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Body size is one of the most significant features of organisms and is correlated with a large number of ecological and physiological variables. Similar to size, biological shape is one of the most conspicuous aspects of an organism's phenotype and provides a link between the genotype and the environment. Body size may change with altitude and also habitat differences associated with altitude may affect the biological shape and some morphological characteristics. Four populations of Aedes vexans Meigen occurring in different ecological subregions at altitudes between 808–1,620 m in the Aras Valley from northeastern Turkey were compared using traditional and geometric morphometrics. When the wing shape differences of populations were analyzed by UPGM, the cluster analyses recognized two main groups of populations. Gödekli (808 m) comprised the first group while Zülfikar (848 m), Sürmeli (944 m), and Cilehane (1,620 m) populations comprised the second group. In the second group, Zülfikar and Cilehane populations showed a similar grouping pattern while Sürmeli appeared as a different group. Centroid sizes were used as measures of overall wing size differences among different regions. Aedes vexans from the Sürmeli region had relatively larger wings.  相似文献   

Both wing size and wing shape affect the flight abilities of birds. Intra and inter‐specific studies have revealed a pattern where high aspect ratio and low wing loading favour migratory behaviour. This, however, have not been studied in soaring migrants. We assessed the relationship between the wing size and shape and the characteristics of the migratory habits of the turkey vulture Cathartes aura, an obligate soaring migrant. We compared wing size and shape with migration strategy among three fully migratory, one partially migratory and one non‐migratory (resident) population distributed across the American continent. We calculated the aspect ratio and wing loading using wing tracings to characterize the wing morphology. We used satellite‐tracking data from the migratory populations to calculate distance, duration, speed and altitude during migration. Wing loading, but not aspect ratio, differed among the populations, segregating the resident population from the completely migratory ones. Unlike what has been reported in species using flapping flight during migration, the migratory flight parameters of turkey vultures were not related to the aspect ratio. By contrast, wing loading was related to most flight parameters. Birds with lower wing loading flew farther, faster, and higher during their longer journeys. Our results suggest that wing morphology in this soaring species enables lower‐cost flight, through low wing‐loading, and that differences in the relative sizes of wings may increase extra savings during migration. The possibility that wing shape is influenced by foraging as well as migratory flight is discussed. We conclude that flight efficiency may be improved through different morphological adaptations in birds with different flight mechanisms.  相似文献   

SUMMARY We have taken advantage of parallel instances of natural selection on body size in Drosophila melanogaster to investigate constraints and adaptation affecting wing shape. Using recently developed techniques for statistical shape analysis, we have examined variation in wing shape in similar body size clines on three continents. Gender-related shape differences were constant among all populations, suggesting that gender differences represent a developmental constraint on wing shape. In contrast, the underlying shape varied significantly between continents and shape change within each cline (i.e., between small and large body size populations) also varied between continents. Therefore, variation at these two levels presumably results from either drift or natural selection. Functional considerations suggest that shape variation between the continents is unlikely to be adaptive. However, cline-related shape change, which we show has a significant allometric component, may be adaptive. The overall range of wing shape variation, across a large range of wing size, is extremely small, and the possibility that wing shape is subject to stabilizing selection (or canalization) is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how natural environments shape phenotypic variation is a major aim in evolutionary biology. Here, we have examined clinal, likely genetically based variation in morphology among 19 populations of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) from Africa and Europe, spanning a range from sea level to 3000 m altitude and including locations approximating the southern and northern range limit. We were interested in testing whether latitude and altitude have similar phenotypic effects, as has often been postulated. Both latitude and altitude were positively correlated with wing area, ovariole number, and cell number. In contrast, latitude and altitude had opposite effects on the ratio between ovariole number and body size, which was negatively correlated with egg production rate per ovariole. We also used transgenic manipulation to examine how increased cell number affects morphology and found that larger transgenic flies, due to a higher number of cells, had more ovarioles, larger wings, and, unlike flies from natural populations, increased wing loading. Clinal patterns in morphology are thus not a simple function of changes in body size; instead, each trait might be subject to different selection pressures. Together, our results provide compelling evidence for profound similarities as well as differences between phenotypic effects of latitude and altitude.  相似文献   

Latitudinal clinal variation in wing size and shape has evolved in North American populations of Drosophila subobscura within about 20 years since colonization. While the size cline is consistent to that found in original European populations (and globally in other Drosophila species), different parts of the wing have evolved on the two continents. This clearly suggests that 'chance and necessity' are simultaneously playing their roles in the process of adaptation. We report here rapid and consistent thermal evolution of wing shape (but not size) that apparently is at odds with that suggestion. Three replicated populations of D. subobscura derived from an outbred stock at Puerto Montt (Chile) were kept at each of three temperatures (13, 18 and 22 degrees C) for 1 year and have diverged for 27 generations at most. We used the methods of geometric morphometrics to study wing shape variation in both females and males from the thermal stocks, and rates of genetic divergence for wing shape were found to be as fast or even faster than those previously estimated for wing size on a continental scale. These shape changes did not follow a neat linear trend with temperature, and are associated with localized shifts of particular landmarks with some differences between sexes. Wing shape variables were found to differ in response to male genetic constitution for polymorphic chromosomal inversions, which strongly suggests that changes in gene arrangement frequencies as a response to temperature underlie the correlated changes in wing shape because of gene-inversion linkage disequilibria. In fact, we also suggest that the shape cline in North America likely predated the size cline and is consistent with the quite different evolutionary rates between inversion and size clines. These findings cast strong doubts on the supposed 'unpredictability' of the geographical cline for wing traits in D. subobscura North American colonizing populations.  相似文献   

In fewer than two decades after invading the Americas, the fly Drosophila subobscura evolved latitudinal clines for chromosomal inversion frequencies and wing size that are parallel to the long‐standing ones in native Palearctic populations. By sharp contrast, wing shape clines also evolved in the New World, but the relationship with latitude was opposite to that in the Old World. Previous work has suggested that wing trait differences among individuals are partially due to the association between chromosomal inversions and particular alleles which influence the trait under consideration. Furthermore, it is well documented that a few number of effective individuals founded the New World populations, which might have modified the biometrical effect of inversions on quantitative traits. Here we evaluate the relative contribution of chromosomal inversion clines in shaping the parallel clines in wing size and contrasting clines in wing shape in native and colonizing populations of the species. Our results reveal that inversion‐size and inversion‐shape associations in native and colonizing (South America) populations are generally different, probably due to the bottleneck effect. Contingent, unpredictable evolution was suggested as an explanation for the different details involved in the otherwise parallel wing size clines between Old and New World populations of D. subobscura. We challenge this assertion and conclude that contrasting wing shape clines came out as a correlated response of inversion clines that might have been predicted considering the genetic background of colonizers.  相似文献   

Sambucetti P  Loeschcke V  Norry FM 《Hereditas》2006,143(2006):77-83
Clinal analysis for fitness-related traits provides a well-known approach to investigate adaptive evolution. Several fitness-related traits (developmental time, thorax length, wing length and wing loading) were measured at two laboratory generations (G7 and G33) of D. buzzatii from an altitudinal gradient from northwestern Argentina, where significant thermal differences persist. Developmental time (DT) was positively correlated with altitude of origin of population. Further, DT was negatively correlated with maximal mean temperature at the site of origin of population, and this thermal variable decreases with altitude. Wing loading tended to be larger in highland than in lowland populations, suggesting that flight performance is subject to stronger selection pressure in highland populations. Developmental time showed a significant increase with laboratory generation number. There was no significant correlation between developmental time and body size across populations along the altitudinal cline of DT. This result illustrates that developmental time and body size do not always evolve in the same direction, even though both traits are often positively and genetically correlated in a well-known tradeoff in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The wing shape and size morphology of populations of the medically important phlebotomine sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi, were examined in two endemic (south of the Atlas Mountains) and nonendemic (north of the Atlas Mountains) foci of cutaneous leishmaniasis by using geometric morphometrics in Morocco. Although it is present in all of Morocco, P. papatasi is the main vector of Leishmania major in only southern part of the Atlas Mountains. There are four major mountain ranges that serve as geographical barriers for species distribution in the study area and at least four gaps were recognized among these barriers. We found statistically significant differences in wing shape morphology between southern and northern populations. Analysis clearly recognized two main groups of populations on both sides of the mountains. The graphical depiction of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Variates Analysis (CVA) confirmed our morphometric study suggesting that the difference in wing morphology between the populations indicates that the population of P. papatasi shows phenotypic plasticity in the study area. According to centroid size analyses, which were used as measures of wing size differences among different sites, the north population of P. papatasi had relatively larger wings than the south population.  相似文献   

Drosophila buzzatii and D. koepferae are two sibling species that breed on the necrotic tissues of several cactus species and show a certain degree of niche overlap. Also, they show differences in several life history traits, such as body size and developmental time, which probably evolved as a consequence of adaptation to different host plants. In this work we investigate the ecological and genetic factors affecting wing morphology variation both within and between species. Three wing traits were scored, distal and proximal wing length and width in isofemale lines reared in two of the most important host cacti: Opuntia sulphurea and Trichocereus terschekii. Our results revealed that differences between species and sexes in wing size and shape were significant, whereas the cactus factor was only significant for wing size. Intraspecific analyses showed that differences among isofemale lines were highly significant for both size and shape in both species, suggesting that an important fraction of variation in wing morphology has a genetic basis. Moreover, the line by cactus interaction, which can be interpreted as a genotype by environment interaction, also accounted for a significant proportion of variation. In summary, our study shows that wing size is phenotypically plastic and that populations of D. buzzatii and D. koepferae harbour substantial amounts of genetic variation for wing size and shape. Interspecific differences in wing size and shape are interpreted in terms of spatial predictability of the different host plants in nature.  相似文献   

The phenotypic plasticity of wing size and wing shape of Zaprionus indianus was investigated in relation to growth temperature (17°C to 31°C) in two natural populations living under different climates, equatorial and subtropical. The two populations were clearly distinguished not only by their wing size (the populations from the colder climate being bigger in size), but also by the shape of the response curves to growth temperature i.e., their reaction norms. In this respect, the temperature at which the size of the wing was maximum was about 3°C higher in the equatorial population. Such a difference in size plasticity is already found in two other nonclosely related species, might be a general evolutionary pattern in drosophilids. Wing shape was investigated by calculating an ellipse included into the wing blade, then by considering the ratio of the two axes, and also by analysing the angular position of 10 wing-vein landmarks. For an overall shape index (ratio of the two axes of the ellipse), a regular and almost linear increase was observed with increasing temperature i.e., a more round shape at high temperatures. Wing shape was also analysed by considering the variations of the various angles according to temperature. A diversity of response curves was observed, revealing either a monotonous increase or decrease with increasing temperature, and sometimes a bell shape curve. An interesting conclusion is that, in most cases, a significant difference was observed between the two populations, and the difference was more pronounced at low temperatures. These angular variations are difficult to interpret in an evolutionary context. More comparative studies should be undertaken before reaching some general conclusions.  相似文献   

Replicated lines of Drosophila subobscura originating from a large outbred stock collected at the estimated Chilean epicentre (Puerto Montt) of the original New World invasion were allowed to evolve under controlled conditions of larval crowding for 3.5 years at three temperature levels (13, 18 and 22 degrees C). Several pre-adult life history traits (development time, survival and competitive ability), adult life history related traits (wing size, wing shape and wing-aspect ratio), and wing size and shape asymmetries were measured at the three temperatures. Cold-adapted (13 degrees C) populations evolved longer development times and showed lower survival at the highest developmental temperature. No divergence for wing size was detected following adaptation to temperature extremes (13 and 22 degrees C), in agreement with earlier observations, but wing shape changes were obvious as a result of both thermal adaptation and development at different temperatures. However, the evolutionary trends observed for the wing-aspect ratio were inconsistent with an adaptive hypothesis. There was some indication that wing shape asymmetry has evolutionarily increased in warm-adapted populations, which suggests that there is additive genetic variation for fluctuating asymmetry and that it can evolve under rapid environmental changes caused by thermal stress. Overall, our results cast strong doubts on the hypothesis that body size itself is the target of selection, and suggest that pre-adult life history traits are more closely related to thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Geographic populations of the two main sandflies genera present in Thailand were studied for species and population identification. Size and shape of Phlebotomus stantoni and Sergentomyia hodgsoni from different island and mainland locations were examined by landmark-based geometric morphometrics. Intraspecific and interspecific wing comparison was carried out based on 12 anatomical landmarks. The wing centroid size of P. stantoni was generally larger than that of S. hodgsoni. Within both species, wings from the continent were significantly larger than those from island populations. Size variation could be significant between geographic locations, but could also overlap between genera. The wing venation geometry showed non-overlapping differences between two species. The within-species variation of geometric shape between different geographical locations was highly significant, but it could not interfere with the interspecies difference. The lack of species overlapping in shape, and the high discrimination between geographic populations, make geometric shape a promising character for future taxonomic and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Twelve Indian natural populations of Drosophila ananassae, a cosmopolitan and domestic species, were sampled and laboratory populations (mass cultures) were established from naturally impregnated females. These populations were maintained in the laboratory for some generations and were analysed chromosomally to know the frequency of different inversions. The chromosomal analysis revealed the presence of three cosmopolitan inversions. The data on the whole show that there are significant differences in the frequencies of different chromosome arrangements in these populations. Body size (wing length and thorax length) was measured in both sexes (50 females and 50 males), in all the 12 geographical populations of D. ananassae. There are statistically significant differences in wing length as well as in thorax length of both sexes among different geographical populations. Five geographical strains were crossed reciprocally and body size (wing length and thorax length) was measured in F1 and F2 progeny. The comparison of body size (both traits) between mid‐parent, F1 and F2 shows that there is an increase in body size in F1 and F2 progeny as compared with parents. Thus, there is no break down of heterosis in F2, which suggests absence of coadaptation in geographical populations of D. ananassae. Scaling test statistical analysis showed additive, dominance and epistatic effects in certain crosses involving geographical strains of D. ananassae. Correlation between chromosome arrangement frequency and body size has also been tested and significant negative correlation has been found between 2L – ST chromosome arrangement and male thorax.  相似文献   

研究了太白红杉6个种群中13个种实性状的变异情况.结果表明,太白红杉种实性状在种群内和种群间均存在广泛的变异,除种子宽和种鳞宽的差异在种群间不显著外,其它11个性状在种群间差异均极显著;种群间种鳞长、种鳞宽、球果长宽比、种翅长和种翅宽的变异程度比种群内大,其它8个性状在种群内的变异程度比种群间大.海拔对太白红杉种实性状的影响比较明显,其中种子宽、种鳞长、种翅宽、种鳞宽、球果长、球果宽和种鳞数与海拔呈负相关,种子宽和球果宽相关性显著,种鳞长、种翅宽、种鳞宽、球果长和种鳞数相关性极显著;坡度与种鳞长宽比呈负相关;年降水与球果宽呈正相关.种子长宽比和种翅长宽比与海拔呈负相关.  相似文献   

Genotype-by-temperature interaction is a necessary condition for adaptive evolution of fitness traits as a response to temperature. Several fitness-related traits (developmental time, pre-adult survival, thorax and wing lengths, and wing loading) were measured in laboratory-reared D. buzzatii from four populations sampled at different altitudes in north-western Argentina: a lowland population (407 m a.s.l.), two populations from intermediate altitude (780 to 950 m a.s.l.), and a highland population (2380 m a.s.l.). Temperature is the main climatic difference between the collection sites: lowland but not highland populations are exposed to physiologically high temperatures during both spring and summer in nature. Three growth temperatures (20, 25 and 30 degrees C) were used to test for population-by-temperature interactions. Both developmental time and pre-adult survival exhibit highly significant population-by-temperature interaction. Pre-adult survival at 30 degrees C is significantly higher in lowland than in highland populations, but not so at lower growth temperatures (20 and 25 degrees C). Both wing length and wing loading show no population-by-temperature interaction, indicating that these traits are not the direct targets of thermal adaptation in nature. Wing loading is higher in highland than in lowland populations, suggesting that flight performance is subject to stronger selection in the highland population. This hypothesis is consistent with ecological observations in both types of populations. There is no obvious among-population relationship between developmental time and body size, even though both traits are related within populations in a well-known trade-off. Overall, thermal adaptation is evident for developmental time and pre-adult survival but not for size-related traits.  相似文献   

Wing morphological variations are described here for the lycaenid butterfly Tongeia fischeri. A landmark‐based geometric morphometric approach based on wing venation of 197 male and 187 female butterflies collected in Japan was used to quantify wing size and shape variations between sexes and among populations. Sexual dimorphism in wing size and shape was detected. Females had significantly larger wings than males, while males showed a relatively elongated forewing with a longer apex and narrower wing tornus in comparison to females. Intraspecific variations in wing morphology among populations were revealed for the wing shape, but not wing size. Distinct wing shape differences were found in the vein intersections area around the distal part of the discal cell where median veins originated in the forewing and around the origin of the CU1 vein in the hindwing. In addition, phenotypic relationships inferred from wing shape variations grouped T. fischeri populations into three groups, reflecting the subspecies classification of the species. The spatial variability and phenotypic relationships between conspecific populations of T. fischeri detected here are generally in agreement with the previous molecular study based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, suggesting the presence of a phylogenetic signal in the wing shape of T. fischeri, and thus having taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

The evolution of acoustic behaviour and that of the morphological traits mediating its production are often coupled. Lack of variation in the underlying morphology of signalling traits has the potential to constrain signal evolution. This relationship is particularly likely in field crickets, where males produce acoustic advertisement signals to attract females by stridulating with specialized structures on their forewings. In this study, we characterize the size and geometric shape of the forewings of males from six allopatric populations of the black field cricket (Teleogryllus commodus) known to have divergent advertisement calls. We sample from each of these populations using both wild‐caught and common‐garden‐reared cohorts, allowing us to test for multivariate relationships between wing morphology and call structure. We show that the allometry of shape has diverged across populations. However, there was a surprisingly small amount of covariation between wing shape and call structure within populations. Given the importance of male size for sexual selection in crickets, the divergence we observe among populations has the potential to influence the evolution of advertisement calls in this species.  相似文献   

Hatadani LM  Klaczko LB 《Genetica》2008,133(3):335-342
The second chromosome of Drosophila mediopunctata is highly polymorphic for inversions. Previous work reported a significant interaction between these inversions and collecting date on wing size, suggesting the presence of genotype-environment interaction. We performed experiments in the laboratory to test for the joint effects of temperature and chromosome inversions on size and shape of the wing in D. mediopunctata. Size was measured as the centroid size, and shape was analyzed using the generalized least squares Procrustes superimposition followed by discriminant analysis and canonical variates analysis of partial warps and uniform components scores. Our findings show that wing size and shape are influenced by temperature, sex, and karyotype. We also found evidence suggestive of an interaction between the effects of karyotype and temperature on wing shape, indicating the existence of genotype-environment interaction for this trait in D. mediopunctata. In addition, the association between wing size and chromosome inversions is in agreement with previous results indicating that these inversions might be accumulating alleles adapted to different temperatures. However, no significant interaction between temperature and karyotype for size was found--in spite of the significant presence of temperature-genotype (cross) interaction. We suggest that other ecological factors--such as larval crowding--or seasonal variation of genetic content within inversions may explain the previous results.  相似文献   

Phenotypic divergence between closely related species has long interested biologists. Taxa that inhabit a range of environments and have diverse natural histories can help understand how selection drives phenotypic divergence. In butterflies, wing color patterns have been extensively studied but diversity in wing shape and size is less well understood. Here, we assess the relative importance of phylogenetic relatedness, natural history, and habitat on shaping wing morphology in a large dataset of over 3500 individuals, representing 13 Heliconius species from across the Neotropics. We find that both larval and adult behavioral ecology correlate with patterns of wing sexual dimorphism and adult size. Species with solitary larvae have larger adult males, in contrast to gregarious Heliconius species, and indeed most Lepidoptera, where females are larger. Species in the pupal‐mating clade are smaller than those in the adult‐mating clade. Interestingly, we find that high‐altitude species tend to have rounder wings and, in one of the two major Heliconius clades, are also bigger than their lowland relatives. Furthermore, within two widespread species, we find that high‐altitude populations also have rounder wings. Thus, we reveal novel adaptive wing morphological divergence among Heliconius species beyond that imposed by natural selection on aposematic wing coloration.  相似文献   

Environmental changes may stress organisms and stimulate an adaptive phenotypic response. Effects of inbreeding often interact with the environment and can decrease fitness of inbred individuals exposed to stress more so than that of outbred individuals. Such an interaction may stem from a reduced ability of inbred individuals to respond plastically to environmental stress; however, this hypothesis has rarely been tested. In this study, we mimicked the genetic constitution of natural inbred populations by rearing replicate Drosophila melanogaster populations for 25 generations at a reduced population size (10 individuals). The replicate inbred populations, as well as control populations reared at a population size of 500, were exposed to a benign developmental temperature and two developmental temperatures at the lower and upper margins of their viable range. Flies developed at the three temperatures were assessed for traits known to vary across temperatures, namely abdominal pigmentation, wing size, and wing shape. We found no significant difference in phenotypic plasticity in pigmentation or in wing size between inbred and control populations, but a significantly higher plasticity in wing shape across temperatures in inbred compared to control populations. Given that the norms of reaction for the noninbred control populations are adaptive, we conclude that a reduced ability to induce an adaptive phenotypic response to temperature changes is not a general consequence of inbreeding and thus not a general explanation of inbreeding–environment interaction effects on fitness components.  相似文献   

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