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We developed a practical and efficient gene transfer system for indica rice utilizing mature-seed derived explants and a simple bombardment device which uses compressed helium for accelerating DNA-coated metal particles. Unlike instruments which have been described in the literature previously, this new bombardment device, which is an improvement of the particle inflow concept, does not require vacuum. This attribute simplifies the transformation procedure significantly and it makes rice transformation technology accessible to laboratories which may not have the resources to invest in more expensive particle bombardment instruments. We determined experimentally that we could recover transgenic rice plants utilizing three different particle bombardment instruments at comparable frequencies.  相似文献   

Transient transformation is simpler, more efficient and economical in analyzing protein subcellular localization than stable transformation. Fluorescent fusion proteins were often used in transient transformation to follow the in vivo behavior of proteins. Onion epidermis, which has large, living and transparent cells in a monolayer, is suitable to visualize fluorescent fusion proteins. The often used transient transformation methods included particle bombardment, protoplast transfection and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Particle bombardment in onion epidermis was successfully established, however, it was expensive, biolistic equipment dependent and with low transformation efficiency. We developed a highly efficient in planta transient transformation method in onion epidermis by using a special agroinfiltration method, which could be fulfilled within 5 days from the pretreatment of onion bulb to the best time-point for analyzing gene expression. The transformation conditions were optimized to achieve 43.87% transformation efficiency in living onion epidermis. The developed method has advantages in cost, time-consuming, equipment dependency and transformation efficiency in contrast with those methods of particle bombardment in onion epidermal cells, protoplast transfection and Agrobacterium-mediated transient transformation in leaf epidermal cells of other plants. It will facilitate the analysis of protein subcellular localization on a large scale.  相似文献   

Orthopoxviruses (OPVs), which include the agent of smallpox (variola virus), the zoonotic monkeypox virus, the vaccine and zoonotic species vaccinia virus, and the mouse pathogen ectromelia virus (ECTV), form two types of infectious viral particles: the mature virus (MV), which is cytosolic, and the enveloped virus (EV), which is extracellular. It is believed that MVs are required for viral entry into the host, while EVs are responsible for spread within the host. Following footpad infection of susceptible mice, ECTV spreads lymphohematogenously, entering the liver at 3 to 4 days postinfection (dpi). Afterwards, ECTV spreads intrahepatically, killing the host. We found that antibodies to an MV protein were highly effective at curing mice from ECTV infection when administered after the virus reached the liver. Moreover, a mutant ECTV that does not make EV was able to spread intrahepatically and kill immunodeficient mice. Together, these findings indicate that MVs are sufficient for the spread of ECTV within the liver and could have implications regarding the pathogenesis of other OPVs, the treatment of emerging OPV infections, as well as strategies for preparedness in case of accidental or intentional release of pathogenic OPVs.  相似文献   

Chitin is commonly found in fungal cell walls and is one of the well-studied microbe/pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Previous studies showed that lysin motif (LysM)-containing proteins are essential for plant recognition of chitin, leading to the activation of plant innate immunity. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), the LYK1/CERK1 (for LysM-containing receptor-like kinase1/chitin elicitor receptor kinase1) was shown to be essential for chitin recognition, whereas in rice (Oryza sativa), the LysM-containing protein, CEBiP (for chitin elicitor-binding protein), was shown to be involved in chitin recognition. Unlike LYK1/CERK1, CEBiP lacks an intracellular kinase domain. Arabidopsis possesses three CEBiP-like genes. Our data show that mutations in these genes, either singly or in combination, did not compromise the response to chitin treatment. Arabidopsis also contains five LYK genes. Analysis of mutations in LYK2, -3, -4, or -5 showed that LYK4 is also involved in chitin signaling. The lyk4 mutants showed reduced induction of chitin-responsive genes and diminished chitin-induced cytosolic calcium elevation as well as enhanced susceptibility to both the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 and the fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola, although these phenotypes were not as dramatic as that seen in the lyk1/cerk1 mutants. Similar to LYK1/CERK1, the LYK4 protein was also localized to the plasma membrane. Therefore, LYK4 may play a role in the chitin recognition receptor complex to assist chitin signal transduction and plant innate immunity.  相似文献   

Pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O) catalyzes the oxidation by O2 of d-glucose and several aldopyranoses to yield the 2-ketoaldoses and H2O2. Based on crystal structures, in one rotamer conformation, the threonine hydroxyl of Thr169 forms H-bonds to the flavin-N5/O4 locus, whereas, in a different rotamer, it may interact with either sugar or other parts of the P2O·sugar complex. Transient kinetics of wild-type (WT) and Thr169 → S/N/G/A replacement variants show that d-Glc binds to T169S, T169N, and WT with the same Kd (45–47 mm), and the hydride transfer rate constants (kred) are similar (15.3–9.7 s−1 at 4 °C). kred of T169G with d-glucose (0.7 s−1, 4 °C) is significantly less than that of WT but not as severely affected as in T169A (kred of 0.03 s−1 at 25 °C). Transient kinetics of WT and mutants using d-galactose show that P2O binds d-galactose with a one-step binding process, different from binding of d-glucose. In T169S, T169N, and T169G, the overall turnover with d-Gal is faster than that of WT due to an increase of kred. In the crystal structure of T169S, Ser169 Oγ assumes a position identical to that of Oγ1 in Thr169; in T169G, solvent molecules may be able to rescue H-bonding. Our data suggest that a competent reductive half-reaction requires a side chain at position 169 that is able to form an H-bond within the ES complex. During the oxidative half-reaction, all mutants failed to stabilize a C4a-hydroperoxyflavin intermediate, thus suggesting that the precise position and geometry of the Thr169 side chain are required for intermediate stabilization.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus PA-X comprises an N-terminal PA endonuclease domain and a C-terminal PA-X-specific domain. PA-X reduces host and viral mRNA accumulation via its endonuclease function. Here, we found that the N-terminal 15 amino acids, particularly six basic amino acids, in the C-terminal PA-X-specific region are important for PA-X shutoff activity. These six basic amino acids enabled a PA deletion mutant to suppress protein expression at a level comparable to that of wild-type PA-X.  相似文献   

SNX26, a brain-enriched RhoGAP, plays a key role in dendritic arborization during early neuronal development in the neocortex. In mature neurons, it is localized to dendritic spines, but little is known about its role in later stages of development. Our results show that SNX26 interacts with PSD-95 in dendritic spines of cultured hippocampal neurons, and as a GTPase-activating protein for Cdc42, it decreased the F-actin content in COS-7 cells and in dendritic spines of neurons. Overexpression of SNX26 resulted in a GTPase-activating protein activity-dependent decrease in total protrusions and spine density together with dramatic inhibition of filopodia-to-spine transformations. Such effects of SNX26 were largely rescued by a constitutively active mutant of Cdc42. Consistently, an shRNA-mediated knockdown of SNX26 significantly increased total protrusions and spine density, resulting in an increase in thin or stubby type spines at the expense of the mushroom spine type. Moreover, endogenous expression of SNX26 was shown to be bi-directionally modulated by neuronal activity. Therefore, we propose that in addition to its key role in neuronal development, SNX26 also has a role in the activity-dependent structural change of dendritic spines in mature neurons.  相似文献   

The long terminal repeat (LTR)-containing retrotransposon Tf1 propagates within the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as the result of several mechanisms that are typical of both retrotransposons and retroviruses. To identify host factors that contribute to the transposition process, we mutagenized cultures of S. pombe and screened them for strains that were unable to support Tf1 transposition. One such strain contained a mutation in a gene we named nup124. The product of this gene contains 11 FXFG repeats and is a component of the nuclear pore complex. In addition to the reduced levels of Tf1 transposition, the nup124-1 allele caused a significant reduction in the nuclear localization of Tf1 Gag. Surprisingly, the mutation in nup124-1 did not cause any reduction in the growth rate, the nuclear localization of specific nuclear localization signal-containing proteins, or the cytoplasmic localization of poly(A) mRNA. A two-hybrid analysis and an in vitro precipitation assay both identified an interaction between Tf1 Gag and the N terminus of Nup124p. These results provide evidence for an unusual mechanism of nuclear import that relies on a direct interaction between a nuclear pore factor and Tf1 Gag.  相似文献   

Vesicular tethers and SNAREs are two key protein components that govern docking and fusion of intracellular membrane carriers in eukaryotic cells. The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex has been specifically implicated in the tethering of retrograde intra‐Golgi vesicles. Using yeast two‐hybrid and co‐immunoprecipitation approaches, we show that the COG6 subunit of the COG complex is capable of interacting with a subset of Golgi SNAREs, namely STX5, STX6, GS27 and SNAP29. Interaction with SNAREs is accomplished via the universal SNARE‐binding motif of COG6. Overexpression of COG6, or its depletion from cells, disrupts the integrity of the Golgi complex. Importantly, COG6 protein lacking the SNARE‐binding domain is deficient in Golgi binding, and is not capable of inducing Golgi complex fragmentation when overexpressed. These results indicate that COG6–SNARE interactions are important for both COG6 localization and Golgi integrity .  相似文献   

Subtilisin from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1 is a member of the subtilisin family. T. kodakaraensis subtilisin in a proform (T. kodakaraensis pro-subtilisin), as well as its propeptide (T. kodakaraensis propeptide) and mature domain (T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin), were independently overproduced in E. coli, purified, and biochemically characterized. T. kodakaraensis pro-subtilisin was inactive in the absence of Ca2+ but was activated upon autoprocessing and degradation of propeptide in the presence of Ca2+ at 80°C. This maturation process was completed within 30 min at 80°C but was bound at an intermediate stage, in which the propeptide is autoprocessed from the mature domain (T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin*) but forms an inactive complex with T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin*, at lower temperatures. At 80°C, approximately 30% of T. kodakaraensis pro-subtilisin was autoprocessed into T. kodakaraensis propeptide and T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin*, and the other 70% was completely degraded to small fragments. Likewise, T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin was inactive in the absence of Ca2+ but was activated upon incubation with Ca2+ at 80°C. The kinetic parameters and stability of the resultant activated protein were nearly identical to those of T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin*, indicating that T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin does not require T. kodakaraensis propeptide for folding. However, only ~5% of T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin was converted to an active form, and the other part was completely degraded to small fragments. T. kodakaraensis propeptide was shown to be a potent inhibitor of T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin* and noncompetitively inhibited its activity with a Ki of 25 ± 3.0 nM at 20°C. T. kodakaraensis propeptide may be required to prevent the degradation of the T. kodakaraensis mat-subtilisin molecules that are activated later by those that are activated earlier.  相似文献   

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