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山茶属植物核型研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文收集整理了目前已发表的山茶属植物的核型资料。按张宏达的分类系统,本文共收录了94种(含15变种)的核型和29种(含4变种)的染色体数目。分析表明,山茶属植物染色体基数稳定X=15,核型多为2A或2B型,核型的进化规律符合Stebbins提出的从对称向不对称方向进化的理论。山茶属植物的核型存在杂合性和多态性。本文中作者提供15种的核型,其中2种的核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对盆栽开普芦荟和(Aloe ferox Miller)和木立卢荟(Aloe arborescens Miller)植物根尖细胞的染色体进行了观察分析。结果表明开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体数与已见报导的百合科(Lil-iaceae)中国芦荟(Alov vera var.chinensis)植物染色体数相同,2n=14.染色体类型按Levan方法分类,没有近端染色体和随体。开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体核型分析结果均为K(2n)=2x=4sm 10st.根据Stebbins的核型分类标准,开普芦荟的核型为“4C”型,而木立芦荟的核型为“3C”型。两种芦荟染色体相对长度组成均为2n=14=6L 2M2 6S.根据核型研究,可以确定百合科开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体基数为X=7。  相似文献   

研究了鸡骨常山属(Alstonia)3个种的核形态,其中盆架树(A.rostrata)的核型属首次报道,3个种的体细胞染色体数目均为2n=42,且糖胶树(A.scholaris)和鸡骨常山(A.yunnanensis)的染色体数目同前人报道的2n=44不同。盆架树的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别为棒状前染色体型和中间型,核型公式为2n=42=3M+21m+18sm,核型不对称性类型为2A型。糖胶树的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别为球状前染色体型和中间型,核型公式为2n=42=14m+24sm+4st,核型不对称性类型为3A型。鸡骨常山的间期核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别为复杂染色体中央粒型和中间型,核型公式为2n=42=5m+37sm,核型不对称性类型为3B型。根据核形态结果,结合形态学特征和已有的细胞学资料,初步讨论了该属几个种的系统位置及演化趋势。  相似文献   

醉鱼草属四个种的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了醉鱼草属(Btuldleja)4个种的染色体核型。云南醉鱼草(B.yunnanensis)的核型公式为2n=2x=38=22m+16sm,皱叶醉鱼草(B.crispa)为2n=2x=38=26m+10sm+2st,密蒙花(B.officinalis)为2n=2x=38=20m+16sm+2st,口本醉鱼草(B.japonica)为2n=2x=38=20m+16sm+2st。日本醉鱼草的核型为2B型,其它3个种的核型为2A型。根据核型分析结果,结合形态学特征和已有的细胞学资料,初步讨论了醉鱼草组(Sect.Neemda)两个系(Series)可能的演化关系。  相似文献   

13种21居群葱属植物的细胞分类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法,对13种(含1变种)21居群葱属(Allium L.)植物进行了细胞分类学研究。结果表明:所研究类群的染色体基数为7、8和11,核型的类型为2A、2B和3A型,并且存在2倍体、3倍体和4倍体。主要讨论了葱属根茎组(Sect.Rhizirdium G.Don)部分类群的核型分化和进化机制,高山韭(A.sikkimense Baker)和多星韭(A.wallichii Kunth)的细胞地理学,以及B染色体的多态性及其在生境上的适应意义。最后在本研究的基础上,结合前人的细胞分类学研究结果,对葱属植物的核型进化形成了如下认识:(1)该属植物的原始染色体基数为8,其他基数的类群是由基数为8的类群进化而来的;(2)葱属植物在核型类型的进化上存在两条路线:基数为7的类群核型进化趋势为2A→2B→2C,而基数为8的类群的核型进化趋势为1A→2A→2B→2C;(3)多倍化是葱属植物进化的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

二倍体石蒜在安徽发现   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文以根尖细胞为材料,观察了石蒜Lycoris radiata(L′Her.)Herb.三个不同居群植物的染色体数目和核型,发现石蒜为一复合体,包括两种不同类型:(1)三倍体类型,主要包括一群以鳞茎无性繁殖的园艺栽培植株,其染色体数目和核型为2n=33=33t(st),属“4A”核型,且极其稳定。(2)二倍体类型,主要包括一群野生植株,变异较大,我们发现有下列几种情况:一是芜湖产石蒜(L.radiata)的野生材料,其染色体数目和核型为2n=21+1B=1m+12st+8t+1B,属“3A”核型,在石蒜种内迄今未见有类似报道;另一是黄山产野生材料,观察到两个细胞型,绝大多数细胞为2n=22=12st+1Ot,极个别细胞出现2n=22+1B=6st+14t+2T+1B的情况,均属“4A”核型。芜湖和黄山野生材料的染色体数目和核型均为首次报道。石蒜(L.radiata)的二倍体类群也是首次在安徽发现。  相似文献   

部分中国野生百合的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法,对野生百合6个种、20个居群的染色体进行了核型分析,结果显示:(1)中国野生百合20个居群中有1个居群的染色体数为2n=22,其他19个居群的染色体数均为2n=24。(2)20个居群中有4个居群含有B染色体,有12个居群含有数目不等的随体。(3)核型类型中有17个为"3B"型,2个为"3A"型,1个为"4B"型。(4)20个居群的核型不对称系数在77.16%~83.83%之间,最长染色体/最短染色体臂比值介于1.85~3.07之间;同一个种下面的不同变种或居群的核型变异也较大。研究表明,中国野生百合不同种或居群的遗传多样表现在染色体数量、是否含有B染色体、不同类型染色体数量以及它们在核型中的排序位置、随体的位置等方面的差异。  相似文献   

开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体核型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对盆栽开普卢荟(Aloe ferox Miller)和木立卢荟(Aloe arborescens Miller)植物根尖细胞的染色体进行了观察分析。结果表明开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体数与已见报导的百合科(Liliaceae)中国芦荟(Alov vera var.chinensis)植物染色体数相同, 2n=14。染色体类型按Levan 方法分类, 没有近端部染色体和随体。开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体核型分析结果均为K(2n)=2x=4sm+10st。根据Stebbins 的核型分类标准, 开普芦荟的核型为"4C"型, 而木立芦荟的核型为"3C"型。两种芦荟染色体相对长度组成均为2n=14=6L+2M2+6S。根据核型研究, 可以确定百合科开普芦荟和木立芦荟的染色体基数为X=7。  相似文献   

葱属根茎组8种21居群植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对葱属根茎组Allium sect.Rhiziridium的8种21个地方居群的核型进行研究,以期为解决该组的种间亲缘关系和物种进化机制提供依据。贺兰韭A.eduardii和阿拉善韭A.flavovirens2个种的核型以及辉韭A.strictum的六倍体核型均属首次报道。研究结果表明:贺兰韭A.eduardii、阿拉善韭A.tlavovirens、北韭A.lineare、蒙古韭A.mongolicum和滩地韭A.oreoprasum的各居群均为二倍体,核型类型为Stebbins的2A型;韭A.tuberosum和野韭A.ramosum的各个居群均为四倍体,核型类型为2A型:辉韭A.Jtrictum的4个居群均为六倍体,核型类型为2B型。通过研究可以得出如下推论:(1)该组植物中存在着大量的多倍体或多倍体系列,染色体数目变化与物种进化具有密切相关性,多倍化可能是根茎组植物核型进化的重要机制之一;(2)随体染色体多为st或t染色体,均位于短臂末端;(3)可以认为辉韭是以增加倍性来克服该物种扩大新的生存空间所带来的困难;(4)现今栽培的韭可能是由野生的二倍体韭和四倍体韭经过长期人工驯化而来的,现今栽培的三倍体韭可能是二倍体韭和四倍体韭杂交而来,并且以无性繁殖方式保存三倍体类群的存在。  相似文献   

采用根尖压片技术对刺五加的细胞染色体计数,并对其进行了核型分析,结果表明:刺五加染色体数目为2n=48,染色体基数X=24。其中1对染色体上有随体,核型公式为:K(2n)=48=12m+18sm(SAT)+8st+10t。染色体相对长度组成2n=4L+22M2+14M1+8S,属于“3B”型。全组染色体总长30.82¨m,长臂总长22.88Dm,核型不对称系数为74.23%。  相似文献   

The karyotype and external morphology of Leptothorax ( Myrafant ) ants, taken from nests at nine ' Leptothorax tuberum ' localities in England and Wales, identifies them all as L. tuberointerruptus. Their karyotype differs in chromosome number and chromosome morphology from the karyotypes of morphologically similar European Leptothorax ( Myrafant ) species including L. tuberum , but matches the karyotype shared by L. tuberointerruptus and L. rougeti. Worker propodeal spine length, and worker propodeal spine shape coupled with worker gaster banding characteristics, distinguish the nest samples from L. rougeti. The presence of L. tuberointerruptus in Britain is therefore confirmed, and the data demonstrate this ant's occurrence throughout the British range attributed to L. tuberum. In the absence of equivalent data identifying L. tuberum as a British species, it may reasonably be assumed that L. tuberointerruptus has been misrecorded as L. tuberum in Britain and that all British mainland records of L. tuberum refer to L. tuberointerruptus. An examination of the syntypes of Stenamma albipennis shows that S. albipennis and L. tuberointerruptus are synonymous, and that L. albipennis is the senior name. It follows that L. albipennis is a scarce British ant of 'Notable B' conservation status. A taxonomic synopsis for L. albipennis is given.  相似文献   

A flow cytometry protocol was applied for the detection of neoplasia in Macoma balthica L. from the Gulf of Gdansk (Baltic Sea, Poland). A simple method, based on an osmotic shock, was used to permeabilise gill cells. The cytometric pattern of normal clams consisted of 2 peaks, a major peak B and a smaller peak C. The cytometric pattern of affected clams consisted of 2 peaks named B' and C'. Two parameters were used to define the stages of abnormalities in M. balthica clams based on the percentage of cells in peaks B, C, B' and C' and on the ratio between the fluorescence value of peaks B, C, B' and C' in all individuals. Three stages of neoplasia were clearly distinguished by flow cytometry considering peak C'. Stage 1 was characterised by a major population of cells in peak B' and more than 10% of cells in the C' peak. Stage 2 consisted of a lower percentage of cells in peak B' and more than 25% of cells in peak C'. Stage 3 of the neoplasia was characterised by a further reduction in peak B' and more than 40% of cells in peak C'. Flow cytometry allowed for objective detection of neoplasia and provided a rapid method for measuring the DNA content of thousands of cells per individual. The accuracy of flow cytometry was assessed by comparing with standard histological techniques, used here as a reference technique for the detection of neoplasia, and with chromosome analysis. All individuals were analysed in parallel using the 3 techniques. The proportion of normal and affected individuals diagnosed using flow cytometry was comparable to the proportion determined by histology and chromosome analysis.  相似文献   

中国樟科5属9种植物的核型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了我国樟科(Lauraceae)5属9种植物核型研究结果,其中7种染色体数目为首次报道,核型结果为:樟(Cinnamoumcamphora)20m+4sm油樟(Sinnamoumlongepaniculatum)20m+4sm;黑壳楠(Linderamegaphylla)18m(2SAT)+6sm,山苍子(Linderacubeba)16m+8sm,香叶树(Linderamegaphylla)  相似文献   

In the present paper the karyotypes of Smilacina tatsienensis (Franch.) Wang et Tang and Ophiopogon japonicus (L. f.) Ker.- Gawl. in Sichuan were analysed. The karyotypes of the two species are reported for the first time. The results are shown as follows. Smilacina tatsienensis (Franch.) Wang et Tang is a dipoiid. Its karyotype formula is 2n=2x=36=16m+10sm+10st(4SAT) (Plate 1: Fig. 1, 3). The karyotype is bimodal with ten large and eight small chromosome pairs and the length ratio of the tenth pair to the eleventh being 1.33. The length ratio of the largest chromosome and the smallest one is 4.33. Ophiopogon japonicus (L.f.) Ker.-Gawl. is a mixoploid, with diploid, triploid and tetraploid cells in a single plant. The karyotype formula of the diploid is 2n=2x=36=18m (4SAT)+18sm(Plate 1: Fig. 2, 4). The species is of a bimodal karyotype with eight large and ten small chromosome pairs and the length ratio to the eighth pair and the ninth being 1.10.There are nine metacentric pairs (two pairs of sat-chromosomes) and nine submetacentric pairs.  相似文献   

珍珠菜属三种植物的核型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国产三种珍珠菜属 (Lysimachia)植物进行了核型研究 ,其中点腺过路黄 (LysimachiahemsleyanaMaxim .)染色体核型 2n =2 2 =2m +4sm +8st+8t,聚花过路黄 (L .congestifloraHesmsl.)核型 2n =2 4=2m +2sm +1 0st+1 0t及山萝过路黄 (L .melampyroidesR .Knuth)染色体数目 2n =2 2 ,核型 2n =2 2 =4m +6sm +4st+8t,为首次报道。本文还分析了黄连花亚属 (subgen.Lysimachia) 2组 8种植物的核型 ,结果表明黄连花组(sect.Lysimachia)核型类型 1A ,过路黄组 (sect.Nummularia)核型类型 3A或 3B。  相似文献   

5种珍珠菜属植物的核型分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
对 5种珍珠菜属 (LysimachiaL .)植物的核型进行了研究 ,其中巴东过路黄 2n =2x =2 4 =6m 4sm 6st 8t、光叶巴东过路黄 2n =2x =2 4 =6m 4sm 6st 8t、临时救 2n =2x =2 4=2m 4sm 4st 14t的核型属首次报道。过路黄 2n =2x =2 4 =2m 4sm 6st 12t和星宿菜2n =2x =2 4 =2 0m 4sm与前人报道的一致。本文还对该属已报道的 17种植物的核型资料进行了总结和比较分析 ,对珍珠菜属植物的核型进化方向作了初步推测。另外对一存疑过路黄(2n =2x =2 4 =2m 6sm 4st 12t)与其近缘种的核型进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

The karyotypes and pollen morphology of Brassica oleracea L. and B. alboglabra Bailey were studied by preparing mitotic chromosome specimens and scanning electron microscope. The results are as follows: 1. the karyotypes of the 4 varieties in B. oleracea L. and of B. alboglabra Bailey are similar, all with the same chromosome number (2n=18) satellite number (one pair) and a type of karyotype, but different in respect to satellite position and karyotype symmetry 2. The pollengrains of 2 varieties of B. oleracea L. are 3-colporate and reticulate, distinctly different from those in B. alboglabra, which are pantoporate with smaller lumina. Based on the results we tend to regard that B. alboglabra Bailey is an independent species.  相似文献   

百合属4种植物的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法对4种百合属植物野百合(L.brow n ii F.E.B row n ex M ie llez.)、兰州百合(L.d av id iiDuchartre var.un icolor(Hoog.)Co Hon.)、川百合(L.d av id ii Duchartre)、湖北百合(L.henry i B aker)进行了核型研究.结果表明,4种百合的染色体数目均为2n=24,核型除川百合为3A外,其余3种均为3B型.核型公式分别为:野百合2n(2x)=24=4m(2SAT) 2sm(2SAT) 4st 14t,兰州百合2n(2x)=24=2m(2SAT) 2sm 10st(2SAT) 8t 2T,川百合2n(2x)=24=2m(2SAT) 2sm 12st(3SAT) 8t,湖北百合2n(2x)=24=4m 18st 2t,其中湖北百合染色体核型为首次报道.通过比较发现,兰州百合与川百合的核型最为相似,亲缘关系相近;核型不对称性为兰州百合>川百合>野百合>湖北百合,以湖北百合的核型较为原始.  相似文献   

The genus Lycoris (Amaryllidaceae) consists of about 20 species, all of which are confined to temperate China, Japan and Korea. Cytological investigations, including a reexamination of the karyotypes of 14 taxa, measurements of relative nuclear DNA content, and meiotic configuration observations on some specific forms and interspecific hybrids, have been carried out by the present authors in order to re-evaluate the mode of karyotype evolution and the role of hybridization in the speciation of Lycoris. These have resulted in a new theory for explaining the karyotype evolution in the genus, which will be considered elsewhere. The present paper deals with observations on karyotypes of 11 species, 1 variety and 2 artificial hybrids. Results obtained through karyotype analysis, as shown by the data in Table 1, Plates I-VI and Figs. 1-2, reveal that: (1) the karyotypes of Lycoris rosea, L. radiata var. pumila, L. sprengeri, L. haywardii, L. caldwellii, L. squamigera and L. radiata are, on the whole, consistent with those reported by the previous authors[1,2,3,4,5,8,10,12];(2) the I (rodshaped) chromosomes of L. chinensis and L. longituba are all T’s (telocentric) instead of t’s (acrocentric) or t(Sat)’s; (3) the three materials of L. aurea of different sources have shown a karyotypic differentiation: one with 2n=14=8m+6T, and the others with 2n=16=6m+10T: (4) both of the karyotypes of L. straminea and L. albiflora are 2n=19=3V+6I, inconsistent with 2n=16=6V+10I for the former and with 2n=17=5V+12I for the latter as reported by Inariyama (1953), Bose and Flory (1963) and Kurita (1987). The following aspects are worthwhile discussing: 1. The types of chromosomes. Karyotype analyses reveal the existence of three major chromosome types in Lycoris: (1) m (metacentric) chromosomes: (2) t (acrocentric) chromosomes, with short arms, (3) T (telocentric) chromosomes, sometimes with dot-like terminal centromeres. To distinghish t’s from T’s is of paramount importance for solving the problem of karyotype evolution in Lycoris. Bose (1963) pointed out that in the species with 2n=22, all I chromosomes were t’s, while in species with 2n=12-16, all I chromosomes were T’s. Our results of chromosome observations are consistent with Bose’s remarks. Some authorst[3,6] have probably mistaken the dot-like terminal centromeres of T’s of L. longituba and L. chinensis as the short arms of t’s. 2. The significance of Robertsonian change in karyotype evolution. Although chromosome numbers and karyotypes are very variable in Lycoris, as shown in Table 1, the total number of arms of a chromosome complement of any species is always multiples of 11. Hence, it seems likely that Robertsonian changes have taken part in karyotype alteration, The genus has a series of basic chromosome numbers: 6, 7, 8 and 11. But which is the most primitive one? It is uncertain whether a successive decrease in chromosome numbers as a result of Robertsonian fusion or a gradual increase in chromosome numbers brought about by fission (fragmentation) has been the essential mechanism for karyotype evolution and speciation in Lycoris. These problems are of crucial importance and will be discussed in our subsequent papers. 3. The origin of polyploids. As evident from Table 1, there are two levels of ploidy differentiation in Lycoris: (1) di ploids with 2n=22 or the equivalent of 22, (2) triploids with 2n=33 or the equivalent of 33. The most common way of origination of triploids in plants is the hybridization of diploids with Tetraploids. But tetraploids have never been found in Lycoris. Thus, it is suggested that the triploids have originated from the combination of an unreduced gamete of a diploid with a normal gamete of another diploid. 4. The role of hybridization in speciation. Results of karyotype analyses show that hybridization has taken an important part in the speciation of Lycoris. Two types of hybrids have been found: (1) 2n=19= 3V+ 16I, L. straminea, L. albiflora and the two artificial hybrids L. sprengeri×L. chinensis and L. haywardii× L. chinensis all possess this karyotype. It could be seen from the above chromosome number and karyotype that this sort of karyotype is exactly half of the total sum of 2n=22I and 2n=16= 6V+10I. It is, therefore, quite evident that taxa possessing this karyotype are all diploid hybrids of 2n=22 and 2n=16, (2) 2n=27=6V+21I, L. caldwellii and L. squamigera possess this karyotype. It is reasonable to assume, too, that they are segmental allotriploids and have arisen from the combination of an unreduced diploid gamete of 2n=16 and a normal haploid gamete of 2n=22. The origin of the hybrid karyotype 2n=17=5V+12I reported by Inari- yama (1953) is similar to that of 2n=19, except that one of the parents possesses 2n=12= 10V+2I instead of 2n=16=6V+10I. The origin of the other hybrid karyotype 2n=30=3V+ 27I reported by Bose (1963) is similar to that of 2n=27, but the diploid gamete comes from taxa possessing 2n=22 instead of 2n=16.  相似文献   

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