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Summary Genetic linkage data from loci around the fragile X locus at Xq27.3 are analysed in the light of the hypothesis of Pembrey et al. (1985) concerning the generation of the fragile X mutation. Recombination between the four loci 52A, F9, fragile X, and ST14 is significantly decreased in meioses giving rise to the affected grandsons of normal transmitting males, when compared to families where there are no apparent normal transmitting males. There are at least two possible explanations for this phenomenon. Either the established fragile site at Xq27.3 promotes increased recombination in the distal part of the X chromosome as a secondary event, unrelated to the mechanism of formation of the fragile site itself, or an event involving recombination at or around Xq27.3 is the mechanism of formation of the full fragile X mutation, and the decreased recombination seen amongst flanking marker loci in meioses giving rise to the affected grandsons of normal transmitting males is the result of interference.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage heterogeneity in the fragile X syndrome   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Genetic linkage between a factor IX DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and the fragile X chromosome marker was analyzed in eight fragile X pedigrees and compared to eight previously reported pedigrees. A large pedigree with apparently full penetrance in all male members showed a high frequency of recombination. A lod score of-7.39 at =0 and a maximum score of 0.26 at =0.32 were calculated. A second large pedigree with a non-penetrant male showed tight linkage with a maximum lod score of 3.13 at =0, a result similar to one large pedigree with a nonpenetrant male previously reported. The differences in lod scores seen in these large pedigrees suggested there was genetic heterogeneity in linkage between families which appeared to relate to the presence of nonpenetrant males. The combined lod score for the three pedigrees with nonpenetrant males was 6.84 at 0=0. For the 13 other pedigrees without nonpenetrant males the combined lod score was-21.81 at =0, with a peak of 0.98 at =0.28. When lod scores from all 16 families were combined, the value was-15.14 at =0 and the overall maximum was 5.13 at =0.17.To determine whether genetic heterogeneity was present, three statistical tests for heterogeneity were employed. First, a predivided-sample test was used. The 16 pedigrees were divided into two classes, NP and P, based upon whether or not any nonpenetrant males were detected in the pedigree. This test gave evidence for significant genetic heterogencity whether the three large pedigrees with seven or more informative males (P<0.005), the eight pedigrees with three informative males (P<0.001), or all 16 pedigrees (P<0.001) were included in the analysis. Second, Morton's large sample test was employed. Significant heterogeneity was present when the analysis was restricted to the three large pedigrees (P<0.025), or to the eight pedigrees with informative males (P<0.05) but not when smaller, less informative pedigrees were also included. Third, an admixture test for heterogeneity was employed which tests for linkage versus no linkage. A trend toward significance was seen (0.05<P<0.10) which increased when the analysis was restricted to the larger, more informative pedigrees.The pedigrees where nonpenetrant males are detected appear to constitute one class (NP) where tight linkage to factor IX is predicted. The pedigrees where full penetrance is present appear to consitute a second class (P) where loose linkage to factor IX is predicted. Either the chromosomal location of the mutation or suppression of recombination to nearby genes may be different in the two classes of pedigrees. In the NP class of fra X pedigrees, information from DNA analysis should be useful for carrier detection, prenatal diagnosis, and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Summary We present clinical, cytogenetic, and linkage data of four DNA probes from the terminal long arm of the X chromosome in ten new families with fragile X syndrome. A prior/posterior method of multipoint linkage analysis is employed to combine these results with published data to refine the linkage map of terminal Xq. Ten possible probe/disease orderings were tested. The order with the greatest posterior probability (0.78) of the five loci is 52a-F9-fragile X gene-DX13-St14, although the order with reversal of the positions of 52a and F9 has a posterior probability 0.15. The mean estimates of the distances between the probes and the fragile X gene are 38cM and 33cM for the proximal probes 52a and F9, and 8 cM and 12 cM for the distal probes DX13 and St14. Although the current method of choice in the prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of the fragile X syndrome remains detailed cytogenetic analysis, consideration is given to the potential role of these DNA probes, both singly and in pairs.  相似文献   

Linkage heterogeneity and fragile X   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A multipoint test of heterogeneity on published data from 57 families with the fragile X syndrome has been undertaken. The hypothesis being tested was that there are two loci coding for fragile X expression, mutations at either of which can produce the phenotype. No predivision of the families was undertaken, as the test used an admixture parameter. Maximum likelihoods of the hypothesis have been calculated and compared with those produced on assuming a single locus for fragile X. The data do not suggest that there are two such loci within the interval between probes 52a and St14. In particular, the large kindred published by Camerino et al. (1983) does not supply convincing evidence of heterogeneity under this test. It is argued that the observed heterogeneity between factor IX and fragile X must have another explanation. There is some evidence for a second locus for fragile X outside the interval noted above; this locus being most probably proximal to these probes. The majority of the data suggesting this result comes from a family published by Davies et al. (1985).  相似文献   

The fragile X syndrome locus, FRAXA, is located at Xq27. Until recently, few polymorphic loci had been genetically mapped close to FRAXA. This has been attributed to an increased frequency of recombination at Xq27, possibly associated with the fragile X mutation. In addition, the frequency of recombination around FRAXA has been reported to vary among fragile X families. These observations suggested that the genetic map at Xq27 in normal populations was different from that in fragile X populations and that the genetic map also varied within the fragile X population. Such variability would reduce the reliability of carrier risk estimates based on DNA studies in fragile X families. Five polymorphic loci have now been mapped to within 4 cM of FRAXA--DXS369, DXS297, DXS296, IDS, and DXS304. The frequency of recombination at Xq26-q28 was evaluated using data at these loci and at more distant loci from 112 families with the fragile X syndrome. Two-point and multipoint linkage analyses failed to detect any difference in the recombination fractions in fragile X versus normal families. Two-point and multipoint tests of linkage homogeneity failed to detect any evidence of linkage heterogeneity in the fragile X families. On the basis of this analysis, genetic maps derived from large samples of normal families and those derived from fragile X families are equally valid as the basis for calculating carrier risk estimates in a particular family.  相似文献   

Molecular heterogeneity of the fragile X syndrome.   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
The fragile X syndrome is an X-linked disorder which has been shown to be associated with the length variation of a DNA fragment containing a CGG trinucleotide repeat element at or close to the fragile site. Phenotypically normal carriers of the disorder generally have a smaller length variation than affected individuals. We have cloned the region in cosmids and defined the area containing the amplified sequence. We have used probes from the region to analyse the mutation in families. We show that the mutation evolves in different ways in different individuals of the same family. In addition we show that not all fragile X positive individuals show this amplification of DNA sequence even though they show expression of the fragile site at levels greater than 25%. One patient has alterations in the region adjacent to the CGG repeat elements. Three patients in fragile X families have the normal fragment with amplification in a small population of their cells. These observations indicate that there is molecular heterogeneity in the fragile X syndrome and that the DNA fragment length variation is not the only sequence responsible for the expression of the fragile site or the disease phenotype.  相似文献   

Further evidence for genetic heterogeneity in the fragile X syndrome   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Summary The X-linked fragile X[fra(X)] syndrome, associated with a fragile site at Xq27.3, is the most common Mendeban inherited form of mental deficiency. Approximately 1 in 1060 males and 1 in 677 females carry the fra (X) chromosome. However, diagnosis of carrier status can be difficult since about 20% of males and 44% of females are nonpenetrant for mental impairment and/or expression of fra (X). We analyzed DNA from 327 individuals in 23 families segregating fra (X) for linkage to three flanking polymorphic probes: 52A, F9, and ST14. This allowed probable nonpenetrant, transmitting males and carrier females to be identified. A combined linkage analysis was conducted using these families and published probe information on F9 in 27 other families, 52A in six families, and ST14 in five families. The two-point recombination fraction for 52A-F9 was 0.13 (90% confidence interval, 0.10–0.16), for F9-fra(X) was 0.21 (0.17–0.24), and for fra(X)-ST14 was 0.12 (0.07–0.17). Tight linkage between F9 and fra(X) was observed in some families; in others loose linkage was seen suggesting genetic linkage heterogeneity. Risk analysis of carrier status using flanking DNA probes showed that probable nonpenetrant transmitting males were included in families showing both tight and loose linkage. Thus, in contrast to our previous conclusions, it appears that the presence or absence of nonpenetrant, transmitting males in a family is not an indicator of heterogeneity. To determine if heterogeneity was present, we employed the admixture test. Evidence for linkage heterogeneity between F9 and fra(X) was found, significant at P<0.0005. Nonsignificant heterogeneity was seen for 52A-F9 linkage. No heterogeneity was found for fra(X)-ST14. The frequency of fra(X) expression was significantly lower in families with tight F9-fra(X) linkage than in families with loose linkage. Cognition appeared to relate to linkage type: affected males in tight linkage families had higher IQs than those in loose linkage families. These findings of genetic heterogeneity can account in part for the high prevalence and apparent high new mutation rate of fra(X). They will affect genetic counseling using RFLPs. An understanding of the basis for genetic heterogeneity in fra(X) will help to clarify the nature of the unusual pattern of inheritance seen in this syndrome.  相似文献   

We have used recombinant clones derived from microdissection of the fragile X region to characterize breakpoints around the fragile site at Xq27.3. So far, no microdissection markers derived from Xq28 material have been found, thus allowing a rapid screening for clones surrounding the fragile site by their presence in a somatic cell hybrid containing Xq27.2-Xqter. A total of 43 new DNA markers from Xq27 have been sublocalized within this chromosome band. Of these new DNA markers, 5 lie in an interval defined as containing the fragile X region. The saturation of Xq27 with DNA markers by microdissection demonstrates the power of this technique and provides the resources for generating a complete physical map of the region.  相似文献   

A refined genetic linkage map for the pericentromeric region of human chromosome 10 has been constructed from data on 12 distinct polymorphic DNA loci as well as the locus for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A), a dominantly inherited cancer syndrome. The map extends from D10S24 (at 10p13-p12.2) to D10S3 (at 10q21-q23) and is about 70 cM long. Overall, higher female than male recombination frequencies were observed for this region, with the most remarkable female excess in the immediate vicinity of the centromere, as previously reported. Most of the DNA markers in this map are highly informative for linkage and the majority of the interlocus intervals are no more than 6 cM apart. Thus this map should provide a fine framework for future efforts in more detailed mapping studies around the centromeric area. A set of ordered cross-overs identified in this work is a valuable resource for rapidly and accurately localizing new DNA clones isolated from the pericentromeric region.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated II-10, a new X-chromosomal probe that identifies a highly informative two-allele TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism at locus DXS466. Using somatic cell hybrids containing distinct portions of the long arm of the X chromosome, we could localize DXS466 between DXS296 and DXS304, both of which are closely linked distal markers for fragile X. This regional localization was supported by the analysis, in fragile X families, of recombination events between these three loci, the fragile X locus and locus DXS52, the latter being located at a more distal position. DXS466 is closely linked to the fragile X locus with a peak lod score of 7.79 at a recombination fraction of 0.02. Heterozygosity of DXS466 is approximately 50%. Its close proximity and relatively high informativity make DXS466 a valuable new diagnostic DNA marker for fragile X.  相似文献   

We describe a method for mapping quantitative trait loci that allows for locus heterogeneity. A genome-wide linkage analysis of blood pressure was performed using sib-pair data from the Framingham Heart Study. Evidence of linkage was found on four markers (GATA89G08, GATA23D06, GATA14E09, and 049xd2) at a significance level of 0.01. Two of them (GATA14E09 and 049xd2) seem to overlap with linkage signals reported previously, while the other two are not linked to any known signals.  相似文献   

The detection of linkage in complex traits, although potentially of the greatest value, has proved very difficult. One reason may be the drastic effect that locus heterogeneity has on statistical power. We propose a new test for linkage in the presence of heterogeneity, based upon the sum of individual pedigree maximum lod scores, combined with a bootstrap method for estimating the null-hypothesis distribution. The technique is designed to exploit modern computer capability and to avoid reliance on asymptotic-distribution theory. Numerical comparisons indicate that for small pedigrees this new test can detect linkage with 30%-50% less data than are required by standard methods. A computer program for simulating the distribution and for performing the test of linkage is available from the authors.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a new RFLP detected by the DNA probe MN12, which is linked to both the fragile site on the X chromosome at Xq27.3 and the highly polymorphic locus detected by St14 (DXS52). In situ mapping confirms the localisation of MN12 distal to the fragile site. A detailed physical analysis of this region of the X chromosome using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis has shown that MN12, St14 and DX13 (DXS15) are physically linked within a region of 470kb. A long range restriction map around the MN12 locus reveals at least two candidate HTF islands, suggesting the existence of expressed sequences in this region.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage data, using the polymorphic markers 52A (DXS51), F9, 4D-8(DXS98), and St14(DXS52), are presented from 14 fragile X pedigrees and from 7 normal pedigrees derived from the collection of the Centre d'Étude du Polymorphisme Humaine. A multipoint linkage analysis indicates that the most probable order of these four loci in normal families is DXS51-F9-DXS98-DXS52. Recombination frequencies ( ) corresponding to maximum LOD scores ( ) were obtained by two-point linkage analysis for a nuber of linkage groups, including: DXS51-F9 ( =5.94, =0.03), F9-DXS98 ( =0.51, =0.26), F9-DXS52 ( =0.84, =0.27), and DXS98-DXS52 ( =0.32, =0.20). A multipoint linkage analysis of these loci, including the fragile X locus, was also performed for the fragile X population and the data support the relative order (DSX51, F9, DXS98)-FRAXA-DXS52. Recombination frequencies and maximum LOD scores, which again were derived from two-point linkage analyses, were obtained for the linkage groups DXS51-F9 ( =9.96, =0) and F9-DXS52 ( =0.07, =0.45), as well as for the groups DXS51-FRAXA ( =2.42, =0.15), F9-FRAXA ( =1.30, =0.18), DXS98-FRAXA ( =0.05 =0.36), and DXS52-FRAXA ( =2.42 =0.15). The linkage data was further tested for the presence of genetic heterogeneity both within and between the fragile X and normal families for the intervals DXS51-F9, F9-DXS52, F9-FRAXA, and DXS52-FRAXA using a modification of the A test. Except for the interval F9-FRAXA (P<0.10) there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity for each of the various linkage groups examined. The heterogeneity detected for the interval F9-FRAXA, however, was most likely due to one family (Fx-28) that displayed very tight linkage between these two loci.  相似文献   

Summary The polymorphic DNA marker DXS304 detected by probe U6.2 has recently been shown to be closer to the fragile X locus than previously available markers. Its usefulness has however been limited by its relatively low heterozygosity. We have isolated, by cosmid cloning, a 67 kilobase region around probe U6.2 and have characterized a new probe (U6.2-20E) that detects BanI and BstEII restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The BanI RFLP has a heterozygosity of 0.49 and is in partial linkage disequilibrium with the previously described polymorphism, with a combined heterozygosity of 0.63. Furthermore, we have found that the U6.2 original probe, which probably detects an insertion-deletion polymorphism, is also informative in BanI digests. Thus, the two informative RFLPs at the DXS304 locus can be conveniently tested in a single hybridization with a single digest. An updated linkage analysis confirms that DXS304 is distal to the fragile X locus. This informative locus can now be used effectively for genetic mapping of the Xq27–q28 region, and for diagnostic applications in fragile X or Hunter syndrome families.  相似文献   

The fragile X syndrome, which is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation, poses important diagnostic problems for genetic counseling. The development of diagnostic strategies based on DNA analysis has been impaired by the lack of polymorphic markers very close to the disease locus. Here we report that the polymorphic probe U6.2 (locus DXS304) is much closer to the fragile X locus than all the previously reported markers. A recombination fraction of 0.02 between DXS304 and the fragile X locus was estimated by multipoint linkage analysis (confidence interval 0.002 to 0.05). Our data suggest that DXS304 is distal to the fragile X locus. This marker thus represents a major improvement for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis in fragile X families.  相似文献   

Isolation of a human DNA sequence which spans the fragile X   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
To identify the sequences involved in the expression of the fragile X and to characterize the molecular basis of the genetic lesion, we have constructed yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing human DNA and have screened them with cloned DNA probes which map close to the fragile site at Xq27.3. We have isolated and partly characterized a YAC containing approximately 270 kb of human DNA from an X chromosome which expresses the fragile X. This sequence in a yeast artificial ring chromosome, XTY26, hybridizes to the two closest DNA markers, VK16 and Do33, which flank the fragile site. The human DNA sequence in XTY26 also spans the fragile site on chromosome in situ hybridization. When a restriction map of XTY26, derived by using infrequently cutting restriction enzymes, is compared with similar YAC maps derived from non-fragile-X patients, no large-scale differences are observed. This YAC, XTY26, may enable (a) the fragile site to be fully characterized at the molecular level and (b) the pathogenetic basis of the fragile-X syndrome to be determined.  相似文献   

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