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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are sodium channels gated by extracellular protons. The recent crystallization of ASIC1a identified potential binding sites for Cl in the extracellular domain that are highly conserved between ASIC isoforms. However, the significance of Cl binding is unknown. We investigated the effect of Cl substitution on heterologously expressed ASIC1a current and H+-gated currents from hippocampal neurons recorded by whole-cell patch clamp. Replacement of extracellular Cl with the impermeable and inert anion methanesulfonate (MeSO3) caused ASIC1a currents to desensitize at a faster rate and attenuated tachyphylaxis. However, peak current amplitude, pH sensitivity, and selectivity were unchanged. Other anions, including Br, I, and thiocyanate, also altered the kinetics of desensitization and tachyphylaxis. Mutation of the residues that form the Cl-binding site in ASIC1a abolished the modulatory effects of anions. The results of anion substitution on native ASIC channels in hippocampal neurons mirrored those in heterologously expressed ASIC1a and altered acid-induced neuronal death. Anion modulation of ASICs provides new insight into channel gating and may prove important in pathological brain conditions associated with changes in pH and Cl.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal proton-gated cation channels associated with nociception, fear, depression, seizure, and neuronal degeneration, suggesting roles in pain and neurological and psychiatric disorders. We have recently discovered black mamba venom peptides called mambalgin-1 and mambalgin-2, which are new three-finger toxins that specifically inhibit with the same pharmacological profile ASIC channels to exert strong analgesic effects in vivo. We now combined bioinformatics and functional approaches to uncover the molecular mechanism of channel inhibition by the mambalgin-2 pain-relieving peptide. Mambalgin-2 binds mainly in a region of ASIC1a involving the upper part of the thumb domain (residues Asp-349 and Phe-350), the palm domain of an adjacent subunit, and the β-ball domain (residues Arg-190, Asp-258, and Gln-259). This region overlaps with the acidic pocket (pH sensor) of the channel. The peptide exerts both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on ASIC1a, and we propose a model where mambalgin-2 traps the channel in a closed conformation by precluding the conformational change of the palm and β-ball domains that follows proton activation. These data help to understand inhibition by mambalgins and provide clues for the development of new optimized blockers of ASIC channels.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channel 1 (ASIC1) is a H+-gated channel of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)/degenerin family. ASIC1 is expressed mostly in the central and peripheral nervous system neurons. ENaC and ASIC function is regulated by several serine proteases. The type II transmembrane serine protease matriptase activates the prototypical αβγENaC channel, but we found that matriptase is expressed in glioma cells and its expression is higher in glioma compared with normal astrocytes. Therefore, the goal of this study was to test the hypothesis that matriptase regulates ASIC1 function. Matriptase decreased the acid-activated ASIC1 current as measured by two-electrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes and cleaved ASIC1 expressed in oocytes or CHO K1 cells. Inactive S805A matriptase had no effect on either the current or the cleavage of ASIC1. The effect of matriptase on ASIC1 was specific, because it did not affect the function of ASIC2 and no matriptase-specific ASIC2 fragments were detected in oocytes or in CHO cells. Three matriptase recognition sites were identified in ASIC1 (Arg-145, Lys-185, and Lys-384). Site-directed mutagenesis of these sites prevented matriptase cleavage of ASIC1. Our results show that matriptase is expressed in glioma cells and that matriptase specifically cleaves ASIC1 in heterologous expression systems.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are trimeric cation-selective proton-gated ion channels expressed in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The pore-forming transmembrane helices in these channels are linked by short loops to the palm domain in the extracellular region. Here, we explore the contribution to proton gating and desensitization of Glu-79 and Glu-416 in the palm domain of ASIC1a. Engineered Cys, Lys, and Gln substitutions at these positions shifted apparent proton affinity toward more acidic values. Double mutant cycle analysis indicated that Glu-79 and Glu-416 cooperatively facilitated pore opening in response to extracellular acidification. Channels bearing Cys at position 79 or 416 were irreversibly modified by thiol-reactive reagents in a state-dependent manner. Glu-79 and Glu-416 are located in β-strands 1 and 12, respectively. The covalent modification by (2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl) methanethiosulfonate bromide of Cys at position 79 impacted conformational changes associated with pore closing during desensitization, whereas the modification of Cys at position 416 affected conformational changes associated with proton gating. These results suggest that β-strands 1 and 12 contribute antagonistically to activation and desensitization of ASIC1a. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated that the lower palm domain contracts in response to extracellular acidification. Taken together, our studies suggest that the lower palm domain mediates conformational movements that drive pore opening and closing events.  相似文献   

ASIC1a is a neuronal sodium channel activated by external H+ ions. To date, all the characterization of ASIC1a has been conducted applying long H+ stimuli lasting several seconds. Such experimental protocols weaken and even silence ASIC1a currents to repetitive stimulation. In this work, we examined ASIC1a currents by methods that use rapid application and removal of H+. We found that brief H+ stimuli, <100 ms, even if applied at high frequency, prevent desensitization thereby generate full and steady peak currents of human ASIC1a. Kinetic analysis of recovery from desensitization of hASIC1a revealed two desensitized states: short- and long-lasting with time constants of τDs ≤0.5 and τDl = 229 s, while in chicken ASIC1a the two desensitized states have similar values τD 4.5 s. It is the large difference in stability of the two desensitized states that makes hASIC1a desensitization more pronounced and complex than in cASIC1a. Furthermore, recovery from desensitization was unrelated to cytosolic variations in pH, ATP, PIP2, or redox state but was dependent on the hydrophobicity of key residues in the first transmembrane segment (TM1). In conclusion, brief H+-stimuli maintain steady the magnitude of peak currents thereby the ASIC1a channel is well poised to partake in high frequency signals in the brain.  相似文献   

A novel compound was identified in the acidic extract of Thymus armeniacus collected in the Lake Sevan region of Armenia. This compound, named “sevanol,” to our knowledge is the first low molecular weight natural molecule that has a reversible inhibition effect on both the transient and the sustained current of human ASIC3 channels expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Sevanol completely blocked the transient component (IC50 353 ± 23 μm) and partially (∼45%) inhibited the amplitude of the sustained component (IC50 of 234 ± 53 μm). Other types of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) channels were intact to sevanol application, except ASIC1a, which showed more than six times less affinity to it as compared with the inhibitory action on the ASIC3 channel. To elucidate the structure of sevanol, the set of NMR spectra in two solvents (d6-DMSO and D2O) was collected, and the complete chemical structure was confirmed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (LC-ESI+-MS) fragmentation. This compound is a new lignan built up of epiphyllic acid and two isocitryl esters in positions 9 and 10. In vivo administration of sevanol (1–10 mg/kg) significantly reversed thermal hyperalgesia induced by complete Freund''s adjuvant injection and reduced response to acid in a writhing test. Thus, we assume the probable considerable role of sevanol in known analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of thyme.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), which belong to the epithelial sodium channel/degenerin family, are activated by extracellular protons and are inhibited by amiloride (AMI), an important pharmacological tool for studying all known members of epithelial sodium channel/degenerin. In this study, we reported that AMI paradoxically opened homomeric ASIC3 and heteromeric ASIC3 plus ASIC1b channels at neutral pH and synergistically enhanced channel activation induced by mild acidosis (pH 7.2 to 6.8). The characteristic profile of AMI stimulation of ASIC3 channels was reminiscent of the channel activation by the newly identified nonproton ligand, 2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that ASIC3 activation by AMI, but not its inhibitory effect, was dependent on the integrity of the nonproton ligand sensing domain in ASIC3 channels. Moreover, the structure-activity relationship study demonstrated the differential requirement of the 5-amino group in AMI for the stimulation or inhibition effect, strengthening the different interactions within ASIC3 channels that confer the paradoxical actions of AMI. Furthermore, using covalent modification analyses, we provided strong evidence supporting the nonproton ligand sensing domain is required for the stimulation of ASIC3 channels by AMI. Finally, we showed that AMI causes pain-related behaviors in an ASIC3-dependent manner. These data reinforce the idea that ASICs can sense nonproton ligands in addition to protons. The results also indicate caution in the use of AMI for studying ASIC physiology and in the development of AMI-derived ASIC inhibitors for treating pain syndromes.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels are cation channels activated by external protons and play roles in nociception, synaptic transmission, and the physiopathology of ischemic stroke. Using luminescence resonance energy transfer (LRET), we show that upon proton binding, there is a conformational change that increases LRET efficiency between the probes at the thumb and finger subdomains in the extracellular domain of acid-sensing ion channels. Additionally, we show that this conformational change is lost upon mutating Asp-238, Glu-239, and Asp-260, which line the finger domains, to alanines. Electrophysiological studies showed that the single mutant D260A shifted the EC50 by 0.2 pH units, the double mutant D238A/E239A shifted the EC50 by 2.5 pH units, and the triple mutant D238A/E239A/D260A exhibited no response to protons despite surface expression. The LRET experiments on D238A/E239A/D260A showed no changes in LRET efficiency upon reduction in pH from 8 to 6. The LRET and electrophysiological studies thus suggest that the three carboxylates, two of which are involved in carboxyl/carboxylate interactions, are essential for proton-induced conformational changes in the extracellular domain, which in turn are necessary for receptor activation.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential melastatin 5 (TRPM5) channel is a monovalent cation channel activated by intracellular Ca2+. Expression of this channel is restricted to taste cells, the pancreas and brainstem, and is thought to be involved in controlling membrane potentials. Its endogenous ligands are not well characterized. Here, we show that extracellular application of Zn2+ inhibits TRPM5 activity. In whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, extracellular application of ZnCl2 inhibited step-pulse-induced TRPM5 currents with 500 nm free intracellular Ca2+ in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 = 4.3 μm at −80 mV). ZnSO4 also inhibited TRPM5 activity. Extracellular application of ZnCl2 inhibited TRPM5 activation at several temperatures. Furthermore, inhibition by 30 μm ZnCl2 was impaired in TRPM5 mutants in which His at 896, and Glu at 926 and/or Glu at 939 in the outer pore loop were replaced with Gln. From these results, we conclude that extracellular Zn2+ inhibits TRPM5 channels, and the residues in the outer pore loop of TRPM5 are critically involved in the inhibition.  相似文献   

Proton-gated TASK-3 K+ channel belongs to the K2P family of proteins that underlie the K+ leak setting the membrane potential in all cells. TASK-3 is under cooperative gating control by extracellular [H+]. Use of recently solved K2P structures allows us to explore the molecular mechanism of TASK-3 cooperative pH gating. Tunnel-like side portals define an extracellular ion pathway to the selectivity filter. We use a combination of molecular modeling and functional assays to show that pH-sensing histidine residues and K+ ions mutually interact electrostatically in the confines of the extracellular ion pathway. K+ ions modulate the pKa of sensing histidine side chains whose charge states in turn determine the open/closed transition of the channel pore. Cooperativity, and therefore steep dependence of TASK-3 K+ channel activity on extracellular pH, is dependent on an effect of the permeant ion on the channel pHo sensors.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-gated cation-selective channels expressed in the peripheral and central nervous systems. The ion permeation pathway of ASIC1a is defined by residues 426–450 in the second transmembrane (TM2) segment. The gate, formed by the intersection of the TM2 segments, localizes near the extracellular boundary of the plasma membrane. We explored the contribution to ion permeation and selectivity of residues in the TM2 segment of ASIC1a. Studies of accessibility with positively charged methanethiosulfonate reagents suggest that the permeation pathway in the open state constricts below the gate, restricting the passage to large ions. Substitution of residues in the intracellular vestibule at positions 437, 438, 443, or 446 significantly increased the permeability to K+ versus Na+. ASIC1a shows a selectivity sequence for alkali metals of Na+>Li+>K+≫Rb+>Cs+. Alanine and cysteine substitutions at position 438 increased, to different extents, the relative permeability to Li+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+. For these mutants, ion permeation was not a function of the diameter of the nonhydrated ion, suggesting that Gly-438 encompasses an ion coordination site that is essential for ion selectivity. M437C and A443C mutants showed slightly increased permeability to K+, Rb+, and Cs+, suggesting that substitutions at these positions influence ion discrimination by altering molecular sieving. Our results indicate that ion selectivity is accomplished by the contribution of multiple sites in the pore of ASIC1a.  相似文献   

Amiloride is a small molecule diuretic, which has been used to dissect sodium transport pathways in many different systems. This drug is known to interact with the epithelial sodium channel and acid-sensing ion channel proteins, as well as sodium/hydrogen antiporters and sodium/calcium exchangers. The exact structural basis for these interactions has not been elucidated as crystal structures of these proteins have been challenging to obtain, though some involved residues and domains have been mapped. This work examines the interaction of amiloride with acid-sensing ion channel-1, a protein whose structure is available using computational and experimental techniques. Using molecular docking software, amiloride and related molecules were docked to model structures of homomeric human ASIC-1 to generate potential interaction sites and predict which analogs would be more or less potent than amiloride. The predictions made were experimentally tested using whole-cell patch clamp. Drugs previously classified as NCX or NHE inhibitors are shown to also inhibit hASIC-1. Potential docking sites were re-examined against experimental data to remove spurious interaction sites. The voltage sensitivity of inhibitors was also examined. Using the aggregated data from these computational and experimental experiments, putative interaction sites for amiloride and hASIC-1 have been defined. Future work will experimentally verify these interaction sites, but at present this should allow for virtual screening of drug libraries at these putative interaction sites.  相似文献   

The surveillance of acid-base homeostasis is concerted by diverse mechanisms, including an activation of sensory afferents. Proton-evoked activation of rodent sensory neurons is mainly mediated by the capsaicin receptor TRPV1 and acid-sensing ion channels. In this study, we demonstrate that extracellular acidosis activates and sensitizes the human irritant receptor TRPA1 (hTRPA1). Proton-evoked membrane currents and calcium influx through hTRPA1 occurred at physiological acidic pH values, were concentration-dependent, and were blocked by the selective TRPA1 antagonist HC030031. Both rodent and rhesus monkey TRPA1 failed to respond to extracellular acidosis, and protons even inhibited rodent TRPA1. Accordingly, mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons lacking TRPV1 only responded to protons when hTRPA1 was expressed heterologously. This species-specific activation of hTRPA1 by protons was reversed in both mouse and rhesus monkey TRPA1 by exchange of distinct residues within transmembrane domains 5 and 6. Furthermore, protons seem to interact with an extracellular interaction site to gate TRPA1 and not via a modification of intracellular N-terminal cysteines known as important interaction sites for electrophilic TRPA1 agonists. Our data suggest that hTRPA1 acts as a sensor for extracellular acidosis in human sensory neurons and should thus be taken into account as a yet unrecognized transduction molecule for proton-evoked pain and inflammation. The species specificity of this property is unique among known endogenous TRPA1 agonists, possibly indicating that evolutionary pressure enforced TRPA1 to inherit the role as an acid sensor in human sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are known to be primarily activated by extracellular protons. Recently, we characterized a novel nonproton ligand (2-guanidine-4-methylquinazoline, GMQ), which activates the ASIC3 channel subtype at neutral pH. Using an interactive computational-experimental approach, here we extend our investigation to delineate the architecture of the GMQ-sensing domain in the ASIC3 channels. We first established a GMQ binding mode and revealed that residues Glu-423, Glu-79, Leu-77, Arg-376, Gln-271, and Gln-269 play key roles in forming the GMQ-sensing domain. We then verified the GMQ binding mode using ab initio calculation and mutagenesis and demonstrated the critical role of the above GMQ-binding residues in the interplay among GMQ, proton, and Ca(2+) in regulating the function of ASIC3. Additionally, we showed that the same residues involved in coordinating GMQ responses are also critical for activation of the ASIC3(E79C) mutant by thiol-reactive compound DTNB. Thus, a range of complementary techniques provide independent evidence for the structural details of the GMQ-sensing domain at atomic level, laying the foundation for further investigations of endogenous nonproton ligands and gating mechanisms of the ASIC3 channels.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are a group of trimeric cation permeable channels gated by extracellular protons that are mainly expressed in the nervous system. Despite the structural information available for ASIC1, there is limited understanding of the molecular mechanism that allows these channels to sense and respond to drops in extracellular pH. In this report, we employed the substituted cysteine accessibility method and site-directed mutagenesis to examine the mechanism of activation of ASIC1a by extracellular protons. We found that the modification of E238C and D345C channels by MTSET reduced proton apparent affinity for activation. Furthermore, the introduction of positively charged residues at position 345 rendered shifted biphasic proton activation curves. Likewise, channels bearing mutations at positions 79 and 416 in the palm domain of the channel showed reduced proton apparent affinity and biphasic proton activation curves. Of significance, the effect of the mutations at positions 79 and 345 on channel activation was additive. E79K-D345K required a change to a pH lower than 2 for maximal activation. In summary, this study provides direct evidence for the presence of two distinct proton coordination sites in the extracellular region of ASIC1a, which jointly facilitate pore opening in response to extracellular acidification.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors (NRs) are glutamate-gated calcium-permeable channels that are essential for normal synaptic transmssion and contribute to neurodegeneration. Tetrameric proteins consist of two obligatory GluN1 (N1) and two GluN2 (N2) subunits, of which GluN2A (2A) and GluN2B (2B) are prevalent in adult brain. The intracellularly located C-terminal domains (CTDs) make a significant portion of mass of the receptors and are essential for plasticity and excitotoxicity, but their functions are incompletely defined. Recent evidence shows that truncation of the N2 CTD alters channel kinetics; however, the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear. Here we recorded activity from individual NRs lacking the CTDs of N1, 2A, or 2B and determined the gating mechanisms of these receptors. Receptors lacking the N1 CTDs had larger unitary conductance and faster deactivation kinetics, receptors lacking the 2A or 2B CTDs had longer openings and longer desensitized intervals, and the first 100 amino acids of the N2 CTD were essential for these changes. In addition, receptors lacking the CTDs of either 2A or 2B maintained isoform-specific kinetic differences and swapping CTDs between 2A and 2B had no effect on single-channel properties. Based on these results, we suggest that perturbations in the CTD can modify the NR-mediated signal in a subunit-dependent manner, in 2A these effects are most likely mediated by membrane-proximal residues, and the isoform-specific biophysical properties conferred by 2A and 2B are CTD-independent. The kinetic mechanisms we developed afford a quantitative approach to understanding how the intracellular domains of NR subunits can modulate the responses of the receptor.  相似文献   

TASK3 two-pore domain potassium (K2P) channels are responsible for native leak K channels in many cell types which regulate cell resting membrane potential and excitability. In addition, TASK3 channels contribute to the regulation of cellular potassium homeostasis. Because TASK3 channels are important for cell viability, having putative roles in both neuronal apoptosis and oncogenesis, we sought to determine their behavior under inflammatory conditions by investigating the effect of TNFα on TASK3 channel current. TASK3 channels were expressed in tsA-201 cells, and the current through them was measured using whole cell voltage clamp recordings. We show that THP-1 human myeloid leukemia monocytes, co-cultured with hTASK3-transfected tsA-201 cells, can be activated by the specific Toll-like receptor 7/8 activator, R848, to release TNFα that subsequently enhances hTASK3 current. Both hTASK3 and mTASK3 channel activity is increased by incubation with recombinant TNFα (10 ng/ml for 2–15 h), but other K2P channels (hTASK1, hTASK2, hTREK1, and hTRESK) are unaffected. This enhancement by TNFα is not due to alterations in levels of channel expression at the membrane but rather to an alteration in channel gating. The enhancement by TNFα can be blocked by extracellular acidification but persists for mutated TASK3 (H98A) channels that are no longer acid-sensitive even in an acidic extracellular environment. TNFα action on TASK3 channels is mediated through the intracellular C terminus of the channel. Furthermore, it occurs through the ASK1 pathway and is JNK- and p38-dependent. In combination, TNFα activation and TASK3 channel activity can promote cellular apoptosis.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits (α, β, and γ) with cytoplasmic N and C termini. Our previous work revealed that two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the β subunit, βCys-43 and βCys-557, are Cys-palmitoylated. ENaCs with mutant βC43A/C557A exhibit normal surface expression but enhanced Na+ self-inhibition and reduced channel open probability. Although the α subunit is not palmitoylated, we now show that the two cytoplasmic Cys residues in the γ subunit are palmitoylated. ENaCs with mutant γC33A, γC41A, or γC33A/C41A exhibit reduced activity compared with wild type channels but normal surface expression and normal levels of α and γ subunit-activating cleavage. These mutant channels have significantly enhanced Na+ self-inhibition and reduced open probability compared with wild type ENaCs. Channel activity was enhanced by co-expression with the palmitoyltransferase DHHC2 that also co-immunoprecipitates with ENaCs. Secondary structure prediction of the N terminus of the γ subunit places γCys-33 within an α-helix and γCys-44 on a coil before the first transmembrane domain within a short tract that includes a well conserved His-Gly motif, where mutations have been associated with altered channel gating. Our current and previous results suggest that palmitoylation of the β and γ subunits of ENaCs enhances interactions of their respective cytoplasmic domains with the plasma membrane and stabilizes the open state of the channel. Comparison of activities of channels lacking palmitoylation sites in individual or multiple subunits revealed that γ subunit palmitoylation has a dominant role over β subunit palmitoylation in modulating ENaC gating.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-activated channels expressed in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous systems where they modulate neuronal activity in response to external increases in proton concentration. The size of ASIC1 currents evoked by a given local acidification is determined by the number of channels in the plasma membrane and by the apparent proton affinities for activation and steady-state desensitization of the channel. Thus, the magnitude of the pH drop and the value of the baseline pH both are functionally important. Recent characterization of ASIC1s from an increasing number of species has made evident that proton affinities of these channels vary across vertebrates. We found that in species with high baseline plasma pH, e.g. frog, shark, and fish, ASIC1 has high proton affinity compared with the mammalian channel. The β1-β2 linker in the extracellular domain, specifically by the substitution M85L, determines the interspecies differences in proton affinities and also the time course of ASIC1 macroscopic currents. The mechanism underlying these observations is a delay in channel opening after application of protons, most likely by stabilizing a closed conformation that decreases the apparent affinity to protons and also slows the rise and decay phases of the current. Together, the results suggest evolutionary adaptation of ASIC1 to match the value of the species-specific plasma pH. At the molecular level, adaptation is achieved by substitutions of nonionizable residues rather than by modification of the channel proton sensor.  相似文献   

Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the kidneys is critical for Na+ balance, extracellular volume, and blood pressure. Altered ENaC function is associated with respiratory disorders, pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1, and Liddle syndrome. ENaC is known to interact with components of the cytoskeleton, but the functional roles remain largely unclear. Here, we examined the interaction between ENaC and filamins, important actin filament components. We first discovered by yeast two-hybrid screening that the C termini of ENaC α and β subunits bind filamin A, B, and C, and we then confirmed the binding by in vitro biochemical assays. We demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation that ENaC, either overexpressed in HEK, HeLa, and melanoma A7 cells or natively expressed in LLC-PK1 and IMCD cells, is in the same complex with native filamin. Furthermore, the biotinylation and co-immunoprecipitation combined assays showed the ENaC-filamin interaction on the cell surface. Using Xenopus oocyte expression and two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology, we found that co-expression of an ENaC-binding domain of filamin substantially reduces ENaC channel function. Western blot and immunohistochemistry experiments revealed that the filamin A C terminus (FLNAC) modestly reduces the expression of the ENaC α subunit in oocytes and A7 cells. After normalizing the current by plasma membrane expression, we found that FLNAC results in ∼50% reduction in the ENaC channel activity. The inhibitory effect of FLNAC was confirmed by lipid bilayer electrophysiology experiments using purified ENaC and FLNAC proteins, which showed that FLNAC substantially reduces ENaC single channel open probability. Taken together, our study demonstrated that filamin reduces ENaC channel function through direct interaction on the cell surface.  相似文献   

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