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曾涛 《生态科学》1996,15(2):87-90
以专利生物法处理糖蜜酒精废液后所得的浓缩液为基料,添加一定量的制糖滤泥及无机辅料而制成的生物有机复合肥,既有无机肥高效快速又有有机肥长效改土提高肥力的优点,兼有明显的微生物效应,经盆栽及大田试验表明肥效显著。该项目既实现了酒精生产中的废液“零排放”,又可获得可观的经济效益、巨大的环境效益和深远的社会效益  相似文献   

甘蔗糖蜜酒精废液混菌发酵菌体蛋白的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈有为  李绍兰 《工业微生物》1996,26(2):13-16,20
本文报导利用甘蔗糖蜜酒精废液混菌发酵高质量菌体蛋白的研究,通过热带假丝酵母Candida tropicalis种合融合株Ct-3配伍其他菌株,混菌发酵时间缩短2 ̄4h,生物量可达20g/L,粗蛋白质含量50 ̄53%,灰份≤10%,水分为5 ̄8%,与Ct-3单菌发酵相比,蛋白质提高4 ̄6%。  相似文献   

固定化酵母细胞工业性生产糖蜜酒精的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用一种耐腐蚀的蓬松型化纤质新型载体,结合低浓度海藻酸钙凝胶的包埋作用,进行酵母活细胞的联合固定化。建立起6.5m~3×4规模的发酵系统,载体的投入量为8%(V/V),并使之均匀地相对固定于发酵罐内。流加单浓度稀糖蜜,在工业生产环境下连续运作生产酒精,其中,发酵产酒99天,正常条件下的发酵周期为12h,单位发酵体积的乙醇生产能力平均为6.21g/L·h。成熟醪液乙醇含量平均为9.44%(V/V),转化率为93.7%。  相似文献   

糖蜜酒精废水是糖厂利用糖蜜生产酒精后的废液,废水中色素的含量较高,脱色为该类废水处理过程中的一大难题。采用富集培养技术,将取自糖厂IC(internal circulation)反应器底部的活性污泥加入到不同浓度废水中进行富集,得到的菌群可使废水脱色24%、COD(chemical oxygen demand)去除率19.2%。为了提高菌群的脱色能力,研究了几种单因素对菌群生长、脱色及COD去除能力的影响,结果发现,菌群使废水脱色和去除COD的最佳条件为:10%(v/v)废水中添加0.5%葡萄糖、0.1%蛋白胨、0.1%KH2PO4、0.05%MgSO4·7H2O、0.05%KCl,废水初始pH7.0,在37℃培养7d,废水脱色率达46.2%、COD去除率为38.5%。为了了解以上条件下菌群的群落结构,采用分子生态学方法构建了菌群中细菌16S rDNA文库并对代表性的克隆进行了测序,结果显示其中细菌主要分布在Firmicutes、Proteobacteria、Bacteroidetes的7个目中,分别是Erysipelotrich-ales、Clostridiales、Lactobacillales、Xanthomonadales、Burkholderiales、Enterobacteriales、Bacteroidales。大多数细菌属于发酵型细菌,化能异氧型。本研究结果为利用微生物调控糖蜜酒精废水的生物处理提供了依据。  相似文献   

浓缩糖蜜酒精废水发酵生产白地霉   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谌斌  刘明登 《生物技术》2002,12(3):38-39
探讨了利用糖厂的浓缩酒精废水,进行白地霉摇瓶培养的一些试验条件,即浓缩废水先稀释10倍,添加0.15%麸皮发酵进行到5h时补充0.1%硫酸铵,0.05%磷酸,初始pH值调整为4.5-5.0,接种量为10%,温度28-30℃,得到了0.4-0.45%干物质发酵产率。  相似文献   

酒精废液降解菌Q5的化学诱变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周盛 《生物技术》2009,19(5):52-54
目的:筛选出一些酒精废液的降解菌。方法:使用亚硝基胍(NTG)、亚硝基甲基脲(NMU)等对酒精废液降解菌Q5进行诱变。结果:在无机盐选择培养基上生长菌株有36株,再经5次传代试验仅有8株能稳定传代,最后筛选出以酒精废液为碳源的性能较好的突变菌株Q58。该突变菌株Q58对酒精废液的降解率比出发菌株高0.65%;对酒精废液的降解时间比出发菌株缩短12h。  相似文献   

从土壤中筛选出一株适合用甘蔗糖蜜酒精发酵液生产腐植酸的菌株H812。单因素实验和正交实验结果表明,该菌株培养的最适酒精发酵液浓度为16°Bx,最适培养条件为:时间8d、温度34℃、摇床转速200r/min、初始pH7.0、接种量12%和装液量50ml/250ml,其中温度对发酵产品影响显著。在优化的条件下,腐植酸产量为38.12 g/L,较优化前提高了148.34%。对H812菌株进行形态特征分析以及ITS序列分析,推测该菌株为曲霉属真菌。  相似文献   

Post-Treatment Options for the Anaerobic Treatment of Domestic Wastewater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the post-treatment options for the anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater. Initially, the main limitations of anaerobic systems regarding carbon, nutrients and pathogen removal are presented. In sequence, the advantages of combined anaerobic/aerobic treatment and the main post-treatment options currently in use are discussed, including the presentation of flowsheets and a comparison between various post-treatment systems. Lastly, the paper presents a review of emerging options and possible improvements of current post-treatment alternatives.  相似文献   

Anaerobic biodegradability of phthalic acid isomers and related compounds   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
All three phthalic acid isomers ( ortho, meta and para benzene dicarboxylic acid) are produced in massive amounts, and used in the chemical industry as plasticizers or for the production of polyester. Wastestreams generated during the production of phthalate isomers generally contain high concentrations of aromatic acids. To study the potential biodegradability of these primarily anthropogenic compounds in anaerobic bioreactors, biodegradability studies were performed. Compounds tested were benzoate, ortho-phthalate, isophthalate, terephthalate, dimethyl phthalate, dimethyl terephthalate, para-toluate and para-xylene. Seed materials tested were two types of granular sludge and digested sewage sludge. It was found that all phthalate isomers and their corresponding dimethyl-esters, could be completely mineralized by all seed materials studied. Lag phases required for 50% degradation of these compounds, ranged from 17 to 156 days. The observed degradation curves could be explained by growth of an initially small amount of organisms in the inoculum with the specific ability to degrade one phthalate isomer. The observed order in the length of the lag phases for the phthalate isomers is: phthalate < terephthalate < isophthalate. This order appears to be related to the environmental abundancy of the different phthalate isomers. The initial step in the degradation pathway of both dimethyl phthalate esters was hydrolysis of the ester sidechain, resulting in the formation of the corresponding mono-methyl-phthalate isomer and phthalate isomer. The rate limiting step in mineralization of both dimethyl phthalate and dimethyl terephthalate was found to be fermentation of the phthalate isomer. Para-toluate was degraded only by digested sewage sludge after a lag phase of 425 days. The observed degradation rates of this compound were very low. No mineralization of para-xylene was observed. In general, the differences in the lag phases between different seed materials were relatively small. These results indicate that the time needed for the start-up of anaerobic bioreactors treating wastewaters containing phthalic acid isomers, depends little on the microbial composition of the seed material applied, but may take several months.  相似文献   

The Taguchi robust experimental design (DOE) methodology has been applied on a dynamic anaerobic process treating complex wastewater by an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR). For optimizing the process as well as to evaluate the influence of different factors on the process, the uncontrollable (noise) factors have been considered. The Taguchi methodology adopting dynamic approach is the first of its kind for studying anaerobic process evaluation and process optimization. The designed experimental methodology consisted of four phases--planning, conducting, analysis, and validation connected sequence-wise to achieve the overall optimization. In the experimental design, five controllable factors, i.e., organic loading rate (OLR), inlet pH, biodegradability (BOD/COD ratio), temperature, and sulfate concentration, along with the two uncontrollable (noise) factors, volatile fatty acids (VFA) and alkalinity at two levels were considered for optimization of the anae robic system. Thirty-two anaerobic experiments were conducted with a different combination of factors and the results obtained in terms of substrate degradation rates were processed in Qualitek-4 software to study the main effect of individual factors, interaction between the individual factors, and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio analysis. Attempts were also made to achieve optimum conditions. Studies on the influence of individual factors on process performance revealed the intensive effect of OLR. In multiple factor interaction studies, biodegradability with other factors, such as temperature, pH, and sulfate have shown maximum influence over the process performance. The optimum conditions for the efficient performance of the anaerobic system in treating complex wastewater by considering dynamic (noise) factors obtained are higher organic loading rate of 3.5 Kg COD/m3 day, neutral pH with high biodegradability (BOD/COD ratio of 0.5), along with mesophilic temperature range (40 degrees C), and low sulfate concentration (700 mg/L). The optimization resulted in enhanced anaerobic performance (56.7%) from a substrate degradation rate (SDR) of 1.99 to 3.13 Kg COD/m3 day. Considering the obtained optimum factors, further validation experiments were carried out, which showed enhanced process performance (3.04 Kg COD/m3-day from 1.99 Kg COD/m3 day) accounting for 52.13% improvement with the optimized process conditions. The proposed method facilitated a systematic mathematical approach to understand the complex multi-species manifested anaerobic process treating complex chemical wastewater by considering the uncontrollable factors.  相似文献   

燃料乙醇制造的“零能耗零污染”趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
酒精蒸馏废液有充足的非淀粉生物质可供沼气转化,沼液营养丰富可作酵母发酵工艺用水。通过酒精高浓度发酵、沼气高效转化、沼气热电联产、差压蒸馏、环形过程工艺等产能、节能、无废技术的研发和集成,将最终完成木薯原料燃料酒精制造向“零能耗、零污染”生产技术的转型。  相似文献   

The effect of the inoculum source on the digestion of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) under anaerobic conditions has been investigated. The potential for primary and ultimate LAS biodegradation of anaerobic sludge samples obtained from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) of different geographical locations was studied applying a batch test system. It was found that only 4–22% of the LAS added to the batch anaerobic digesters was primarily transformed suggesting a poor primary degradation of the LAS molecule in anaerobic discontinuous systems. Regarding ultimate biodegradation, the addition of LAS to the batch anaerobic digesters caused a reduction on the extent of biogas production. Significant differences in the inhibition extent of the biogas production were observed (4–26%) depending on the sludge used as inoculum. Effect of the surfactant on the anaerobic microorganisms was correlated with its concentration in the aqueous phase. Sorption of LAS on anaerobic sludge affects its toxicity by depletion of the available fraction of the surfactant. LAS content on sludge was related to the total amount of calcium and magnesium extractable ions. The presence of divalent cations promote the association of LAS with anaerobic sludge reducing its bioavailability and the extent of its inhibitory effect on the biogas production.  相似文献   

Anaerobic treatment of sulphate-rich wastewaters   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Until recently, biological treatment of sulphate-rich wastewater was rather unpopular because of the production of H2S under anaerobic conditions. Gaseous and dissolved sulphides cause physical-chemical (corrosion, odour, increased effluent chemical oxygen demand) or biological (toxicity) constraints, which may lead to process failure. Anaerobic treatment of sulphate-rich wastewater can nevertheless be applied successfully provided a proper treatment strategy is selected. The strategies currently available are discussed in relation to the aim of the treatment: i) removal of organic matter, ii) removal of sulphate or iii) removal of both. Also a whole spectrum of new biotechnological applications (removal of organic chemical oxygen demand, sulphur, nitrogen and heavy metals), recently developed based on a better insight in sulphur transformations, are discussed.  相似文献   

Mösche M 《Biodegradation》2004,15(5):327-336
The anaerobic degradability of alcohol ethoxylates with various degrees of branching and several related substances was studied. Different inocula were employed in order to increase the probability of obtaining capable bacteria, and the degradation assays were fed with several small doses of the test substances in order to avoid inhibition by too high initial concentrations. Mineralization was quantified by monitoring the biogas production and inorganic carbon concentration in the liquid phase. Almost complete mineralization was achieved in the assays with linear alcohol ethoxylate, poly(ethylene glycol), dodecanol, 2-ethyl-hexanoic acid and 3-methyl-valeric acid. No significant degradation was detected in the assays with highly branched alcohol ethoxylate, 2-butyl-branched alcohol ethoxylate, alcohol alkoxylate, poly(propylene glycol) and iso-tridecanol. A 2-ethyl-branched alcohol ethoxylate was transformed to (2-ethyl-hexyloxy)-acetate, which was not further degraded. Apparently already the first step of anaerobic degradation of alcohol ethoxylates, the ethoxylate chain shortening, is sterically hindered by the alkyl branching. Alkyl branching in alcohol ethoxylates and the inclusion of propylene oxide units in alcohol alkoxylates seem to have a clearly more detrimental effect on anaerobic degradability than on aerobic degradability.  相似文献   

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