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The evolution of body mass is a fundamental topic in evolutionary biology, because it is closely linked to manifold life history and ecological traits and is readily estimable for many extinct taxa. In this study, we examine patterns of body mass evolution in Felidae (Placentalia, Carnivora) to assess the effects of phylogeny, mode of evolution, and the relationship between body mass and prey choice in this charismatic mammalian clade. Our data set includes 39 extant and 26 extinct taxa, with published body mass data supplemented by estimates based on condylobasal length. These data were run through ‘SURFACE’ and ‘bayou’ to test for patterns of body mass evolution and convergence between taxa. Body masses of felids are significantly different among prey choice groupings (small, mixed and large). We find that body mass evolution in cats is strongly influenced by phylogeny, but different patterns emerged depending on inclusion of extinct taxa and assumptions about branch lengths. A single Ornstein–Uhlenbeck optimum best explains the distribution of body masses when first‐occurrence data were used for the fossil taxa. However, when mean occurrence dates or last known occurrence dates were used, two selective optima for felid body mass were recovered in most analyses: a small optimum around 5 kg and a large one around 100 kg. Across living and extinct cats, we infer repeated evolutionary convergences towards both of these optima, but, likely due to biased extinction of large taxa, our results shift to supporting a Brownian motion model when only extant taxa are included in analyses.  相似文献   

Puffins, auks and their allies in the wing‐propelled diving seabird clade Pan‐Alcidae (Charadriiformes) have been proposed to be key pelagic indicators of faunal shifts in Northern Hemisphere oceans. However, most previous phylogenetic analyses of the clade have focused only on the 23 extant alcid species. Here we undertake a combined phylogenetic analysis of all previously published molecular sequence data (~ 12 kb) and morphological data (n = 353 characters) with dense species level sampling that also includes 28 extinct taxa. We present a new estimate of the patterns of diversification in the clade based on divergence time estimates that include a previously vetted set of twelve fossil calibrations. The resultant time trees are also used in the evaluation of previously hypothesized paleoclimatic drivers of pan‐alcid evolution. Our divergence dating results estimate the split of Alcidae from its sister taxon Stercorariidae during the late Eocene (~ 35 Ma), an evolutionary hypothesis for clade origination that agrees with the fossil record and that does not require the inference of extensive ghost lineages. The extant dovekie Alle alle is identified as the sole extant member of a clade including four extinct Miocene species. Furthermore, whereas an Uria + Alle clade has been previously recovered from molecular analyses, the extinct diversity of closely related Miocepphus species yields morphological support for this clade. Our results suggest that extant alcid diversity is a function of Miocene diversification and differential extinction at the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary. The relative timing of the Middle Miocene climatic optimum and the Pliocene–Pleistocene climatic transition and major diversification and extinction events in Pan‐Alcidae, respectively, are consistent with a potential link between major paleoclimatic events and pan‐alcid cladogenesis.  相似文献   

Most extant species are in clades with poor fossil records, and recent studies of comparative methods show they have low power to infer even highly simplified models of trait evolution without fossil data. Birds are a well‐studied radiation, yet their early evolutionary patterns are still contentious. The fossil record suggests that birds underwent a rapid ecological radiation after the end‐Cretaceous mass extinction, and several smaller, subsequent radiations. This hypothesized series of repeated radiations from fossil data is difficult to test using extant data alone. By uniting morphological and phylogenetic data on 604 extant genera of birds with morphological data on 58 species of extinct birds from 50 million years ago, the “halfway point” of avian evolution, I have been able to test how well extant‐only methods predict the diversity of fossil forms. All extant‐only methods underestimate the disparity, although the ratio of within‐ to between‐clade disparity does suggest high early rates. The failure of standard models to predict high early disparity suggests that recent radiations are obscuring deep time patterns in the evolution of birds. Metrics from different models can be used in conjunction to provide more valuable insights than simply finding the model with the highest relative fit.  相似文献   

Comparative biologists often attempt to draw inferences about tempo and mode in evolution by comparing the fit of evolutionary models to phylogenetic comparative data consisting of a molecular phylogeny with branch lengths and trait measurements from extant taxa. These kinds of approaches ignore historical evidence for evolutionary pattern and process contained in the fossil record. In this article, we show through simulation that incorporation of fossil information dramatically improves our ability to distinguish among models of quantitative trait evolution using comparative data. We further suggest a novel Bayesian approach that allows fossil information to be integrated even when explicit phylogenetic hypotheses are lacking for extinct representatives of extant clades. By applying this approach to a comparative dataset comprising body sizes for caniform carnivorans, we show that incorporation of fossil information not only improves ancestral state estimates relative to those derived from extant taxa alone, but also results in preference of a model of evolution with trend toward large body size over alternative models such as Brownian motion or Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes. Our approach highlights the importance of considering fossil information when making macroevolutionary inference, and provides a way to integrate the kind of sparse fossil information that is available to most evolutionary biologists.  相似文献   

Methods in historical biogeography have revolutionized our ability to infer the evolution of ancestral geographical ranges from phylogenies of extant taxa, the rates of dispersals, and biotic connectivity among areas. However, extant taxa are likely to provide limited and potentially biased information about past biogeographic processes, due to extinction, asymmetrical dispersals and variable connectivity among areas. Fossil data hold considerable information about past distribution of lineages, but suffer from largely incomplete sampling. Here we present a new dispersal–extinction–sampling (DES) model, which estimates biogeographic parameters using fossil occurrences instead of phylogenetic trees. The model estimates dispersal and extinction rates while explicitly accounting for the incompleteness of the fossil record. Rates can vary between areas and through time, thus providing the opportunity to assess complex scenarios of biogeographic evolution. We implement the DES model in a Bayesian framework and demonstrate through simulations that it can accurately infer all the relevant parameters. We demonstrate the use of our model by analysing the Cenozoic fossil record of land plants and inferring dispersal and extinction rates across Eurasia and North America. Our results show that biogeographic range evolution is not a time-homogeneous process, as assumed in most phylogenetic analyses, but varies through time and between areas. In our empirical assessment, this is shown by the striking predominance of plant dispersals from Eurasia into North America during the Eocene climatic cooling, followed by a shift in the opposite direction, and finally, a balance in biotic interchange since the middle Miocene. We conclude by discussing the potential of fossil-based analyses to test biogeographic hypotheses and improve phylogenetic methods in historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Fossils impact as hard as living taxa in parsimony analyses of morphology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Systematists disagree whether data from fossils should be included in parsimony analyses. In a handful of well-documented cases, the addition of fossil data radically overturns a hypothesis of relationships based on extant taxa alone. Fossils can break up long branches and preserve character combinations closer in time to deep splitting events. However, fossils usually require more interpretation than extant taxa, introducing greater potential for spurious codings. Moreover, because fossils often have more "missing" codings, they are frequently accused of increasing numbers of MPTs, frustrating resolution and reducing support. Despite the controversy, remarkably little is known about the effects of fossils more generally. Here we provide the first systematic study, investigating empirically the behavior of fossil and extant taxa in 45 published morphological data sets. First-order jackknifing is used to determine the effects that each terminal has on inferred relationships, on the number of MPTs, and on CI' and RI as measures of homoplasy. Bootstrap leaf stabilities provide a proxy for the contribution of individual taxa to the branch support in the rest of the tree. There is no significant difference in the impact of fossil versus extant taxa on relationships, numbers of MPTs, and CI' or RI. However, adding individual fossil taxa is more likely to reduce the total branch support of the tree than adding extant taxa. This must be weighed against the superior taxon sampling afforded by including judiciously coded fossils, providing data from otherwise unsampled regions of the tree. We therefore recommend that investigators should include fossils, in the absence of compelling and case specific reasons for their exclusion.  相似文献   

A recent molecular phylogeny of the mammalian order Carnivora implied large body size as the ancestral condition for the caniform subclade Arctoidea using the distribution of species mean body sizes among living taxa. "Extant taxa-only" approaches such as these discount character state observations for fossil members of living clades and completely ignore data from extinct lineages. To more rigorously reconstruct body sizes of ancestral forms within the Caniformia, body size and first appearance data were collected for 149 extant and 367 extinct taxa. Body sizes were reconstructed for four ancestral nodes using weighted squared-change parsimony on log-transformed body mass data. Reconstructions based on extant taxa alone favored large body sizes (on the order of 10 to 50 kg) for the last common ancestors of both the Caniformia and Arctoidea. In contrast, reconstructions incorporating fossil data support small body sizes (< 5 kg) for the ancestors of those clades. When the temporal information associated with fossil data was discarded, body size reconstructions became ambiguous, demonstrating that incorporating both character state and temporal information from fossil taxa unambiguously supports a small ancestral body size, thereby falsifying hypotheses derived from extant taxa alone. Body size reconstructions for Caniformia, Arctoidea, and Musteloidea were not sensitive to potential errors introduced by uncertainty in the position of extinct lineages relative to the molecular topology, or to missing body size data for extinct members of an entire major clade (the aquatic Pinnipedia). Incorporating character state observations and temporal information from the fossil record into hypothesis testing has a significant impact on the ability to reconstruct ancestral characters and constrains the range of potential hypotheses of character evolution. Fossil data here provide the evidence to reliably document trends of both increasing and decreasing body size in several caniform clades. More generally, including fossils in such analyses incorporates evidence of directional trends, thereby yielding more reliable ancestral character state reconstructions.  相似文献   

Fossil tip‐dating allows for the inclusion of morphological data in divergence time estimates based on both extant and extinct taxa. Neoselachii have a cartilaginous skeleton, which is less prone to fossilization compared to skeletons of Osteichthyans. Therefore, the majority of the neoselachian fossil record is comprised of single teeth, which fossilize more easily. Neoselachian teeth can be found in large numbers as they are continuously replaced. Tooth morphologies are of major importance on multiple taxonomic levels for identification of shark and ray taxa. Here, we review dental morphological characters of squalomorph sharks and test these for their phylogenetic signal. Subsequently, we combine DNA sequence data (concatenated exon sequences) with dental morphological characters from 85 fossil and extant taxa to simultaneously infer the phylogeny and re‐estimate divergence times using information of 61 fossil tip‐dates as well as eight node age calibrations of squalomorph sharks. Our findings show that the phylogenetic placement of fossil taxa is mostly in accordance with their previous taxonomic allocation. An exception is the phylogenetic placement of the extinct genus ?Protospinax , which remains unclear. We conclude that the high number of fossil taxa as well as the comprehensive DNA sequence data for extant taxa may compensate for the limited number of morphological characters identifiable on teeth, serving as a backbone for reliably estimating the phylogeny of both extinct and extant taxa. In general, tip‐dating mostly estimates older node ages compared to previous studies based on calibrated molecular clocks.  相似文献   

Palaeontologists have long employed discrete categorical data to capture morphological variation in fossil species, using the resulting character–taxon matrices to measure evolutionary tempo, infer phylogenies and capture morphological disparity. However, to date these have been seen as separate approaches despite a common goal of understanding morphological evolution over deep time. Here I argue that there are clear advantages to considering these three lines of enquiry in a single space: the phylomorphospace. Conceptually these high‐dimensional spaces capture how a phylogenetic tree explores morphospace and allow us to consider important process questions around evolutionary rates, constraints, convergence and directional trends. Currently the literature contains fundamentally different approaches used to generate such spaces, with no direct comparison between them, despite the differing evolutionary histories they imply. Here I directly compare five different phylomorphospace approaches, three with direct literature equivalents and two that are novel. I use a single empirical case study of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs (152 taxa, 853 characters) to show that under many analyses the literature‐derived approaches tend to reflect introduced phylogenetic (rather than the intended morphological) signal. The two novel approaches, which produce limited ancestral state estimates prior to ordination, are able to minimize this phylogenetic signal and thus exhibit more realistic amounts of phylogenetic signal, rate heterogeneity, and convergent evolution.  相似文献   

The pattern, timing and extent of the evolutionary radiation of anatomically modern birds (Neornithes) remains contentious: dramatically different timescales for this major event in vertebrate evolution have been recovered by the 'clock-like' modelling of molecular sequence data and from evidence extracted from the known fossil record. Because current synthesis would lead us to believe that fossil and nonfossil evidence conflict with regard to the neornithine timescale, especially at its base, it is high time that available data are reconciled to determine more exactly the evolutionary radiation of modern birds. In this review we highlight current understanding of the early fossil history of Neornithes in conjunction with available phylogenetic resolution for the major extant clades, as well as recent advancements in genetic methods that have constrained time estimates for major evolutionary divergences. Although the use of molecular approaches for timing the radiation of Neornithes is emphasized, the tenet of this review remains the fossil record of the major neornithine subdivisions and better-preserved taxa. Fossils allowing clear phylogenetic constraint of taxa are central to future work in the production of accurate molecular calibrations of the neornithine evolutionary timescale.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 141 , 153–177.  相似文献   

The evolution of encephalization in caniform carnivorans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A weighted-average model, which reliably estimates endocranial volume from three external measurements of the neurocranium of extant taxa in the mammalian order Carnivora, was tested for its applicability to fossil taxa by comparing model-estimated endocranial volumes to known endocast volumes. The model accurately reproduces endocast volumes for a wide array of fossil taxa across the crown radiation of the Carnivora, three stem carnivoramorphan taxa, and Pleistocene fossils of two extant species. Applying this model to fossil taxa without known endocast volumes expanded the sample of fossil taxa with estimated brain volumes in the carnivoran suborder Caniformia from 11 to 60 taxa. This then allowed a comprehensive assessment of the evolution of relative brain size across this clade. An allometry of brain volume to body mass was calculated on phylogenetically independent contrasts for the set of extant taxa, and from this, log-transformed encephalization quotients (logEQs) were calculated for all taxa, extant, and fossil. A series of Mann-Whitney tests demonstrated that the distributions of logEQs for taxa early in caniform evolutionary history possessed significantly lower median logEQs than extant taxa. Median logEQ showed a pronounced shift around the Miocene-Pliocene transition. Support tests, based on likelihood ratios, demonstrated that the variances of these distributions also were significantly lower than among modern taxa, but logEQ variance increased gradually through the history of the clade, not abruptly. Reconstructions of ancestral logEQs using weighted squared-change parsimony demonstrate that increased encephalization is observed across all major caniform clades (with the possible exception of skunks) and that these increases were achieved in parallel, although an "ancestor-descendant differencing" method could not rule out drift as a hypothesis. Peculiarities in the estimated logEQs for the extinct caniform family Amphicyonidae were also investigated; these unusual patterns are likely due to a unique allometry in scaling brain to body size in this single clade.  相似文献   

Klug, S. & Kriwet, J. (2010). Timing of deep‐sea adaptation in dogfish sharks: insights from a supertree of extinct and extant taxa. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 331–342. Dogfish sharks (Squaliformes) constitute a monophyletic group of predominantly deep‐water neoselachians, but the reasons and timing of their adaptation to this hostile environment remain ambiguous. Late Cretaceous dogfish sharks, which generally would be associated with deep‐water occur predominantly in shallow water environments. Did the end‐Cretaceous mass extinction event that eliminated large numbers of both terrestrial and aquatic taxa and clades including sharks trigger the evolutionary adaptation of present deep‐water dogfish sharks? Here, we construct, date, and analyse a genus‐level phylogeny of extinct and living dogfish sharks to bring a new perspective to this question. For this, eleven partial source trees of dogfish shark interrelationships were merged to create a comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis. The resulting supertree is the most inclusive estimate of squaliform interrelationships that has been proposed to date containing 23 fossil and extant members of all major groups. ?Eoetmopterus represents the oldest dalatoid. ?Microetmopterus, ?Paraphorosoides, ?Proetmopterus and ?Squaliogaleus are stem‐group dalatoids in which bioluminescence most likely was not developed. According to our analyses, bioluminescence in dogfish sharks was already developed in the early Late Cretaceous indicating that these sharks adapted to deep‐water conditions most likely at about 100 Mya. The advantage of this reconstruction is that the fossil record is used directly for age node estimates rather than employing molecular clock approaches.  相似文献   

Ancestral state reconstruction of discrete character traits is often vital when attempting to understand the origins and homology of traits in living species. The addition of fossils has been shown to alter our understanding of trait evolution in extant taxa, but researchers may avoid using fossils alongside extant species if only few are known, or if the designation of the trait of interest is uncertain. Here, I investigate the impacts of fossils and incorrectly coded fossils in the ancestral state reconstruction of discrete morphological characters under a likelihood model. Under simulated phylogenies and data, likelihood-based models are generally accurate when estimating ancestral node values. Analyses with combined fossil and extant data always outperform analyses with extant species alone, even when around one quarter of the fossil information is incorrect. These results are especially pronounced when model assumptions are violated, such as when there is a trend away from the root value. Fossil data are of particular importance when attempting to estimate the root node character state. Attempts should be made to include fossils in analysis of discrete traits under likelihood, even if there is uncertainty in the fossil trait data.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that integrating fossils into data sets of extant taxa is imperative for proper placement of fossils, resolution of relationships, and a better understanding of character evolution. The importance of this process has been further magnified because of the crucial role of fossils in dating divergence times. Outstanding issues remain, including appropriate methods to place fossils in phylogenetic trees, the importance of molecules versus morphology in these analyses, as well as the impact of potentially large amounts of missing data for fossil taxa. In this study we used the angiosperm clade Juglandaceae as a model for investigating methods of integrating fossils into a phylogenetic framework of extant taxa. The clade has a rich fossil record relative to low extant diversity, as well as a robust molecular phylogeny and morphological database for extant taxa. After combining fossil organ genera into composite and terminal taxa, our objectives were to (1) compare multiple methods for the integration of the fossils and extant taxa (including total evidence, molecular scaffolds, and molecular matrix representation with parsimony [MRP]); (2) explore the impact of missing data (incomplete taxa and characters) and the evidence for placing fossils on the topology; (3) simulate the phylogenetic effect of missing data by creating "artificial fossils"; and (4) place fossils and compare the impact of single and multiple fossil constraints in estimating the age of clades. Despite large and variable amounts of missing data, each of the methods provided reasonable placement of both fossils and simulated "artificial fossils" in the phylogeny previously inferred only from extant taxa. Our results clearly show that the amount of missing data in any given taxon is not by itself an operational guideline for excluding fossils from analysis. Three fossil taxa (Cruciptera simsonii, Paleoplatycarya wingii, and Platycarya americana) were placed within crown clades containing living taxa for which relationships previously had been suggested based on morphology, whereas Polyptera manningii, a mosaic taxon with equivocal affinities, was placed firmly as sister to two modern crown clades. The position of Paleooreomunnea stoneana was ambiguous with total evidence but conclusive with DNA scaffolds and MRP. There was less disturbance of relationships among extant taxa using a total evidence approach, and the DNA scaffold approach did not provide improved resolution or internal support for clades compared to total evidence, whereas weighted MRP retained comparable levels of support but lost crown clade resolution. Multiple internal minimum age constraints generally provided reasonable age estimates, but the use of single constraints provided by extinct genera tended to underestimate clade ages.  相似文献   

Recent advances have allowed for both morphological fossil evidence and molecular sequences to be integrated into a single combined inference of divergence dates under the rule of Bayesian probability. In particular, the fossilized birth–death tree prior and the Lewis-Mk model of discrete morphological evolution allow for the estimation of both divergence times and phylogenetic relationships between fossil and extant taxa. We exploit this statistical framework to investigate the internal consistency of these models by producing phylogenetic estimates of the age of each fossil in turn, within two rich and well-characterized datasets of fossil and extant species (penguins and canids). We find that the estimation accuracy of fossil ages is generally high with credible intervals seldom excluding the true age and median relative error in the two datasets of 5.7% and 13.2%, respectively. The median relative standard error (RSD) was 9.2% and 7.2%, respectively, suggesting good precision, although with some outliers. In fact, in the two datasets we analyse, the phylogenetic estimate of fossil age is on average less than 2 Myr from the mid-point age of the geological strata from which it was excavated. The high level of internal consistency found in our analyses suggests that the Bayesian statistical model employed is an adequate fit for both the geological and morphological data, and provides evidence from real data that the framework used can accurately model the evolution of discrete morphological traits coded from fossil and extant taxa. We anticipate that this approach will have diverse applications beyond divergence time dating, including dating fossils that are temporally unconstrained, testing of the ‘morphological clock'', and for uncovering potential model misspecification and/or data errors when controversial phylogenetic hypotheses are obtained based on combined divergence dating analyses.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Dating species divergences using rocks and clocks’.  相似文献   

For studies investigating trait evolution, there are at least two important questions. First, have traits under consideration influenced cladogenesis and extinction in the group? Second, how do fossil data alter inferences about trait evolution or diversification‐rate dynamics? However, relatively few studies have assessed these questions. Here, we use recently developed methods to test for trait‐dependent diversification in the New World colubrid snake tribe Lampropeltini. We also integrate data from fossil taxa into phylogenetic estimation of evolutionary parameters using a simple Monte Carlo randomization test. These analyses suggest that ecological conditions in temperate regions are tied to higher rates of cladogenesis, but that body size is not related to diversification in the group. We also find that the inclusion of fossil taxa alters absolute estimates of size and the rate of size evolution, but not the overall pattern of ecomorphological diversification, as well as estimates of evolutionary rates, particularly extinction.  相似文献   

Fossils are the physical records of the history of morphological character evolution on Earth and can provide valuable information concerning the sequence and timing of origination of derived characters. Knowledge of the timing of origination of synapomorphies makes it possible to estimate when unobserved character changes occurred in the geological past. Here we present a method for estimating the temporal interval during which synapomorphies evolved. The method requires either direct inclusion of fossil taxa (with or without extant taxa) in cladistic analyses based on morphological or combined data, or indirectly using the “molecular scaffold approach.” Second, characters of interest are mapped on a most parsimonious tree and “minimum age node mapping” is used to place minimum ages on the nodes of the tree. Finally, characters of interest are evaluated for younger and/or older temporal constraints on the time of their origination; application of the older bound assumes ancestry of fossil terminals included in the tree. A key is provided herein describing the method. Among other applications, this approach has the potential to provide a powerful test of purported evolutionary cause–effect relationships. For example, the method has the ability to discover that derived characters of suggested adaptational significance may considerably pre‐date the cause(s) that are hypothesized to have favored their establishment. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

Fossils, molecules, divergence times, and the origin of lissamphibians   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A review of the paleontological literature shows that the early dates of appearance of Lissamphibia recently inferred from molecular data do not favor an origin of extant amphibians from temnospondyls, contrary to recent claims. A supertree is assembled using new Mesquite modules that allow extinct taxa to be incorporated into a time-calibrated phylogeny with a user-defined geological time scale. The supertree incorporates 223 extinct species of lissamphibians and has a highly significant stratigraphic fit. Some divergences can even be dated with sufficient precision to serve as calibration points in molecular divergence date analyses. Fourteen combinations of minimal branch length settings and 10 random resolutions for each polytomy give much more recent minimal origination times of lissamphibian taxa than recent studies based on a phylogenetic analyses of molecular sequences. Attempts to replicate recent molecular date estimates show that these estimates depend strongly on the choice of calibration points, on the dating method, and on the chosen model of evolution; for instance, the estimate for the date of the origin of Lissamphibia can lie between 351 and 266 Mya. This range of values is generally compatible with our time-calibrated supertree and indicates that there is no unbridgeable gap between dates obtained using the fossil record and those using molecular evidence, contrary to previous suggestions.  相似文献   

This is the first study to use both molecular and fossil data to date the divergence of taxa within the coleoid cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish). A dataset including sequences from three nuclear and three mitochondrial genes (3415 bp in total) was used to investigate the evolutionary divergences within the group. Divergence time analyses were performed using the Thorne/Kishino method of analysis which allows multiple constraints from the fossil record and permits rates of molecular evolution to vary on different branches of a phylogenetic tree. The data support a Paleozoic origin of the Orders Vampyromorpha, Octopoda and the majority of the extant higher level decapodiform taxa. These estimated divergence times are considerably older than paleontological estimates. The major lineages within the Order Octopoda were estimated to have diverged in the Mesozoic, with a radiation of many taxa around the Cretaceous/Cenozoic boundary. Higher level decapodiform phylogenetic relationships appear to have been obscured due to an ancient diversification of this group. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

The fossil record of primate and human evolution cannot provide accurate estimates of within species variation and integration. This means that we cannot directly observe how patterns of integration have evolved over time in this lineage. And yet, our interpretations of fossil diversity are awash with assumptions about variation patterning in precisely these fossil taxa. Most commonly, researchers rely on extant models of variation for interpreting past diversity, by assuming equality of variation (and occasionally covariation) among extant and fossil populations. Yet one of the things we know from studies of integration in primates is that patterns of morphological covariation can differ among even closely related taxa, indicating that they have diverged over evolutionary time, either in response to selection or as the result of neutral evolution. At the same time, overall patterns of integration remain remarkably similar, meaning that in many respects they are highly conserved evolutionarily. Taken together, these seemingly contradictory observations offer an important conceptual framework for interpreting patterns that we observe in the fossil past. This framework dictates that while we can use patterns of covariation in extant taxa as proxies for extinct diversity, and indeed their conserved nature makes them superior to approaches that rely on variation alone, we also need to account for the fact that such patterns change over time, and incorporate that into our models. Here I provide examples using covariation patterns estimated from modern humans and African great apes to demonstrate the extent to which divergence in covariance structure might affect our interpretations of hominin diversity.
Rebecca Rogers AckermannEmail:

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