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Ozone-tolerant Bel B and ozone-sensitive Bel W3 tobacco cultivars were subjected to acute ozone fumigation (200 p.p.b. for 3 h) and the subcellular localization of H2O2 was then studied. H2O2 accumulated on the cell walls and plasma membrane of both cultivars but the accumulation pattern differed greatly. H2O2 production was high in both cultivars immediately after fumigation, but, in the tolerant Bel B cultivar, after 7 h was only detected in some spongy cells adjacent to epidermal cells. Instead, in the sensitive Bel W3 cultivar, accumulation was still abundant in the cell walls of palisade, spongy and epidermal cells at this time. Significant changes in apoplastic ascorbate pool were noted in both cultivars in the first hours after fumigation. As the reduced ascorbate content remained unchanged, the marked increase in total ascorbate must have originated from the striking increase in dehydroascorbate, particularly in the ozone-sensitive Bel W3. Exposure of plants to ozone resulted in a marked transient increase in both free and conjugated salicylic acid (SA) as well as an increase in the activity of benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase which catalyses SA biosynthesis. SA induction differed greatly in the two cultivars, in that: (1) SA accumulation was far greater in the ozone-sensitive Bel W3 cv. and (2) the maximum SA peak was delayed in Bel W3 and observed only 7 h after fumigation ended. These results suggest that a high SA content, as documented in the ozone-sensitive Bel W3 cultivar, could trigger the production of ROS with subsequent SA-mediated cell-death.  相似文献   

The short-term polyamine response to inoculation, with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), of TMV-inoculated NN (hypersensitive) and nn (susceptible) plants of Nicotiana tabacum (L.) cv. Samsun was investigated. Free and conjugated polyamine concentrations, putrescine biosynthesis, evaluated through arginine decarboxylase (ADC) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activities, and putrescine oxidation, via diamine oxidase (DAO) activity, were analysed during the first 24 h from inoculation. Results were compared with those of mock-inoculated control plants. In NN TMV-inoculated plants undergoing the hypersensitive response (HR), free putrescine and spermidine concentrations had increased after 5 h compared with controls; polyamine conjugates also tended to increase compared with controls. In both virus- and mock-inoculated plants, ADC and ODC activities generally increased whereas DAO activity, which was present in controls, was detectable only in traces in inoculated tissues.
In TMV-infected susceptible plants, free putrescine and spermidine concentrations were lower at 5 h relative to controls, as were polyamine conjugates. No differences were revealed in ADC and ODC activities whereas DAO activity was not detectable. These results further support the hypothesis that polyamines are involved in the response of tobacco to TMV and that, only a few hours after inoculation, the response of hypersensitive plants is distinct from that of susceptible ones.  相似文献   

The interplay between nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species can lead to an induction of cell death in plants. The aim of our work was to find out if cyanide released from sodium nitroprusside (SNP; a donor of NO) could be involved in the cell death induction, which is triggered by SNP and H2O2. Cell suspension of Nicotiana tabacum L. (line BY-2) was treated with 0.5 mM SNP, 0.5 mM potassium ferricyanide (PFC; analogue of sodium nitroprusside which can not release NO) and/or by 0.5 mM glucose with 0.5 U cm−3 glucose oxidase (GGO; a donor system of H2O2). The cell death was induced only by combination of SNP and GGO. Thus cyanide released was not involved in the induction of cell death. However, SNP showed toxic effect because of decrease in activities of intracellular oxidoreductases and esterases. The cell death caused by SNP and GGO occurred within 12 h. During cell death either length or width of the cell increased. Central vacuole was formed in 20 to 40 % of cells. Most of the dead cells showed a condensed cytoplasm. Two hallmarks of programmed cell death (PCD), chromatin condensation and blebbing of nuclear periphery, were observed. However, oligonucleosomal fragmentation of DNA, another hallmark of PCD, was not detected.  相似文献   

Our previous results indicate that during protoplast isolation an oxidative burst occurs [A.K. Papadakis and KA Roubelakis-Angelakis (1999) Plant Physiol 127:197–205] and that suppression of totipotency is correlated with reduced antioxidant activity and low redox state [A.K. Papadakis et al. (2001b) Plant Physiol 126:434–444]. Polyamines are known to affect cell development and to act as antioxidants. Polyamines applied during isolation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) protoplasts reduced the accumulation of O2· but not that of H2O2. This antioxidant effect is probably due to the inhibition of microsomal membrane NADPH oxidase, which occurred in a concentration-dependent manner, with spermine exerting the highest inhibitory effect. However, during protoplast culture, polyamine oxidase activity increased severalfold in spermidine- and spermine-treated protoplasts, concomitant with H2O2 titers. A cell death program was executed in untreated protoplasts, as documented by membrane malfunction, induced DNase activity, DNA fragmentation and a positive TUNEL reaction. Protoplast cell death was prevented in protoplasts treated with putrescine, but not by treatment with spermidine or spermine, which rather had the opposite effect. The data presented suggest that PAs may be implicated in the expression of plant protoplast totipotency.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been widely used to study the oxidative stress response. However, H2O2 is unstable and easily decomposes into H2O and O2. Consequently, a wide range of exposure times and treatment concentrations has been described in the literature. In the present study, we established a ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange (FOX) assay, which was originally described for food and body liquids, as a method for the precise quantification of H2O2 concentrations in cell culture media. We observed that the presence of FCS and high cell densities significantly accelerate the decomposition of H2O2, therefore acting as a protection against cell death by accidental necrosis.  相似文献   

Methyl jasmonate inhibited the harpin-induced defense responses such as cell death, H2O2 generation and gene expression encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in tobacco suspension cultured BY-2 cells. These results suggest that MeJA may act as an endogenous suppressor for plant defense response including hypersensitive reaction.  相似文献   

The hypersensitive response and the induction of cell death in plants   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The hypersensitive response, or HR, is a form of cell death often associated with plant resistance to pathogen infection. Reactive oxygen intermediates and ion fluxes are proximal responses probably required for the HR. Apoptosis as defined in animal systems is, thus far, not a strict paradigm for the HR. The diversity observed in plant cell death morphologies suggests that there may be multiple pathways through which the HR can be triggered. Signals from pathogens appear to interfere with these pathways. HR may play in plants the same role as certain programmed cell deaths in animals with respect to restricting pathogen growth. In addition, the HR could regulate the defense responses of the plant in both local and distant tissues.  相似文献   

Activation of the tobacco gene hsr203 is rapid, highly localized, specific for incompatible plant-pathogen interactions, and strongly correlated with programmed cell death occurring in response to diverse pathogens. Functional characterization of hsr203 gene product has shown that HSR203 is a serine hydrolase that displays esterase activity. We show here that transgenic tobacco plants deficient in HSR203 protein exhibit an accelerated hypersensitive response when inoculated with an avirulent strain of Ralstonia solanacearum. This response was accompanied by a maximal level of cell death and a drastic inhibition of in planta bacterial growth. Transgenic plants deficient in HSR203 were also found to show increased resistance in a dosage-dependent manner to Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi, another avirulent bacterial pathogen, and to virulent and avirulent races of Phytophthora parasitica, a fungal pathogen of tobacco, but not to different virulent bacteria. Surprisingly, expression of another hsr gene, hsr515, and that of the defence genes PR1-a and PR5, was strongly reduced in the transgenic lines. Our results suggest that hsr203 antisense suppression in tobacco can have pleiotropic effects on HR cell death and defence mechanisms, and induces increased resistance to different pathogens.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is emerging as a newly recognized messenger in cellular signal transduction. However, a substantial challenge in elucidating its diverse roles in complex biological environments is the lack of methods for probing this reactive oxygen metabolite in living systems with molecular specificity. Here we report the synthesis and application of Peroxy Green 1 (PG1) and Peroxy Crimson 1 (PC1), two new fluorescent probes that show high selectivity for H2O2 and are capable of visualizing endogenous H2O2 produced in living cells by growth factor stimulation, including the first direct imaging of peroxide produced for brain cell signaling. The combined features of reactive oxygen species selectivity, sensitivity to signaling levels of H2O2, and live-cell compatibility presage many new opportunities for PG1, PC1 and related synthetic reagents for exploring the physiological roles of H2O2 in living systems with molecular imaging.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission was studied at the lobster neuromuscular junction. H2O2 produced a dose dependent decrease in the amplitude of the junction potential (Vejp). This decrease was due to changes in both presynaptic transmitter release and the postsynaptic response to the neurotransmitter. Observed presynaptic changes due to exposure to H2O2 were a decrease in the amount of transmitter released, that is, quantal content, as well as a decrease in the fast facilitation, that is, the amplitude increase of successive excitatory junction potentials at a rate of 3 Hz. To discern postsynaptic changes, glutamate, the putative excitatory neurotransmitter for this preparation was applied directly to the bathing medium in order to bypass the presynaptic release process. H2O2 produced a decreased response of the glutamate receptor/ ionophore. The action of H2O2 was not selective to excitatory (glutamate-mediated) transmission because inhibitory (GABA-mediated) transmission was also depressed by H2O2. This effect was primarily presynaptic since H2O2 produced no change in the postsynaptic response to applied GABA.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infects the human stomach by escaping the host immune response. One mechanism of bacterial survival and mucosal damage is induction of macrophage apoptosis, which we have reported to be dependent on polyamine synthesis by arginase and ornithine decarboxylase. During metabolic back-conversion, polyamines are oxidized and release H(2)O(2), which can cause apoptosis by mitochondrial membrane depolarization. We hypothesized that this mechanism is induced by H. pylori in macrophages. Polyamine oxidation can occur by acetylation of spermine or spermidine by spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase prior to back-conversion by acetylpolyamine oxidase, but recently direct conversion of spermine to spermidine by the human polyamine oxidase h1, also called spermine oxidase, has been demonstrated. H. pylori induced expression and activity of the mouse homologue of this enzyme (polyamine oxidase 1 (PAO1)) by 6 h in parallel with ornithine decarboxylase, consistent with the onset of apoptosis, while spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase activity was delayed until 18 h when late stage apoptosis had already peaked. Inhibition of PAO1 by MDL 72527 or by PAO1 small interfering RNA significantly attenuated H. pylori-induced apoptosis. Inhibition of PAO1 also significantly reduced H(2)O(2) generation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, cytochrome c release, and caspase-3 activation. Overexpression of PAO1 by transient transfection induced macrophage apoptosis. The importance of H(2)O(2) was confirmed by inhibition of apoptosis with catalase. These studies demonstrate a new mechanism for pathogen-induced oxidative stress in macrophages in which activation of PAO1 leads to H(2)O(2) release and apoptosis by a mitochondrial-dependent cell death pathway, contributing to deficiencies in host defense in diseases such as H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play important roles in animal apoptosis and are implicated in salicylic acid (SA)-induced plant resistance to viral pathogens. In a previous study, we demonstrated that SA induces rapid inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation in tobacco cells. In the present study, we report that plant programmed cell death induced during pathogen elicitor-induced hypersensitive response (HR) is also associated with altered mitochondrial functions. Harpin, an HR elicitor produced by Erwinia amylovora, induced inhibition of ATP synthesis in tobacco cell cultures. Inhibition of ATP synthesis occurred almost immediately after incubation with harpin and preceded hypersensitive cell death induced by the elicitor. Diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of the oxidative burst, did not block harpin-induced inhibition of ATP synthesis or cell death, suggesting that oxidative burst was not the direct cause for these two harpin-induced processes. Unlike SA, harpin had no significant effect on total respiratory O2 uptake of treated cells. However, respiration of harpin-treated tobacco cells became very sensitive to the alternative oxidase inhibitors salicyl-hydroxamic acid and n-propyl gallate. Thus, harpin treatment resulted in reduced capacity of mitochondrial cytochrome pathway electron transport, which could lead to the observed inhibition of ATP synthesis. Given the recently demonstrated roles of mitochondria in apoptosis, this rapid inhibition of mitochondrial functions may play a role in harpin-induced hypersensitive cell death.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c is degraded by a large excess of hydrogen peroxide, leading to opening of the heme porphyrin ring and loss of the Soret absorption bands. The kinetic parameters of this reaction have been determined, and it is shown that a small concentration of oxygen is liberated at the same rate as degradation. Low-level chemiluminescence and release of a hydroxylating species also accompany heme destruction. It is proposed that heme iron activates hydrogen peroxide to a more powerful oxidant, perhaps the hydroxyl radical, which remains bound to the heme iron and initiates attack on the porphyrin ring. Chemiluminescence appears to result from a side reaction involving singlet oxygen attack on the alpha-methene bridge, yielding a dioxetane. The in vivo degradation of cytochrome c by excess hydrogen peroxide may interfere with respiration, accelerate aging, and enhance the metabolism of carcinogens.  相似文献   

We report here that in vitro exposure of monomeric actin to hydrogen peroxide leads to a conversion of 6 of the 16 methionine residues to methionine sulfoxide residues. Although the initial effect of H2O2 on actin is the oxidation of Cys374, we have found that Met44, Met47, Met176, Met190, Met269, and Met355 are the other sites of the oxidative modification. Met44 and Met47 are the methionyl sites first oxidized. The methionine residues that are oxidized are not simply related to their accessibility to the external medium and are found in all four subdomains of actin. The conformations of subdomain 1, a region critical for the functional binding of different actin-binding proteins, and subdomain 2, which plays important roles in the polymerization process and stabilization of the actin filament, are changed upon oxidation. The conformational changes are deduced from the increased exposure of hydrophobic residues, which correlates with methionine sulfoxide formation, from the perturbations in tryptophan fluorescence, and from the decreased susceptibility to limited proteolysis of oxidized actin.  相似文献   

During pupal metamorphosis, the anterior silk glands (ASGs) of the silkworm Bombyx mori degenerate through programmed cell death (PCD), which is triggered by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E). 20E triggers the PCD of the ASGs of day 7 fifth instar (V7) larvae but not that of V5 larvae. When V7 ASGs were cocultured with V5 ASGs in the presence of 20E, neither culture of ASGs underwent PCD. The 20E-induced PCD of V7 ASGs was also inhibited when they were incubated in conditioned medium that was prepared by incubating V5 ASGs for 48 h, an indication that V5 ASGs released an inhibitor of 20E-induced PCD during incubation. The inhibitor was purified from conditioned medium and identified as glucose oxidase (GOD). GOD catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to gluconolactone, and generates hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct. We found that hydrogen peroxide is the molecule that directly inhibits the action of 20E and may act to protect the ASGs from early execution of PCD during the feeding stage. GOD was localized in the inner cavity of the gland, and was discharged to the outside of the ASGs with the silk thread at the onset of spinning. Thus, the spinning behavior, occurring at the beginning of the prepupal period, plays an important role in controlling the time at which ASGs undergo PCD in response to 20E.  相似文献   

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