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Successful reproduction of flowering plants requires the appropriate timing of the floral transition, as triggered by environmental and internal cues and as regulated by multiple signaling modules. Among these modules, microRNAs (miRNAs), the evolutionarily conserved regulators, respond to environmental and internal cues and network with other integrators of flowering cues. Moreover, miRNA signaling modules affect the timing of flowering in many plant species. Here, we comprehensively review recent progress in understanding the function of miRNAs and their target genes in flowering time regulation in diverse plant species. We focus on the role of the miRNA-target gene modules in various flowering pathways and their conserved and divergent functions in flowering plants. We also examine, in depth, the crosstalk by sequential activity of miR156 and miR172, two of the most-studied and evolutionarily conserved miRNAs in both annual and perennial plants.  相似文献   

Acinetobacter johnsonii A2 isolated from the natural community of Laguna Azul (Andean Mountains at 4,560 m above sea level), Serratia marcescens MF42, Pseudomonas sp. strain MF8 isolated from the planktonic community, and Cytophaga sp. strain MF7 isolated from the benthic community from Laguna Pozuelos (Andean Puna at 3,600 m above sea level) were subjected to UV-B (3,931 J m−2) irradiation. In addition, a marine Pseudomonas putida strain, 2IDINH, and a second Acinetobacter johnsonii strain, ATCC 17909, were used as external controls. Resistance to UV-B and kinetic rates of light-dependent (UV-A [315 to 400 nm] and cool white light [400 to 700 nm]) and -independent reactivation following exposure were determined by measuring the survival (expressed as CFU) and accumulation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). Significant differences in survival after UV-B irradiation were observed: Acinetobacter johnsonii A2, 48%; Acinetobacter johnsonii ATCC 17909, 20%; Pseudomonas sp. strain MF8, 40%; marine Pseudomonas putida strain 2IDINH, 12%; Cytophaga sp. strain MF7, 20%; and Serratia marcescens, 21%. Most bacteria exhibited little DNA damage (between 40 and 80 CPD/Mb), except for the benthic isolate Cytophaga sp. strain MF7 (400 CPD/Mb) and Acinetobacter johnsonii ATCC 17909 (160 CPD/Mb). The recovery strategies through dark and light repair were different in all strains. The most efficient in recovering were both Acinetobacter johnsonii A2 and Cytophaga sp. strain MF7; Serratia marcescens MF42 showed intermediate recovery, and in both Pseudomonas strains, recovery was essentially zero. The UV-B responses and recovery abilities of the different bacteria were consistent with the irradiation levels in their native environment.  相似文献   

Two theories have emerged for the role that stochasticity plays in biological responses: first, that it degrades biological responses, so the performance of biological signaling machinery could be improved by increasing molecular copy numbers of key proteins; second, that it enhances biological performance, by enabling diversification of population-level responses. Using T cell biology as an example, we demonstrate that these roles for stochastic responses are not sufficient to understand experimental observations of stochastic response in complex biological systems that utilize environmental and genetic diversity to make cooperative responses. We propose a new role for stochastic responses in biology: they enable populations to make complex responses with simpler biochemical signaling machinery than would be required in the absence of stochasticity. Thus, the evolution of stochastic responses may be linked to the evolvability of different signaling machineries.  相似文献   

Marine Bacterial Isolates Display Diverse Responses to UV-B Radiation   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The molecular and biological consequences of UV-B radiation were investigated by studying five species of marine bacteria and one enteric bacterium. Laboratory cultures were exposed to an artificial UV-B source and subjected to various post-UV irradiation treatments. Significant differences in survival subsequent to UV-B radiation were observed among the isolates, as measured by culturable counts. UV-B-induced DNA photodamage was investigated by using a highly specific radioimmunoassay to measure cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). The CPDs determined following UV-B exposure were comparable for all of the organisms except Sphingomonas sp. strain RB2256, a facultatively oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium. This organism exhibited little DNA damage and a high level of UV-B resistance. Physiological conditioning by growth phase and starvation did not change the UV-B sensitivity of marine bacteria. The rates of photoreactivation following exposure to UV-B were investigated by using different light sources (UV-A and cool white light). The rates of photoreactivation were greatest during UV-A exposure, although diverse responses were observed. The differences in sensitivity to UV-B radiation between strains were reduced after photoreactivation. The survival and CPD data obtained for Vibrio natriegens when we used two UV-B exposure periods interrupted by a repair period (photoreactivation plus dark repair) suggested that photoadaptation could occur. Our results revealed that there are wide variations in marine bacteria in their responses to UV radiation and subsequent repair strategies, suggesting that UV-B radiation may affect the microbial community structure in surface water.  相似文献   

Epiphytic plants are important components of the forest ecosystem, but little is known about their ecology due to logistical constraints and the lack of a conceptual framework to guide epiphyte community studies. Given the present state of knowledge and renewed interests in epiphyte community studies, a mechanistic framework is needed to guide investigations of epiphyte assemblages. This article identifies six putative mechanisms of epiphyte species diversity, and highlights possible direct and indirect linkages among the mechanisms. The mechanisms include constrained dispersal, slow growth rate, substrate availability, host tree mortality, disturbance, and global climate change. They are identified as inherent, local- and stand-level, and landscape-level mechanisms. Evidence supporting the proposed mechanisms and their linkages is typically inductive due to inadequate observational and manipulative studies. Sufficient testing and experimental manipulations over broad spatial and temporal scales are necessary for future predictions of epiphytic plant diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) plays important roles in diverse physiological processes In plants. NO can provoke both beneficial and harmful effects, which depend on the concentration and location of NO in plant cells. This review is focused on NO synthesis and the functions of NO in plant responses to abiotic environmental stresses. Abiotic stresses mostly induce NO production in plants. NO alleviates the harmfulness of reactive oxygen species, and reacts with other target molecules, and regulates the expression of stress responsive genes under various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) plays important roles in diverse physiological processes In plants. NO can provoke both beneficial and harmful effects, which depend on the concentration and location of NO in plant cells. This review is focused on NO synthesis and the functions of NO in plant responses to abiotic environmental stresses. Abiotic stresses mostly induce NO production in plants. NO alleviates the harmfulness of reactive oxygen species, and reacts with other target molecules, and regulates the expression of stress responsive genes under various stress conditions.  相似文献   



Interconnected cell signaling pathways are able to efficiently and accurately transmit a multitude of different signals, despite an inherent potential for undesirable levels of cross-talk. To ensure that an appropriate response is produced, biological systems have evolved network-level mechanisms that insulate pathways from crosstalk and prevent 'leaking' or 'spillover' between pathways. Many signaling pathways have been shown to respond in an ultrasensitive (switch-like) fashion to graded input, and this behavior may influence specificity. The relationship of ultrasensitivity to signaling specificity has not been extensively explored.  相似文献   

近年来,植物对环境胁迫的响应在细胞和分子水平上得到了广泛研究。一般来说,胁迫信号首先被膜受体感知,然后传递至细胞中启动胁迫响应基因,调节植物对胁迫的耐受。了解植物感知与传递环境胁迫信号的途径并完成对环境胁迫的响应,是生物学重要的基础研究内容。简要介绍了在盐胁迫下植物细胞信号转导的一系列过程。  相似文献   

BRI1/BAK1复合体感知油菜素类固醇(BR)后,通过基因表达变化和涉及V-ATPase的快速生长诱导反应的磷酸化级联放大作用传递信号,并影响细胞增殖增长过程。本文就植物中BR调节基因表达及其信号转导与细胞增殖作一综合介绍,并对存在的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Chemotaxis—the directed movement of cells in a gradient of chemoattractant—is essential for neutrophils to crawl to sites of inflammation and infection and for Dictyostelium discoideum (D. discoideum) to aggregate during morphogenesis. Chemoattractant-induced activation of spatially localized cellular signals causes cells to polarize and move toward the highest concentration of the chemoattractant. Extensive studies have been devoted to achieving a better understanding of the mechanism(s) used by a neutrophil to choose its direction of polarity and to crawl effectively in response to chemoattractant gradients. Recent technological advances are beginning to reveal many fascinating details of the intracellular signaling components that spatially direct the cytoskeleton of neutrophils and D. discoideum and the complementary mechanisms that make the cell''s front distinct from its back.Chemotaxis—the directed movement of cells in a gradient of chemoattractant—allows leukocytes to seek out sites of inflammation and infection, amoebas of Dictyostelium discoideum (D. discoideum) to aggregate, neurons to send projections to specific regions of the brain to find their synaptic partners, yeast cells to mate, and fibroblasts to move into the wound space (Fig. 1). In each case, chemoattractant-induced activation of spatially localized cellular signals causes cells to polarize and move toward the highest concentration of the chemoattractant. During chemotaxis, filamentous actin (F-actin) is polymerized asymmetrically at the upgradient edge of the cell (leading edge), providing the necessary force to thrust projections of the plasma membrane in the proper direction (see Mullins 2009). Neutrophilic leukocytes (neutrophils), for instance, can polarize and move up very shallow gradients, with a chemoattractant concentration ∼2% higher at the front than the back (Fig. 2) (Devreotes and Zigmond 1988). To restrict actin polymerization to the leading edge in such a shallow gradient, neutrophils must create a much steeper internal gradient of regulatory signals. In addition, distinctive actin–myosin contractile complexes are also formed at the sides and back of the cells (Fig. 2). The ability to create such distinctive segregation of actin assemblies enables neutrophils to move nearly 50 times more quickly than fibroblasts. The polarization response is self-organizing, which occurs even when the attractant concentration is uniform and apparently stimulating all portions of the plasma membrane at the same intensity; in the absence of a gradient, the direction of polarity is random, but all cells can be induced to polarize (Fig. 2). Thus, neutrophil polarization to chemoattractant stimulation represents a striking example of symmetry breaking from an unpolarized state to a polarized one.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Examples of chemotaxis. (A) A human neutrophil chasing a Staphylococcus aureus microorganism on a blood film among red blood cells, notable for their dark color and principally spherical shape (imaged by David Rogers, courtesy of Thomas P. Stossel). Bar, 10 µm. Chemotaxis is also necessary for (B) D. discoideum to form multicellular aggregates during development (courtesy of M.J. Grimson and R.L. Blanton, Texas Tech University), and (C) for axons to find their way in the developing nervous system. Photo provided by Kathryn Tosney, University of Miami.Open in a separate windowFigure 2.(A–D) Polarization of a neutrophil in response to gradient of chemoattractant. Nomarski images of unpolarized neutrophil responding to a micropipette containing the chemoattractant fMLP (white circle) at (A) 5 s, (B) 30 s, (C) 81 s, and (D) 129 s of stimulation. Bar = 5 µm. (Figure is taken from Weiner et al. 1999, with permission.) Human neutrophils stimulated with fMLP show highly polarized morphology and asymmetric cytoskeletal assemblies. (E–G) Human neutrophils were stimulated by a uniform concentration of fMLP (100 nM) and fixed 2 min after stimulations. Fixed cells were stained for F-actin with rhodamine-phalloidin (E, red) and an antibody raised against activated myosin II (phosphorylated specifically at Ser19, p[19]-MLC) (F, green). These fluorescent images are merged with Nomarski image in (G). Bars, 10 µm.To enter an infected tissue, neutrophils require chemoattractants produced by host cells and microorganisms to migrate to the sites and infection and inflammation. Neutrophil chemotaxis also contributes to many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, acute respiratory distress, and systemic inflammatory response syndromes. Although the critical physiological functions of neutrophils have made their chemoattractants and chemoattractant receptors targets of intense investigation, understanding of the neutrophil polarity and directional migration has until recently lagged behind that of other cells. Over the past decade, experimentation with knockout mice and human neutrophil cell lines has begun to shed light on the complex intracellular signals responsible for neutrophil polarity. In this article, I summarize recent advances in the study of chemotactic signals in neutrophils, with some of the discussion also devoted to a related model—chemotaxis of D. discoideum. These soil amoebas grow as single cells, but on starvation chemotax into multicellular aggregates in response to secreted chemoattractants such as adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP).  相似文献   

Nutritional deficiency and stress can severely impair intestinal architecture, integrity and host immune defense, leading to increased susceptibility to infection and cancer. Although the intestine has an inherent capability to adapt to environmental stress, the molecular mechanisms by which the intestine senses and responds to malnutrition are not completely understood. We hereby report that intestinal cell kinase (ICK), a highly conserved serine/threonine protein kinase, is a novel component of the adaptive cell signaling responses to protein malnutrition in murine small intestine. Using an experimental mouse model, we demonstrated that intestinal ICK protein level was markedly and transiently elevated upon protein deprivation, concomitant with activation of prominent pro-proliferation and pro-survival pathways of Wnt/β-catenin, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) as well as increased expression of intestinal stem cell markers. Using the human ileocecal epithelial cell line HCT-8 as an in vitro model, we further demonstrated that serum starvation was able to induce up-regulation of ICK protein in intestinal epithelial cells in a reversible manner, and that serum albumin partially contributed to this effect. Knockdown of ICK expression in HCT-8 cells significantly impaired cell proliferation and down-regulated active β-catenin signal. Furthermore, reduced ICK expression in HCT-8 cells induced apoptosis through a caspase-dependent mechanism. Taken together, our findings suggest that increased ICK expression/activity in response to protein deprivation likely provides a novel protective mechanism to limit apoptosis and support compensatory mucosal growth under nutritional stress.  相似文献   

The localization of signaling molecules such as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to primary cilia is essential for correct signal transduction. Detailed studies over the past decade have begun to elucidate the diverse sequences and trafficking mechanisms that sort and transport GPCRs to the ciliary compartment. However, a systematic analysis of the pathways required for ciliary targeting of multiple GPCRs in different cell types in vivo has not been reported. Here we describe the sequences and proteins required to localize GPCRs to the cilia of the AWB and ASK sensory neuron types in Caenorhabditis elegans. We find that GPCRs expressed in AWB or ASK utilize conserved and novel sequences for ciliary localization, and that the requirement for a ciliary targeting sequence in a given GPCR is different in different neuron types. Consistent with the presence of multiple ciliary targeting sequences, we identify diverse proteins required for ciliary localization of individual GPCRs in AWB and ASK. In particular, we show that the TUB-1 Tubby protein is required for ciliary localization of a subset of GPCRs, implying that defects in GPCR localization may be causal to the metabolic phenotypes of tub-1 mutants. Together, our results describe a remarkable complexity of mechanisms that act in a protein- and cell-specific manner to localize GPCRs to cilia, and suggest that this diversity allows for precise regulation of GPCR-mediated signaling as a function of external and internal context.  相似文献   

Many hormones are released in pulsatile patterns. This pattern can be modified, for instance by changing pulse frequency, to encode relevant physiological information. Often other properties of the pulse pattern will also change with frequency. How do signaling pathways of cells targeted by these hormones respond to different input patterns? In this study, we examine how a given dose of hormone can induce different outputs from the target system, depending on how this dose is distributed in time. We use simple mathematical models of feedforward signaling motifs to understand how the properties of the target system give rise to preferences in input pulse pattern. We frame these problems in terms of frequency responses to pulsatile inputs, where the amplitude or duration of the pulses is varied along with frequency to conserve input dose. We find that the form of the nonlinearity in the steady state input-output function of the system predicts the optimal input pattern. It does so by selecting an optimal input signal amplitude. Our results predict the behavior of common signaling motifs such as receptor binding with dimerization, and protein phosphorylation. The findings have implications for experiments aimed at studying the frequency response to pulsatile inputs, as well as for understanding how pulsatile patterns drive biological responses via feedforward signaling pathways.  相似文献   

植物对非生物胁迫应答的转录因子及调控机制   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
植物对非生物胁迫的应答反应涉及到许多基因和生化分子机制,胁迫相关基因、蛋白质及代谢物构成了一个复杂的调控网络,其中转录控制具有举足轻重的作用。本文主要对近年来发现的几种在转录控制中起关键作用的转录因子CBF/DREB、bZIP、MYB/MYC和HSF及其调控机制进行介绍。这几种转录因子可以分别和胁迫应答顺式作用元件CRT/DRE、ABRE、MYB/MYC识别位点及HSE结合,在非生物胁迫条件下调控下游靶基因的表达,进而使一些胁迫保护物质如脯氨酸、可溶性糖类、自由基的清除剂、热休克蛋白和分子伴侣等的表达水平升高,最终增强植物对非生物胁迫的耐受能力。  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - The review analyzes and generalizes literary data and the authors’ results demonstrating the principal difference in plant responses to low-temperature...  相似文献   

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