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油茶是我国南方特有的木本优质食用油料树种, 已引起了广泛关注。文章以湖南省常宁市为例, 采用基于熵权的TOPSIS 方法, 对南方红壤丘陵区油茶种植的气候适应性特征进行分析。研究表明: 年平均气温的权重为0.1538,ΣT≥10℃积温的权重为0.1532, 分别居于驱动因子的第一和第二位, 即温暖的气候是油茶种植气候适应性的主要驱动因子。在胁迫性准则层的5 个指标中, 寒潮权重居于9 个评价指标之首, 熵权为0.1750, 对适应性具有极强的限制作用, 是油茶种植气候适应性的主要限制因子。研究区油茶种植的气候适应性整体处于中等状态, 适应性年际变化波动性明显,且其波动变化与气温变化呈正相关关系。研究时段的波动划分为3 个阶段, 3 个波动阶段的适应性程度的最优贴近度极大值与平均值均呈增长趋势。  相似文献   

甘薯品种抗旱适应性综合评价的方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在对水分胁迫下甘薯形态、生长势、生理生化和产量性状等指标与品种抗旱性进行相关分析的基础上,采用抗旱系数法、聚类分析法、隶属函数法对品种抗旱适应性予以综合评价.综合评价的结果,将15个供试甘薯品种按抗旱水平由弱到强划分为不抗(农大红、漳薯1号、8908-383)、低抗(宿芋1号、9318-58、渝苏303、89-1、95-411-153、西蒙1号)、中抗(92-111-107、渝薯34、南薯88、92-103-30)和高抗(Y3、潮薯1号)四级.上述几种关于甘薯品种抗旱适应性综合评价的方法具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

从观赏草观赏性出发,结合与适应性和生长繁殖相关的11个指标,通过层次分析法(AHP)对贵阳市引进的10个观赏草品种进行观赏适应性综合评价。结果表明,11个评价指标中,观赏草的株型、叶色、耐旱性所占权重均较大(>0.1),是影响其观赏适应性的重要指标;通过建立评分标准后,得出10个品种的观赏性排名为火焰狼尾草、花叶蒲苇、紫叶狼尾草、矮蒲苇、新西兰亚麻、金叶苔草、粉黛乱子草、蓝羊茅、红巨人朱蕉、黄金苔草;生长适应性排名为矮蒲苇、花叶蒲苇、火焰狼尾草、紫叶狼尾草、新西兰亚麻、黄金苔草、粉黛乱子草、金叶苔草、红巨人朱蕉、蓝羊茅;最终综合评分观赏适应价值极好的(Ⅰ级>4.30分)有花叶蒲苇、火焰狼尾草;观赏适应价值较好的(Ⅱ级3.56~4.30分)有矮蒲苇、紫叶狼尾草、新西兰亚麻、粉黛乱子草、金叶苔草;观赏适应价值一般的(Ⅲ级<3.56分)有蓝羊茅、红巨人朱蕉、黄金苔草。  相似文献   

本文给出了利用模糊综合评判对脑反应延迟信号分类诊断肝性脑病的新方法.该方法根据连续反应时间原理,用检测对照组和肝性脑病脑反应时间所得的统计特征值构成岭形分布隶属度函数,并用它们构成评判矩阵,然后用已有的统计资料和专家经验对其加权,形成综合评判结果.为说明该方法的使用,文中给出了计算过程,给出的22例表明了该方法的正确性.  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评价的产生物柴油微藻藻种筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产生物柴油微藻大规模培养对微藻藻种的性能要求较高。从丰富的藻种资源中筛选到高品质的藻种一直是个亟待解决的问题。通过研究3株产油微藻,从系统工程的角度综合整个微藻生物柴油的技术工艺,建立了以生长速率、含油率、油脂组成等18种指标的二级评价体系,采用二级模糊综合评价的模糊数学方法对产生物柴油微藻的性能进行综和分析、筛选。最终确定供评价的三株微藻二级模糊综合评价集:小球藻LICME001[0.360 0.315 0.192 0.069 0.064],微绿球藻LICME002[0.277 0.331 0.236 0.104 0.052]和葡萄藻LICME003[0.325 0.371 0.232 0.071 0.060]。根据最大隶属度法则分析得:小球藻LICM001株产生物柴油微藻品质为优等级别,适合产生物柴油的技术工艺要求;微绿球藻LICME002和葡萄藻LICME003为良等级别的产生物柴油藻种。  相似文献   

柳琪  滕葳 《氨基酸和生物资源》1995,17(2):56-58,F003
依据灰色系统理论中关联度分析法,提出一种对农作物蛋白质氨基酸构成品质进行考察排序的方法,结果与现行的化学评价法具有较好的一致性,且可避免因某一信息的缺乏而使分离结果偏离实际较大的不足。本法也可根据研究目的不同,选取不同的指标总数作为参考数列对待评价样品进行不同角度的评价考察。  相似文献   

旅游综合效应评价的一种方法--以白水台为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在评述各种旅游效应评价方法的基础上,探讨了旅游综合效应的评价及其方法。提出了一种旅游综合效应半定量化的评价方法,是在对旅游目的地居民关于旅游对社会、经济、环境几个方面的影响的态度和偏好进行问卷调查的前提下,经过对调查问卷的处理,采取半定量的方法对旅游目的地社会、经济、环境的旅游效应进行评价,并根据社会、经济、环境三者的权重得到旅游目的地的旅游综合效应的半定量化结果。最后,将这种方法运用到白水台的实例研究中,得到了与实际情况基本相同的白水台旅游综合效应的半定量化结果,证明这种方法具有可信度和可操作性。  相似文献   

Federal laws and funding initiatives, such as the No Child Left Behind Act and the Race to the Top campaign, have created an increasing incentive for schools nationwide to document student progress, standardize assessment practices, and evaluate teachers according to student success. In response, the Common Core State Standards, a popular yet controversial policy, has emerged. Implemented at the state level, these standards focus heavily on the areas of English language arts and mathematics, subjects not traditionally incorporated to a great extent in music classrooms. In order for music to maintain a role as an essential subject in the school curriculum, it is imperative that music educators be able to associate themselves with a complementary initiative that allows them to demonstrate how students are meeting benchmarks required at the state and national levels without sacrificing the integrity of music instruction itself. Of the existing models available, the Framework for 21st Century Learning provides the most appropriate structure for determining music teacher effectiveness and for organizing learning objectives that can be assessed to show student growth in music education classrooms.  相似文献   

This study focused on the suitability of four species of cereal stem borers for the development of five geographic populations of Cotesia sesamiae (Cameron). C. sesamiae, an indigenous larval parasitoid of gramineous stem borers, is widespread in Africa. Four stem borers, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), Chilo orichalcociliellus Strand (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), Busseola fusca Fuller, and Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were offered to C. sesamiae for oviposition. Parasitoid individuals originated from five locations in Kenya. Biological parameters such as developmental time, percentage parasitism, progeny production, mortality of immature parasitoids, and proportion of female progeny were compared across host species. The two populations from western Kenya developed well on B. fusca. However, populations from the coast and the Eastern Province could not successfully parasitize B. fusca. With the exception of B. fusca, the percentage of hosts successfully parasitized by the different C. sesamiae populations was not different. The size of the host appeared to be an important factor influencing the development and reproductive potential of the parasitoid. We conclude that the different parasitoid populations were adapted to location-specific characteristics. Parasitoid–host compatibility must be evaluated before release for better establishment and colonization.  相似文献   

We developed a methodology integrating several forms of remotely sensed data into a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) model that identifies suitable sites for riparian conifer restoration at the Cedar River Municipal Watershed in western Washington, U.S.A. The model integrates vegetative and geomorphic variables with information on the habitat preferences of anadromous fishes to identify riparian stands where conifer restoration would have the greatest biological benefit for salmon recovery. The high-resolution raster datasets used in our analysis were capable of characterizing the biophysical attributes of riparian areas at finer spatial scales than was previously possible. This model is intended to serve as a screening tool to identify candidate sites for riparian area restoration. The assessment approach described in this study can be applied not only to model salmonid habitat at the watershed scale but also to assess landscape patterns relevant to a wide range of restoration goals. This methodological framework offers several advantages over other approaches to restoration site selection and planning. First, the fine-scale spatial resolution of the GIS datasets (pixels ≤5 m) used in the model provides a more accurate representation of the habitat conditions than has been possible with coarser-scale data (pixels ≥5 m). Therefore, the accuracy of site identification is greatly improved. Second, the quantitative nature of the model exercises greater objectivity than some other landscape-scale planning approaches. This regional planning tool could be replicated in other watersheds with comparable datasets and could be applied to identify habitat restoration sites for other species or guilds of species by simply altering the model criteria to match the habitat needs of the target organisms.  相似文献   

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