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Multimodality imaging has emerged as a common technological approach used in both preclinical and clinical research. Advanced techniques that combine in vivo optical and μCT imaging allow the visualization of biological phenomena in an anatomical context. These imaging modalities may be especially useful to study conditions that impact bone. In particular, orthopaedic implant infections are an important problem in clinical orthopaedic surgery. These infections are difficult to treat because bacterial biofilms form on the foreign surgically implanted materials, leading to persistent inflammation, osteomyelitis and eventual osteolysis of the bone surrounding the implant, which ultimately results in implant loosening and failure. Here, a mouse model of an infected orthopaedic prosthetic implant was used that involved the surgical placement of a Kirschner-wire implant into an intramedullary canal in the femur in such a way that the end of the implant extended into the knee joint. In this model, LysEGFP mice, a mouse strain that has EGFP-fluorescent neutrophils, were employed in conjunction with a bioluminescent Staphylococcus aureus strain, which naturally emits light. The bacteria were inoculated into the knee joints of the mice prior to closing the surgical site. In vivo bioluminescent and fluorescent imaging was used to quantify the bacterial burden and neutrophil inflammatory response, respectively. In addition, μCT imaging was performed on the same mice so that the 3D location of the bioluminescent and fluorescent optical signals could be co-registered with the anatomical μCT images. To quantify the changes in the bone over time, the outer bone volume of the distal femurs were measured at specific time points using a semi-automated contour based segmentation process. Taken together, the combination of in vivo bioluminescent/fluorescent imaging with μCT imaging may be especially useful for the noninvasive monitoring of the infection, inflammatory response and anatomical changes in bone over time.  相似文献   

Both β-catenin and NF-κB have been implicated in our laboratory as candidate factors in driving proliferation in an in vivo model of Citrobacter rodentium (CR)-induced colonic crypt hyper-proliferation and hyperplasia. Herein, we test the hypothesis that β-catenin and not necessarily NF-κB regulates colonic crypt hyperplasia or tumorigenesis in response to CR infection. When C57Bl/6 wild type (WT) mice were infected with CR, sequential increases in proliferation at days 9 and 12 plateaued off at day 19 and paralleled increases in NF-κB signaling. In Tlr4−/− (KO) mice, a sequential but sustained proliferation which tapered off only marginally at day 19, was associated with TLR4-dependent and independent increases in NF-κB signaling. Similarly, increases in either activated or total β-catenin in the colonic crypts of WT mice as early as day 3 post-infection coincided with cyclinD1 and c-myc expression and associated crypt hyperplasia. In KO mice, a delayed kinetics associated predominantly with increases in non-phosphorylated (active) β-catenin coincided with increases in cyclinD1, c-myc and crypt hyperplasia. Interestingly, PKCζ-catalyzed Ser-9 phosphorylation and inactivation of GSK-3β and not loss of wild type APC protein accounted for β-catenin accumulation and nuclear translocation in either strain. In vitro studies with Wnt2b and Wnt5a further validated the interplay between the Wnt/β-catenin and NF-κB pathways, respectively. When WT or KO mice were treated with nanoparticle-encapsulated siRNA to β-catenin (si- β-Cat), almost complete loss of nuclear β-catenin coincided with concomitant decreases in CD44 and crypt hyperplasia without defects in NF-κB signaling. si-β-Cat treatment to Apc Min/+ mice attenuated CR-induced increases in β-catenin and CD44 that halted the growth of mutated crypts without affecting NF-κB signaling. The predominant β-catenin-induced crypt proliferation was further validated in a Castaneus strain (B6.CAST.11M) that exhibited significant crypt hyperplasia despite an attenuated NF-κB signaling. Thus, β-catenin and not necessarily NF-κB regulates crypt hyperplasia in response to bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of virus-specific memory lymphocytes can be used to identify factors and mechanisms involved in the clearance of persistent virus infections. To analyze the role of B cells in clearing persistent infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), we used B-cell-deficient μMT/μMT (B−/−) mice. B−/− mice controlled an acute LCMV infection with the same kinetics and efficiency as B-cell-competent (B+/+) mice via virus-specific, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). CTL from B−/− and B+/+ mice were equivalent in affinity to known LCMV CTL epitopes and had similar CTL precursor frequencies (pCTL). Adoptive transfer of memory cells from B+/+ mice led to virus clearance from persistently infected B+/+ recipients even after in vitro depletion of B cells, indicating that B cells or immunoglobulins are not required in the transfer population. In contrast, transfer of memory splenocytes from B−/− mice failed to clear virus. Control of virus was restored neither by transferring higher numbers of pCTL nor by supplementing B−/− memory splenocytes with LCMV-immune B cells or immune sera. Instead, B−/− mice were found to have a profound CD4 helper defect. Furthermore, compared to cultured splenocytes from B+/+ mice, those from B−/− mice secreted less gamma interferon (IFN-γ) and interleukin 2, with differences most pronounced for CD8 T cells. While emphasizing the importance of CD4 T-cell help and IFN-γ in the control of persistent infections, the CD4 T-helper and CD8 T-cell defects in B−/− mice suggest that B cells contribute to the induction of competent T effector cells.Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) have in general been associated with the resolution of both acute and chronic viral infections. As first shown by studies of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in mice, its natural host, a critical component of immune responses to virus infection is the induction of virus-specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-restricted CTL (reviewed in reference 14). Evidence that these cells can curtail acute viral infections and clear virus and viral genetic material from sera, peripheral blood leukocytes, and infected tissues came from adoptive transfer of LCMV memory CTL into mice persistently infected with LCMV (1, 25, 33, 47, 53).Studies with humans have correlated the presence of CTL with the control of acute infection and clearance of virus and the absence of CTL activity with persistent viral infections. Hence, humans with genetic deficiencies in the humoral compartment of the immune system but with an intact T-cell compartment overcome most viral infections and display immunological memory when challenged or reinfected with the same virus. For example, agammaglobulinemic children recover from acute measles infection as well as do fully immunocompetent individuals and resist reinfection (23). In contrast, individuals with genetic or acquired defects in the T-cell compartment generally cannot control viral infections. Similarly, activity of CTL specific for hepatitis B virus (HBV) is associated with control of acute HBV infection; in the absence of CTL, HBV persists (39). Additionally, anti-HIV CTL dramatically decrease the load of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in infected patients, whereas loss of CTL function is accompanied by regress from a relatively healthy clinical stage to AIDS or rapid development of disease after HIV infection (9, 32). Finally, diminished or missing CTL responses to human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) facilitate HCMV disease in individuals undergoing bone marrow transplantation (40). Adoptive transfer of HCMV MHC-restricted CTL into such patients prevented CMV viremia or CMV disease (55). Thus, understanding the requirements for initiation and maintenance of CTL activity is essential.Earlier, we and others documented the requirement for CD4 T-cell help (5, 16, 29, 48) and gamma interferon (IFN-γ) (48) in maintaining sufficient CTL activity in vivo and resolution of a chronic LCMV infection. Here, we evaluate the role of B lymphocytes in this process. Under the appropriate signals, B lymphocytes can differentiate into plasma cells to function as antibody-secreting cells. Trapping of antibody-antigen complexes as well as processing of antigen and peptide presentation within the MHC complex allows B cells to also function as antigen-presenting cells (APC) to T cells (22). Furthermore, B cells release numerous growth factors and cytokines that regulate immune responses (44).To ascertain the role of B lymphocytes in the clearance of both acute and persistent LCMV infections, we used μMT/μMT B-cell-deficient (B−/−) mice which lack functional B cells and antibody. Earlier studies showed that CD8 T cells from these mice were capable of controlling an acute LCMV infection and that there was no defect in generating CTL precursors (3). Our results confirm and expand these findings. We demonstrate that while adoptive transfer of memory cells from B+/+ mice easily clears infectious virus and viral material in an MHC-matched persistently infected recipient, transfer of similar cells from B−/− mice does not. However, failure to terminate the persistent infection does not result from absence of B cells in the transfer population. Apparently, B−/− mice have a fundamental defect in CD4 helper function as well as a quantitative deficiency in IFN-γ and interleukin 2 (IL-2) preferentially produced by CD8 T cells after LCMV infection. These results emphasize the essential role for CD4 T-lymphocyte help and IFN-γ in achieving CTL activity necessary for clearing a persistent LCMV infection and point to an expanded role for B cells in the development and maintenance of CD4 and CD8 T-cell functions.  相似文献   

Following traumatic brain injury (TBI) neuroinflammatory processes promote neuronal cell loss. Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) is a neuropeptide with immunomodulatory properties, which may offer neuroprotection. Due to short half-life and pigmentary side-effects of α-MSH, the C-terminal tripeptide α-MSH(11–13) may be an anti-inflammatory alternative. The present study investigated the mRNA concentrations of the precursor hormone proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and of melanocortin receptors 1 and 4 (MC1R/MC4R) in naive mice and 15 min, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h after controlled cortical impact (CCI). Regulation of POMC and MC4R expression did not change after trauma, while MC1R levels increased over time with a 3-fold maximum at 12 h compared to naive brain tissue. The effect of α-MSH(11–13) on secondary lesion volume determined in cresyl violet stained sections (intraperitoneal injection 30 min after insult of 1 mg/kg α-MSH(11–13) or 0.9% NaCl) showed a considerable smaller trauma in α-MSH(11–13) injected mice. The expression of the inflammatory markers TNF-α and IL-1β as well as the total amount of Iba-1 positive cells were not reduced. However, cell branch counting of Iba-1 positive cells revealed a reduced activation of microglia. Furthermore, tripeptide injection reduced neuronal apoptosis analyzed by cleaved caspase-3 and NeuN staining. Based on the results single α-MSH(11–13) administration offers a promising neuroprotective property by modulation of inflammation and prevention of apoptosis after traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   



Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a key diagnostic and monitoring tool in multiple sclerosis (MS) management. However, many scientific uncertainties, especially concerning correlates to impairment and prognosis remain. Little is known about MS patients'' experiences, knowledge, attitudes, and unmet information needs concerning MRI.


We performed qualitative interviews (n = 5) and a survey (n = 104) with MS patients regarding MRI patient information, and basic MRI knowledge. Based on these findings an interactive training program of 2 hours was developed and piloted in n = 26 patients.


Interview analyses showed that patients often feel lost in the MRI scanner and left alone with MRI results and images while 90% of patients in the survey expressed a high interest in MRI education. Knowledge on MRI issues was fair with some important knowledge gaps. Major information interests were relevance of lesions as well as the prognostic and diagnostic value of MRI results. The education program was highly appreciated and resulted in a substantial knowledge increase. Patients reported that, based on the program, they felt more competent to engage in encounters with their physicians.


This work strongly supports the further development of an evidence-based MRI education program for MS patients to enhance participation in health-care.  相似文献   

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