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The anatomical response of Norway spruce bark polyphenolic parenchyma cells (PP cells) to inoculation with the phytopathogenic fungus Ceratocystis polonica and attack by its bark-beetle vector Ips typographus was examined. Fungal inoculation on the periderm surface had no effect, while inoculation just below the periderm or halfway into the phloem (mid-phloem) generated detectable responses within 3 wk. The responses included increase in PP cell size and in periodic acid-Schiff's staining of PP cell phenolics, wound periderm initiation from PP cells, and cambial zone traumatic resin duct formation. Fungi were not seen in samples 3 wk after subperiderm or mid-phloem inoculation, but were found in some samples 6 and 9 wk after mid-phloem inoculation. In contrast, inoculations into the cambium resulted in partial (3 wk) or complete (6 and 9 wk) fungal colonization and death of tissue in the infected area. This indicates that PP cells have defenses capable of inhibiting fungal growth. Samples taken near bark-beetle galleries had similar anatomical responses as inoculated samples, validating the inoculation approach to studying defense responses in spruce. These results show that PP cells represent not only a constitutive defense system, but are also involved in local and remote inducible defenses against fungal and beetle attack.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterize and compare the genetic structure of aboveground and belowground populations of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria amethystina in an unmanaged mixed beech forest. Fruiting bodies and mycorrhizas of L. amethystina were mapped and collected in four plots in the ?wi?tokrzyskie Mountains (Poland). A total of 563 fruiting bodies and 394 mycorrhizas were successfully genotyped using the rDNA IGS1 (intergenic spacer) and seven simple sequence repeat markers. We identified two different genetic clusters of L. amethystina in all of the plots, suggesting that a process of sympatric isolation may be occurring at a local scale. The proportion of individuals belonging to each cluster was similar among plots aboveground while it significantly differed belowground. Predominance of a given cluster could be explained by distinct host preferences or by priority effects and competition among genets. Both aboveground and belowground populations consisted of many intermingling small genets. Consequently, host trees were simultaneously colonized by many L. amethystina genets that may show different ecophysiological abilities. Our data showed that several genets may last for at least 1 year belowground and sustain into the next season. Ectomycorrhizal species reproducing by means of spores can form highly diverse and persistent belowground genets that may provide the host tree with higher resilience in a changing environment and enhance ecosystem performance.  相似文献   

In ectomycorrhizae auxins are proposed to attenuate elicitor-induced defence reactions in the host plant. To examine this hypothesis we compared the elicitor-induced accumulation of peroxidase isoforms between suspension-cultured spruce (Picea abies[L.] Karst.) cells incubated in media with and without auxins. In spruce cells changes in ionically and covalently wall-bound as well as symplasmic peroxidase (EC activities were observed when elicitors from the following fungal species were applied: (1) Hebeloma crustuliniforme, an ectomycorrhizal partner of spruce; (2) Suillus variegatus, an ectomycorrhizal fungus incompatible with spruce; (3) Heterobasidion annosum, a spruce pathogen. Activity staining after SDS-PAGE and western blotting showed an accumulation of an ionically wall-bound 38-kDa peroxidase isoform. In addition, two covalently wall-bound isoforms (34 and 53 kDa) that could be released from spruce cell walls by cellulase and pectinase treatment were also induced by elicitors from these fungi. Moreover, in cells cultured without auxins all the elicitors triggered a rapid and transient accumulation of ionically wall-bound peroxidases, which reached a maximum activity 48 h after elicitor application. This early and transient peroxidase accumulation was diminished and delayed in cells cultured in the presence of auxins. In contrast, activity of peroxidases released into the culture medium of spruce cells or into the medium of protoplasts was suppressed by the elicitors of Hebeloma crustuliniforme. However, this suppression was attenuated by the action of auxins. It is suggested that under natural conditions, in infected spruce roots, the elicitors of the compatible fungus cause both suppression of the peroxidase (which is secreted to the free space of the roots), and induction of wall-bound and symplasmic peroxidases. On the other hand, auxins synthesized by the fungus could weaken these different elicitor-mediated effects.  相似文献   

The activities of the enzymes responsible for cell-wall strengthening and salicylic acid (SA) content in Norway spruce seedlings were investigated after inoculation with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius or the pathogen Heterobasidion annosum, and after treatment with elicitors from both of these fungi. Inoculation with both fungi increased guaiacol peroxidase (POD) activity in the roots of the pathogen-inoculated seedlings during the earliest phases of colonisation, and induced the activities of several POD isoforms. Two of these were only seen in pathogen-inoculated seedlings and corresponded with increased POD activity against ferulic acid. Colonisation with H. annosum triggered an increase in phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity in the roots of the spruce seedlings, which was followed by an accumulation of free SA. One month after inoculation levels of free SA were increased also in the shoots of H. annosum-inoculated seedlings. In contrast increase in free SA content in the roots of P. tinctorius-inoculated seedlings was only transient. Similarly to inoculation, treatment with elicitors of H. annosum increased the PAL and POD activity, as well as SA content in the roots of spruce seedlings. A positive correlation between PAL activity and SA content in the H. annosum-inoculated seedlings and accumulation of SA precursors in the phenylpropanoid pathway indicate that the plant defence mechanisms, during which SA is synthesised through the PAL pathway, are exploited by H. annosum for facilitation of colonisation.  相似文献   

Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor ((Marie) Orton), strain S238 N, in axenic conditions. The presence of the fungus slowed tap–root elongation by 26% during the first 15 d after inoculation and then stimulated it by 136%. In addition, it multiplied in vitro lateral root formation by 4.3, the epicotyl growth of the seedlings by 8.4 and the number of needles by 2. These effects were maintained when the fungus was separated from the roots by a cellophane membrane preventing symbiosis establishment, thus suggesting that the fungus acted by non-nutritional effects. We tested the hypothesis that IAA produced by L. bicolor S238 N would be responsible for the stimulation of fungal induced rhizogenesis. We showed in previous work that L. bicolor S238 N can synthesize IAA in pure culture. Exogenous IAA supplies (100 and 500 μ m ) reproduced the stimulating effect of the fungus on root branching but inhibited root elongation. The presence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) in the culture medium significantly depressed lateral root formation of inoculated seedlings. As TIBA had no significant effect on IAA released in the medium by L. bicolor S238 N, but counteracted the stimulation of lateral rhizogenesis induced by an exogenous supply of IAA, we suggest that TIBA inhibited the transport of fungal IAA in the root. Furthermore TIBA blocked the colonization of the main root cortex by L. bicolor S238 N and the formation of the Hartig net. These results specified the role of fungal IAA in the stimulation of lateral rhizogenesis and in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis establishment.  相似文献   

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