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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seedlings of Acanthocarpus preissii are needed for coastal sand dune restoration in Western Australia. However, seeds of this Western Australian endemic have proven to be very difficult to germinate. The aims of this study were to define a dormancy-breaking protocol, identify time of suitable conditions for dormancy-break in the field and classify the type of seed dormancy in this species. METHODS: Viability, water-uptake (imbibition) and seed and embryo characteristics were assessed for seeds collected in 2003 and in 2004 from two locations. The effects of GA(3), smoke-water, GA(3) + smoke-water and warm stratification were tested on seed dormancy-break. In a field study, soil temperature and the moisture content of soil and buried seeds were monitored for 1 year. KEY RESULTS: Viability of fresh seeds was >90 %, and they had a fully developed, curved-linear embryo. Fresh seeds imbibed water readily, with mass increasing approx. 52 % in 4 d. Non-treated fresh seeds and those exposed to 1000 ppm GA(3), 1 : 10 (v/v) smoke-water/water or 1000 ppm GA(3) + 1 : 10 (v/v) smoke-water/water germinated <8 %. Fresh seeds germinated to >80 % when warm-stratified for at least 7 weeks at 18/33 degrees C and then moved to 7/18 degrees C, whereas seeds incubated continuously at 7/18 degrees C germinated to <20 %. CONCLUSIONS: Seeds of A. preisii have non-deep physiological dormancy that is released by a period of warm stratification. Autumn (March/April) is the most likely time for warm stratification of seeds of this species in the field. This is the first report of the requirement for warm stratification for dormancy release in seeds of an Australian species.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Seed dormancy enhances fitness by preventing seeds from germinating when the probability of seedling survival and recruitment is low. The onset of physical dormancy is sensitive to humidity during ripening; however, the implications of this mechanism for seed bank dynamics have not been quantified. This study proposes a model that describes how humidity-regulated dormancy onset may control the accumulation of a dormant seed bank, and seed experiments are conducted to calibrate the model for an Australian Fabaceae, Acacia saligna. The model is used to investigate the impact of climate on seed dormancy and to forecast the ecological implications of human-induced climate change.


The relationship between relative humidity and dormancy onset was quantified under laboratory conditions by exposing freshly matured non-dormant seeds to constant humidity levels for fixed durations. The model was field-calibrated by measuring the response of seeds exposed to naturally fluctuating humidity. The model was applied to 3-hourly records of humidity spanning the period 1972–2007 in order to estimate both temporal variability in dormancy and spatial variability attributable to climatic differences among populations. Climate change models were used to project future changes in dormancy onset.

Key Results

A sigmoidal relationship exists between dormancy and humidity under both laboratory and field conditions. Seeds ripened under field conditions became dormant following very short exposure to low humidity (<20 %). Prolonged exposure at higher humidity did not increase dormancy significantly. It is predicted that populations growing in a temperate climate produce 33–55 % fewer dormant seeds than those in a Mediterranean climate; however, dormancy in temperate populations is predicted to increase as a result of climate change.


Humidity-regulated dormancy onset may explain observed variation in physical dormancy. The model offers a systematic approach to modelling this variation in population studies. Forecast changes in climate have the potential to alter the seed bank dynamics of species with physical dormancy regulated by this mechanism, with implications for their capacity to delay germination and exploit windows for recruitment.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Little is known about morphological (MD) or morphophysiological (MPD) dormancy in cold desert species and in particular those in Liliaceae sensu lato, an important floristic element in the cold deserts of Central Asia with underdeveloped embyos. The primary aim of this study was to determine if seeds of the cold desert liliaceous perennial ephemeral Eremurus anisopterus has MD or MPD, and, if it is MPD, then at what level.


Embryo growth and germination was monitored in seeds subjected to natural and simulated natural temperature regimes and the effects of after-ripening and GA3 on dormancy break were tested. In addition, the temperature requirements for embryo growth and dormancy break were investigated.

Key Results

At the time of seed dispersal in summer, the embryo length:seed length (E:S) ratio was 0·73, but it increased to 0·87 before germination. Fresh seeds did not germinate during 1 month of incubation in either light or darkness over a range of temperatures. Thus, seeds have MPD, and, after >12 weeks incubation at 5/2 °C, both embryo growth and germination occurred, showing that they have a complex level of MPD. Since both after-ripening and GA3 increase the germination percentage, seeds have intermediate complex MPD.


Embryos in after-ripened seeds of E. anisopterus can grow at low temperatures in late autumn, but if the soil is dry in autumn then growth is delayed until snowmelt wets the soil in early spring. The ecological advantage of embryo growth phenology is that seeds can germinate at a time (spring) when sand moisture conditions in the desert are suitable for seedling establishment.  相似文献   

外来杂草小花山桃草种子休眠萌发特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘龙昌  徐蕾  冯佩  董雷鸣  张媛媛 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7338-7349
种子萌发和出苗是植物一生中对环境胁迫最为敏感的阶段,外来植物在这一时期对环境条件的适应能力是决定其入侵能力大小的关键因素之一。通过室内外试验研究了小花山桃草种子休眠特性以及贮藏时间、果皮、温度、p H值、水势、盐分和埋土深度对其种子萌发、幼苗生长和出苗的影响。结果表明:小花山桃草蒴果中4粒种子的大小差异显著(P0.01),但它们的活力和萌发率差别不大,4粒种子活力均高达96%以上。休眠解除后,萌发率均高达98%以上;坚硬果皮的机械阻碍是引起种子休眠的主要原因;在室温储藏条件下,种子萌发率随贮藏时间的增加先增加后降低。贮藏1个月,萌发率提高到54%(贮藏前为0)。贮藏3—6个月时,萌发率达最大值(98.5%—99%)。贮藏1a后,萌发率和萌发速度显著下降,但萌发率仍高达90%以上;在室外,有10.5%的蒴果前两粒种子(果实柱头端)同时萌发出苗。室外埋藏1a后,蒴果中未萌发的3粒种子的发芽率分别为45.5%、90.5%和88.5%;小花山桃草种子萌发的温度范围为5—35℃,15—25℃最适于种子萌发,25℃最有利于幼苗生长;小花山桃草能忍受一定的盐胁迫和干旱胁迫,盐浓度和水势为0.15 mol/L和-0.5 MPa时,种子萌发率分别为33.5%和9%。种子萌发和幼苗生长最适宜的土壤含水量为50%;小花山桃草对p H值具有较广泛的适应性,在p H值为5—9范围内均可萌发;小花山桃草种子在土壤表面的出苗率为43%,埋土深度2 cm时,出苗率最高(89.5%),埋土深度大于10 cm时,不再出苗。小花山桃草种子休眠萌发特征以及出苗特点是其快速入侵的基础。研究结果为预测小花山桃草潜在分布范围以及提出科学合理的综合治理措施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Background and Aims Diaspores of heteromorphic species may germinate at different times due to distinct dormancy-breaking and germination requirements, and this difference can influence life history traits. The primary aim of this study was to determine the effect of germination time of the two seed morphs of Suaeda corniculata subsp. mongolica on life history traits of the offspring.Methods Germinated brown and black seeds were sown on the 20th of each month from April to September in a simulated but near-natural habitat of the species. Phenological and vegetative traits of the maternal plants, and number, size and germination percentage of the offspring were determined.Key Results Germinated seeds sown late in the year produced smaller plants that had a higher proportion of non-dormant brown than dormant black seeds, and these brown seeds were larger than those produced by germinated seeds sown early in the year. The length of the seedling stage for brown seeds was shorter than that for black seeds, and the root/shoot ratio and reproductive allocation of plants from brown seeds were more variable than they were for plants from black seeds. Late-germinating brown seeds produced larger plants than late-germinating black seeds.Conclusions Altering the proportion of the two seed types in response to germination timing can help alleviate the adverse effects of delayed germination. The flexible strategy of a species, such as S. corniculata, that produces different proportions of dimorphic seeds in response to variation in germination timing may favour the maintenance and regeneration of the population in its unpredictable environment.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Jatropha curcas is a drought-resistant tree whose seeds are a good source of oil that can be used for producing biodiesel. A successful crop establishment depends on a rapid and uniform germination of the seed. In this work we aimed to characterize the responses of J. curcas seeds to temperature and water availability, using thermal time and hydrotime analysis,


Thermal and hydrotime analysis was performed on germination data obtained from the incubation of seeds at different temperatures and at different water potentials.

Key Results

Base and optimum temperatures were 14·4 and 30 °C, respectively. Approximately 20 % of the seed population displayed absolute dormancy and part of it displayed relative dormancy which was progressively expressed in further fractions when incubation temperatures departed from 25 °C. The thermal time model, but not the hydrotime model, failed to describe adequately final germination percentages at temperatures other than 25 °C. The hydrotime constant, θH, was reduced when the incubation temperature was increased up to 30 °C, the base water potential for 50 % germination,Ψb(50), was less negative at 20 and 30 °C than at 25 °C, indicating either expression or induction of dormancy. At 20 °C this less negative Ψb(50) explained satisfactorily the germination curves obtained at all water potentials, while at 30 °C it had to be corrected towards even less negative values to match observed curves at water potentials below 0. Hence, Ψb(50) appeared to have been further displaced to less negative values as exposure to 30 °C was prolonged by osmoticum. These results suggest expression of dormancy at 20 °C and induction of secondary dormancy above 25 °C. This was confirmed by an experiment showing that inhibition of germination imposed by temperatures higher than 30 °C, but not that imposed at 20 °C, is a permanent effect.


This study revealed (a) the extremely narrow thermal range within which dormancy problems (either through expression or induction of dormancy) may not be encountered; and (b) the high sensitivity displayed by these seeds to water shortage. In addition, this work is the first one in which temperature effects on dormancy expression could be discriminated from those on dormancy induction using a hydrotime analysis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several ecologically important plant families in Mediterranean biomes have seeds with morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) but have been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to understand the seed ecology of these species by focusing on the prominent, yet intractably dormant Australian genus Hibbertia. It was hypothesized that the slow germination in species of this genus is caused by a requirement for embryo growth inside the seed before germination, and that initiation of embryo growth is reliant upon a complex sequence of environmental cues including seasonal fluctuations in temperature and moisture, and an interplay with light and smoke. Using the results, the classification of the MPD level in species of Hibbertia is considered.


Four species of Hibbertia in winter rainfall south-western Australia were selected. These species, whilst differing in geographic distributions, are variously sympatric, and all are important understorey components of plant communities. The following aspects related to dormancy break, embryo growth and germination were investigated: temperature and moisture requirements; effects of karrikinolide, gibberellic acid and aerosol smoke; and phenology.

Key Results

Following exposure to wet/dry cycles at low or high temperatures, embryo growth and germination occurred, albeit slowly in all species at low temperatures when moisture was unlimited, corresponding to winter in south-west Australia. Photo regime influenced germination only in H. racemosa. Aerosol smoke triggered substantial germination during the 1st germination season in H. huegelii and H. hypericoides.


Although the study species are con-generic, sympatric and produce seeds of identical morphology, they possessed different dormancy-break and germination requirements. The physiological component of MPD was non-deep in H. racemosa but varied in the other three species where more deeply dormant seeds required >1 summer to overcome dormancy and, thus, germination was spread over time. Embryos grew during winter, but future studies need to resolve the role of cold versus warm stratification by using constant temperature regimes. To include Mediterranean species with MPD, some modifications to the current seed-dormancy classification system may need consideration: (a) wet/dry conditions for warm stratification and (b) a relatively long period for warm stratification. These outcomes have important implications for improving experimental approaches to resolve the effective use of broadcast seed for ecological restoration.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Only very few studies have been carried out on seed dormancy/germination in the large monocot genus Narcissus. A primary aim of this study was to determine the kind of seed dormancy in Narcissus hispanicus and relate the dormancy breaking and germination requirements to the field situation.


Embryo growth, radicle emergence and shoot growth were studied by subjecting seeds with and without an emerged radicle to different periods of warm, cold or warm plus cold in natural temperatures outdoors and under controlled laboratory conditions.

Key Results

Mean embryo length in fresh seeds was approx. 1·31 mm, and embryos had to grow to 2·21 mm before radicle emergence. Embryos grew to full size and seeds germinated (radicles emerged) when they were warm stratified for 90 d and then incubated at cool temperatures for 30 d. However, the embryos grew only a little and no seeds germinated when they were incubated at 9/5, 10 or 15/4 °C for 30 d following a moist cold pre-treatment at 5, 9/5 or 10 °C. In the natural habitat of N. hispanicus, seeds are dispersed in late May, the embryo elongates in autumn and radicles emerge (seeds germinate) in early November; however, if the seeds are exposed to low temperatures before embryo growth is completed, they re-enter dormancy (secondary dormancy). The shoot does not emerge until March, after germinated seeds are cold stratified in winter.


Seeds of N. hispanicus have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy (MPD), with the dormancy formula C1bB(root) – C3(epicotyl). This is the first study on seeds with simple MPD to show that embryos in advanced stages of growth can re-enter dormancy (secondary dormancy).  相似文献   

Winter chilling is of central importance in the phenology of temperate annual and perennial plants. Chilling accelerates flowering through the process of vernalization and breaks both bud and seed dormancy, permitting the onset of growth in the spring. The quantitative effects of chilling in floral promotion in winter annual Arabidopsis accessions are well-documented, but very little is known about the basic physiology underlying summer annual responses to winter chilling, which acts on seeds within the soil seed bank. Here, we analyse the response of wild accessions to extended chilling in seeds, and explore the interaction between seed-maturation temperature and chilling responses. We show that two weeks of chilling induces secondary dormancy, and that this time period is not dependent on seed-maturation temperature. In addition, we found that seeds for most accessions set under simulated summer conditions in the laboratory are unable to overwinter in the soil seed bank, as they germinate without light during extended chilling treatments. This shows that these seeds are committed to re-establishment in the same growing season. Understanding how winter chilling affects the timing of Arabidopsis phenology will enable us to explore the genetics behind adaptation to changing climates, and inform rational approaches to breeding crops with improved performance under new climate scenarios and develop a systems ecology of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The smoke-derived chemical karrikinolide (KAR1) shows potential as a tool to synchronize the germination of seeds for weed management and restoration. To assess its feasibility we need to understand why seeds from different populations of a species exhibit distinct responses to KAR1. Environmental conditions during seed development, known as the parental environment, influence seed dormancy so we predicted that parental environment would also drive the KAR1-responses of seeds. Specifically, we hypothesized that (a) a common environment will unify the KAR1-responses of different populations, (b) a single population grown under different environmental conditions will exhibit different KAR1-responses, and (c) drought stress, as a particular feature of the parental environment, will make seeds less dormant and more responsive to KAR1.


Seeds of the weed Brassica tournefortii were collected from four locations in Western Australia and were sown in common gardens at two field sites, to test whether their KAR1-responses could be unified by a common environment. To test the effects of drought on KAR1-response, plants were grown in a glasshouse and subjected to water stress. For each trial, the germination responses of the next generation of seeds were assessed.

Key Results

The KAR1-responses of seeds differed among populations, but this variation was reduced when seeds developed in a common environment. The KAR1-responses of each population changed when seeds developed in different environments. Different parental environments affected germination responses of the populations differently, showing that parental environment interacts with genetics to determine KAR1-responses. Seeds from droughted plants were 5 % more responsive to KAR1 and 5 % less dormant than seeds from well-watered plants, but KAR1-responses and dormancy state were not intrinsically linked in all experiments.


The parental environment in which seeds develop is one of the key drivers of the KAR1-responses of seeds.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several studies have demonstrated trade-offs between depth of seed dormancy and dispersal ability for diaspore-dimorphic species. However, relatively little is known about trade-offs between these two life history traits for a species that produces more than two diaspore morphs. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between seed dormancy and dispersal in Ceratocarpus arenarius, an amphi-basicarpic cold desert annual that produces a continuum of dispersal unit morphs.


A comparison was made of dispersal and dormancy breaking/germination responses of dispersal units from ground level (a), the middle of the plant canopy (c) and the top of the plant canopy (f). Various features of the morphology and mass of dispersal units and fruits (utricles) were measured. The role of bracteoles in diaspore dispersal by wind, settlement onto the soil surface and dormancy/germination was determined by comparing responses of intact dispersal units and fruits. Movement of dispersal units by wind and animals, seed after-ripening, germination phenology and the presence of water-soluble germination inhibitors in bracteoles were tested using standard procedures.

Key Results

Dispersal units a, c and f differed in morphology and mass; in the majority of cases, extremes were exhibited by a and f, with c being intermediate. Overall, relative dispersal ability was f > c > a, whereas relative intensity of dormancy was a > c > f. Bracteoles increased dispersal distance by wind, enhanced settlement of diaspores onto the soil surface and mechanically inhibited germination.


The results provide evidence for a model in which there is a continuous inverse-linear relationship between diaspore dispersal ability and depth of dormancy. Thus, dispersal unit heteromorphism of C. arenarius results in a continuum, from no dispersal ability/high dormancy (dispersal unit a) to high dispersal ability/low dormancy (unit f), which may be a bet-hedging strategy in the cold desert environment.  相似文献   

王玉  杨彬  郝清玉 《广西植物》2020,40(3):403-411
成功的天然更新应同时具备三个条件:(1)种源数量充足、质量良好;(2)适宜种子萌发的微生境;(3)幼苗、幼树存活的生态条件。为进一步揭示海南岛木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)海防林自身无法天然更新的障碍因子,该文对影响其天然更新的三个条件之一的种子萌发条件进行了研究,并探讨了不同的生态因子,如木麻黄化感、土壤酸碱度、盐度、温度、基质类型、水分等对木麻黄种子萌发的影响。结果表明:(1)不同浸提物的不同浸提液浓度处理的种子萌发率与CK组无显著性差异。(2)设定范围内的pH、盐度和温度对木麻黄种子萌发率无显著影响。(3)不同浓度梯度PEG溶液处理的木麻黄种子萌发率存在显著性差异,且伴随PEG溶液浓度增加,木麻黄种子萌发率随之锐减。(4)不同基质及浇水频度对种子萌发率也具有显著影响。从综合PEG干旱胁迫、基质及浇水频度的结果可以发现,木麻黄种子抗旱能力较弱,对水分敏感。因此,水分是制约木麻黄种子萌发的主要限制因子,凋落物层及滨海沙土较差的保水性不同程度地制约了种子的萌发。  相似文献   

Background and Aims Dormancy in Lolium rigidum (annual ryegrass) seeds can be alleviated by warm stratification in the dark or by application of fluridone, an inhibitor of plant abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis via phytoene desaturase. However, germination and absolute ABA concentration are not particularly strongly correlated. The aim of this study was to determine if cytokinins of both plant and bacterial origin are involved in mediating dormancy status and in the response to fluridone.Methods Seeds with normal or greatly decreased (by dry heat pre-treatment) bacterial populations were stratified in the light or dark and in the presence or absence of fluridone in order to modify their dormancy status. Germination was assessed and seed cytokinin concentration and composition were measured in embryo-containing or embryo-free seed portions.Key Results Seeds lacking bacteria were no longer able to lose dormancy in the dark unless supplied with exogenous gibberellin or fluridone. Although these seeds showed a dramatic switch from active cytokinin free bases to O-glucosylated storage forms, the concentrations of individual cytokinin species were only weakly correlated to dormancy status. However, cytokinins of apparently bacterial origin were affected by fluridone and light treatment of the seeds.Conclusions It is probable that resident microflora contribute to dormancy status in L. rigidum seeds via a complex interaction between hormones of both plant and bacterial origin. This interaction needs to be taken into account in studies on endogenous seed hormones or the response of seeds to plant growth regulators.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Seed dormancy varies within species in response to climate, both in the long term (through ecotypes or clines) and in the short term (through the influence of the seed maturation environment). Disentangling both processes is crucial to understand plant adaptation to environmental changes. In this study, the local patterns of seed dormancy were investigated in a narrow endemic species, Centaurium somedanum, in order to determine the influence of the seed maturation environment, population genetic composition and climate.


Laboratory germination experiments were performed to measure dormancy in (1) seeds collected from different wild populations along a local altitudinal gradient and (2) seeds of a subsequent generation produced in a common garden. The genetic composition of the original populations was characterized using intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) PCR and principal co-ordinate analysis (PCoA), and its correlation with the dormancy patterns of both generations was analysed. The effect of the local climate on dormancy was also modelled.

Key Results

An altitudinal dormancy cline was found in the wild populations, which was maintained by the plants grown in the common garden. However, seeds from the common garden responded better to stratification, and their release from dormancy was more intense. The patterns of dormancy variation were correlated with genetic composition, whereas lower temperature and summer precipitation at the population sites predicted higher dormancy in the seeds of both generations.


The dormancy cline in C. somedanum is related to a local climatic gradient and also corresponds to genetic differentiation among populations. This cline is further affected by the weather conditions during seed maturation, which influence the receptiveness to dormancy-breaking factors. These results show that dormancy is influenced by both long-and short-term climatic variation. Such processes at such a reduced spatial scale highlight the potential of plants to adapt to fast environmental changes.  相似文献   

新疆贝母潜在分布区域及生态适宜性预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于新疆贝母的62个自然分布点和15个环境因子,利用Arc GIS软件和最大熵模型(MAXENT),预测、分析了该植物在基准气候1961—1990及2050 (2041—2060,基于RCP2.6和RCP6.0情景)条件下的潜在适生区、驱动因子及其生态位参数。结果表明:(1)基准气候下,新疆贝母的适生区主要集中在阿勒泰地区、准噶尔盆地西部、南部、阿拉山口西南部、伊犁河谷南部及吐鲁番盆地西部地区。其中,最适宜的分布主要集中在准噶尔盆地西南部、塔城地区和伊犁河谷中部和南部;(2)新疆贝母在2050时段气候情境下的潜在分布范围与基准气候相比,将分别增加0.94%和0.23%,新增的潜在生境主要分布在准噶尔盆地西部。但最适生的分布区将在伊犁河谷中部、南部及塔城地区略有减少(0.42%和0.39%);(3)年平均降水量、最干月降水量、最干季平均气温和海拔主要限制了新疆贝母的潜在分布,累积贡献率之和达88.58%;基准气候下该植物最适宜分布区的生态位参数为:年平均降水量248—469 mm,最干月降水量3—19 mm,最干季平均气温-22.7—-2.0℃,海拔1350—2100 m。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In seeds with deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, warm and cold stratification are required to break dormancy of the radicle and shoot, respectively. Although the shoot remains inside the seed all winter, little is known about its growth and morphological development prior to emergence in spring. The aims of the present study were to determine the temperature requirements for radicle and shoot emergence in seeds of Viburnum betulifolium and V. parvifolium and to monitor growth of the epicotyl, plumule and cotyledons in root-emerged seeds.


Fresh and pre-treated seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium were incubated under various temperature regimes and monitored for radicle and shoot emergence. Growth of the epicotyl and cotyledons at different stages was observed with dissecting and scanning electron microscopes.

Key Results

The optimum temperature for radicle emergence of seeds of both species, either kept continuously at a single regime or exposed to a sequence of regimes, was 20/10 °C. GA3 had no effect on radicle emergence. Cold stratification (5 °C) was required for shoot emergence. The shoot apical meristem in fresh seeds did not form a bulge until the embryo had grown to the critical length for radicle emergence. After radicle emergence, the epicotyl–plumule and cotyledons grew slowly at 5 and 20/10 °C, and the first pair of true leaves was initiated. However, the shoot emerged only from seeds that received cold stratification.


Seeds of V. betulifolium and V. parvifolium have deep simple epicotyl morphophysiological dormancy, C1bB (root)–C3 (epicotyl). Warm stratification was required to break the first part of physiological dormancy (PD), thereby allowing embryo growth and subsequently radicle emergence. Although cold stratification was not required for differentiation of the epicotyl–plumule, it was required to break the second part of PD, thereby allowing the shoot to emerge in spring.  相似文献   

Germinability of isolated embryos from developing fruits of Acer platanoides was high at the earliest developmental stage assessed (90 dpa), but fell subsequently and at seed maturity was very low. These observations showed an inverse correlation with changes in endogenous free abscisic acid (ABA) levels in the embryo, which were low during early ontogeny, but reached maximum levels late in development (150–160 dpa). These observations suggest the possibility that dormancy may be induced during development as a result of ABA accumulation in the embryo, an argument strengthened by the obvious inhibitory effect of added ABA on the germinability of isolated embryos. The cotyledons appear to exert an inhibitory influence on embryo germinability that may result from their free ABA content although the embryonic axis itself possesses an innate dormancy that may reflect its own free ABA content. The increased germinability of isolated embryos resulting form added kinetin serves only to emphasise the complexity of the system and the dangers of simplistic interpretation.The correlation between germinability and ABA content is not complete, however, since much of the reduction in germinability had occurred before any appreciable increase in free ABA levels in the embryo was observed. Indeed the failure of the intact seed to respond to endogenous changes in embryonal ABA levels suggests that even though free ABA in the embryo may influence embryo germinability, it has little effect in the intact seed, where the presence of an intact testa may be a more important factor.The absence of a desiccation phase in the embryo during the late stages of development suggests that the large increases in endogenous free ABA did not cause dormancy by inhibiting water uptake, nor did they result from water stress in the embryonal tissues.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The Sapindaceae is one of 17 plant families in which seed dormancy is caused by a water-impermeable seed or fruit coat (physical dormancy, PY). However, until now the water gap in Sapindaceae had not been identified. The primary aim of this study was to identify the water gap in Dodonaea petiolaris (Sapindaceae) seeds and to describe its basic morphology and anatomy.


Seed fill, viability, water-uptake (imbibition) and other characteristics were assessed for D. petiolaris seeds. The location and structure of the water gap were investigated using a blocking experiment, time series photography, scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Dodonaea petiolaris seeds with PY also were assessed for loss of PY at four ecologically significant temperatures under moist and dry conditions. Seeds of three other species of Sapindaceae were examined for presence of a water gap.

Key Results

The water gap in D. petiolaris seeds was identified as a small plug in the seed coat adjacent to the hilum and opposite the area where the radicle emerges. The plug was dislodged (i.e. water gap opened = dormancy break) by dipping seeds in boiling water for 2·5 min or by incubating seeds on a moist substrate at 20/35 °C for 24 weeks. Layers of cells in the plug, including palisade and subpalisade, are similar to those in the rest of the seed coat. The same kind of water gap was found in three other species of Sapindaceae, Diplopeltis huegelii, Distichostemon hispidulus and Dodonaea aptera.


Following dormancy break (opening of water gap), initial uptake of water by the seed occurs only through the water gap. Thus, the plug must be dislodged before the otherwise intact seed can germinate. The anatomy of the plug is similar to water gaps in some of the other plant families with PY.  相似文献   

蒙古栎地理分布的主导气候因子及其阈值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于影响植物功能型分布的6个气候变量:年均降水量、气温年较差、最冷月温度、最暖月温度、大于5℃积温和湿润指数,结合蒙古栎地理分布资料,根据最大熵模型和各气候变量对蒙古栎地理分布的贡献,确定了影响蒙古栎地理分布的主导气候因子,即年均降水量、气温年较差、大于5℃积温和最暖月温度;利用模拟的蒙古栎地理分布概率与主导气候因子的关系给出了各主导气候因子的阈值,即年均降水量330-910 mm、气温年较差大于29℃、大于5 ℃有效积温为1200-3500℃·d、最暖月温度为17-26℃.  相似文献   

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