitrifying strain T1 is able to grow with toluene serving as its sole carbon source. Two mutants which have defects in this toluene utilization pathway have been characterized. A clone has been isolated, and subclones which contain tutD and tutE, two genes in the T1 toluene metabolic pathway, have been generated. The tutD gene codes for an 864-amino-acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 97,600 Da. The tutE gene codes for a 375-amino-acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 41,300 Da. Two additional small open reading frames have been identified, but their role is not known. The TutE protein has homology to pyruvate formate-lyase activating enzymes. The TutD protein has homology to pyruvate formate-lyase enzymes, including a conserved cysteine residue at the active site and a conserved glycine residue that is activated to a free radical in this enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis of these two conserved amino acids shows that they are also essential for the function of TutD.  相似文献   

The initial metabolites in the degradation of pyrene, anthracene, fluorene, and dibenzothiophene by Pleurotus ostreatus were isolated by high-pressure liquid chromatography and characterized by UV-visible, gas-chromatographic, mass-spectrometric, and (sup1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectral techniques. The metabolites from pyrene, dibenzothiophene, anthracene, and fluorene amounted to 45, 84, 64, and 96% of the total organic-solvent-extractable metabolites, respectively. Pyrene was metabolized predominantly to pyrene trans-4,5-dihydrodiol. Anthracene was metabolized predominantly to anthracene trans-1,2-dihydrodiol and 9,10-anthraquinone. In contrast, fluorene and dibenzothiophene were oxidized at the aliphatic bridges instead of the aromatic rings. Fluorene was oxidized to 9-fluorenol and 9-fluorenone; dibenzothiophene was oxidized to the sulfoxide and sulfone. Circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that the major enantiomer of anthracene trans-1,2-dihydrodiol was predominantly in the S,S configuration and the major enantiomer of the pyrene trans-4,5-dihydrodiol was predominantly R,R. These results indicate that the white rot fungus P. ostreatus initially metabolizes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by reactions similar to those previously reported for nonligninolytic fungi. However, P. ostreatus, in contrast to nonligninolytic fungi, can mineralize these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The identity of the dihydrodiol metabolites implicates a cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase mechanism.  相似文献   

In dual culture confrontation assays, basidiomycete Irpex lacteus efficiently antagonized Fusarium spp., Colletotrichum spp., and Phytophthora spp. phytopathogenic strains, with growth inhibition percentages between 16.7–46.3%. Antibiosis assays evaluating the inhibitory effect of soluble extracellular metabolites indicated I. lacteus strain inhibited phytopathogens growth between 32.0–86.7%. Metabolites in the extracellular broth filtrate, identified by UPLC-QTOF mass spectrometer, included nine terpenes, two aldehydes, and derivatives of a polyketide, a quinazoline, and a xanthone, several of which had antifungal activity. I. lacteus strain and its extracellular metabolites might be valuable tools for phytopathogenic fungi and oomycete biocontrol of agricultural relevance.  相似文献   

G Terai  H Okida  K Asai  T Mituyama 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44314
MicroRNA (miRNA) precursor hairpins have a unique secondary structure, nucleotide length, and nucleotide content that are in most cases evolutionarily conserved. The aim of this study was to utilize position-specific features of miRNA hairpins to improve their identification. To this end, we defined the evolutionary and structurally conserved features in each position of miRNA hairpins with heuristically derived values, which were successfully integrated using a probabilistic framework. Our method, miRRim2, can not only accurately detect miRNA hairpins, but infer the location of a mature miRNA sequence. To evaluate the accuracy of miRRim2, we designed a cross validation test in which the whole human genome was used for evaluation. miRRim2 could more accurately detect miRNA hairpins than the other computational predictions that had been performed on the human genome, and detect the position of the 5'-end of mature miRNAs with sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) above 0.4. To further evaluate miRRim2 on independent data, we applied it to the Ciona intestinalis genome. Our method detected 47 known miRNA hairpins among top 115 candidates, and pinpointed the 5'-end of mature miRNAs with sensitivity and PPV about 0.4. When our results were compared with deep-sequencing reads of small RNA libraries from Ciona intestinalis cells, we found several candidates in which the predicted mature miRNAs were in good accordance with deep-sequencing results.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of benzene and derivatives has been used to accumulate meta-ring fission products of several catechols, including catechol, 3- and 4- methylcatechols, and 3- (trifluoromethyl) catechol. Dilute solutions of these yellow highly absorbing products were used to examine reaction conditions that affect their facile cyclizations with nitrogen nucleophiles, principally NH3. The effects of NH4+/NH3 concentration, pH and temperature on the non-enzymic cyclizations of 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde to 2-picolinate and its substituted derivatives have been characterised. As expected, the enzymic product from 3-(trifluoromethyl) catechol cyclised 20 times more slowly than that from 3-methylcatechol under identical reaction conditions. Most of the biological and chemical transformations were studied in very dilute solutions for the convenience of optical absorbance measurements. Because of the known sensitivity of the spectral shifts and extinction coefficients to minor changes in pH between 4 and 8 both of the pyridine synthons (vinylogous β-dicarbonyls) generated by ring cleavage of the catechols and of the 2-picolinates, the pKa values were determined for the pH-dependent tautomeric shifts of the reactants and products so that reasonably accurate assessments of the stoichiometries of the cyclizations could be made. The yield of pyridines from the ring cleavage synthons was usually 71 to 95 per cent. Other nitrogen nucleophiles (methylamine, hydroxylamine, hydrazine and phenylhydrazine) also reacted with the ring-fission products but the putative N-substituted 2-picolinates were not characterised.  相似文献   

An immunoblot procedure for the strain-specific quantitative analysis of commercial Rhizobium inoculants was developed. The technique greatly reduced the time required for inoculant analysis. Correlation between immunoblot analysis and traditional plant nodule grow-out most-probable-number techniques was r = 0.90 for 16 commercial alfalfa inoculants tested.  相似文献   

The basidiomycete Collybia dryophila K209, which colonizes forest soil, was found to decompose a natural humic acid isolated from pine-forest litter (LHA) and a synthetic 14C-labeled humic acid (14C-HA) prepared from [U-14C]catechol in liquid culture. Degradation resulted in the formation of polar, lower-molecular-mass fulvic acid (FA) and carbon dioxide. HA decomposition was considerably enhanced in the presence of Mn2+ (200 μM), leading to 75% conversion of LHA and 50% mineralization of 14C-HA (compared to 60% and 20%, respectively, in the absence of Mn2+). There was a strong indication that manganese peroxidase (MnP), the production of which was noticeably increased in Mn2+-supplemented cultures, was responsible for this effect. The enzyme was produced as a single protein with a pI of 4.7 and a molecular mass of 44 kDa. During solid-state cultivation, C. dryophila released substantial amounts of water-soluble FA (predominantly of 0.9 kDa molecular mass) from insoluble litter material. The results indicate that basidiomycetes such as C. dryophila which colonize forest litter and soil are involved in humus turnover by their recycling of high-molecular-mass humic substances. Extracellular MnP seems to be a key enzyme in the conversion process.  相似文献   

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