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An experimental device was developed from the work of U ehara and S ugiyama (1969), in order to study the electrical phenomena accompanying the fertilization-wave in the sea urchin egg.
The change in membrane potential upon fertilization consists of 2 peaks (I to et al. , 1970), being preceded by a shoulder. The shoulder appears within the "latent period" (A llen and G riffin , 1958), and the 2 peaks correspond to the breakdown of the cortical granules and the formation of the fertilization membrane.
When the equatorial region of the egg surface was exposed to a detergent-sea water, the breakdown of the cortical granules and the formation of the fertilization membrane are induced only in this ring-shaped area. Sperm is then added to one of the polar regions. The fertilization-wave, starting from the point of sperm-entry, propagates across the detergent-treated region, and the membrane is formed on the whole egg surface. During such an experiment, changes of the membrane potential in the detergent-treated region were measured. 1 to 3 sudden transient depolarizations appear, followed by a delayed small depolarization. It is presumed that the initial depolarization corresponds to the fertilization-wave. The pattern of the potential change at normal fertilization may be explained by complexity of the cortical change, and the initial depolarizing shoulder is considered to correspond to the fertilization-wave, which is isolated by the above-mentioned device.  相似文献   

Eggs of Pseudocentrotus depressus were activated artificially by Loeb's "double treatment method". 50 min after activation, a number of asters were produced in the eggs. It was confirmed by electron microscopy that centrioles with a typical fine structure were present in artificially induced asters.
An unfertilized egg of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was divided into 2 halves, nucleated and non-nucleated, by centrifugation on a sucrose bed. Each half was activated by the same method as mentioned above. Several asters were produced in both halves after a certain period of incubation. The presence of bodies considered to be centrioles were demonstrated in the asters in both nucleated and non-nucleated halves.
The results add probability to the view that the centrioles are produced de novo in artificially activated eggs and fragments.  相似文献   

Sperm-egg interaction during normal fertilization in the sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus intermedius and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Several seconds after insemination, acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were found attached to the surface of the vitelline coat on each egg. Soon, several bulges of the vitelline coat appeared surrounding the fertilizing spermatozoon. These bulges then spread over the surface increasing in number, while they became fewer and disappeared around the sperm head. Thin sections of the bulging areas revealed discharging cortical granules. As the bulging vitelline coat was elevated, the sperm head was incorporated into the perivitelline space, passing through a small hole in the coat that resulted from penetration of the sperm acrosomal process immediately before fusion of the gametes. When the spermatozoon disappeared beneath the fertilization membrane, a hole was left in the membrane and the cortical reaction had finished on the other hemispheric surface. Mechanical removal of the membrane at that time exposed a spermatozoon protruding perpendicularly from the egg plasma membrane surface. The anterior tip of the sperm head was smoothly connected with the egg surface, and neither microvillous projections nor cytoplasmic covering of the egg cytoplasm could be found around the spermatozoon.  相似文献   

1. The surface of the unfertilized sea urchin egg is folded and the folds are reversibly eliminated by exposing the egg to hypotonic sea water. If the plasma membrane is outside the layer of cortical granules, unfolding may explain why the membrane capacitance per unit area decreases (and does not increase) when a sea urchin egg is put into hypotonic sea water. 2. The degree of surface folding markedly increases after fertilization, which provides an explanation for the increase in membrane capacitance per unit area observed after fertilization. 3. The percentage reduction in membrane folding in fertilized eggs after immersion in hypotonic sea water is probably sufficient to explain the decrease in membrane capacitance per unit area observed in these conditions.  相似文献   

The activity of arylcsterase in sea urchin eggs ( Anthocidaris craxsispina ), increases at 5 min after fertilization to about 1.5-fold that in unfertilized eggs, and decreases at 15 min to a lower level than that in unfertilized eggs. Then the activity of the enzyme increases again. The enzyme activity in unfertilized eggs is enhanced by either fructose 1, 6-diphosphate (FDP) at concentrations between 4 and 10 μM, or guanosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphalc (cGMP) at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3 μM. The activity is detectable in the crude microsomal fraction and also in the supernatant fraction obtained from sea urchin egg homogenates by centrifugation at 105,000 × g for 2 hr.  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, treated with 3% urethane for 30 sec followed by 0.3% urethane and inseminated are polyspermic and fail to undergo a typical cortical reaction. Upon insemination the vitelline layer of urethane-treated eggs either does not separate or is raised only a short distance from the oolemma. 1–6 min after insemination, almost all of the cortical granules remain intact and are dislodged from the plasmalemma. Later (6 min to the two-cell stage) some cortical granules are released randomly along the surface of the zygote. Not all zygotes show the same degree of cortical granule dehiscence; most of them experience little if any granule release whereas others demonstrate considerably more. The thickness of the hyaline layer appears to be directly related to the number of cortical granules released. Subsequent to pronuclear migration, several male pronuclei become associated with the female pronucleus. Later the male and female pronuclear envelopes contact and the outer and the inner laminae fuse, thereby forming the zygote nucleus. The male pronuclei remaining in the cytoplasm increase in size and progressively migrate to, and fuse with, the zygote nucleus. By 60 min some zygotes appear to contain only one large zygote nucleus which subsequently enters mitosis. Other zygotes possess a number of male pronuclei which remain unfused, and later these pronuclei along with the zygote nucleus undergo mitosis. There does not appear to be a direct relation between the number of cortical granules a zygote possesses and the above mentioned dichotomy.  相似文献   

The number of sperm incorporated into eggs made polyspermic with varying concentrations of nicotine (0.025–0.25%, v/v) appears to be directly related to the concentrations employed. The cortical response is morphologically equivalent to that observed in control preparations. Shortly after their incorporation all of the spermatozoa undergo structural events normally associated with the development of the male pronucleus in monospermic eggs. During the reorganization of the spermatozoa, sperm asters are formed. The number of male pronuclei that initially migrate to and encounter the female pronucleus is usually one to three. When pronuclei come into proximity to one another the surface of the female pronucleus proximal to the advancing male pronuclei flattens and becomes highly convoluted. Subsequently, the pronuclei contact each other and the outer and inner membranes of the pronuclear envelopes fuse, thereby producing the zygote nucleus. The male pronuclei remaining in the zygote after this initial series of pronuclear fusions continue to differentiate, i.e. they enlarge, form nucleolus-like bodies, and undergo further chromatin dispersion. In approximately 90% of the zygotes, all of the remaining male pronuclei progressively migrate to the zygote nucleus and fuse to form one large nucleus by 80 min postinsemination. Mitosis and cleavage of the polyspermic zygote occurs later than in monospermic eggs.  相似文献   

Although the fertilization-wave in the sea urchin egg is generally considered to propagate over the egg surface, there has been no definite evidence to show the site of propagation. The possibility that the wave passes through the endoplasm, not over the egg surface, has not been denied.
A drop of paraffin was injected into an egg, so that the endoplasm was divided into 2 parts by the paraffin drop, the 2 parts being connected only by the egg cortex. When spermatozoa were added to one side of the egg, the fertilization membrane was formed first on this part of the egg and then on the opposite part. This indicates that the egg surface or the egg cortex is the site of propagation of the fertilization-wave and the endoplasm has no direct influence on the propagation.  相似文献   

The capacity of the surface of sea urchin eggs to induce the acrosome reaction was assayed by estimating the rate of acrosome reaction of supernumerary spermatozoa in the presence of variously treated eggs before and after fertilization. DTT-disruption of the vitelline coat did not eliminate the acrosome reaction-inducing capacity. This capacity was retained after fertilization in eggs of both H. pulcherrimus and A. crassispina. The acrosome reaction-inducing capacity of the eggs was markedly decreased by treatment with trypsin. The low capacity of the trypsin-treated eggs was maintained after fertilization in H. pulcherrimus, but in A. crassispina the capacity returned to the pre-trypsin treatment level after fertilization. Fertilized eggs from which the fertilization membrane was mechanically removed retained the inducing capacity to a considerable extent, independent of the presence or absence of the hyaline layer, but the capacity diminished rapidly as cleavage proceeded. It was concluded from these data that the acrosome reaction of spermatozoa actually occurred at the surface of de-jellied eggs and that the inducing substance resides in the plasma membrane in addition to the fertilization membrane. A chemical difference between the inducing substance of egg surface and jelly substance is discussed.  相似文献   

The movement of the protoplasm during cleavage was analyzed by tracing the movements of particles in the protoplasm by time-lapse microcinematography of the eggs of the heart-urchin, Clypeaster japonicus .
Three methods of analysis are used. The first is to trace protoplasmic particles in the projected image frame by frame. The second is to record the displacements of protoplasmic particles at various regions of the egg within a definite period by printing several images of the same egg on the same sheet of photographic paper. The third is to record protoplasmic movement in the cleavage plane or along the spindle axis by projecting the film at a constant frame rate through a narrow slit on a sheet of photographic paper moving at a constant speed in a direction perpendicular to the slit.
As a result of the analysis, which confirms the result of a previous study (H iramoto , 1958), it is concluded that during cleavage of the sea urchin egg there is deformation of the preexisting cortex rather than the formation of a new cortex from endoplasmic materials.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the reconstitution of a crystalline component of the sea urchin fertilization membrane are presented. The reassembly of large aggregates of cylindrical or tubular components is effected by the addition of calcium or other divalent cations. The reassembly requires a slightly alkaline pH and is little affected by increasing ionic strength. Reassembly is strongly inhibited by treatment with reducing agents such as dithiothreitol. The role of this protein in the formation of the fertilization membrane and its possible relation to the calcium-insoluble proteins of the mitotic apparatus are discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in sea urchin eggs is localized in the crude mitochondrial fraction. The activity of the enzyme complex in the intact mitochondrial fraction of unfertilized eggs is too low to be estimated and is enhanced upon fertilization with a 5-min lag period. The activity of the enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs is enhanced by Ca2+at concentrations between 5 × 10?5 M and 10?3 M. The activity in fertilized eggs is blocked after incubation with 2 mM ATP, and the block of the activity is also released by Ca2+. The blockage of the enzyme complex activity is accompanied by phosphorylation of proteins, and release of the block by Ca2+ is concomitantly followed by the dephosphorylation of proteins in the mitochondrial fraction. The enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs will be assumed to be the one inhibited by phosphorylation. The enzyme complex will be activated upon fertilization as a consequence of the dephosphorylation, that is caused by the increase in intracellular concentration of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The previously reported observation that micromere formation after cleavage suppression is not linked with the number of blastomeres present but rather with the time schedule of the fourth cleavage of the normal embryos has been confirmed. A hypothesis is advanced that a rhythmical fluctuation of the sulfhydryl contents of the egg proteins is the clock system, and micromere formation is connected with the fourth SH cycle after fertilization. The hypothesis was tested under 3 conditions:
  • (i) Conditions which stop the nuclear activities but preserve the SH cycle, followed by a release from these conditions.
  • (ii) Conditions which “freeze” both nuclear and cytoplasmic rhythms, and later removal of the conditions.
  • (iii) Conditions which leave nuclear activities intact but prevent the cytoplasmic rhythms, followed by normal culturing.
The results came out as anticipated by the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Unfertilized eggs of sea urchins were treated with benzimidazole. They were fertilized after being kept in normal sea water for a certain period. It was found that the first cleavage occurred much earlier than in the control. The eggs had a tendency to cleave directly into 3 or 4 cells. Benzimidazole induced some visible changes in unfertilized eggs, which was considered to be the result of an insufficient activation. Benzimidazole was found to have the same effect as hypertonic solution has in Loeb's “double treatment” method for artificial parthenogenesis. When eggs activated with butyric acid were treated with benzimidazole instead of hypertonic solution, they cleaved in a high percentage.  相似文献   

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