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Rotavirus is a nonenveloped virus with a three-layered capsid. The inner layer, made of VP2, encloses the genomic RNA and two minor proteins, VP1 and VP3, with which it forms the viral core. Core assembly is coupled with RNA viral replication and takes place in definite cellular structures termed viroplasms. Replication and encapsidation mechanisms are still not fully understood, and little information is available about the intermolecular interactions that may exist among the viroplasmic proteins. NSP2 and NSP5 are two nonstructural viroplasmic proteins that have been shown to interact with each other. They have also been found to be associated with precore replication intermediates that are precursors of the viral core. In this study, we show that NSP5 interacts with VP2 in infected cells. This interaction was demonstrated with recombinant proteins expressed from baculovirus recombinants or in bacterial systems. NSP5-VP2 interaction also affects the stability of VP6 bound to VP2 assemblies. The data presented showed evidence, for the first time, of an interaction between VP2 and a nonstructural rotavirus protein. Published data and the interaction demonstrated here suggest a possible role for NSP5 as an adapter between NSP2 and the replication complex VP2-VP1-VP3 in core assembly and RNA encapsidation, modulating the role of NSP2 as a molecular motor involved in the packaging of viral mRNA.  相似文献   

Rotavirus morphogenesis starts in intracellular inclusion bodies called viroplasms. RNA replication and packaging are mediated by several viral proteins, of which VP1, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, and VP2, the core scaffolding protein, were shown to be sufficient to provide replicase activity in vitro. In vivo, however, viral replication complexes also contain the nonstructural proteins NSP2 and NSP5, which were shown to be essential for replication, to interact with each other, and to form viroplasm-like structures (VLS) when coexpressed in uninfected cells. In order to gain a better understanding of the intermediates formed during viral replication, this work focused on the interactions of NSP5 with VP1, VP2, and NSP2. We demonstrated a strong interaction of VP1 with NSP5 but only a weak one with NSP2 in cotransfected cells in the absence of other viral proteins or viral RNA. By contrast, we failed to coimmunoprecipitate VP2 with anti-NSP5 antibodies or NSP5 with anti-VP2 antibodies. We constructed a tagged form of VP1, which was found to colocalize in viroplasms and in VLS formed by NSP5 and NSP2. The tagged VP1 was able to replace VP1 structurally by being incorporated into progeny viral particles. When applying anti-tag-VP1 or anti-NSP5 antibodies, coimmunoprecipitation of tagged VP1 with NSP5 was found. Using deletion mutants of NSP5 or different fragments of NSP5 fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein, we identified the 48 C-terminal amino acids as the region essential for interaction with VP1.  相似文献   

Evidence that NSP2 plays a role in packaging and replication comes from studies on tsE(1400), a rotavirus mutant with a temperature-sensitive (ts) lesion in the NSP2 gene. Cells infected with tsE and maintained at nonpermissive temperature contain few replication-assembly factories (viroplasms) or replication intermediates and produce virus particles that are mostly empty. Sequence analysis has indicated that an A152V mutation in NSP2 is responsible for the ts phenotype of tsE. To gain insight into the effect of the mutation on the octameric structure and biochemical activities of tsE NSP2, the protein was expressed in bacteria and purified to homogeneity. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that tsE NSP2 formed octamers which, like those formed by wild-type (wt) NSP2, undergo conformational change into more compact structures upon binding of nucleotides. However, exposure to Mg(2+) and the nonpermissive temperature caused disruption of the tsE octamers and yielded the formation of polydisperse NSP2 aggregates, events not observed with wt octamers. Biochemical analysis showed that the RNA-binding, helix-destabilizing and NTPase activities of tsE NSP2 were significantly less at the nonpermissive temperature than at the permissive temperature. In contrast, these activities for wt NSP2 were higher at the nonpermissive temperature. Our results indicate that the octamer is the fully functional form of NSP2 and the form required for productive virus replication. The propensity of tsE NSP2 to form large aggregates provides a possible explanation for the inability of the protein to support packaging and/or replication in the infected cell at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum-localized transmembrane glycoprotein NSP4 of rotavirus is a key protein involved in rotavirus cytopathology. We have used a dual-recombinant vaccinia virus system to express NSP4 in monkey kidney epithelial cells at a level comparable to that observed during rotavirus infection. Expression of NSP4 results in loss of plasma membrane integrity, which can be demonstrated by release of both 51Cr and lactate dehydrogenase into the medium. The cytotoxic behavior of NSP4 is dose dependent, and morphological analysis reveals gross changes to cell ultrastructure, indicative of cell death. Thus, intracellular expression of a single rotavirus protein which localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane has profound effects on the stability of the plasma membrane and cell viability. Analysis of NSP4 deletion mutants indicates that a membrane-proximal region located within the cytoplasmic domain may mediate cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Rotavirus is one of the leading agents of gastroenteritis worldwide. During infection, viral factories (viroplasms) are formed. The rotavirus nonstructural proteins NSP5 and NSP2 are the major building blocks of viroplasms; however, NSP5 function and organisation remain elusive. In this report, we present a structural characterisation of NSP5. Multi-angle laser light scattering, sedimentation velocity and equilibrium sedimentation experiments demonstrate that recombinant full-length NSP5 forms a decamer in solution. Far-Western, pull-down and multi-angle laser light scattering experiments show that NSP5 has two oligomerisation regions. The first region, residues 103-146, is involved in NSP5 dimerisation, whereas the second region, residues 189-198, is responsible for NSP5 decamerisation. Circular dichroism analyses of full-length and truncated forms of NSP5 reveal that the decamerisation region is helical, whereas the dimerisation region involves β-sheets. From these circular dichroism experiments, we also show that the NSP5 protomers contain two α-helices, a disordered N-terminal half and a C-terminal half that is primarily composed of β-sheet folds. This extensive structural characterisation of NSP5 led us to propose a model for its quaternary organisation. Finally, co-expression of NSP5 fragments and NSP2 in uninfected cells shows that the NSP5 decamerisation region is required for viroplasm-like structure formation. However, in vitro, the NSP5 decamerisation region partially inhibits the NSP2-NSP5 interaction. Our NSP5 model suggests that steric hindrance prevents NSP2 from binding to all NSP5 protomers. Some protomers may thus be free to interact with other NSP5 binding partners, such as viral RNAs and the viral polymerase VP1, to perform functions other than viroplasm organisation.  相似文献   

海洋  谢建平 《生物信息学》2021,19(3):149-158
冠状病毒进入细胞后以基因组RNA作为转录本,翻译产生多聚蛋白,多聚蛋白水解后产生16种功能各异的非结构蛋白(Nonstructural Protein,NSP).其中,NSP7和NSP8对病毒的RNA复制过程和RNA聚合酶活性非常重要.对新型冠状病毒(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ...  相似文献   

The rotavirus nonstructural protein NSP2 self-assembles into homomultimers, binds single-stranded RNA nonspecifically, possesses a Mg2+-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activity, and is a component of replication intermediates. Because these properties are characteristics of known viral helicases, we examined the possibility that this was also an activity of NSP2 by using a strand displacement assay and purified bacterially expressed protein. The results revealed that, under saturating concentrations, NSP2 disrupted both DNA-RNA and RNA-RNA duplexes; hence, the protein possesses helix-destabilizing activity. However, unlike typical helicases, NSP2 required neither a divalent cation nor a nucleotide energy source for helix destabilization. Further characterization showed that NSP2 displayed no polarity in destabilizing a partial duplex. In addition, helix destabilization by NSP2 was found to proceed cooperatively and rapidly. The presence of Mg2+ and other divalent cations inhibited by approximately one-half the activity of NSP2, probably due to the increased stability of the duplex substrate brought on by the cations. In contrast, under conditions where NSP2 functions as an NTPase, its helix-destabilizing activity was less sensitive to the presence of Mg2+, suggesting that in the cellular environment the two activities associated with the protein, helix destabilization and NTPase, may function together. Although distinct from typical helicases, the helix-destabilizing activity of NSP2 is quite similar to that of the sigmaNS protein of reovirus and to the single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) involved in double-stranded DNA replication. The presence of SSB-like nonstructural proteins in two members of the family Reoviridae suggests a common mechanism of unwinding viral mRNA prior to packaging and subsequent minus-strand RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Bugarcic A  Taylor JA 《Journal of virology》2006,80(24):12343-12349
NSP4, a nonstructural glycoprotein encoded by rotavirus, is involved in the morphogenesis of virus particles in the endoplasmic reticulum of infected cells. NSP4 is also implicated in the pathophysiology of rotavirus-induced diarrhea by acting as an enterotoxin. To mediate enterotoxic effects in vivo, NSP4 must be secreted or released from rotavirus-infected cells in a soluble form; however, previous studies have indicated that NSP4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein localized within endomembrane compartments in infected cells. In this study, we examined the fate of NSP4 synthesized in Caco-2 cells infected with bovine rotavirus. Our studies reveal that NSP4 is actively secreted into the culture medium, preferentially from the infected-cell apical surface. The secretion of NSP4 is dramatically inhibited by brefeldin A and monensin, suggesting that a Golgi-dependent pathway is involved in release of the protein. In agreement with the proposed involvement of the Golgi apparatus during secretion, secreted NSP4 appears to undergo additional posttranslational modification compared to its cell-associated counterpart and is partially resistant to deglycosylation by endoglycosidase H. Our experiments identify a novel, soluble form of NSP4 secreted from virus-infected cells with the potential to carry out the enterotoxigenic role previously attributed to recombinant forms of the protein.  相似文献   

Yikilmaz E  Rouault TA  Schuck P 《Biochemistry》2005,44(23):8470-8478
Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) regulate iron metabolism in mammalian cells. We used biophysical techniques to examine the solution properties of apo-IRP1 and apo-IRP2 and the interaction with their RNA ligand, the iron regulatory element (IRE). Sedimentation velocity and equilibrium experiments have shown that apo-IRP1 exists as an equilibrium mixture of monomers and dimers in solution, with an equilibrium dissociation constant in the low micromolar range and slow kinetic exchange between the two forms. However, only monomeric IRP1 is observed in complex with IRE. In contrast, IRP2 exists as monomer in both the apo-IRP2 form and in the IRP2/IRE complex. For both IRPs, sedimentation velocity and dynamic light-scattering experiments show a decrease of the Stokes radius upon binding of IRE. This conformational change was also observed by circular dichroism. Studies with an RNA molecule complementary to IRE indicate that, although specific base interactions can increase the stability of the protein/RNA complex, they are not essential for inducing this conformational change. The dynamic change of the IRP between different oligomeric and conformational states induced by interaction with IRE may play a role in the iron regulatory functions of IRPs.  相似文献   

Rotavirus infection modifies Ca2+ homeostasis, provoking an increase in Ca2+ permeation, the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyto), and total Ca2+ pools and a decrease in Ca2+ response to agonists. A glycosylated viral protein(s), NSP4 and/or VP7, may be responsible for these effects. HT29 or Cos-7 cells were infected by the SA11 clone 28 strain, in which VP7 is not glycosylated, or transiently transfected with plasmids coding for NSP4-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or NSP4. The permeability of the plasma membrane to Ca2+ and the amount of Ca2+ sequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum released by carbachol or ATP were measured in fura-2-loaded cells at the single-cell level under a fluorescence microscope or in cell suspensions in a fluorimeter. Total cell Ca2+ pools were evaluated as 45Ca2+ uptake. Infection with SA11 clone 28 induced an increase in Ca2+ permeability and 45Ca2+ uptake similar to that found with the normally glycosylated SA11 strain. These effects were inhibited by tunicamycin, indicating that inhibition of glycosylation of a viral protein other than VP7 affects the changes of Ca2+ homeostasis induced by infection. Expression of NSP4-EGFP or NSP4 in transfected cells induced the same changes observed with rotavirus infection, whereas the expression of EGFP or EGFP-VP4 showed the behavior of uninfected and untransfected cells. Increased 45Ca2+ uptake was also observed in cells expressing NSP4-EGFP or NSP4, as evidenced in rotavirus infection. These results indicate that glycosylated NSP4 is primarily responsible for altering the Ca2+ homeostasis of infected cells through an initial increase of cell membrane permeability to Ca2+.  相似文献   

The energetics of structural changes in the holo and apo forms of a-lactalbumin and the transition between their native and denatured states induced by binding Ca2+ and Na+ have been studied by differential scanning and isothermal titration microcalorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy under various solvent conditions. Removal of Ca2+ from the protein enhances its sensitivity to pH and ionic conditions due to noncompensated negative charge-charge interactions at the cation binding site, which significantly reduces its overall stability. At neutral pH and low ionic strength, the native structure of apo-alpha-lactalbumin is stable below 14 C and undergoes a conformational change to a native-like molten globule intermediate at temperatures above 25 degrees C. The denaturation of either holo- or apo-alpha-lactalbumin is a highly cooperative process that is characterized by an enthalpy of similar magnitude when calculated at the same temperature. Measured by direct calorimetric titration, the enthalpy of Ca2+-binding to apo-LA at pH 7.5 is -7.1 kJ mol(-1) at 5.0 degrees C. which is essentially invariant to protonation effects. This small enthalpy effect infers that stabilization of alpha-lactalbumin by Ca2+ is primarily an entropy driven process, presumably arising from electrostatic interactions and the hydration effect. In contrast to the binding of calcium, the interaction of sodium with apo-LA does not produce a noticeable heat effect and is characterized by its ionic nature rather than specific binding to the metal-binding site. Characterization of the conformational stability and ligand binding energetics of alpha-lactalbumin as a function of solvent conditions furnishes significant insight regarding the molecular flexibility and regulatory mechanism mediated by this protein.  相似文献   

The lymphoid surface antigen CD38 is basically a NAD+glycohydrolase, which is also involved in the metabolism of cyclic ADP-ribose. Besides, this ecto-enzyme has potential signalling roles in T- and B-cells. Such multiple functions prompted us to study the molecular dynamics of the CD38 protein and especially the relationship between its ecto-enzymatic active site and its epitope, i.e. the binding site of most known anti-CD38 monoclonal antibodies. Both epitopic and enzymatic sites were shown to be degraded by proteases, such as trypsin or chymotrypsin. This sensitivity was almost entirely suppressed in the presence of substrates or inhibitors. Both sites were also degraded in the presence of reducing agents, as dithiothreitol. Inhibitory ligands induced the same resistance of both sites against reducing attack. The binding of CD38 ligands to the active site triggers therefore conformational changes that shield some backbone bonds and disulfide bridges against, respectively, proteolytic cleavage or reduction. This transconformation was found moreover to irreversibly take place after incubation with substrates such as NAD+ in the presence of dithiothreitol. The epitope remained preserved, while the enzymatic activity was lost. This inactivation probably resulted from the covalent trapping of the catalytically reactive intermediate in the active site (i.e. paracatalytic inactivation). These data have major implications in the knowledge of the CD38 structure, especially with regard to the location of disulfide bridges and their accessibility. Potential consequences of the conformational plasticity of CD38 should also be considered in its physiological functions such as signalling.  相似文献   

The lymphoid surface antigen CD38 is a NAD+-glycohydrolase that also catalyzes the transformation of NAD+ into cyclic ADP-ribose, a calcium mobilizing second messenger. In addition, ligation of CD38 by antibodies triggers signaling in lymphoid cells. Since the cytoplasmic tail of CD38 is dispensable for this latter property, we have previously proposed that CD38-mediated receptor signal transduction might be regulated by its conformational state. We have now examined the molecular changes of this protein during its interaction with NAD+ by measuring the intrinsic fluorescence of CD38. We have shown that addition of the substrate produced a dramatic decrease in the fluorescence of the catalytically active recombinant soluble ectodomain of murine CD38. Analysis of this event revealed that the catalytic cycle involves a state of the enzyme that is characterized by a low fluorescence which, upon substrate turnover, reverts to the initial high intrinsic fluorescence level. In contrast, non-hydrolyzable substrates trap CD38 in its altered low fluorescence state. Studies with the hydrophilic quencher potassium iodide revealed that the tryptophan residues that are mainly involved in the observed changes in fluorescence, are remote from the active site. Similar data were also obtained with human CD38, indicating that studies of intrinsic fluorescence will be useful in monitoring the transconformation of CD38 from different species. Together, these data demonstrate that CD38 undergoes a reversible conformational change after substrate binding, and suggest a mechanism by which this change could alter interactions with different cell-surface partners.  相似文献   

Hydrogen exchange analysis of ligand-induced conformational changes in Fab   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P A Liberti  D M Bausch  M Chu 《Biochemistry》1981,20(4):1012-1019

The binding of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDPNAG) to the enzyme UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase (MurA) was studied in the absence and presence of the antibiotic fosfomycin by isothermal titration calorimetry. Fosfomycin binds covalently to MurA in the presence of UDPNAG and also in its absence as demonstrated by MALDI mass spectrometry. The covalent attachment of fosfomycin affects the thermodynamic parameters of UDPNAG binding significantly: In the absence of fosfomycin the binding of UDPNAG is enthalpically driven (DeltaH = -35.5 kJ mol(-1) at 15 degrees C) and opposed by an unfavorable entropy change (DeltaS = -25 J mol(-1) K(-1)). In the presence of covalently attached fosfomycin the binding of UDPNAG is entropically driven (DeltaS = 187 J mol(-1)K(-1) at 15 degrees C) and associated with unfavorable changes in enthalpy (DeltaH = 28.8 kJ mol(-1)). Heat capacities for UDPNAG binding in the absence or presence of fosfomycin were -1.87 and -2.74 kJ mol(-1) K(-1), respectively, indicating that most ( approximately 70%) of the conformational changes take place upon formation of the UDPNAG-MurA binary complex. The major contribution to the heat capacity of ligand binding is thought to be due to changes in the solvent-accessible surface area. However, associated conformational changes, if any, also contribute to the experimentally measured magnitude of the heat capacity. The changes in solvent-accessible surface area were calculated from available 3D structures, yielding a DeltaC(p) of -1.3 kJ mol(-1) K(-1); i.e., the experimentally determined heat capacity exceeds the calculated one. This implies that other thermodynamic factors exert a large influence on the heat capacity of protein-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in women worldwide. It is linked to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). As the virus cannot be propagated in culture, vaccines based on virus-like particles have been developed and recently marketed. However, their high costs constitute an important drawback for widespread use in developing countries, where the incidence of cervical cancer is highest. In a search for alternative production systems, the major structural protein of the HPV-16 capsid, L1, was expressed in tobacco chloroplasts. A very high yield of production was achieved in mature plants (approximately 3 mg L1/g fresh weight; equivalent to 24% of total soluble protein). This is the highest expression level of HPV L1 protein reported in plants. A single mature plant synthesized approximately 240 mg of L1. The chloroplast-derived L1 protein displayed conformation-specific epitopes and assembled into virus-like particles, visible by transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore, leaf protein extracts from L1 transgenic plants were highly immunogenic in mice after intraperitoneal injection, and neutralizing antibodies were detected. Taken together, these results predict a promising future for the development of a plant-based vaccine against HPV.  相似文献   

Initiation is the rate-limiting step in protein synthesis and therefore an important target for regulation. For the initiation of translation of most cellular mRNAs, the cap structure at the 5' end is bound by the translation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), while the poly(A) tail, at the 3' end, is recognized by the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). eIF4G is a scaffold protein that brings together eIF4E and PABP, causing the circularization of the mRNA that is thought to be important for an efficient initiation of translation. Early in infection, rotaviruses take over the host translation machinery, causing a severe shutoff of cell protein synthesis. Rotavirus mRNAs lack a poly(A) tail but have instead a consensus sequence at their 3' ends that is bound by the viral nonstructural protein NSP3, which also interacts with eIF4GI, using the same region employed by PABP. It is widely believed that these interactions lead to the translation of rotaviral mRNAs, impairing at the same time the translation of cellular mRNAs. In this work, the expression of NSP3 in infected cells was knocked down using RNA interference. Unexpectedly, under these conditions the synthesis of viral proteins was not decreased, while the cellular protein synthesis was restored. Also, the yield of viral progeny increased, which correlated with an increased synthesis of viral RNA. Silencing the expression of eIF4GI further confirmed that the interaction between eIF4GI and NSP3 is not required for viral protein synthesis. These results indicate that NSP3 is neither required for the translation of viral mRNAs nor essential for virus replication in cell culture.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) is composed of low-density lipoprotein linked both covalently and noncovalently to apolipoprotein(a). The structure of lipoprotein(a) and the interactions between low-density lipoprotein and apolipoprotein(a) were investigated by electron microscopy and correlated with analytical ultracentrifugation. Electron microscopy of rotary-shadowed and unidirectionally shadowed lipoprotein(a) prepared without glycerol revealed that it is a nearly spherical particle with no large projections. After extraction of both lipoprotein(a) and low-density lipoprotein with glycerol prior to rotary shadowing, the protein components were observed to consist of a ring of density made up of nodules of different sizes, with apolipoprotein(a) and apolipoprotein B-100 closely associated with each other. However, when lipoprotein(a) was treated with a lysine analogue, 6-aminohexanoic acid, much of the apolipoprotein(a) separated from the apolipoprotein B-100. In 6-aminohexanoic acid-treated preparations without glycerol extraction, lipoprotein(a) particles had an irregular mass of density around the core. In contrast, lipoprotein(a) particles treated with 6-aminohexanoic acid in the presence of glycerol had a long tail, in which individual kringles could be distinguished, extending from the ring of apolipoprotein B-100. The length of the tail was dependent on the particular isoform of apolipoprotein(a). Dissociation of the noncovalent interactions between apolipoprotein(a) and low-density lipoprotein as a result of shear forces or changes in the microenvironment may contribute to selective retention of lipoprotein(a) in the vasculature.  相似文献   

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