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A. J. Gaston 《Ibis》1973,115(3):330-351
The behaviour and ecology of a population of Long-tailed Tits in Wytham Great Wood, Oxford, were studied between October 1970 and June 1971. Flocks were found to have a stable composition in autumn, and to occupy fairly discrete territories which they defended against other flocks.
In spring the population was reduced by about 50% and in the pre-nesting period flocks formed only in cold weather or just before going to roost. These flocks occupied the same territories as the autumn flocks and the individuals composing them eventually nested within the flock territory.
Predation of nests was heavy, increasing to a peak in the first half of May. Only nine pairs out of 36 managed to rear young successfully. At six out of these nine nests, supernumerary birds helped to feed the young, but it seems unlikely that this increased their success, since all young hatched fledged successfully. The presence of supernumerary birds at the nest was accompanied by frequent hover-displays by all the adults.
The distribution of nests in relation to habitat shows that there is a preference for scrub rather than mature woodland, although the latter is used extensively for feeding during the winter. There appears to have been a radical change in the height of nest-sites in Wytham Great Wood between 1955–57 and 1971, and this is probably due to predation.  相似文献   

长白山沼泽山雀的生态习性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沼泽山雀(Parus palustris brevirostris Taczanovski)是中山、低山带较常见的典型森林鸟类。关于它的生态习性,La Touche(1925—30),ⅡeMe~TKCB,r.n.等(1954),郑作新等(1958),郑作新等(1963)、范忠民等(1965)及李桂垣等(1982)均有过报道;但鉴于其生态习性的地区差异及某些环节的不足,尤其是对其生长发育的研究欠缺。为此,笔者将1963—1965,1979—1983年,在长白山北坡对该鸟生态习性的研究结果,报道如下。  相似文献   

Mixed-species flocks of birds were observed between the end of July and late August, principally at Daksum, Kashmir, 2250 m. The species composition and the numbers of individuals in flocks changed during this period; these changes are attributed to resident territory holders and migrant birds joining the flocks. Within the flock different species showed some differences in foraging stations, but nevertheless often appeared to be taking the same type of food. Participant species had different roles in the flock organization. Behaviours involving the entire mixed-flock acting as a unit included path reversal after encounters with avian predators and a tendency to follow set routes. The mixed- species flock exerted an attractive influence on aggregations of species not normally participant.
Similarities between the flocks described in this study and those recorded by other workers are discussed. While different species may derive different benefits from joining these flocks, advantages that could benefit some or all participants include the receipt of information on good feeding areas in an unfamiliar locality, the avoidance of time wasted on feeding on substrates which have been very recently harvested, the beating effect to increase prey availability, and enhanced safety from predators, perhaps through differential alertness of different species and specialized anti-predator behaviour.  相似文献   

Barbara K.  Snow 《Ibis》1966,108(2):265-280
From 25 September to 8 October 1963 daily observations were made on a group of Flightless Cormorants Nannopterum harrisi nesting on the west side of Albemarle Island in the Galápagos. Flightless Cormorants are apparently bottom-feeders, and confined to shallow coasts at the western end of the Galapagos Archipelago where there is an upwelling of cold nutrient-rich water. There is no reason to suppose that they are declining in numbers. Males are very much larger than females, the size difference between the sexes being greater than in other species of cormorants. Courtship behaviour, nest-building and mating are described. The earliest phases of courtship take place on the water, later phases at the nest-site. Homologies are traced with other cormorant species. In contrast to other members of the family, allopreening apparently does not occur. Both sexes incubate and care for the young. Observations on families of different ages over the 12-day period allowed the development of the young to be traced up to the age of about 40 days. Egg-laying takes place in most months of the year, with a peak in April-June and perhaps a second peak about October. Observations on birds colour-ringed on an earlier visit suggested that individuals do not breed more than once in the year. Nesting success appeared to be very low in 1963.  相似文献   

Nicholas E.  Collias Elsie C.  Collias 《Ibis》1970,112(4):457-480

Milton W.  Weller 《Ibis》1975,117(2):217-231
A study of the feeding ecology and breeding biology of the South Georgia Pintail was conducted in East Cumberland Bay during November and December 1971. Of a variety of water areas available, pintails fed and reared their broods in tussock-trimmed ponds. The second most important feeding areas were sheltered fjords and seashores. Food included freshwater invertebrates such as fairy shrimp, marine amphipods and snails, and small amounts of marine algae. Considering the climatic conditions, the breeding season spans a long season from late October to early March. Courtship and social behaviour are very similar to that of the pintail, and displays and calls could not be differentiated from those of A. g. spinicauda. There is now one other species of duck on South Georgia, the Speckled Teal, but, because it occurs sympatrically with A. g. spinicauda throughout temperate South America and tends to use different food resources, no serious competition is expected. It is concluded that these species have successfully adapted to South Georgia because of the availability of protected, food-rich ponds for rearing young and because of the semimarine adaptations that have developed in Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦北部轮藻植物的分布与生态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈萨克斯坦北部已发现26种轮藻植物,其中以Kockchetav丘陵地区最为丰富。轮藻植物生长的盐度范围为0.2—44.9g/L,一般生长于盐度不超过1—5(8)g/L的淡水或微咸水环境。在盐度高达41.1—44.9g/L的水体中,仅发现Lamprothamnium papulosum。轮藻植物生长的最大水深为7m,多数种生长的水深不超过1m。轮藻生长的主要底质类型为砂及粉砂质。一些种类如Chara kirghisorum,C.glopbularis,C.tomentosa和Nitellopsis obtusa构成稳定的植被,而其它种类构成湖区周期性干涸环境中短时间生长的水生大型植物群落的一部分。  相似文献   

J. P. Croxall 《Ibis》1977,119(2):113-146
Fifty species of insectivorous warblers Sylviidae, flycatchers Muscicapidae and whistlers Pachycephalidae were studied in primary rainforest at various localities in New Guinea. The structure of the various forest types is described and the birds' feeding ecology and behaviour analysed by recognizing three main foraging techniques and five horizontal and three vertical basic structural divisions of the habitats. Altitudinal ranges of the species are assessed to determine potential co-existence and they are divided into lowland and lower montane groups (either side of the main avifaunal discontinuity at 1500 m) with a third small group occurring in both areas and a fourth group of 12 lower montane species that occur also in the structurally much simpler Upper Montane forest. The feeding behaviour and ecology of the species within each major habitat are compared, with particular attention to taxonomically related and ecologically similar species. Other important considerations—additional behavioural differences, notable morphological distinctions, altitudinal separation of ranges within the habitat—are also noted. The likely importance of differences in foraging behaviour and feeding sites for reducing competition between related species is amply demonstrated, members of several pairs and groups of species have nearly mutually exclusive preferences. The overall pattern of habitat utilization is, however, extremely complex with nearly all stations used, in a variety of ways, by several species and there are many instances of substantial similarity between pairs of species, often involving congeners. The calculation of information theory derived indices of foraging diversity and overlap enables more general comparisons between the altitudinally graded habitats to be made and differences related to current ideas on tropical species diversity. Between Lowland and Lower Montane forest there is a fairly general trend of reduction in foraging diversity and decrease in the mean overlap between species in many genera and groups. The 12 species that continue into the simpler Upper Montane forest show very significantly reduced foraging diversity (compared with their values in lower montane forest) and also less overlap, indicating a different relationship between these species in the absence of the other Lower Montane forest birds. Together these results suggest that the most tropical (i.e., lowland) species show greatest overlap but do not necessarily have smaller niches. In progressively higher habitats there is a bias to the disappearance of generalist (high diversity index) species. These mainly use flycatcher-gleaning techniques supporting suggestions that the increase in insectivorous species in the tropics is partly due to exploitation of feeding strategies related to hovering. Habitat and ecological factors influencing this are assessed. The importance of altitudinal isolating mechanisms is also discussed and, amongst the species studied, both on average and in specific cases, those with the greatest similarities in foraging behaviour and ecology are segregated altitudinally and do not co-exist. It is suggested, however, that substantial overlap between many co-existing tropical species may not be abnormal, but rather an adaptation for ensuring maximum efficiency of habitat utilization in the prevailing environmental conditions of tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

通过试验分析,结果得出,油菜菌核病菌生长温度范围在0~34℃之间,23℃以下菌丝生长速度与温度呈正相关,25℃以上则呈负相关,23~25℃最适宜,菌丝和菌核致死温度分别为45℃和75℃.该菌对酸碱度适应范围很广,PH1~14范围内只在PH_1条件下不能生长,其最适PH值为5~6。病菌利用铵态氮源能力最强,硝态氮源次之,不能利用亚硝态氮;对氨基酸利用能力以精氨酸最强,其次是酪氨酸、天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸,赖氨酸最差。植株内精氨酸和赖氨酸比值大的白菜型油菜“黄鳝籽”病情扩展最快。  相似文献   

中国腐霉属的生态和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐霉属PytMum真菌全世界已报道约100种。本文记载我国的腐霉45种,以及它们的生态及地理分布。腐霉喜栖息于富含有机质的潮湿土壤里,以菜园土中为最多,其次是大田土、水畔土和陵园土,干旱的沙质土、森林土和含盐碱的沼泽土一般均较少,最贫乏的是草丘土,如草原、牧场、山坡、荒丘及道旁等土壤。在我国的土壤中,以绚丽腐霉P.Pulchrum和瓜果腐霉P. aphanidermatum最为常见,其次是刺腐霉Spinosum、中国腐霉P.Sinense和卡地腐霉P. carolinianum,而顶生腐霉P.Acrogenum、色孢腐霉P.Coloratum、壁台腐霉P connatura等10个种却较罕见,仅出现过一次。腐霉在土壤中的垂直分布以5—10㈨深处为最多。腐霉在土壤中的活动有着明显的季节性变化:春季最多,秋季次之,夏季最少。在我国的30个省市自治区中,北京发现的腐霉最多,已报道22种;河北、广东、云南省次之,各有13种;台湾省已记录12个种;山西省、甘肃省和新疆维吾尔自治区均仅发现一个种;而青海省、宁夏回族自治区和西藏自治区迄今尚未见有腐霉报道。  相似文献   

A tabular summary, by family, of the 56,431 computerized names of those native and naturalized plant taxa included in the “Synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada and Greenland” (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) indicates a flora of 21,588 species in 2,921 genera in 254 families. There are also 740 named hybrids and, under current concepts, 2,491 subspecies and 8,008 varieties in our flora. There are 20,429 pertinent or “manual level” synonyms, with the number of synonyms exceeding the number of accepted names in many families (especially those families of high agricultural, horticultural or other economic importance).  相似文献   

对西格陵兰海域GA306-GC3孔中的89个样品进行鉴定,共发现46个属的107个硅藻种及其变种,运用聚类分析方法后发现该孔可分为3个硅藻带和2个亚带。硅藻丰度变化与格陵兰冰芯重建的6 700年以来的温度变化具有明显一致性,同时也与其它古气候记录有较好的对应关系,共同追溯了西格陵兰海域6 700年来的气候变化,记录了全新世大暖期、黑暗时代冷期、中世纪暖期和小冰期等古气候事件。  相似文献   

单殖吸虫生物学及生态学   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
单殖吸虫是隶属于扁形动物门的一大类蠕虫。    相似文献   

The influence of substratum, depth of water, turbidity, and temperature on daily growth patterns has been studied by transplanting juvenile Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus) from the laboratory to intertidal and subtidal environments.
The study of seasonal growth variations in a population of Gemma gemma Totten from Long Island Sound shows that shell growth patterns may be used to determine the season of death and age of dead shells.
Deep-water species (e.g. Nucula cancellata Jeffreys, Malletia sp., and Calyptogena ponderosa Boss) exhibit growth increments that are more uniform in thickness and less sharply defined than those in shallow-water species.  相似文献   

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