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Background and Aims

DNA sequence similarities and hybridization patterns in Trifolium (clovers) section Trifoliastrum suggest that rapid radiation from a common ancestral source led to this complex of diverse species distributed across Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Two of the most geographically and ecologically divergent of these species are the rhizomatous T. ambiguum from high altitudes in eastern Europe and western Asia and the stoloniferous T. occidentale from sea level in western Europe. Attempts were made to hybridize these species to ascertain whether, despite this separation, gene flow could be achieved, indicating the retention of the genetic factors necessary for hybridization.


Three F1 hybrids formed after embryo rescue were described, characterized by conventional and molecular cytogenetics, subjected to fertility tests and progeny generations were developed.

Results and Conclusions

Partially fertile hybrids between Trifolium ambiguum and T. occidentale were obtained for the first time. The F1 hybrids produced seeds after open-pollination, and also produced triploid progeny in backcrosses to T. occidentale from the functioning of unreduced gametes in the hybrids. These plants were fertile and produced progeny with T. occidentale and with T. repens. Meiotic chromosome pairing in the F1 showed six to eight bivalents per pollen mother cell, indicating pairing between the parental genomes. A chromosome-doubled form of one hybrid, produced using colchicine, showed some multivalents, indicative of interspecific chromosome pairing. The hybrid plants were robust and combined phenotypic characteristics of both species, having stolons, thick roots and a few rhizomes. Results show that despite separation by the entire breadth of Europe, the speciation process is incomplete, and these taxa have partially retained most of the genetic compatibilities needed for hybridization (possibly except for endosperm development, which was not tested). The fertile progeny populations could lead to new clover breeding strategies based on new hybrid forms.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among eight populations of domesticated carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), a species with a partially duplicated genome, were studied using 12 microsatellites and 505 AFLP bands. The populations included three aquacultured carp strains and five ornamental carp (koi) variants. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) was used as an outgroup. AFLP-based gene diversity varied from 5% (grass carp) to 32% (koi) and reflected the reasonably well understood histories and breeding practices of the populations. A large fraction of the molecular variance was due to differences between aquacultured and ornamental carps. Further analyses based on microsatellite data, including cluster analysis and neighbor-joining trees, supported the genetic distinctiveness of aquacultured and ornamental carps, despite the recent divergence of the two groups. In contrast to what was observed for AFLP-based diversity, the frequency of heterozygotes based on microsatellites was comparable among all populations. This discrepancy can potentially be explained by duplication of some loci in Cyprinus carpio L., and a model that shows how duplication can increase heterozygosity estimates for microsatellites but not for AFLP loci is discussed. Our analyses in carp can help in understanding the consequences of genotyping duplicated loci and in interpreting discrepancies between dominant and co-dominant markers in species with recent genome duplication.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out near Zürich (Switzerland) to determine the yield of symbiotically fixed nitrogen (15N dilution) from white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) and from red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) grown with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). A zero N fertilizer treatment was compared to a 30 kg N/ha per cut regime (90 to 150 kg ha−1 annually). The annual yield of clover N derived from symbiosis averaged 131 kg ha−1 (49 to 227 kg) without N fertilization and 83 kg ha−1 (21 to 173 kg) with 30 kg of fertilizer N ha−1 per cut in the seeding year. Values for the first production year were 308 kg ha−1 (268 to 373 kg) without N fertilization and 232 kg ha−1 (165 to 305 kg) with 30 kg fertilizer N ha−1 per cut. The variation between years was associated mainly with the proportion of clover in the mixtures. Apparent clover-to-grass transfer of fixed N contributed up to 52 kg N ha−1 per year (17 kg N ha−1 on average) to the N yield of the mixtures. Percentage N derived from symbiosis averaged 75% for white and 86% for red clover. These percentages were affected only slightly by supplemental nitrogen, but declined markedly during late summer for white clover. It is concluded that the annual yield of symbiotically fixed N from clover/grass mixtures can be very high, provided that the proportion of clover in the mixtures exceeds 50% of total dry mass yield.  相似文献   

李霓  蒋严妃  苏雪  陈纹  张辉  孙坤 《广西植物》2016,36(5):557-563
该研究利用SSR分子标记,对肋果沙棘(Hippophae neurocarpa)分布区北缘青海祁连地区5个自然居群进行分析,旨在了解小地理尺度下肋果沙棘北缘居群的遗传多样性和片段化分布居群的遗传结构,为肋果沙棘居群的资源保护提供了依据。采用6对微卫星引物对107个样本DNA进行扩增,共检测到27个等位变异,变幅为2~9个,平均每个位点有4.67个,平均观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.142和0.230,Shannon信息指数(I)的变幅介于0.280~0.567之间,平均值为0.374,说明肋果沙棘北缘居群的遗传多样性较为丰富。遗传分化系数Fst=0.483,分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明肋果沙棘有48.33%的变异存在于居群间,51.67%存在于居群内。对5个居群之间的遗传距离与地理距离做Mental检验,结果表明遗传距离与地理距离相关性不显著,对基因流检测发现居群间的Nm为0.328,推测遗传漂变是居群分化的关键因素之一。Structure分析把5个居群分为2组。UPGMA聚类分析表明5个居群聚为2个分支,其中居群ARX为单独的一支,与主坐标分析的结果一致。基于分布区北缘青海祁连肋果沙棘自然居群的遗传结构分析,建议应尽可能多地保护不同的地方居群。  相似文献   

House sparrow (Passer domesticus) populations have suffered major declines in urban as well as rural areas, while remaining relatively stable in suburban ones. Yet, to date no exhaustive attempt has been made to examine how, and to what extent, spatial variation in population demography is reflected in genetic population structuring along contemporary urbanization gradients. Here we use putatively neutral microsatellite loci to study if and how genetic variation can be partitioned in a hierarchical way among different urbanization classes. Principal coordinate analyses did not support the hypothesis that urban/suburban and rural populations comprise two distinct genetic clusters. Comparison of F(ST) values at different hierarchical scales revealed drift as an important force of population differentiation. Redundancy analyses revealed that genetic structure was strongly affected by both spatial variation and level of urbanization. The results shown here can be used as baseline information for future genetic monitoring programmes and provide additional insights into contemporary house sparrow dynamics along urbanization gradients.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Two closely related, wild tomato-like nightshade species, Solanum lycopersicoides and Solanum sitiens, inhabit a small area within the Atacama Desert region of Peru and Chile. Each species possesses unique traits, including abiotic and biotic stress tolerances, and can be hybridized with cultivated tomato. Conservation and utilization of these tomato relatives would benefit from an understanding of genetic diversity and relationships within and between populations.


Levels of genetic diversity and population genetic structure were investigated by genotyping representative accessions of each species with a set of simple sequence repeat (SSR) and allozyme markers.

Key Results

As expected for self-incompatible species, populations of S. lycopersicoides and S. sitiens were relatively diverse, but contained less diversity than the wild tomato Solanum chilense, a related allogamous species native to this region. Populations of S. lycopersicoides were slightly more diverse than populations of S. sitiens according to SSRs, but the opposite trend was found with allozymes. A higher coefficient of inbreeding was noted in S. sitiens. A pattern of isolation by distance was evident in both species, consistent with the highly fragmented nature of the populations in situ. The populations of each taxon showed strong geographical structure, with evidence for three major groups, corresponding to the northern, central and southern elements of their respective distributions.


This information should be useful for optimizing regeneration strategies, for sampling of the populations for genes of interest, and for guiding future in situ conservation efforts.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The Mediterranean Basin is one of the most important regions for the Earth''s plant biodiversity; however, the scarcity of studies on fine scale patterns of genetic variation in this region is striking. Here, an assessment is made of the spatial genetic structure of all known locations of the three Sardinian endemic species of Aquilegia in order to determine the relative roles of gene flow and genetic drift as underlying evolutionary forces canalizing the divergence of Sardinian Aquilegia taxa, and to see if the spatial genetic structure found fits the current taxonomic differentiation of these taxa.


DNA from 89 individuals from all known locations of Aquilegia across Sardinia was analysed by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Both principal co-ordinates analysis (PCoA) and Bayesian clustering analyses were used to determine the spatial genetic structure irrespective of any taxonomic affiliation. Historical effects of gene flow and genetic drift were assessed by checking for the existence of isolation-by-distance patterns.

Key Results

STRUCTURE and PCoA analyses revealed a pattern of genetic variation geographically structured into four spatial genetic groups. No migration–drift equilibrium was detected for Aquilegia in Sardinia, when analysed either as a whole or in individual groups. The scenario approached a Case III pattern sensu Hutchinson and Templeton, which is associated with extreme isolation conditions where genetic drift has historically played a dominant role over gene flow.


The pattern of genetic variation of Sardinian taxa of Aquilegia indicates that genetic drift has been historically more influential than gene flow on population structure of Sardinian species of Aquilegia. Limited seed dispersal and divergent selection imposed by habitat conditions have been probably the main causes reinforcing post-Pleistocene geographical isolation of Aquilegia populations. The spatial genetic structure found here is not fully compatible with current taxonomic affiliations of Sardinian Aquilegia taxa. This is probably a consequence of the uncoupling between morphological and genetic patterns of differentiation frequently found in recently radiated taxa.  相似文献   

For a study of diversity and genetic structuring in Melipona quadrifasciata, 61 colonies were collected in eight locations in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. By means of PCR analysis, 119 ISSR bands were obtained, 80 (68%) being polymorphic. He and H B were 0.20 and 0.16, respectively. Two large groups were obtained by the UPGMA method, one formed by individuals from Januária, Urucuia, Rio Vermelho and Caeté and the other by individuals from São João Del Rei, Barbacena, Ressaquinha and Cristiano Otoni. The Φst and θB values were 0.65 and 0.58, respectively, thereby indicating high population structuring. UPGMA grouping did not reveal genetic structuring of M. quadrifasciata in function of the tergite stripe pattern. The significant correlation between dissimilarity values and geographic distances (r = 0.3998; p < 0.05) implies possible geographic isolation. The genetic differentiation in population grouping was probably the result of an interruption in gene flow, brought about by geographic barriers between mutually close geographical locations. Our results also demonstrate the potential of ISSR markers in the study of Melipona quadrifasciata population structuring, possibly applicable to the studies of other bee species.  相似文献   

Six white clover genotypes and eight grass varieties belonging to four different species were grown both in monoculture and as grass-legume binary mixtures in dense swards for two years under a mowing regime and a management including N fertilization. Dry matter yield and yield-related traits were recorded to investigate some aspects of inter-specific interference in white clover-based mixtures and to define a methodology for selecting genotypes of this clover suited to conditions of association. Clover was at a competitive disadvantage in most mixtures. Differences among grasses for aggressiveness were related more to variety vigour than to species. Clover compatibility proved specific only in relation to grass vigour. Variation among clovers for tolerance to competitive stress involved significant cross-over interactions passing from monoculture to severe stress conditions for clover yield and other traits, and was related positively to stolon density and negatively to yield and leaf gigantism traits recorded in monoculture. Clover selection for high levels of competitive stress seems possible either by genotype assessment in stress conditions or by a combination of high yield and stolon density assessed in monoculture.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether environmental heterogeneity contributes to the genetic heterogeneity in Anopheles triannulatus, larval habitat characteristics across the Brazilian states of Roraima and Pará and genetic sequences were examined. A comparison with Anopheles goeldii was utilised to determine whether high genetic diversity was unique to An. triannulatus. Student t test and analysis of variance found no differences in habitat characteristics between the species. Analysis of population structure of An. triannulatus and An. goeldii revealed distinct demographic histories in a largely overlapping geographic range. Cytochrome oxidase I sequence parsimony networks found geographic clustering for both species; however nuclear marker networks depicted An. triannulatus with a more complex history of fragmentation, secondary contact and recent divergence. Evidence of Pleistocene expansions suggests both species are more likely to be genetically structured by geographic and ecological barriers than demography. We hypothesise that niche partitioning is a driving force for diversity, particularly in An. triannulatus.  相似文献   

薄叶金花茶、小花金花茶和小瓣金花茶是三种濒危金花茶植物,为了解珍稀濒危植物遗传多样性和遗传结构,该研究利用微卫星标记对他们的7个种群共184个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。结果表明:11个位点共检测到等位基因92个。在物种水平上,小瓣金花茶平均等位基因数(N_A)为3.9、有效等位基因数(N_E)为2.328、观测杂合度(H_o)为0.520、期望杂合度(H_e)为0.501,高于薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶。在种群水平上,有效等位基因数(N_E)在1.788~2.466之间,期望杂合度(H_e)在0.379~0.543之间;种群间遗传分化系数(FST)在0.143 7~0.453 3之间,种群间基因流(N_m)在0.301 5~1.488 9之间。AMOVA分子变异分析显示65.72%的变异存在于种群内。三种金花茶具有较低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的种群间遗传分化。STRUCTURE和PCoA种群遗传结构分析结果将取样种群分为2组,即薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶大部分个体分为一组,小瓣金花茶大部分个体分为一组。现存所有种群应根据实际情况尽快采取就地保护或迁地保护措施。  相似文献   

Population genetic studies carried out on penaeid shrimps have disclosed different patterns of population subdivision, revealing new aspects of shrimp biology as well as the effects of historical contingency molding those patterns. However, the stability of observed allele frequencies over time still remains untested. The objective of this article is to show the analysis of the temporal variation of allozymes in a shrimp species inhabiting Cuba which proves that the genetic structure of this species could significantly change in time. The study involves four populations of Farfantepenaeus notialis sampled in a period of 8 years. The significant statistics obtained from partitions observed in 1995 were not detected in 2003 (as suggested by AMOVA and F(ST)), whereas temporal genetic differentiation and heterozygosity became highly significant. The results strongly suggest that the effect of migrations could be the cause for the loss of F. notialis genetic structure in 2003. It is therefore imperative to call attention on the vulnerability of these populations when facing unstable environmental and habitat conditions.  相似文献   

We report an improved method for white clover (Trifolium repens) transformation usingAgrobacterium tumefaciens. High efficiencies of transgenic plant production were achieved using cotyledons of imbibed mature seed. Transgenic plants were recovered routinely from over 50% of treated cotyledons. Thebar gene and phosphinothricin selection was shown to be a more effective selection system thannptII (kanamycin selection) oraadA (spectinomycin selection). White clover was transformed with the soybean auxin responsive promoter, GH3, fused to the GUS gene (-glucuronidase) to study the involvement of auxin in root development. Analysis of 12 independent transgenic plants showed that the location and pattern of GUS expression was consistent but the levels of expression varied. The level of GH3:GUS expression in untreated plants was enhanced specifically by auxin-treatment but the pattern of expression was not altered. Expression of the GH3:GUS fusion was not enhanced by other phytohormones. A consistent GUS expression pattern was evident in untreated plants presumably in response to endogenous auxin or to differences in auxin sensitivity in various clover tissues. In untreated plants, the pattern of GH3:GUS expression was consistent with physiological responses which are regarded as being auxin-mediated. For the first time it is shown that localised spots of GH3:GUS activity occurred in root cortical tissue opposite the sites where lateral roots subsequently were initiated. Newly formed lateral roots grew towards and through these islands of GH3:GUS expression, implying the importance of auxin in controlling lateral root development. Similarly, it is demonstrated for the first time that gravistimulated roots developed a rapid (within 1 h) induction of GH3:GUS activity in tissues on the non-elongating side of the responding root and this induction occurred concurrently with root curvature. These transgenic plants could be useful tools in determining the physiological and biochemical changes that occur during auxin-mediated responses.  相似文献   

Barley is a major cereal grown widely and used in several food products, beverage production and animal fodder. Genetic diversity is a key component in breeding programs. We have analyzed the genetic diversity of barley accessions using microsatellite markers. The accessions were composed of wild and domesticated barley representing genotypes from six countries and three breeding programs in Brazil. A total of 280 alleles were detected, 36 unique to Brazilian barley. The marker Bmag120 showed the greatest polymorphism information content (PIC), with the highest mean value found on chromosome three, and the lowest on chromosomes four and six. The wild accessions presented the highest diversity followed by the foreign genotypes. Genetic analysis was performed using Principal Coordinates Analysis, UPGMA clustering, and Bayesian clustering analysis implemented in Structure. All results obtained by the different methods were similar. Loss of genetic diversity has occurred in Brazilian genotypes. The number of alleles detected in genotypes released in 1980s was higher, whereas most of the cultivars released thereafter showed lower PIC and clustered in separate subgroups from the older cultivars. The use of a more diverse panel of genotypes should be considered in order to exploit novel alleles in Brazilian barley breeding programs.  相似文献   

Ledgard  S.F.  Sprosen  M.S.  Penno  J.W.  Rajendram  G.S. 《Plant and Soil》2001,229(2):177-187
Effects of rate of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and stocking rate on production and N2 fixation by white clover (Trifolium repens L.) grown with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were determined over 5 years in farmlets near Hamilton, New Zealand. Three farmlets carried 3.3 dairy cows ha–1 and received urea at 0, 200 or 400 kg N ha–1 yr–1 in 8–10 split applications. A fourth farmlet received 400 kg N ha–1 yr–1 and had 4.4 cows ha–1.There was large variation in annual clover production and total N2 fixation, which in the 0 N treatment ranged from 9 to 20% clover content in pasture and from 79 to 212 kg N fixed ha–1 yr–1. Despite this variation, total pasture production in the 0 N treatment remained at 75–85% of that in the 400 N treatments in all years, due in part to the moderating effect of carry-over of fixed N between years.Fertilizer N application decreased the average proportion of clover N derived from N2 fixation (PN; estimated by 15N dilution) from 77% in the 0 N treatment to 43–48% in the 400 N treatments. The corresponding average total N2 fixation decreased from 154 kg N ha–1 yr–1 to 39–53 kg N ha–1 yr–1. This includes N2 fixation in clover tissue below grazing height estimated at 70% of N2 fixation in above grazing height tissue, based on associated measurements, and confirmed by field N balance calculations. Effects of N fertilizer on clover growth and N2 fixation were greatest in spring and summer. In autumn, the 200 N treatment grew more clover than the 0 N treatment and N2 fixation was the same. This was attributed to more severe grazing during summer in the 0 N treatment, resulting in higher surface soil temperatures and a deleterious effect on clover stolons.In the 400 N treatments, a 33% increase in cow stocking rate tended to decrease PN from 48 to 43% due to more N cycling in excreta, but resulted in up to 2-fold more clover dry matter and N2 fixation because lower pasture mass reduced grass competition, particularly during spring.  相似文献   

Population structure of many marine organisms is spatially patchy and varies within and between years, a phenomenon defined as chaotic genetic patchiness. This results from the combination of planktonic larval dispersal and environmental stochasticity. Additionally, in species with bi‐partite life, postsettlement selection can magnify these genetic differences. The high fecundity (up to 500,000 eggs annually) and protracted larval duration (12–24 months) and dispersal of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, make it a good test species for chaotic genetic patchiness and selection during early benthic life. Here, we used double digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to investigate chaotic genetic patchiness and postsettlement selection in this species. We assessed differences in genetic structure and diversity of recently settled pueruli across four settlement years and between two sites in southeast Australia separated by approximately 1,000 km. Postsettlement selection was investigated by identifying loci under putative positive selection between recently settled pueruli and postpueruli and quantifying differences in the magnitude and strength of the selection at each year and site. Genetic differences within and among sites through time in neutral SNP markers indicated chaotic genetic patchiness. Recently settled puerulus at the southernmost site exhibited lower genetic diversity during years of low puerulus catches, further supporting this hypothesis. Finally, analyses of outlier SNPs detected fluctuations in the magnitude and strength of the markers putatively under positive selection over space and time. One locus under putative positive selection was consistent at both locations during the same years, suggesting the existence of weak postsettlement selection.  相似文献   

台湾海峡鲐鱼种群遗传结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张丽艳  苏永全  王航俊  王军 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7097-7103
以往研究表明,台湾海峡的鲐鱼分属2个地理种群,即东海种群和闽南——粤东地方种群.为研究这2个种群的遗传结构,对鲐鱼闽东(30尾)和闽南(30尾)种群进行了AFLP分析,8对选择性引物在2个种群60个个体中,共扩增出497个位点,其中多态位点343个.闽东和闽南种群的多态位点比例、Nei遗传多样性指数和Shannon遗传多样性指数分别为57.75%、64.59%,0.1779、0.2123,0.2725和0.3228,2个种群的遗传多样性处于同一水平.与其他鱼类对比显示,台湾海峡鲐鱼种群的遗传多样性水平高.生境广及生命周期短被认为是台湾海峡鲐鱼具有较高遗传变异水平的原因;基因分化系数Gst、Shannon遗传多样性指数和AMOVA分析均显示鲐鱼的遗传变异主要来源于种群内,而种群间无明显的遗传分化.Nm显示2个种群间基因交流频繁.种群的显性基因型频率分布显示2个种群有基本相同的种群遗传结构.结果表明,鲐鱼闽东和闽南种群间无明显的遗传差异.幼体较强的扩散能力、海洋环流及洄游特性可能是造成台湾海峡鲐鱼种群间遗传同质性较高的原因.  相似文献   

The history of population size and migration patterns leaves its mark in the genetics of populations. We investigate the genetic structure of the edible frog, Pelophylax esculentus in the Danish archipelago and adjacent countries. This frog is of particular interest because it is a hybrid that, in this area, forms all-hybrid populations of diploid (LR) and triploid (LLR and LRR) genomotypes with no (or very few) adults of the parental species (LL and RR). This study is the first to cover the entire geographic range of Danish, Swedish and German all-hybrid populations, documenting their extent and providing a broad picture of their diversity of neutral genetic markers and genomotype proportions. With 18 microsatellite markers, we found that genetic diversity declines northwards in agreement with the glacial refuge and central-marginal hypotheses; however, populations on small and medium-sized islands are no less diverse than those on large islands and continental peninsulas. Isolation by distance exists across the archipelago with limited influence of fragmentation by brackish seawater. The extremely low genetic diversity in all-hybrid populations, compared with adjacent populations, may be responsible for the maintenance of their special breeding system. We also show large variation among ponds in proportions of LLR, LR and LRR genomotypes, but little geographic pattern in their distribution. Instead, we found relationships between the genomotype proportions and some of 15 habitat parameters monitored. Body size differences among LLR, LR and LRR further suggest ecological differences.  相似文献   

Currently, there exists a limited knowledge on the extent of temporal variation in population genetic parameters of natural populations. Here, we study the extent of temporal variation in population genetics by genotyping 151 genome-wide SNP markers polymorphic in 466 individuals collected from nine populations of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana during 4 years. Populations are located along an altitudinal climatic gradient from Mediterranean to subalpine environments in NE Spain, which has been shown to influence key demographic attributes and life cycle adaptations. Genetically, A. thaliana populations were more variable across space than over time. Common multilocus genotypes were detected several years in the same population, whereas low-frequency multilocus genotypes appeared only 1 year. High-elevation populations were genetically poorer and more variable over time than low-elevation populations, which might be caused by a higher overall demographic instability at higher altitudes. Estimated effective population sizes were low but also showed a significant decreasing trend with increasing altitude, suggesting a deeper impact of genetic drift at high-elevation populations. In comparison with single-year samplings, repeated genotyping over time captured substantially higher amount of genetic variation contained in A. thaliana populations. Furthermore, repeated genotyping of populations provided novel information on the genetic properties of A. thaliana populations and allowed hypothesizing on their underlying mechanisms. Therefore, including temporal genotyping programmes into traditional population genetic studies can significantly increase our understanding of the dynamics of natural populations.  相似文献   

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