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The development of subunit vaccines against most parasitic helminth infections will require a better understanding of the different components of a natural rejection process including (1) recognition of parasite antigens; (2) induction of protective immune response phenotypes; and (3) activation of appropriate immune effector mechanisms. While novel technologies have allowed significant progress to be made in the identification of candidate vaccine antigens, the large scale production of these antigens and their presentation to the host with appropriate adjuvant systems remains a major problem in vaccine research. Identification of the molecular interactions involved in the innate immune response to helminth infections and the application of new genomic and proteomic technologies are likely to lead to major advances in these research fields. Gastrointestinal nematode parasites and liver fluke are the most important helminth parasites of production animals. In recent years, a lot of new knowledge has been gathered on the immunobiology of the host-parasite interactions in these two infection systems, which has allowed new vaccination strategies to be considered. Functional genomic technologies such as gene expression analysis by microarrays, promise to further advance our understanding of the molecular pathways leading to protection against parasite infections. This will not only have implications for vaccine research, but also provide novel targets for drug development and genetic selection.  相似文献   

Barger IA 《International journal for parasitology》1999,29(1):41-7; discussion 49-50
There is no single requirement more crucial to the rational and sustainable control of helminth parasites in grazing animals than a comprehensive knowledge of the epidemiology of the parasite as it interacts with the host in a specific climatic, management and production environment. In its absence, anthelmintic treatment is either given suppressively, which provokes resistance, or therapeutically, which risks clinical disease and production losses. Sustainable parasite-control programmes require knowledge of seasonal larval availability, origin of larvae contributing to any peaks and climatic requirements for worm egg hatching, larval development and survival. Control measures based on this knowledge include strategic anthelmintic treatments and various forms of grazing management. While these measures can reduce the frequency of anthelmintic treatment required, their effect on selection for drench resistance is more problematical, unless they can be combined with other forms of control to reduce our current dependence on anthelmintics.  相似文献   

Parasitic helminths infecting humans are highly prevalent infecting ∼2 billion people worldwide, causing inflammatory responses, malnutrition and anemia that are the primary cause of morbidity. In addition, helminth infections of cattle have a significant economic impact on livestock production, milk yield and fertility. The etiological agents of helminth infections are mainly Nematodes (roundworms) and Platyhelminths (flatworms). G-quadruplexes (G4) are unusual nucleic acid structures formed by G-rich sequences that can be recognized by specific G4 ligands. Here we used the G4Hunter Web Tool to identify and compare potential G4 sequences (PQS) in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of various helminths to identify G4 ligand targets. PQS are nonrandomly distributed in these genomes and often located in the proximity of genes. Unexpectedly, a Nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, was found to be highly enriched in stable PQS. This species can tolerate high-stability G4 structures, which are not counter selected at all, in stark contrast to most other species. We experimentally confirmed G4 formation for sequences found in four different parasitic helminths. Small molecules able to selectively recognize G4 were found to bind to Schistosoma mansoni G4 motifs. Two of these ligands demonstrated potent activity both against larval and adult stages of this parasite.  相似文献   

Most helminth parasites of man are unable to replicate within the human host. Thus, the worm burden of an infected person (on which the pathology largely depends - see Box 1) is a function of the number of infective forms to which the person is exposed. But for some species of helminths, the ability to replicate in man has a marked effect on the course and duration of infection, and for the pathogenesis of disease. In this review, David Grove discusses the mechanisms by which such replication may occur, and considers how this ability affects our approach to therapy and control.  相似文献   

For nearly 40 years, irradiated larval vaccines have been available for the control of parasitic bronchitis in cattle and sheep caused by Dictyocaulus spp. Despite research on a number of other host/parasite systems, no other vaccines have been commercially successful. Vaccination could provide a useful addition to other control methods in an integrated parasite management system where the criteria for vaccine success may not be complete control and sterile immunity, but a sufficient reduction in worm burden to decrease overall reinfection levels at the flock/herd level and, hence, prevent clinical disease and subclinical effects including production loss. Indeed, vaccination against Dictyocaulus spp. relies on continued natural infection to maintain levels of immunity. However, the difficulties of producing live larval vaccines are often cited as a reason why this line of research should not be pursued. This paper discusses some of the difficulties in vaccine production and offers some solutions and recommendations for those wishing to develop and register irradiated larval vaccines for other helminth diseases.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of an anthelmintic drug includes the time course of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination from the host and determines the concentration of the active drug that reaches the location of the parasite. However, the action of the anthelmintic also depends on the ability of the active drug to reach its specific receptor within the target parasite. Thus, drug entry and accumulation in target helminths are important issues when considering how best to achieve optimal efficacy. Passive drug transfer through the external helminth surface is the predominant entry mechanism for most widely used anthelmintics and is discussed in this article. Despite the structural differences between the external surface of nematodes (the cuticle) and the external surface of cestodes and trematodes (the tegument), the mechanism of drug entrance into both types of helminth depends on the lipophilicity of the anthelmintic and this is the major physicochemical determinant for the drug to reach a therapeutic concentration in the target parasite. Understanding the processes that regulate drug transfer into helminth parasites is an important aspect in improving the control of parasites in human and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

Polyamine levels of some helminth parasites were analyzed by reverse phase HPLC of benzoyl derivatives. Setaria cervi, Acanthocheilonema viteae, Hymenolepis nana, H. diminuta, and Ascaridia galli contained higher levels of spermine than spermidine while in Ancylostoma ceylanicum and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis the spermidine levels were higher than spermine; putrescine was either absent or present in minor quantities. The enzymes of polyamine biosynthesis viz., ornithine decarboxylase, S-adenosyl methionine (SAM)-decarboxylase, and arginine decarboxylase were present in very low to negligible amounts in all the parasites examined. A. ceylanicum exhibited high activity of ornithine amino transferase (OAT) and catalyzed appreciable decarboxylation of ornithine. The ornithine decarboxylating activity of A. ceylanicum was localized in the particulate fraction containing mitochondria, not inhibited by alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine, the specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), but inhibited in the presence of glutamate, suggesting the involvement of mitochondrial OAT rather than a true ODC in ornithine decarboxylation in this parasite. Significant activity of polyamine oxidase was also detected in helminth parasites. The absence of polyamine biosynthesizing enzymes in helminth parasites suggests their dependence on hosts for uptake and interconversion of polyamines, providing a potential target for chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Animal virology has made outstanding contributions to preventive medicine by the development of vaccines for the control of infectious disease in man and animals. Cost-benefit analysis indicates substantial savings in health care costs from the control of diseases such as smallpox, poliomyelitis, yellow fever and measels. Areas for further development include vaccines for influenza (living, attenuated virus), the herpes group (varicella: cytomegalovirus), respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus and hepatitis A, B, and non A/non B. The general options for vaccine formulation are discussed with particular emphasis on approaches with the use of viral genetics to 'tailor make' vaccine viruses with defined growth potential in laboratory systems, low pathogenicity, and defined antigens. Current progress with the development of an inactivated hepatitis B vaccine is reviewed as a case study in vaccine development. The impact of recent experiments in cloning hepatitis B virus DNA in E. coli on the production of a purified viral polypeptide vaccine is assessed.  相似文献   

Prophylactic vaccines can be expected to be one of the major practical outputs of parasitology research. Various groups within Australia have pursued the vaccine objective for several years, with particular emphasis on blood-stage falciparum malaria in man, intestinal helminths of sheep and cattle, cutaneous myiasis (blowfly strike) in sheep, cysticercosis in sheep and cattle, bovine babesiosis, and cattle ticks. Other vaccine programmes are concerned with giardiasis, filariasis, toxoplasmosis, fascioliasis, coccidiosis in poultry, cutaneous leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis japonica. For many years, the only available vaccine against a parasite in Australia has been the attenuated Babesia bovis vaccine produced by the Tick Fever Research Centre of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries. Strategies for achieving molecular vaccines are generally similar within the various research groups. They involve analysis of the immunology and immunochemistry of a model or in-vitro system; development of functional monoclonal antibodies; analysis of antibody specificities in clinically and/or functionally defined polyclonal sera; screening of cDNA or genomic expression libraries; peptide synthesis; identification of an appropriate vaccination schedule involving adjuvants or new recombinant DNA-based antigen delivery systems. Outlined below are five of the major vaccine programmes.  相似文献   

Vaccines against gastrointestinal nematode parasites of ruminants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A consequence of intensive livestock production is an increase in the incidence and impact of gastrointestinal (GI) parasites. Farmers have sought to redress this shift in the natural host-parasite relationship by chemotherapy. However, with the widespread development of resistance to anthelmintics and the current impetus for sustainable agricultural practices, alternatives such as vaccines are being sought to maintain animal productivity. In this article, David Emery and Barry Wagland discuss recent advances in immunity to nematode infections of ruminants and the development of vaccines made possible by the dogged persistence and ingenuity of cadres of parasitologists who have done more than 'go through the motions'.  相似文献   

Density dependence and the control of helminth parasites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The transient dynamics and stability of a population are determined by the interplay between species density, its spatial distribution and the positive and negative density-dependent processes regulating population growth. 2. Using the human-helminth parasite system as an example, we propose that the life-stage upon which negative density dependence operates will influence the rate of host reinfection following anthelmintic chemotherapy, and the likely success of control programmes. 3. Simple deterministic models are developed which highlight how a parasite species whose population size is down-regulated by density-dependent establishment will reinfect a host population at a faster rate than a species with density-dependent parasite fecundity. 4. Different forms of density dependence can produce the same equilibrium behaviour but different transient dynamics. Under-representing the nature and magnitude of density-dependent mechanisms, and in particular those operating upon establishing life-stages, may cause the resilience of the parasite population to a control perturbation to be underestimated.  相似文献   

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