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《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):484-488
We investigated whether LH secretion, estrous behavior and fertility would differ between sexually inexperienced and experienced anestrous goats exposed to the males. Male goats were rendered sexually active during the reproductive rest season by exposure to 2.5 months of artificial long days. Two groups of anovulatory sexually inexperienced and sexually experienced does were exposed to males during 15 days (n = 20 per group). LH pulsatility was determined every 15 min from 4 h before to 8 h after introducing males (Day 0). Estrous behavior was recorded twice daily. Pregnancy rates were determined on Day 50. Fertility was determined at parturition. Male sexual behavior was registered on days 1 and 2 during 1 h. Before introducing the males, the number of LH pulses did not differ between groups. After introduction of the males, all females increased their LH pulsatility, but the number of pulses did not differ between sexually inexperienced and experienced goats. The proportion of females displaying estrous behavior with a high pregnancy rate and fertility did not differ between inexperienced and experienced goats. The sexual behavior of the males did not differ significantly between those interacting with sexually inexperienced or experienced goats. We conclude that goats can show substantial endocrine and reproductive responses to males, even in the absence of previous sexual experience, when sexually active bucks are used.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the importance of male sexual behavior in stimulating LH secretion in anovulatory female goats. Two groups of females (n = 10 per group) were each exposed to a buck in sexual rest and submitted to natural daylength. In one group, the buck was awake, whereas in the other group, it was sedated to prevent its sexual behavior. Two other groups of goats (n = 10 per group) were exposed to sexually active bucks that had been exposed to 2.5 months of long days. In one group, the buck was awake, and in the other group, it was sedated. LH secretion was determined every 15 min from 4 h before introducing the bucks to 8 h after, then every 15 min again from 20 to 24 h after introducing the bucks. The bucks submitted to natural daylength did not stimulate LH secretion (P > 0.05), whether they were sedated or not. In contrast, both the awake and the sedated light-treated bucks induced an increase (P < 0.05) of LH pulsatility in the first 4 h following their introduction. However, pulsatility remained elevated until 24 h in the females exposed to the light-treated awake buck, whereas in the group with the light-treated sedated buck, pulsatility diminished (P < 0.05) after the first 4 h of stimulation by the buck. In conclusion, the sexual behavior of males contributes to the maintenance of a high LH pulsatility up to 24 h after introduction into a group of anovulatory goats.  相似文献   

The study was conducted on two consecutive years to determine whether ovulatory activity can be induced in anovulatory goats by exposing them to sexually active bucks for 4, 8, 12 or 16 h per day during 15 consecutive days. In experiment 1, females remained continuously in the experimental pens where they were in contact with males. One group remained isolated from males (controls) and four other groups were exposed to sexually active males for 4, 8, 12 or 16 h per day. In experiment 2, females were taken away to “resting” pens free of male odours between the periods of contact with bucks. They were allocated to 5 groups as in experiment 1. Ovulations were determined by progesterone plasma levels and transrectal ultrasonography. Pregnancy was determined by abdominal ultrasonography. In both experiments, more than 90% of females exposed to the bucks had at least one ovulation during the whole experiment whereas only 11 or 0% (experiments 1 and 2, respectively) did so in the control group (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the proportion of females ovulating did not differ among groups depending on duration of contact with bucks (P > 0.05). In both experiments, pregnancy rates were not affected by the daily duration of contact with males (P > 0.05). To conclude, 4 h of daily contact with sexually active males is sufficient to stimulate ovulatory activity in anovulatory goats and this effect is not due to the presence of olfactory cues from the males remaining in the pens.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of corticosterone (C) and testosterone (T) increase after sexual activity in males of several species. However, the physiological significance of these increases has not been elucidated. In the present study, hormonal response to different conditions linked to sexual activity was assessed. In the first experiment, plasma levels of C and T were assessed both in sexually experienced and naive male rats after the following conditions: (A) control group, without sexual stimulation; (B) males exposed to ovariectomized females; (C) males exposed to intact, non-receptive females; (D) males exposed to receptive females with the vagina obstructed, to avoid intromission; (E) males exposed to receptive females: but separated by a grid that prevents physical contact; (F) males exposed to receptive females during 30 min. In a second experiment, experienced male rats were allowed to repeatedly copulate until reaching the criteria for sexual exhaustion, and 24 h later, they were allowed to copulate. Once sexually related conditions ended, males were killed and their blood was obtained. C and T plasma levels were assessed by HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection. Results indicate that T did not increase significantly in naive male in any sexual condition, while in the experienced males, significant increases were observed with the mere presence of a receptive female and also after ejaculation. These increases were significantly larger in experienced males. On the other hand, C also increased in all sexual conditions, both in experienced and naive rats; however, the increase observed was larger in experienced males. Regarding sexual satiety, both C and T increased after copulating ad libitum to satiety. T increased almost three-fold compared to control, while C increased two-fold. No significant changes were observed in either one of the steroids 24 h after sexual exhaustion, even though males remained with a receptive female during an hour. These results show that sexual experience has an important influence on the hormonal response to sexual activity. C rises could be directly related to sexual arousal involved in the different sexual conditions, while T rises seem to have a direct relationship with both the motivation and execution aspects of masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine whether the presence of photostimulated sedated male goats could stimulate the LH preovulatory surge and ovulation in seasonal anestrous goats. Sexually experienced male goats were treated with artificial long days (16 hours light per day) from 1 November to 15 January to stimulate their sexual activity in March and April, corresponding to the natural sexual rest. A female group of goats (n = 20) was exposed to non-sedated males who displayed an intense sexual behavior and provided strong odor (non-sedated group). Another female group of goats (n = 20) was exposed to the photo-stimulated male goats, but these males were sedated with Xylazine 2% to prevent the expression of sexual behavior (sedated group). The sedated males also provided a strong odor. Females of both groups had full physical and visual contact with non-sedated or sedated males. In both groups, the males remained with females during 4 days. The LH preovulatory surge of 10 female goats per group was measured by determination of LH plasma concentrations in samples taken every 3 hours. In addition, in all goats, (n = 20 by group), ovulation was determined by measuring plasma concentrations of progesterone. The proportion of female goats showing a preovulatory LH surge was higher in goats exposed to non-sedated (10/10) than in those exposed to sedated bucks (0/10; P < 0.0001). Similarly, most of does in contact with non-sedated males ovulated (19/20), but none of those in contact with sedated males did so (0/20; P < 0.0001). We conclude that the expression of an intense sexual behavior by male goats is necessary to induce LH preovulatory surge and ovulation in seasonally anovulatory goats.  相似文献   

The present study tested whether the display of paced mating behavior in female rats over four weekly tests is affected by sexual experience and whether test parameters, i.e., ending the test based on time or number of stimulations received, influence behavioral changes. In Experiment 1A rats with nonpaced sexual experience returned to the male more quickly overall compared to sexually naïve rats in a 30-min test of paced mating behavior. In Experiment 1B, rats received four weekly 30-min tests with one, different, male rat partner each week. Over the four tests, rats returned to the male significantly more quickly after intromissions, but significantly more slowly after ejaculations. Experiment 2A tested whether sexual experience would influence paced mating behavior in tests with a 15-intromission end criterion and the male replaced after ejaculation. Rats tested weekly under 15-intromission test conditions returned to the male significantly more quickly after intromissions, but no behavioral change was observed after ejaculations. When those same rats were given a 30-min test of paced mating behavior (Experiment 2B), they returned to the male significantly more slowly after ejaculations. Collectively, these data show that sexual experience influences the display of paced mating behavior in female rats and that the test parameters interact with sexual experience to influence the nature of the changes. Sexual experience may facilitate behaviors that promote reproductive success in female rats.  相似文献   

Reproductive behavior of virtually all adult male rodents is dependent on concurrent availability of gonadal steroids. The ejaculatory reflex is incompatible with long-term absence of testicular steroids and typically disappears within 3 weeks after castration. Male Siberian hamsters are an exception to this rule; mating culminating in the ejaculatory reflex occurs as many as 6 months after castration (persistent copulation). The emergence of persistent copulation many weeks after gonadectomy is here shown not to require repeated post-castration sexual experience. Preoperative sexual experience, on the other hand, significantly increases the percent of males that copulate after gonadectomy, but is not required for the emergence of this trait in 25% of males. Castration prior to puberty prevents persistent copulation in all individuals in adulthood. Persistent copulators, unlike males that cease mating activity after castration, prefer the odors of estrous over non-estrous females when tested 4 months after castration and 7 weeks after the last mating test. Neural circuits of persistent copulators retain the ability to mediate male sex behavior and preferences for female odors in the complete absence of gonadal steroids; they are influenced by preoperative sexual experience and organizational effects of gonadal hormones at the time of puberty.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic neuropeptide orexin mediates arousal, sleep, and naturally rewarding behaviors, including food intake. Male sexual behavior is altered by orexin receptor-1 agonists or antagonists, suggesting a role for orexin-A in this naturally rewarding behavior. However, the specific role of endogenous orexin-A or B in different elements of male sexual behavior is currently unclear. Therefore, the current studies utilized markers for neural activation and orexin cell-specific lesions to test the hypothesis that orexin is critical for sexual motivation and performance in male rats. First, cFos expression in orexin neurons was demonstrated following presentation of a receptive or non-receptive female without further activation by different elements of mating. Next, the functional role of orexin was tested utilizing orexin-B conjugated saporin, resulting in orexin cell body lesions in the hypothalamus. Lesions were conducted in sexually naive males and subsequent sexual behavior was recorded during four mating trials. Lesion males showed shortened latencies to mount and intromit during the first, but not subsequent mating trials, suggesting lesions facilitated initiation of sexual behavior in sexually naive, but not experienced males. Likewise, lesions did not affect sexual motivation in experienced males, determined by runway tests. Finally, elevated plus maze tests demonstrated reduced anxiety-like behaviors in lesioned males, supporting a role for orexin in anxiety associated with initial exposure to the female in naive animals. Overall, these findings show that orexin is not critical for male sexual performance or motivation, but may play a role in arousal and anxiety related to sexual behavior in naive animals.  相似文献   

Recent studies point to an important role for the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) in regulating sexual behavior in male mice. We asked whether sexual experience could compensate for the disruptive effects of lesioning the MOE on sexual behavior in male mice. Male mice, which were either sexually naive or experienced, received an intranasal irrigation of either a zinc sulfate solution to destroy the MOE or saline. Sexual behavior in mating tests with an estrous female was completely abolished in zinc sulfate-treated male mice regardless of whether subjects were sexually experienced or not before the treatment. Furthermore, zinc sulfate treatment clearly disrupted olfactory investigation of both volatile and nonvolatile odors. Destruction of the MOE by zinc sulfate treatment was confirmed by a significant reduction in the expression of Fos protein in the main olfactory bulb following exposure to estrous female urine. By contrast, vomeronasal function did not seem to be affected by zinc sulfate treatment: nasal application of estrous female urine induced similar levels of Fos protein in the mitral and granule cells of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of zinc sulfate- and saline-treated males. Likewise, the expression of soybean agglutinin, which stains the axons of vomeronasal organ neurons projecting to the glomerular layer of the AOB, was similar in zinc sulfate- and saline-treated male mice. These results show that the main olfactory system is essential for the expression of sexual behavior in male mice and that sexual experience does not overcome the disruptive effects of MOE lesioning on this behavior.  相似文献   

In semiarid conditions, feed is often scarce and variable with underfeeding being common; these factors can potentially induce fertility reductions in both sexes. Sexually active bucks are able to very efficiently fertilize out-of-season goats, but we do not know whether underfeeding would reduce the ability of bucks to fertilize goats during these periods. Two experiments were conducted to determine (i) testicular size and change of odor intensity of undernourished bucks exposed to long days and (ii) the ability of these bucks to stimulate reproductive activity in seasonally anestrous goats. In experiment 1, bucks (n = 7) were fed 1.5 times the normal maintenance requirements from September to May and formed the well-fed group. Another group of bucks (n = 7) were fed 0.5 times the maintenance requirements and formed the undernourished group. All bucks were subjected to artificially long days from 1 November to 15 January; this period was followed by a natural photoperiod until 30 May. Body weight, scrotal circumference and male odor intensity changes were determined every 2 weeks. In experiment 2, two groups of female goats (n = 26 each) were exposed to well-fed (n = 2) or undernourished bucks (n = 2) on 31 March. Ovulations and pregnancy rates were determined by transrectal ultrasonography. In experiment 1, a treatment by time interaction was detected for BW, scrotal circumference and odor intensity changes (P < 0.001). The BWs of well-fed bucks were greater than those of the undernourished bucks from October to May (P < 0.01), as were the scrotal circumferences from December to March (P < 0.05) and odor intensities from February to May (P < 0.05). In experiment 2, the proportions of females that ovulated at least once (100% v. 96%) or those that were diagnosed as pregnant (85% v. 77%; P > 0.05) did not differ significantly between the goats exposed to well-fed or undernourished bucks. The interval between the introduction of bucks and the onset of estrous behavior was shorter in goats exposed to well-fed bucks compared to the interval for those goats exposed to undernourished bucks (2.5 ± 0.2 v. 9.5 ± 0.6 days; P < 0.05). We conclude that undernourishment reduces the testicular size and odor intensity responses in bucks exposed to long days, but that undernourished bucks are still able to stimulate reproductive activity in seasonally anestrous goats, as is also the case for well-fed bucks.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to determine the contributions of hormonal status, test condition, and sexual experience to the display of partner preference by female rats. Preference for a sexually active male rat over a sexually receptive female rat was assessed in independent groups of female rats tested in a condition limiting physical contact (No Contact) and a condition allowing for sexual interaction (Contact). Although hormonal status and test condition influenced the preference for a sexually active male, repeated testing and sexual experience had no effect. Experiment 1 demonstrated that independent of test condition, preference for the male is stronger in estrogen- and progesterone-primed rats than in rats receiving the vehicle. Moreover, independent of hormone condition, rats tested in the No Contact condition exhibit a stronger preference for the male than rats tested in the Contact condition, reflecting in part the active pacing of mating stimulation by sexually receptive rats tested in the Contact condition. Experiment 2 showed that the overall pattern of partner preference in proestrous and diestrous rats was similar to that observed in ovariectomized, estrogen- and progesterone-primed, and oil-treated rats, respectively. In Experiment 3, rats primed with estrogen alone did not exhibit a preference for the male even though fully receptive. Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that sexual experience does not affect the expression of preference for the male in estrogen- and progesterone-primed rats. The present findings demonstrate that the female rat's preference for the male is stable across repeated tests and is not affected by sexual experience. Our results also confirm that gonadal hormones influence the expression of a preference for a sexually active male versus a sexually receptive female and demonstrate that the magnitude of preference is modulated by test conditions.  相似文献   

It is not clear whether males in all mammalian species adjust their copulatory behavior when faced with risk of sperm competition (RSC). Previous work on meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, indicated that males increase their sperm expenditure but not the number of ejaculations in the presence of odors of a conspecific male. The present study follows up on this work and asks whether male meadow voles modify any aspect of their copulatory behavior when they face a RSC. We examined 46 variables of copulatory behavior and found that the presence of odors from a conspecific male did not affect any of these variables. Thus, male meadow voles, unlike some other species of mammals, do not adjust their copulatory behavior when exposed to cues associated with an elevated RSC.  相似文献   

Extensive research has focused on understanding the evolution of parental care, with fishes providing important model systems for understanding patterns of variation within and between species. Classic theory predicts that individuals will care for offspring when the fitness benefits through increased offspring survival and growth outweigh the cost to the parents through decreased future reproductive opportunities. Yet, a puzzling observation not explained by this basic theory is the fact that in some species individuals defend and provision unrelated offspring and thus exhibit alloparental care. The tessellated darter, Etheostoma olmstedi, represents one of the first known examples of allopaternal care in fishes. In this species, males often clean and guard eggs fertilized but deserted by other males. Allopaternal care has been argued to occur in the tessellated darter because of competition for a limited number of mating sites where less dominant males accept territories with eggs when other breeding sites are not available. Here, we test this hypothesis using male territory choice experiments. When allowed to choose between two otherwise identical territories either containing eggs fertilized by another male or with no eggs, males spent significantly more time at territories with eggs. This demonstrates that competition for mating territories is not the primary factor explaining the existence of allopaternal care in the tessellated darter. Instead, males of this species may exhibit allopaternal care to dilute predator pressure on their own eggs or because females prefer to mate with males whose territories contain eggs.  相似文献   

Goat does supposedly need to be separated from bucks before male stimuli can induce reproductive activity, ovulation, and estrous. The present study examined the reproductive response (ovulation and estrous) of does to “novel” bucks in direct contact with them and when separated from them by a fence. One hundred fourteen does were distributed into three groups: (1) ISOL group (N = 31): females that had been completely isolated from males for 46 days, and thereafter placed in direct contact with “novel” males during the breeding period; (2) NOTISOL-CONTACT group (N = 29): females that had been in contact with “familiar” vasectomized males for 46 days and thereafter placed in direct contact with novel males during the breeding period; (3) NOTISOL-NO CONTACT group (N = 54): females that were in contact with familiar vasectomized males for 46 days and thereafter introduced to novel males, but separated by a fence, during the breeding period. All the males were treated with melatonin to ensure that they were sexually active. Estrous activity was recorded daily by direct visual observation of the marks left by marking harnesses worn by the males. Ovulation was confirmed via the plasma progesterone concentration (measured in weekly blood samples). The ovulation rate was assessed by transrectal ultrasonography. Fecundity, fertility, prolificacy, and productivity were also determined for the ISOL and NOTISOL-CONTACT groups (naturally, in the NOTISOL-NO CONTACT group, no pregnancies were possible). The introduction of novel males induced the same ovarian response in each group (P > 0.05), but the percentage of females that showed estrous and ovulation was lower in the NOTISOL-NO CONTACT group (P < 0.05). No differences were seen between the ISOL and NOTISOL-CONTACT groups (P > 0.05) in terms of fecundity, fertility, prolificacy, and productivity. These results show that the introduction of novel males to females already in contact with familiar males induces ovarian activity similar to that observed in the classical male effect (ISOL group) and that this response leads to a significantly higher estrus activity only when direct physical contact between the females and the novel males is established.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that sexual stimuli increase testosterone (T) in women and shows inconsistent effects of sexual arousal on cortisol (C), but effects of cognitive aspects of arousal, rather than behaviors or sensory stimuli, are unclear. The present study examined whether sexual thoughts affect T or C and whether hormonal contraceptive (HC) use moderated this effect, given mixed findings of HC use confounding hormone responses. Participants (79 women) provided a baseline saliva sample for radioimmunoassay. We created the Imagined Social Situation Exercise (ISSE) to test effects of imagining social interactions on hormones, and participants were assigned to the experimental (sexual) or one of three control (positive, neutral, stressful) conditions. Participants provided a second saliva sample 15 min post-activity. Results indicated that for women not using HCs, the sexual condition increased T compared to the stressful or positive conditions. In contrast, HC using women in the sexual condition had decreased T relative to the stressful condition and similar T to the positive condition. The effect was specific to T, as sexual thoughts did not change C. For participants in the sexual condition, higher baseline T predicted larger increases in sexual arousal but smaller increases in T, likely due to ceiling effects on T. Our results suggest that sexual thoughts change T but not C, baseline T levels and HC use may contribute to variation in the T response to sexual thoughts, and cognitive aspects of sexual arousal affect physiology.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine whether parity is a factor that influences the estrous and ovulatory responses of female goats when they are stimulated by males that show increased sexual activity. To stimulate sexual activity, four adult male goats were subjected to photoperiodic treatment for 2.5 months comprising long days, with the treatment commencing on 1 November. On 14 April at 1900 h, a group of multiparous females (n = 21) and a group of 16 months-old nulliparous females (n = 19) were exposed to four bucks (two per group) for 15 days. Throughout the study period, the estrous behavior of these female goats was detected twice on a daily basis. Ovulations of the female goats were determined by ecography on days 7 and 18 after exposure to males. The sexual behavior of males was recorded twice every day from 0800 to 0900 h and from 1730 to 1830 h during the first 4 days after introduction in the pen of females. The total cumulative proportion of multiparous females that had ovulations (100%) and displayed estrous behavior (100%) during the 15 days of exposure to males did not differ (P > 0.05) from that of nulliparous females (100% and 95%, respectively). The interval between introduction of males and onset of estrous behavior did not differ (P > 0.05) between multiparous (1.9 ± 0.1 days) and nulliparous (1.7 ± 0.2 days) females. The proportion of females displaying a short estrous cycle was greater (P < 0.05) in multiparous (13/21, 62%) than in nulliparous (5/19, 26%) females. Duration of these shorter than typical estrous cycles did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups (multiparous: 5.2 ± 0.3 days, nulliparous: 4.5 ± 0.1 days). The number of anogenital sniffings was greater (P < 0.001) in males exposed to nulliparous than in those exposed to multiparous females. In contrast, the number of mounting attempts was greater (P < 0.01) in males that were introduced to multiparous than in those that were introduced to nulliparous does. The number of flehmen, nudging, self-marking with urine, and mounts was not different (P > 0.05) between males that were in contact with multiparous and nulliparous females. These results indicate that regardless of parity, female goats respond to male introduction if they are stimulated by males that were previously exposed to artificial long days to increase their sexual behavior.  相似文献   

In many prey species aggregation of individuals is a defensive strategy commonly employed in response to predators and predator-related cues. However, very little work has explored this adaptive response in laboratory rats. It is known that individual rats show characteristic defensive responses to predator odors, such as hiding, avoidance, inhibition of foraging, feeding and reproduction, and risk assessment directed toward the odor source. However, whether these species-typical responses in individuals are altered in the presence of other conspecifics is yet to be characterized. The present study therefore examined the defensive response of groups of two rats (dyads) or four rats (quads) to two unconditioned stressors: bright ambient light and cat odor (a 2g ball of cat fur). The dyads and quads were formed from familiar cage mates and test sessions (20 min) occurred in a large open arena (1200 mm(2)) to which the rats had been extensively habituated under dark conditions. The results showed that when quads of rats were exposed to either cat odor or bright light in this arena, they showed characteristic increases in close social proximity, termed "huddling". A tight grouping of 3 (triplet) or 4 (quad) rats was commonly seen in response to cat fur, while triplets were more commonly seen in response to bright light. Interestingly there was no evidence for increased social proximity in dyads exposed to either stressor, only in quads. However, cat odor caused other signs of fear (such as decreased locomotor activity and increased defecation) in both quads and dyads. It is concluded that huddling is a rodent defensive strategy in rats when anxiogenic stimuli are encountered by larger groups of rats.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in subtropical northern Mexico (26 degrees N) to determine whether the presence of estrous females can improve the response of seasonally anovulatory goats to the introduction of bucks in the group. The induction of estrous activity was studied in three groups of anovulatory lactating goats during seasonal anestrus. These females were of the Mexican Creole breed. In the control group (sexually inactive (SI), n = 20), two control (SI) bucks exposed to normal seasonal daylength variations were used. In the second group (SI + E, n = 20 + 3), two control males were also used, but in addition, three females of the group were in estrus at the time of male introduction. In the third group (sexually active, SA + E, n = 19 + 4), anovulatory females were exposed to two bucks made sexually active by exposure to 2.5 months of long days (16L:8D) followed by two subcutaneous 18 mg melatonin implants, and four estrous females were also present when introducing the bucks. In all groups, males were introduced on 15 March and estrous detection was conducted twice daily for 15 days. The sexual activity of the bucks was observed from 08:00 to 10:00 h during the first five days of exposure to females. More females displayed estrous behavior in the first 15 days following the introduction of the males in the SA + E group (18/19) as compared with the SI or SI + E groups (2/20 and 0/20, respectively; P < 0.001). No difference was observed between the two latter groups. Thirteen females of SA + E group showed a second estrus between days 6 and 11 (short estrous cycle duration: 5.4 +/- 0.4 days). By contrast, in the SI group none showed a second estrus. The sexual behavior of the males in the SA + E group was greater as compared with that of the males in SI and SI + E groups (over 80% of the total sexual activity recorded in the three groups; P < 0.001). By contrast, no differences were found between SI and SI + E males. These results indicate that the presence of estrous females alone at the time of buck introduction is not sufficient to induce an adequate stimulation of seasonally inactive males. The use of sexually active bucks is necessary to induce reproductive activity in anovulatory females, whereas preparation of the bucks with long days followed by melatonin implants allows them to gain such a capacity.  相似文献   

In the current study, male quail were administered methamphetamine (3.0 or 5.6mg/kg IP) or saline once daily for 10 days and locomotor activity was assessed. Following a 31-day withdrawal period, sexual conditioning trials were conducted such that a conditioned stimulus (CS) was presented prior to a copulatory opportunity with a female quail. Male quail treated with methamphetamine (5.6mg/kg) showed a decrease in locomotor activity from Trial 1 to Trial 10 suggesting a potential tolerance effect. Following the 31-day withdrawal period, all male quail that received the CS paired with a copulatory opportunity showed enhanced approach to the CS, regardless of treatment history. Thus, chronic pre-exposure to methamphetamine did not alter sexual conditioning. In contrast, chronic pre-exposure to methamphetamine (3.0mg/kg) decreased the frequency of successful copulations suggesting that it impaired sexual performance. The findings suggest that methamphetamine may differentially affect the neural circuitry involved in motivational systems compared with those involved in consummatory aspects of sexual behavior. These effects may last long after drug cessation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in a subtropical latitude to determine the response of Alpine male goats to a treatment with artificially long days (experiment 1), and the response of anovulatory lactating Alpine does exposed to males treated only with artificially long days (experiment 2). In experiment 1, one group of males was kept under natural photoperiod (n = 4) while another was exposed to 2.5 months of artificially long days (16 h of light/day) from 1 December (n = 4). Plasma testosterone concentrations were determined weekly. Intensity of odor of males was determined every 2 weeks. Sexual behavior of bucks was observed during 3 days about 90 days after the end of the long day treatment. A treatment-by-time interaction was detected for testosterone secretion (P < 0.001). In control males, low plasma concentrations of testosterone were observed from March to June. In contrast, in long-day treated males, high levels of testosterone were observed from March to June (P < 0.05). A treatment-by-time interaction was detected for the intensity of male odor (P < 0.01). The male odor was stronger in long-day treated bucks than in untreated ones from March to June (P < 0.05). The number of ano-genital sniffing, nudging and flehmen was greater in long-day treated males than in untreated ones when exposed to anestrous does (P < 0.05). In experiment 2, one group of males was left under natural photoperiod variations (n = 5) and the other (n = 5) was submitted to the same photoperiodic treatment described in experiment 1. On 3 May, three untreated and three long-day treated males were put in contact with anestrous Alpine does left under natural photoperiod. Fertility was higher in does exposed to light-treated males (36/45, 80%) than those in contact with untreated ones (3/45, 7%; P < 0.05). Prolificacy was similar (P > 0.05) in does exposed to treated (1.8 ± 0.1) and untreated males (1.7 ± 0.3). These results indicate that the sexual activity of Alpine male goats raised in subtropical latitudes can be induced using only artificially long days and that such males are effective in stimulating reproductive activity in anovulatory females in late spring.  相似文献   

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