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Visible senescence of the flag tepals in Iris x hollandica (cv. Blue Magic) was preceded by a large increase in endoprotease activity. Just before visible senescence about half of total endoprotease activity was apparently due to cysteine proteases, somewhat less than half to serine proteases, with a minor role of metalloproteases. Treatment of isolated tepals with the purported serine protease inhibitors AEBSF [4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride] or DFP (diisopropyl-fluorophosphate) prevented the increase in endoprotease activity and considerably delayed or prevented the normal senescence symptoms. The specific cysteine protease-specific E-64d reduced maximum endoprotease activity by 30%, but had no effect on the time to visible senescence. Zinc chloride and aprotinin reduced maximum endoprotease activity by c. 50 and 40%, respectively, and slightly delayed visible senescence. A proteasome inhibitor (Z-leu-leu-Nva-H) slightly delayed tepal senescence, which indicates that protein degradation in the proteasome may play a role in induction of the visible senescence symptoms. It is concluded that visible senescence is preceded by large-scale protein degradation, which is apparently mainly due to cysteine- and serine protease activity, and that two (unspecific) inhibitors of serine proteases considerably delay the senescence symptoms.  相似文献   

Role of cytokinins in carnation flower senescence   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Stem and leaf tissues of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) plants appear to contain a natural antisenescence factor since removal of most of these tissues from cut carnation flowers hastened their senescence. However, kinetin (5-10 μg/ml) significantly delayed senescence of flowers with stem and leaf tissues removed. In addition, the life span of cut flowers with intact (30-cm) stems was increased with kinetin treatment. Peak ethylene production by presenescent flowers was reduced 55% or more with kinetin treatment and was delayed by 1 day. Kinetin-treated flowers were less responsive to applied ethylene (100 μl/l for 3 hours) than untreated flowers. Possible natural roles of cytokinins in carnation flower senescence are discussed.  相似文献   

In extracts from rose petals cytokinin activity was detected by Amaranthus bioassay in HPLC eluates corresponding to the standards: Z, ZR, 2iP and 2iPA; subsequently, the presence of two groups of endogenous cytokinins was confirmed by ELISA.Measurements of senesence indicators (cell sap osmolarity and conductivity) and observations of flower vase-life indicated that when the above cytokinins were applied as holding solutions they delayed flower senescence by 34–56% and prolonged rose longevity.Abbreviations B.H.T. 2.6-di-t-buytl-4-methyl phenol - ELISA Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - 2iP isopentenyladenine - 2iPA isopentenyladenosine - Z trans-zeatin - ZR trans-zeatin riboside  相似文献   

Ethylene and flower senescence   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The end of the relatively short life of carnations held in air is associated with climacteric rises in ethylene production and respiration, and coordinate rises in activity of the enzymes of the ethylene biosynthetic pathway. Carnation sensescence is associated with derepression of specific genes, increased polyribosome activity, and major changes in patterns of protein synthesis. Isotopic competition assays indicate the presence in carnation petals of ethylene binding activity with the expected characteristics of the physiological ethylene receptor. Inhibition of ethylene production and/or ethylene binding (whether in selected varieties, or by treatment with chemicals) results in longer-lived carnations. Examination of other flowers shows that the carnation is not a universal paradigm for flower senescence. The response to ethylene varies widely, and in many species petal wilting occurs without any apparent involvement of ethylene.  相似文献   

Approximately 500 urea derivatives and related compounds were tested for ability to retard leaf senescence as measured by chlorophyll retention in radish (Raphanus sativus) leaf discs. Of the 90 compounds found to be active, some had activity at 10?6 M of the same order as kinetin. There was a high correlation between ability to promote chlorophyll retention and initiation of cell division. Highly active compounds had a planar ring and a HNCONH bridge; substitution with a HNCSNH bridge reduced activity and all other tested arrangements of the bridge gave inactive compounds. Substitution of both amino hydrogen atoms on one or both sides of the bridge reduced or removed activity. Some N′-substituted phenyl ureas were highly active. Introduction of a N-phenyl ring to a N-phenyl urea increased activity except where one ring was substituted in the para position with chloro, bromo or iodo. The activities of symmetrical disubstituted ureas were generally less than the corresponding N-monosubstituted derivative. The results suggest that the receptor site for cytokinin activity is the same for senescence retadation and cell division initiation.  相似文献   

Promotion of senescence of detached maize leaves by jasmonates was investigated. Senescence of detached maize leaves was promoted by linolenic acid, the precursor of biosynthesis of jasmonic acid, and retarded by inhibitors of lipoxygenase, the first enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of jasmonic acid. Results support a role of endogenous jasmonates in the regulation of senescence of detached maize leaves. Silver thiosulfate, an inhibitor of ethylene action, was found to inhibit methyl jasmonate, linolenic acid- and abscisic acid-promoted senescence of detached maize leaves. It seems that jasmonate-promoted senescence is mediated through an increase in ethylene sensitivity in detached maize leaves.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - MJ methyl jasmonate - STS silver thiosulfate  相似文献   

The ectopic expression of FOREVER YOUNG FLOWER (FYF), a MADS box gene in Arabidopsis, caused significant delay of senescence and a deficiency of abscission in flowers of transgenic Arabidopsis. It was proposed that the function of the FYF gene was related to the regulation of senescence and abscission. This hypothesis was further supported by one line of evidence reported in this study. The evidence is the similar delay of flower senescence and abscission observed in transgenic Arabidopsis ectopically expressing OnFYF, an FYF homolog from the Oncidium orchid, a monocot. This data suggested that the function of FYF homologs in regulating flower senescence and abscission was highly conserved in both dicot and monocot plants.  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid at concentrations of 10–5 M and 10–4 M delayed the senescence of cut carnation flowers, when applied continuously via the stem, to flowers between the closed brush and fully open stages of development. Older flowers with reflexed petals were unresponsive. Treatment with paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, prevented tight buds from opening fully, reduced the longevity of partially open flowers, but was ineffective when applied continuously to fully open flowers. Gibberellic acid-treated flowers did not show simultaneous petal inrolling, a known indicator of senescence, and the time to complete petal drying was extended. Gibberellic acid modified the climacteric ethylene rise in a manner consistent with the extension of longevity. These results provide evidence for a correlative role of gibberellins in flower development.Abbreviations GA3 gibberellin A3 - GLC gas liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Pollination-induced flower senescence: a review   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Ethylene has long been implicated in the control of the senescence of many cut flower species, but the control of senescence in relation to wild species has received much less attention. The longevity of individual flowers varies greatly from species to species; in some each flower is open for just a few hours, whilst in others the flower may persist for several weeks, or even months. The functional life of the flower may be terminated by petal wilting, abscission or a colour change of all, or part, of the perianth. In some species pollination appears to reduce floral longevity whilst in others, particularly those species having short-lived flowers, the pattern of flower development and senescence appears unaffected by pollination.Examples of the various pollination-induced strategies shown by plants are presented and the role of ethylene and other potential mediators of senescence in these processes discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the present investigation was to study the role of calcium on antioxidative enzymes activity during the post-harvest life of Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus). Among the various calcium (Ca) treatments, 50 mmol l−1 Ca treatments caused the highest increase in the vase life of the spike, from 5.5 days in control to about 9 days. Relative water content and membrane stability index (MSI) decreased from I to V stage. However, significant increase in relative water content and MSI were observed by 50 mmol l−1 Ca as compared to control. Indices of oxidative stress such as lipid peroxidation and lipoxygenase activity increased from I to V stage, but decreased significantly in 50 mmol l−1 Ca treatment. The activities of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) decreased initially from stage I to II, followed by an increase in stage III and thereafter started to decline at stages IV and V. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity increased initially from stage I to III and thereafter declined in stage IV and V in both control and treatment. However, Ca with concentration of 50 mmol l−1 increased the activities of SOD, CAT and APX at all the stages. The results revealed that spikes treated with Ca (50 mmol l−1) solution maintained higher level of antioxidant enzymes activity and also showed delayed senescence in comparison to control.  相似文献   

The involvement of cytokinins and abscisic acid (ABA) in themonocarpic senescence (foliar yellowing following fruit development)of soybeans was examined. Foliar sprays of cytokinin (10–4M zeatin or 10–5 M benzyladenine), begun when the plantsfirst set fruit and repeated every other day, significantlydelayed, but did not prevent, monocarpic senescence. Foliarsprays of 10–4 M ABA, applied in the same manner, significantlyhastened senescence of fruiting soybeans but apparently hadno effect on depodded plants. Leaf and stem material from pre-senescentand senescent plants was extracted, chromatographed, and bioassayedfor cytokinin-lilce activity (Amaranthus betacyanin productionassay) and ABA-like activity (oat coleoptile straight growthassay for inhibitors). ABA-like activity increased, and cytokinin-likeactivity decreased in shoot tissue before the plants began tosenesce. Cytokinin-like activity in the fruit also declinedduring this period. These results implicate a decrease in cytokininsand an increase in ABA-like inhibitors in the control of monocarpicsenescence of soybeans, but neither alone is causal. 1 Supported in part by Research Grant 416-15-79 from the USDACooperative State Research Service under PL 89–106. 2 Present address: Biology Dept., College of St. Benedict'sSt. Joseph, Minn. 56374, U.S.A. (Received February 4, 1978; )  相似文献   

Methyl jasmonate and jasmonate isomers were resolved for studies in stereoselectivity of biological action. Chemical modifications included fluorination at the chiral C7 carbon, trifluorination at the C12 of the pentenyl sidechain, shortening of this pentenyl to a butenyl moiety, and synthesis of the (+) and (–)-epi-methyl jasmonates. The effects of these modifications and stereospecificity were monitored using three assays: proteinase inhibitor II promoter driving the reporter -glucuronidase; endogenous trypsin proteinase inhibitor induction; and sunflower cotyledon senescence induction. The methyl esters were more active than the corresponding acids, the R absolute configuration at C3 was most effective in all assays, fluorination at C7 abolished activity in the proteinase inhibitor assays, and the trifluorination at C12 or shortening to a butenyl did not alter activity relative to the active (–)- methyl jasmonate, but both of these latter modifications revealed a delayed response in the senescence conductivity measures.  相似文献   

Visible symptoms of tepal senescence in cut Iris x hollandica (cv. Blue Magic) flowers were delayed by placing one cut daffodil flower (Narcissus pseudonarcissus, cv. Carlton) in the same vase. Addition of mucilage, exuded by daffodil stems, to the vase water had the same effect as the flowering daffodil stem. The active compound in the mucilage was identified as narciclasine (using LC/MS, GC/MS, 1H and 13C-NMR, and comparison with an authentic sample of narciclasine). The delay of senescence, either by mucilage or purified narciclasine, was correlated with a delayed increase in protease activity, and with a considerable reduction of maximum protease activity. Narciclasine did not affect in vitro protease activity, but is known to inhibit protein synthesis at the ribosomal level. Its effects on senescence and protease activity were similar to those of cycloheximide (CHX), another inhibitor of protein synthesis, but the effective narciclasine concentration was about 100 times lower than that of CHX. It is concluded that the delay of Iris tepal senescence by daffodil stems is due to narciclasine in daffodil mucilage, which apparently inhibits the synthesis of proteins involved in senescence.  相似文献   

Light and cytokinins are known to be the key players in the regulation of plant senescence. In detached leaves, the retarding effect of light on senescence is well described; however, it is not clear to what extent is this effect connected with changes in endogenous cytokinin levels. We have performed a detailed analysis of changes in endogenous content of 29 cytokinin forms in detached leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (wild‐type and 3 cytokinin receptor double mutants). Leaves were kept under different light conditions, and changes in cytokinin content were correlated with changes in chlorophyll content, efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry, and lipid peroxidation. In leaves kept in darkness, we have observed decreased content of the most abundant cytokinin free bases and ribosides, but the content of cis‐zeatin increased, which indicates the role of this cytokinin in the maintenance of basal leaf viability. Our findings underscore the importance of light conditions on the content of specific cytokinins, especially N6‐(Δ2‐isopentenyl)adenine. On the basis of our results, we present a scheme summarizing the contribution of the main active forms of cytokinins, cytokinin receptors, and light to senescence regulation. We conclude that light can compensate the disrupted cytokinin signalling in detached leaves.  相似文献   

Cotyledons of seven-day-old sunflower seedlings were pretreated withcytokinins prior to exposure to methyl jasmonate (MeJA). The rate of senescencewas then followed by measuring chlorophyll loss, electrolyte leakage, ethyleneproduction, and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylase (ACC) oxidase activity. MeJApromoted all these senescence parameters and the MeJA effects were partiallyblocked by cytokinin pretreatment. 8-azaguanine, which has been reported tohaveanticytokinin activity, blocked the ability of benzyl adenine (BA) to reversethe effect of MeJA on senescence. MeJA also increased SOD and catalaseactivity,decreased protein content. However, while the cytokinin BA more than overcamethe MeJA effect on protein content and SOD activity it did not antagonize theeffect of MeJA on catalase.  相似文献   

The polyamines putrescine and spermine were effective in delaying the senescence of carnation buds, but were ineffective when applied to flowers of which the petals had already opened, and were 90° with respect to the stem. Higher levels of endogenous putrescine were detected in the open flowers than in the buds, and this may explain the negative effect obtained when polyamines were applied to open flowers that were picked for commercial distribution.Abbreviations AOA amino-oxyacetic acid - AVG amino-ethoxyvinyl-glycine - SAM S-adenosyl methionine - STS silver thiosulphate  相似文献   

Pollination induced an immediate increase in ethylene production in Dianthus caryophyllus and Petunia hybrida. In Cymbidium, a lag of several hours was observed. In all three species, pollination induced premature flower senescence. Treatment of the stigmatic surface with aminoethoxyvinylglycine prior to pollination effectively blocked the increase in ethylene production and alleviated the detrimental effect of pollination on flower life.In all three tested species, octanoic and decanoic acids, when applied to the stigmatic surface, had no effect on ethylene production and flower life. In isolated Cymbidium lips placed with their cut base in solutions containing these fatty acids, no effects on red colouration, ethylene production, and ethylene forming enzyme activity were observed. In addition, ethylene sensitivity of isolated lips was not affected. The putative regulatory role of short-chain saturated fatty acids in (pollination-induced) flower senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility that exopeptidases, i.e. aminopeptidases and carboxypeptidases, in addition to the previously studied endopeptidase might also be developmentally regulated in daylily petals was examined. The level of leucine aminopeptidase and endopeptidase activities changed after the flower was fully open while that of carboxypeptidase activity remained relatively unchanged throughout senescence. Leucine aminopeptidase activity seemed to increase after the flower was fully open and peaked several hours earlier than endopeptidase did. Taken together, it is postulated that leucine aminopeptidase might play a role in protein turnover during flower opening and in the initiation of protein hydrolysis associated with petal senescence while the endopeptidase could be responsible for the breakdown of the bulk of proteins at the later stages. The drop in leucine aminopeptidase activity associated with the onset of daylily petal senescence was effectively halted by a cycloheximide treatment of cut daylily flowers for 24 h which was previously shown to prolong the vase life of the flowers and prevent protein loss from the petals. Apart from both being developmentally regulated in daylily petals, the leucine aminopeptidase activity and the previously studied endopeptidase are different in several aspects. They appear to have different pH optima, 8 for leucine aminopeptidase and 6.2 for endopeptidase. Unlike the endopeptidase activity, no new leucine aminopeptidase isozymes appeared during petal senescence, and the leucine aminopeptidase did not appear to belong to the cysteine class of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

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