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The chaperone heat shock protein 90 (hsp90) associates with signaling proteins in cells including soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC). hsp90 associates with the heme-free (apo) sGC-β1 subunit and helps to drive heme insertion during maturation of sGC to its NO-responsive active form. Here, we found that NO caused apo-sGC-β1 to rapidly and transiently dissociate from hsp90 and associate with sGC-α1 in cells. This NO response (i) required that hsp90 be active and that cellular heme be available and be capable of inserting into apo-sGC-β1; (ii) was associated with an increase in sGC-β1 heme content; (iii) could be mimicked by the heme-independent sGC activator BAY 60-2770; and (iv) was followed by desensitization of sGC toward NO, sGC-α1 disassociation, and reassociation with hsp90. Thus, NO promoted a rapid, transient, and hsp90-dependent heme insertion into the apo-sGC-β1 subpopulation in cells, which enabled it to combine with the sGC-α1 subunit to form the mature enzyme. The driving mechanism likely involves conformational changes near the heme site in sGC-β1 that can be mimicked by the pharmacologic sGC activator. Such dynamic interplay between hsp90, apo-sGC-β1, and sGC-α1 in response to NO is unprecedented and represent new steps by which cells can modulate the heme content and activity of sGC for signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is the physiologically relevant activator of the mammalian hemoprotein soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC). The heme cofactor of α1β1 sGC has a high affinity for NO but has never been observed to form a complex with oxygen. Introduction of a key tyrosine residue in the sGC heme binding domain β1(1–385) is sufficient to produce an oxygen-binding protein, but this mutation in the full-length enzyme did not alter oxygen affinity. To evaluate ligand binding specificity in full-length sGC we mutated several conserved distal heme pocket residues (β1 Val-5, Phe-74, Ile-145, and Ile-149) to introduce a hydrogen bond donor in proximity to the heme ligand. We found that the NO coordination state, NO dissociation, and enzyme activation were significantly affected by the presence of a tyrosine in the distal heme pocket; however, the stability of the reduced porphyrin and the proteins affinity for oxygen were unaltered. Recently, an atypical sGC from Drosophila, Gyc-88E, was shown to form a stable complex with oxygen. Sequence analysis of this protein identified two residues in the predicted heme pocket (tyrosine and glutamine) that may function to stabilize oxygen binding in the atypical cyclase. The introduction of these residues into the rat β1 distal heme pocket (Ile-145 → Tyr and Ile-149 → Gln) resulted in an sGC construct that oxidized via an intermediate with an absorbance maximum at 417 nm. This absorbance maximum is consistent with globin FeII-O2 complexes and is likely the first observation of a FeII-O2 complex in the full-length α1β1 protein. Additionally, these data suggest that atypical sGCs stabilize O2 binding by a hydrogen bonding network involving tyrosine and glutamine.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component (mARC) proteins are molybdopterin-containing enzymes of unclear physiological function. Both human isoforms mARC-1 and mARC-2 are able to catalyze the reduction of nitrite when they are in the reduced form. Moreover, our results indicate that mARC can generate nitric oxide (NO) from nitrite when forming an electron transfer chain with NADH, cytochrome b5, and NADH-dependent cytochrome b5 reductase. The rate of NO formation increases almost 3-fold when pH was lowered from 7.5 to 6.5. To determine if nitrite reduction is catalyzed by molybdenum in the active site of mARC-1, we mutated the putative active site cysteine residue (Cys-273), known to coordinate molybdenum binding. NO formation was abolished by the C273A mutation in mARC-1. Supplementation of transformed Escherichia coli with tungsten facilitated the replacement of molybdenum in recombinant mARC-1 and abolished NO formation. Therefore, we conclude that human mARC-1 and mARC-2 are capable of catalyzing reduction of nitrite to NO through reaction with its molybdenum cofactor. Finally, expression of mARC-1 in HEK cells using a lentivirus vector was used to confirm cellular nitrite reduction to NO. A comparison of NO formation profiles between mARC and xanthine oxidase reveals similar Kcat and Vmax values but more sustained NO formation from mARC, possibly because it is not vulnerable to autoinhibition via molybdenum desulfuration. The reduction of nitrite by mARC in the mitochondria may represent a new signaling pathway for NADH-dependent hypoxic NO production.  相似文献   

Aldehyde oxidase (AO) is a cytosolic enzyme with an important role in drug and xenobiotic metabolism. Although AO has structural similarity to bacterial nitrite reductases, it is unknown whether AO-catalyzed nitrite reduction can be an important source of NO. The mechanism, magnitude, and quantitative importance of AO-mediated nitrite reduction in tissues have not been reported. To investigate this pathway and its quantitative importance, EPR spectroscopy, chemiluminescence NO analyzer, and immunoassays of cGMP formation were performed. The kinetics and magnitude of AO-dependent NO formation were characterized. In the presence of typical aldehyde substrates or NADH, AO reduced nitrite to NO. Kinetics of AO-catalyzed nitrite reduction followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics under anaerobic conditions. Under physiological conditions, nitrite levels are far below its measured Km value in the presence of either the flavin site electron donor NADH or molybdenum site aldehyde electron donors. Under aerobic conditions with the FAD site-binding substrate, NADH, AO-mediated NO production was largely maintained, although with aldehyde substrates oxygen-dependent inhibition was seen. Oxygen tension, substrate, and pH levels were important regulators of AO-catalyzed NO generation. From kinetic data, it was determined that during ischemia hepatic, pulmonary, or myocardial AO and nitrite levels were sufficient to result in NO generation comparable to or exceeding maximal production by constitutive NO synthases. Thus, AO-catalyzed nitrite reduction can be an important source of NO generation, and its NO production will be further increased by therapeutic administration of nitrite.  相似文献   

Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) produced from endothelial NO-synthase (eNOS) is one of the most important vasoprotective molecules in cardiovascular physiology. Dysfunctional eNOS such as uncoupling of eNOS leads to decrease in NO bioavailability and increase in superoxide anion (O2.−) production, and in turn promotes cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, appropriate measurement of NO and O2.− levels in the endothelial cells are pivotal for research on cardiovascular diseases and complications. Because of the extremely labile nature of NO and O2.−, it is difficult to measure NO and O2.− directly in a blood vessel. Numerous methods have been developed to measure NO and O2.− production. It is, however, either insensitive, or non-specific, or technically demanding and requires special equipment. Here we describe an adaption of the fluorescence dye method for en face simultaneous detection and visualization of intracellular NO and O2.− using the cell permeable diaminofluorescein-2 diacetate (DAF-2DA) and dihydroethidium (DHE), respectively, in intact aortas of an obesity mouse model induced by high-fat-diet feeding. We could demonstrate decreased intracellular NO and enhanced O2.− levels in the freshly isolated intact aortas of obesity mouse as compared to the control lean mouse. We demonstrate that this method is an easy technique for direct detection and visualization of NO and O2.− in the intact blood vessels and can be widely applied for investigation of endothelial (dys)function under (physio)pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase is an NO-sensing hemoprotein that serves as a NO receptor in NO-mediated signaling pathways. It has been believed that this enzyme displays no measurable affinity for O(2), thereby enabling the selective NO sensing in aerobic environments. Despite the physiological significance, the reactivity of the enzyme-heme for O(2) has not been examined in detail. In this paper we demonstrated that the high spin heme of the ferrous enzyme converted to a low spin oxyheme (Fe(2+)-O(2)) when frozen at 77 K in the presence of O(2). The ligation of O(2) was confirmed by EPR analyses using cobalt-substituted enzyme. The oxy form was produced also under solution conditions at -7 °C, with the extremely low affinity for O(2). The low O(2) affinity was not caused by a distal steric protein effect and by rupture of the Fe(2+)-proximal His bond as revealed by extended x-ray absorption fine structure. The midpoint potential of the enzyme-heme was +187 mV, which is the most positive among high spin protoheme-hemoproteins. This observation implies that the electron density of the ferrous heme iron is relatively low by comparison to those of other hemoproteins, presumably due to the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond. Based on our results, we propose that the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond is a key determinant for the low O(2) affinity of the heme moiety of soluble guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

通过RNA印迹分析和亚硝酸盐含量测定检查TNF-α、IL-1β和LPS对大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)基因表达及NO生成的影响.结果表明,TNF-α、IL-1β和LPS均能显著诱导VSMCiNOS基因表达和促进NO生成,其作用强度与浓度和作用时间有关;双因素(TNF-α+LPS,LPS+IL-1β)对诱导iNOS基因表达及NO生成产生协同作用.PolymyxinB和地塞米松可部分抑制TNF-α对iNOS基因表达的诱导作用及NO生成  相似文献   

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