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The community composition and the factors affecting seasonal and interannual dynamics of zooplankton in Lake Bosumtwi were studied biweekly at a central index station during 2005 and 2006. The lake zooplankton community was species poor. Mesocyclops bosumtwii was numerically superior seasonally and interannually and was endemic to the lake. Minor constituents included Moina micrura, six rotifer species (except for Hexarthra intermedia) and Chaoborus ceratopogones larvae. Low variance of cyanobacteria-dominated phytoplankton biomass underlined stable zooplankton community structure. Emergence of rare species of rotifers occurred seasonally. The climatic signature on the lake’s stratification and mixing regime was strongly influenced by atmospheric temperature, but weakly by wind strength, because of sheltering of the lake by high crater walls. Increasing mixing depth entrained high TP concentrations from below the thermocline seasonally, but reflected poorly in the phytoplankton biomass behaviour. Total zooplankton abundance did not differ seasonally, but varied markedly from year to year in its timing and magnitude. Herbivores were squeezed between food limitation and high predation pressure from Chaoborus all year round. The low fish planktivory (high fishing pressure) on Chaoborus may create a trophic bottleneck restricting energy transfer efficiency from zooplankton to fish.  相似文献   

Durations of embryonic and post-embryonic development of the two dominant zooplankton crustaceans Thermocyclops oblongatus (Copepoda) and Diaphanosoma excisum in Lake Naivasha were determined at various lake water temperatures to provide the time element for the calculation of their production. Developmental times were temperature dependent in as much as food resource was not limiting. Production estimates were calculated. The turnover times of their biomass was 11.4 and 13.7 days, with production rates of 11.0 and 6.0 µg dw m-3 d-1 for T. oblongatus and D. excisum, respectively. Annual production was estimated as 3302 mg m-3 yr-1 for T. oblongatus and 2176 mg m-3 yr-1 for D. excisum. Production was continuous but with several irregular peaks particularly during the wet seasons when plankton biomass was high.  相似文献   

The growth rate, birth rate, death rate and production of the cladocera of Lake Kasumigaura were studied. Standing crop of zooplankton seemed to be governed by predation rather than food. Maximum productivity of cladocerans was observed in late August and early September. There were differences in production between sampling stations. The highest production was recorded in the most eutrophic basin, where heavy water blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa occurred. Maximum secondary production coincided with maximum primary production, which was mainly due to M. aeruginosa. Cladocerans probably utilize decomposed or decomposing Microcystis cells and bacteria in summer. Estimates of annual production of cladocerans varied from 4.2 to 13.1 g dry wt · m–3, and annual P:B ratios ranged from 36 to 108. The production of cladocerans in Takahamairi Bay was 2.7% of gross primary production.  相似文献   

通过2006年11月至2008年8月2周年8个季度的野外采样调查和室内分析,研究了新疆乌伦古湖浮游甲壳动物的季节演替格局及其与环境因子的相关性。结果表明,枝角类和桡足类的总种类数为25种,其中枝角类6种,桡足类19种。枝角类Shannon-Wiener指数2007年夏季和2008年夏季较高,2007年冬季最低;Pielou 指数2006年冬季最高;桡足类Shannon-wiener指数和Pielou指数除冬季较低外,其余三季较高。方差分析结果表明枝角类和无节幼体的密度与生物量呈现出显著的季节变动格局,其中,枝角类密度和生物量在夏秋季形成单一高峰,最大值出现在2007年夏,最大密度和生物量分别为2.12个/L和0.062 mg/L,而无节幼体密度和生物量形成春秋双高峰,其最大值出现在2007年春,密度和生物量分别为5.14个/L和0.015 mg/L,桡足类密度和生物量季节变化不明显。优势种的季节演替方面,象鼻溞和模式有爪猛水蚤全年形成优势,其他枝角类、哲水蚤和剑水蚤不同季节的优势种各异。经典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明,长刺溞等与水体中的pH值、SD呈正相关,与浮游植物生物量呈负相关;长额象鼻溞等与水深呈正相关,无节幼体等与水温也呈正相关性。  相似文献   

The abundances, biomass, and seasonal succession of rotifer and crustacean zooplankton were examined in a man-made, eutrophic lake, Lake Oglethorpe, over a 13 month period. There was an inverse correlation between the abundance of rotifers and crustaceans. Rotifers were most abundant and dominated (>69%) the rotifer-crustacean biomass during summer months (June–September) while crustacean zooplankton dominated during the remainder of the year (>89%). Peak biomasses of crustaceans were observed in the fall (151 µg dry wt l–1 in October) and spring (89.66 µg dry wt l–1 in May). Mean annual biomass levels were 46.99 µg dry wt l–1 for crustaceans and 19.26 µg dry wt l–1 for rotifers. Trichocerca rousseleti, Polyarthra sp., Keratella cochlearis and Kellicottia bostoniensis were the most abundant rotifers in the lake. Diaptomus siciloides and Daphnia parvula were the most abundant crustaceans. Lake Oglethorpe is distinct in having an unusually high abundance of rotifers (range 217–7980 l–1). These high densities can be attributed not only to the eutrophic conditions of the lake but also to the detailed sampling methods employed in this study.The research was supported by National Science Foundation grants DEB 7725354 and DEB 8005582 to Dr. K. G. Porter. It is lake Oglethorpe Limnological Association Contribution No. 25 and Contribution No. 371 of the Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   

About 650 zooplankton samples were collected from Lake Inarijärvi in 1977–1979 from the littoral and pelagial zones of the lake. One hundred and twenty-three zooplankton taxa were found and most of them can be considered euplanktonic.The most important species were Holopedium gibberum, Daphnia cristata, Cyclops spp. and Eudiaptomus spp. Mean pelagial zooplankton biomass was 0.29 g m–3 in the 0–5 m depth zone, 0.17 g m–3 in 5–10 m and 0.11 g m–3 in 10–20 m.The zooplankton biomass at a sandy shore was about 0.09 g m–3, at a stony shore 0.05 g m–3 and at a vegetated shore 0.76 g m–3. About 70% of the whole zooplankton production consisted of crustaceans.The sum of herbivore and carnivore zooplankton production in the pelagial area during the summer was 210–330 kg ha–1 × 3 months.  相似文献   

The observed pattern of lake browning, or increased terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, across the northern hemisphere has amplified the importance of understanding how consumer productivity varies with DOC concentration. Results from comparative studies suggest these increased DOC concentrations may reduce crustacean zooplankton productivity due to reductions in resource quality and volume of suitable habitat. Although these spatial comparisons provide an expectation for the response of zooplankton productivity as DOC concentration increases, we still have an incomplete understanding of how zooplankton respond to temporal increases in DOC concentration within a single system. As such, we used a whole‐lake manipulation, in which DOC concentration was increased from 8 to 11 mg L?1 in one basin of a manipulated lake, to test the hypothesis that crustacean zooplankton production should subsequently decrease. In contrast to the spatially derived expectation of sharp DOC‐mediated decline, we observed a small increase in zooplankton densities in response to our experimental increase in DOC concentration of the treatment basin. This was due to significant increases in gross primary production and resource quality (lower seston carbon‐to‐phosphorus ratio; C:P). These results demonstrate that temporal changes in lake characteristics due to increased DOC may impact zooplankton in ways that differ from those observed in spatial surveys. We also identified significant interannual variability across our study region, which highlights potential difficulty in detecting temporal responses of organism abundances to gradual environmental change (e.g., browning).  相似文献   

Transport accounts for about one quarter of South Africa's final energy consumption. Most of the energy used is based on fossil fuels causing significant environmental burdens. This threat becomes even more dominant as a significant growth in transport demand is forecasted, especially in South Africa's economic hub, Gauteng province. The South African government has realized the potential of biofuel usage for reducing oil import dependency and greenhouse gas (GHG) and has hence developed a National Biofuels Industrial Strategy to enforce their use. However, there is limited experience in the country in commercial biofuel production and some of the proposed crops (i.e. rapeseed and sugar beet) have not been yet cultivated on a larger scale. Furthermore, there is only limited research available, looking at the feasibility of commercial scale biofuel production or abatement costs of GHG emissions. To assess the opportunities of biofuel production in South Africa, the production costs and consumer price levels of the fuels recommended by the national strategy are analysed in this article. Moreover, the lifecycle GHG emissions and mitigation costs are calculated compared to the calculated fossil fuel reference including coal to liquid (CTL) and gas to liquid (GTL) fuels. The results show that the cost for biofuel production in South Africa are currently significantly higher (between 30% and 80%) than for the reference fossil fuels. The lifecycle GHG emissions of biofuels (especially for sugar cane) are considerably lower (up to 45%) than the reference fossil GHG emissions. The resulting GHG abatement costs are between 1000 and 2500 ZAR2007 per saved ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is high compared to the current European CO2 market prices of ca. 143 ZAR2007 t?1. The analysis has shown that biofuel production and utilization in South Africa offers a significant GHG‐mitigation potential but at relatively high cost.  相似文献   

Assessing species phenology provides useful understanding about their autecology, to contribute to management strategies. We monitored reproductive phenology of Mimusops andongensis and Mimusops kummel, and its relationship with climate, tree diameter and canopy position. We sampled trees in six diameter classes and noted their canopy position. For both species flowering began in the dry season through to the rainy season, but peaked in the dry season, whilst fruiting occurred in the rainy season and peaked during the most humid period. Flowering was positively correlated with temperature. Conversely, fruiting was negatively correlated with temperature and positively with rainfall, only in the Guineo‐Sudanian zone. For Mandongensis, flowering and fruiting prevalences were positively linked to stem diameter, while only flowering was significantly related to canopy position. For Mkummel, the relationship with stem diameter was significant for flowering prevalence only and in the Guineo‐Sudanian zone. Results suggest that phylogenetic membership is an important factor restricting Mimusops species phenology. Flowering and fruiting of both species are influenced by climate, and consequently climate change might shift their phenological patterns. Long‐term investigations, considering flowering and fruiting abortion, will help to better understand the species phenology and perhaps predict demographic dynamics.  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton of Lake Taihu,China: abundance,biomass, and production   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abundance, biomass and production of pelagic bacteria were examined over one year at monthly sampling intervals across a trophic profile in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. With the lowest density in the open lake, the bacterial abundance showed a clear trend in relation to trophic status. The carbon content per cell was higher in autumn and winter, and the opposite was true for bacterial biomass. Bacterial 3[H]-TdR and 14[C]-Leu incorporation rates, cell production, turnover times and carbon production varied during the annual cycle at different sites. The ratio of bacterial production to primary production was high, independently of the method used, indicates that the microbial food web in Lake Taihu is an important component of the total food web of the lake and dominated by external inputs. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users  相似文献   

Fish species assemblage and selected environmental variables were monitored in Lake Volta from September 2014 to August 2016 to determine seasonal variability in species composition, catch and environmental variables that determine the structure of the fish community. A total of 1,557 individual fish belonging to 41 species, 25 genera and 13 families were recorded. The important fish species with respect to frequency of occurrence, abundance and weight, respectively, were as follows: Chrysichthys (100%; 43.03%; 17.93%), tilapias (100%; 28.97%; 17.86%), Alestes (100%; 14.13%; 32.10%) and Bagrus (91.67%; 5.65%; 12.80%) in that order. The composition of fish species and their temporal variation in experimental catches were similar to that of commercial catches. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in species abundance, weight and diversity indices between the dry and wet seasons. The modal class of length frequency distribution of the dominant species in the catch, Chrysichthys, reduced from 125 mm in 2006 to 95 mm in the current study indicating overfishing. Environmental variables considered showed little variation and within optimal ranges for fish survival and did not differ significantly between seasons. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that environmental variables explained 43.30% of the variation in species abundance with Lake water level, nitrite‐nitrogen and total dissolved solids being the main environmental factors influencing the structure of the fish community.  相似文献   

Tooth shape is used to differentiate between morphologically similar species of vertebrates, including fish. This study aimed to quantify tooth shape of three sympatric species: Haplochromis kamiranzovu, H. insidiae, and H. astatodon endemic to Lake Kivu, whose existing identification criteria are currently only qualitative. A quantitative tooth shape analysis was performed based on digitized tooth outline data with a subsequent elliptic Fourier analysis to test for differences among the three species. We looked at crown shape and size differences within H. kamiranzovu and H. insidiae at geographical, habitat, and gender levels. No comparison at habitat level was done for H. astatodon because it is found only in littoral zone. The analysis revealed significant tooth shape differences among the three species. Haplochromis astatodon had a significantly longer major cusp height and a longer and larger minor cusp than that of H. insidiae. It had also a longer major cusp height and a longer and larger minor cusp than that of H. kamiranzovu. Tooth shape differences of H. kamiranzovu and H. insidiae species were not significantly different between littoral and pelagic fish (p > .05) while differences were significant between southern and northern Lake Kivu populations (p < .05). Tooth sizes in H. kamiranzovu and H. insidiae were significantly different, both in height and width as well as in their ratios, and this was true at sex and geographic levels (p < .05), but not at habitat level (p > .05). Tooth shape was also significantly different with sharp teeth for males compared with females of southern populations versus northern ones. These shape‐ and size‐related differences between sexes suggest differences in the foraging strategies toward available food resources in the lake habitat. Further research should explain the genetic basis of the observed pattern.  相似文献   

Environmental factors strongly influence the ecology and evolution of vector‐borne infectious diseases. However, our understanding of the influence of climatic variation on host–parasite interactions in tropical systems is rudimentary. We studied five species of birds and their haemosporidian parasites (Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) at 16 sampling sites to understand how environmental heterogeneity influences patterns of parasite prevalence, distribution, and diversity across a marked gradient in water availability in northern South America. We used molecular methods to screen for parasite infections and to identify parasite lineages. To characterize spatial heterogeneity in water availability, we used weather‐station and remotely sensed climate data. We estimated parasite prevalence while accounting for spatial autocorrelation, and used a model selection approach to determine the effect of variables related to water availability and host species on prevalence. The prevalence, distribution, and lineage diversity of haemosporidian parasites varied among localities and host species, but we found no support for the hypothesis that the prevalence and diversity of parasites increase with increasing water availability. Host species and host × climate interactions had stronger effects on infection prevalence, and parasite lineages were strongly associated with particular host species. Because climatic variables had little effect on the overall prevalence and lineage diversity of haemosporidian parasites across study sites, our results suggest that independent host–parasite dynamics may influence patterns in parasitism in environmentally heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

1. Abundance and bacterial production (BP) of heterotrophic bacteria (HBact) were measured in the north and south basins of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, during seasonal sampling series between 2002 and 2007. The major objective of the study was to assess whether BP can supplement phytoplankton particulate primary production (particulate PP) in the pelagic waters, and whether BP and particulate PP are related in this large lake. HBact were enumerated in the 0–100 m surface layer by epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry; BP was quantified using 3H‐thymidine incorporation, usually in three mixolimnion layers (0–40, 40–60 and 60–100 m). 2. Flow cytometry allowed three subpopulations to be distinguished: low nucleic acid content bacteria (LNA), high nucleic acid content bacteria (HNA) and Synechococcus‐like picocyanobacteria (PCya). The proportion of HNA was on average 67% of total bacterial abundance, and tended to increase with depth. HBact abundance was between 1.2 × 105 and 4.8 × 106 cells mL−1, and was maximal in the 0–40 m layer (i.e. roughly, the euphotic layer). Using a single conversion factor of 15 fg C cell−1, estimated from biovolume measurements, average HBact biomass (integrated over a 100‐m water column depth) was 1.89 ± 1.05 g C m−2. 3. Significant differences in BP appeared between seasons, especially in the south basin. The range of BP integrated over the 0–100 m layer was 93–735 mg C m−2 day−1, and overlapped with the range of particulate PP (150–1687 mg C m−2 day−1) measured in the same period of time at the same sites. 4. Depth‐integrated BP was significantly correlated to particulate PP and chlorophyll‐a, and BP in the euphotic layer was on average 25% of PP. 5. These results suggest that HBact contribute substantially to the particulate organic carbon available to consumers in Lake Tanganyika, and that BP may be sustained by phytoplankton‐derived organic carbon in the pelagic waters.  相似文献   

Long‐term population studies on large mammals are rare. Here, we have examined the threatened scimitar‐horned oryx, addax and dama gazelle's populations over the last 20 years in Bou Hedma National Park. Using monthly count data of the three studied species collected since 1995, we examined their population trends. Using autocorrelation analyses, we discovered endogenous natural cyclical fluctuations in the numbers of each species, with a periodicity of approximately 3 years. For all three studied species which seem to be opportunistic breeders, births and deaths occurred throughout the year, although with notable seasonality. By means of cross‐correlation, we discovered that during the first 7 years for which data were available, addax numbers were positively correlated with those of dama and inversely correlated with numbers of oryx. This pattern reversed during the following 4‐year period. The number of oryx was negatively correlated with dama during the first 4 years and then became positively correlated during the subsequent 7‐year period. Thus, we draw attention to difference in response to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Incorporating fundamental long‐term population data into developing management approaches, especially for potentially competitive species, is vital for their future long‐term survival and the success of conservation actions.  相似文献   

Measurements of body mass, carbon content, respiration, growth, and egestion are combined in a model of secondary production by the tropical freshwater shrimp Caridina. The model is developed to permit its direct application to empirical data for abundances and size frequency distributions of field populations. Model calculations combined with population data for offshore Lake Victoria over a period of two years indicate that Caridina consume the equivalent of 2.2% of annual lake primary production. Present net annual secondary production by the shrimp is an order of magnitude greater than the present fishery yield of the lake. Detritus-fed experimental organisms evidently had assimilation efficiencies as low as 10% by model calculation.  相似文献   

As climbing plants lack the capacity to hold themselves upright, they need to encounter a suitable host. Vines, lianas, and secondary hemiepiphytes need, therefore, an effective searching strategy. Various hypotheses have been put forward on searching strategies, including ‘skototropism’—growth toward darkness—and random searching. We studied host searching strategies of three secondary hemiepiphyte species belonging to the genus Heteropsis. We recorded information on the diameter distribution of host and evaluated whether these hosts were ‘suitable’, i.e., sufficiently tall for Heteropsis individuals to reach reproductive size. The diameter distribution of host trees bearing Heteropsis seedlings was similar to that of the trees in our study plots. Also, we found that 72–81 percent of the Heteropsis seedlings were present on unsuitable hosts (seedlings, saplings, herbs). These results suggest that Heteropsis seedlings search hosts in a random manner and not by skototropism. We found quite a distinct pattern for adult Heteropsis individuals, which predominantly occur on host trees bigger than 10 cm dbh. Host diameter distribution for Heteropsis adults differed significantly from that of the entire tree community. This difference suggests that Heteropsis individuals may change hosts if they are initially present on nonsuitable hosts. We observed that Heteropsis seedlings and juveniles on unsuitable hosts often produced vegetative shoots that searched for another host. In many cases, such shoots did not find a suitable host. For Heteropsis, our results suggest that host tree searching is a long‐term trial and error process that is governed by a random searching strategy. Abstract in Spanish is available in the online version of this article.  相似文献   

Bowal or ferricrete, the final of land degradation, occurred only in tropical region. This study aimed at assessing the effects of bowalization on phytodiversity, life forms and morphological response of plant species using Combretum nigricans Leprieur ex Guill. & Perr. as a case study. Morphological parameters (height, number of stems, number of branches, diameter at breast height and crown diameter) of C. nigricans were determined in the sub‐humid zone of Benin. Plant communities were determined according to Multi‐Response Permutation Procedures analysis. Plant communities were more diversified on sand‐clay and concretion soils (control) compared with those described on bowal. C. nigricans developed more stems (3.6 ± 1.4 stems vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 stems), more branches (5.9 ± 2.4 branches vs. 3.2 ± 0.6 branches) and large crown diameter (5 ± 1.48 m vs. 3.4 ± 1.2 m) on bowal than on sand‐clay soil. The best adapted life forms on bowal were therophytes. Bowalization induced loss of phytodiversity, changes in species life forms and provoked local adaptation of tree species.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are essential hormones that play crucial roles in plant growth, reproduction and response to abiotic and biotic stress. In Arabidopsis, AtCYP85A2 works as a bifunctional cytochrome P450 monooxygenase to catalyse the conversion of castasterone to brassinolide, a final rate‐limiting step in the BR‐biosynthetic pathway. Here, we report the functional characterizations of PtCYP85A3, one of the three AtCYP85A2 homologous genes from Populus trichocarpa. PtCYP85A3 shares the highest similarity with AtCYP85A2 and can rescue the retarded‐growth phenotype of the Arabidopsis cyp85a2‐2 and tomato dx mutants. Constitutive expression of PtCYP85A3, driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, increased the endogenous BR levels and significantly promoted the growth and biomass production in both transgenic tomato and poplar. Compared to the wild type, plant height, shoot fresh weight and fruit yield increased 50%, 56% and 43%, respectively, in transgenic tomato plants. Similarly, plant height and stem diameter increased 15% and 25%, respectively, in transgenic poplar plants. Further study revealed that overexpression of PtCYP85A3 enhanced xylem formation without affecting the composition of cellulose and lignin, as well as the cell wall thickness in transgenic poplar. Our finding suggests that PtCYP85A3 could be used as a potential candidate gene for engineering fast‐growing trees with improved wood production.  相似文献   

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