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A survey of the distribution and density of Callimico goeldii was conducted at five sites across northwestern Bolivia, in the Department of Pando. C. goeldii was found at two sites north of the Manuripi River, with high densities at one site located along the Acre River. Estimates of habitat availability at these sites suggest that C. goeldii reaches high densities in areas with low human density and well established and extensive bamboo forests. These results, when reviewed with those of prior studies, indicate that the patchy distribution of C. goeldii in Pando is a result of both riverine barriers and the availability of bamboo habitat.  相似文献   

We carried out a 4-month census of primates in the Pando Department of northern Bolivia with special emphasis on Saguinus species. Contrary to a previous report by Izawa and Bejarano (1981), there was no evidence for the presence of the two populations of Saguinus mystax that they reported, or that Lagothrix occurs in the Pando. In addition, we found the distribution of Saguinus imperator to be more restricted than they suggested. We confirm the presence of Cebuella south of the Río Tahuamanu (cf. Brown and Rumiz, 1986) and report two new locations for Callimico goeldii. We present data on group sizes, habitat utilization, and locomotor behavior of the primates and compare them with previous studies in the Pando. Differences in body size, diet, foraging techniques, and vertical use of the forest appear to be key factors in both sympatry and in the formation of polyspecific associations.  相似文献   

Studies of sympatric species can provide important data to define how dietary and habitat requirements differ among them. I collected dietary data during a first yearlong comparative study of wild groups of Callimico goeldii, Saguinus labiatus and S. fuscicollis. Dietary overlap was highest between Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus labiatus throughout the year, and lowest between Saguinus labiatus and Callimico goeldii. All three species had high dietary overlap in February and March when a few abundant fruit species dominated their diets. Although all three species rely heavily on many of the same fruits and arthropods, there are several important distinctions among their diets. Surprisingly, Callimico goeldii consume large quantities of fungus throughout the year: 29% of annual feeding records. Mycophagy is more frequent in the dry season when fruits are scarce. In contrast, Saguinus labiatus rarely eat fungus during the period of fruit scarcity, and instead rely on nectar, a resource never exploited by Callimico goeldii. Saguinus fuscicollis also rely on nectar during periods of low fruit availability and increase their intake of arthropods and exudates. During April, a period of fruit scarcity, exudates comprise >50% of the feeding records of Saguinus fuscicollis. The use of different food resources during fruit scarcity, and differences in the heights at which each species feeds and forages appear to define a distinct ecological niche for each of them and allow them to maintain long-term associations throughout the year. Furthermore, I hypothesize that the limited distribution of Callimico goeldii may result from their restriction to forests that have high disturbance rates, where microhabitats appropriate for fungal growth are abundant, but which also contain abundant fruit and insects.  相似文献   

We conducted a 5-month survey on primates, with special attention to Goeldi’s monkey (Callimico goeldii),in the rainforest of northwestern Bolivia. Goeldi’s monkey is one of the least documented of all South American primates, and very little is known about its distribution. We report observations on distribution, abundance, and habitat of Callimico goeldiiand other primates, incidental sightings of other mammals, and preliminary behavioral observations on Callimicoand on two associated callitrichid monkey species: Saguinus fuscicollisand S. labiatus.We found a locality that appears to be particularly suitable for detailed field observations on Callimico on the north bank of the lower Río Tahuamanu. The fieldwork was carried out by A.C.; the analysis of the vocalizations, by T. G.  相似文献   

In biparental species, females are thought to accept and even to seek male assistance in rearing of the young. In this study, we present data that suggests that Goeldi's monkey females (Callimico goeldii) actually reject male parental care for a certain period. In Callimico, which have biparental care, mothers carry the infant exclusively for the first three weeks despite the fact that fathers are interested in their infants directly after birth. Fathers initiated significantly more body contact with their mates when newborn infants were present and retrieved one-day-old infants that were experimentally presented to them. The onset of paternal carrying in our colony was 27.5 days compared to 11.5 days (medians) observed in the field. However, presentation of a live potential predator induced earlier onset of paternal carrying by about 10 days. Additional costs to maternal carrying such as foraging and predator avoidance are likely factors influencing the decision of the mother as to when to share the cost of infant carrying with the father. We conclude that Goeldi's monkey fathers start carrying their infants so late because they do not get them earlier from the mother. We suggest that one ultimate explanation for that delay might be increased infant mortality when infant transfer starts at an earlier stage.  相似文献   

Callimico goeldii, Saguinus fuscicollis, and S. labiatus are sympatric in northern Bolivia and differ from each other in patterns of spatial and structural use of their environment. C. goeldii has a home range five times larger than that of mixed-species troops of S. fuscicollis and S. labiatus. The larger overlapping home range of C. goeldii allows it to move among Saguinus troops, giving it access to a wide range of different microhabitats. All three species use the most common microhabitat in the area, primary forest with dense understory, more than any other microhabitat type. C. goeldii habitat use varies by season, with bamboo and Heliconia microhabitats used more during the dry season. Each species shows preferences for different height classes: C. goeldii is found almost exclusively in the understory, S. fuscicollis uses the understory and middle canopy, and S. labiatus is found mostly in the middle canopy. These height class preferences are reflected in each species' locomotor styles, with C. goeldii showing the highest rates of vertical clinging and leaping, and S. labiatus showing the highest rates of branch-to-branch leaping and quadrupedal movement. The results suggest that C. goeldii may be restricted to forests with dense understory and a mosaic of other microhabitats. Furthermore, C. goeldii does not appear to use its tegulae for large branch foraging, but rather for vertical clinging and leaping between small vertical supports.  相似文献   

We investigated the existence of interaction between the major behavioral and endocrine events that occur in breeding pairs of Callimicoduring the postpartum period: the reduction in maternal care, the onset of maternal aggression, the onset of paternal care, and the resumption of female fertility. While the frequency of nursing remained constant throughout the 6-week observation period, decreasing amount of time spent nursing generally preceded the onset of paternal carriage. Decreasing nursing duration was not associated with the occurrence of postpartum ovulation. Some mothers frequently acted aggressively toward the infant during the period of first mother-to-father transfer of the infant, while other mothers did not. There is no correlation between the interval to the first transfer and the period to postpartum ovulation. We validated urinary cortisol as a measure of stress and defined the duration of its poststress elevation as approximately 3 hr. There is no consistent relationship between female behavior and endocrine state, or male cortisol values and the onset of infant carrying by fathers. During the peritransfer phase, no significant change in cortisol concentration occurred, while the pre-, peri-, and postovulatory phases appeared to be reflected in urinary cortisol output by some males. Based on these results, we propose an explanatory model for the causal dynamics of infant care in pairs of Callimico.The model stresses the importance of a high reproductive rate to male and female reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

We studied the socioecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) from September 1997 to September 1998 in Fusui Precious Animal Reserve, SW Guangxi, China. We collected data on climate, phenology of food plant species, and foods consumed by langurs living in habitats with different levels of human disturbance. Feeding records showed that the most food is from less common plant species. Young leaves were the staple food item in all langur groups, and consumption correlates with availability. Consumption of mature leaves is not significantly correlated with their availability, but the langurs fed on them, and other food items such as fruits and seeds, when the availability of young leaves was low. Langurs in different areas had broadly similar diets, but they varied most in the proportion of supplementary items such as fruit. Groups in more disturbed habitat did not increase the overall proportion of mature leaves in their diet, but instead maintained their intake of young leaves from a greater diversity of species, and incorporated more immature fruit. Conservationists should direct efforts toward protection of rare plant species providing preferred food items, particularly supplementary foods at times when, and in areas where, preferred food items are less available.  相似文献   

Kasiamdari  R.S.  Smith  S.E.  Smith  F.A.  Scott  E.S. 《Plant and Soil》2002,238(2):235-244
Root-infecting fungal pathogens and also parasites, which do not cause major disease symptoms cause problems of contamination in pot cultures of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. We investigated the effect of the AM fungus, Glomus coronatum Giovannetti on disease caused by binucleate Rhizoctonia sp. (BNR) and R. solani in mung bean in the absence (P0) and presence (P1) of added soil phosphorus (P). When G. coronatum and BNR or R. solani were inoculated at the same time, G. coronatum improved the growth of the plants and reduced colonization of roots by BNR, but not by R. solani. R. solani reduced the growth of non-mycorrhizal mung bean in P0 soil 6 weeks after inoculation, whereas BNR had no effect on growth. G. coronatum reduced the severity of disease caused by BNR or R. solani on mung bean in both soil P treatments. When G. coronatum was established in the roots 3 weeks before BNR or R. solani was added to the potting mix, there was no significant effect of BNR or R. solani on growth of mung bean. Prior colonization by G. coronatum slightly reduced indices of disease caused by BNR or R. solani. In both experiments, addition of P stimulated plant growth and reduced the colonization of roots by BNR, but had little effect on disease severity. We conclude that the reduction of the effect of BNR or R. solani on mung bean could not be explained by improved P nutrition, but could be attributed to the presence of G. coronatum within and among the roots.  相似文献   

Routine identification of Asteraceae specimens sent to the Herbarium of the University of Texas at Austin has resulted in the discovery of the following taxa:Acourtia ciprianoi (Mutisieae) andCoreopsis bolanosana andVerbesina spooneri (both Heliantheae). All the new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

In the evergreen Fagaceae forests of Japan, an ectomycorrhizal fungusTricholoma bakamatsutake forms shiros or developing mycelial blocks. To determine the physiological characteristics of the mycelial blocks, organic acids of the soil and major nutrient elements of the soil and roots were compared at three types of sites: presently colonized mycelial blocks, previously colonized sites behind the blocks, and uncolonized sites in front of the blocks. The upper part of the mycelial blocks showed the following features compared with the uncolonized site: lower pH (5.1), higher concentrations of oxalic and gluconic acids, lower content of total nitrogen, a similar amount of total carbon, reduced total and available phosphorus, higher content of total calcium and lower content of exchangeable calcium. These findings suggested that the activity of the fungus led to soil acidification by the organic acids, an increase in C/N ratio, depletion of phosphorus and accumulation of calcium.  相似文献   

One new Bolivian species (Borreria pazensis) and three new varieties (Borreria densiflora var.minima, Richardia, scabra var.chacoensis andStaelia virgata var.killeenii) are described and illustrated. The genusDiodella, with three species (D. apiculata comb. nov., D. radula comb. nov., andD. teres), is reported for the first time.Borreria limae, B. wunschmannii, B. scabiosoides var.scabiosoides, andB. scabiosoides var.anderssonii are also reported as new to Bolivia.  相似文献   

The identity and ecological role of fungi in the mycorrhizal roots of 25 species of mature terrestrial orchids and in 17 species of field incubated orchid seedlings were examined. Isolates of symbiotic fungi from mature orchid mycorrhizas were basidiomycetes primarily in the generaCeratorhiza, Epulorhiza andMoniliopsis; a few unidentified taxa with clamped hyphae were also recovered. More than one taxon of peloton-forming fungus was often observed in the cleared and stained mycorrhizas. AlthoughCeratorhiza andEpulorhiza strains were isolated from the developing protocorms, pelotons of clamped hyphae were often presents in the cleared protocorms of several orchid species. These basidiomycetes are difficult to isolate and may be symbionts of ectotrophic plants. The higher proportion of endophytes bearing clamp connections in developing seeds than in the mycorrhizas is attributed to differences in the nutritional requirements of the fully mycotrophic protocorms and partially autotrophic plants. Most isolates ofCeratorhiza differed enzymatically fromEpulorhiza in producing polyphenol oxidases. Dual cultures with thirteen orchid isolates and five non-orchid hosts showed that some taxa can form harmless associations with non-orchid hosts. It is suggested that most terrestrial orchid mycorrhizas are relatively non-specific and that the mycobionts can be saprophytes, parasites or mycorrhizal associates of other plants.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of polyspecific associations on the behavior of one group of Callimico goeldii in northwestern Bolivia. Data were collected for 1 year using focal animal sampling at 5-min intervals, for a total of 1,375 observation hours. In total, C. goeldii formed mixed species troops with five groups of Saguinus fuscicollis and six groups of S. labiatus, and these were maintained during 81% of observations. C. goeldii rested more and traveled less while alone than while associated, but neither vigilance behavior in the understory nor habitat use were affected by association status. The composition of the group's diet was different while alone (higher in structural carbohydrates [fungi] and lower in simple sugars [ripe fruits] and protein [insects]) than while associated (fungi 65 vs. 37%; fruits 13 vs. 32%; insects 5 vs. 15%). We propose therefore, that C. goeldii has a lower quality and more narrowly based diet while alone as compared to while associated. The factors that allow for this dietary expansion while in mixed species troops require further investigation.  相似文献   

Summary Residual macronutrients, carbon source, and gibberellic acid (GA3) in the culture medium were measured throughout the whole culture period of kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Chev. cv. Hayward) explants cultured in liquid medium using cellulose plugs as explant support. The objective of this study was to adapt the composition of the culture medium to an automated culture system with the possibility of applying 6-benzyladenine pulses so as to improve the efficiency of kiwifruit micropropagation. Ammonium and phosphate were the most consumed ions at the end of the culture period (35 d). Murashige and Skoog medium might be too rich for the culture of kiwifruit in liquid medium except with respect to phosphate which decreased significantly toward the end of the culture period. Sucrose, and the glucose resulting from the hydrolysis of the former, were taken up by the kiwi explants throughout the whole culture period. GA3 absorption by the kiwi explants occurred gradually throughout the subculture, although 67% of this initially added plant growth regulator remained in the culture medium at the end of the 35-d culture period.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of yeast cells of Oidiodendron kalrai was analyzed and is expressed as percent dry weight. Cultures were grown in tryptone broth and in a liquid synthetic medium containing ammonium salts as a nitrogen source. After 48 h, carbohydrate levels were higher in the synthetic medium, but lipid levels were lower. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein contents did not differ significantly in the two media. The chemical components were also studied at different stages of growth. DNA remained relatively constant, but other components varied with the age of culture. The RNA was 6.6% at 18 h and declined rapidly to 5% by 24 h and remained constant. An initial protein content of 23% at 18 h increased rapidly to 37% by 48 h and gradually declined to 30% by day 10. The lipid content of 33% at 18 h decreased over the entire growth period to 10% by day 10. An initial carbohydrate level of 30% increased to a maximum of 54% by day 5 and then declined.
Resume La composition chimique de la levure Oidiodendron kalrai a été étudiée, la proportion des composants est exprimée en pourcentage. Deux milieux de culture ont été utilisés: un bouillon à base de tryptone et un milieu synthétique liquide comprenant des sels minéraux comme source d'azote. Après 48 heures de culture, la teneur en glucides est plus importante en milieu synthétique mais le contenu lipidique est infèrieur avec ce même milieu. Les proportions de ADN, ARN et protéines diffèrent peu suivant le milieu de culture employé. L'analyse chimiq ïe de la levure a été également faite a différents stades de la croissance cellulaire. Le taux de ADN reste relativement constant, mais celui des autres constituants varie avec l'âge des levures. Le contenu en ARN est de 6.6% après 18 heures de croissance puis il diminue rapidement pour atteindre un minimum de 5% à partir de 24 heures. La proportion initiale en protéines est de 23% à 18 heures, elle augmente rapidement jusqu'à 37% à 48 heures, puis elle diminue peu à peu jusqu'à un minimum de 30%, atteint après 10 jours de croissance. La composition lipidique qui est de 33% à 18 heures, diminue ensuite jusqu'à un minimum de 10% après une période d'incubation de 10 jours. La teneur en glucides qui est initialement de 30%, augmente et atteind un maximum de 54% en 5 jours puis décroît.

Insects visiting sporocarps of Elfvingia applanata, a wood-rotting bracket fungus, were examined in Kyoto, central Japan. Mycodrosophila flies (Drosophilidae: Diptera) were predominant and visited the spore-producing sporocarps exclusively. They were observed feeding on the spores, and a number of spores seemed to be alive even after having passed through insects digestive tracts. In addition, the insects attached a number of spores on their body surfaces. In a rearing experiment with insects caught from E. applanata sporocarps, Mycodrosophila flies excreted 7700–469 000 and dropped 10–000–329 000 of viable spores during 48 h after collection. They were supposed to migrate among the sporocarps of other bracket fungi growing on different logs or stumps, suggesting that Mycodrosophila flies may act as spore-dispersal agents for E. applanata.  相似文献   

Fungi in bathwater and sludge of bathroom drainpipes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Samples of bathwater from 14 homes and 22 public bathhouses and sludge in drainpipes from 19 house-hold bathrooms were plated out onto potato dextrose agar supplemented with chloramphenicol. Several media were used to study colony morphology of the isolates and the thermotolerance and alkaline tolerance of each isolate were examined.Eleven sludge samples produced 12 isolates of Exophiala jeanselmei, 2 of E. dermatitidis and 1 of E. moniliae. Five household bathwater samples produced 2 isolates of E. jeanselmei, 4 of E. dermatitidis and 1 of E. alcalophila. One isolate of E. jeanselmei, 2 of E. dermatitidis, 3 of E. moniliae and 2 of unidentified Exophiala species were recovered from 6 samples of the bathwater dissolving Chinese medicine in the bathtubs of public bathhouses. One isolate of E. jeanselmei was recovered from the 15 samples of bathwater from public bathhouses. Bathwater and sludge in bathroom drainpipes may be an important habitat of Exophiala species.  相似文献   

Capparis coimbrana, a tree of the Bolivian and adjoining Brazilian subtropical to warm-temperate seasonal dry forests and savannas, is segregated fromC. petiolaris of the Pacific slope of Ecuador and northern Peru by its subcylindrical fruits (vs. spherical), white pulp (vs. yellow), sepals 3–5 mm (vs.1–3 mm), leaves with 13–24 (vs. 8–15) lateral veins per side, and by 1000 km of geographic isolation. The new species has edible fruits, but is not domesticated. The specific epithet celebrates Germán Coimbra S., eminent Bolivian ethnobotanist.
Resumen   Capparis coimbrana es un árbol del bosque seco y sabanas subtropicales y cálidas de Bolivia y la parte adyacente de Brasil, segregada deCapparis petiolaris, que se encuentra distribuida en la región del Pacífico de Ecuador y norte de Perú, por sus frutos subcilíndricos (vs. esféricos), pulpa blanca (vs. amarilla), sépalos 3–5 mm (vs. 1–3 mm), hojas con 13–24 (vs. 8–15) pares de venas laterales, y aislada geográficamente 1000 km. Esta nueva especie posee frutos comestibles, pero no está domesticada. Su cpíteto específico honra a Germán Coimbra S., eminente etnobotánico boliviano.

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