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Earth mites are major pests of pastures and crops within southern Australia. While the biology and ecology of the redlegged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) have been studied extensively, the blue oat mite (Penthaleus major) and its recently discovered relative, Penthaleus falcatus, have received little attention. The distribution of H. destructor, P. major and P. falcatus is described in Victoria, Australia, and the inland borders in central New South Wales are re-described. A new undescribed Penthaleus species identified from mallee samples is recognized, and its restricted distribution in Victoria is mapped. Electrophoretic data and the complete absence of males indicate that all Penthaleus species are obligate thelytokous parthenogens. The three Penthaleus species differ in clonal diversity. All species are pests of pastures and/or crops, however the preferred plant hosts of P. major and P. falcatus differ. Tolerance of a commonly used pesticide (omethoate) differs between the species. P. falcatus shows the highest LC50, and may be responsible for pesticide control failures. Rearing methods for P. major and P. falcatus are described. The large differences between these blue oat mite species point to difficulties in interpreting early published data that failed to distinguish them.  相似文献   

Summary Nests ofTapinoma minutum were collected and mapped from a wet sclerophyll forest in New South Wales during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Queen number was variable, indicating the population is both facultatively polygynous and polydomous. Electrophoretic data from three polymorphic enzymes revealed that relatedness among workers conformed to the Hamiltonian expectation of 0.75. Colony boundaries were inferred from electrophoretic data synthesized with nest spatial locations. For this species colonies were composed of at most three nests; this simple pattern of polydomy suggests it has a recent origin in this population. The pattern of facultative polygyny may be linked to an apparent high rate of colony orphaning.  相似文献   

Proteaceae are most diverse in southern Africa and Australia, especially in the south-western portions of these regions. Most genera have some species in flower at all times of the year, although generally there is a preponderance of species that flower between late winter and early summer. The one genus that is an exception to this generalization is Banksia, which either has approximately the same percentage of species in flower at various times of the year (southwestern Australia) or peaks in autumn (southeastern Australia). Within particular communities, opportunities for hybridization among congeneric species are minimized by staggered flowering times, different pollen vectors and/or various incompatibility mechanisms. Birds, mammals and arthropods have been identified as visitors to the inflorescences of many Proteaceae. The most common avian visitors to the majority of genera in Australia are honeyeaters, although lorikeets, silvereyes and approximately 40 other species sometimes may be important. Sugarbirds and sunbirds are seen most frequently at inflorescences of Protea, Leucospermum and Mimetes in southern Africa, although they rarely visit other genera. In most cases, avian visitors forage in a manner that permits the acquisition and transfer of pollen. Limited evidence supports the hypothesis that birds are selective in their choice of inflorescences, responding to morphological and/or colour changes and usually visiting those inflorescences that offer the greatest nectar rewards. Arthropods may be equally selective, although it is possible that only the larger moths, bees and beetles are important pollinators, even for those plant species that rely entirely on arthropods for pollen transfer. Mammals are pollen vectors for some Proteaceae, especially those that have geoflorous and/or cryptic inflorescences. In Australia, small marsupials may be the most important mammalian pollinators, although rodents fill this niche in at least some southern African habitats. All but two genera of Proteaceae are hermaphroditic and protandrous, the exceptions being the dioecious southern African genera Aulax and Leucadendron. For hermaphroditic species, the timing of visits by animals to inflorescences is such that they not only acquire pollen from freshly opened flowers but also brush against pollen presenters and stigmas of others that have lost self-pollen and become receptive. Birds and insects (and probably mammals) generally forage in such a way as to facilitate both outcrossing and selfing. Some species are self-compatible, although many require outcrossing if viable seed is to be formed. Regardless of which animals are the major pollen vectors, fruit set is low relative to the number of flowers available, especially in Australian habitats. Functional andromonoecy of the majority of flowers is advanced as the major cause of poor fruit set. The pollination biology and breeding systems of Australian and southern African Proteaceae resemble one another in many ways, partly because of their common ancestry, but also due to convergence. Divergence is less obvious, apart from the dichotomy between dioecious and hermaphroditic genera, and differences in the levels of seed set for Australian and African species. Future studies should concentrate on identifying the most important pollinators for various Proteaceae, the manner in which their visits are integrated with floral development and factors responsible for limiting fruit set.  相似文献   

The indigenous people of Australia have a long and well documented history of using native plants as an essential component of their customary economy. However, few have engaged successfully in commerce based on native plant use. Recently there has been an increasing interest in exploring options for use of native plants for food, food additives, botanical medicines, and related purposes. In this paper, we determine the issues important to Aboriginal people in enterprise development utilizing plant products, and we define some of the factors affecting progress in realizing opportunities. The Aboriginal people with whom we have worked appear to prefer small-scale enterprises where they have community ownership of ideas and control of the rate and direction of development. Government could play a larger and more active role through supporting additional research and marketing information, providing training, and better matching policy and legislation to support indigenous development and reduce dependence of welfare.  相似文献   

The course ‘Biology of Mankind’ was introduced into the University of New South Wales for first-year students from any faculty wishing to take biology. All students, regardless of their previous background in biology or their reasons for taking the course, followed the same syllabus. Biological principles were taught in the context of the evolution of man in relation to his environment; the importance of scientific methods for the study of these interactions was emphasized. At the beginning of their university studies students were introduced to the relevance of biology for an understanding of many related disciplines. The course represented an educational innovation in both content and teaching methods. It sought to develop some independence in student learning as preparation for subsequent years. The development of the course and its evaluation over a three-year period are reviewed.  相似文献   

W. F. Humphreys 《Oecologia》1978,31(3):319-347
Summary Using both field and laboratory data a detailed examination of behavioural thermoregulation is presented for Geolycosa godeffroyi (Koch), a burrow inhabiting Australian wolf spider; comparative data are given for Schizocosa leuckartii (Thorell), Venatrix fuscus (Hogg), Lycosa speciosa Koch, and two undescribed species of Lycosa. Egg sac and spider body temperatures were recorded either by implanted thermocouples or biotelemetry. The burrows permitted the spiders access to a wide range of temperature throughout the day but the spiders maintained temperatures above the upper limit of this range except in the middle of the day in summer. In winter the burrows protected the spiders from extreme cold. G. godeffroyi thermoregulated throughout the year and could achieve temperatures of 38°C when the global radiation exceeded about 260 mW cm-2 d-1. The activity regimes deduced from temperature recording were in accord with those derived using field actographs and photographic recording. The spiders thermoregulated in a manner similar to that used by behaviourally thermoregulating lizards and did so whenever conditions were suitable. They maintained temperatures between 32 and 36°C but the preferred temperature was reduced by lack of food or water, in egg sacs or females carrying egg sacs and in mature males to about 30°C. The data do not support the concept of a refractory zone but suggest two or more set points required for specific physiological or ecological purposes.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic fire is a form of ecosystem engineering that creates greater landscape patchiness at small spatial scales: such rescaling of patch diversity through mosaic burning has been argued to be a form of niche construction, the loss of which may have precipitated the decline and extinction of many endemic species in the Western Desert of Australia. We find evidence to support this hypothesis relative to one keystone species, the sand monitor lizard (Varanus gouldii). Paradoxically, V. gouldii populations are higher where Aboriginal hunting is most intense. This effect is driven by an increase in V. gouldii densities near successional edges, which is higher in landscapes that experience extensive human burning. Over time, the positive effects of patch mosaic burning while hunting overwhelm the negative effects of predation in recently burned areas to produce overall positive impacts on lizard populations. These results offer critical insights into the maintenance of animal communities in the desert, supporting the hypothesis that the current high rate of endemic species decline among small animals may be linked to the interaction between invasive species and mid-century removal of Aboriginal niche construction through hunting and patch mosaic burning.  相似文献   

A dearth of basic biological information for wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, currently hinders the ability of scientists and managers to assess population sustainability and appropriately manage the dramatically increasing global catch. This study examined the gonads of 382 wahoo collected off eastern Australia during 2008–2011 to quantify their reproductive biology in the region. The overall sex ratio of the sample was 3.2:1 (females:males), however this differed significantly among fishing sectors and areas. The estimated fork length at which 50 % of female wahoo reach maturity was 1,046 mm. Similar to the Atlantic Ocean, female wahoo have a protracted summer spawning season during October-February. The mean spawning frequency of female wahoo was uncertain but may be approximately 2–3 days, with evidence of fish actively spawning on consecutive days. Batch fecundity of females was positively correlated with fish size and estimates ranged between 0.65 and 5.12 million oocytes. Relative fecundity was estimated at 122.0 (±9.7) oocytes per gram of ovary free body weight and did not differ with fish size or throughout the spawning season. Estimation of reproductive parameters such as size- and age-at-maturity may facilitate the construction of per-recruit stock assessments of wahoo in the region.  相似文献   

This report describes the road map we followed at our university to accommodate three main factors: financial pressure within the university system; desire to enhance the learning experience of undergraduates; and motivation to increase the prominence of the discipline of developmental biology in our university. We engineered a novel, multi-year undergraduate developmental biology program which was "student-oriented," ensuring that students were continually exposed to the underlying principles and philosophy of this discipline throughout their undergraduate career. Among its key features are introductory lectures in core courses in the first year, which emphasize the relevance of developmental biology to tissue engineering, reproductive medicine, therapeutic approaches in medicine, agriculture and aquaculture. State-of-the-art animated computer graphics and images of high visual impact are also used. In addition, students are streamed into the developmental biology track in the second year, using courses like human embryology and courses shared with cell biology, which include practicals based on modern experimental approaches. Finally, fully dedicated third-year courses in developmental biology are undertaken in conjunction with stand-alone practical courses where students experiencefirst-hand work in a research laboratory. Our philosophy is a "cradle-to-grave" approach to the education of undergraduates so as to prepare highly motivated, enthusiastic and well-educated developmental biologists for entry into graduate programs and ultimately post-doctoral research.  相似文献   

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