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Follicles were collected from cows and processed for electron microscopy and for immunofluorescent staining at the light microscope level. Key regulatory steroidogenic enzymes cholesterol side-chain-cleavage cytochrome P-450 (P-450scc) and 17 alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450 (P-45017 alpha) were immunolocalized using specific IgG fractions raised against these enzymes. In larger follicles in which the theca interna had differentiated, positive staining for cytochromes P-450scc and P-450(17) alpha was observed in the cells of the theca interna. Electron microscopic examination showed that these cells were rich in endoplasmic reticulum, mainly rough, and had moderate numbers of mitochondria with tubular and lamellar cristae. Positive staining was also present in the theca of follicles undergoing atresia. Positive staining for cytochrome P-450(17) alpha was not observed in the membrana granulosa but cytochrome P-450scc was present in the membrana granulosa in some follicles, particularly in the larger antral follicles. By contrast, positive staining for both enzymes was not observed in stroma, surface epithelium or in small preantral follicles in which the theca interna had not differentiated. These results indicate good agreement between the type(s) of steroidogenic enzyme(s) present in tissues and the type(s) of steroid hormone(s) produced. It is concluded that regulation of steroid hormone production involves, at least in part, regulation of the levels of steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

The specific contents of cytochrome P-450scc and adrenodoxin in corpora lutea of late pregnant sheep were, respectively, 1/5 and 1/8 that of corpora lutea of the oestrous cycle, suggesting lower steroidogenic enzyme capacity in the former. The contents of Complex V proteins were also lower in the corpora lutea of late pregnancy. It was observed in the immunoblots of both Complex V and cytochrome P-450scc that immunoreactive bands of molecular weights lower than the native proteins were present in the samples from corpora lutea of late pregnancy, indicative of degradation of the native enzymes. It is concluded that corpora lutea of sheep during late pregnancy have a much lower enzyme capacity for steroidogenesis than do those of the oestrous cycle (mid-luteal phase) due to a reduction in the content of cytochrome P-450scc and adrenodoxin. The reduction in the levels of steroidogenic enzyme proteins appears to be unspecific and probably reflects an overall demise in mitochondrial functions.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular basis for the pattern of ovarian steroid production during the bovine estrous cycle, the relative levels of mRNA specific for cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P-450, 17 alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450, adrenodoxin, and low density lipoprotein receptor were determined in ovarian antral follicles of differing size (less than 3-18 mm) and corpora lutea from the early, early-mid, late-mid, and regressionary stages. Total and poly(A)+ RNA was size-fractionated on agarose-formaldehyde gels, transferred to nylon filters and hybridized to specific 32P-labeled probes. The levels of mRNAs for the rate-limiting enzymes in the conversion of cholesterol into progesterone, namely cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome P-450 and its electron donor, adrenodoxin, were higher in corpora lutea than in follicles. Conversely the levels of mRNA specific for the key regulatory enzyme in the conversion of pregnenolone or progesterone to androgen, namely 17 alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450, were high in all antral follicles examined but were low in young corpora lutea and undetectable in more mature corpora lutea. Low density lipoprotein receptor mRNA was detectable in antral follicles and corpora lutea but the levels were greater in corpora lutea. These results suggest that the pattern of changes in steroid hormone biosynthesis during the bovine estrous cycle and in the ovarian content of steroidogenic enzymes is related to and probably dependent upon the pattern of change in levels of mRNAs for steroidogenic enzymes and related proteins.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of cholesterol side-chain-cleavage, 17 alpha-hydroxylase and aromtase cytochromes P-450 was performed in 35 morphologically normal human premenopausal ovaries by using specific antibodies against the enzymes. In well-developed ovarian follicles in the late stages of follicular growth, immunoreactivity of P-450AROM was only seen in granulosa cells while P-450(17 alpha) and P-450SCC activity was confined to theca interna cells, confirming that follicular oestrogen is produced in granulosa cells by the aromatization of androgens derived from the theca interna cells. In the corpus luteum, this functional differentiation is maintained, since immunoreactivity of P-450AROM was exclusively present in luteinized granulosa cells while that of P-450(17 alpha) was present in luteinized theca calls. Immunoreactivity of P-450SCC was present in both types of cells in the corpus luteum.  相似文献   

We report the isolating and sequencing of three cDNA clones encoding rat P-450scc, the nucleotide and protein sequences of which are highly homologous to those of bovine and human P-450scc, especially in the putative heme and steroid binding domains. We document that different molecular mechanisms regulate P-450scc in granulosa cells of preovulatory (PO) follicles prior to and after luteinization. Luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin (LH/hCG) and cAMP are obligatory to induce P-450scc mRNA in PO granulosa cells in vivo and in vitro. Once P-450scc mRNA is induced as a consequence of the LH/hCG surge it is constitutively maintained by luteinized cells in vivo (0-4 days) and in vitro (0-9 days) in the absence of gonadotropins, is susceptible to modulation by prolactin and is no longer regulated by cAMP. Exposure to elevated concentrations of hCG in vivo for 5-7 h was required for PO granulosa cells to undergo a functional transition establishing the stable luteal cell phenotype. Transient exposure of PO + hCG (7 h) follicles in vitro to the RNA synthesis inhibitor actinomycin D (1 microgram/ml) or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (10 micrograms/ml), for 1-5 h prior to culturing the granulosa cells failed to disrupt the induction of P-450scc mRNA, progesterone biosynthesis, and appearance of the luteal cell morphology. Inhibitors of protein kinase A (Rp-cAMPS; 1-500 microM and N-[2-(methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide dihydrochloride (H8); 1-200 microM) added directly to the luteinized cell cultures also failed to alter P-450scc mRNA in these cells, although the cells contain in vivo amounts of mRNA for RII beta, RI alpha, and C alpha, the primary subunits of protein kinase A found in the rat ovary. These data suggest that expression of the P-450scc gene in rat ovarian follicular cells is regulated in a sequential manner by cAMP-dependent and cAMP-independent mechanisms associated with granulosa cells and luteal cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Substrate turnover rates by cytochrome P-450scc were measured in mitochondria isolated from corpora lutea and granulosa cells of follicles. Hydroxycholesterol substrates were added to the mitochondria to test the degree of saturation of the cytochrome with endogenous cholesterol during pregnenolone synthesis. 25-Hydroxycholesterol proved unsuitable for this since it was converted into pregnenolone with a maximum velocity of only 25% of that for cholesterol. 20 alpha-Hydroxycholesterol was found to be suitable providing correction was made for the one less hydroxylation required to convert this substrate into pregnenolone, compared to cholesterol. Mitochondria isolated from large follicles and corpora lutea displayed biphasic time courses for pregnenolone synthesis from endogenous cholesterol with a rapid phase lasting for 2-4 min and a slow phase which was linear for at least 30 min. Only a single rapid phase was observed for these mitochondria in the presence of 20 alpha-hydroxycholesterol. From the degree of stimulation of the substrate turnover rate by this steroid, it was concluded that the endogenous cholesterol concentration was saturating during the fast phase for large follicles but subsaturating in luteal mitochondria. Time courses for pregnenolone synthesis by mitochondria isolated from granulosa cells of small and medium follicles were linear for 30 min and gave a substrate turnover rate of 16-18 mol of steroid/min/mol of cytochrome P-450scc, similar to the turnover rates under saturating substrate conditions determined for large follicles and corpora lutea. The substrate turnover rate for cytochrome P-450scc in medium follicles was not increased by the addition of 20 alpha-hydroxycholesterol, indicating that the cholesterol concentration in the steroidogenic pool of these mitochondria was saturating and remained so over the 30-min duration of the incubation. It is therefore unlikely that gonadotropin stimulation of granulosa cells of small to medium follicles could acutely regulate pregnenolone synthesis by increasing the rate of transfer of cholesterol into a steroidogenic pool. This study shows that as the cytochrome P-450scc concentration in porcine ovarian mitochondria increases during follicular growth and luteinization there is a decrease in the fractional saturation of the cytochrome with cholesterol.  相似文献   

The results of the present study indicate first that in the microsomal preparation, the components of the P-450 reduction system are heterogeneously distributed, comprising dissociable and nondissociable parts. Second, the P-450 reduction curve can be adequately described by a sum of two exponential functions, indicating two concurrent first-order reactions. Third, the two phases can be altered independently. The addition of the substrate increased the extent of the fast phase while it had little or no effect on that of the slow phase. Changes in the interaction of the dissociable and nondissociable components affected the extent of the slow phase while they were without effect on that of the fast phase. Experiments with different steroids indicated that the independence of the two phases is not due to functionally different P-450's and that the cytochrome reduced in both phases is essentially P-450C-21. The results are interpreted as follows: Transformation of P-450 from the low- to the high-spin state controls the total P-450 reduced. The rate and the biphasicity of the reduction are functions of the interaction of P-450 and the reductase.  相似文献   

Some new relations between cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases were discovered. Cytochrome b5, a representative of "microsomal" monooxygenases, was shown to form a highly specific complex with cytochrome P-450scc, a member of the "ferredoxin" monooxygenase family. This interaction is characterized by a dissociation constant, Kd, of 0.28 microM. The cytochrome P-450scc-cytochrome b5 complex may be cross-linked with water-soluble carbodiimide. Using proteolytic modification of cytochrome b5, it was shown that both hydrophilic and hydrophobic fragments of cytochrome b5 are involved in the interaction with cytochrome P-450scc. Cytochrome b5 immobilized via amino groups is an effective affinity matrix for cytochrome P-450scc purification. The role of some amino acid residues in cytochrome P-450scc interaction with cytochrome b5 was studied. The role and the nature of complexes in cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases as well as interrelationships between "microsomal" and "ferredoxin" monooxygenases are discussed.  相似文献   

Possible participation of cytochrome P-450 in cholesterol synthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A homogeneous cytochrome P-450scc preparation with a specific enzyme content of 18 nmol/1 mg protein has been obtained using affinity chromatography on adrenodoxin-Sepharose under optimal conditions of the protein adsorption onto and desorption from the affinity sorbent. The data on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme, along with the results of electrophoretic and spectrophotometric analyses favoured the multistage cholesterol transformation to pregnenolone to be catalyzed by single species of cytochrome P-450scc consisting of one polypeptide chain. Limited proteolysis of cytochrome P-450scc with trypsin resulted, at the initial stages, in the formation (in an equimolar ratio) of two large polypeptide fragments, I and II, with Mr 27000 and 22000, respectively. Prolonged action of trypsin led to the digestion of fragment II and the formation of a stoichiometric amount of fragment III, Mr of about 14000. Cytochrome P-450scc converted by trypsin into equimolar mixtures of fragments I and II or I and III retained the major spectral and functional properties of the native protein. The aspartyl-prolyl linkages, sulphhydryl groups, and surface tyrosine residues are distributed nonuniformly among fragments I and II. These data, as well as a different resistance of the fragments to the action of trypsin, suggest that cytochrome P-450scc consists of two independently folded domains linked with a short loop of the polypeptide chain, the domains being rigidly associated under neutral conditions.  相似文献   

Cytokeratin expression in bovine corpora lutea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytokeratin (CK)-positive cells were obtained from bovine corpora lutea. When cultured, these cells behave like CK-positive endothelial cells obtained from bovine large blood vessels. The origin of CK-positive cells has now been studied in 45 bovine corpora lutea of different estrous cycle stages. Additionally, 7 corpora lutea of pregnant cows were examined. The tissues were grouped into early stage (days 2 to 4), secretory stage (days 5 to 17) and late stage (days 18 to 21) according to gross morphology, wet weight and total progesterone content. One portion of a corpus luteum was used for immunohistochemistry, and another for Western blot analysis. Twenty-six of the 45 corpora lutea showed CK expression, as confirmed by immunostaining and Western blotting. Cytokeratin expression was found in all corporalutea from the early stage, in 14 of 26 corpora lutea from the secretory stage, and 3 of 10 from the late stage. Early stage corpora lutea displayed zonation such that a high number of CK-positive luteal cells occurred in the region of the previous granulosa layer and a very low number in the previous thecal layer. Secretory CK-positive corpora lutea showed uniformly distributed, predominantly large luteal cells. In secretory corpora lutea of group A, CK-positive cells and a distinct microvascular tree were seen, the latter visualized by factor VIII-related antigen immunolabelling of endothelial cells. Group B showed none or very few CK-positive cells. Corpora lutea of pregnant cows behaved like corpora lutea of group B. Roughly 1% of CK-positive cells closely associated with the capillary wall were sometimes reminiscent of endothelial cell sprouts.  相似文献   

One soluble cytochrome P.450 from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria has been purified to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme catalyses side-chain cleavage of cholesterol and to a much lesser extent 11β-hydroxylation (<13% side-chain cleavage) but shows no 18-hydroxylase activity. The molecular weight of this P.450 is approximately 800,000.  相似文献   

Quantitative echotexture analysis of bovine corpora lutea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tom JW  Pierson RA  Adams GP 《Theriogenology》1998,49(7):1345-1352
A study was designed to evaluate the attributes of ultrasound images of bovine ovarian CL throughout the estrous cycle. The ovaries of 8 heifers were examined daily by transrectal ultrasonography for 2 interovulatory intervals (ovulation = Day 0). Ultrasonographic examinations of the ovaries were videotaped daily, and recorded images of the CL were digitized for computer analysis of echotexture (mean pixel value and heterogeneity). Blood samples were taken daily and to determine plasma progesterone concentrations. Corpora lutea were of 2 morphological types, those with a central fluid-filled cavity (n = 6) and those without (n = 9). No differences were detected between CL with or without a fluid-filled cavity; therefore, data were combined. Mean pixel values of ultrasound images of the CL changed (P = 0.0001) during the interovulatory interval; values decreased (P < 0.05) from Day 0 to Day 3 during early growth of the CL, reached a plateau when increases in luteal diameter ceased, and decreased (P < 0.05) to minimal levels at the onset of regression of the CL. The mean pixel value subsequently increased (P < 0.05) after Day 17 to values similar to those at the beginning of the interovulatory interval. A time-dependent effect was not observed for heterogeneity of images of the CL (P > 0.5). The results supported the hypothesis that quantitative changes in luteal echotexture are reflective of changes in the physiologic status of the CL.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450scc (P-450 XIA1) from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria was investigated using a suicide substrate: [14C]methoxychlor. [14C]Methoxychlor irreversibly abolished the activity of the side-chain cleavage enzyme for cholesterol (P-450scc) and the inactivation was prevented in the presence of cholesterol. The binding of [14C]methoxychlor and cytochrome P-450scc occurred in a molar ratio of 1:1 and the cholesterol-induced difference spectrum of cytochrome P-450scc was similar with the methoxychlor-induced difference spectrum. [14C]Methoxychlor-binding peptides were purified from tryptic-digested cytochrome P-450scc modified with [14C]methoxychlor. Determination of the sequence of the amino-acid residues of a [14C]methoxychlor-binding peptide allowed identification of the peptide comprising the amino-terminal amino-acid residues 8 to 28.  相似文献   

The role of cytochrome P-450 in cholesterol biogenesis and catabolism   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
1. Adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats is accompanied by a loss of activity of the drug-metabolizing enzyme system and a decrease in hepatic cytochrome P-450. 2. Arthritic rats have normal serum and liver cholesterol concentrations. 3. The rate of biogenesis of cholesterol in vivo and in vitro from either [(14)C]acetate or [(14)C]mevalonate in arthritic rats was the same as or greater than that found in control rats. 4. Treatment of rats with carbon disulphide (1ml/kg) resulted in a loss of drug-metabolizing-enzyme activity and increased cholesterol biogenesis. 5. The activity of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase in adjuvant-induced arthritic rats did not differ significantly from that in control rats. 6. Rats fed with cholestyramine had an elevated hepatic cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity, but neither the concentration of cytochrome P-450 nor the activity of the drug-hydroxylating enzyme, aminopyrine demethylase, was affected. 7. The relationships between drug hydroxylation and cholesterol metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

The antioxidants butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), nordihydroguiaretic acid (NDGA), benzyl sulfoxide (BS), ferulic acid (FA), caffeic acid (CA), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), protocatechuic acid (PCA), and P-450 inhibitor metyrapone all acted to slow the previously noted loss of vitamin D3 1 alpha-and 24-hydroxylase activities in cultured bovine proximal tubule cells. The slowing of the loss of hydroxylase activities by antioxidants was increased by culturing cells in 5% O2 vs 19% O2. These same antioxidants also directly inhibited 1 alpha- and 24-hydroxylase activities. For a single antioxidant, or metyrapone, Ki's for inhibition of both hydroxylases were equal, ED50's for stabilization of both hydroxylase activities were equal, and Ki's and ED50's were not significantly different. These antioxidants prevented tert-butylhydroperoxide (tert-BOOH)-mediated proximal tubule cell death at concentrations, i.e., 0.1 mM, which were effective in stabilizing hydroxylase activities. When added together, the antioxidants H2SeO3, uric acid, and trolox c gave slight stabilization of hydroxylase activities without inhibiting hydroxylase activities. Singly, these antioxidants did not stabilize or directly inhibit hydroxylase activities. This antioxidant combination augmented BHA- or BHT-mediated stabilization of both hydroxylase activities independent of any effects on inhibition. But the most potent antioxidants which acted to stabilize hydroxylase activities in culture also directly acted to inhibit hydroxylase activities. Antioxidant effects were additive for both inhibition and stabilization of hydroxylase activities. Stabilization of hydroxylase activities was dissociated from inhibition in the presence of maximal FA, CA, and BHA or FA, CA, and BHT combinations. Bovine renal mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 levels decreased in cultured bovine proximal tubule cells to nondetectable levels by 8 days in culture. When cultures were treated with BHA and BS, mitochondrial P-450 levels were almost twofold greater than in untreated controls. Percentage changes in mitochondrial P-450 levels closely paralleled percentage changes in hydroxylase activities elicited by antioxidant treatment regimes. Antioxidants which were effective inhibitors of hydroxylase activities in cultured bovine proximal tubule cells were also effective in inhibiting hydroxylase activities in isolated proximal tubule mitochondria, supplemented with a NADPH-generating source. Ki's for inhibition of hydroxylase activities were very similar in cultured cells and in isolated mitochondria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450scc (P-450scc), a cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria, has been crystallized for the first time. Upon removal of glycerol from the solution of the native enzyme complexed with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) by microdialysis against distilled water, reddish and planar crystals appeared. The crystals of native P-450scc were also obtained by the same procedure. We identified the crystals as the P-450scc-PLP complex or native P-450scc by absorption spectroscopy and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and characterized them under a polarization microscope.  相似文献   

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