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We report a dual labeling technique involving two green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants that is compatible with confocal microscopy. Two lasers were used to obtain images of (i) mixed cultures of cells, where one species contained GFPuv and another species contained GFPmut2 or GFPmut3, and (ii) a single species containing both GFPuv and GFPmut2 in the same cell. This method shows promise for monitoring gene expression and as a nondestructive and in situ technique for confocal microscopy of multispecies biofilms.  相似文献   

Single fluorescent molecules in aqueous solution were imaged for the first time at video-rate using Nipkow disk-type confocal microscopy. Performance of this method was evaluated by imaging single kinesin molecules labeled with fluorescent dyes of tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) or IC5. Photodecomposition lifetimes of the fluorophores were approximately 10 s for TMR and approximately 2 s for IC5 under the incident laser power of 0.5 W/mm(2). Both the fluorescence intensity and the photobleaching rate were proportional to the laser power from 0.65 to 3 W/mm(2). 2D sliding movement of single kinesin molecules along microtubules on glass surface and 3D Brownian motion of individual kinesin molecules in viscous solution could be observed using this microscopy. These results indicated that this method could be applicable to the study of single molecular events in living cells at real time.  相似文献   

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has been used to evaluatethe use of the fluorescent probe HPTS (8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulphonicacid) as a symplastic tracer. HPTS-acetate was used to loadHPTS into the phloem and its movement was followed in threesystems where symplastic unloading has been proposed. In Arabidopsisroot tips and Abutilon nectaries the intercellular distributionof HPTS differed markedly from that observed with 5-(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein(CF)- HPTS was observed in the nuclei and cytoplasm whilst CFwas rapidly transferred into the vacuoles. In contrast, bothHPTS and CF accumulated in the vacuoles of the vascular parenchymaand nucellus cells following unloading from the phloem of thedeveloping barley caryopsis. The results indicate that HPTShas a number of advantages as a symplastic probe compared withCF. The findings are discussed in relation to the influenceof vacuolar sequestration on dye distribution. Key words: Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), HPTS, intercellular transport, phloem (unloading)  相似文献   

Most molecular imaging technologies require exogenous probes and may have some influence on the intracellular dynamics of target molecules. In contrast, Raman scattering light measurement can identify biomolecules in their innate state without application of staining methods. Our aim was to analyze intracellular dynamics of topoisomerase I inhibitor, CPT-11, by using slit-scanning confocal Raman microscopy, which can take Raman images with high temporal and spatial resolution. We could acquire images of the intracellular distribution of CPT-11 and its metabolite SN-38 within several minutes without use of any exogenous tags. Change of subcellular drug localization after treatment could be assessed by Raman imaging. We also showed intracellular conversion from CPT-11 to SN-38 using Raman spectra. The study shows the feasibility of using slit-scanning confocal Raman microscopy for the non-labeling evaluation of the intracellular dynamics of CPT-11 with high temporal and spatial resolution. We conclude that Raman spectromicroscopic imaging is useful for pharmacokinetic studies of anticancer drugs in living cells. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Background. Protein aggregation is a major contributor to the pathogenic mechanisms of human neurodegenerative diseases. Mutations in the CSTB (cystatin B) gene [StB (stefin B)] cause EPM1 (progressive myoclonus epilepsy of type 1), an epilepsy syndrome with features of neurodegeneration and increased oxidative stress. Oligomerization and aggregation of StB in mammalian cells have recently been reported. It has also been observed that StB is overexpressed after seizures and in certain neurodegenerative conditions, which could potentially lead to its aggregation. Human StB proved to be a good model system to study amyloid fibril formation in vitro and, as we show here, to study protein aggregation in cells. Results. Endogenous human StB formed smaller, occasional cytoplasmic aggregates and chemical inhibition of the UPS (ubiquitin–proteasome system) led to an increase in the amount of the endogenous protein and also increased its aggregation. Further, we characterized both the untagged and T‐Sapphire‐tagged StB on overexpression in mammalian cells. Compared with wild‐type StB, the EPM1 missense mutant (G4R), the aggregate‐prone EPM1 mutant (R68X) and the Y31 StB variant (both tagged and untagged) formed larger cytosolic and often perinuclear aggregates accompanied by cytoskeletal reorganization. Non‐homogeneous morphology of these large aggregates was revealed using TEM (transmission electron microscopy) with StB detected by immunogold labelling. StB‐positive cytoplasmic aggregates were partially co‐localized with ubiquitin, proteasome subunits S20 and S26 and components of microfilament and microtubular cytoskeleton using confocal microscopy. StB aggregates also co‐localized with LC3 and the protein adaptor p62, markers of autophagy. Flow cytometry showed that protein aggregation was associated with reduced cell viability. Conclusions. We have shown that endogenous StB aggregates within cells, and that aggregation is increased upon protein overexpression or proteasome inhibition. From confocal and TEM analyses, we conclude that aggregates of StB show some of the molecular characteristics of aggresomes and may be eliminated from the cell by autophagy. Intracellular StB aggregation shows a negative correlation with cell survival.  相似文献   

Guard cell turgor pressures in epidermal peels of broad bean (Vicia faba) were measured and controlled with a pressure probe. At the same time, images of the guard cell were acquired using confocal microscopy. To obtain a clear image of guard cell volume, a fluorescent dye that labels the plasma membrane was added to the solution bathing the epidermal peel. At each pressure, 17 to 20 optical sections (each 2 microm thick) were acquired. Out-of-focus light in these images was removed using blind deconvolution, and volume was estimated using direct linear integration. As pressure was increased from as low as 0.3 MPa to as high as 5.0 MPa, guard cell volume increased in a saturating fashion. The elastic modulus was calculated from these data and was found to range from approximately 2 to 40 MPa. The data allow inference of guard cell osmotic content from stomatal aperture and facilitate accurate mechanistic modeling of epidermal water relations and stomatal functioning.  相似文献   

To study the permeability through the cellular membrane of synthetic peptides containing an hydrophobic moiety, we used a 13-mer myristoylated peptide labeled with a N-terminal fluorescent probe. After 2 h of incubation, the subcellular distribution was analyzed in intact chromaffin cells by confocal fluorescent microscopy. Our results demonstrate that myristoylated peptides diffuse into intact cells, showing an heterogeneous distribution, but they do not reach the cellular nucleous, at least during the time range used.  相似文献   

The details of the morphological organization of the body musculature in the planarians Girardia tigrina and Polycelis tenuis were investigated by histochemical staining of actin filaments with fluorescently labeled fluorescent. The whole mount preparations and frozen tissue sections of planarians were analyzed by fluorescent and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The results indicate that the muscle system is well differentiated in both planarian species and is represented by the somatic musculature of the body wall, the musculature of the digestive tract, and the musculature of the reproductive system organs in P. tenuis, which reproduces sexually. The differences and similarities between the two species in the morphological characters of the musculature, which are the size and density of myofibrils in different muscle layers, were described. The results present the basis for further studies on the regulation of muscle function in planarians.  相似文献   

Lipid oxidation is a widespread phenomenon in foods and other systems of biological origin. Detection methods for early stages of lipid oxidation are in demand to understand the progress of oxidation in space and time. The fluorescence spectrum of the nonpolar fluorescent probe BODIPY665/676 changes upon reacting with peroxyl radicals originating from 2,2′-azobis(2,4-dimethyl)valeronitrile and tert-butoxyl radicals generated from di-tert-butylperoxide. The excitation wavelength of the main peak of BODIPY665/676 was 675 nm in the fluorometer, and 670 nm under the microscope, and the optimum excitation wavelength for the secondary peak of BODIPY665/676 was 580 nm. Advantages of using BODIPY665/676 are fewer problems with autofluorescence and the possibility of combining several fluorescent probes that are excited and emitted at lower wavelengths. However, because of the spectrum of the probe, specific lasers and detectors are needed for optimal imaging under the microscope. Furthermore, BODIPY665/676 is resistant to photobleaching at both excitation wavelengths, 670 and 580 nm. In diffusion studies, BODIPY665/676 is highly lipophilic, remaining in the lipid phase and not diffusing into the aqueous phase or between lipid droplets.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) develop as a consequence of wounding, light stress and chemical imbalances but act also as signals in living cells. The integrity of cells is seriously endangered, if ROS cannot be controlled by scavenging molecules and other repair mechanisms of the cell. For studying ROS development and signalling under stress, a reliable indicator is needed. We have tested the ROS sensitive dye 5-(and-6) chloromethyl-2',7' dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate acetyl ester (CM-H2DCFDA) using onion bulb scale and leaf epidermis as well as Arabidopsis leaves and protoplasts. ROS were generated by several fundamentally different methods—externally applied hydrogen peroxide, heat shock, high light or wounding. Confocal microscopy and fluorescence quantification over time showed that the indicator responds in an additive and dose-dependent manner. The response to externally applied hydrogen peroxide followed saturation kinetics, consistent with a channel-mediated uptake of the stressor across the plasma membrane. An inherent problem of the tested indicator was the uneven uptake in tissues, as compared with protoplasts, making it difficult to discriminate an uneven indicator distribution from an uneven ROS distribution. However, in protoplasts and under carefully designed preparation conditions CM-H2DCFDA is a useful general ROS indicator. Subcellularly, the de-esterified probe localised to the cytosol, to mitochondria and to chloroplasts.  相似文献   

How nuclear pore complexes, mediating the transport of nucleic acids, proteins, and metabolites between cell nucleus and cytoplasm, are arranged in the nuclear envelope is essentially unknown. Here we describe a method combining high-resolution confocal imaging with image processing and pattern recognition to visualize single nuclear pore complexes (120 nm diameter), determine their relative positions with nanometer accuracy, and analyze their distribution in situ. The method was tested by means of a model system in which the very same sample areas could be imaged by confocal and electron microscopy. It was thus found that single fluorescent beads of 105 nm nominal diameter could be localized with a lateral accuracy of <20 nm and an axial accuracy of approximately 20 nm. The method was applied to digitonin-permeabilized 3T3 cells, whose nuclear pore complexes were fluorescently labeled with the anti-nucleoporin antibody mAb414. Stacks of optical sections were generated by confocal imaging at high resolution. Herein the nuclear pore complexes appeared as bright diffraction-limited spots whose centers were localized by fitting them by three-dimensional gaussians. The nearest-neighbor distribution function and the pair correlation function were calculated and found to agree well with those of randomly distributed hard cylinders of 138 +/- 17 nm diameter, but not with those of randomly distributed points or nonrandomly distributed cylinders. This was supported by a cluster analysis. Implications for the direct observation of the transport of single particles and molecules through individual nuclear pore complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM) uses a small fraction of fluorescently labeled subunits to give macromolecular assemblies such as the cytoskeleton fluorescence image properties that allow quantitative analysis of movement and subunit turnover. We describe a multispectral microscope system to analyze the dynamics of multiple cellular structures labeled with spectrally distinct fluorophores relative to one another over time in living cells. This required a high-resolution, highly sensitive, low-noise, and stable imaging system to visualize the small number of fluorophores making up each fluorescent speckle, a means by which to switch between excitation wavelengths rapidly, and a computer-based system to integrate image acquisition and illumination functions and to allow a convenient interface for viewing multispectral time-lapse data. To reduce out-of-focus fluorescence that degrades speckle contrast, we incorporated the optical sectioning capabilities of a dual-spinning-disk confocal scanner. The real-time, full-field scanning allows the use of a low-noise, fast, high-dynamic-range, and quantum-efficient cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) as a detector as opposed to the more noisy photomultiplier tubes used in laser-scanning confocal systems. For illumination, our system uses a 2.5-W Kr/Ar laser with 100-300mW of power at several convenient wavelengths for excitation of few fluorophores in dim FSM specimens and a four-channel polychromatic acousto-optical modulator fiberoptically coupled to the confocal to allow switching between illumination wavelengths and intensity control in a few microseconds. We present recent applications of this system for imaging the cytoskeleton in migrating tissue cells and neurons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neutral red (NR), a lipophilic phenazine dye, has been widely used in various biological systems as a vital stain for bright-field microscopy. In its unprotonated form it penetrates the plasma membrane and tonoplast of viable plant cells, then due to protonation it becomes trapped in acidic compartments. The possible applications of NR for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) studies were examined in various aspects of plant root biology. METHODS: NR was used as a fluorochrome for living roots of Phaseolus vulgaris, Allium cepa, A. porrum and Arabidopsis thaliana (wild-type and transgenic GFP-carrying lines). The tissues were visualized using CLSM. The effect of NR on the integrity of the cytoskeleton and the growth rate of arabidopsis primary roots was analysed to judge potential toxic effects of the dye. KEY RESULTS: The main advantages of the use of NR are related to the fact that NR rapidly penetrates root tissues, has affinity to suberin and lignin, and accumulates in the vacuoles. It is shown that NR is a suitable probe for visualization of proto- and metaxylem elements, Casparian bands in the endodermis, and vacuoles in cells of living roots. The actin cytoskeleton and the microtubule system of the cells, as well as the dynamics of root growth, remain unchanged after short-term application of NR, indicating a relatively low toxicity of this chemical. It was also found that NR is a useful probe for the observation of the internal structures of root nodules and of fungal hyphae in vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas. CONCLUSIONS: Ease, low cost and absence of tissue processing make NR a useful probe for structural, developmental and vacuole-biogenetic studies of plant roots with CLSM.  相似文献   

Various forms of green fluorescent protein (GFP) have become important reporters of gene transfer and expression after transfection or infection of cells in cell culture. Frequently, molecular biological assays (Northern blots, PCR) are applied to detect reporter gene expression in target organs. However, these methods are not suitable for evaluation of tissue- or cell-specific expression which would be of great interest especially in case of using tissue-specific promoters. Therefore, organs of transgenic mice with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene under control of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter were processed for histology by formaldehyde fixation and embedding in paraffin. Sections were deparaffinized, mounted and evaluated for fluorescence in a confocal laser scanning microscope. This method combines the advantages of direct exploitation of tissue sections without further staining procedures with evaluable tissue-, cell-, and even subcellular-specific distribution patterns of EGFP expression in tissues. Results obtained by direct evaluation of EGFP fluorescence in paraffin sections were confirmed by immunohistochemical staining with anti-EGFP. In the present report, we demonstrate that application of confocal microscopy on routinely processed histological preparations is very suitable for determining gene transfer efficiency and promotor activities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The multiparameter fluorometric analysis of intact and fixed cells often requires the use of a nuclear DNA discrimination signal with spectral separation from visible range fluorochromes. We have developed a novel deep red fluorescing bisalkylaminoanthraquinone, DRAQ5 (Ex(lambdamax) 646 nm; Em(lambdamax) 681 nm; Em(lambdarange) 665->800 nm), with high affinity for DNA and a high capacity to enter living cells. We describe here the spectral characteristics and applications of this synthetic compound, particularly in relation to cytometric analysis of the cell cycle. METHODS: Cultured human tumor cells were examined for the ability to nuclear locate DRAQ5 using single and multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (LSM) and multiparameter flow cytometry. RESULTS: Multiparameter flow cytometry shows that the dye can rapidly report the cellular DNA content of live and fixed cells at a resolution level adequate for cell cycle analysis and the cycle-specific expression of cellular proteins (e.g., cyclin B1). The preferential excitation of DRAQ5 by laser red lines (633/647 nm) was found to offer a means of fluorescence signal discrimination by selective excitation, with greatly reduced emission overlap with UV-excitable and visible range fluophors as compared with propidium iodide. LSM reveals nuclear architecture and clearly defines chromosomal elements in live cells. DRAQ5 was found to permit multiphoton imaging of nuclei using a 1,047-nm emitting mode-locked YLF laser. The unusual spectral properties of DRAQ5 also permit live cell DNA analysis using conventional 488 nm excitation and the single-photon imaging of nuclear fluorescence using laser excitation between 488 nm and low infrared (IR; 780 nm) wavelengths. Single and multiphoton microscopy studies revealed the ability of DRAQ5 to report three-dimensional nuclear structure and location in live cells expressing endoplasmic reticulum targeted-GFP, MitoTracker-stained mitochondria, or a vital cell probe for free zinc (Zinquin). CONCLUSION: The fluorescence excitation and emission characteristics of DRAQ5 in living and fixed cells permit the incorporation of the measurement of cellular DNA content into a variety of multiparameter cytometric analyses.  相似文献   

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