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Previous studies have shown that reduced gibberellin (GA) level or signal promotes plant tolerance to environmental stresses, including drought, but the underlying mechanism is not yet clear. Here we studied the effects of reduced levels of active GAs on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plant tolerance to drought as well as the mechanism responsible for these effects. To reduce the levels of active GAs, we generated transgenic tomato overexpressing the Arabidopsis thaliana GA METHYL TRANSFERASE 1 (AtGAMT1) gene. AtGAMT1 encodes an enzyme that catalyses the methylation of active GAs to generate inactive GA methyl esters. Tomato plants overexpressing AtGAMT1 exhibited typical GA‐deficiency phenotypes and increased tolerance to drought stress. GA application to the transgenic plants restored normal growth and sensitivity to drought. The transgenic plants maintained high leaf water status under drought conditions, because of reduced whole‐plant transpiration. The reduced transpiration can be attributed to reduced stomatal conductance. GAMT1 overexpression inhibited the expansion of leaf‐epidermal cells, leading to the formation of smaller stomata with reduced stomatal pores. It is possible that under drought conditions, plants with reduced GA activity and therefore, reduced transpiration, will suffer less from leaf desiccation, thereby maintaining higher capabilities and recovery rates.  相似文献   

Seven-day-old maize (Zea mays) plants were grown hydroponically for 10 days in S-deprived nutrient solution. The distribution profiles according to the position on the stem of the S-deprived laminas’ stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate, dry mass, water content, and specific surface area were monitored relative to control among others. Photochemical efficiency of photosystem II remained unaffected by the deprivation, as well as the specific surface area of all but the embryonic laminas after d2. In S-deficient plants, the embryonic (L0) and the uppermost lamina or the one below it presented mostly significant changes. The response ratios (Rr) of the L0 stomatal conductance oscillated; the oscillation started with an increase at d2. The corresponding Rr values of L0 transpiration and photosynthetic rates started oscillating at d4 in the same fashion. At d8, an increasing gradient appeared in water-content Rr values from L1 to the uppermost lamina. At d10, all but the embryonic laminas presented significantly reduced Rr values in water content. Changes in dry mass and surface area of laminas were synchronized. In control, the transpiration rate expressed per DM unit remained constant during the examined period, while under the deprivation it followed a power function of surface area.  相似文献   

研究品种之间群体耗水特性的差异及其关键影响因素,为品种耗水特性评价与低耗水品种鉴选方法提供依据。选用水分亏缺条件下产量差异不显著,但耗水量差异极显著的冬小麦品种晋麦47和京411及其15个近等基因系为实验材料。利用防雨池和防雨棚开展实验,模拟水分亏缺条件。监测全生育期土壤水分含量,计算总耗水量,收获后测定籽粒产量,计算水分利用效率(WUE)。同时,分别在拔节-孕穗期、抽穗-开花期和灌浆期3个不同生育期监测冠层-大气温度差值(CTD)、叶片蒸腾速率和气孔导度。结果表明,3个不同生育期,15个近等基因系及其亲本之间,CTD均达到显著差异。CTD的方差分析表明,基因型和年份均对不同生育期的CTD有显著影响,但是二者之间仅在抽穗-开花期存在互作(P=0.0002)。15个近等基因系及其亲本之间耗水量存在显著差异,产量没有显著差异。源于耗水量的差异,部分品种/系之间WUE达显著差异。3个不同生育期,15个近等基因系及其亲本之间,CTD与总耗水量均呈极显著负相关关系。抽穗-开花期最高,2012—2013年度和2016—2017年度分别达到0.7042和0.6095。叶片蒸腾速率和气孔导度与群体总耗水量之间相关性很弱,3个生育期均未达到显著水平。对该组近等基因系材料,影响群体总耗水量的关键因素不是叶片蒸腾生理特性,而是群体冠层生长特性。表明构建合理的群体冠层结构不仅是获得高产的途经,而且是调控群体总耗水量,提高品种水分利用效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the vertical structure of wet grazed grasslands in Tierra del Fuego (southern Argentina). A point quadrat method was developed using a fine needle graduated in cm. The vertical and horizontal frequency of species and organs was quantified in samples collected from non‐grazed and grazed plots in the field. There was vertical stratification in both types of samples, but only in the first eight cm above the ground in grazed samples, with a dominance of Caltha sagittata. In non‐grazed samples graminoids grew taller than forbs and their inflorescences were an important element of the canopy structure. In both treatments, vertical species diversity was maximum in the lower part of the canopy, although diversity was significantly higher in grazed pots. In grazed samples, Caltha sagittata was the dominant species in 46% of samples and its leaves occupied 35% of the upper canopy. In the non‐grazed samples, Hordeum pubiflorum and Festuca magellanica were dominant in 63% of the samples, with H. pubiflorum leaves occupying 55% of the upper canopy. Comparing species by pairs, significant differences in vertical position were maintained in non‐grazed versus grazed pots. It is concluded that vertical stratification occurs even in the shortest communities. In this community, forb species grew close to the ground in the grazed areas, while forbs grew in the gaps and grasses above them in the non‐grazed areas. The main differences were in the relative dominance of forb and grass species and the presence of inflorescences.  相似文献   

1. An air-injection method was used to study loss of water transport capacity caused by xylem cavitation in roots and branches of Pinus edulis (Colorado Pinyon) and Juniperus osteosperma (Utah Juniper). These two species characterize the Pinyon–Juniper communities of the high deserts of the western United States. Juniperus osteosperma can grow in drier sites than P. edulis and is considered the more drought tolerant.
2. Juniperus osteosperma was more resistant to xylem cavitation than P. edulis in both branches and roots. Within a species, branches were more resistant to cavitation than roots for P. edulis but no difference was seen between the two organs for J. osteosperma . There was also no difference between juveniles and adults in J. osteosperma ; this comparison was not made for P. edulis .
3. Tracheid diameter was positively correlated with xylem cavitation pressure across roots and stems of both species. This relation suggests a trade-off between xylem conductance and resistance to xylem cavitation in these species.
4. During summer drought, P. edulis maintained higher predawn xylem pressures and showed much greater stomatal restriction of transpiration, consistent with its greater vulnerability to cavitation, than J. osteosperma .
5. These results suggest that the relative drought tolerance of P. edulis and J. osteosperma results in part from difference in their vulnerability to xylem cavitation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Drought is the principal constraint on world production of legume crops. There is considerable variability among genotypes in sensitivity of nitrogen fixation to drought, which has been related to accumulation of ureides in soybean. The aim of this study was to search for genotypic differences in drought sensitivity and ureide accumulation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) germplasm that may be useful in the improvement of tolerance to water deficit in common bean.


Changes in response to water deficit of nitrogen fixation rates, ureide content and the expression and activity of key enzymes for ureide metabolism were measured in four P. vulgaris genotypes differing in drought tolerance.

Key Results

A variable degree of drought-induced nitrogen fixation inhibition was found among the bean genotypes. In addition to inhibition of nitrogen fixation, there was accumulation of ureides in stems and leaves of sensitive and tolerant genotypes, although this was higher in the leaves of the most sensitive ones. In contrast, there was no accumulation of ureides in the nodules or roots of stressed plants. In addition, the level of ureides in the most sensitive genotype increased after inhibition of nitrogen fixation, suggesting that ureides originate in vegetative tissues as a response to water stress, probably mediated by the induction of allantoinase.


Variability of drought-induced inhibition of nitrogen fixation among the P. vulgaris genotypes was accompanied by subsequent accumulation of ureides in stems and leaves, but not in nodules. The results indicate that shoot ureide accumulation after prolonged exposure to drought could not be the cause of inhibition of nitrogen fixation, as has been suggested in soybean. Instead, ureides seem to be produced as part of a general response to stress, and therefore higher accumulation might correspond to higher sensitivity to the stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Poplar genotypes differ in transpiration efficiency (TE) at leaf and whole‐plant level under similar conditions. We tested whether atmospheric vapour pressure deficit (VPD) affected TE to the same extent across genotypes. Six Populus nigra genotypes were grown under two VPD. We recorded (1) 13C content in soluble sugars; (2) 18O enrichment in leaf water; (3) leaf‐level gas exchange; and (4) whole‐plant biomass accumulation and water use. Whole‐plant and intrinsic leaf TE and 13C content in soluble sugars differed significantly among genotypes. Stomatal conductance contributed more to these differences than net CO2 assimilation rate. VPD increased water use and reduced whole‐plant TE. It increased intrinsic leaf‐level TE due to a decline in stomatal conductance. It also promoted higher 18O enrichment in leaf water. VPD had no genotype‐specific effect. We detected a deviation in the relationship between 13C in leaf sugars and 13C predicted from gas exchange and the standard discrimination model. This may be partly due to genotypic differences in mesophyll conductance, and to its lack of sensitivity to VPD. Leaf‐level 13C discrimination was a powerful predictor of the genetic variability of whole‐plant TE irrespective of VPD during growth.  相似文献   

Phytohormones are central players in sensing and signalling numerous environmental conditions like drought. In this work, hormone profiling together with gene expression of key enzymes involved in abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonate biosynthesis were studied in desiccating Arabidopsis roots. Jasmonic acid (JA) content transiently increased after stress imposition whereas progressive and concomitant ABA and Jasmonoyl Isoleucine (JA‐Ile) accumulations were detected. Molecular data suggest that, at least, part of the hormonal regulation takes place at the biosynthetic level. These observations also point to a possible involvement of jasmonates on ABA biosynthesis under stress. To test this hypothesis, mutants impaired in jasmonate biosynthesis (opr3, lox6 and jar1‐1) and in JA‐dependent signalling (coi1) were employed. Results showed that the early JA accumulation leading to JA‐Ile build up was necessary for an ABA increase in roots under two different water stress conditions. Signal transduction between water stress‐induced JA‐Ile accumulation and COI1 is necessary for a full induction of the ABA biosynthesis pathway and subsequent hormone accumulation in roots of Arabidopsis plants. The present work adds a level of interaction between jasmonates and ABA at the biosynthetic level.  相似文献   

Increased freshwater growth of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss improved survival to smolt and adult stages, thus prompting an examination of factors affecting growth during critical periods that influenced survival through subsequent life stages. For three tributaries with contrasting thermal regimes, a bioenergetics model was used to evaluate how feeding rate and energy density of prey influenced seasonal growth and stage‐specific survival of juvenile O. mykiss. Sensitivity analysis examined target levels for feeding rate and energy density of prey during the growing season that improved survival to the smolt and adult stages in each tributary. Simulated daily growth was greatest during warmer months (1 July to 30 September), whereas substantial body mass was lost during cooler months (1 December to 31 March). Incremental increases in annual feeding rate or energy density of prey during summer broadened the temperature range at which faster growth occurred and increased the growth of the average juvenile to match those that survived to smolt and adult stages. Survival to later life stages could be improved by increasing feeding rate or energy density of the diet during summer months, when warmer water temperatures accommodated increased growth potential. Higher growth during the summer period in each tributary could improve resiliency during subsequent colder periods that lead to metabolic stress and weight loss. As growth and corresponding survival rates in fresh water are altered by shifting abiotic regimes, it will be increasingly important for fisheries managers to better understand the mechanisms affecting growth limitations in rearing habitats and what measures might maintain or improve growth conditions and survival.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica ACA‐YC 5033 was grown on glucose‐based media in which high amounts of olive mill wastewaters (OMWs) had been added. Besides shake‐flask aseptic cultures, trials were also performed in previously pasteurized media while batch bioreactor experiments were also done. Significant decolorization (~58%) and remarkable removal of phenolic compounds (~51% w/w) occurred, with the latter being amongst the highest ones reported in the international literature, as far as yeasts were concerned during their growth on phenol‐containing media. In nitrogen‐limited flask fermentations the microorganism produced maximum citric acid quantity ≈19.0 g/L [simultaneous yield of citric acid produced per unit of glucose consumed (YCit/Glc)≈0.74 g/g]. Dry cell weight (DCW) values decreased at high phenol‐containing media, but, on the other hand, the addition of OMWs induced reserve lipid accumulation. Maximum citric acid concentration achieved (≈52.0 g/L; YCit/Glc≈0.64 g/g) occurred in OMW‐based high sugar content media (initial glucose added at ≈80.0 g/L). The bioprocess was successfully simulated by a modified logistic growth equation. A satisfactory fitting on the experimental data occurred while the optimized parameter values were found to be similar to those experimentally measured. Finally, a non‐aseptic (previously pasteurized) trial was performed and its comparison with the equivalent aseptic experiment revealed no significant differences. Yarrowia lipolytica hence can be considered as a satisfactory candidate for simultaneous OMWs bioremediation and the production of added‐value compounds useful for the food industry.  相似文献   

The adaptation capacity of olive trees to different environments is well recognized. However, the presence of microorganisms in the soil is also a key factor in the response of these trees to drought. The objective of the present study was to elucidate the effects of different arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi coming from diverse soils on olive plant growth and water relations. Olive plants were inoculated with native AM fungal populations from two contrasting environments, that is, semi‐arid – Freila (FL) and humid – Grazalema (GZ) regions, and subjected to drought stress. Results showed that plants grew better on GZ soil inoculated with GZ fungi, indicating a preference of AM fungi for their corresponding soil. Furthermore, under these conditions, the highest AM fungal diversity was found. However, the highest root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) value was achieved by plants inoculated with GZ fungi and growing in FL soil under drought conditions. So, this AM inoculum also functioned in soils from different origins. Nine novel aquaporin genes were also cloned from olive roots. Diverse correlation and association values were found among different aquaporin expressions and abundances and Lpr, indicating how the interaction of different aquaporins may render diverse Lpr values.  相似文献   

Tree‐ring characteristics are commonly used to reconstruct climate variables, but divergence from the assumption of a single biophysical control may reduce the accuracy of these reconstructions. Here, we present data from bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.) sampled within and beyond the current species bioclimatic envelope to identify the primary environmental controls on ring‐width indices (RWIs) and carbon stable isotope discrimination (Δ13C) in tree‐ring cellulose. Variation in Δ13C and RWI was more strongly related to leaf‐to‐air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) at the centre and western edge of the range compared with the northern and wettest regions. Among regions, Δ13C of tree‐ring cellulose was closely predicted by VPD and light responses of canopy‐level Δ13C estimated using a model driven by eddy flux and meteorological measurements (R2 = 0.96, P = 0.003). RWI and Δ13C were positively correlated in the drier regions, while they were negatively correlated in the wettest region. The strength and direction of the correlations scaled with regional VPD or the ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration. Therefore, the correlation strength between RWI and Δ13C may be used to infer past wetness or aridity from paleo wood by determining the degree to which carbon gain and growth have been more limited by moisture or light.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is major plant hormone involved in regulating abiotic stress responses. Several studies have established that an ABA‐signalling transduction pathway—from ABA perception to response—functions in plant cells. The group A PP2Cs constitute core components of ABA signalling, and they negatively regulate ABA signalling and stress responses. Recent studies have identified and functionally analysed regulators of PP2C activity; however, the precise regulatory mechanisms remain unclear. In the present study, we used a yeast 2‐hybrid (Y2H) screening analysis to identify the DEAD‐box RNA helicase RH8, which interacted with PP2CA in the nucleus. rh8 knockout mutants exhibited ABA hyposensitivity and drought‐susceptible phenotypes characterized by high levels of transpirational water loss via reduced stomatal closure and decreased leaf temperatures. However, rh8/pp2ca double mutants showed ABA hypersensitivity and drought‐tolerant phenotypes, indicating that RH8 and PP2CA function in the same ABA‐signalling pathway in the drought stress response; moreover, RH8 functions upstream of PP2CA. In vitro phosphatase and kinase assays revealed that RH8 inhibits PP2CA phosphatase activity. Our data indicate that RH8 and its interacting partner PP2CA modulate the drought stress response via ABA‐dependent signalling.  相似文献   

We acclimated adults of Takydromus septentrionalis (northern grass lizard) from four localities (populations) under identical thermal conditions to examine whether local thermal conditions have a fixed influence on thermal preference and thermal tolerance in the species. Selected body temperature (Tsel), critical thermal minimum (CTMin), and critical thermal maximum (CTMax) did not differ between sexes and among localities in lizards kept under identical laboratory conditions for ∼5 months, and the interaction effects between sex and locality on these measures were not significant. Lizards acclimated to the three constant temperatures (20, 25, and 35°C) differed in Tsel, CTMin, and CTMax. Tsel, CTMin, and CTMax all shifted upward as acclimation temperature increased, with Tsel shifting from 32.0 to 34.1°C, CTMin from 4.9 to 8.0°C, and CTMax from 42.0 to 44.5°C at the change-over of acclimation temperature from 20 to 35°C. Lizards acclimated to the three constant temperatures also differed in the range of viable body temperatures; the range was widest in the 25°C treatment (38.1°C) and narrowest in the 35°C treatment (36.5°C), with the 20°C treatment in between (37.2°C). The results of this study show that local thermal conditions do not have a fixed influence on thermal preference and thermal tolerance in T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

The response of wheat crops to elevated CO2 (eCO2) was measured and modelled with the Australian Grains Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment experiment, located at Horsham, Australia. Treatments included CO2 by water, N and temperature. The location represents a semi‐arid environment with a seasonal VPD of around 0.5 kPa. Over 3 years, the observed mean biomass at anthesis and grain yield ranged from 4200 to 10 200 kg ha?1 and 1600 to 3900 kg ha?1, respectively, over various sowing times and irrigation regimes. The mean observed response to daytime eCO2 (from 365 to 550 μmol mol?1 CO2) was relatively consistent for biomass at stem elongation and at anthesis and LAI at anthesis and grain yield with 21%, 23%, 21% and 26%, respectively. Seasonal water use was decreased from 320 to 301 mm (P = 0.10) by eCO2, increasing water use efficiency for biomass and yield, 36% and 31%, respectively. The performance of six models (APSIM‐Wheat, APSIM‐Nwheat, CAT‐Wheat, CROPSYST, OLEARY‐CONNOR and SALUS) in simulating crop responses to eCO2 was similar and within or close to the experimental error for accumulated biomass, yield and water use response, despite some variations in early growth and LAI. The primary mechanism of biomass accumulation via radiation use efficiency (RUE) or transpiration efficiency (TE) was not critical to define the overall response to eCO2. However, under irrigation, the effect of late sowing on response to eCO2 to biomass accumulation at DC65 was substantial in the observed data (~40%), but the simulated response was smaller, ranging from 17% to 28%. Simulated response from all six models under no water or nitrogen stress showed similar response to eCO2 under irrigation, but the differences compared to the dryland treatment were small. Further experimental work on the interactive effects of eCO2, water and temperature is required to resolve these model discrepancies.  相似文献   

Obesity is the consequence of a positive energy balance and characterized by enlargement of the adipose tissue, which in part is due to hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the adipocytes. Not much is known about the transition of normal mature adipocytes to the hypertrophic state, which in vivo is very hard to study. Here, we have maintained mature human SGBS cells as a surrogate for adipocytes, changes of morphological and molecular metabolism of the adipocytes were monitored over the first 4 days and the last 4 days. In total, 393 cellular proteins and 246 secreted proteins were identified for further analysis. During the first 4 days of high glucose and insulin, the adipocytes seemed to prefer pyruvate as energy source, whereas beta‐oxidation was down‐regulated supporting lipid loading. Over time, lipid droplet fusion instead of lipid uptake became relatively important for growth of lipid droplets during the last 4 days. Moreover, ECM production shifted towards ECM turnover by the up‐regulation of proteases over eight days. The present in vitro system provides insight into the metabolic changes of adipocytes under conditions of high glucose and insulin, which may help to understand the process of in vivo adipocyte hypertrophy during the development of obesity.  相似文献   

Commercial cultivation of Spirulina sp. is highly popular due to the presence of high amount of C‐phycocyanin (C‐PC ) and other valuable chemicals like carotenoids and γ‐linolenic acid. In this study, the pH and the concentrations of nitrogen and carbon source were manipulated to achieve improved cell growth and C‐PC production in NaCl‐tolerant mutant of Spirulina platensis . In this study, highest C‐PC (147 mg · L?1) and biomass (2.83 g · L?1) production was achieved when a NaCl‐tolerant mutant of S. platensis was cultivated in a nitrate and bicarbonate sufficient medium (40 and 60 mM, respectively) at pH 9.0 under phototrophic conditions. Kinetic study of wildtype S. platensis and its NaCl‐tolerant mutant was also done to determine optimum nitrate concentrations for maximum growth and C‐PC production. Kinetic parameter of inhibition (Haldane model) was fitted to the relationship between specific growth rate and substrate concentration obtained from the growth curves. Results showed that the maximum specific growth rate (μmax) for NaCl‐tolerant mutant increased by 17.94% as compared to its wildtype counterpart, with a slight increase in half‐saturation constant (Ks), indicating that this strain could grow well at high concentration of NaNO3. C‐PC production rate (Cmax) in mutant cells increased by 12.2% at almost half the value of Ks as compared to its wildtype counterpart. Moreover, the inhibition constant (Ki) value was 207.85% higher in NaCl‐tolerant mutant as compared to its wildtype strain, suggesting its ability to produce C‐PC even at high concentrations of NaNO3.  相似文献   

Patients with diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease‐related death, exhibiting highly vulnerable plaques. Many studies have highlighted the major role of macrophages (MAC) and smooth muscle cells (SMC) and the essential part of metalloproteases (MMPs) in atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability. We hypothesize that in diabetes, the interplay between MAC and SMC in high glucose conditions may modify the expression of MMPs involved in plaque vulnerability. The SMC‐MAC cross‐talk was achieved using trans‐well chambers, where human SMC were grown at the bottom and human MAC in the upper chamber in normal (NG) or high (HG) glucose concentration. After cross‐talk, the conditioned media and cells were isolated and investigated for the expression of MMPs, MCP‐1 and signalling molecules. We found that upon cross‐talk with MAC in HG, SMC exhibit: (i) augmented expression of MMP‐1 and MMP‐9; (ii) significant increase in the enzymatic activity of MMP‐9; (iii) higher levels of soluble MCP‐1 chemokine which is functionally active and involved in MMPs up‐regulation; (iv) activated PKCα signalling pathway which, together with NF‐kB are responsible for MMP‐1 and MMP‐9 up‐regulation, and (v) impaired function of collagen assembly. Taken together, our data indicate that MCP‐1 released by cell cross‐talk in diabetic conditions binds to CCR2 and triggers MMP‐1 and MMP‐9 over‐expression and activity, features that could explain the high vulnerability of atherosclerotic plaque found at diabetic patients.  相似文献   

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