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Positive interactions in communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current concepts of the role of interspecific interactions in communities have been shaped by a profusion of experimental studies of interspecific competition over the past few decades. Evidence for the importance of positive interactions - facilitations - in community organization and dynamics has accrued to the point where it warrants formal inclusion into community ecology theory, as it has been in evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

植物邻体间的正相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炜平  王根轩 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5371-5380
植物间的正负相互作用是构建植被群落的重要因素,也是群落生态学研究的中心内容之一。近20a来,植物间正相互作用的研究得到快速发展。综述了正相互作用的定义,不同植物群落中的直接、间接正相互作用及其发生机制,正相互作用研究的实验和模型方法,正负相互作用随胁迫梯度的变化及正相互作用对群落构建的影响。探讨了正相互作用研究前景:(1)进一步理解正负相互作用的平衡及其对群落构建的影响;(2)加深对全球变暖背景下的正相互作用的认识;(3)需把正相互作用研究同进化联系起来;(4)充分发挥正相互作用在生态系统中的推动力作用,把正相互作用应用到生态恢复中,为恢复退化生态系统服务。  相似文献   

The familiar concepts of harvest and yield are developed for the purpose of describing predator-prey interactions in a community context. In this regard the functional response (appropriate for one predator-one prey systems) is replaced by a community harvest function. Conditions for the stability of an ecological community are obtained. Exploring the dynamics of predator-prey interactions within this framework leads to new interpretations of other dynamical models such as the Lotka-Volterra model. The concept of a community moving attractor point is introduced in order to describe the changes in all populations over time.  相似文献   

Tritrophic interactions in a soil community enhance decomposition rates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microbivorous soil fauna can influence decomposition rates by regulating biomass and composition of the microbial community. The idea that predators at higher trophic levels regulate population densities of microbivorous fauna and thus indirectly increase microbial growth and activity has often been suggested but rarely examined in soil ecosystems. In this paper the effects of tritrophic interactions on decomposition processes in the soil are studied and expressed as soil respiration, hyphal lengths, cellulase and chitinase activities. The experiments were carried out in soil microcosms in a factorial design with three fungal species ( Alternaria alternata , Fusarium oxysporum , Trichoderma viride ), the fungivorous collembolan Folsomia fimetaria and the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer . The respiration rate was significantly higher with three trophic levels than in those with two and lowest in those with only fungi present. This indicates that a low level of grazing stimulates microbial respiration more than a high level or no grazing at all. The effect was similar for all three fungal species but most pronounced in microcosms with the fungus A. alternata which was a preferred food source by the collembolans. Hyphal lengths were in all cases but with T. viride reduced in the presence of collembolans and predatory mites. T. viride had a slightly higher chitinase activity than the other fungi but increased numbers of trophic levels did not affect the enzymatic activities of any of the fungi.  相似文献   

In coconut plantations of northern New Guinea, the arboreal nesting termite community comprises three species:Nasutitermes princeps, N. novarumhebridarum, andMicrocerotermes biroi. In orde to assess the importance of intraspecific interactions in this community, we conducted pairwise encounters between batches of individuals in the laboratory and between entire nest populations in seminantural conditions. Three levels of agonism were defined in laboratory bioassays: anagonism, moderate agonism, and strong agonism. Anagonism was observed during all control tests with homocolonical groups and in some tests with allocolonial groups of all species. Moderate agonism included initial aggressiveness that subsequently faded out, and initially passive encounters where aggression progressively built up and led to fighting. Strong agonism corresponded to initial aggressiveness and fighting. Results obtained in alboratory bioassays were consistent with bioassays in seminatural conditions. WhenNasutitermes colonies were anagonists in laboratory bioassays, their foraging trails merged without aggression in field tests.N. princeps nests that were moderately agonistic in laboratory tests fought and either continued to avoid each other or finally joined after elimination of the most aggressive individuals. The most aggressiveM. biroi andN. princeps colonies fought and their foraging trails diverged afterward. Direct attacks on alien nests were winnessed inM. biroi. In all species, anagonism occurred in 21–34% of the combinations tested, between either geographically close or distantcolonies. An exeption was a group of 112 anagonist nests ofN. princeps, which most probably constituted a supercolony. The level of agonism betweenNasutitermes colonies was constant during the wet and dry season. Termite colonies excluded each other, both intra- and interspecifically, from the coconut trees, and their territories seem distributed in a mosaic pattern. Agonism between colonies may result in the elimination of the weakest colonies or in trail divergence, maintaining this mosaic. In cotrast, lack of agonism between some colonies suggests the possibility of colony fusion and gene exchanges without nuptial flights.  相似文献   

Current meta-community theories postulate that the structure of local communities depends on dispersal, environmental filtering, and biotic interactions. However, disentangling the relative effects of these factors in the field and for diverse assemblages is a major challenge. A solution is to address natural but simple communities (i.e. with low numbers of species in few trophic levels), wherein one of these factors is predominant. Here, we analyse the micro-arthropod community of a moss-turf habitat typical of the Antarctic Peninsula region, and test the widely accepted hypothesis that this system is abiotically driven. In the austral summers 2006/7 and 2007/8, we sampled nearly 80 units of moss from four islands in the Argentine Islands. Using variance partitioning, we quantified the relative contribution of: (1) multiple scale spatio-temporal autocorrelation; (2) environmental effects; (3) the island effect. Little variance (1 %) was accounted for by sources 1 (1 %, significant) and 2 (<1 %, not significant). The island effect significantly accounted for the largest amount of variation (8 %). There was a relatively large effect of spatially structured environmental variation (7 %). Null models demonstrated that species co-occurred less frequently than expected by chance, suggesting the prevalence of negative interactions. Our data support the novel hypothesis that negative biotic interactions are the most important structuring force of this micro-arthropod community. The analysed system is a good proxy for more complex communities in terms of taxonomic composition and the functional groups present. Thus, biotic interaction might be a predominant factor in soil meta-community dynamics.  相似文献   

The small-scale associations in a rocky subtidal community in the northwestern Mediterranean were studied by a development of the continuous line transect method. This method allowed the overall measurement of non-randomness in interspecific contacts and the assignment of an association index to each species-pair, whose, significance was tested by Monte Carlo procedures. At the same time, the continuous recording allowed the study of the weakening of the interactions with increasing distances. Our purpose was to uncover evidence for allelochemical mechanisms of space occupation and maintenance. A strong non-randomness was found in the interspecific associations. This was mostly due to the interactions of the poecilosclerid sponge Crambe crambe (Schmidt) with its neighbours, especially its negative associations with other sponge species. The strength of the relationships fell drastically over the first few centimeters from the contact borders of the different species. The results pointed strongly to an allelochemical mechanism. The extracts of this sponge featured high bioactivity in laboratory assays, and field experiments demonstrated that the sponge can inhibit the growth of species in the community studied. Standard sampling techniques would have overlooked the spatial structure present in the data. The study emphasizes the need for both contact data and distance data in order to identify the underlying processes reliably. The line transect method provides both types of information easily and allows testing of models and identification of organisms likely to use chemical defenses in space competition. Its use as a preliminary step in studies of chemical ecology might help to detect presumptive allelochemical processes prior to experimental work on the potentially active species.  相似文献   

The efficacy of antibiotic treatments targeting polymicrobial communities is not well predicted by conventional in vitro susceptibility testing based on determining minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in monocultures. One reason for this is that inter-species interactions can alter the community members’ susceptibility to antibiotics. Here we quantify, and identify mechanisms for, community-modulated changes of efficacy for clinically relevant antibiotics against the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in model cystic fibrosis (CF) lung communities derived from clinical samples. We demonstrate that multi-drug resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia can provide high levels of antibiotic protection to otherwise sensitive P. aeruginosa. Exposure protection to imipenem was provided by chromosomally encoded metallo-β-lactamase that detoxified the environment; protection was dependent upon S. maltophilia cell density and was provided by S. maltophilia strains isolated from CF sputum, increasing the MIC of P. aeruginosa by up to 16-fold. In contrast, the presence of S. maltophilia provided no protection against meropenem, another routinely used carbapenem. Mathematical ordinary differential equation modelling shows that the level of exposure protection provided against different carbapenems can be explained by differences in antibiotic efficacy and inactivation rate. Together, these findings reveal that exploitation of pre-occurring antimicrobial resistance, and inter-specific competition, can have large impacts on pathogen antibiotic susceptibility, highlighting the importance of microbial ecology for designing successful antibiotic treatments for multispecies communities.Subject terms: Antibiotics, Bacterial infection, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

Limberger R  Wickham SA 《Oecologia》2011,167(3):723-732
There is considerable theoretical evidence that a trade-off between competitive and colonization ability enables species coexistence. However, empirical studies testing for the presence of a competition–colonization (CC) trade-off and its importance for species coexistence have found mixed results. In a microcosm experiment, we looked for a CC trade-off in a community of six benthic ciliate species. For each species, we measured the time needed to actively disperse to and colonize an empty microcosm. By measuring dispersal rates and growth rates of the species, we were able to differentiate between these two important components of colonization ability. Competitive ability was investigated by comparing species’ growth with or without a competitor in all pairwise species combinations. Species significantly differed in their colonization abilities, with good colonizers having either high growth rates or high dispersal rates or both. Although species showed a clear competitive hierarchy, competitive and colonization ability were uncorrelated. The weakest competitors were also the weakest colonizers, and the strongest competitor was an intermediate colonizer. However, some of the inferior competitors had higher colonization abilities than the strongest competitor, indicating that a CC trade-off may enable coexistence for a subset of the species. Absence of a community-wide CC trade-off may be based on the lack of strong relationships between the traits underlying competitive and colonization ability. We show that temporal effects and differential resource use are alternative mechanisms of coexistence for the species that were both slow colonizers and poor competitors.  相似文献   

Uncertain biotic and abiotic interactions in benthic communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze marine benthic communities at different sites in Skagerrak with the purpose of understanding the role of exogenous and endogenous factors in explaining the species' temporal dynamics. The previous finding that the dynamics of these species communities are mainly driven and synchronized by environmental (temperature) forcing was only weakly supported when analyzing single-species dynamics at five sites where four of the species were present every year. There was no consistent pattern in how the temperature affected the realized per capita growth rate, either across species at a given site, or among sites for a given species. Furthermore, there was no net-interaction from the community on a given species strong enough to give rise to second-order dynamics. However, when implementing a Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis and incorporating all sampling sites and species -we found that the different communities clustered in relation to depth, hence, communities at the same depth were more "similar" than communities at different depth. Revealing the underlying interactions shaping these marine benthic communities is a challenge that calls for an array of various and complementary approaches.  相似文献   

Parris MJ  Beaudoin JG 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):626-632
Despite ecologists increasingly recognizing pathogens as playing significant roles in community dynamics, few experimental studies have quantified patterns of disease impacts on natural systems. Amphibians are experiencing population declines, and a fungal pathogen (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis; Chytridiomycota) is a suspected causal agent in many declines. We studied the effects of a pathogenic fungus on community interactions between the gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis, and eastern newts, Notophthalmus viridescens. Recent studies have characterized chytridiomycosis as an emerging infectious disease, whose suspected rapid range expansion and widespread occurrence pose a significant risk for amphibian populations worldwide. We reared larvae in outdoor polyethylene experimental tanks and tested the effects of initial larval density, predator presence, and fungal exposure on Hyla recruitment and predator-prey interactions between Hyla and Notophthalmus. Newts reduced treefrog survival, and high intraspecific density decreased metamorphic body mass independent of B. dendrobatidis. The presence of fungi reduced treefrog body mass at metamorphosis by 34%, but had no significant main effect on survival or larval period length. B. dendrobatidis differentially affected larval development in the presence of predators; Hyla developed slower when reared with the pathogen, but only when newts were present. This significant predator-by-pathogen interaction suggests that the impact of chytridiomycosis on larval amphibians may be exacerbated in complex communities. Our data suggest that B. dendrobatidis effects on host life history may be complex and indirect. Direct measurements of the community-level effects of pathogens offer an important opportunity to understand a significant threat to global biodiversity—declining amphibian populations.  相似文献   

Both earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important ecosystem engineers co-occurring in temperate grasslands. However, their combined impacts during grassland establishment are poorly understood and have never been studied. We used large mesocosms to study the effects of different functional groups of earthworms (i.e., vertically burrowing anecics vs. horizontally burrowing endogeics) and a mix of four AMF taxa on the establishment, diversity and productivity of plant communities after a simulated seed rain of 18 grassland species comprising grasses, non-leguminous forbs and legumes. Moreover, effects of earthworms and/or AMF on water infiltration and leaching of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate were determined after a simulated extreme rainfall event (40 l m(-2)). AMF colonisation of all three plant functional groups was altered by earthworms. Seedling emergence and diversity was reduced by anecic earthworms, however only when AMF were present. Plant density was decreased in AMF-free mesocosms when both anecic and endogeic earthworms were active; with AMF also anecics reduced plant density. Plant shoot and root biomass was only affected by earthworms in AMF-free mesocosms: shoot biomass increased due to the activity of either anecics or endogeics; root biomass increased only when anecics were active. Water infiltration increased when earthworms were present in the mesocosms but remained unaffected by AMF. Ammonium leaching was increased only when anecics or a mixed earthworm community was active but was unaffected by AMF; nitrate and phosphate leaching was neither affected by earthworms nor AMF. Ammonium leaching decreased with increasing plant density, nitrate leaching decreased with increasing plant diversity and density. In order to understand the underlying processes of these interactions further investigations possibly under field conditions using more diverse belowground communities are required. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates that belowground-aboveground linkages involving earthworms and AMF are important mediators of the diversity, structure and functioning of plant communities.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been conducted of the helical polypeptide melittin, in concentrated aqueous solutions of the alpha and beta anomers of D-glucopyranose. Glucose is an osmolyte, and it is expected to be preferentially excluded from the surfaces of proteins. This was indeed found to be the case in the simulations. The results indicate that the observed exclusion may have a contribution from an under-representation of hydrogen bonding interactions between glucose groups and exposed side chains, compared to water. However, glucose was found to bind quite specifically to melittin by stacking its hydrophobic face, consisting of aliphatic protons, against the flat hydrophobic face of the indole group of the tryptophan-19 side chain. Although the binding site for this interaction is localized, the binding is weak for both anomers, with a binding free energy estimated as only ~0.5 kcal/mol (i.e. near k(B)T). The face of the sugar stacked against the Trp indole ring is different for the two anomers of glucose, due to the disruption of the H1-H3-H5 hydrophobic triad of the beta anomer by the axial C1 hydroxyl group in the alpha anomer. The measurable affinity of the sugar for the Trp side chain is consistent with the very frequent occurrence of this group in the binding sites of proteins that complex with sugars.  相似文献   

Termites play fundamental roles in tropical ecosystems, and mound-building species in particular are crucial in enhancing species diversity, from plants to mammals. However, it is still unclear which factors govern the occurrence and assembly of termite communities. A phylogenetic community approach and null models of species assembly were used to examine structuring processes associated with termite community assembly in a pristine savannah. Overall, we did not find evidence for a strong influence of interspecific competition or environmental filtering in structuring these communities. However, the presence of a single species, the mound-building termite Macrotermes bellicosus, left a strong signal on structuring and led to clustered communities of more closely related species. Hence, this species changes the assembly rules for a whole community. Our results show the fundamental importance of a single insect species for community processes, suggesting that more attention to insect species is warranted when developing conservation strategies.  相似文献   

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