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FoF1-ATP synthase is the nanomotor responsible for most of ATP synthesis in the cell. In physiological conditions, it carries out ATP synthesis thanks to a proton gradient generated by the respiratory chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane. We previously reported that isolated myelin vesicles (IMV) contain functional FoF1-ATP synthase and respiratory chain complexes and are able to conduct an aerobic metabolism, to support the axonal energy demand. In this study, by biochemical assay, Western Blot (WB) analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy, we characterized the IMV FoF1-ATP synthase. ATP synthase activity decreased in the presence of the specific inhibitors (olygomicin, DCCD, FCCP, valynomicin/nigericin) and respiratory chain inhibitors (antimycin A, KCN), suggesting a coupling of oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis. ATPase activity was inhibited in low pH conditions. WB and microscopy analyses of both IMV and optic nerves showed that the Inhibitor of F1 (IF1), a small protein that binds the F1 moiety in low pH when of oxygen supply is impaired, is expressed in myelin sheath. Data are discussed in terms of the role of IF1 in the prevention of the reversal of ATP synthase in myelin sheath during central nervous system ischemic events. Overall, data are consistent with an energetic role of myelin sheath, and may shed light on the relationship among demyelination and axonal degeneration.  相似文献   

We have identified a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger from durum wheat, designated TdSOS1. Heterologous expression of TdSOS1 in a yeast strain lacking endogenous Na+ efflux proteins showed complementation of the Na+- and Li+-sensitive phenotype by a mechanism involving cation efflux. Salt tolerance conferred by TdSOS1 was maximal when co-expressed with the Arabidopsis protein kinase complex SOS2/SOS3. In vitro phosphorylation of TdSOS1 with a hyperactive form of the Arabidopsis SOS2 kinase (T/DSOS2∆308) showed the importance of two essential serine residues at the C-terminal hydrophilic tail (S1126, S1128). Mutation of these two serine residues to alanine decreased the phosphorylation of TdSOS1 by T/DSOS2∆308 and prevented the activation of TdSOS1. In addition, deletion of the C-terminal domain of TdSOS1 encompassing serine residues at position 1126 and 1128 generated a hyperactive form that had maximal sodium exclusion activity independent from the regulatory SOS2/SOS3 complex. These results are consistent with the presence of an auto-inhibitory domain at the C-terminus of TdSOS1 that mediates the activation of TdSOS1 by the protein kinase SOS2. Expression of TdSOS1 mRNA in young seedlings of the durum wheat variety Om Rabia3, using different abiotic stresses (ionic and oxidative stress) at different times of exposure, was monitored by RT–PCR.  相似文献   

At the 2017 meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics, we presented the combined results from two recent studies showing how hydronium ions (H3O+) modulate the structure and ion permeability of phospholipid bilayers. In the first study, the impact of H3O+ on lipid packing had been identified using tethered bilayer lipid membranes in conjunction with electrical impedance spectroscopy and neutron reflectometry. The increased presence of H3O+ (i.e. lower pH) led to a significant reduction in membrane conductivity and increased membrane thickness. A first-order explanation for the effect was assigned to alterations in the steric packing of the membrane lipids. Changes in packing were described by a critical packing parameter (CPP) related to the interfacial area and volume and shape of the membrane lipids. We proposed that increasing the concentraton of H3O+ resulted in stronger hydrogen bonding between the phosphate oxygens at the water–lipid interface leading to a reduced area per lipid and slightly increased membrane thickness. At the meeting, a molecular model for these pH effects based on the result of our second study was presented. Multiple μs-long, unrestrained molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of a phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayer were carried out and showed a concentration dependent reduction in the area per lipid and an increase in bilayer thickness, in agreement with experimental data. Further, H3O+ preferentially accumulated at the water–lipid interface, suggesting the localised pH at the membrane surface is much lower than the bulk bathing solution. Another significant finding was that the hydrogen bonds formed by H3O+ ions with lipid headgroup oxygens are, on average, shorter in length and longer-lived than the ones formed in bulk water. In addition, the H3O+ ions resided for longer periods in association with the carbonyl oxygens than with either phosphate oxygen in lipids. In summary, the MD simulations support a model where the hydrogen bonding capacity of H3O+ for carbonyl and phosphate oxygens is the origin of the pH-induced changes in lipid packing in phospholipid membranes. These molecular-level studies are an important step towards a better understanding of the effect of pH on biological membranes.  相似文献   

According to the common view, weak acid uncouplers increase proton conductance of biological (and phospholipid bilayer) membranes, thus effecting H+ fluxes driven by their electrochemical gradients. Under certain conditions, however, uncouplers can induce unexpected effects opposite to the dissipation of H+ gradients. Results are presented here demonstrating CCCP-induced proton influx into Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosol driven by the electrochemical potentials of CCCP and its CCCP? anions, independent of electrochemical H+-gradient. Another view of week acid uncouplers’ action is proposed that is logically consistent with these observations.  相似文献   

The tonoplast and plasma membrane localized sodium (potassium)/proton antiporters have been shown to play an important role in plant resistance to salt stress. In this study, AtNHX1 and AtNHX3, two tonoplast Na+(K+)/H+ antiporter encoding genes from Arabidopsis thaliana, were expressed in poplar to investigate their biological functions in the resistance to abiotic stresses in woody plants. Transgenic poplar plants expressing either gene exhibited increased resistance to both salt and water-deficit stresses. Compared to the wild type (WT) plants, transgenic plants accumulated more sodium and potassium ions in the presence of 100 mM NaCl and showed reduced electrolyte leakage in the leaves under water stress. Furthermore, the proton-translocating and cation-dependent H+ (Na+/H+ or K+/H+) exchange activities in the tonoplast vesicles isolated from the leaves of transgenic plants were higher than in those isolated from WT plants. Therefore, constitutive expression of either AtNHX1 or AtNHX3 genetically modified the salt and water stress tolerance of transgenic poplar plants, providing a potential tool for engineering tree species with enhanced resistance to multiple abitotic stresses.  相似文献   

Fukuda A  Nakamura A  Hara N  Toki S  Tanaka Y 《Planta》2011,233(1):175-188
We previously cloned a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene (OsNHX1) from rice (Oryza sativa). Here we identified four additional NHX-type antiporter genes in rice (OsNHX2 through OsNHX5) and performed molecular and functional analyses of those genes. The exon–intron structure of the OsNHX genes and the phylogenetic tree of the OsNHX proteins suggest that the OsNHX proteins are categorized into two subgroups (OsNHX1 through OsNHX4 and OsNHX5). OsNHX1, OsNHX2, OsNHX3, and OsNHX5 can suppress the Na+, Li+, and hygromycin sensitivity of yeast nhx1 mutants and their sensitivity to a high K+ concentration. The expression of OsNHX1, OsNHX2, OsNHX3, and OsNHX5 is regulated differently in rice tissues and is increased by salt stress, hyperosmotic stress, and ABA. When we studied the expression of β-glucuronidase (GUS) driven by either the OsNHX1 or the OsNHX5 promoter, we observed activity in the stele, the emerging part of lateral roots, the vascular bundle, the water pore, and the basal part of seedling shoots with both promoters. In addition, each promoter had a unique expression pattern. OsNHX1 promoter–GUS activity only was localized to the guard cells and trichome, whereas OsNHX5 promoter–GUS activity only was localized to the root tip and pollen grains. Our results suggest that the members of this gene family play important roles in the compartmentalization into vacuoles of the Na+ and K+ that accumulate in the cytoplasm and that the differential regulation of antiporter gene expression in different rice tissues may be an important factor determining salt tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests membrane bound F1F0-ATPase complexes form stable associations such that dimers can be retrieved from detergent lysates of mitochondria isolated from a range of sources including algae, higher plants, yeast and bovine heart, and plant chloroplasts. The physiological relevance of these interactions is not clear but may be connected with the formation and structure of mitochondrial cristae. We sought to demonstrate, in vivo, the association of F1F0-ATPases in yeast cells co-expressing two b subunits each fused at its C-terminus to a GFP variant appropriate for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET; BFP as the donor and GFP as the acceptor fluorophore). Both subunit b-GFP and b-BFP fusions were assembled into functional complexes. FRET was observed from enzyme complexes in molecular proximity in respiring cells providing the first demonstration of the association, in vivo, of F1F0-ATPase complexes. Moreover, FRET was observed within cells lacking the dimer specific subunit e, indicating structured associations can occur within the inner membrane in the absence of subunit e.  相似文献   

Two barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare L., cvs. Elo and Belogorskii) differing in salt tolerance were used to study 22Na+ uptake, expression of three isoforms of the Na+/H+ antiporter HvNHX1-3, and the cellular localization of these isoforms in the elongation zone of seedling roots. During short (1 h) incubation, seedling roots of both cultivars accumulated approximately equal quantities of 22Na+. However, after 24-h incubation the content of 22Na+ in roots of a salt-tolerant variety Elo was 40% lower than in roots of the susceptible variety Belogorskii. The content of 22Na+ accumulated in shoots of cv. Elo after 24-h incubation was 6.5 times lower than in shoots of cv. Belogorskii and it was 4 times lower after the salt stress treatment. The cytochemical examination revealed that three proteins HvNHX1-3 are co-localized in the same cells of almost all root tissues; these proteins were present in the tonoplast and prevacuolar vesicles. Western blot analysis of HvNHX1-3 has shown that the content of isoforms in vacuolar membranes increased in response to salt stress in seedling roots and shoots of both cultivars, although the increase was more pronounced in the tolerant cultivar. The content of HvNHX1 in the seedlings increased in parallel with the enhanced expression of HvNHX1, whereas the increase in HvNHX2 and HvNHX3 protein content was accompanied by only slight changes in expression of respective genes. The results provide evidence that salt tolerance of barley depends on plant ability to restrict Na+ transport from the root to the shoot and relies on regulatory pathways of HvNHX1-3 expression in roots and shoots during salt stress.  相似文献   

Gallbladder Na+ absorption is linked to gallstone formation in prairie dogs. We previously reported Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE1-3) expression in native gallbladder tissues. Here we report the functional characterization of NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 in primary cultures of prairie dog gallbladder epithelial cells (GBECs). Immunohistochemical studies showed that GBECs grown to confluency are homogeneous epithelial cells of gastrointestinal origin. Electron microscopic analysis of GBECs demonstrated that the cells form polarized monolayers characterized by tight junctions and apical microvilli. GBECs grown on Snapwells exhibited polarity and developed transepithelial short-circuit current, Isc, (11.6 ± 0.5 µA · cm–2), potential differences, Vt (2.1 ± 0.2 mV), and resistance, Rt (169 ± 12 · cm2). NHE activity in GBECs assessed by measuring dimethylamiloride-inhibitable 22Na+ uptake under a H+ gradient was the same whether grown on permeable Snapwells or plastic wells. The basal rate of 22Na+ uptake was 21.4 ± 1.3 nmol · mg prot–1 · min–1, of which 9.5 ± 0.7 (~45%) was mediated through apically-restricted NHE. Selective inhibition with HOE-694 revealed that NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 accounted for ~6%, ~66% and ~28% of GBECs total NHE activity, respectively. GBECs exhibited saturable NHE kinetics (Vmax 9.2 ± 0.3 nmol · mg prot–1 · min–1; Km 11.4 ± 1.4 mM Na+). Expression of NHE1, NHE2 and NHE3 mRNAs was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. These results demonstrate that the primary cultures of GBECs exhibit Na+ transport characteristics similar to native gallbladder tissues, suggesting that these cells can be used as a tool for studying the mechanisms of gallbladder ion transport both under physiologic conditions and during gallstone formation.  相似文献   

Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is an amphipathic toxin produced by the pathogenic fungus Fusarium verticillioides which causes stem, root and ear rot in maize (Zea mays L.). In this work, we studied the action of FB1 on the plasma membrane H+-ATPase (EC from germinating maize embryos, and on the fluidity and lipid peroxidation of these membranes. In maize embryos the toxin at 40 M inhibited root elongation by 50% and at 30 M decreased medium acidification by about 80%. Irrespective of the presence and absence of FB1, the H+-ATPase in plasma membrane vesicles exhibited non-hyperbolic saturation kinetics by ATPH-Mg, with Hill number of 0.67. Initial velocity studies revealed that FB1 is a total uncompetitive inhibitor of this enzyme with an inhibition constant value of 17.5±1 M. Thus FB1 decreased Vmax and increased the apparent affinity of the enzyme for ATP-Mg to the same extent. Although FB1 increased the fluidity at the hydrophobic region of the membrane, no correlation was found with its effect on enzyme activity, since both effects showed different FB1-concentration dependence. Peroxidation of membrane lipids was not affected by the toxin. Our results suggest that, under in vivo conditions, the plasma membrane H+-ATPase is a potentially important target of the toxin, as it is inhibited not only by FB1 but also by its structural analogs, the sphingoid intermediates, which accumulate upon the inhibition of sphinganine N-acyltransferase by this toxin.  相似文献   

One of the protective mechanisms used by plants to survive under conditions of salt stress caused by high NaCl concentration is the removal of Na+ from the cytoplasm. This mechanism involves a number of Na+/H+-antiporter proteins that are localized in plant plasma and vacuolar membranes. Due to the driving force of the electrochemical H+ gradient created by membrane H+-pumps (H+-ATPases and vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatases), Na+/H+-antiporters extrude sodium ions from the cytoplasm in exchange for protons. In this study, we have identified the gene for the barley vacuolar Na+/H+-antiporter HvNHX2 using the RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA ends)-PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique. It is shown that the identified gene is expressed in roots, stems, and leaves of barley seedlings and that it presumably encodes a 59.6 kD protein composed of 546 amino acid residues. Antibodies against the C-terminal fragment of HvNHX2 were generated. It is shown that the quantity of HvNHX2 in tonoplast vesicles isolated from roots of barley seedlings remains the same, whereas the rate of Na+/H+ exchange across these membranes increases in response to salt stress. The 14-3-3-binding motif Lys-Lys-Glu-Ser-His-Pro (371-376) was detected in the HvNHX2 amino acid sequence, which is suggestive of possible involvement of the 14-3-3 proteins in the regulation of HvNHX2 function.  相似文献   

There are numerous studies describing how growth conditions influence the efficiency of C4 photosynthesis. However, it remains unclear how changes in the biochemical capacity versus leaf anatomy drives this acclimation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine how growth light and nitrogen availability influence leaf anatomy, biochemistry and the efficiency of the CO2 concentrating mechanism in Miscanthus × giganteus. There was an increase in the mesophyll cell wall surface area but not cell well thickness in the high-light (HL) compared to the low-light (LL) grown plants suggesting a higher mesophyll conductance in the HL plants, which also had greater photosynthetic capacity. Additionally, the HL plants had greater surface area and thickness of bundle-sheath cell walls compared to LL plants, suggesting limited differences in bundle-sheath CO2 conductance because the increased area was offset by thicker cell walls. The gas exchange estimates of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) activity were significantly less than the in vitro PEPc activity, suggesting limited substrate availability in the leaf due to low mesophyll CO2 conductance. Finally, leakiness was similar across all growth conditions and generally did not change under the different measurement light conditions. However, differences in the stable isotope composition of leaf material did not correlate with leakiness indicating that dry matter isotope measurements are not a good proxy for leakiness. Taken together, these data suggest that the CO2 concentrating mechanism in Miscanthus is robust under low-light and limited nitrogen growth conditions, and that the observed changes in leaf anatomy and biochemistry likely help to maintain this efficiency.  相似文献   

High salinity is the one of important factors limiting plant growth and crop production. Many NHX-type antiporters have been reported to catalyze K+/H+ exchange to mediate salt stress. This study shows that an NHX gene from Arachis hypogaea L. has an important role in K+ uptake and transport, which affects K+ accumulation and plant salt tolerance. When overexpressing AhNHX1, the growth of tobacco seedlings is improved with longer roots and a higher fresh weight than the wild type (WT) under NaCl treatment. Meanwhile, when exposed to NaCl stress, the transgenic seedlings had higher K+/H+ antiporter activity and their roots got more K+ uptake. NaCl stress could induce higher K+ accumulation in the roots, stems, and leaves of transgenic tobacco seedlings but not Na+ accumulation, thus, leading to a higher K+/Na+ ratio in the transgenic seedlings. Additionally, the AKT1, HAK1, SKOR, and KEA genes, which are involved in K+ uptake or transport, were induced by NaCl stress and kept higher expression levels in transgenic seedlings than in WT seedlings. The H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities were also higher in transgenic seedlings than in the WT seedlings under NaCl stress. Simultaneously, overexpression of AhNHX1 increased the relative distribution of K+ in the aerial parts of the seedlings under NaCl stress. These results showed that AhNHX1 catalyzed the K+/H+ antiporter and enhanced tobacco tolerance to salt stress by increasing K+ uptake and transport.  相似文献   

Short-term effects of 3,5-L-diiodothyronine (T2) administration to hypothyroid rats on FoF1-ATP synthase activity were investigated in liver mitochondria. One hour after T2 injection, state 4 and state 3 respiration rates were noticeably stimulated in mitochondria subsequently isolated. FoF1-ATP synthase activity, which was reduced in mitochondria from hypothyroid rats as compared to mitochondria from euthyroid rats, was significantly increased by T2 administration in both the ATP-synthesis and hydrolysis direction. No change in β-subunit mRNA accumulation and protein amount of the α-β subunit of FoF1-ATP synthase was found, ruling out a T2 genomic effect. In T2-treated rats, changes in the composition of mitochondrial phospholipids were observed, cardiolipin (CL) showing the greatest alteration. In mitochondria isolated from hypothyroid rats the decrease in the amount of CL was accompanied by an increase in the level of peroxidised CL. T2 administration to hypothyroid rats enhanced the level of CL and decreased the amount of peroxidised CL in subsequently isolated mitochondria, tending to restore the CL value to the euthyroid level. Minor T2-induced changes in mitochondrial fatty acid composition were detected. Overall, the enhanced FoF1-ATP synthase activity observed following injection of T2 to hypothyroid rats may be ascribed, at least in part, to an increased level of mitochondrial CL associated with decreased peroxidation of CL.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) dysfunction is thought to contribute to the altered gallbladder absorption that occurs in cholesterol gallstone disease, but the mechanism is unknown. The current study was undertaken to examine the expression, phosphorylation, and subcellular localization of NHE3 in gallbladder epithelium cells (GBECs) of male C57BL/6 mice on a control or lithogenic diet. Thirty-six 8-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were randomly assigned to receive a high cholesterol diet or a regular diet for 8 weeks. Gallstone formation was recorded. Gallbladder bile cholesterol, phospholipid, and total bile acids were examined. RT-PCR was used to measure NHE3 mRNA expression. NHE3 protein expression and subcellular localization were examined by Western blotting and immunofluorescence microscopy, respectively. Gallstones were formed in all mice fed the lithogenic diet. Despite higher NHE3 mRNA expression in gallbladders of the mice on the lithogenic diet than in those on the control diet, there was no significant difference in expression of total NHE3 protein. However, a higher level of NHE3 phosphorylated at serine-552 (P-NHE3) was seen on the lithogenic diet. In immunofluorescence studies, NHE3 protein was expressed both on the apical membrane and in the cytoplasm of mouse GBEC. This pattern of subcellular distribution of NHE3 strongly corroborates an exchanger trafficking mechanism in NHE3 activity regulation in mouse GBEC. We conclude that increased phosphorylation of NHE3 following gallstone formation leads to turnover of the exchanger, resulting in decreased gallbladder concentrating function.  相似文献   

A triple mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking its own Na+-ATPases and Na+/H+ antiporters (enal-4delta nha1delta nhx1delta) was used for the expression of the Oryza sativa NHX1 gene encoding a putative vacuolar Na+/H+ exchanger. Upon expression in yeast cells, the OsNhx 1p is not a transport system specific only for sodium cations but it has a broad substrate specificity for at least four alkali metal cations (Na+, Li+, K+ and Rb+) and is able to substitute for the endogenous yeast ScNhx1 antiporter. Its activity contributes to sequestration of alkali metal cations in intracellular vesicles.  相似文献   

A vacuole Na+/H+ antiporter gene TaNHX2 was obtained by screening the wheat cDNA library and by the 5′-RACE method. The expression of TaNHX2 was induced in roots and leaves by treatment with NaCl, polyethylene glycol (PEG), cold and abscisic acid (ABA). When expressed in a yeast mutant (Δnhx1), TaNHX2 suppressed the salt sensitivity of the mutant, which was deficient in vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter, and caused partial recovery of growth of Δnhx1 in NaCl and LiC1 media. The survival rate of yeast cells was improved by overexpressing the TaNHX2 gene under NaCl, KCl, sorbitol and freezing stresses when compared with the control. The results imply that TaNHX2 might play an important role in salt and osmotic stress tolerance in plant cells.  相似文献   

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