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The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a sequential learning task in which participants develop a tendency towards advantageous options arising from the outcomes associated with their previous decisions. The role of working memory in this complex task has been largely debated in the literature. On one hand, low working memory resources lead to a decrease in the number of advantageous decisions and make a significant part of participants unable to report explicitly which options are the most profitable. On the other hand, several studies have shown no contribution of working memory to the IGT decision patterns. In order to investigate this apparent incompatibility of results, we used an individual differences approach, which has proven an effective method to investigate the role of working memory in cognition. We compared the IGT decision patterns of participants as a function of their working memory capacity (WMC). As expected, contrary to low WMC participants, high WMC participants developed a tendency towards advantageous decisions. These findings lead us to discuss the role of WMC in decision making tasks.  相似文献   

Ego-depletion, a psychological phenomenon in which participants are less able to engage in self-control after prior exertion of self-control, has become widely popular in the scientific community as well as in the media. However, considerable debate exists among researchers as to the nature of the ego-depletion effect, and growing evidence suggests the effect may not be as strong or robust as the extant literature suggests. We examined the robustness of the ego-depletion effect and aimed to maximize the likelihood of detecting the effect by using one of the most widely used depletion tasks (video-viewing attention control task) and by considering task characteristics and individual differences that potentially moderate the effect. We also sought to make our research plan transparent by pre-registering our hypotheses, procedure, and planned analyses prior to data collection. Contrary to the ego-depletion hypothesis, participants in the depletion condition did not perform worse than control participants on the subsequent self-control task, even after considering moderator variables. These findings add to a growing body of evidence suggesting ego-depletion is not a reliable phenomenon, though more research is needed that uses large sample sizes, considers moderator variables, and pre-registers prior to data collection.  相似文献   

In many settings, copying, learning from or assigning value to group behavior is rational because such behavior can often act as a proxy for valuable returns. However, such herd behavior can also be pathologically misleading by coaxing individuals into behaviors that are otherwise irrational and it may be one source of the irrational behaviors underlying market bubbles and crashes. Using a two-person tandem investment game, we sought to examine the neural and behavioral responses of herd instincts in situations stripped of the incentive to be influenced by the choices of one''s partner. We show that the investments of the two subjects correlate over time if they are made aware of their partner''s choices even though these choices have no impact on either player''s earnings. We computed an “interpersonal prediction error”, the difference between the investment decisions of the two subjects after each choice. BOLD responses in the striatum, implicated in valuation and action selection, were highly correlated with this interpersonal prediction error. The revelation of the partner''s investment occurred after all useful information about the market had already been revealed. This effect was confirmed in two separate experiments where the impact of the time of revelation of the partner''s choice was tested at 2 seconds and 6 seconds after a subject''s choice; however, the effect was absent in a control condition with a computer partner. These findings strongly support the existence of mechanisms that drive correlated behavior even in contexts where there is no explicit advantage to do so.  相似文献   

目的:探索高/低冲突不同的决策任务对其后执行控制的影响。方法:40名被试随机分配到高冲突涉及个人情感的道德两难任务组和低冲突与道德无关的决策任务组,而后分别考察两组人执行控制成绩的差异。结果:相比做出与道德无关决策的被试,完成涉及个人情感的道德两难决策任务后的被试在后续的多源冲突任务中表现更差。而且,在多源冲突任务难度最大的条件下,组间差异更大,完成涉及个人情感的道德两难决策任务的被试表现更加不如完成与道德无关决策的被试。结论:该研究表明冲突不同的决策任务对其后执行控制影响不同,冲突越大,其后的执行控制成绩越差。该研究有助于进一步加深我们对道德与非道德决策差异以及决策与执行控制关系的理解。  相似文献   

Abstract: The release of [3H]dopamine (DA) and [14C]acetylcholine (ACh) was monitored from single slices of the rabbit striatum. In all cases, the evoked overflow of ACh showed a higher peak and was of shorter duration than that of 3H products. For ACh, the release per pulse showed a marked decline with increasing frequency of stimulation, whereas flat frequency-release curves were obtained for DA. At 0.1 and 1 Hz the evoked overflows of ACh were 15 and 7 times greater, respectively, than those of DA. Haloperidol (0.03 μM) and sulpiride (1 μM) produced large increases in the evoked overflow of DA and ACh at 3 and 10 Hz; little effect was observed at lower frequencies. These results indicate that the frequency-release curves for DA and ACh are different and that at high frequencies the slope of the curves is modified by activation of pre- and postsynaptic DA receptors. Apomorphine inhibited in a concentration-dependent fashion the evoked overflow of DA and ACh; greater inhibition was obtained at lower frequencies of stimulation. At 0.3 Hz the- DA agonist was two times more potent in inhibiting DA than ACh overflow (IC50: 12.0 ± 2.2 versus 22.0 ± 2.8 nM; p < 0.01). The greater sensitivity of pre-than postsynaptic sites to apomorphine was also seen at higher frequencies (3 Hz). Benztropine (1/μ) reduced the evoked overflow of ACh at 10 Hz, and enhanced that of 3H products at all rates of stimulation (0.3–10 Hz). These results suggest that the release of DA and ACh is regulated by dopaminergic receptors. They also indicate that the effects of DA agonists and antagonists and of uptake inhibitors on DA and ACh release are highly dependent on the frequency of stimulation used.  相似文献   

The present study investigated for the first time the relative importance of genetics and environment on individual differences in primary emotionality as measured with the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (ANPS) by means of a twin-sibling study design. In N = 795 participants (n = 303 monozygotic twins, n = 172 dizygotic twins and n = 267 non-twin full siblings), moderate to strong influences of genetics on individual differences in these emotional systems are observed. Lowest heritability estimates are presented for the SEEKING system (33%) and highest for the PLAY system (69%). Further, multivariate genetic modeling was applied to the data showing that associations among the six ANPS scales were influences by both, a genetic as well as an environmental overlap between them. In sum, the study underlines the usefulness of the ANPS for biologically oriented personality psychology research.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that language production, performed simultaneously with a nonlinguistic task, involves sustained attention. Sustained attention concerns the ability to maintain alertness over time. Here, we aimed to replicate the previous finding by showing that individuals call upon sustained attention when they plan single noun phrases (e.g., "the carrot") and perform a manual arrow categorization task. In addition, we investigated whether speakers also recruit sustained attention when they produce conjoined noun phrases (e.g., "the carrot and the bucket") describing two pictures, that is, when both the first and second task are linguistic. We found that sustained attention correlated with the proportion of abnormally slow phrase-production responses. Individuals with poor sustained attention displayed a greater number of very slow responses than individuals with better sustained attention. Importantly, this relationship was obtained both for the production of single phrases while performing a nonlinguistic manual task, and the production of noun phrase conjunctions in referring to two spatially separated objects. Inhibition and updating abilities were also measured. These scores did not correlate with our measure of sustained attention, suggesting that sustained attention and executive control are distinct. Overall, the results suggest that planning conjoined noun phrases involves sustained attention, and that language production happens less automatically than has often been assumed.  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive patients presenting in a general practice with dyspepsia were studied. Each patient was referred for a combined barium-meal examination and cholecystogram, followed by fibreoptic endoscopy of the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Thirty patients had a specific lesion of the upper digestive tract and a further four had gall-bladder disease; of these, 16 required surgical treatment. Endoscopy in the remaining 16 patients showed nine with mucosal abnormalities, leaving only seven patients to be classified as normal.The advantage of having an endoscopy service to supplement radiological investigation of dyspepsia is shown.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Flamingos (Aves, Phoenicopteridae) represent an ancientlineage of long-legged, microphagous, colonial wading birds.Although often perceived as tropical, flamingo distributionis more closely tied to the great deserts of the world, andto hypersaline sites, than it is to equatorial regions. Manyaspects of flamingo behavior and ecology can be studied in captivity.Experimental studies involving captive birds, when combinedwith observational studies of free-ranging birds, offer researchersopportunities to address questions that are unanswerable withfield work alone. Zoo populations of flamingos are prime candidatesfor such studies. Here, we use samples of our own work to illustrate the synergisticeffects of combining zoo and field research. Our first exampledescribes how studies of salt tolerance in captive birds areplaying a key role in assessing the impact of salt as an ecologicaldeterminant of flamingo distribution. Our second example describeshow aggression and dominance interactions affect the feedingbehavior of flamingos. We assess the implications of this researchin terms of both avicultural practices and the fundamental ecologyof the birds. We believe that similar collaborations involvingother zoo animals would yield comparatively productive results.  相似文献   

This study used a proportion congruency manipulation in the Stroop task in order to investigate, at the behavioral and brain substrate levels, the predictions derived from the Dual Mechanisms of Control (DMC) account of two distinct modes of cognitive control depending on the task context. Three experimental conditions were created that varied the proportion congruency: mostly incongruent (MI), mostly congruent (MC), and mostly neutral (MN) contexts. A reactive control strategy, which corresponds to transient interference resolution processes after conflict detection, was expected for the rare conflicting stimuli in the MC context, and a proactive strategy, characterized by a sustained task-relevant focus prior to the occurrence of conflict, was expected in the MI context. Results at the behavioral level supported the proactive/reactive distinction, with the replication of the classic proportion congruent effect (i.e., less interference and facilitation effects in the MI context). fMRI data only partially supported our predictions. Whereas reactive control for incongruent trials in the MC context engaged the expected fronto-parietal network including dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex, proactive control in the MI context was not associated with any sustained lateral prefrontal cortex activations, contrary to our hypothesis. Surprisingly, incongruent trials in the MI context elicited transient activation in common with incongruent trials in the MC context, especially in DLPFC, superior parietal lobe, and insula. This lack of sustained activity in MI is discussed in reference to the possible involvement of item-specific rather than list-wide mechanisms of control in the implementation of a high task-relevant focus.  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are integral membrane proteins involved in a wide variety of biological processes in eukaryotic cells, and are targeted by a large fraction of marketed drugs. GPCR kinases (GRKs) play important roles in feedback regulation of GPCRs, such as of β-adrenergic receptors in the heart, where GRK2 and GRK5 are the major isoforms expressed. Membrane targeting is essential for GRK function in cells. Whereas GRK2 is recruited to the membrane by heterotrimeric Gβγ subunits, the mechanism of membrane binding by GRK5 is not fully understood. It has been proposed that GRK5 is constitutively associated with membranes through elements located at its N-terminus, its C-terminus, or both. The membrane orientation of GRK5 is also a matter of speculation. In this work, we combined sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) to help determine the membrane orientation of GRK5 and a C-terminally truncated mutant (GRK51-531) on membrane lipid bilayers. It was found that GRK5 and GRK51-531 adopt a similar orientation on model cell membranes in the presence of PIP2 that is similar to that predicted for GRK2 in prior studies. Mutation of the N-terminal membrane binding site of GRK5 did not eliminate membrane binding, but prevented observation of this discrete orientation. The C-terminus of GRK5 does not have substantial impact on either membrane binding or orientation in this model system. Thus, the C-terminus of GRK5 may drive membrane binding in cells via interactions with other proteins at the plasma membrane or bind in an unstructured manner to negatively charged membranes.  相似文献   

In France, Bacillus anthracis subgroup B2 strains do not metabolize starch or glycogen but can use gluconate, whereas subgroup A1 strains show the inverse pattern. Functional genetic analysis revealed that mutations in the amyS and gntK genes encoding an alpha-amylase and a gluconate kinase, respectively, were responsible for these phenotypes.Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax, is a gram-positive, aerobic soil bacterium. Multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis of a collection of French isolates shows that the main groups of B. anthracis groups A (subgroup A1) and B (subgroup B2) described worldwide are represented (1, 2). Subgroup B2 isolates are the most common isolates in France and are found particularly in southern mountain regions, but they are extremely rare elsewhere in the world. Biochemical characterization of French isolates indicates that subgroup A1 and B2 strains have different carbohydrate utilization patterns (P. Vaissaire, A. Fouet, K. L. Smith, C. Keys, C. Le Doujet, P. Sylvestre, M. Levy, P. Keim, and M. Mock, presented at the 5th International Conference on Anthrax and 3rd International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Bacillus cereus, B. anthracis and B. thuringiensis, 30 March to 3 April 2003, Nice, France). French subgroup A1 strains metabolize starch and glycogen but not gluconate, and the inverse is true for subgroup B2 strains. The genomes of several B. anthracis strains are available on the NCBI website (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/), and two of these strains, Ames and CNEVA, are representative of groups A and B, respectively. We compared the genomic sequences of Ames and CNEVA to identify mutations that may affect metabolic activities involved in the phenotypic differences.The Kegg pathway database (http://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway.html) was used to select enzyme activities involved in the metabolic pathways for starch, glycogen, and gluconate. BLAST analysis of the corresponding open reading frame in the Ames (subgroup A3) and CNEVA (subgroup B2) genomes was then used to identify the selected genes that were interrupted or mutated. The functions and localizations of these open reading frames were then investigated with the Pfam (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/), CDD (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/cdd/cdd.shtml), SMART (http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/), SignalP (http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/SignalP/), and TMHMM (http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/TMHMM-2.0/) search programs. A single-base deletion in the amyS gene (BA3551) encoding an alpha-amylase linked to starch and glycogen metabolism was found in the CNEVA genome. The wild-type AmyS protein contains 513 amino acids, and its predicted molecular mass is 58.4 kDa. In subgroup B2, there is a frameshift due to deletion of an adenosine in the 7th position of the nucleotide sequence that leads to a premature stop codon in the 13th position. In the Ames genome, a single-base substitution was found in the gntK gene (BA0162) encoding a gluconate kinase linked to gluconate metabolism. The predicted wild-type GntK protein contains 511 amino acids, and its predicted molecular mass is 56.7 kDa. The mutation identified is a cytosine-to-adenosine substitution at position 530 of the nucleotide sequence that leads to a premature stop codon at amino acid position 176. We confirmed the presence of these two mutations in the other B. anthracis subgroup genomes accessible in the NCBI unfinished microbial genome database and sequenced 12 isolates with various genotypes belonging to subgroups A1 and B2 (6 isolates in each subgroup) originating from outbreaks that occurred in different regions of France over the last 15 years. These analyses revealed that the deletion in amyS is restricted to strains belonging to group B subgroups, whereas the substitution in gntK is restricted to strains belonging to group A subgroups. The mutations identified in amyS and gntK both result in premature stop codons that lead to a loss of the enzymatic activities and may thus account for the observed phenotypic differences between subgroup A1 and B2 strains. We therefore focused on these two genes and used French strains 9602R and RA3R belonging to subgroups A1 and B2, respectively, for further analysis.  相似文献   

Carbamylcholine stimulated phospholipase C activity in astrocytes in primary culture from the mesencephalon but not from the striatum or cerebral cortex of the mouse embryo. An alpha 1-adrenergic-mediated response was observed in all astrocyte populations. 2-Chloroadenosine potentiated the alpha 1-adrenergic response in mesencephalic and striatal astrocytes but not in cortical astrocytes. It also stimulated the carbamylcholine-evoked response in mesencephalic astrocytes. Through cell-cell cooperation, 2-chloroadenosine potentiated the neuronal carbamylcholine-evoked activation of phospholipase C in homotopic cocultures (neuro-glial) from the striatum but not in homotopic cocultures (neuro-glial) from the cerebral cortex or in heterotopic cocultures (cortical astrocytes-striatal neurons; striatal astrocytes-cortical neurons.  相似文献   

Object of the study was the variability of social behavior and organization in female guinea pigs as a function of the presence of a male. Four groups of 8 females were observed. Two of these groups were without a male, the other two had a sexually experienced, sterilized male. All females were about 20 d old at the beginning of the study. In the groups without a male the females formed clear and stable dominance relationships resulting in a linear rank order. The frequency of agonistic behavior was higher compared to the other groups. Some of these females displayed male-like courtship behavior. Among the females in the groups with a male only the alpha and omega positions were stable, while the dominance relations between the other females remained unstable. These females directed about 40–50 % of their contact behavior towards the male. In relation to the presence or absence of a male the females differed in their social orientation: those who lived with a male were strongly orientated towards it, those living without a male were strongly oriented towards each other. The hypothesis is put forward, that the females in the two situations differed in their motivational states. For the females living with a male this animal was a stable point of social reference, while for the females living without a male their stable dominance structure — with more agonistic behavior — was the most important stabilizing factor.  相似文献   

The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is widely used in investigations of decision making. A growing number of studies have linked performance on this task to personality differences, with the aim of explaining the large degree of variability in healthy individuals'' performance of the task. However, this line of research has yielded inconsistent results. In the present study, we tested whether increasing the conflict between short-term and long-term gains in the IGT can clarify personality-related modulations of decision making. We assessed performance on the original IGT as a function of the personality traits typically involved in risky decision making (i.e., impulsivity, sensation seeking, sensitivity to reward and punishment). The impact of these same personality traits was also evaluated on a modified version of the task in which the difference in immediate reward magnitude between disadvantageous and advantageous decks was increased, while keeping the net gain fixed. The results showed that only in this latter IGT variant were highly impulsive individuals and high sensation seekers lured into making disadvantageous choices. The opposite seems to be the case for participants who were highly sensitive to punishment, although further data are needed to corroborate this finding. The present preliminary results suggest that the IGT variant used in this study could be more effective than the original task at identifying personality effects in decision making. Implications for dispositional and situational effects on decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

Glucose-averse (Glu/Glu) male German cockroaches, Blattella germanica, rejected brief exposures to glucose solutions despite food deprivation so extreme as to cause high mortality. In the 24-h period following 5 days of food deprivation, both Glu/Glu and wild-type (+/+) were given a continuous source of 1 M glucose solution. Although Glu/Glu visited the solution as frequently as +/+, feeding bouts were significantly shorter. These truncated feeding bouts were sufficient to extend Glu/Glu longevity to ca. 80 days, regardless of glucose concentration. When provided continuously, the glucose was completely rejected by Glu/Glu for the first 3 days. However, by day 9, glucose intake levels were similar to those of wild-type cockroaches. The initial feeding lag probably accounted for the lower long-term survival of the Glu/Glu vs the +/+ strain. Under the stress of food deprivation, glucose-averse B. germanica modify their feeding behavior toward glucose like many phytophagous insects provided non-host plants in no-choice situations.  相似文献   

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