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siRNA和miRNA的沉默机制是生物基因调控的重要手段之一. 小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,siRNA)是RNA干扰的引发物,激发与之互补的目标mRNA沉默. 非编码RNA中的微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA),能够识别特定的目标mRNA,通过与mRNAs的3′ 非翻译区结合,影响该目标蛋白的翻译水平. siRNA和miRNA的基因调控机制对生物学研究及疾病的病因和治疗等有直接影响. 本文主要对siRNAs和miRNAs的生物起源及沉默机制进行比较性论述:提出Dicers酶蛋白、Ago蛋白以及20 nt~25 nt的双链RNAs的 3类大分子是RNA沉默的特征结构,并进行了说明性论述|总结性叙述了siRNA和miRNA的2类小分子经典沉默机制,并提出其异同点. 最后,本文根据近期研究进展,对siRNA和miRNA的生物起源及沉默机制提出了新的疑问.  相似文献   

调查表明,我国城乡居民恶性肿瘤死亡率属于世界较高水平,而且呈持续的增长趋势。近年来的研究发现在肿瘤的发生与发展过程中涉及到多种因素,其中mi RNA可能扮演了重要的作用。mi RNA是一种长度约为22 nt的非编码短序列RNA,通过介导特异性的基因沉默导致靶m RNA降解,促使相应蛋白质的转译受阻而失去原有编码蛋白质的功能。mi RNA在细胞分裂周期中影响着基因的表达调控,在此过程中基因表达的失控就可能导致疾病的发生。而肿瘤的发生是以细胞恶变为基础,细胞恶变则是与细胞周期调控因素失衡相关,由此提示了一些mi RNA可能参与了肿瘤的发生、发展过程并在其中发挥了重要作用。随着研究的深入,mi RNA逐渐成为肿瘤诊治的新研究方向。本文主要讨论mi RNA在肿瘤基因表达调控方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

近年来的研究发现,生物体内存在着大量的非编码RNA(non.codingRNAs,ncRNA),它们在染色质修饰、基因转录、RNA剪接和mRNA翻译等多种水平上参与了基因表达的调控。ncRNA中的小分子RNA如miRNA能够识别特定的目标mRNA,通过与mRNAs3’非翻译区结合,影响mRNA转录及蛋白质翻译;siRNA是RNA干扰的引发物,能够导致与dsRNA同源的mRNA降解,进而抑制相应基因表达;saRNA是目前最新发现的一种靶向目的基因启动子区的在转录水平激活目的基因表达的dsRNA。miRNA、siRNA和saRNA在生成机制、作用途径等方面关系密切,既区别又相互联系,小分子RNA的研究将是今后分子生物学的研究热点之一。  相似文献   

哺乳动物中,只有小部分基因转录成为编码蛋白质的RNA,大量的基因则转录为不能编码蛋白质的RNA,即ncRNA。长非 编码RNA(lncRNAs)是分子长度在200-100000 nt 之间的一类ncRNA。lncRNAs 的数量超过蛋白质编码基因的数量。目前,对长非 编码RNA(lncRNAs)的生物学特性,转录调控以及其在肿瘤发生发展中的作用机制的研究任然是RNA研究的热点。lncRNAs 通 过控制染色质重塑,转录调控和录转录后调控而在基因的转录调节中发挥了重要作用。lncRNAs 与多种肿瘤相关,并且在抑制因 素和促进因素中都具有重要的作用。众多文献报道的结果表明lncRNAs 参与调控基因表达,在正常细胞与肿瘤细胞的转换中起 到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

籽粒性状是构成产量的重要基础,是粮食产量的最终体现,也是育种最复杂的性状之一。籽粒主要由胚和胚乳组成,胚乳是积累和贮藏营养物质的场所,主要为胚的萌发和生长提供营养。胚乳细胞的发育、增殖和充实情况决定了籽粒的重量和品质。籽粒发育是一个非常复杂的生物过程,涉及许多基因的时空表达以及转录水平和转录后水平的调控。微小RNA(microRNAs,miRNAs)是一类内源性的非编码小RNA(21~24 nt),可通过靶向降解和翻译抑制在转录后水平调控植物基因表达。miRNA及其靶基因组成精密的调控网络参与籽粒的发育。基于此,概述了植物miRNAs的生成及作用机制,综述了miRNAs在植物胚和胚乳发育中的调控功能研究进展,以期为进一步鉴定与玉米籽粒发育相关的miRNAs并解析其调控功能提供更好的研究方向。  相似文献   

Advances in small RNA sequencing technologies and comparative genomics have fueled comprehensive microRNA (miRNA) gene annotations in humans and model organisms. Although new miRNAs continue to be discovered in recent years, these have universally been lowly expressed, recently evolved, and of debatable endogenous activity, leading to the general assumption that virtually all biologically important miRNAs have been identified. Here, we analyzed small RNAs that emanate from the highly repetitive rDNA arrays of Drosophila. In addition to endo-siRNAs derived from sense and antisense strands of the pre-rRNA sequence, we unexpectedly identified a novel, deeply conserved, noncanonical miRNA. Although this miRNA is widely expressed, this miRNA was not identified by previous studies due to bioinformatics filters removing such repetitive sequences. Deep-sequencing data provide clear evidence for specific processing with precisely defined 5′ and 3′ ends. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mature miRNA species is incorporated in the effector complexes and has detectable trans regulatory activity. Processing of this miRNA requires Dicer-1, whereas the Drosha–Pasha complex is dispensable. The miRNA hairpin sequence is located in the internal transcribed spacer 1 region of rDNA and is highly conserved among Dipteran species that were separated from their common ancestor ∼100 million years ago. Our results suggest that biologically active miRNA genes may remain unidentified even in well-studied organisms.  相似文献   

非编码RNA(non-coding RNA,ncRNA)是一类不具有蛋白质编码潜能的RNA,可分为管家ncRNA和调控性ncRNA。微RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是研究得比较清楚的一类调控性ncRNA,不仅可调控细胞分化、增殖和凋亡,还可通过调节糖酵解途径中的限速酶[如己糖激酶(hexokinase,HK)、磷酸果糖激酶(phosphofructokinase, PFK)和丙酮酸激酶(pyruvate kinase, PK)]来调控肿瘤细胞的糖代谢。长链非编码RNA(long non-coding RNA, lncRNA)是另一类近年来引起重视的调控性ncRNA,它们可通过调节癌基因c Myc、葡糖转运蛋白(glucose transporter, GLUT)、HK和缺氧诱导因子等来调控肿瘤细胞的糖代谢。深入了解miRNA和lncRNA等调控性ncRNA调控肿瘤细胞糖代谢的机制不仅可以使我们更加深入地了解肿瘤的发生机制,而且可能为肿瘤的预防、诊断和治疗提供新方向。  相似文献   

外泌体是一种微型纳米级细胞外囊泡,由于能够直接参与细胞间信息的传递和物质的运输,被认为是细胞间通讯、免疫调节、疾病诊断和预后循环生物学标志物的重要载体,其携带的核酸和蛋白质等内含物能够影响受体细胞的生理状态.作为一种内源性非编码微小RNA,microRNA (miRNA)对疾病诊断和治疗有着重要的研究价值,有大量证据表明该类分子对肺部疾病的发病进程起着控制调节作用.本文聚焦于近年来细胞外泌体来源miRNA的生物学特性和功能领域,综述了近年来生物医学研究中的热点分子外泌体miRNA在肺部疾病尤其是肺纤维化中调控功能和机制的研究,因此不仅能为肺纤维化疾病的诊断提供新的标志物分子,并且还能够为肺纤维化的外泌体干预治疗建议新的干预策略.  相似文献   

miRTour: Plant miRNA and target prediction tool   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important negative regulators of gene expression in plant and animals, which are endogenously produced from their own genes. Computational comparative approach based on evolutionary conservation of mature miRNAs has revealed a number of orthologs of known miRNAs in different plant species. The homology-based plant miRNA discovery, followed by target prediction, comprises several steps, which have been done so far manually. Here, we present the bioinformatics pipeline miRTour which automates all the steps of miRNA similarity search, miRNA precursor selection, target prediction and annotation, each of them performed with the same set of input sequences. AVAILABILITY: The database is available for free at http://bio2server.bioinfo.uni-plovdiv.bg/miRTour/  相似文献   

MicroRNA调控造血干细胞发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
造血干细胞是目前研究最为深入的成体干细胞,是极富应用前景的研究领域,然而其维持自我更新以及多向分化潜能的分子机制尚不明.MicroRNA (miRNA)是一类崭新的调控性非编码小分子RNA,在监控生物体个体发育和细胞增殖、分化进程中起着重要作用.miRNA参与包括胚胎干细胞和多种成体干细胞的发育进程,人类造血干细胞及其发育过程中也存在特征性miRNA表达谱,参与调控造血干细胞发育进程,以miRNA为分子靶点的防治造血功能低下疾患的研究具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Advances in sequencing and detection technology over the past two decades, highlighted by the data explosion brought about by the human genome project, have transformed what was previously assumed to be a relatively simple genetic landscape into a new picture where the so-called “dark matter” of the genome has stolen the spotlight from the not so hip protein-coding genes. The simplified central dogma of molecular biology, in which a gene encodes for a protein via a messenger RNA (mRNA), is still at the core of genetics but is now caught in a much more complex web of regulation by the genomic region previously known as “junk” DNA. Books such as Non-coding RNAs and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, published by Caister Academic Press, become essential guidelines to help us understand the current status of the very fast paced field of RNA research, which has only just started to uncover the roles of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

非编码RNA与肝脏糖脂代谢调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的迅速发展、人们饮食习惯的改变和身体活动的减少,糖尿病成为了现代社会的非传染性的流行病,给家庭和社会造成了极大的危害和经济负担。其中以全身性胰岛素抵抗及胰岛功能衰竭为主要发病特征的2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes,T2D)已在世界范围引起广泛关注。T2D的发生发展涉及许多组织及糖代谢的各个环节,遗传因素和环境因素共同引起的糖脂代谢通路任一环节的失调均可导致T2D的发生。近年来,包括microRNA(miRNA)及长非编码RNA(LncRNA)在内的非编码RNA(ncRNA)的发现及其在人体生理和病理生理过程中的重要调控作用不断被揭示,为进一步了解T2D的发病机制注入了新理念和信息。miRNAs及LncRNAs的表达具有组织特异性,其表达水平的异常通常与疾病相关。本文主要对miRNAs和LncRNAs在肝脏糖脂代谢调控及T2D的发生发展中的作用及机制的最新研究进展作简要综述。  相似文献   

miRNA是一类高度保守的内源性非编码小RNA,主要作用于靶mRNA的3′-非翻译区,在转录后水平调控基因表达。miRNA可调控造血细胞的增殖、分化及免疫系统的内环境稳定,在固有免疫和适应性免疫中发挥重要的作用。树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)是目前发现的抗原递呈能力最强的细胞,是启动、调控并维持免疫应答的中心环节。证据显示,miRNA也参与了树突状细胞的发育、分化和功能的调控,本文将综述miRNA与树突状细胞的关系的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

MicroRNAs(miRNAs) have become the center of interest in oncology. In recent years, various studies have demonstrated that miRNAs regulate gene expression by influencing important regulatory genes and thus are responsible for causing cervical cancer. Cervical cancer being the third most diagnosed cancer among the females worldwide, is the fourth leading cause of cancer related mortality. Prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and new HPV screening tests, combined with traditional Pap test screening have greatly reduced cervical cancer. Yet, thousands of women continue to be diagnosed with and die of this preventable disease annually. This has necessitated the scientists to ponder over ways of evolving new methods and chalk out novel treatment protocols/strategies. As miRNA deregulation plays a key role in malignant transformation of cervical cancer along with its targets that can be exploited for both prognostic and therapeutic strategies, we have collected and reviewed the role of miRNA in cervical cancer. A systematic search was performed using PubMed for articles that report aberrant expression of miRNA in cervical cancer. The present review provides comprehensive information for 246 differentially expressed miRNAs gathered from 51 published articles that have been implicated in cervical cancer progression. Of these, more than 40 miRNAs have been reported in the literature in several instances signifying their role in the regulation of cancer. We also identified 40 experimentally validated targets, studied the cause of miRNAs dysregulation along with its mechanism and role in different stages of cervical cancer. We also identified and analysed miRNA clusters and their expression pattern in cervical cancer. This review is expected to further enhance our understanding in this field and serve as a valuable reference resource.  相似文献   

Advances in sequencing and detection technology over the past two decades, highlighted by the data explosion brought about by the human genome project, have transformed what was previously assumed to be a relatively simple genetic landscape into a new picture where the so-called “dark matter” of the genome has stolen the spotlight from the not so hip protein-coding genes. The simplified central dogma of molecular biology, in which a gene encodes for a protein via a messenger RNA (mRNA), is still at the core of genetics but is now caught in a much more complex web of regulation by the genomic region previously known as “junk” DNA. Books such as Non-coding RNAs and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, published by Caister Academic Press, become essential guidelines to help us understand the current status of the very fast paced field of RNA research, which has only just started to uncover the roles of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in the regulation of gene expression.  相似文献   

microRNA(miRNA)作为一类内源性的短链非编码RNA,广泛存在于真核细胞中,主要通过对转录本剪切和抑制翻译等方式,参与转录后基因的表达调控。近年来研究表明,多种药用植物中鉴定出大量的miRNA。这些miRNA对药用植物的生长发育和次生代谢产物合成具有调控功能。次生代谢产物是药用植物的主要有效成分,研究miRNA对药用植物次生代谢过程的调控作用具有十分重要的意义。本文综述了miRNA在植物中的产生途径、作用方式和体内功能,在此基础上重点介绍了miRNA对药用植物生长发育和次生代谢产物生物合成的调控作用,并对药用植物miRNA的研究进行了展望,以期为提高药用植物产量,高效获得药用植物有效成分以及临床应用开拓新的思路。  相似文献   

MicroRNA(miPNA)的表达调控方式一直是一个有争议的问题,为了研究miRNA潜在的转录调控特点,本文通过Sanger网站miRNA数据库获得人类miRNA的信息,并建立miRNA相关信息数据库,用MEME和Wordspy两个软件对其上游2 000 bp序列进行保守性分析,得到保守性的DNA序YU(motif),用TESS软件分析保守性DNA序列,预测其转录因子结合情况.通过比较位于基因间、反义链和内含子中的三类不同miRNA转录调控区的保守性和自主转录能力的差异,结果发现位于基因间、反义链上的miRNA上游调控区的保守性比位于内含子的miRNA高,在miRNA的转录调控区存在RNA聚合酶Ⅱ类型的转录因子结合位点,miRNA还表现出自身独特的转录调控方式.通过分析,我们还得到了miRNA表达调控中一些重要的转录因子以及独特的调控序列.本研究结果为miRNA转录调控机制的进一步研究提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are critical hubs for the integration of several key metabolic processes implicated in cell growth and survival. They originated from bacterial ancestors through endosymbiosis, following the transfer of more than 90% of their endosymbiont genome to the host cell nucleus. Over time, a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship has been established, which relies on continuous and elaborate signaling mechanisms between this life-essential organelle and its host. The ability of mitochondria to signal their functional state and trigger compensatory and adaptive cellular responses has long been recognized, but the underlying molecular mechanisms involved have remained poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) may contribute to the synchronization of a series of essential cellular and mitochondrial biological processes, acting as “messengers” between the nucleus and the mitochondria. Here, we discuss the emerging putative roles of ncRNAs in various bidirectional signaling pathways established between the host cell and its mitochondria, and how the dysregulation of these pathways may lead to aging-related diseases, including cancer, and offer new promising therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

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