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The availability of increasingly comprehensive phylogenies has provided unprecedented opportunities to assess macroevolutionary patterns, yet studies on invertebrate diversification are few. In particular, despite the ecological and evolutionary importance of ants, little is known about their tempo and mode of diversification. Recent advances in ant phylogenetics can now provide a basis for rigorous analyses of the diversification of ant lineages. The goals of the present study are threefold. First, we demonstrate that a hypothesized disproportionate increase in ant diversification during the angiosperm radiation is largely artifactual. Rather, current evidence points to a fairly constant rate of lineage growth during its history. Moreover, an analysis of diversification patterns across the ant phylogeny indicates considerable rate heterogeneity among lineages. Indeed, and contrary to the expectation if lineages had experienced a single rate of lineage increase, we found no correspondence between genus age and diversity. Finally, we demonstrate a statistically significant phylogenetic signal in ant diversification: closely related genera have diversities that are more similar to one another than one would expect by chance. This suggests that the capacity for diversification may be itself a biological trait that evolved during the radiation of the family Formicidae.  相似文献   

The pace of phenotypic diversification during adaptive radiation should decrease as ecological opportunity declines. We test this prediction using phylogenetic comparative analyses of a wide range of morphological traits in Greater Antillean Anolis lizards. We find that the rate of diversification along two important axes of Anolis radiation—body size and limb dimensions—decreased as opportunity declined, with opportunity quantified either as time elapsed in the radiation or as the diversity of competing anole lineages inferred to have been present on an island at different times in the past. Most previous studies of the ecological opportunity hypothesis have focused on the rate of species diversification; our results provide a complementary perspective, indicating that the rate of phenotypic diversification declines with decreasing opportunity in an adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Linking adaptive divergence to hybrid unfitness is necessary to understand the ecological factors contributing to reproductive isolation and speciation. To date, this link has been demonstrated in few model systems, most of which encompass ecotypes that occupy relatively early stages in the speciation process. Here we extend these studies by assessing how host‐plant adaptation conditions hybrid fitness in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. We made crosses between and within five pea aphid biotypes adapted to different host plants and representing various stages of divergence within the complex. Performance of F1 hybrids and nonhybrids was assessed on a “universal” host that is favorable to all pea aphid biotypes in laboratory conditions. Although hybrids performed equally well as nonhybrids on the universal host, their performance was much lower than nonhybrids on the natural hosts of their parental populations. Hence, hybrids, rather than being intrinsically deficient, are maladapted to their parents’ hosts. Interestingly, the impact of this maladaptation was stronger in certain hybrids from crosses involving the most divergent biotype, suggesting that host‐dependent postzygotic isolation has continued to evolve late in divergence. Even though host‐independent deficiencies are not excluded, hybrid maladaptation to parental hosts supports the hypothesis of ecological speciation in this complex.  相似文献   

Abstract The phylogenetic species concept is applied for the first time to a major radiation of birds, the birds-of-paradise (Paradisaeidae) of Australasia. Using the biological species concept, previous workers have postulated approximately 40–42 species in the family. Of these, approximately 13 are monotypic and 27 are polytypic with about 100 subspecies. Phylogenetic species are irreducible (basal) clusters of organisms (terminal taxa) that are diagnosably distinct from other such clusters. Within the context of this concept, approximately 90 species of paradisaeids are postulated to have diversified within Australasia. The phylogenetic species concept more accurately describes evolutionary diversity within the family and provides a better theoretical and empirical framework for analysing speciation, historical biogeography and patterns of morphological, behavioral and ecological diversification within this group than does the biological species concept.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted to determine whether ploidal changes found in laboratory cultures of Spirogyra also occur in nature. In an earlier study filament types identifiable as three different species (Spirogyra singu-laris Nordstedt, S. communis (Hassall)Kütz., S. fragilis Jao) arose from an original clonal culture through vegetative growth and sexual reproduction. These three “species” or filament groups differed in filament width, chloroplast number, zygospore size, and chromosome number. The differences in chromosome number represented a polyploid series of diploid (S. communis), triploid (S. fragilis), and tetraploid (S. singularis) forms in which width increased with ploidal level. The three width groups constituted a “species complex.” Five years after isolation of the original strain in this species complex, filaments corresponding to two of the width groups (S. singularis and S. communis) were found at the original collection site in the Santa Catalina Mountains in southern Arizona. The two field-collected groups were indistinguishable from the laboratory species complex in morphology and chromosome number. Homothallic conjugation within the two field width groups yielded progeny similar to those from homothallic conjugation of groups in the laboratory species complex. Filament widths of progeny were generally within the width limits of respective parental groups. The four possible intergroup crosses between the two laboratory and two field width groups yielded progeny similar to the wider parent (S. singularis) or the parent of intermediate width (S. fragilis). Progeny characteristics were determined by the width groups of parents, regardless of whether parents came from the laboratory or field. The similarities in morphology, chromosome numbers, and reproductive behavior of laboratory and field width groups imply that the laboratory species complex of S. communis has a natural counterpart in the field.  相似文献   

Homozygous mt?/mt? diploid clones of the Closterium ehrenbergii Menegh. ex Ralfs species complex were obtained by hypertonic treatment from minus vegetative cells, and mating type segregation ratios in the F1 progeny of “triploid” zygospores between wild type mt+ haploid and mt?/mt? homozygous diploui were analyzed. The ratio of plus to minus individuals was 1:4.8, and the ratio of the pairs of opposite mating types to those of minus mating type was 1:2.1. The results clearly show that mt? is dominant to mt+ and that the mating type inheritance in these zygospores follows the triploid-like pattern. The validity of our assumption that the two mating types are determined by one genetic factor (mt? allele dominant) was confirmed in B1 progeny analyses as well. The results suggest that this sex determining mechanism is working effectively in the C. ehrenbergii species complex, in which several biological species have evolved through polyploidization.  相似文献   

The evolution of key innovations, novel traits that promote diversification, is often seen as major driver for the unequal distribution of species richness within the tree of life. In this study, we aim to determine the factors underlying the extraordinary radiation of the subfamily Bromelioideae, one of the most diverse clades among the neotropical plant family Bromeliaceae. Based on an extended molecular phylogenetic data set, we examine the effect of two putative key innovations, that is, the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and the water‐impounding tank, on speciation and extinction rates. To this aim, we develop a novel Bayesian implementation of the phylogenetic comparative method, binary state speciation and extinction, which enables hypotheses testing by Bayes factors and accommodates the uncertainty on model selection by Bayesian model averaging. Both CAM and tank habit were found to correlate with increased net diversification, thus fulfilling the criteria for key innovations. Our analyses further revealed that CAM photosynthesis is correlated with a twofold increase in speciation rate, whereas the evolution of the tank had primarily an effect on extinction rates that were found five times lower in tank‐forming lineages compared to tank‐less clades. These differences are discussed in the light of biogeography, ecology, and past climate change.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic methods to detect lineage diversification have been traditionally used within a particular taxonomic clade, but rarely applied to detect local diversification. For understanding in situ diversification triggered by novel conditions it is necessary to focus on the time slice where such conditions occur. These new conditions may differentially affect the diversification rate of lineages with different morpho‐functional syndromes. A prominent example of these processes occurs in the Mediterranean Basin, where climate arising along the Tertiary/Quaternary transition acted as an environmental filter. In this context, lineages with different syndromes (sclerophyllous and nonsclerophyllous) are hypothesized to have different local diversification rates after the rise of the Mediterranean conditions. We used macroevolutionary methods of time‐dependent diversification on a calibrated local phylogeny accommodating topological and chronological uncertainty to test syndrome‐driven diversification in Mediterranean shrublands from the eastern Iberian Peninsula. We found phylogenetic evidence of higher speciation associated with the nonsclerophyllous syndrome, although extinction rates were similar between syndromes. Consequently a syndrome‐driven local diversification has occurred in shrublands under Mediterranean conditions. The results provide an example of how the integration of the environmental filter in a dated phylogeny may recreate the local history of lineages and help to explain assembly processes in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

Species hybridization, and thus the potential for gene flow, was once viewed as reproductive mistake. However, recent analysis based on large datasets and newly developed models suggest that gene exchange is not as rare as originally suspected. To investigate the history and speciation of the closely related species Drosophila subobscura, D. madeirensis, and D. guanche, we obtained polymorphism and divergence data for 26 regions throughout the genome, including the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA. We found that the D. subobscura X/autosome ratio of silent nucleotide diversity is significantly smaller than the 0.75 expected under neutrality. This pattern, if held genomewide, may reflect a faster accumulation of beneficial mutations on the X chromosome than on autosomes. We also detected evidence of gene flow in autosomal regions, while sex chromosomes remain distinct. This is consistent with the large X effect on hybrid male sterility seen in this system and the presence of two X chromosome inversions fixed between species. Overall, our data conform to chromosomal speciation models in which rearrangements are proposed to serve as gene flow barriers. Contrary to other observations in Drosophila, the mitochondrial genome appears resilient to gene flow in the presence of nuclear exchange.  相似文献   

How does natural selection shape the structure of variance and covariance among multiple traits, and how do (co)variances influence trajectories of adaptive diversification? We investigate these pivotal but open questions by comparing phenotypic (co)variances among multiple morphological traits across 18 derived lake‐dwelling populations of threespine stickleback, and their marine ancestor. Divergence in (co)variance structure among populations is striking and primarily attributable to shifts in the variance of a single key foraging trait (gill raker length). We then relate this divergence to an ecological selection proxy, to population divergence in trait means, and to the magnitude of sexual dimorphism within populations. This allows us to infer that evolution in (co)variances is linked to variation among habitats in the strength of resource‐mediated disruptive selection. We further find that adaptive diversification in trait means among populations has primarily involved shifts in gill raker length. The direction of evolutionary trajectories is unrelated to the major axes of ancestral trait (co)variance. Our study demonstrates that natural selection drives both means and (co)variances deterministically in stickleback, and strongly challenges the view that the (co)variance structure biases the direction of adaptive diversification predictably even over moderate time spans.  相似文献   

Through the process of ecological speciation, insect populations that adapt to new host plant species or to different plant tissues could speciate if such adaptations cause reproductive isolation. One of the key issues in this process is identifying the mechanisms by which adaptation in ecological traits leads directly to reproductive isolation. Here I show that within a radiation of specialist moths that pollinate and feed on yuccas, shifts in egg placement resulted in changes in female moth egg‐laying structures that led to concomitant changes in male reproductive morphology. As pollinator moths evolved to circumvent the ability of yuccas to selectively abscise flowers that contain pollinator eggs, ovipositor length became shorter. Because mating occurs through the ovipositor, shortening of the ovipositor also led to significantly shorter and wider male intromittent organs. In instances where two pollinator moth species occur in sympatry and on the same host plant species, there is one short and one long ovipositor species that are reproductively isolated. Given that many plant‐feeding insects lay eggs into plant tissues, changes in ovipositor morphology that lead to correlated changes in reproductive morphology may be a mechanism that maintains reproductive isolation among closely related species using the same host plant species.  相似文献   

Long pelagic larval phases and the absence of physical barriers impede rapid speciation and contrast the high diversity observed in marine ecosystems such as coral reefs. In this study, we used the three‐spot dascyllus (Dascyllus trimaculatus) species complex to evaluate speciation modes at the spatial scale of the Indo‐Pacific. The complex includes four recognized species and four main color morphs that differ in distribution. Previous studies of the group using mitochondrial DNA revealed a noncongruence between color morphs and genetic groupings; with two of the color morphs grouped together and one color morph separated into three clades. Using extensive geographic sampling of 563 individuals and a combination of mitochondrial DNA sequences and 13 nuclear microsatellites, we defined population/species boundaries and inferred different speciation modes. The complex is composed of seven genetically distinct entities, some of which are distinct morphologically. Despite extensive dispersal abilities and an apparent lack of barriers, observed genetic partitions are consistent with allopatric speciation. However, ecological pressure, assortative mating, and sexual selection, were likely important during periods of geographical isolation. This study therefore suggests that primarily historical factors later followed by ecological factors caused divergence and speciation in this group of coral reef fish.  相似文献   

Many classic examples of adaptive radiations take place within fragmented systems such as islands or mountains, but the roles of mosaic landscapes and variable gene flow in facilitating species diversification is poorly understood. Here we combine phylogenetic and landscape genetic approaches to understand diversification in Darwin's finches, a model adaptive radiation. We combined sequence data from 14 nuclear introns, mitochondrial markers, and microsatellite variation from 51 populations of all 15 recognized species. Phylogenetic species‐trees recovered seven major finch clades: ground, tree, vegetarian, Cocos Island, grey and green warbler finches, and a distinct clade of sharp‐beaked ground finches (Geospiza cf. difficilis) basal to all ground and tree finches. The ground and tree finch clades lack species‐level phylogenetic structure. Interisland gene flow and interspecies introgression vary geographically in predictable ways. First, several species exhibit concordant patterns of population divergence across the channel separating the Galápagos platform islands from the separate volcanic province of northern islands. Second, peripheral islands have more admixed populations while central islands maintain more distinct species boundaries. This landscape perspective highlights a likely role for isolation of peripheral populations in initial divergence, and demonstrates that peripheral populations may maintain genetic diversity through outbreeding during the initial stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Through the course of an adaptive radiation, the evolutionary speed of cladogenesis and ecologically relevant trait evolution are expected to slow as species diversity increases, niches become occupied, and ecological opportunity declines. We develop new likelihood‐based models to test diversity‐dependent evolution in the auks, one of only a few families of seabirds adapted to underwater “flight,” and which exhibit a large variety of bill sizes and shapes. Consistent with the expectations of adaptive radiation, we find both a decline in rates of cladogenesis (a sixfold decline) and bill shape (a 64‐fold decline) evolution as diversity increased. Bill shape diverged into two clades at the basal cladogenesis event with one clade possessing mostly long, narrow bills used to forage primarily on fish, and the other with short thick bills used to forage primarily on plankton. Following this initial divergence in bill shape, size, a known correlate of both prey size and maximum diving depth, diverged rapidly within each of these clades. These results suggest that adaptive radiation in foraging traits underwent initial divergence in bill shape to occupy different food resources, followed by size differentiation to subdivide each niche along the depth axis of the water column.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation in species of the mangrove genus Avicennia was screened in 25 populations collected from 22 locations in the Indo-West Pacific and eastern North America using 11 loci. Several fixed gene differences supported the specific status of Avicennia alba, A. integra, A. marina, and A. rumphiana from the Indo-West Pacific, and A. germinans from the Atlantic-East Pacific. The three varieties of A. marina, var. marina, var. eucalyptifolia, and van australasica, had higher genetic similarities (Nei's I) and no fixed gene differences, confirming their conspecific status. Strong genetic structuring was observed in A. marina, with sharp changes in gene frequencies at the geographical margins of varietal distributions. The occurrence of alleles found otherwise in only one variety, in only immediately adjacent populations of another variety, provided evidence of introgession between varieties. The varieties appear to have diverged recently in the Pleistocene and are apparently not of ancient Cretaceous origin, as suggested earlier. Despite evidence of high degrees of outcrossing, gene flow among populations was relatively low (Nem < 1–2), except where populations were geographically continuous, questioning assumptions that these widespread mangrove species achieve high levels of long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

The California Floristic Province exhibits one of the richest floras on the planet, with more than 5500 native plant species, approximately 40% of which are endemic. Despite its impressive diversity and the attention it has garnered from ecologists and evolutionary biologists, historical causes of species richness and endemism in California remain poorly understood. Using a phylogenetic analysis of 16 angiosperm clades, each containing California natives in addition to species found only outside California, we show that CA's current biodiversity primarily results from low extinction rates, as opposed to elevated speciation or immigration rates. Speciation rates in California were lowest among Arcto‐Tertiary lineages (i.e., those colonizing California from the north, during the Tertiary), but extinction rates were universally low across California native plants of all historical, geographic origins. In contrast to long‐accepted ideas, we find that California diversification rates were generally unaffected by the onset of the Mediterranean climate. However, the Mediterranean climate coincided with immigration of many desert species, validating one previous hypothesis regarding origins of CA's plant diversity. This study implicates topographic complexity and climatic buffering as key, long‐standing features of CA's landscape favoring plant species persistence and diversification, and highlights California as an important refuge under changing climates.  相似文献   

The kelp Lessonia nigrescens Bory is the most ecologically and economically important seaweed in rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats along the temperate Pacific South American coasts. Recent molecular studies suggest the existence of two lineages, one (northern lineage) from 17° S to 30° S and a second (central lineage) from 29° S to 41° S. To identify and name these lineages we performed morphological, nomenclatural and field studies. Four external and three internal anatomical traits permitted a morphological separation of the two lineages. The internal structure of both lineages was different from the isolectotype of Lessonia nigrescens. It is therefore concluded that the name Lessonia nigrescens should not be used for the Chilean material. Chordaria spicata Suhr appears as the oldest available name for the central lineage, while Lessonia berteroana Montagne is the oldest name for the northern lineage. In both cases, the type material consisted of small‐sized, apical branches of larger plants. The new combination Lessonia spicata (Suhr) Santelices is proposed for the central lineage and we reinstate Lessonia berteroana for the northern lineage. Laminaria scissa Suhr is reduced to synonym of L. spicata. Representative specimens of Lessonia nigrescens were not found during new visits to its type locality in Cape Horn and along Chile. Future studies should verify the status of this species.  相似文献   

Three species in the Littorina saxatilis complex (the ovoviviparousL. saxatilis and the two oviparous species L. arcana and L.nigrolineata) were screened for the products of up to 22 lociusing gel elec-trophoresis. Analysis of allele frequencies andderived genetic distances showed that, with rare exceptionsin L. saxatilis and L. arcana, conspecific populations clusteredtogether. Sympatric pairs of populations showed significantdifferentiation at many polymorphic loci. The results confirmedthe biological reality of the three taxa, and did not suggestthe existence of any previously unrecognized species. The speciesare genetically closely related to each other, with Nei geneticdistances ranging from 0.035 to 0.083. (Received 24 October 1989; accepted 18 April 1990)  相似文献   

Invasion of new ecological habitats is often associated with lineage diversification, yet the genetic changes underlying invasions and radiations are poorly understood. Over 200 million years ago, the semi‐aquatic insects invaded water surface from a common terrestrial ancestor and diversified to exploit a wide array of niches. Here, we uncover the changes in regulation and function of the gene Ultrabithorax associated with both the invasion of water surface and the subsequent diversification of the group. In the common ancestor of the semi‐aquatic insects, a novel deployment of Ubx protein in the mid‐legs increased their length, thereby enhancing their role in water surface walking. In derived lineages that specialize in rowing on the open water, additional changes in the timing of Ubx expression further elongated the mid‐legs thereby facilitating their function as oars. In addition, Ubx protein function was selectively reversed to shorten specific rear‐leg segments, thereby enabling their function as rudders. These changes in Ubx have generated distinct niche‐specialized morphologies that account for the remarkable diversification of the semi‐aquatic insects. Therefore, changes in the regulation and function of a key developmental gene may facilitate both the morphological change necessary to transition to novel habitats and fuel subsequent morphological diversification.  相似文献   

Parallel phenotypic evolution occurs when independent populations evolve similar traits in response to similar selective regimes. However, populations inhabiting similar environments also frequently show some phenotypic differences that result from non‐parallel evolution. In this study, we quantified the relative importance of parallel evolution to similar foraging regimes and non‐parallel lake‐specific effects on morphological variation in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). We found evidence for both lake‐specific morphological characteristics and parallel morphological divergence between whitefish specializing in feeding on profundal and littoral resources in three separate lakes. Foraging specialists expressed similar phenotypes in different lakes in both overall body shape and selected measured morphological traits. The morphology of the two whitefish specialists resembled that predicted from other fish species, supporting the conclusion of an adaptive significance of the observed morphological characteristics. Our results indicate that divergent natural selection resulting from foraging specialization is driving and/or maintaining the observed parallel morphological divergence. Whitefish in this study may represent an early stage of divergence towards the evolution of specialized morphs.  相似文献   

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