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Gao F  Yu ZB 《生理学报》2005,57(5):653-658
为观察模拟失重对大鼠比目鱼肌(soleus,SOL)与趾长伸肌(extensor digitorum longus,EDL)间断强直收缩功能的影响,以及对刺激频率的调节作用,采用离体骨骼肌条灌流技术,观测其产生强直收缩最大张力的最适刺激频率、疲劳性与疲劳后恢复过程。结果表明:对照组大鼠SOL强直收缩的最适刺激频率为60Hz,尾部悬吊1周大鼠SOL的最适刺激频率亦为60Hz,尾部悬吊2周后,其最适刺激频率增高为80Hz,4周后则为100Hz;在最适刺激频率作用下,悬吊大鼠SOL间断强直收缩的最大张力(Po)在悬吊1与2周未见改变,第4周才呈现显著性降低(P〈0.01)。间断强直收缩5min后,对照组大鼠SOL张力降低到22.8%Po:悬吊1、2与4周组疲劳性均增加,与其同步对照组相比均有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。疲劳性强直收缩后,在20min内对照大鼠SOL张力基本恢复到疲劳前水平,而悬吊1、2与4周组则不能完全恢复(P〈0.05)。对照组大鼠EDL的最适刺激频率为120Hz,悬吊1、2与4周组EDL的最适刺激频率、疲劳性以及疲劳后恢复过程均未发生改变。以上结果提示,增加刺激频率可对悬吊1与2周大鼠SOL强直收缩最大张力的降低有代偿作用,但不能代偿悬吊4周大鼠SOL最大收缩张力的降低,亦不影响悬吊大鼠SOL间断强直收缩疲劳性的增加与疲劳后恢复的减缓。  相似文献   

Summary The action of the amino-reactive substances pyridoxal phosphate, 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid and 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid on the contraction threshold, taken as parameter for the initiation of contraction, was investigated in fibers of the sartorius muscle of the frog. The contraction threshold was shifted by 1 to 11 mV tomore negative potentials with 1 to 20mm PDP. Similar shifts from 2 to 17 mV were produced by 0.66 to 20mm SITS. The threshold shift was only partially reversible. The shift of the contraction threshold obtained with 2mm SITS was nearly constant at different [Ca2+]o and [Mg2+]o from 1.5 to 50mm with a tendency to increase at higher divalent cation concentration. TNBS had no effect on the contraction threshold.The action of PDP and SITS on the contraction threshold was successfully described by the surface charge model used earlier to explain the effect of lanthanum, neuraminidase and ruthenium red on the contraction threshold (M. Dörrscheidt-Käfer,Pfluegers Arch. 380:171–179, 181–187, 1979;J. Membrane Biol. 62:95–103, 1981). Here it was assumed that PDP and SITS bind to positive fixed charges on the surface of the T-tubular wall. This results in a shift of the calculated surface potential to more negative values which is thought to account for the measured shift of the contraction threshold.  相似文献   

Contraction and insulin increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. While the insulin pathway, better characterized, requires activation of phosphoinositide 3‐kinase (PI3K) and atypical protein kinase (aPKC), muscle contraction seems to share insulin‐activated components to increase glucose uptake. This study aimed to investigate the interrelation between the pathway involved in glucose uptake evoked by insulin and muscle contraction. Isolated muscle of rats was treated with solvent (control), insulin, wortmannin (PI3K inhibitor) and the combination of insulin plus wortmannin. After treatment, muscles were electrically stimulated (contracted) or remained at rest. Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) localization, glucose uptake and phospho‐aPKC (aPKC activated form) were assessed. Muscle contraction and insulin increased glucose uptake in all conditions when compared with controls not stimulating an effect that was accompanied by an increase in GLUT4 and of phospho‐aPKC at the muscle membrane. Contracted muscles treated with insulin did not show additive effects on glucose uptake or aPKC activity compared with the response when these stimuli were applied alone. Inhibition of PI3K blocked insulin effect on glucose uptake and aPKC but not in the contractile response. Thus, muscle contraction seems to stimulate aPKC and glucose uptake independently of PI3K. Therefore, aPKC may be a convergence point and a rate limit step in the pathway by which, insulin and contraction, increase glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulation of contraction in skeletal muscle is a highly cooperative process involving Ca(2+) binding to troponin C (TnC) and strong binding of myosin cross-bridges to actin. To further investigate the role(s) of cooperation in activating the kinetics of cross-bridge cycling, we measured the Ca(2+) dependence of the rate constant of force redevelopment (k(tr)) in skinned single fibers in which cross-bridge and Ca(2+) binding were also perturbed. Ca(2+) sensitivity of tension, the steepness of the force-pCa relationship, and Ca(2+) dependence of k(tr) were measured in skinned fibers that were (1) treated with NEM-S1, a strong-binding, non-force-generating derivative of myosin subfragment 1, to promote cooperative strong binding of endogenous cross-bridges to actin; (2) subjected to partial extraction of TnC to disrupt the spread of activation along the thin filament; or (3) both, partial extraction of TnC and treatment with NEM-S1. The steepness of the force-pCa relationship was consistently reduced by treatment with NEM-S1, by partial extraction of TnC, or by a combination of TnC extraction and NEM-S1, indicating a decrease in the apparent cooperativity of activation. Partial extraction of TnC or NEM-S1 treatment accelerated the rate of force redevelopment at each submaximal force, but had no effect on kinetics of force development in maximally activated preparations. At low levels of Ca(2+), 3 microM NEM-S1 increased k(tr) to maximal values, and higher concentrations of NEM-S1 (6 or 10 microM) increased k(tr) to greater than maximal values. NEM-S1 also accelerated k(tr) at intermediate levels of activation, but to values that were submaximal. However, the combination of partial TnC extraction and 6 microM NEM-S1 increased k(tr) to virtually identical supramaximal values at all levels of activation, thus, completely eliminating the activation dependence of k(tr). These results show that k(tr) is not maximal in control fibers, even at saturating [Ca(2+)], and suggest that activation dependence of k(tr) is due to the combined activating effects of Ca(2+) binding to TnC and cross-bridge binding to actin.  相似文献   

目的: 观察针刺对大鼠运动性骨骼肌损伤内质网功能酶SERCA、PDI、内质网应激标志蛋白GRP78和PERK通路的影响,探讨针刺防治运动性骨骼肌损伤的内质网途径作用机制。方法: 8周龄雄性SD大鼠随机分为空白对照组(C组,n=6)、单纯运动组(E组,n=30)、针刺对照组(A组,n=30)和运动针刺组(EA组,n=30)。其中,E组和EA组通过一次离心运动建立运动性骨骼肌损伤模型,EA组在运动后即刻于大鼠小腿跟腱上0.5 cm施以针刺干预,A组在同期施以针刺干预。各组根据运动和针刺干预后不同取材时间点分为0 h/12 h/24 h/48 h/72 h亚组(n=6),在对应时相取比目鱼肌进行指标测试。透射电镜观察肌纤维超微机构;ELISA法测定Ca2+-ATP酶(SERCA)和蛋白二硫键异构酶(PDI)含量;Western blot检测内质网应激标志蛋白GRP78及p-PERK、p-eIF2α表达。结果: 与C组比较,A组指标各时相均无显著差异(P>0.05),E组肌纤维超微结构出现不同损伤,SERCA含量0 h至48 h均显著降低(P<0.05),PDI含量0 h显著升高(P<0.05),GRP78表达0 h至72 h均显著升高(P< 0.05),p-PERK表达0 h至24 h显著升高(P<0.05), p-eIF2α表达与p-PERK一致;与E组对应时相比较,EA组肌纤维超微结构明显改善,SERCA含量48 h和72 h显著升高(P<0.05),PDI含量0 h至72 h均显著升高(P<0.05),GRP78表达0 h至72 h均显著降低(P<0.05),p-PERK和p-eIF2α表达12 h和24 h显著降低(P<0.05)。结论: 针刺可有效改善一次大负荷离心运动后导致的运动性骨骼肌损伤并缓解内质网应激,其机制可能与上调蛋白二硫键异构酶PDI以及抑制内质网应激PERK通路有关。  相似文献   

We studied the effect of deuterium oxide (D2O) on contraction characteristics and ATPase activity of single glycerinated muscle fibers of rabbit psoas. D2O increased the maximum isometric force P0 by about 20%, while the force versus stiffness relation did not change appreciably. The maximum shortening velocity under zero load Vmax did not change appreciably in D2O, so that the force-velocity (P-V) curve was scaled depending on the value of P0. The Mg-ATPase activity of the fibers during generation of steady isometric force P0 was reduced by about 50% in D2O. Based on the Huxley contraction model, these results can be accounted for in terms of D2O-induced changes in the rate constants f1 and g1 for making and breaking actin-myosin linkages in the isometric condition, in such a way that f1/(f1+g1) increases by about 20%, while (f1+g1) remains unchanged. The D2O effect at the molecular level is discussed in connection with biochemical studies on actomyosin ATPase.  相似文献   

目的:本研究通过观察SD大鼠骨骼肌急性钝挫伤修复过程中自噬相关因子的表达变化,探讨骨骼肌损伤修复可能的生物学机制。方法:30只SD雄性大鼠,随机选取6只作为对照组,其余24只用打击器打击后建立腓肠肌急性钝挫伤模型,然后随机分为4组(n=6),各组分别在造模前及造模后3 d、5 d、7 d、14 d取材,HE染色观察损伤部位腓肠肌形态学变化,透射电镜观察损伤部位腓肠肌超微结构变化,Western blot检测腓肠肌自噬相关蛋白1轻链3-Ⅱ(LC3-Ⅱ)、泛素结合蛋白P62表达水平,RT-PCR检测腓肠肌自噬相关基因(atg) atg7、atg10、atg12、atg16L1 mRNA表达水平。结果:HE染色显示:与对照组相比,骨骼肌损伤后5 d炎细胞浸润达到高峰,7 d可见明显的新生肌细胞,14 d损伤已初步愈合。电镜观察显示:与对照组相比,损伤后3 d,5 d,7 d线粒体肿胀明显、空泡化增多,Z线从消失到飘移增粗,肌质网扩张程度逐渐好转,14 d接近对照组水平。Western blot显示:骨骼肌损伤在自然恢复3 d、5 d、7 d、14 d过程中,LC3-Ⅱ与P62总体呈现先升高后降低的趋势,其中3 d、5 d、7 d组LC3-Ⅱ表达较对照组与14 d组明显升高(P<0.01),同样损伤后第3天P62表达达到高峰(P<0.01),14 d恢复至正常水平。RTPCR显示:骨骼肌损伤自然恢复3 d、5 d、7 d、14 d过程中,atg10 mRNA表达呈现先降低后升高的趋势,其中3 d、5 d、7 d组atg10 mRNA表达较对照组与14 d组明显降低(P<0.01);atg7、atg12、atg16L1 mRNA表达总体呈现先升高后降低的趋势,其中3 d、5 d、7 d组表达较对照组与14 d组显著升高(P<0.01,P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:骨骼肌急性钝挫伤后,自噬相关因子表达随损伤的修复而呈现规律性变化,提示自噬参与骨骼肌损伤的修复,推测骨骼肌急性钝挫伤的修复速度可能与细胞自噬水平有关。  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle regeneration is severely compromised in the case of extended damage. The current challenge is to find factors capable of limiting muscle degeneration and/or potentiating the inherent regenerative program mediated by a specific type of myoblastic cells, the satellite cells. Recent studies from our groups and others have shown that the bioactive lipid, sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), promotes myoblast differentiation and exerts a trophic action on denervated skeletal muscle fibres. In the present study, we examined the effects of S1P on eccentric contraction (EC)-injured extensor digitorum longus muscle fibres and resident satellite cells. After EC, skeletal muscle showed evidence of structural and biochemical damage along with significant electrophysiological changes, i.e. reduced plasma membrane resistance and resting membrane potential and altered Na(+) and Ca(2+) current amplitude and kinetics. Treatment with exogenous S1P attenuated the EC-induced tissue damage, protecting skeletal muscle fibre from apoptosis, preserving satellite cell viability and affecting extracellular matrix remodelling, through the up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) expression. S1P also promoted satellite cell renewal and differentiation in the damaged muscle. Notably, EC was associated with the activation of sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) and with increased endogenous S1P synthesis, further stressing the relevance of S1P in skeletal muscle protection and repair/regeneration. In line with this, the treatment with a selective SphK1 inhibitor during EC, caused an exacerbation of the muscle damage and attenuated MMP-9 expression. Together, these findings are in favour for a role of S1P in skeletal muscle healing and offer new clues for the identification of novel therapeutic approaches to counteract skeletal muscle damage and disease.  相似文献   

Summary The skeletal rat myoblast omega (RMo) cell line forms myotubes that exhibit spontaneous contractions under appropriate conditions in culture. We examined if the RMo cells would provide a model for studying atrophy and muscle contraction. To better understand how to obtain contractile cultures, we examined levels of contraction under different growing conditions. The proliferation medium and density of plating affected the subsequent proportion of spontaneously contracting myotubes. Using a ribonuclease protection assay, we found that exponentially growing RMo myoblasts contained no detectable myogenin or herculin mRNA, while differentiating myoblasts contained high levels of myogenin mRNA but no herculin mRNA. There was no increase in myogenin mRNA concentration in either primary chick or RMo myotubes whose contractions were inhibited by depolarizing concentrations of potassium (K+). Thus, altered myogenin mRNA concentrations are not involved in atrophy of chick myotubes. Depolarizing concentrations of potassium inhibited spontaneous contractions in both RMo cultures and primary chick myotube cultures. However, we found that the myosin concentration of 6-d-old contracting RMo cells fed medium plus AraC was 11 ± 3 μg myosin/μg DNA, not significantly different from 12 ± 4 μg myosin/μg DNA (n=3), the myosin concentration of noncontracting RMo cells (treated with 12 mM K+ for 6 d). Resolving how RMo cells maintained their myosin content when contraction is inhibited may be impotrant for understanding atrophy.  相似文献   

The molecular basis and control of the biochemical and biophysical properties of skeletal muscle, regarded as muscle phenotype, are examined in terms of fibre number, fibre size and fibre types. A host of external factors or stimuli, such as ligand binding and contractile activity, are transduced in muscle into signalling pathways that lead to protein modifications and changes in gene expression which ultimately result in the establishment of the specified phenotype. In skeletal muscle, the key signalling cascades include the Ras-extracellular signal regulated kinase-mitogen activated protein kinase (Erk-MAPK), the phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K)-Akt1, p38 MAPK, and calcineurin pathways. The molecular effects of external factors on these pathways revealed complex interactions and functional overlap. A major challenge in the manipulation of muscle of farm animals lies in the identification of regulatory and target genes that could effect defined and desirable changes in muscle quality and quantity. To this end, recent advances in functional genomics that involve the use of micro-array technology and proteomics are increasingly breaking new ground in furthering our understanding of the molecular determinants of muscle phenotype.  相似文献   

In the oxidative muscles (musculi laterales superficiales) of crucian carp Carassius carassius acclimated for 6 weeks to either 5 or 25° C, the volume density and the surface density of fibres per tissue did not differ significantly between the control and experimental groups. The correlation ratio (μ2) for these values was below 50, 39·3 and 43·9 respectively. After acclimation to 5° C, the surface density of outer mitochondrial membrane per fibre increased significantly from 0·93 to 1·23m2 cm−3 in the summer population but dropped from 0·94 to 0·67 m2 cm−3 in the winter population. The surface density of outer mitochondrial membrane per mitochondrion increased from 3·24 to 4·52 m2 cm−3 in summer fish. After acclimation to 25° C, the surface density of inner mitochondrial membranes per muscle fibre decreased from 4·04 to 1·79 m2 cm−3 in summer fish and from 3·86 to 1·07 m2 cm−3 in winter fish. The surface density of inner mitochondrial membranes per mitochondrion increased from 14·17 to 15·60 m2cm−3 in summer fish but dropped from 13·91 to 10·67 m2 cm−3 in winter fish. Correlation matrices demonstrate a negative correlation of the surface density of outer mitochondrial membrane per mitochondrion with the volume density of mitochondria per fibre and temperature, suggesting cold-induced proliferation of small mitochondria. It was concluded that short-term cold acclimation increased surface area of the inner mitochondrial membranes in summer fish.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of high-energy phosphates in various types of skeletal muscle of the rat was analysed by subfractionation of tissues in non-aqueous solvents. Different glycolytic and oxidative capacities were calculated from the ratio of phosphoglycerate kinase and citrate synthase activities, ranging from 25 in m. soleus to 130 in m. tensor fasciae latae. In the resting state, the subcellular contents of ATP, creatine phosphate and creatine were similar in m. soleus, m. vastus intermedius, m. gastrocnemius and m. tensor fasciae latae but, significantly, a higher extramitochondrial ADP-content was found in m. soleus. A similar observation was made in isometrically and isotonically working m. gastrocnemius. The extramitochondrial, bound ADP accounted fully for actin-binding sites in resting fast-twitch muscles, but an excess of bound ADP was found in m. soleus and working m. gastrocnemius. The amount of non-actin-bound ADP reached maximal values of approx. 1.2 nmol/mg total protein. It could not be enhanced further by prolonged isotonic stimulation or by increased isometric force development. It is suggested that non-actin-bound ADP is accounted for by actomyosin-ADP complexes generated during the contraction cycle. Binding of extramitochondrial ADP to actomyosin complexes in working muscles thus acts as a buffer for cytosolic ADP in addition to the creatine system, maintaining a high cytosolic phosphorylation potential also at increasing rates of ATP hydrolysis during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Excitation‐contraction coupling (ECC) is the physiological process in which an electrical signal originating from the central nervous system is converted into muscle contraction. In skeletal muscle tissue, the key step in the molecular mechanism of ECC initiated by the muscle action potential is the cooperation between two Ca2+ channels, dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR; voltage‐dependent L‐type calcium channel) and ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1). These two channels were originally postulated to communicate with each other via direct mechanical interactions; however, the molecular details of this cooperation have remained ambiguous. Recently, it has been proposed that one or more supporting proteins are in fact required for communication of DHPR with RyR1 during the ECC process. One such protein that is increasingly believed to play a role in this interaction is the SH3 and cysteine‐rich domain‐containing protein 3 (STAC3), which has been proposed to bind a cytosolic portion of the DHPR α1S subunit known as the II–III loop. In this work, we present direct evidence for an interaction between a small peptide sequence of the II–III loop and several residues within the SH3 domains of STAC3 as well as the neuronal isoform STAC2. Differences in this interaction between STAC3 and STAC2 suggest that STAC3 possesses distinct biophysical features that are potentially important for its physiological interactions with the II–III loop. Therefore, this work demonstrates an isoform‐specific interaction between STAC3 and the II–III loop of DHPR and provides novel insights into a putative molecular mechanism behind this association in the skeletal muscle ECC process.  相似文献   

Myosin-binding protein C (MyBPC) is proposed to take on a trimeric collar arrangement around the thick filament backbone in cardiac muscle, based on interactions between cardiac MyBPC domains C5 and C8. We have now determined, using yeast two-hybrid and in vitro binding assays, that the C5:C8 interaction is not dependent on the 28-residue cardiac-specific insert in C5. Furthermore, an interaction of similar affinity occurs between domains C5 and C8 of fast skeletal muscle MyBPC, but not between these domains of the slow skeletal muscle protein. These data have implications for the role and quaternary structure of MyBPC in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is one of the most widespread and highly conserved chemical modifications in cellular RNAs of eukaryotic genomes. Owing to the development of high-throughput m6A sequencing, the functions and mechanisms of m6A modification in development and diseases have been revealed. Recent studies have shown that RNA m6A methylation plays a critical role in skeletal muscle development, which regulates myoblast proliferation and differentiation, and muscle regeneration. Exploration of the functions of m6A modification and its regulators provides a deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanisms underlying skeletal muscle development. In the present review, we aim to summarize recent breakthroughs concerning the global landscape of m6A modification in mammals and examine the biological functions and mechanisms of enzymes regulating m6A RNA methylation. We describe the interplay between m6A and other epigenetic modifications and highlight the regulatory roles of m6A in development, especially that of skeletal muscle. m6A and its regulators are expected to be targets for the treatment of human muscle-related diseases and novel epigenetic markers for animal breeding in meat production.  相似文献   

We offer a new hypothesis to explain calcium flows in skeletal muscle cells. Our model accounts for the uptake of Ca2+ from the extracellular fluid, and the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR/ER) (the endoplasmic reticulum in muscle is named sarcoplasmic reticulum); this has engendered difficulty in reviews encompassing both muscle and nonmuscle cells. Here we will typically refer to the organelle as ER, except when specifically discussing muscle cells. The broad consideration of two major, still unexplained properties of skeletal muscle function, namely excitation contraction coupling and capacitative calcium entry are accounted for in a unitary hypothesis. This model allows a reinterpretation of existing data, and points to areas where new investigation may be fruitful. While primarily aimed at explaining Ca2+ flows in skeletal muscle, we consider findings of other systems to explore the implications of this hypothesis for other cell types.  相似文献   

本试验用高、低浓度虾红素日粮饲喂昆白系小鼠和处理原代培养小鼠骨骼肌细胞,提取总RNA,检测各时段UCP3、LXRα基因mRNA表达量,探讨虾红素对小鼠个体发育、肌肉能量代谢相关基因表达变化规律的影响。结果表明:高浓度组与对照组相比,小鼠体重增长明显减慢,肌肉组织第10天、30天以及骨骼肌细胞作用24h时UCP3mRNA表达量均显著下降(P<0.05),LXRα基因mRNA表达量均显著上升(P<0.05),72h达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。低浓度组与对照组相比,肌肉组织中UCP3、LXRα基因mRNA表达差异均不显著(P>0.05);虾红素作用骨骼肌细胞24hUCP3基因mRNA表达量显著下降(P<0.05),LXRα基因mRNA表达量显著上升(P<0.05)。结果提示虾红素对小鼠肌肉的能量利用有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

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