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Astrocytes support glutamatergic neurotransmission in the central nervous system through multiple mechanisms which include: (i) glutamate clearance and control over glutamate spillover due to operation of glutamate transporters; (ii) supply of obligatory glutamate precursor glutamine via operation of glutamate–glutamine shuttle; (iii) supply of l-serine, the indispensable precursor of positive NMDA receptors neuromodulator d-serine and (iv) through overall homoeostatic control of the synaptic cleft. Astroglial cells express an extended complement of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors, which mediate glutamatergic input to astrocytes. In particular a sub-population of astrocytes in the cortex and in the spinal cord express specific type of NMDA receptors assembled from two GluN1, one GluN2C or D and one GluN3 subunits. This composition underlies low Mg2+ sensitivity thus making astroglial NMDA receptors operational at resting membrane potential. These NMDA receptors generate ionic signals in astrocytes and are linked to several astroglial homoeostatic molecular cascades.


G蛋白偶联受体失敏的分子机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G蛋白偶联受体(GPCRs)受到激动剂持续刺激对易发生失敏。受体内化是GPCRs失敏重要分子机制。GPCRs在G蛋白产受体激酶(GRKs)、第二信使调节激酶等作用下发生磷酸化,磷酸化的GPCRs与抑制蛋白(arrestins)结合后导致受体与G蛋白失偶联,并通过胞吞由细胞膜表面向膜内转移,从而因GPCRs的内化而表现为失敏。  相似文献   

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors mediate synaptic excitatory signaling in the mammalian central nervous system by forming calcium-permeable transmembrane channels upon binding glutamate and coagonist glycine. Ca2+ influx through NMDA receptors leads to channel inactivation through a process mediated by resident calmodulin bound to the intracellular C-terminal segment of the GluN1 subunit of the receptor. Using single-molecule FRET investigations, we show that in the presence of calcium-calmodulin, the distance across the two GluN1 subunits at the entrance of the first transmembrane segment is shorter and the bilobed cleft of the glycine-binding domain in GluN1 is more closed when bound to glycine and glutamate relative to what is observed in the presence of barium-calmodulin. Consistent with these observations, the glycine deactivation rate is slower in the presence of calcium-calmodulin. Taken together, these results show that the binding of calcium-calmodulin to the C-terminus has long-range allosteric effects on the extracellular segments of the receptor that may contribute to the calcium-dependent inactivation.  相似文献   

Preexposure of cultured cerebellar neurons to glutamate reduced the stimulation of polyphosphoinositide (PPI) hydrolysis induced by subsequent addition of glutamate without affecting the response to the muscarinic receptor agonist carbamylcholine. Desensitization of glutamate-stimulated PPI hydrolysis developed rapidly and persisted up to 48 h after removal of glutamate from the incubation medium. Stimulation of PPI hydrolysis by quisqualate was abolished in cultures pretreated with quisqualate or glutamate, but not with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). In contrast, pretreatment with NMDA reduced the stimulation of PPI hydrolysis induced by a subsequent addition of NMDA, leaving the action of quisqualate intact. The lack of cross-desensitization between NMDA and quisqualate supports the existence of two distinct subtypes of glutamate receptors coupled to PPI hydrolysis. Desensitization induced by a 30-min (but not by a 6-h) exposure to glutamate was attenuated or prevented by putative protein kinase C inhibitors, including mono- and trisialogangliosides, sphingosine, and polymyxin B, but not by inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism, nor by the nonselective calpain inhibitor leupeptin, nor by the lectin concanavalin A. These results suggest that desensitization of metabotropic glutamate receptors involves, at least in its rapid component, activation of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

We sought to establish whether the endogenous opiate-receptor agonist Met-enkephalin (m-ENK) selectively modulates the release of endogenous tyrosine (Tyr) from brain slices prepared from the corpus striatum (CS). Amino acids (AAs) released from slices of CS and, for comparison, cerebral cortex (Cx) were measured by HPLC. Incubation of slices with m-ENK (1-10 microM) increased the basal release of Tyr (up to 293% of control) from CS, but not Cx, whereas other nonneurotransmitter AAs, phenylalanine (Phe) and valine (Val), were unchanged. The release of the putative neurotransmitter AAs glutamate (Glu), taurine (Tau), and glycine (Gly) were similarly increased by 50-150% with m-ENK in slices of CS, but not Cx. The enhanced release of AAs by m-ENK was prevented by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or by preincubation with the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone. Neuronal depolarization by potassium (5-55 mM) in the presence of Ca2+ did not affect the release of Tyr, whereas release of neurotransmitter AAs such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were markedly increased. The increase in basal Tyr release by m-ENK was not the result of a decreased uptake of Tyr. Relative to slices, the basal release of Tyr, Phe, and Val from a synaptosomal (P2) preparation of CS was small (8-51%) compared to that of GABA, Gly, Glu, and Tau (49-123%). Nonetheless, m-ENK (10 microM) markedly increased the release of Tyr (to 833%), but not Glu, Gly, and Tau from the P2 fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two distinct forms of desensitization have been characterized for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. One form results from a weakening of agonist affinity when channels are activated whereas the other form of desensitization results when channels enter a long-lived nonconducting state. A weakening of glycine affinity upon NMDA receptor activation has been reported. Cyclic reaction schemes for NMDA receptor activation require that a concomitant affinity shift should be observed for glutamate agonists. In this study, measurements of peak and steady-state NMDA receptor currents yielded EC50 values for glutamate that differed by 1.9-fold, but no differences were found for another agonist, L-cysteine-S-sulfate (LCSS). Simulations show that shifts in EC50 values may be masked by significant degrees of desensitization resulting from channels entering a long-lived nonconducting state. Simulations also show that a decrease in the degree of desensitization with increasing agonist concentration is a good indicator for the existence of desensitization resulting from a weakening of agonist affinity. Both glutamate and LCSS exhibited this trend. An affinity difference of three- to eightfold between high-and low-affinity agonist-binding states was estimated from fitting of dose-response data with models containing both types of desensitization. This indicates that activation of NMDA receptors causes a reduction in both glutamate and glycine affinities.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects of nicotine and other nicotinic agonists are mediated by AChRs in the brain. The relative contribution of acute activation versus chronic desensitization of AChRs is unknown. Sustained “smoldering activation” occurs over a range of agonist concentrations at which activated and desensitized AChRs are present in equilibrium. We used a fluorescent dye sensitive to changes in membrane potential to examine the effects of acute activation and chronic desensitization by nicotinic AChR agonists on cell lines expressing human α4β2, α3β4 and α7 AChRs. We examined the effects of acute and prolonged application of nicotine and the partial agonists varenicline, cytisine and sazetidine-A on these AChRs. The range of concentrations over which nicotine causes smoldering activation of α4β2 AChRs was centered at 0.13 µM, a level found in smokers. However, nicotine produced smoldering activation of α3β4 and α7 AChRs at concentrations well above levels found in smokers. The α4β2 expressing cell line contains a mixture of two stoichiometries, namely (α4β2)2β2 and (α4β2)2α4. The (α4β2)2β2 stoichiometry is more sensitive to activation by nicotine. Sazetidine-A activates and desensitizes only this stoichiometry. Varenicline, cytisine and sazetidine-A were partial agonists on this mixture of α4β2 AChRs, but full agonists on α3β4 and α7 AChRs. It has been reported that cytisine and varenicline are most efficacious on the (α4β2)2α4 stoichiometry. In this study, we distinguish the dual effects of activation and desensitization of AChRs by these nicotinic agonists and define the range of concentrations over which smoldering activation can be sustained.  相似文献   

Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity Endogenously Modulates NMDA Receptors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract: We tested the possibility that endogenous nitric oxide synthase activity regulated NMDA receptors in primary cultured striatal neurons. We monitored NMDA-induced increase in intra-cellular Ca2+ levels with fura-2 ratio imaging, while nitric oxide synthase activity was either increased with l -arginihe (the natural substrate of nitric oxide synthase) or inhibited using nitro- l -arginine (a specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase). We found that the NMDA receptor effect was slowly but strongly diminished after an l -arginine (1 m M , 15 min) treatment ( l -arginine preincubation reduced the 100 μM NMDA-induced maximal effect by 30–50%). The l -arginine blockade of NMDA receptors was long-lasting but could be partially reversed by hemoglobin (100 μM , 10 min), which binds nitric oxide. This was not observed when the neurons were treated with l -arginine together with nitro- l -arginine. Our data strongly suggest that physiological nitric oxide synthase activity could regulate NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

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Abstract: The effects of extracellular calcium on functional properties of nicotinic receptors from mouse thalamus were investigated. Previous studies have reported that calcium modulates the function of several neuronal nicotinic receptors. A 86Rb+ ion efflux assay was developed to measure nicotinic receptor function from brain tissue, and data indicate that α4β2 receptors may mediate this response. Using the 86Rb+ efflux assay, calcium effects on receptor activation, desensitization induced by high, activating and low, subactivating concentrations of agonist, and recovery from desensitization were examined. Effects of calcium on the kinetics of ligand binding were also investigated. Calcium modulated receptor activation by increasing the maximal response to nicotine in a concentration-dependent manner, without affecting the EC50 of nicotine. Barium, but not magnesium, mimicked the effects of calcium on receptor activation. The increase in receptor activation could not be explained by changes in the ratio of activatable to desensitized receptors as assessed by the kinetics of ligand binding. Desensitization following activation was unaffected by calcium. Calcium, barium, and magnesium, however, increased the potency of nicotine for desensitization induced by exposure to low, subactivating concentrations of nicotine. Recovery from desensitization was not modulated by calcium. These data suggest that calcium modulates various functional aspects of nicotinic receptors from mouse brain and may do so via different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract : NMDA receptors are regulated by several different calcium-dependent processes. To determine if the presence of the intracellular calcium-binding protein calbindin-D28k can influence the calcium regulation of NMDA receptor activity,human embryonic kidney 293 cells were co-transfected with cDNAs for NMDA receptor subunits and cablinding. Recordings were made using the nystatin perforated patch technique to preserve intracellular contents. When compared with control cells (transfected with cDNA enconding β-galactosidase in place of calbindin), the presence of calbindin had no effect on either calcium-dependent inactivation or the calciumsensitive, time-dependent increase in glycine-independent desensitization of NMDA receptor-mediated currents. However, the development of calcium-dependent rundown of peak glutamate-evoked current was slowed significantly in calbindin versus β-galactosidase cotransfected cells. This result was true for cells transfected with either NR1/NR2A or NR1/NR2B subunits, although calbindin was relatively less effective at inhibiting rundown in NR1/NR2B-expressing cells. NMDA peak current rundown has been attributed to calcium-induced depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton. Therefore, our results indicate that although calbindin may not influence calcium-dependent regulatory processes occurring very near the NMDA receptor channel, it appears to be more effective at buffering local elevations in intracellular calcium at the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Traditionally, NMDA receptors are located postsynaptically; yet, putatively presynaptic NMDA receptors (preNMDARs) have been reported. Although implicated in controlling synaptic plasticity, their function is not well understood and their expression patterns are debated. We demonstrate that, in layer 5 of developing mouse visual cortex, preNMDARs specifically control synaptic transmission at pyramidal cell inputs to other pyramidal cells and to Martinotti cells, while leaving those to basket cells unaffected. We also reveal a type of interneuron that mediates ascending inhibition. In agreement with synapse-specific expression, we find preNMDAR-mediated calcium signals in a subset of pyramidal cell terminals. A tuned network model predicts that preNMDARs specifically reroute information flow in local circuits during high-frequency firing, in particular by impacting frequency-dependent disynaptic inhibition mediated by Martinotti cells, a finding that we experimentally verify. We conclude that postsynaptic cell type determines presynaptic terminal molecular identity and that preNMDARs govern information processing in neocortical columns.  相似文献   

Oh  Seikwan  Hoshi  Katsuji  Ho  I. K. 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(7):767-774
Effects of continuous pentobarbital administration on binding characteristics of [3H]MK-801 in the rat brain were examined by autoradiography. Animals were rendered tolerant to pentobarbital using i.c.v. infusion of pentobarbital (300g/10l/hr for 7 days) by osmotic minipumps and dependent by abrupt withdrawal from pentobarbital. The levels of [3H]MK-801 binding were elevated in rats 24-hr after withdrawal from pentobarbital while there were no changes except in septum and anterior ventral nuclei in tolerant rats. For assessing the role of NMDA receptor in barbiturate action, an NMDA receptor antagonist (MK-801, 2.7 femto g/10l/hr) was co-infused with pentobarbital. The pentobarbital-infused group had a shorter duration of pentobarbital-induced loss of righting reflex (sleeping time) than that of the control group, and MK-801 alone did not affect the righting reflex. However, co-infusion of MK-801 blocked hyperthermia, and prolonged the onset of convulsions induced by t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) in pentobarbital withdrawal rats. In addition, elevated [35S]TBPS binding was significantly attenuated by co-infusion with MK-801. These results suggest the involvement of NMDA receptor up-regulation in pentobarbital withdrawal and that the development of dependence can be attenuated by the treatment of subtoxic dose of MK-801.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - The neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 modulates inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission and plays a key role in regulating nociceptive signal progression. The cholinergic...  相似文献   

Abstract: Although serine/threonine phosphorylation has been more commonly recognized as a mechanism to modulate the function of ion channels and receptors, tyrosine phosphorylation is under increasing scrutiny. An important subtype of glutamate receptor, the NMDA receptor, is shown to be regulated by insulin via protein tyrosine kinase (PTK). NMDA currents through cloned receptors are potentiated by insulin in a subunit-specific manner. The insulin-mediated potentiation of NMDA current is diminished by inhibitors of PTKs. At least one exogenous cytosolic PTK, pp60c- src , is also able to potentiate NMDA current. Because later application of PTK inhibitors can reverse the seemingly stable insulin-mediated potentiation of NMDA current, it appears that tyrosine residues responsible for potentiation are continually rephosphorylated by some long-term PTK activity that was induced via insulin treatment.  相似文献   

In addition to cytosolic efflux, reversal of excitatory amino acid (EAA) transporters evokes glutamate exocytosis from the striatum in vivo. Both kappa-opioid and muscarinic receptor agonists suppress this calcium-dependent response. These data led to the hypothesis that the calcium-independent efflux of striatal glutamate evoked by transporter reversal may activate a transsynaptic feedback loop that promotes glutamate exocytosis from thalamo- and/or corticostriatal terminals in vivo and that this activation is inhibited by presynaptic kappa and muscarinic receptors. Corollaries to this hypothesis are the predictions that agonists for these putative presynaptic receptors will selectively inhibit the calcium-dependent component of glutamate released from striatal synaptosomes, whereas the calcium-independent efflux evoked by an EAA transporter blocker, L-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (L-trans-PDC), will be insensitive to such receptor ligands. Here we report that a muscarinic agonist, oxotremorine (0.01-10 microM), and a kappa-opioid agonist, U-69593 (0.1-100 microM), suppressed the calcium-dependent release of glutamate that was evoked by exposing striatal synaptosomes to the potassium channel blocker 4-aminopyridine. The presynaptic inhibition produced by these ligands was concentration dependent, blocked by appropriate receptor antagonists, and not mimicked by the delta-opioid agonist [D-Pen2,5]-enkephalin. The finding that glutamate efflux evoked by L-trans-PDC from isolated striatal nerve endings was entirely calcium independent supports the notion that intact basal ganglia circuitry mediates the calcium-dependent effects of this agent on glutamate efflux in vivo. Furthermore, because muscarinic or kappa-opioid receptor activation inhibits calcium-dependent striatal glutamate release in vitro as it does in vivo, it is likely that both muscarinic and kappa receptors are inhibitory presynaptic heteroceptors expressed by striatal glutamatergic terminals.  相似文献   

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