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Soil carbon in permafrost ecosystems has the potential to become a major positive feedback to climate change if permafrost thaw increases heterotrophic decomposition. However, warming can also stimulate autotrophic production leading to increased ecosystem carbon storage—a negative climate change feedback. Few studies partitioning ecosystem respiration examine decadal warming effects or compare responses among ecosystems. Here, we first examined how 11 years of warming during different seasons affected autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in a bryophyte‐dominated peatland in Abisko, Sweden. We used natural abundance radiocarbon to partition ecosystem respiration into autotrophic respiration, associated with production, and heterotrophic decomposition. Summertime warming decreased the age of carbon respired by the ecosystem due to increased proportional contributions from autotrophic and young soil respiration and decreased proportional contributions from old soil. Summertime warming's large effect was due to not only warmer air temperatures during the growing season, but also to warmer deep soils year‐round. Second, we compared ecosystem respiration responses between two contrasting ecosystems, the Abisko peatland and a tussock‐dominated tundra in Healy, Alaska. Each ecosystem had two different timescales of warming (<5 years and over a decade). Despite the Abisko peatland having greater ecosystem respiration and larger contributions from heterotrophic respiration than the Healy tundra, both systems responded consistently to short‐ and long‐term warming with increased respiration, increased autotrophic contributions to ecosystem respiration, and increased ratios of autotrophic to heterotrophic respiration. We did not detect an increase in old soil carbon losses with warming at either site. If increased autotrophic respiration is balanced by increased primary production, as is the case in the Healy tundra, warming will not cause these ecosystems to become growing season carbon sources. Warming instead causes a persistent shift from heterotrophic to more autotrophic control of the growing season carbon cycle in these carbon‐rich permafrost ecosystems.  相似文献   

Global warming has the potential to increase soil respiration (RS), one of the major fluxes in the global carbon (C) cycle. RS consists of an autotrophic (RA) and a heterotrophic (RH) component. We combined a soil warming experiment with a trenching experiment to assess how RS, RA, and RH are affected. The experiment was conducted in a mature forest dominated by Norway spruce. The site is located in the Austrian Alps on dolomitic bedrock. We warmed the soil of undisturbed and trenched plots by means of heating cables 4 °C above ambient during the snow‐free seasons of 2005 and 2006. Soil warming increased the CO2 efflux from control plots (RS) by ∼45% during 2005 and ∼47% during 2006. The CO2 efflux from trenched plots (RH) increased by ∼39% during 2005 and ∼45% during 2006. Similar responses of RS and RH indicated that the autotrophic and heterotrophic components of RS responded equally to the temperature increase. Thirty‐five to forty percent or 1 t C ha−1 yr−1 of the overall annual increase in RS (2.8 t C ha−1 yr−1) was autotrophic. The remaining, heterotrophic part of soil respiration (1.8 t C ha−1 yr−1), represented the warming‐induced C loss from the soil. The autotrophic component showed a distinct seasonal pattern. Contribution of RA to RS was highest during summer. Seasonally derived Q10 values reflected this pattern and were correspondingly high (5.3–9.3). The autotrophic CO2 efflux increase due to the 4 °C warming implied a Q10 of 2.9. Hence, seasonally derived Q10 of RA did not solely reflect the seasonal soil temperature development.  相似文献   

吴丹咏  王秀君  雷慧闽 《生态学报》2024,44(6):2364-2378
土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要过程,准确估算土壤呼吸对估算陆地生态系统碳源汇具有重要意义。通过在华北平原典型农田内开展土壤呼吸及其组分的原位观测实验,构建了适用于华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米轮种制农田生态系统的半经验半机理土壤异养呼吸和土壤自养呼吸模型。结果表明,冬小麦-夏玉米农田土壤异养呼吸模型可表达为土壤温度和土壤水分的函数,其中,土壤温度对土壤异养呼吸的影响适合用Arrhenius方程描述,而土壤水分的影响适合用对称的倒抛物线描述。验证表明,该模型的R2和RMSE分别为0.68和0.52μmol m-2 s-1。土壤自养呼吸模型包括维持呼吸和生长呼吸两个模块,其中,维持呼吸表达为土壤温度和叶面积指数的函数,其形式分别为Van′t Hoff指数方程和米氏方程;生长呼吸表达为总初级生产力与维持呼吸之差的线性函数。冬小麦季和夏玉米季土壤自养呼吸模型的结构相同,但是两种作物的模型参数差异较大。验证表明,冬小麦季土壤自养呼吸模型的R2和RMSE分别为0.64和0.50μmol m-2...  相似文献   

A positive soil carbon (C)‐climate feedback is embedded into the climatic models of the IPCC. However, recent global syntheses indicate that the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (RS) in drylands, the largest biome on Earth, is actually lower in warmed than in control plots. Consequently, soil C losses with future warming are expected to be low compared with other biomes. Nevertheless, the empirical basis for these global extrapolations is still poor in drylands, due to the low number of field experiments testing the pathways behind the long‐term responses of soil respiration (RS) to warming. Importantly, global drylands are covered with biocrusts (communities formed by bryophytes, lichens, cyanobacteria, fungi, and bacteria), and thus, RS responses to warming may be driven by both autotrophic and heterotrophic pathways. Here, we evaluated the effects of 8‐year experimental warming on RS, and the different pathways involved, in a biocrust‐dominated dryland in southern Spain. We also assessed the overall impacts on soil organic C (SOC) accumulation over time. Across the years and biocrust cover levels, warming reduced RS by 0.30 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 (95% CI = ?0.24 to 0.84), although the negative warming effects were only significant after 3 years of elevated temperatures in areas with low initial biocrust cover. We found support for different pathways regulating the warming‐induced reduction in RS at areas with low (microbial thermal acclimation via reduced soil mass‐specific respiration and β‐glucosidase enzymatic activity) vs. high (microbial thermal acclimation jointly with a reduction in autotrophic respiration from decreased lichen cover) initial biocrust cover. Our 8‐year experimental study shows a reduction in soil respiration with warming and highlights that biocrusts should be explicitly included in modeling efforts aimed to quantify the soil C–climate feedback in drylands.  相似文献   

Evaluating how autotrophic (SRA), heterotrophic (SRH) and total soil respiration (SRTOT) respond differently to changes of environmental factors is critical to get an understanding of ecosystem carbon (C) cycling and its feedback processes to climate change. A field experiment was conducted to examine the responses of SRA and SRH to water and nitrogen (N) addition in a temperate steppe in northern China during two hydrologically contrasting growing seasons. Water addition stimulated SRA and SRH in both years, and their increases were significantly greater in a dry year (2007) than in a wet year (2006). N addition increased SRA in 2006 but not in 2007, while it decreased SRH in both years, leading to a positive response of SRTOT in 2006 but a negative one in 2007. The different responses of SRA and SRH indicate that it will be uncertain to predict soil C storage if SRTOT is used instead of SRH to estimate variations in soil C storage. Overall, N addition is likely to enhance soil C storage, while the impacts of water addition are determined by its relative effects on carbon input (plant growth) and SRH. Antecedent water conditions played an important role in controlling responses of SRA, SRH and the consequent SRTOT to water and N addition. Our findings highlight the predominance of hydrological conditions in regulating the responses of C cycling to global change in the semiarid temperate steppe of northern China.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the links between aboveground production and allocation of photosynthate to belowground processes and the temporal variation in those links is needed to interpret observations of belowground carbon cycling processes. Here, we show that combining a trenching manipulation with high‐frequency soil respiration measurements in a temperate hardwood forest permitted identification of the temporally variable influence of roots on diel and seasonal patterns of soil respiration. The presence of roots in an untrenched plot caused larger daily amplitude and a 2–3 h delay in peak soil CO2 efflux relative to a root‐free trenched plot. These effects cannot be explained by differences in soil temperature, and they were significant only when a canopy was present during the growing season. This experiment demonstrated that canopy processes affect soil CO2 efflux rates and patterns at hourly and seasonal time scales, and it provides evidence that root and microbial processes respond differently to environmental factors.  相似文献   

Soil carbon losses to the atmosphere through soil respiration are expected to rise with ongoing temperature increases, but available evidence from mesic biomes suggests that such response disappears after a few years of experimental warming. However, there is lack of empirical basis for these temporal dynamics in soil respiration responses, and for the mechanisms underlying them, in drylands, which collectively form the largest biome on Earth and store 32% of the global soil organic carbon pool. We coupled data from a 10 year warming experiment in a biocrust‐dominated dryland ecosystem with laboratory incubations to confront 0–2 years (short‐term hereafter) versus 8–10 years (longer‐term hereafter) soil respiration responses to warming. Our results showed that increased soil respiration rates with short‐term warming observed in areas with high biocrust cover returned to control levels in the longer‐term. Warming‐induced increases in soil temperature were the main drivers of the short‐term soil respiration responses, whereas longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming were primarily driven by thermal acclimation and warming‐induced reductions in biocrust cover. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating short‐ and longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming as a mean to reduce the uncertainty in predicting the soil carbon–climate feedback in drylands.  相似文献   

增温和刈割对高寒草甸土壤呼吸及其组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙程  牛书丽  常文静  全权  曾辉 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6405-6415
评估土壤呼吸及其组分对增温等全球变化的响应对于预测陆地生态系统碳循环至关重要。本研究利用红外线辐射加热器(Infrared heater)装置在青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统设置增温和刈割野外控制实验。通过测定2018年生长季(5—9月)土壤呼吸和异养呼吸,探究增温和刈割对土壤呼吸及其组分的影响。研究结果表明:(1) 单独增温使土壤呼吸显著增加31.65% (P<0.05),异养呼吸显著增加27.12% (P<0.05),土壤自养呼吸没有显著改变(P>0.05);单独刈割对土壤呼吸和自养呼吸没有显著影响(P>0.05),单独刈割刺激异养呼吸增加32.54% (P<0.05);(2) 增温和刈割之间的交互作用对土壤呼吸和异养呼吸没有显著影响(P>0.05),但是对自养呼吸的影响是显著的(P<0.05),土壤呼吸和异养呼吸的季节效应显著(P<0.05);(3)土壤呼吸及其组分与土壤温度均成显著指数关系,与土壤湿度呈显著的正相关关系(P<0.05),处理影响它们的响应敏感性。本研究表明青藏高原东缘高寒草甸土壤碳排放与气候变暖存在正反馈。  相似文献   

Soil respiration is recognized to be influenced by temperature, moisture, and ecosystem production. However, little is known about how plant community structure regulates responses of soil respiration to climate change. Here, we used a 13‐year field warming experiment to explore the mechanisms underlying plant community regulation on feedbacks of soil respiration to climate change in a tallgrass prairie in Oklahoma, USA. Infrared heaters were used to elevate temperature about 2 °C since November 1999. Annual clipping was used to mimic hay harvest. Our results showed that experimental warming significantly increased soil respiration approximately from 10% in the first 7 years (2000–2006) to 30% in the next 6 years (2007–2012). The two‐stage warming stimulation of soil respiration was closely related to warming‐induced increases in ecosystem production over the years. Moreover, we found that across the 13 years, warming‐induced increases in soil respiration were positively affected by the proportion of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) contributed by C3 forbs. Functional composition of the plant community regulated warming‐induced increases in soil respiration through the quantity and quality of organic matter inputs to soil and the amount of photosynthetic carbon (C) allocated belowground. Clipping, the interaction of clipping with warming, and warming‐induced changes in soil temperature and moisture all had little effect on soil respiration over the years (all > 0.05). Our results suggest that climate warming may drive an increase in soil respiration through altering composition of plant communities in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Responses of grassland carbon (C) cycling to climate change and land use remain a major uncertainty in model prediction of future climate. To explore the impacts of global change on ecosystem C fluxes and the consequent changes in C storage, we have conducted a field experiment with warming (+3 °C), altered precipitation (doubled and halved), and annual clipping at the end of growing seasons in a mixed‐grass prairie in Oklahoma, USA, from 2009 to 2013. Results showed that although ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary production (GPP) negatively responded to warming, net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) did not significantly change under warming. Doubled precipitation stimulated and halved precipitation suppressed ER and GPP equivalently, with the net outcome being unchanged in NEE. These results indicate that warming and altered precipitation do not necessarily have profound impacts on ecosystem C storage. In addition, we found that clipping enhanced NEE due to a stronger positive response of GPP compared to ER, indicating that clipping could potentially be an effective land practice that could increase C storage. No significant interactions between warming, altered precipitation, and clipping were observed. Meanwhile, we found that belowground net primary production (BNPP) in general was sensitive to climate change and land use though no significant changes were found in NPP across treatments. Moreover, negative correlations of the ER/GPP ratio with soil temperature and moisture did not differ across treatments, highlighting the roles of abiotic factors in mediating ecosystem C fluxes in this grassland. Importantly, our results suggest that belowground C cycling (e.g., BNPP) could respond to climate change with no alterations in ecosystem C storage in the same period.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research, how climate warming alters the global flux of soil respiration is still poorly characterized. Here, we use meta‐analysis to synthesize 202 soil respiration datasets from 50 ecosystem warming experiments across multiple terrestrial ecosystems. We found that, on average, warming by 2 °C increased soil respiration by 12% during the early warming years, but warming‐induced drought partially offset this effect. More significantly, the two components of soil respiration, heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration showed distinct responses. The warming effect on autotrophic respiration was not statistically detectable during the early warming years, but nonetheless decreased with treatment duration. In contrast, warming by 2 °C increased heterotrophic respiration by an average of 21%, and this stimulation remained stable over the warming duration. This result challenged the assumption that microbial activity would acclimate to the rising temperature. Together, our findings demonstrate that distinguishing heterotrophic respiration and autotrophic respiration would allow us better understand and predict the long‐term response of soil respiration to warming. The dependence of soil respiration on soil moisture condition also underscores the importance of incorporating warming‐induced soil hydrological changes when modeling soil respiration under climate change.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities have increased nitrogen (N) deposition by threefold to fivefold over the last century, which may considerably affect soil respiration (Rs). Although numerous individual studies and a few meta‐analyses have been conducted, it remains controversial as to how N addition affects Rs and its components [i.e., autotrophic (Ra) and heterotrophic respiration (Rh)]. To reconcile the difference, we conducted a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 295 published studies to examine the responses of Rs and its components to N addition in terrestrial ecosystems. We also assessed variations in their responses in relation to ecosystem types, environmental conditions, and experimental duration (DUR). Our results show that N addition significantly increased Rs by 2.0% across all biomes but decreased by 1.44% in forests and increased by 7.84% and 12.4% in grasslands and croplands, respectively (P < 0.05). The differences may largely result from diverse responses of Ra to N addition among biomes with more stimulation of Ra in croplands and grasslands compared with no significant change in forests. Rh exhibited a similar negative response to N addition among biomes except that in croplands, tropical and boreal forests. Methods of partitioning Rs did not induce significant differences in the responses of Ra or Rh to N addition, except that Ra from root exclusion and component integration methods exhibited the opposite responses in temperate forests. The response ratios (RR) of Rs to N addition were positively correlated with mean annual temperature (MAT), with being more significant when MAT was less than 15 °C, but negatively with DUR. In addition, the responses of Rs and its components to N addition largely resulted from the changes in root and microbial biomass and soil C content as indicated by correlation analysis. The response patterns of Rs to N addition as revealed in this study can be benchmarks for future modeling and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Extreme precipitation is predicted to be more frequent and intense accompanying global warming and may have profound impacts on soil respiration (Rs) and its components, that is, autotrophic (Ra) and heterotrophic (Rh) respiration. However, how natural extreme rainfall or snowfall events affect these fluxes are still lacking, especially under nitrogen (N) fertilization. In this study, extreme rainfall and snowfall events occurred during a 3‐year field experiment, allowing us to examine their effects on the response of Rs, Rh, and Ra to N supply. In normal rainfall years of 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, N fertilization significantly stimulated Rs by 23.9% and 10.9%, respectively. This stimulation was mainly due to the increase of Ra because of N‐induced increase in plant biomass. In the record wet year of 2013/2014, however, Rs was independent on N supply because of the inhibition effect of the extreme rainfall event. Compared with those in other years, Rh and Ra were reduced by 36.8% and 59.1%, respectively, which were likely related to the anoxic stress on soil microbes and decreased photosynthates supply. Although N supply did not affect annual Rh, the response ratio (RR) of Rh flux to N fertilization decreased firstly during growing season, increased in nongrowing season and peaked during spring thaw in each year. Nongrowing season Rs and Rh contributed 5.5–16.4% to their annual fluxes and were higher in 2012/2013 than other years due to the extreme snowfall inducing higher soil moisture during spring thaw. The RR of nongrowing season Rs and Rh decreased in years with extreme snowfall or rainfall compared to those in normal years. Overall, our results highlight the significant effects of extreme precipitation on responses of Rs and its components to N fertilization, which should be incorporated into models to improve the prediction of carbon‐climate feedbacks.  相似文献   

孙宝玉  韩广轩 《生态学杂志》2016,27(10):3394-3402
土壤呼吸是土壤碳库向大气碳库输入的主要途径,而温度升高会影响土壤呼吸从而改变全球碳平衡.据预测在21世纪末,全球平均地表温度将升高0.3~4.8 ℃,因此野外自然条件下的模拟增温试验对土壤呼吸的影响是全球变化研究的热点之一.本文综述了不同时空格局下土壤呼吸对模拟增温的响应特征,指出短期增温能提高土壤呼吸,而长期增温下无统一规律,并且不同生态系统之间也存在差异;重点讨论了模拟增温对土壤呼吸的影响机制,指出增温能直接影响土壤呼吸,同时增温也能通过影响土壤水分、盐分、土壤理化性质等环境因子以及光合作用、凋落物等生物因子对土壤呼吸产生间接影响;另外,分析了土壤呼吸对增温产生适应性的形成机制,主要包括微生物、根、酶的温度适应性、水分限制、氮素过量以及呼吸底物限制.在此基础上对今后的研究方向加以展望:加强根际微生态系统的研究;重点研究不对称增温下土壤呼吸的特征及机制;关注典型物候期和不同季节典型天气土壤呼吸的测定;构建土壤呼吸响应模拟增温试验的研究网络,进行联网试验.  相似文献   

Tundra regions are projected to warm rapidly during the coming decades. The tundra biome holds the largest terrestrial carbon pool, largely contained in frozen permafrost soils. With warming, these permafrost soils may thaw and become available for microbial decomposition, potentially providing a positive feedback to global warming. Warming may directly stimulate microbial metabolism but may also indirectly stimulate organic matter turnover through increased plant productivity by soil priming from root exudates and accelerated litter turnover rates. Here, we assess the impacts of experimental warming on turnover rates of leaf litter, active layer soil and thawed permafrost sediment in two high‐arctic tundra heath sites in NE‐Greenland, either dominated by evergreen or deciduous shrubs. We incubated shrub leaf litter on the surface of control and warmed plots for 1 and 2 years. Active layer soil was collected from the plots to assess the effects of 8 years of field warming on soil carbon stocks. Finally, we incubated open cores filled with newly thawed permafrost soil for 2 years in the active layer of the same plots. After field incubation, we measured basal respiration rates of recovered thawed permafrost cores in the lab. Warming significantly reduced litter mass loss by 26% after 1 year incubation, but differences in litter mass loss among treatments disappeared after 2 years incubation. Warming also reduced litter nitrogen mineralization and decreased the litter carbon to nitrogen ratio. Active layer soil carbon stocks were reduced 15% by warming, while soil dissolved nitrogen was reduced by half in warmed plots. Warming had a positive legacy effect on carbon turnover rates in thawed permafrost cores, with 10% higher respiration rates measured in cores from warmed plots. These results demonstrate that warming may have contrasting effects on above‐ and belowground tundra carbon turnover, possibly governed by microbial resource availability.  相似文献   

Extracellular enzymes catalyze rate‐limiting steps in soil organic matter decomposition, and their activities (EEAs) play a key role in determining soil respiration (SR). Both EEAs and SR are highly sensitive to temperature, but their responses to climate warming remain poorly understood. Here, we present a meta‐analysis on the response of soil cellulase and ligninase activities and SR to warming, synthesizing data from 56 studies. We found that warming significantly enhanced ligninase activity by 21.4% but had no effect on cellulase activity. Increases in ligninase activity were positively correlated with changes in SR, while no such relationship was found for cellulase. The warming response of ligninase activity was more closely related to the responses of SR than a wide range of environmental and experimental methodological factors. Furthermore, warming effects on ligninase activity increased with experiment duration. These results suggest that soil microorganisms sustain long‐term increases in SR with warming by gradually increasing the degradation of the recalcitrant carbon pool.  相似文献   

Partitioning soil CO2 efflux into autotrophic (RA) and heterotrophic (RH) components is crucial for understanding their differential responses to climate change. We conducted a long‐term experiment (2000–2005) to investigate effects of warming 2°C and yearly clipping on soil CO2 efflux and its components (i.e. RA and RH) in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Interannual variability of these fluxes was also examined. Deep collars (70 cm) were inserted into soil to measure RH. RA was quantified as the difference between soil CO2 efflux and RH. Warming treatment significantly stimulated soil CO2 efflux and its components (i.e. RA and RH) in most years. In contrast, yearly clipping significantly reduced soil CO2 efflux only in the last 2 years, although it decreased RH in every year of the study. Temperature sensitivity (i.e. apparent Q10 values) of soil CO2 efflux was slightly lower under warming (P>0.05) and reduced considerably by clipping (P<0.05) compared with that in the control. On average over the 4 years, RH accounted for approximately 65% of soil CO2 efflux with a range from 58% to 73% in the four treatments. Over seasons, the contribution of RH to soil CO2 efflux reached a maximum in winter (∼90%) and a minimum in summer (∼35%). Annual soil CO2 efflux did not vary substantially among years as precipitation did. The interannual variability of soil CO2 efflux may be mainly caused by precipitation distribution and summer severe drought. Our results suggest that the effects of warming and yearly clipping on soil CO2 efflux and its components did not result in significant changes in RH or RA contribution, and rainfall timing may be more important in determining interannual variability of soil CO2 efflux than the amount of annual precipitation.  相似文献   

土壤各组分呼吸区分方法研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
土壤呼吸分为自养型呼吸(根呼吸)和异养型呼吸(微生物和动物呼吸),区分各组分呼吸可了解在全球变化条件下土壤碳循环和碳平衡的动态。本文综述了3种主要区分自养呼吸和异养呼吸的方法:①组分法;②根去除术;③同位素法。其中同位素法对根和土壤的影响最小,是最可靠的一种方法;综合各方面考虑,根去除法是最切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

Changes in labile carbon (LC) pools and microbial communities are the primary factors controlling soil heterotrophic respiration (Rh) in warming experiments. Warming is expected to initially increase Rh but studies show this increase may not be continuous or sustained. Specifically, LC and soil microbiome have been shown to contribute to the effect of extended warming on Rh. However, their relative contribution is unclear and this gap in knowledge causes considerable uncertainty in the prediction of carbon cycle feedbacks to climate change. In this study, we used a two‐step incubation approach to reveal the relative contribution of LC limitation and soil microbial community responses in attenuating the effect that extended warming has on Rh. Soil samples from three Tibetan ecosystems—an alpine meadow (AM), alpine steppe (AS), and desert steppe (DS)—were exposed to a temperature gradient of 5–25°C. After an initial incubation period, soils were processed in one of two methods: (a) soils were sterilized then inoculated with parent soil microbes to assess the LC limitation effects, while controlling for microbial community responses; or (b) soil microbes from the incubations were used to inoculate sterilized parent soils to assess the microbial community effects, while controlling for LC limitation. We found both LC limitation and microbial community responses led to significant declines in Rh by 37% and 30%, respectively, but their relative contributions were ecosystem specific. LC limitation alone caused a greater Rh decrease for DS soils than AMs or ASs. Our study demonstrates that soil carbon loss due to Rh in Tibetan alpine soils—especially in copiotrophic soils—will be weakened by microbial community responses under short‐term warming.  相似文献   

In order to facilitate interpretation and comparison of warming effects on ecosystems across various habitats, it is imperative to quantify changes in microclimate induced by warming facilities. This paper reports observed changes in air temperature, soil temperature and soil‐moisture content under experimental warming and clipping in a tallgrass prairie in the Great Plains, USA. We used a factorial design with warming as the primary factor nested with clipping as the secondary factor. Infrared heater was used in order to simulate climatic warming and clipping to mimic mowing for hay or grazing. The warming treatment significantly increased daily mean and minimum air temperatures by 1.1 and 2.3 °C, respectively, but had no effect on daily maximum air temperature, resulting in reduced diurnal air‐temperature range. Infrared heaters substantially increased daily maximum (2.5 and 3.5 °C), mean (2.0 and 2.6 °C) and minimum (1.8 and 2.1 °C) soil temperatures in both the unclipped and clipped subplots. Clipping also significantly increased daily maximum (3.4 and 4.3 °C) and mean (0.6 and 1.2 °C) soil temperatures, but decreased daily minimum soil temperature (1.0 and 0.6 °C in the control and warmed plots, respectively). Daily maximum, mean and minimum soil temperatures in the clipped, warmed subplots were 6.8, 3.2 and 1.1 °C higher than those in the unclipped, control subplots. Infrared heaters caused a reduction of 11.0% in soil moisture in the clipped subplots, but not in the unclipped subplots. Clipping reduced soil‐moisture content by 17.7 and 22.7% in the control and warmed plots, respectively. Experimental warming and clipping interacted to exacerbate soil‐moisture loss (26.7%). Overall, infrared heaters simulated climate warming well by enhancing downward infrared radiation and by reducing the diurnal air‐temperature range.  相似文献   

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