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Summary Selection of test locations, representative of conditions and practices of an area can be a challenging process in a breeding program. Data from two groups of sugarcane (trispecies hybrids of Saccharum sp.) cultivar experiments in Florida were analyzed to determine if relative cultivar response at any two of six current locations was sufficiently similar so that at least one location could be replaced by a location with a different environment. The parameter analyzed was metric tons per ha of sugar (THS). To determine similarity between location pairs for all cultivars within each group of cultivars, an unbiased stability-variance parameter ( ) developed by Shukla was used. After identified similar location pairs, single degree of freedom interactions were calculated for important cultivars to determine which of the location pairs identified by contained the two most similar locations. Use of the above procedure can assist in making optimum location assignments in a breeding program.Cooperative investigation of the U.S. Sugarcane Field Stn., Canal Point, FL; and University of Florida, Everglades. Res. and Educ. Ctr., Belle Glade, FL, USA  相似文献   

The area under the function: an index for selecting desirable genotypes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The linear regression approach has been widely used for selecting high-yielding and stable genotypes targeted to several environments. The genotype mean yield and the regression coefficient of a genotype's performance on an index of environmental productivity are the two main stability parameters. Using both can often complicate the breeder's decision when comparing high-yielding, less-stable genotypes with low-yielding, stable genotypes. This study proposes to combine the mean yield and regression coefficient into a unified desirability index (D i). Thus, D i is defined as the area under the linear regression function divided by the difference between the two extreme environmental indexes. D i is equal to the mean of the i th genotype across all environments plus its slope multiplied by the mean of the environmental indexes of the two extreme environments (symmetry). Desirable genotypes are those with a large D i. For symmetric trials the desirability index depends largely on the mean yield of the genotype and for asymmetric trials the slope has an important influence on the desirability index. The use of D i was illustrated by a 20-environments maize yield trial and a 25-environments wheat yield trial. Three maize genotypes out of nine showed values of D i 's that were significantly larger than a hypothetical, stable genotype. These were considered desirable, even though two of them had slopes significantly greater than 1.0. The results obtained from ranking wheat genotypes on mean yield differ from a ranking based on D i .  相似文献   

Biochemical genetic markers in sugarcane   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Isozyme variation was used to identify biochemical markers of potential utility in sugarcane genetics and breeding. Electrophoretic polymorphism was surveyed for nine enzymes among 39 wild and noble sugarcane clones, belonging to the species most closely related to modern varieties. Up to 114 distinct bands showing presence versus absence type of variation were revealed and used for qualitative characterization of the materials. Multivariate analysis of the data isolated the Erianthus clone sampled and separated the Saccharum spontaneum clones from the S. robustum and S. officinarum clones; the latter two were not differentiated from one another. The analysis of self-progenies of a 2n=112 S. spontaneum and of a commercial variety showed examples of mono- and polyfactorial segregations. Within the progeny of the variety, co-segregation of two isozymes frequent in S. spontaneum led to them being assigned to a single chromosome initially contributed by a S. spontaneum donor. This illustrates how combined survey of ancestral species and segregation analysis in modern breeding materials should permit using the lack of interspecific cross-over to establish linkage groups in a sugarcane genome.  相似文献   

Qi XH  Yang JH  Yu JQ  Zhang MF 《Genetica》2009,136(1):89-95
Genetic effects and genotype by environment (GE) interaction effects for some important agronomic traits of Chinese vegetable mustard were analyzed by using a genetic model including additive, dominance, additive × additive effects and their interaction effects with the environment. Four variations of Chinese vegetable mustard as parental lines and their F1s, F2s were evaluated in two locations. It was revealed that the agronomic traits of Chinese vegetable mustard were mainly controlled by genetic effects except plant weight (PW) and leaf weight (LW) were observed to be more affected by GE interaction effects. Among the genetic effects, additive effects took the main proportion for tiller number (TN), leaf number (LN), leaf breadth (LB) and LW; dominance effects were the main components of PW, leaf length (LL), root weight (RW) and plant height (PH); additive × additive effects were the main components of plant breadth (PB). Among the GE interaction effects, additive × environment interaction effects mainly affected LB, LW and RW, while PW, LL, PH and PB were mainly controlled by dominance × environment interaction effects. Besides, additive × additive × environment interaction was the main factor, which controlled TN and LN of Chinese vegetable mustard. For heterosis analyses, TN, LN, LB and LW of Chinese vegetable mustard showed positive HPM and negative HPB. The other traits showed positive HPM and HPB. Heterosis arising from GE interaction was found to varying degree for different environments. It was shown that genetic heterosis and GE interaction effects were important factors for agronomic traits in Chinese vegetable mustard.  相似文献   

Rae AL  Perroux JM  Grof CP 《Planta》2005,220(6):817-825
A transporter with homology to the SUT/SUC family of plant sucrose transporters was isolated from a sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid) stem cDNA library. The gene, designated ShSUT1, encodes a protein of 517 amino acids, including 12 predicted membrane-spanning domains and a large central cytoplasmic loop. ShSUT1 was demonstrated to be a functional sucrose transporter by expression in yeast. The estimated Km for sucrose of the ShSUT1 transporter was 2 mM at pH 5.5. ShSUT1 was expressed predominantly in mature leaves of sugarcane that were exporting sucrose and in stem internodes that were actively accumulating sucrose. Immunolocalization with a ShSUT1-specific antiserum identified the protein in cells at the periphery of the vascular bundles in the stem. These cells became lignified and suberized as stem development proceeded, forming a barrier to apoplasmic solute movement. However, the movement of the tracer dye, carboxyfluorescein from phloem to storage parenchyma cells suggested that symplasmic connections are present. ShSUT1 may have a role in partitioning of sucrose between the vascular tissue and sites of storage in the parenchyma cells of sugarcane stem internodes.  相似文献   

Summary Genotype x environment (GE) interaction encountered in experiments complicates genotype selection and varietal recommendation. The integration of yield and stability of genotypes into a single parameter may make selection and recommendation easier. Kang developed a rank-sum method that allows selection for both yield and the stability variance statistics ( i 2 or s i 2 ) of Shukla. The objective of this research was to compare the rank-sum selection method to selection based on yield alone in five international maize (Zea mays L.) yield trials. Ranks were assigned for yield (the highest mean yield received a rank of 1) and for i 2 and s i 2 (the lowest value received a rank of 1). The yield and i 2 ranks and/or the yield and s i 2 ranks for each genotype were summed. Each trial contained two reference entries (REs). Yield rank or rank-sum of each genotype was compared to yield rank or rank-sum of the best RE (BRE). GE interaction was significant for all trials. Heterogeneity in the GE interaction due to the linear effect of a covariate (differences in fertility and/or cultural practices) was significant in Trials 1, 2, and 5. Overall, in all trials, 29 genotypes were selected on the basis of yield alone. On the basis of i 2 and yield rank-sum, 32 genotypes were identified, with 11 being lower yielding than the 29 yield-based selections. On the basis of s i 2 and yield rank-sum, 31 genotypes were selected, with 11 being lower yielding than the yield-bases selections. Obviously, yield is sacrificed when the rank-sum method is used in the selection process. However, selection based on yield alone may not be adequate when GE interaction is significant because of testing in diverse environments.  相似文献   

Summary The sugarcane mosaic virus is a pathogen that causes severe disease to sugarcane. New varieties resistant to insects and pathogens have been developed in the last 70 yr through sugarcane breeding programs, but this takes between 10 and 15 yr. Tissue culture techniques are used as an aid for sugarcane improvement to increase desirable agronomic characteristics, such as disease resistance. In the present work, we report the generation of somaclonal variants from sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) cultivar PR62258 susceptible to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus, by somatic embryogenesis. These new variants identified as AT626 and BT627 are resistant to Sugarcanes Mosaic Virus strains A and B, respectively. We established an indirect enzyme linked inmunosorbent assay (ELISA) to test the presence of the viral particles in plants, and its was demonstrated that the leaves of resistant somaclones do not contain viral particles. The field performance of the somaclones AT626 and BT627 was similar to the field performance of the mother plant PR62258.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic differences in the non-linear growth response function of Pinus sylvestris seedlings to five nutrient levels are analyzed to estimate the causes of variation. Analyses of genotypic differences as quadratic response functions, as stability coefficients, and as separable functions indicate that the estimation of genetic effects can vary widely depending on the analytical model assumed. The existence of different reaction norms is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary Assessment of cultivar performance in a cultivar x location x year experiment is often difficult because of the presence of a location x year interaction. Our objective is to demonstrate a method on separation of environment effects (location x year) into predictable and unpredictabel components. The analysis consists of two parts: (1) a regression analysis based on location effects (averaged over years), assuming that the location means represent predictable environmental variation; and (2) the estimation of stability (denoted type 4) based on the years within location mean squares, assuming that years within location represent unpredictable environmental variation. From the regression analysis in (1), a breeder can determine the optimum range of locations in which a cultivar is well suited, and from (2) he can choose the most stable cultivars. The advantage of type 4 stability is that it is independent of the other cultivars included in the test and of the regression coefficient estimated for predictable variation. Three sets of published data are used to illustrate the analysis. Type 4 stability is compared with type 3 stability (deviation mean square from regression on environmental index) for genetic consistency. The analyses suggest that type 4 stability is consistent and is therefore a potential genetic parameter, but type 3 stability is not.Contribution No. I-806 from Engineering and Statistical Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, K1A OC6, Canada  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-eight diallel trials over 8 years and two locations were analysed to estimate genetic variances for agronomic characters of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The data were analysed according to Method 4 and Model I of Griffing (1956). Days to flowering, plant height, and seed size were found to be predominantly under additive inheritance and were highly predictable. Both additive and non-additive genetic components were important for seed yield, number of branches, pods per plant, and seeds per pod. Although both general combining ability (gca) and specific combining ability (sca) varied significantly with generation, components of gca mean squares were invariably much larger than gca x generation interaction components, indicating that either the F1 or the F2 generation can be used to estimate the gca components effectively. Combined diallel analysis of F2s over locations revealed the importance of combining ability x location interactions and emphasized the need for testing over more than one location for the precise estimation of combining ability. The implications of these findings and those reported earlier in the literature on the breeding strategies/methods for the genetic improvement of agronomic characters in chickpea are discussed.ICRISAT journal article no. 1199  相似文献   

Leaf tissue from five sugarcane clones with distinctive markers was cultured on a medium favoring callus growth. Transferred to a differentiation medium, calli produced over 5000 plants. Plants differentiated from two clones with stem markers exhibited a high rate of remission of the marker, but the marker reappeared in the vegetative progeny of these plants, and remission was, therefore, transient. Plants differentiated from callus from two clones with leaf markers showed a low rate of remission (2 or 3 per thousand) of the marker and the vegetative progeny was stable. A clone with variegated leaves produced plants with the majority having green leaves, some were albino, and some variegated, suggesting that plant differentiation may start with more than one cell. Permanent phenotypic change may result from tissue culture, but the results suggest that such changes are not frequent and may be confounded by temporary alterations or by chimeras formed in the process of differentiation.  相似文献   

Mandalay is an important Saccharum spontaneum clone used historically in Australian sugarcane breeding programs, and has given rise to many valuable cultivars. In order to better understand the genetic contribution of Mandalay to Australian varieties and elite parental material, a combined pedigree and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approach was undertaken. A genetic map containing 400 single-dose markers was constructed for the Australian sugarcane clone MQ77340, one parent of an Australian sugarcane population (Q117 × MQ77340), using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. This cultivar was selected because it is a direct descendent of Mandalay; its grandparents are Korpi, a S. officinarum clone, and Mandalay. The 400 markers were scattered onto 101 linkage groups (LGs) with an estimated map length of 3582 cM. The ancestral origin of all of the markers was determined with approximately 25% of the markers shown to originate from Mandalay, and a similar percentage from Korpi. Of the 101 LGs, 65 contained markers originating from Mandalay and/or Korpi. QTL analysis was undertaken using the map and 3 years of field data for three sugar-related traits (pol, brix, and CCS) and using single year field data for fibre, stalk weight and cane and sugar yield. Markers from both Mandalay and Korpi were found to be associated with both positive and negative effects on all of the traits analysed.  相似文献   

Summary Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid cv. CP 84-1198) embryogenic calluses were induced from young leaves cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with 13.6 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Five concentrations, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 μM, of five different growth regulators, 6-benzylaminopurine, kinetin, 6-γ,γ-(dimethylallylamino)purine, zeatin, and thidiazuron, were tested with or without 22.5 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid to compare their ability to induce regeneration from embryogenic callus. After 4 wk on medium, the percentage of shoot meristem induction was evaluated, and after 10 wk the total number of shoots produced, as well as the percentage of shoots greater than 1 cm in length, was obtained. Although it had the lowest percentage of elongated shoots, medium containing thidiazuron alone performed better than all other growth regulators tested, with the highest percentage of shoot induction and the largest number of shoots, particularly at a concentration of 2.5 μM.  相似文献   

Stability analysis of multilocation trials is often based on a mixed two-way model. Two stability measures in frequent use are the environmental variance (S i 2 )and the ecovalence (W i). Under the two-way model the rank orders of the expected values of these two statistics are identical for a given set of genotypes. By contrast, empirical rank correlations among these measures are consistently low. This suggests that the two-way mixed model may not be appropriate for describing real data. To check this hypothesis, a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted. It revealed that the low empirical rank correlation amongS i 2 and W i is most likely due to sampling errors. It is concluded that the observed low rank correlation does not invalidate the two-way model. The paper also discusses tests for homogeneity of S i 2 as well as implications of the two-way model for the classification of stability statistics.  相似文献   

Genetic-parameter estimates and parental breeding-value predictions were compared from open-pollinated and control-pollinated progeny populations of Eucalyptus globulus and two populations of E. nitens. For E. globulus there were two types of open-pollinated populations (native stand open-pollinated and seed orchard open-pollinated) and two types of control-pollinated populations (intra-provenance and interprovenance full-sib families). For E. nitens there were two populations, a seed orchard open-pollinated population and intra-provenance full-sib families. Progeny tests were established across multiple sites and 2-year height and diameter were measured and volume calculated. Genetic parameters from native stand open-pollinated E. globulus were unlike the parameters from the other three E. globulus populations; heritability estimates were severely inflated, presumably due to high levels, and possibly differential levels, of inbreeding depression relative to the other populations. Estimates of dominance variance in the E. globulus full-sib populations were high, but were zero in the E. nitens population. Correlations among parental breeding values, predicted using data from the different populations, were generally low and non-significant, with two exceptions: predictions from the two E. globulus full-sib populations were significantly correlated (r=0.54, P = 0.001), as were predictions from the E. nitens seed orchard OP and full-sib population (r = 0.61, P = 0.08). There was some indication that superior parents of E. globulus native stand open-pollinated families also tended to have above-average breeding values based on the performance of intra-provenance full-sib offspring. The consequences of these results for exploitation of base-population collections from native stands are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The temporary immersion bioreactor has been found to be an important tool for sugarcane micropropagation, allowing higher shoot formation rates and cost reduction. This research was conducted to demonstrate the agricultural value of temporary immersion bioreactor-derived sugarcane plants. The experiment was carried out for about 2 yr to study the field performance of these plants. Two control treatments were also evaluated representing the conventional forms of micro- and macropropagation. Growth of sugarcane stools, first ratoon and the use of micropropagated plants for macropropagation were recorded. Some botanical and chemical characteristics were evaluated. Differences among propagation systems were only found in the first 6 mo. of field growth, regarding the stem length and diameter. Such differences disappeared with the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

The suitability of regression analysis for studying the phenotypic stability of grain yield was investigated using a collection of 220 Nordic barley lines. Linear regression explained 26–52% of the genotype x environment (GE) interactions in different groupings of the material. The regression coefficient, b i , measures the yield response of the i-th genotype to improved environmental conditions. Deviations from regression, S di 2 , have been used to estimate Tai's stability parameter, i , which is a measure of the phenotypic yield stability in the agronomic sense. Repeatability of b i , i , and grain yield was studied by means of correlations between estimates obtained in each experimental year. Yield had the highest repeatability, with correlations between years ranging from 0.57 to 0.85. In this study, regression coefficients and i -values were not repeatable, i.e. genotypes reacted differentially to the yearly climatic variations. Six-rowed (6r) barleys had higher responsiveness, but lower mean yields, than two-rowed (2r) barleys. This is partly due to the history of selection of 6r-barleys, which mainly originate from regions with low potential yield levels, i.e. Finland and Norway. In general, responsiveness and stability were not correlated with yield. The highest-yielding lines had b i 1. The response pattern of the different types of barleys used in this study show that responsiveness can be changed by recombination.  相似文献   

Summary A cryopreservation process using encapsulation/dehydration was set up for apices sampled on in vitro plantlets of sugarcane. After dissection, apices were cultured for one day on standard medium and then encapsulated in medium with 3% alginate. Optimal conditions comprised preculture for 2 days in liquid medium with 250 g.l–1 sucrose, desiccation for 6 hours under the laminar flow or for 10–11 hours with silicagel followed by rapid freezing and slow thawing. Survival after freezing in liquid nitrogen ranged between 38 and 91% for the 5 varieties experimented. Cryopreservation did not modify the electrophoretic profiles for aminoleucine peptidases and amylases with plants of the variety Co 6415.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - KIN Kinetin - EDTA ethylenediamine tetracetic acid - AMP aminoleucine peptidases - AMY amylases - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism  相似文献   

Platenkamp GA  Foin TC 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):201-208
Summary A field experiment was performed to estimate the relative importance of neighbors and the rest of the environment for the growth, mortality and reproductive output of cloned individuals of the perennial bunchgrass Anthoxanthum odoratum. Single cloned Anthoxanthum tillers (targets) were reciprocally transplanted between a xeric and a mesic grassland site with one of four neighbor treatments: (1) no neighbors, (2) Anthoxanthum neighbors transplanted from the xeric site, (3) Anthoxanthum neighbors from the mesic site, and (4) Holcus lanatus neighbors. Targets without neighbors had a twofold higher two year reproductive output (RO) than those with neighbors, but there was no difference among neighbor treatments. No overall site effect on two year RO was found, because the site with the highest mortality among targets produced larger plants, with more inflorescences. Neighborhood competition was more intense at the xeric site than at the mesic site. The effects of environmental and neighborhood variation on Anthoxanthum were additive, rather than interactive. Population origin did not affect target performance significantly. Anthoxanthum neighbors of different origin did respond differentially to transplant site. There was a strong target genotype x site interaction, but no genotype x neighborhood interaction.  相似文献   

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