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Insecticide resistance in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) threatens insecticide‐based control efforts, necessitating regular monitoring. We assessed resistance in field‐collected An. gambiae s.l. from Jinja, Uganda using World Health Organization (WHO) biosassays. Only An. gambiae s.s. and An. arabiensis (?70%) were present. Female An. gambiae exhibited extremely high pyrethroid resistance (permethrin LT50 > 2 h; deltamethrin LT50 > 5 h). Female An. arabiensis were resistant to permethrin and exhibited reduced susceptibility to deltamethrin. However, while An. gambiae were DDT resistant, An. arabiensis were fully susceptible. Both species were fully susceptible to bendiocarb and fenitrothion. Kdr 1014S has increased rapidly in the Jinja population of An. gambiae s.s. and now approaches fixation (?95%), consistent with insecticide‐mediated selection, but is currently at a low frequency in An. arabiensis (0.07%). Kdr 1014F was also at a low frequency in An. gambiae. These frequencies preclude adequately‐powered tests for an association with phenotypic resistance. PBO synergist bioassays resulted in near complete recovery of pyrethroid susceptibility suggesting involvement of CYP450s in resistance. A small number (0.22%) of An. gambiae s.s. ×An. arabiensis hybrids were found, suggesting the possibility of introgression of resistance alleles between species. The high levels of pyrethroid resistance encountered in Jinja threaten to reduce the efficacy of vector control programmes which rely on pyrethroid‐impregnated bednets or indoor spraying of pyrethroids.  相似文献   

The host preferences of the anthropophilic mosquito species in the Anopheles gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae) are mediated by skin bacterial volatiles. However, it is not known whether these mosquitoes respond differentially to skin bacterial volatiles from non‐human host species. In this study, the responses of two malaria mosquito species in the An. gambiae complex, Anopheles gambiae s.s. (hereafter, An. gambiae) and Anopheles arabiensis, with different host preferences, to volatiles released from skin bacteria were tested. Skin bacteria collected from human, cow and chicken skin significantly increased trap catches; traps containing bacteria collected from human skin caught the highest proportions of An. gambiae and An. arabiensis. Traps with bacteria of human origin caught a significantly higher proportion of An. gambiae than of An. arabiensis, whereas bacterial volatiles from the chicken attracted significantly higher numbers of An. arabiensis than of An. gambiae. Additionally, An. gambiae showed a specialized response to volatiles from four specific bacteria, whereas An. arabiensis responded equally to all species of bacteria tested. Skin bacterial volatiles may therefore play important roles in guiding mosquitoes with different host preferences. The identification of these bacterial volatiles can contribute to the development of an odour blend that attracts mosquitoes with different host preferences.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory investigations revealed phenotypic, target site and metabolic resistance to permethrin in an Anopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) population in Bungoma District, a region in western Kenya in which malaria is endemic and rates of ownership of insecticide‐treated bednets are high. The sensitivity of individual An. gambiae s.l. females as indicated in assays using World Health Organization (WHO) test kits demonstrated reduced mortality in response to permethrin, deltamethrin and bendiocarb. Estimated time to knock‐down of 50% (KDT50) of the test population in Centers for Disease Control (CDC) bottle bioassays was significantly lengthened for the three insecticides compared with that in a susceptible control strain. Anopheles arabiensis from all three sites showed higher mortality to all three insecticides in the WHO susceptibility assays compared with the CDC bottle assays, in which they showed less sensitivity and longer KDT50 than the reference strain for permethrin and deltamethrin. Microplate assays revealed elevated activity of β‐esterases and oxidases, but not glutathione‐S‐transferase, in An. gambiae s.s. survivors exposed to permethrin in bottle bioassays compared with knocked down and unexposed individuals. No An. arabiensis showed elevated enzyme activity. The 1014S kdr allele was fixed in the Bungoma An. gambiae s.s. population and absent from An. arabiensis, whereas the 1014F kdr allele was absent from all samples of both species. Insecticide resistance could compromise vector control in Bungoma and could spread to other areas as coverage with longlasting insecticide‐treated bednets increases.  相似文献   

This study provides data on malaria vector species composition and insecticide susceptibility status from three localities in Guinea Conakry. A total of 497 mosquitoes were collected resting indoors and morphologically identified as belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex. The majority of these were An. gambiae s.s. (99.6%), but a small percentage (0.4%) were identified as Anopheles arabiensis. Thirty‐four Anopheles funestus s.s. were also collected. The molecular S form of An. gambiae s.s. was predominant over the M form in Siguiri (95%) and Boffa (97.4%), whereas at Mt Nimba the M form was more abundant (61.4%) than the S form (38.1%). One hybrid M/S specimen was recorded from Mt Nimba. Siguiri populations showed high levels of resistance to DDT, dieldrin and bendiocarb. Anopheles gambiae from Boffa were largely susceptible to the insecticides tested. At Mt Nimba, resistance to DDT and bendicocarb was detected. Biochemical enzyme analysis showed that an altered acetylcholinesterase is operating in the field at low levels. The frequency of the 1014F kdr allele in the An. gambiae S form was 0.24 at Siguiri and 0.14 at Mt Nimba. A single RR specimen was found in the M form. The heterogeneity in species composition and resistance profiles between sites requires vector control interventions to be tailored to each site based on the data collected from ongoing monitoring and surveillance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Identification of species within the Anopheles gambiae Giles species complex is essential for the correct evaluation of malaria vector ecology studies and control programmes. The development of DNA probes to distinguish species of the An.gambiae complex is described. Genomic libraries were prepared for four members of the An.gambiae complex. These were screened using radiolabeled DNA from different species of An. gambiae sensu lato and a number of clones selected on the basis of their species specificity. These clones could be divided into two groups, each containing homologous sequences. Sequences homologous to group 1 inserts are highly reiterated in the genomes of Anopheles arabiensis Patton and Anopheles merus Dönitz, present in low copy number in Anopheles melas Theobald, but were not detected in Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. Studies on the organization of this sequence in the genome of An.arabiensis show that homologous sequences are male specific and interspersed within the chromatin. Sequences homologous to group 2 inserts are highly repeated in the genomes of An.merus and An.melas, but present in low copy number in An.gambiae s.s. and An.arabiensis. Group 2 homologous sequences are not sex-specific in the species tested and appear to be tandemly repeated. When used as hybridization probes, these sequences provide a sensitive means for the identification of species within the Anopheles gambiae complex.  相似文献   

Age effects on the insemination rate of the Galisua strain ofAnopheles gambiae s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) and of the Nyanza strain ofAn. arabiensis were investigated in the laboratory. Batches of 7-day old males and females were kept together for 24 h with batches of mosquitoes of the opposite sex of ages ranging from 1–7 days. Males and females were also kept together continuously from emergence. The effect of increasing male/female ratios on the insemination rate was investigated as well. The insemination rate ofAn. arabiensis in the laboratory (96%) was similar to that found in nature, whereas that of our strain ofAn. gambiae s.s. was consistently low (maximum 72%), particularly after females had been together with males for a 24 h period only. The optimum age for insemination was 7 days for males and females of both species. The insemination rate of our strain ofAn. arabiensis was significantly higher at all ages than that of our strain ofAn. gambiae s.s.. The latter strain became inseminated at the earliest when 4 days old. An increase in the male/female ratio significantly enhanced the insemination rate in both strains. It was found that motility of spermatozoa inside the spermatheca, once in contact with saline, could be used as a marker for the approximate time of insemination. It is concluded that the relatively low insemination rate of the Galisua strain ofAn. gambiae s.s. is unlikely to be caused by the rearing conditions. Other factors that may be responsible are discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission is dependent on the propensity of Anopheles mosquitoes to bite humans (anthropophily) instead of other dead end hosts. Recent increases in the usage of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLINs) in Africa have been associated with reductions in highly anthropophilic and endophilic vectors such as Anopheles gambiae s.s., leaving species with a broader host range, such as Anopheles arabiensis, as the most prominent remaining source of transmission in many settings. An. arabiensis appears to be more of a generalist in terms of its host choice and resting behavior, which may be due to phenotypic plasticity and/or segregating allelic variation. To investigate the genetic basis of host choice and resting behavior in An. arabiensis we sequenced the genomes of 23 human-fed and 25 cattle-fed mosquitoes collected both in-doors and out-doors in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. We identified a total of 4,820,851 SNPs, which were used to conduct the first genome-wide estimates of “SNP heritability” for host choice and resting behavior in this species. A genetic component was detected for host choice (human vs cow fed; permuted P = 0.002), but there was no evidence of a genetic component for resting behavior (indoors versus outside; permuted P = 0.465). A principal component analysis (PCA) segregated individuals based on genomic variation into three groups which were characterized by differences at the 2Rb and/or 3Ra paracentromeric chromosome inversions. There was a non-random distribution of cattle-fed mosquitoes between the PCA clusters, suggesting that alleles linked to the 2Rb and/or 3Ra inversions may influence host choice. Using a novel inversion genotyping assay, we detected a significant enrichment of the standard arrangement (non-inverted) of 3Ra among cattle-fed mosquitoes (N = 129) versus all non-cattle-fed individuals (N = 234; χ2, p = 0.007). Thus, tracking the frequency of the 3Ra in An. arabiensis populations may be of use to infer selection on host choice behavior within these vector populations; possibly in response to vector control. Controlled host-choice assays are needed to discern whether the observed genetic component has a direct relationship with innate host preference. A better understanding of the genetic basis for host feeding behavior in An. arabiensis may also open avenues for novel vector control strategies based on driving genes for zoophily into wild mosquito populations.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission was monitored in two villages in the Sahel zone of Niger over 4 years. During this period, a nationwide vector control programme was carried out in which insecticide‐treated bednets were distributed free to mothers of children aged <5 years. Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) were found to be the major malaria vectors. The dynamics of An. gambiae s.l. did not vary dramatically over the study period although the proportion of female mosquitoes found resting indoors decreased in both villages and, in one village, the parity rate and sporozoite index were significantly reduced after bednet distribution. By contrast with An. gambiae, the dynamics of Anopheles funestus altered greatly after the bednet distribution period, when adult density, endophagous rate and sporozoite rates decreased dramatically. Our observations highlight the importance of quantifying and monitoring the dynamics and infections of malaria vectors during large‐scale vector control interventions.  相似文献   

Long‐lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are the cornerstones of malaria vector control. However, the effectiveness of these control tools depends on vector ecology and behaviour, which also largely determine the efficacy of certain Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) as vectors. Malaria vectors in sub‐Saharan Africa are primarily species of the Anopheles gambiae complex, which present intraspecific differences in behaviour that affect how they respond to vector control tools. The focus of this study is the change in species composition in the An. gambiae complex after the implementation of LLINs in Dielmo, Senegal. The main findings referred to dramatic decreases in the proportions of Anopheles coluzzii and An. gambiae after the introduction of LLINs, and an increase in the proportion of Anopheles arabiensis. Two years after LLINs were first introduced, An. arabiensis remained the most prevalent species and An. gambiae had begun to rebound. This indicated a need to develop additional vector control tools that can target the full range of malaria vectors.  相似文献   

Comparisons were undertaken to investigate cost‐effective methods of implementing the enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for sporozoite determination in anophelines when large numbers require processing. Comparisons between ELISA plate reader and visual assessments were performed with Anopheles funestus and Anopheles gambiae s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae), as were comparisons between whole‐body mosquito samples, heads and thoraces, and abdomens alone. Rates obtained from pools of five or 10 mosquitoes were compared with those for individual mosquitoes, as were rates obtained using different sampling methods. A total of 41 792 An. funestus and 9431 An. gambiae s.l. collected in light traps, and 22 323 An. funestus and 6860 An. gambiae s.l. from exit collections were analysed. Visual assessments gave results similar to those of machine readings. Sporozoite rates were similar in both species, as were rates by collection method. The use of whole mosquitoes increased estimates of infection rate by 0.6%. Pool size did not affect infection rates of An. gambiae s.l., but rates were higher among individually tested An. funestus than among those tested in pools. For large‐scale surveys, the use of whole mosquitoes in pools of 10 mosquitoes, with correction for overestimation, and the noting of results according to a simple three‐stage visual assessment of positivity is the most cost‐effective approach and is sufficient to obtain reliable data for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

The relative efficacy of a mechanical (Prokopack) collection method vs. manual aspiration in the collection of resting mosquitoes was evaluated in northern Tanzania before and after an intervention using indoor residual spraying and longlasting insecticide‐treated nets. In smoke‐free houses mosquitoes were collected from the roof and walls, but in smoky houses mosquitoes were found predominantly on the walls. Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) constituted 97.7% of the 312 An. gambiae complex specimens identified before but only 19.3% of the 183 identified after the intervention. A single sampling with the Prokopack collected a third of the available insects. Anopheles gambiae completed its gonotrophic development indoors, whereas Anopheles arabiensis did so outdoors. In both species gonotrophic development took 2 days. Most unfed resting An. arabiensis collected outdoors were virgins, whereas the majority of engorged insects were parous (with well‐contracted sacs). Daily survival was estimated to be 80.0%. Only 9.4% of the engorged An. arabiensis collected outdoors and 47.1% of those collected indoors had fed on humans. Using the Prokopack sampler is more efficient than manual methods for the collection of resting mosquitoes. Malaria transmission may have been affected by a change in vector composition resulting from a change in feeding, rather than reduced survival. Monitoring the proportions of members of the An. gambiae complex may provide signals of an impending breakdown in control.  相似文献   

In Madagascar, Anopheles gambiae has been found below altitudes of 1,000 m. We sampled An. gambiae sensu lato (sl) between 2008 and 2010 in the Central Highlands of Madagascar at altitudes over 1,200 m. The study site consists of rainforest, rainforest edge, and an open savanna biotope. Anopheles gambiae and An. arabiensis, as well as molecular forms of An. gambiae, were identified molecularly. An. gambiae accounted for 26.7% at the edge of the rainforest and 2.3% in the open savanna biotope. One specimen of this species was caught in the forest. An. arabiensis accounted for 66.3% at the edge of the rainforest and 97.7 % in the open savanna biotope. All An. gambiae adults tested belonged to the S molecular form. An. gambiae is present at high altitudes in Madagascar, with a high prevalence at the rainforest edge. Several factors, including the appearance of new favorable biotopes, recolonization after a reduction of indoor vector control, and climate change, may contribute to its distribution. The changing distribution of An. gambiae may have consequences for the distribution and incidence of malaria in the Malagasy Highlands.  相似文献   

The number of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis females that used each of the 33 sampled breeding sites in west Kenya was estimated by microsatellite markers and related statistics to test the hypothesis that conspecific females share aquatic sites. Totally, 166 An. gambiae and 168 An. arabiensis larvae were identified and were genotyped. The mean number of larvae per breeding site was 8.3 for An. gambiae and 8.4 for An. arabiensis. The likelihood method estimated that, for An. gambiae, the mean number of females that would have laid eggs per breeding site was 5.2 and ranged from 2 to 9, and for An. arabiensis, the mean was 5.0 with a range of 2–10. The clustering method estimated that the mean number of females laying eggs per breeding site was 6.8 for An. gambiae. The results provide molecular evidence that females of one or both species share breeding sites.  相似文献   

New genetic control methods for mosquitoes may reduce vector species without direct effects on other species or the physical environment common with insecticides or drainage. Effects on predators and competitors could, however, be a concern as Anopheles gambiae s.l. is preyed upon in all life stages. We overview the literature and assess the strength of the ecological interactions identified. Most predators identified consume many other insect species and there is no evidence that any species preys exclusively on any anopheline mosquito. There is one predatory species with a specialisation on blood‐fed mosquitoes including An. gambiae s.l.. Evarcha culicivora is a jumping spider, known as the vampire spider, found around Lake Victoria. There is no evidence that these salticids require Anopheles mosquitoes and will readily consume blood‐fed Culex. Interspecific competition studies focus on other mosquitoes of larval habitats. Many of these take place in artificial cosms and give contrasting results to semi‐field studies. This may limit their extrapolation regarding the potential impact of reduced An. gambiae numbers. Previous mosquito control interventions are informative and identify competitive release and niche opportunism; so while the identity and relative abundance of the species present may change, the biomass available to predators may not.  相似文献   

Algae are important food resources of the larvae of the African malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae Giles and Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Anopheles gambiae sensu lato), and other zooplankton, but empirical evidence remains meager about the agal flora in ephemeral water bodies. The animals present in natural aquatic habitats in western Kenya were sampled from July to November 2002 to study abiotic and biotic environmental factors determining A. gambiae sl larval abundance. The five highest concentrations of third and fourth instars and pupae (hereafter referred to as old-stage larvae) were sampled in conjunction with the unicellular epizoic green algae, Rhopalosolen species (Chlorophyta; Chlorophyceae). Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the presence of Rhopalosolen species was the most important determinant of the animal assemblage. The density of old-stage A. gambiae sl larvae was positively correlated with the presence of Rhopalosolen species, but the density of first and second instars of A. gambiae sl was not. The water bodies with Rhopalosolen sp. yielded larger mosquitoes in spite of the higher density of larvae. We demonstrated that the productivity of water bodies in terms of the larvae of malaria vectors can differ in magnitude depending on the agal flora. We discuss phytoplankton as a regulator of mosquito larval populations.  相似文献   

The impact of permethrin-impregnated bednets on resting and feeding behaviour of mosquito vectors of Wuchereria bancrofti, causing human lymphatic filariasis was studied in six pairs of villages (treated and untreated) before and after intervention. The study villages were in Kwale District, near the coast of Kenya, where Bancroftian filariasis is highly endemic, transmitted by a combination of both anopheline and culicine mosquito vectors. Mosquitoes were collected weekly in each village, indoors (using pyrethrum spray catches) and outdoors (using pit traps) during 3–4 months following the long rainy season. Of the filariasis vector species of mosquitoes collected in 1994 before intervention, 33.6% were members of the Anopheles gambiae complex, 30% were An. funestus and 36.4% were Culex quinquefasciatus. PCR analysis of the An. gambiae complex species collected in 1995 demonstrated that 98.5% were An. gambiae sensu stricto, 1% An. arabiensis and 0.5% An. merus. Introduction of impregnated bednets in 1995 significantly reduced the number of indoor-resting An. gambiae s.l. by 94.6% and An. funestus by 96.7%, but there was no change in the number of Cx quinquefasciatus collected indoors. The number of outdoor-resting An. gambiae s.l. was significantly reduced, whereas densities of An. funestus and Cx quinquefasciatus remained unaffected outdoors. ELISA analysis of mosquito bloodmeals showed a shift from human to animal feeding after the introduction of treated nets. The human blood index (HBI) for indoor resting Cx quinquefasciatus was reduced from 93.1% to 14.4%. Vector potential based on the HBI and mosquito density was estimated to be reduced by 99% for An. gambiae s.l., 98% for An. funestus and 97% for Cx quinquefasciatus and vectorial capacity would be suppressed even more by the impact on the vector survival rates (not measured). These results suggest that permethrin-impregnated bednets give effective personal protection against transmission of W. bancrofti by An. gambiae, An. funestus and Cx quinquefasciatus in East Africa.  相似文献   

Experimental huts with veranda traps have been used in Tanzania since 1963 for the study of residual insecticides for use with insecticide‐treated nets and indoor residual spraying. Mosquitoes are allowed unrestricted entry through the eaves to facilitate the collection of an estimable proportion of mosquitoes that attempt to exit through the eave gaps, which are left open on two sides of the hut. This study was designed to validate the use of eave baffles to funnel entry and to prevent mosquito escape, and to determine biting times of Anopheles arabiensis (Patton) (Diptera: Culicidae). Anopheles arabiensis and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae) were released into the room at 20.30 hours and collected the following morning from veranda traps, window traps and the room. Centers for Disease Control light traps hung overnight next to volunteers were emptied every 2 h to determine peak biting times. A total of 55% of An. arabiensis were trapped before 22.30 hours and the highest peak in ‘biting’ was recorded during 18.30–20.30 hours. Of the released An. arabiensis that exited into veranda traps, 7% were captured in veranda traps entered through baffles and 93% were captured in traps entered through unmodified eaves. When veranda screens were left open to allow for escape outdoors, recapture rates were 68% for huts with eave baffles and 39% for huts with unmodified eaves. The comparison of open eaves with baffled eaves validated the assumption that in huts of the traditional non‐baffled design, 50% of mosquitoes escape through open eaves. Eave baffles succeeded in reducing the potential for mosquito exit and produced more precise estimates of effect.  相似文献   

Owing to their role as vectors of malaria parasites, species of the Anopheles maculipennis complex (Diptera: Culicidae) Meigen were intensively studied in the past, but with the disappearance of malaria in Germany in the middle of the last century, the interest in this field of research declined. A comprehensive ecological analysis of the current species distribution for Germany is lacking. Between 2010 and 2013, a total of 1445 mosquitoes of the An. maculipennis complex were collected at 72 different sites in Germany. The samples comprise 722 single individuals as well as 723 individuals in 90 pools of up to 25 mosquitoes. All samples were analysed with newly developed species‐specific qPCR assays for the identification of the four German species using nucleotide differences within the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) ribosomal DNA. All gathered data were used for species distribution modelling. The overall prevalence of An. messeae s.l. was highest with 98.89% of all pools; An. daciae with 6.93% of all individuals and An. messeae s.s. with 69.53%. The prevalence of the other two species was relatively low: An. maculipennis s.s. with 13.30% of all individuals (6.67% of all pools) and An. atroparvus with 1.80% of all individuals (1.11% of all pools).  相似文献   

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