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In this study we used recent (2010) and herbarium material (1980) of six bryophyte species to assess long‐term atmospheric deposition in natural forested areas in northern Spain. For this purpose, tissue nitrogen and carbon content, as well as δ13C and δ15N signatures of samples of Hypnum cupressiforme, Polytrichastrum formosum, Leucobryum juniperoideum, Rhytidiadelphus loreus, Homalothecium lutescens and Diplophyllum albicans were analysed and comparisons made between years and species. In addition, the usefulness of each of the six species was evaluated. The range of values observed was similar to that in other studies carried out in rural areas. Significantly lower values were found in 2010 for N (H. cupressiforme), δ15N (R. loreus and D. albicans), C (R. loreus) and δ13C (all except L. juniperoideum). Our natural areas are thus now less influenced by atmospheric pollutants than they were, most probably due to changes in some traditional local activities. Differences were observed between species for all the four parameters studied, so different species must not be analysed together. Finally, R. loreus and H. lutescens seem to be good bioindicators, sensitive even with a few samples, although further studies are needed to corroborate their usefulness.  相似文献   

In forests, the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has been related to enhanced tree growth and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE). However, in drought‐prone areas such as the Mediterranean Basin, it is not yet clear to what extent this “fertilizing” effect may compensate for drought‐induced growth reduction. We investigated tree growth and physiological responses at five Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and five sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) sites located at their southernmost distribution limits in Europe for the period 1960–2012 using annually resolved tree‐ring width and δ13C data to track ecophysiological processes. Results indicated that all 10 natural stands significantly increased their leaf intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and consequently iWUE. Different trends in the theoretical gas‐exchange scenarios as a response to increasing Ca were found: generally, Ci tended to increase proportionally to Ca, except for trees at the driest sites in which Ci remained constant. Ci from the oak sites displaying higher water availability tended to increase at a comparable rate to Ca. Multiple linear models fitted at site level to predict basal area increment (BAI) using iWUE and climatic variables better explained tree growth in pines (31.9%–71.4%) than in oak stands (15.8%–46.8%). iWUE was negatively linked to pine growth, whereas its effect on growth of oak differed across sites. Tree growth in the western and central oak stands was negatively related to iWUE, whereas BAI from the easternmost stand was positively associated with iWUE. Thus, some Q. petraea stands might have partially benefited from the “fertilizing” effect of rising Ca, whereas P. sylvestris stands due to their strict closure of stomata did not profit from increased iWUE and consequently showed in general growth reductions across sites. Additionally, the inter‐annual variability of BAI and iWUE displayed a geographical polarity in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The life histories of ammonites and the life strategies they employed are difficult to assess without robust modern analogues but placing constraints on ammonite growth rates provides a fundamental first step to understanding this abundant, but poorly understood, fossil group. Here we interpret periodic variations in carbon and oxygen stable isotope profiles from Campanian and Maastrichtian ammonites (Baculites) as seasonally driven and use these records to determine their rate of shell precipitation. Several of these samples are housed in museums and were originally prepared using sealants for display and preservation but testing of these sealants indicated no alteration of the isotopic values of treated carbonate. Diagenetic alteration, as determined by shell microstructure, affected the preservation of isotopic signals, resulting in the loss of seasonal variation in less well‐preserved specimens, and the δ13C signal is more robust than δ18O. The periodicity of isotopic profiles from Baculites shells presented here suggest that these organisms grew at rapid rates (c. 340 mm per year), which may imply an r‐type life strategy in which the animals reach maturity quickly, spawn large quantities of progeny, and die at a young age. Because of the potential mobility of Baculites, reconstructing palaeoenvironmental conditions from these isotopic records is challenging and should be conducted cautiously. Unfortunately, well‐preserved Baculites shells much longer than 350 mm are rarely recovered, which complicates the statistical treatment of potential periodicity in isotopic profiles.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene European cave bears (Ursus spelaeus ) have been considered to be largely vegetarian, although stable isotope data (δ13C and δ15N values) from the Romanian Carpathians has suggested considerable dietary variation. Here we evaluate previous and additional adult cave bear isotopic data from four Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) sites in the Carpathians. Pe?tera Ur?ilor (=  35), Pe?tera Cioclovina (=  32), Pe?tera Muierilor (=  8), and Pe?tera cu Oase (=  72) provide both a dichotomy between samples suggesting vegetarian diets (from Cioclovina and Muierilor) and more omnivorous diets (from Ur?ilor and Oase), and considerable isotopic variation within samples from each site. While an inference of a strictly vegetarian diet may apply to groups that lived in ecosystems which restricted the available animal protein for these large ursids, the within and between sample isotopic variation among the Carpathian cave bears indicates considerable flexibility in their sources of protein and hence in their dietary regimes. In addition, developmental assessment of Cioclovina isotopic profiles (neonates, juveniles, sub‐adults and adults) provides patterns of transfer of stable isotope signatures throughout immature life for both δ13C and δ15N (increase and decrease, respectively), whereas those from Ur?ilor show little developmental shift.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the postindustrial rise in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (ca) should enhance tree growth either through a direct fertilization effect or indirectly by improving water use efficiency in dry areas. However, this hypothesis has received little support in cold‐limited and subalpine forests where positive growth responses to either rising ca or warmer temperatures are still under debate. In this study, we address this issue by analyzing an extensive dendrochronological network of high‐elevation Pinus uncinata forests in Spain (28 sites, 544 trees) encompassing the whole biogeographical extent of the species. We determine if the basal area increment (BAI) trends are linked to climate warming and increased ca by focusing on region‐ and age‐dependent responses. The largest improvement in BAI over the past six centuries occurred during the last 150 years affecting young trees and being driven by recent warming. Indeed, most studied regions and age classes presented BAI patterns mainly controlled by temperature trends, while growing‐season precipitation was only relevant in the driest sites. Growth enhancement was linked to rising ca in mature (151–300 year‐old trees) and old‐mature trees (301–450 year‐old trees) from the wettest sites only. This finding implies that any potential fertilization effect of elevated ca on forest growth is contingent on tree features that vary with ontogeny and it depends on site conditions (for instance water availability). Furthermore, we found widespread growth decline in drought‐prone sites probably indicating that the rise in ca did not compensate for the reduction in water availability. Thus, warming‐triggered drought stress may become a more important direct driver of growth than rising ca in similar subalpine forests. We argue that broad approaches in biogeographical and temporal terms are required to adequately evaluate any effect of rising ca on forest growth.  相似文献   

Molecular nitrogen (N2) constitutes the majority of Earth's modern atmosphere, contributing ~0.79 bar of partial pressure (pN2). However, fluctuations in pN2 may have occurred on 107–109 year timescales in Earth's past, perhaps altering the isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrogen. Here, we explore an archive that may record the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2 in deep time: the foliage of cycads. Cycads are ancient gymnosperms that host symbiotic N2‐fixing cyanobacteria in modified root structures known as coralloid roots. All extant species of cycads are known to host symbionts, suggesting that this N2‐fixing capacity is perhaps ancestral, reaching back to the early history of cycads in the late Paleozoic. Therefore, if the process of microbial N2 fixation records the δ15N value of atmospheric N2 in cycad foliage, the fossil record of cycads may provide an archive of atmospheric δ15N values. To explore this potential proxy, we conducted a survey of wild cycads growing in a range of modern environments to determine whether cycad foliage reliably records the isotopic composition of atmospheric N2. We find that neither biological nor environmental factors significantly influence the δ15N values of cycad foliage, suggesting that they provide a reasonably robust record of the δ15N of atmospheric N2. Application of this proxy to the record of carbonaceous cycad fossils may not only help to constrain changes in atmospheric nitrogen isotope ratios since the late Paleozoic, but also could shed light on the antiquity of the N2‐fixing symbiosis between cycads and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) uptake by terrestrial ecosystems represents an important option for partially mitigating anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Short‐term atmospheric elevated CO2 exposure has been shown to create major shifts in C flow routes and diversity of the active soil‐borne microbial community. Long‐term increases in CO2 have been hypothesized to have subtle effects due to the potential adaptation of soil microorganism to the increased flow of organic C. Here, we studied the effects of prolonged elevated atmospheric CO2 exposure on microbial C flow and microbial communities in the rhizosphere. Carex arenaria (a nonmycorrhizal plant species) and Festuca rubra (a mycorrhizal plant species) were grown at defined atmospheric conditions differing in CO2 concentration (350 and 700 ppm) for 3 years. During this period, C flow was assessed repeatedly (after 6 months, 1, 2, and 3 years) by 13C pulse‐chase experiments, and label was tracked through the rhizosphere bacterial, general fungal, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities. Fatty acid biomarker analyses and RNA‐stable isotope probing (RNA‐SIP), in combination with real‐time PCR and PCR‐DGGE, were used to examine microbial community dynamics and abundance. Throughout the experiment the influence of elevated CO2 was highly plant dependent, with the mycorrhizal plant exerting a greater influence on both bacterial and fungal communities. Biomarker data confirmed that rhizodeposited C was first processed by AMF and subsequently transferred to bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere soil. Over the course of 3 years, elevated CO2 caused a continuous increase in the 13C enrichment retained in AMF and an increasing delay in the transfer of C to the bacterial community. These results show that, not only do elevated atmospheric CO2 conditions induce changes in rhizosphere C flow and dynamics but also continue to develop over multiple seasons, thereby affecting terrestrial ecosystems C utilization processes.  相似文献   

Net biome productivity (NBP) dominates the observed large variation of atmospheric CO2 annual increase over the last five decades. However, the dominant regions controlling inter‐annual to multi‐decadal variability of global NBP are still controversial (semi‐arid regions vs. temperate or tropical forests). By developing a theory for partitioning the variance of NBP into the contributions of net primary production (NPP) and heterotrophic respiration (Rh) at different timescales, and using both observation‐based atmospheric CO2 inversion product and the outputs of 10 process‐based terrestrial ecosystem models forced by 110‐year observational climate, we tried to reconcile the controversy by showing that semi‐arid lands dominate the variability of global NBP at inter‐annual (<10 years) and tropical forests dominate at multi‐decadal scales (>30 years). Results further indicate that global NBP variability is dominated by the NPP component at inter‐annual timescales, and is progressively controlled by Rh with increasing timescale. Multi‐decadal NBP variations of tropical rainforests are modulated by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) through its significant influences on both temperature and precipitation. This study calls for long‐term observations for the decadal or longer fluctuations in carbon fluxes to gain insights on the future evolution of global NBP, particularly in the tropical forests that dominate the decadal variability of land carbon uptake and are more effective for climate mitigation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of long‐term repeated aerial nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) misting over tree canopies of a Sitka spruce plantation in Scotland. We combined δ13C and δ18O in tree rings to evaluate the changes in CO2 assimilation (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) and to assess their contribution to variations in the intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi, i.e., the A/gs ratio). Measurements of δ15N enabled shifts in the ecosystem N cycling following misting to be assessed. We found that: (i) N applications, with or without S, increased the ratio between A and gs in favour of A, thus supporting a fertilizer effect of added N. (ii) After the treatments ceased, the trees quickly adjusted to the reductions of N deposition, but not to the reduction in S deposition, which had a negative effect on WUEi by reducing A. This indicates that the beneficial role of N deposition may be negated in forests that previously received a high load of acid rain. (iii) δ15N in tree rings reflected the N dynamics caused by canopy retention, with the fingerprint also present in the litter, after the experiment stopped. (iv) Both our results (obtained using canopy applications) and a collection of published data (obtained using soil applications) showed that generally WUEi increased in response to an increase of N applications, with the magnitude of the changes related to soil conditions and the availability of other nutrients. The shifts observed in δ15N in tree rings also suggest that both the quantity of the applied N and its quality, mediated by processes occurring during canopy N retention, are important determinants of the interactions between N and C cycles. Stable isotopes are useful probes to understand these processes and to put the results of short‐term experiments into context.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pHi) is a crucial parameter in cellular physiology but its mechanisms of homeostasis are only partially understood. To uncover novel roles and participants of the pHi regulatory system, we have screened an Arabidopsis mutant collection for resistance of seed germination to intracellular acidification induced by weak organic acids (acetic, propionic, sorbic). The phenotypes of one identified mutant, weak acid‐tolerant 1‐1D (wat1‐1D) are due to the expression of a truncated form of AP‐3 β‐adaptin (encoded by the PAT2 gene) that behaves as a as dominant‐negative. During acetic acid treatment the root epidermal cells of the mutant maintain a higher pHi and a more depolarized plasma membrane electrical potential than wild‐type cells. Additional phenotypes of wat1‐1D roots include increased rates of acetate efflux, K+ uptake and H+ efflux, the latter reflecting the in vivo activity of the plasma membrane H+‐ATPase. The in vitro activity of the enzyme was not increased but, as the H+‐ATPase is electrogenic, the increased ion permeability would allow a higher rate of H+ efflux. The AP‐3 adaptor complex is involved in traffic from Golgi to vacuoles but its function in plants is not much known. The phenotypes of the wat1‐1D mutant can be explained if loss of function of the AP‐3 β‐adaptin causes activation of channels or transporters for organic anions (acetate) and for K+ at the plasma membrane, perhaps through miss‐localization of tonoplast proteins. This suggests a role of this adaptin in trafficking of ion channels or transporters to the tonoplast.  相似文献   

Drosophila larvae innately show light avoidance behavior. Compared with robust blue‐light avoidance, larvae exhibit relatively weaker green‐light responses. In our previous screening for genes involved in larval light avoidance, compared with control w1118 larvae, larvae with γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase 1 (Ggt‐1) knockdown or Ggt‐1 mutation were found to exhibit higher percentage of green‐light avoidance which was mediated by Rhodopsin6 (Rh6) photoreceptors. However, their responses to blue light did not change significantly. By adjusting the expression level of Ggt‐1 in different tissues, we found that Ggt‐1 in malpighian tubules was both necessary and sufficient for green‐light avoidance. Our results showed that glutamate levels were lower in Ggt‐1 null mutants compared with controls. Feeding Ggt‐1 null mutants glutamate can normalize green‐light avoidance, indicating that high glutamate concentrations suppressed larval green‐light avoidance. However, rather than directly, glutamate affected green‐light avoidance indirectly through GABA, the level of which was also lower in Ggt‐1 mutants compared with controls. Mutants in glutamate decarboxylase 1, which encodes GABA synthase, and knockdown lines of the GABAA receptor, both exhibit elevated levels of green‐light avoidance. Thus, our results elucidate the neurobiological mechanisms mediating green‐light avoidance, which was inhibited in wild‐type larvae.


Climate change has amplified eruptive bark beetle outbreaks over recent decades, including spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis). However, for projecting future bark beetle dynamics there is a critical lack of evidence to differentiate how outbreaks have been promoted by direct effects of warmer temperatures on beetle life cycles versus indirect effects of drought on host susceptibility. To diagnose whether drought‐induced host‐weakening was important to beetle attack success we used an iso‐demographic approach in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) forests that experienced widespread mortality caused by spruce beetle outbreaks in the 1990s, during a prolonged drought across the central and southern Rocky Mountain region. We determined tree death date demography during this outbreak to differentiate early‐ and late‐dying trees in stands distributed across a landscape within this larger regional mortality event. To directly test for a role of drought stress during outbreak initiation we determined whether early‐dying trees had greater sensitivity of tree‐ring carbon isotope discrimination (?13C) to drought compared to late‐dying trees. Rather, evidence indicated the abundance and size of host trees may have modified ?13C responses to drought. ?13C sensitivity to drought did not differ among early‐ versus late‐dying trees, which runs contrary to previously proposed links between spruce beetle outbreaks and drought. Overall, our results provide strong support for the view that irruptive spruce beetle outbreaks across North America have primarily been driven by warming‐amplified beetle life cycles whereas drought‐weakened host defenses appear to have been a distant secondary driver of these major disturbance events.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from peat bogs are mitigated by methanotrophs, which live in symbiosis with peat moss (e.g. Sphagnum). Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and resultant changes in methane fluxes on Sphagnum and methanotroph‐related biomarkers, evaluating their potential as proxies in ancient bogs. A pulse‐chase experiment using 13C‐labelled methane in the field clearly showed label uptake in diploptene, a biomarker for methanotrophs, demonstrating in situ methanotrophic activity in Sphagnum under natural conditions. Peat cores containing live Sphagnum were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C for two months, causing differences in net methane fluxes. The natural δ13C values of diploptene extracted from Sphagnum showed a strong correlation with temperature and methane production. The δ13C values ranged from ?34‰ at 5°C to ?41‰ at 25°C. These results are best explained by enhanced expression of the methanotrophic enzymatic isotope effect at higher methane concentrations. Hence, δ13C values of diploptene, or its diagenetic products, potentially provide a useful tool to assess methanotrophic activity in past environments. Increased methane fluxes towards Sphagnum did not affect δ13C values of bulk Sphagnum and its specific marker, the C23 n‐alkane. The concentration of methanotroph‐specific bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), aminobacteriohopanetetrol (aminotetrol, characteristic for type II and to a lesser extent type I methanotrophs) and aminobacteriohopanepentol (aminopentol, a marker for type I methanotrophs) showed a non‐linear response to increased methane fluxes, with relatively high abundances at 25°C compared to those at 20°C or below. Aminotetrol was more abundant than aminopentol, in contrast to similar abundances of aminotetrol and aminopentol in fresh Sphagnum. This probably indicates that type II methanotrophs became prevalent under the experimental conditions relative to type I methanotrophs. Even though BHP concentrations may not directly reflect bacterial activity, they may provide insight into the presence of different types of methanotrophs.  相似文献   

The response of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 is constrained by nutrient availability. It is thus crucial to account for nutrient limitation when studying the forest response to climate change. The objectives of this study were to describe the nutritional status of the main European tree species, to identify growth‐limiting nutrients and to assess changes in tree nutrition during the past two decades. We analysed the foliar nutrition data collected during 1992–2009 on the intensive forest monitoring plots of the ICP Forests programme. Of the 22 significant temporal trends that were observed in foliar nutrient concentrations, 20 were decreasing and two were increasing. Some of these trends were alarming, among which the foliar P concentration in F. sylvatica, Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris that significantly deteriorated during 1992–2009. In Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris, the decrease in foliar P concentration was more pronounced on plots with low foliar P status, meaning that trees with latent P deficiency could become deficient in the near future. Increased tree productivity, possibly resulting from high N deposition and from the global increase in atmospheric CO2, has led to higher nutrient demand by trees. As the soil nutrient supply was not always sufficient to meet the demands of faster growing trees, this could partly explain the deterioration of tree mineral nutrition. The results suggest that when evaluating forest carbon storage capacity and when planning to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing use of wood biomass for bioenergy, it is crucial that nutrient limitations for forest growth are considered.  相似文献   

The rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has been related to tree growth enhancement and increasing intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE). However, the extent that rising Ca has led to increased long‐term iWUE and whether climate could explain deviations from expected Ca‐induced growth enhancement are still poorly understood. The aim of this research was to use Ca and local climatic variability to explain changes during the 20th century in growth and tree ring and needle δ13C in declining and nondeclining Abies alba stands from the Spanish Pyrenees, near the southern distribution limit of this species. The temporal trends of iWUE were calculated under three theoretical scenarios for the regulation of plant‐gas exchange at increasing Ca. We tested different linear mixed‐effects models by multimodel selection criteria to predict basal area increment (BAI), a proxy of tree radial growth, using these scenarios and local temperature together with precipitation data as predictors. The theoretical scenario assuming the strongest response to Ca explained 66–81% of the iWUE variance and 28–56% of the observed BAI variance, whereas local climatic variables together explained less than 11–21% of the BAI variance. Our results are consistent with a drought‐induced limitation of the tree growth response to rising CO2 and a decreasing rate of iWUE improvement from the 1980s onward in declining A. alba stands subjected to lower water availability.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fission is critically involved in cardiomyocyte apoptosis, which has been considered as one of the leading causes of ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R)‐induced myocardial injury. In our previous works, we demonstrate that aldehyde dehydrogenase‐2 (ALDH2) deficiency aggravates cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac dysfunction. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether ALDH2 deficiency promotes mitochondrial injury and cardiomyocyte death in response to I/R stress and the underlying mechanism. I/R injury was induced by aortic cross‐clamping for 45 min. followed by unclamping for 24 hrs in ALDH2 knockout (ALDH2?/?) and wild‐type (WT) mice. Then myocardial infarct size, cell apoptosis and cardiac function were examined. The protein kinase C (PKC) isoform expressions and their mitochondrial translocation, the activity of dynamin‐related protein 1 (Drp1), caspase9 and caspase3 were determined by Western blot. The effects of N‐acetylcysteine (NAC) or PKC‐δ shRNA treatment on glycogen synthase kinase‐3β (GSK‐3β) activity and mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening were also detected. The results showed that ALDH2?/? mice exhibited increased myocardial infarct size and cardiomyocyte apoptosis, enhanced levels of cleaved caspase9, caspase3 and phosphorylated Drp1. Mitochondrial PKC‐ε translocation was lower in ALDH2?/? mice than in WT mice, and PKC‐δ was the opposite. Further data showed that mitochondrial PKC isoform ratio was regulated by cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, which could be reversed by NAC pre‐treatment under I/R injury. In addition, PKC‐ε inhibition caused activation of caspase9, caspase3 and Drp1Ser616 in response to I/R stress. Importantly, expression of phosphorylated GSK‐3β (inactive form) was lower in ALDH2?/? mice than in WT mice, and both were increased by NAC pre‐treatment. I/R‐induced mitochondrial translocation of GSK‐3β was inhibited by PKC‐δ shRNA or NAC pre‐treatment. In addition, mitochondrial membrane potential (?Ψm) was reduced in ALDH2?/? mice after I/R, which was partly reversed by the GSK‐3β inhibitor (SB216763) or PKC‐δ shRNA. Collectively, our data provide the evidence that abnormal PKC‐ε/PKC‐δ ratio promotes the activation of Drp1 signalling, caspase cascades and GSK‐3β‐dependent mPTP opening, which results in mitochondrial injury‐triggered cardiomyocyte apoptosis and myocardial dysfuction in ALDH2?/? mice following I/R stress.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide [CO2] can accelerate tree growth by stimulating photosynthesis and increasing intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE). Little evidence exists, however, for the long‐term growth and gas‐exchange responses of mature trees in tropical forests to the combined effects of rising [CO2] and other global changes such as warming. Using tree rings and stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen, we investigated long‐term trends in the iWUE and stem growth (basal area increment, BAI) of three canopy tree species in a tropical monsoon forest in western Thailand (Chukrasia tabularis, Melia azedarach, and Toona ciliata). To do this, we modelled the contribution of ontogenetic effects (tree diameter or age) and calendar year to variation in iWUE, oxygen isotopes, and BAI using mixed‐effects models. Although iWUE increased significantly with both tree diameter and calendar year in all species, BAI at a given tree diameter was lower in more recent years. For one species, C. tabularis, differences in crown dominance significantly influence stable isotopes and growth. Tree ring Δ18O increased with calendar year in all species, suggesting that increasing iWUE may have been driven by relatively greater reductions in stomatal conductance – leading to enrichment in Δ18O – than increases in photosynthetic capacity. Plausible explanations for the observed declines in growth include water stress resulting from rising temperatures and El Niño events, increased respiration, changes in allocation, or more likely, a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Leaf samples and tree rings formed between the mid‐1960s and mid‐1990s from sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) at Gatineau Park (45°30′ N, 75°54′ W), Quebec were analysed for δ13C. Leaf samples were collected at ground level (1–2 m above ground) at monthly intervals during the summer, whereas tree cores were extracted from the largest trees (d.b.h. > 30 cm) in the young deciduous forest in August 1998. Significant linear decreases in δ13C over time were found in foliage and tree rings, but the decrease in δ13C was significantly greater in foliage than in the wood. The apparent isotopic discrimination (Δ) of tree rings varied insignificantly around a mean of 18‰, whereas foliar Δ increased significantly from 19‰ in the 1960s to around 23‰ by the mid 1990s, likely as a result of an increasing canopy effect as the forest matured. Using models of carbon discrimination and Δ‐values of the tree rings, we calculate that the intrinsic water use efficiency of mature sugar maple has increased by approximately 4% over the study period.  相似文献   

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