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SYNOPSIS. The photographs illustrate male and female gametes before fertilization, several progressive stages in the entrance of the male gamete into the cytoplasm of the female, cytoplasmic fusion of gametes, loss of extranuclear organelles of male gamete, retention of extranuclear organelles of female gamete, movement of pronucleus of male gamete to that of female, progressive stages in fusion of pronuclei, and the formation of the zygote which possesses the extranuclear organelles of the female gamete. Some abortive attempts at fertilization, resulting from failure of gametes to differentiate, are shown.  相似文献   

The tropical green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean has spread steadily since its introduction in 1984. At the end of 2000, approximately 131km2 of benthos had been colonized in 103 independent areas along 191km of coastline in six countries (Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Croatia and Tunisia). Large regions neighboring the invaded areas appear favorable to further colonization, and there is thus no reason to believe that spreading will slow down in the years to come.  相似文献   



Camellia , comprising more than 200 species, is a valuable economic commodity due to its enormously popular commercial products: tea leaves, flowers, and high-quality edible oils. It is the largest and most important genus in the family Theaceae. However, phylogenetic resolution of the species has proven to be difficult. Consequently, the interspecies relationships of the genus Camellia are still hotly debated. Phylogenomics is an attractive avenue that can be used to reconstruct the tree of life, especially at low taxonomic levels.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Seven complete chloroplast (cp) genomes were sequenced from six species representing different subdivisions of the genus Camellia using Illumina sequencing technology. Four junctions between the single-copy segments and the inverted repeats were confirmed and genome assemblies were validated by PCR-based product sequencing using 123 pairs of primers covering preliminary cp genome assemblies. The length of the Camellia cp genome was found to be about 157kb, which contained 123 unique genes and 23 were duplicated in the IR regions. We determined that the complete Camellia cp genome was relatively well conserved, but contained enough genetic differences to provide useful phylogenetic information. Phylogenetic relationships were analyzed using seven complete cp genomes of six Camellia species. We also identified rapidly evolving regions of the cp genome that have the potential to be used for further species identification and phylogenetic resolution.


In this study, we wanted to determine if analyzing completely sequenced cp genomes could help settle these controversies of interspecies relationships in Camellia . The results demonstrate that cp genome data are beneficial in resolving species definition because they indicate that organelle-based “barcodes”, can be established for a species and then used to unmask interspecies phylogenetic relationships. It reveals that phylogenomics based on cp genomes is an effective approach for achieving phylogenetic resolution between Camellia species.  相似文献   

The first report of Caulerpa taxifolia in the Mediterranean is from 1984. The alga was found on the rocky shore at Monaco, below the Oceanographic Museum, where it had been on display in tropical aquaria. Within five years, there was an abundance of C. taxifolia on the shores around the first point of observation. In 1987, C. taxifolia appeared on the French coast, 3 km east of Monaco, at Cap Martin. By late 1991, 30 ha of shore in the vicinity of Monaco was covered with the alga. New points of colonization were in Livorno, Italy, 240 km east of Monaco, and to the west at Agay, Le Lavandou, Hyères, Toulon, Les Lecques, Saint Cyprien, 50 to 370 km from Monaco. The westernmost point of colonization, noted in September 1992, was 600 km from Monaco, at Majorca (Balearic island, Spain). Most types of substrata, between 0 and 50 m depth, are susceptible to colonization by C. taxifolia. Seaweed and seagrass populations on the coasts of Monaco and Cap Martin have been significantly reduced or destroyed because of invasion by C. taxifolia.  相似文献   

Population modeling based on species’ demography makes it possible to predict the pace of an invasion and evaluate the likelihood of success of different control strategies. We modeled the initial (density-independent) rate of increase of Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh (aquarium strain), a green alga that has markedly altered marine communities where it has invaded in the Mediterranean Sea. Parameter values for patch growth (from stolon extension) and reproduction (by asexual fragmentation and reattachment) were gleaned from published studies. Only the most conservative model, invoking field growth rates and low levels of fragment reattachment (2.5 m−2 of existing patch each summer), closely matched observed increases (4–14 × annually). The most effective times for control (greatest reduction in rate of increase) were removal of established patches before summer and removal of fragments after summer. These times correspond to just before maximum growth and just after maximum reproduction, respectively. Only a combined strategy, incorporating 99% removal of all fragments and annual removal of 99% of established patches, was predicted to eliminate C. taxifolia entirely (λ < 1). This level of effort is only likely to be possible during the first few years of an invasion, arguing strongly for careful monitoring and rapid response to potential high-impact invaders.  相似文献   

Academie des Science—Paris. 1997. Danamique d'especs marines invasives: application a l'expansion de Caulerpa taxifolia en Mediterranee. Technique and Documentation .  相似文献   

The organization of genes into operons, clusters of genes that are co-transcribed to produce polycistronic pre-mRNAs, is a trait found in a wide range of eukaryotic groups, including multiple animal phyla. Operons are present in the class Chromadorea, one of the two main nematode classes, but their distribution in the other class, the Enoplea, is not known. We have surveyed the genomes of Trichinella spiralis, Trichuris muris, and Romanomermis culicivorax and identified the first putative operons in members of the Enoplea. Consistent with the mechanism of polycistronic RNA resolution in other nematodes, the mRNAs produced by genes downstream of the first gene in the T. spiralis and T. muris operons are trans-spliced to spliced leader RNAs, and we are able to detect polycistronic RNAs derived from these operons. Importantly, a putative intercistronic region from one of these potential enoplean operons confers polycistronic processing activity when expressed as part of a chimeric operon in Caenorhabditis elegans. We find that T. spiralis genes located in operons have an increased likelihood of having operonic C. elegans homologs. However, operon structure in terms of synteny and gene content is not tightly conserved between the two taxa, consistent with models of operon evolution. We have nevertheless identified putative operons conserved between Enoplea and Chromadorea. Our data suggest that operons and “spliced leader” (SL) trans-splicing predate the radiation of the nematode phylum, an inference which is supported by the phylogenetic profile of proteins known to be involved in nematode SL trans-splicing.  相似文献   

Polyploidy events (polyploidization) followed by progressive loss of redundant genome components are a major feature of plant evolution, with new evidence suggesting that all flowering plants possess ancestral genome duplications. Furthermore, many of our most important crop plants have undergone additional, relatively recent, genome duplication events. Recent advances in DNA sequencing have made vast amounts of new genomic data available for many plants, including a range of important crop species with highly duplicated genomes. Along with assisting traditional forward genetics approaches to study gene function, this wealth of new sequence data facilitates extensive reverse genetics-based functional analyses. However, plants featuring high levels of genome duplication as a result of recent polyploidization pose additional challenges for reverse genetic analysis. Here we review reverse genetic analysis in such polyploid plants and highlight key challenges.  相似文献   

Mate Discrimination in Invasive Whitefly Species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mate discrimination could be critical for invasive species that need to locate rare suitable mates and avoid costs associated with misdirected courtships to establish in new environments. Here, we tested whether individuals of two invasive whitefly species in the Bemisia tabaci species complex, commonly known as the B and Q biotypes, could discriminate between potential mates based on their species and sex. Behavioral observations showed that B females were more discriminating than Q females. Males of both species were able to discriminate between mates based on their species and sex, but in general B males discriminated more effectively than Q males. By incorporating these behavioral data into a conceptual model, we show that variation in mating behavior between females of different species was a more significant factor affecting mating than variation between males. These results indicate that mate discrimination could affect interactions between whitefly species and influence a species’ ability to colonize novel environments.  相似文献   

With advancing global climate change, the analysis of thermal tolerance and evolutionary potential is important in explaining the ecological adaptation and changes in the distribution of invasive species. To reveal the variation of heat resistance and evolutionary potential in the invasive Mediterranean cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci, we selected two Chinese populations—one from Harbin, N China, and one from Turpan, S China—that experience substantial heat and cold stress and conducted knockdown tests under static high- and low-temperature conditions. ANOVAs indicated significant effects of populations and sex on heat knockdown time and chill coma recovery time. The narrow-sense heritability (h 2) estimates of heat tolerance based on a parental half-sibling breeding design ranged from 0.47±0.03 to 0.51±0.06, and the estimates of cold tolerance varied from 0.33±0.07 to 0.36±0.06. Additive genetic variances were significantly different from zero for both heat and cold tolerance. These results suggest that invasive B. tabaci Mediterranean cryptic species possesses a strong ability to respond to thermal selection and develops rapid resistance to climate change.  相似文献   

Caulerpa taxifolia and C. racemosa are tropical green algae now found in the Mediterranean, where the former was accidentally introduced and the latter presumably also introduced; both species have spread rapidly and invaded a variety of habitats. Since 1996, the two algae have co-inhabited a region along the Tuscan coast near Livorno. The present study has been carried out to evaluate the invasive capacity of the two species. After one year, the increase in surface area was 67.5 % for C. taxifolia and 284.8 % for C. racemosa, while the increase in patch number was 11.4 % and 121.4 % respectively. The stolon growth of the two algae followed a similar trend, as is showing the same temporal variations with the maximum growth rate between August and October. At the end of the study period, the increase in stolon length and number was significantly higher in C. racemosa than in C. taxifolia. The results of the present study show a higher invasive potential in C. racemosa than in C. taxifolia, although further studies are necessary to evaluate the competition between the two algae and the effect of their simultaneous presence on the benthic community.  相似文献   

Abstract. A field experiment involving herbivore exclusion, ploughing, and the combination of both was carried out over a period of 4 - 5 yr in Mediterranean grasslands located along an elevational gradient. The empirical results provide a general hierarchical framework for understanding patterns of plant species diversity in thesegrasslands. In grazed grasslands, plant species density decreased as altitude increased, and this pattern was maintained through time. The reduced seasonality along the climatic gradient is suggested as the extrinsic, indirect control factor. Ploughing caused species loss, but after 4 yr the original diversity was recovered in most grasslands. Our hypothesis is that a negative feedback mechanism regulates species increase towards a characteristic level. A trend of species density reduction was observed in ungrazed grasslands. Plant-herbivore interaction is considered to be essential for maintaining species diversity in grazed grasslands and for the recovery of diversity in mechanically disturbed grasslands.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance, biomass (biovolume) and taxonomic compositionwere studied within an annual cycle (August 1995–October1996) in the Bay of Blanes (northwest Mediterranean). Weeklyzooplankton sampling included oblique tows made with a 200 µmJuday–Bogorov net, and vertical tows made with a 53 µmnet, to adequately sample both mesoplankton and the smallerzooplankton fractions. Total zooplankton abundance showed highvariability, lacking any clear seasonal pattern. However, thedifferent species within the zooplankton community displayeda clear succession throughout the year. In general, cyclopoidcopepods (Oithona spp.) and cladocerans (Peniliaavirostris)dominated the summer and autumn communities, whereas in winterand spring, calanoid copepods (Clausocalanus spp., Paracalanussp. and Centropages typicus) were predominant. The zooplanktonannual cycle in the Bay of Blanes does not resemble those ofother Mediterraneanlittoral areas, probably due to the inherentparticularity and variability associated with open coastal environments.On average, the abundance of organisms estimated with a traditional200 µm Juday–Bogorov net was 8.1 times lower thanthe values obtained with a 53 µm net. Even if only organisms>200 µm collected in the 53 µm tows were considered,the total abundance within the 53 µm net was still 4.4times higher than the estimates from the Juday–Bogorovnet. These results suggest the need for accurate samplings ofthe entire zooplankton assemblage when characterizing the structureand dynamics of zooplanktonic communities.  相似文献   

Francour  P.  Harmelin-Vivien  M.  Harmelin  J. G.  Duclerc  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):345-353
After its accidental introduction in the French waters of the Mediterranean, the green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia is now spreading along the coast of the Alpes-Maritimes, invading various biotopes (rock, sand and Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds). During the spring and fall of 1992, we evaluated the impact of C. taxifolia on the infralittoral ichthyofauna of Cap Martin (Menton) and compared invaded and reference sites, in shallow (3–8 m) and deep (11–25 m) stations. Caulerpa taxifolia apparently does not have any effect on the composition and global species richness of the ichthyofauna. Therefore, no exclusion phenomenon has been observed and fish behavior has remained normal (feeding habits, reproduction, recruitment). However, fish density and biomass are slightly lower in the colonized sites. Negative regression was observed, in shallow sites during the spring season, between the percentage of substrate invaded by C. taxifolia and the average density of fish assemblages (slope= –0.13, r=0.26, p<0.01). Despite these observations, C. taxifolia meadows seem to be a favorable environment for the recruitment of some species of Labridae (Coris julis, Symphodus ocellatus), Sparidae (Diplodus annularis) and Serranidae (Serranus cabrilla) in the fall.The relative importance of C. taxifolia as environmental parameter and of other habitat characteristics (structural complexity, substrate slope, hydrodynamism, depth, fishing pressure) is discussed to explain these differences. The results of this first study indicate that there exists no simple relation between the presence of C. taxifolia and fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Allelopathy has been postulated as a factor in the colonisation success of Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, an introduced chlorophyte alga which has become invasive in the Mediterranean Sea. In order to reveal their possible phytotoxic activity, secondary metabolites were isolated from a population growing in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) and tested on leaf tissue of the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa, which often co-occurs with Caulerpa in nature. The seaweed metabolites were identified by 1H and 13C NMR analysis and leaf portions of C. nodosa were exposed to crude diethyl ether extract and purified compounds in the laboratory, under controlled conditions of irradiance and temperature for a period of 144 h. Eventual changes in the photosynthetic performance of the seagrass tissue following the treatment were tested by monitoring its optimal quantum yield with a pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer. One of the identified compounds, caulerpenyne, showed a phytotoxic effect, while the other purified metabolites did not reveal any effect at the assayed concentrations. Thus, our results seem to suggest a possible allelopathic activity of caulerpenyne, which may play a role in the successful competition of the invasive C. racemosa var. cylindracea with native macrophytes, such as seagrasses.  相似文献   

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