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Metabolic networks of Cucurbita maxima phloem   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Fiehn O 《Phytochemistry》2003,62(6):875-886
Metabolomic analysis aims at a comprehensive characterization of biological samples. Yet, biologically meaningful interpretations are often limited by the poor spatial and temporal resolution of the acquired data sets. One way to remedy this is to limit the complexity of the cell types being studied. Cucurbita maxima Duch. vascular exudates provide an excellent material for metabolomics in this regard. Using automated mass spectral deconvolution, over 400 components have been detected in these exudates, but only 90 of them were tentatively identified. Many amino compounds were found in vascular exudates from leaf petioles at concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than in tissue disks from the same leaves, whereas hexoses and sucrose were found in far lower amounts. In order to find the expected impact of assimilation rates on sugar levels, total phloem composition of eight leaves from four plants was followed over 4.5 days. Surprisingly, no diurnal rhythm was found for any of the phloem metabolites that was statistically valid for all eight leaves. Instead, each leaf had its own distinct vascular exudate profile similar to leaves from the same plant, but clearly different from leaves harvested from plants at the same developmental stage. Thirty to forty per cent of all metabolite levels of individual leaves were different from the average of all metabolite profiles. Using metabolic co-regulation analysis, similarities and differences between the exudate profiles were more accurately characterized through network computation, specifically with respect to nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Organization and characterization of Cucurbita phloem lectin genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The phloem of pumpkin and squash contains a dimeric chitin-binding lectin called PP2 (phloem protein 2). We have isolated three genomic clones from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) that encoded PP2. One clone, gPC13-1, contained two PP2 genes that were 99.8% identical over a region of 3055 nucleotides. This conserved region included 1922 bp of 5 non-coding sequence, 844 bp of protein coding sequence (including two introns), and 289 bp of 3 non-coding sequence. To examine the conservation of the phloem lectin within the genus Cucurbita, we analyzed nine different species for PP2, its mRNA, and the genes that encode PP2. DNA blot analysis indicated that each species contained genes that encoded PP2, however, there was considerable restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) among the species. PP2 gene copy number reconstructions indicated that PP2 is encoded by a small gene family (two to eight genes). Although a high level of PP2 DNA polymorphism existed among species, a single mRNA (ca. 1 kb) was detected in each species. PP2, affinity-purified from the vascular exudate of each species, reacted with PP2-specific antibodies; five species contained a single PP2 polypeptide while four species contained two PP2 polypeptides.  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised against lectin purified from the sieve-tube exudate of Cucurbita maxima. Immunocytochemistry, using peroxidase-labelled antibodies and Protein A-colloidal gold, was employed to determine the location of the lectin within the tissues and cells of C. maxima and other cucurbit species. The anti-lectin antibodies bound to P-protein aggregates in sieve elements and companion cells, predominantly in the extrafascicular phloem of C. maxima. This may reflect the low rate of translocation in these cells. Under the electron microscope, the lectin was shown to be a component of P-protein filaments and was also found in association with the sieve-tube reticulum which lines the plasmalemma. The anti-lectin antibodies reacted with sieve-tube proteins from other species of the genus Cucurbita but showed only limited reaction with other genera. We suggest that the lectin serves to anchor P-protein filaments and associated proteins to the parietal layer of sieve elements.Abbreviation SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Polyamine content and enzyme activities in the biosynthetic and degradative pathways of polyamine metabolism were investigated in sieve-tube sap, xylem sap and tissues of seedlings and adult plants of Ricinus communis L. Polyamines were present in tissues and translocation fluids of both seedlings and adult plants in relatively high amounts. Only free polyamines were translocated through the plant, as indicated by the finding that only the free form was detected in the phloem and the xylem sap. Removal of the endosperm increased the polyamine content in the sieve-tube exudate of seedlings. The level and pattern of polyamines in tissue of adult leaves changed during leaf age, but not, however, in the sieve-tube sap. Xylem sap was relatively poor in polyamines. Polyamine loading in the phloem was demonstrated by incubating cotyledons with [14O]putrescine and several unlabelled polyamines. Feeding cotyledons with cadaverine and spermidine led to a decrease in the level of putrescine in sieve-tube sap, indicating a competitive effect. Comparison of polyamine content in the tissue and export rate showed that the export would deplete the leaves of polyamines within 1–3 d, if they were not replenished by biosynthesis. Polyamine biosynthesis in Ricinus proceeds mostly via arginine decarboxylase, which in vitro is 100-fold more active than ornithine decarboxylase. The highest arginine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities were detected in cotyledons, while in sieve-tube sap only a slight arginine decarboxylase activity was found. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 20 August 1997  相似文献   

Measurements of diurnal diameter variations of the xylem and phloem are a promising tool for studying plant hydraulics and xylem-phloem interactions in field conditions. However, both the theoretical framework and the experimental verification needed to interpret phloem diameter data are incomplete. In this study, we analytically evaluate the effects of changing the radial conductance between the xylem and the phloem on phloem diameter variations and test the theory using simple manipulation experiments. Our results show that phloem diameter variations are mainly caused by changes in the radial flow rate of water between the xylem and the phloem. Reducing the hydraulic conductance between these tissues decreases the amplitude of phloem diameter variation and increases the time lag between xylem and phloem diameter variation in a predictable manner. Variation in the amplitude and timing of diameter variations that cannot be explained by changes in the hydraulic conductance, could be related to changes in the osmotic concentration in the phloem.  相似文献   

The involvement of nitrogenous substances in the transition to flowering was investigated in Sinapis alba and Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia). Both species grown in short days (SD) are induced to flower by one long day (LD). In S. alba, the phloem sap (leaf and apical exudates) and the xylem sap (root exudate) were analysed in LD versus SD. In A. thaliana, only the leaf exudate could be analysed but an alternative system for inducing flowering without day‐length extension was used: the displaced SD (DSD). Significant results are: (i) in both species, the leaf exudate was enriched in Gln during the inductive LD, at a time compatible with export of the floral stimulus; (ii) in S. alba, the root export of amino acids decreased in LD, whereas the nitrate remained unchanged – thus the extra‐Gln found in the leaf exudate should originate from the leaves; (iii) extra‐Gln was also found very early in the apical exudate of S. alba in LD, together with more Glu; (iv) in A. thaliana induced by one DSD, the leaf export of Asn increased sharply, instead of Gln in LD. This agrees with Asn prevalence in C‐limited plants. The putative role of amino acids in the transition to flowering is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the success of breeding programmes focused on increasing fruit size, relatively little is known about the anatomical and physiological changes required to increase reproductive allocation. To address this gap in knowledge, we compared fruit/ovary anatomy, vascular structure and phloem transport of two varieties of giant pumpkins, and their smaller fruited progenitor under controlled environmental conditions. We also modelled carbon transport into the fruit of competitively grown plants using data collected in the field. There was no evidence that changes in leaf area or photosynthetic capacity impacted fruit size. Instead, giant varieties differed in their ovary morphology and contained more phloem on a cross‐sectional area basis in their petioles and pedicels than the ancestral variety. These results suggest that sink activity is important in determining fruit size and that giant pumpkins have an enhanced capacity to transport carbon. The strong connection observed between carbon fixation, phloem structure and fruit growth in field‐grown plants indicates that breeding for large fruit has led to changes throughout the carbon transport system that could have important implications for how we think about phloem transport velocity and carbon allocation.  相似文献   

The phloem sap of Ricinus seedlings was analyzed for cytokinins and the concentration was compared with that in cotyledons and xylem sap. The dominant cytokinin in the phloem sap was isopentenyladenine (70 nM) when the endosperm was attached to the cotyledons; zeatin, dihydrozeatin and cytokinin-ribosides were present at relatively low concentrations (1–2 nM). Removal of the endosperm and incubation of the cotyledons in buffer led to a sharp decrease in the level of isopentenyladenine in the phloem sap, down to the value for zeatin, namely 1–2 nM. Similar low cytokinin concentrations were found in the xylem sap, too, whereas in the cotyledons the cytokinin content was at least 10-fold higher. Incubation of the cotyledons with various cytokinins (isopentenyladenine, zeatin and their ribosides) led to an increase of each of the applied cytokinins in the phloem sap, including also the metabolically closely related cytokinins. Zeatin was especially well loaded. It is concluded that the phloem translocates most free bases and ribosides of the various cytokinin species, if they are offered to the phloem. The data also show that the cytokinin levels in the phloem, which may be far higher than in the xylem, are subject to strong fluctuations depending on the physiological situation.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 137). The experimental assistance by P. Geigenberger and the help in cytokinin analysis by Dr. A. Fußeder, Dr. B. Wagner, W. Peters (all Bayreuth) and by Prof. E. Weiler (Bochum) is gratefully acknowledged. Also the constructive discussions with Profs. E. Weiler (Bochum) and E. Beck (Bayreuth) are much appreciated.  相似文献   

A. R. McEuen  H. A. O. Hill 《Planta》1982,154(4):295-297
The possible involvement of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the oxidative gelling of phloem exudate from Cucurbita pepo. was investigated. Neither superoxide dismutase (EC nor catalase (EC inhibited the reaction. Although catalase could not be detected in exudate, both peroxidase (EC. and superoxide dismutase were present in reasonable amounts. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed one major and one minor isozyme of superoxide dismutase, both of which were adjudged to contain copper and zinc as their prosthetic metals, on the basis of cyanide inhibition and molecular weight.Abbreviations SOD superoxide dismutase  相似文献   

The cohesion theory explains water transport in trees by the evaporation of water in the leaves (transpiration), which in turn generates the tension required for sap ascent, i.e. the flow of pure water from the soil through the root system and the non-living cells of the tree (xylem tracheids) up to the leaves. Only a small part of this water flow entering the leaves is used in photosynthesis to produce sugar solution, which is transported from the leaves through the living cells (phloem) to everywhere in the tree where it is needed and used. The phloem sieves are connected to the xylem tracheids by water transparent membranes, which means that the upflow of pure water and downflow of sugar solution interact with each other, causing the osmotic pressure in the sugar solution (Münch model). In this paper we analyse this interaction with a thermodynamic approach and we show that some open questions in the cohesion theory can then perhaps be better understood. For example, why under a quite high tension the water can flow in the xylem mostly without any notable cavitation, and how the suction force itself depends on the cavitation. Minimizing Gibbs energy of the system of xylem and phloem, we derive extended vapor pressure and osmotic pressure equations, which include gas bubbles in the xylem conduits as well as the cellulose-air-water interface term. With the aid of the vapor pressure equation derived here, we estimate the suction force that the cavitation controlled by the phloem sugar solution can generate at high moisture contents. We also estimate the suction force that the transpiration can generate by moisture gradient at low moisture contents. From the general osmotic pressure equation we derive an equation for calculating the degree of cavitation with different sugar solution concentrations and we show the conditions under which the cavitation in the xylem is totally avoided. Using recent field measurement results for a Scotch pine, the theory is demonstrated by showing its predictions for possible amounts of cavitation or embolism from morning hours to late afternoon.  相似文献   

Roni Aloni  John R. Barnett 《Planta》1996,198(4):595-603
The differentiation of phloem anastomoses linking the longitudinal vascular bundles has been studied in stem internodes of Cucurbita maxima Duchesne, C. pepo L. and Dahlia pinnata Cav. These anastomoses comprise naturally occurring regenerative sieve tubes which redifferentiate from interfascicular parenchyma cells in the young internodes. In all three species, severing a vascular bundle in a young internode resulted in regeneration of xylem to form a curved by-pass immediately around the wound. The numerous phloem anastomoses in these young internodes were not involved in this process, the regenerated vessels originating from interfascicular parenchyma alone. Conversely, in mature internodes of Dahlia, the regenerated vessels originated from initials of the interfascicular cambia, and their phloem anastomoses did not influence the pattern of xylogenesis. On the other hand, in old internodes of Cucurbita, in which an interfascicular cambium was not yet developed, the parenchyma cells between the bundles had lost the ability to redifferentiate into vessel elements, and instead, regenerated vessels were produced in the phloem anastomoses. Thus, the wounded region of the vascular bundle was not bypassed via the shortest, curved pathway, but by more circuitous routes further away from the wound. Some of the regenerated vessels produced in the phloem anastomoses were extremely wide, and presumably efficient conductors of water. It is proposed that the dense network of phloem anastomoses developed during evolution as a mechanism of adaptation to possible damage in mature internodes by providing flexible alternative pathways for efficient xylem regeneration in plants with limited or no interfascicular cambium.This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Isaac Blachmann (deceased 19 November 1995), father-in-law of the senior author, for encouragement and advice throughout the yearsThis research was supported by an International Scientific Exchange Award to R.A. from the Israel Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society.  相似文献   

The dynamics of phloem growth ring formation in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) at different sites in Slovenia during the droughty growing season of 2003 was studied. We also determined the timing of cambial activity, xylem and phloem formation, and counted the number of cells in the completed phloem and xylem growth rings. Light microscopy of cross-sections revealed that cambial activity started on the phloem and xylem side simultaneously at all three plots. However, prior to this, 1–2 layers of phloem derivatives near the cambium were differentiated without previous divisions. The structure of the early phloem was similar in silver fir and Norway spruce. Differences in the number of late phloem cells were found among sites. Phloem growth rings were the widest in Norway spruce growing at the lowland site. In all investigated trees, the cambium produced 5–12 times more xylem cells than phloem ones. In addition, the variability in the number of cells in the 2003 growth ring around the stem circumference of the same tree and among different trees was higher on the xylem side than on the phloem side. Phloem formation is presumably less dependent on environmental factors but is more internally driven than xylem formation.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior and plant response to feeding were studied for the aphid Aphis gossypii Glover on susceptible and resistant melons(cv.Iroquois and TGR-1551,respectively).Average phloem phase bout duration on TGR-1551 was<7% of the duration on Iroquois.Sixty-seven percent of aphids on TGR-1551 never produced a phloem phase that attained ingestion(EPG waveform E2)in contrast to only 7% of aphids on Iroquois.Average bout duration of waveform E2(scored as zero if phloem phase did not attain E2)on TGR-1551 was<3% of the duration on Iroquois.Conversely,average bout duration of EPG waveform El(sieve element salivation)was 2.8 times greater on TGR-1551 than on Iroquois.In a second experiment,liquid nitrogen was used to rapidly cryofix leaves and aphids within a few minutes after the aphids penetrated a sieve element.Phloem near the penetration site was then examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy.Ninety-six percent of penetrated sieve elements were occluded by protein in TGR-1551 in contrast to only 28% in Iroquois.Usually in TGR-1551,occlusion was also observed in nearby nonpenetrated sieve elements.Next,a calcium channel blocker,trivalent lanthanum,was used to prevent phloem occlusion in TGR-1551,and A.gossypii feeding behavior and the plants phloem response were compared between lanthanum-treated and control TGR-1551.Lanthanum treatment eliminated the sieve element protein occlusion response and the aphids readily ingested phloem sap from treated plants.This study provides strong evidence that phloem occlusion is a mechanism for resistance against A.gossypii in TGR-1551.  相似文献   

Current research discloses that the phloem system is not only responsible for the allocation of photoassimilates, but has several other functions. Despite the knowledge acquired recently, the phloem remains the most puzzling plant tissue due to its inaccessability to experimental approach. Since well-preserved fossile remnants of phloem tissue are rare, evolution of sieve elements and the whole phloem was inferred from the phloem structure in present plant taxa. Special attention is paid to the evolution of the sieve elements being the conducting modules of the phloem. Development of sieve elements probably was a polyphyletic event. It may have occurred independently in various groups of algae and in the land plants. The emergence of highly specialized accessory cells sustaining the sieve element is restricted to the Spermatophyta. An attempt is made to explain the presumptive evolutionary development of the phloem system in terms of physiological fitness. In particular, the diversity of the leaf phloem in dicotyledons is discussed. It is an example of progressive phloem evolution in a plant organ that is permanently challenged by daily variations and more persistent environmental changes.  相似文献   

Selenium, an essential biological trace element present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, exerts its regulatory effect in a variety of cellular events, including cell growth, survival, and death. Selenium compunds have been shown in different cell lines to inhibit apoptosis by several mechanisms. Serine/threonine phosphatases (STPs) are potentially important in selenite-induced apoptosis because of their role in regulation of diverse set of cellular processes. In this study, the regulatory role of STPs in selenite-induced apoptosis has been implied by the use of two specific inhibitors: ocadaic acid and calyculin A. Our results show a decrease in cell density in HepG2 cells under selenite treatment. Resulting specific enzyme activities showed a concentration-dependent increase in all three phosphatase activities after 24 h in cells treated with 5 μM selenite and these activities decreased at 48 and 72 h. However, in cells treated with 10μM selenite, PP2A and PP2B decreased at 48 h, whereas PP2C activity did not change at this dose. In cells treated with 25μM, there was not a significant change in PP2C activity. These data suggest that the most specific response to selenite treatment was in PP2A and PP2B activities in a dose-dependent manner. Our results with OA and Cal-A further support the view that PP1 and PP2A might act as negative regulators of growth. With these data, we have first demonstrated the role of serine/threonine protein phosphatases in the signaling pathway of selenite-induced apoptosis and resulting cytotoxicity  相似文献   

Interaction of nucleoredoxin with protein phosphatase 2A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A trimeric protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A(T55)) composed of the catalytic (PP2Ac), structural (PR65/A), and regulatory (PR55/B) subunits was isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle by thiophosphorylase affinity chromatography, and contained two additional proteins of 54 and 55 kDa, respectively. The 54 kDa protein was identified as eukaryotic translation termination factor 1 (eRF1) and as a PP2A interacting protein. The 55 kDa protein is now identified as nucleoredoxin (NRX). The formation of a complex between GST-NRX, PP2A(C) and PP2A(D) was demonstrated by pull-down experiments with purified forms of PP2A, and by immunoprecipitation of HA-tagged NRX expressed in HEK293 cells complexed endogenous PP2A subunits. Analysis of PP2A activity in the presence of GST-NRX showed that NRX competed with polycations for both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on different forms of PP2A.  相似文献   

The phloem sap of two lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes inducing differences in pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera: Aphididae) performances (weight, fecundity, survival), was collected by stylectomy (radio frequency microcautery). Sugars and amino acids were assayed. No significant difference in their concentrations could be established between genotypes. It is thus unlikely that a substantial part of the varietal resistance of these lucerne genotypes to pea aphid could be related to the content in sugars or amino acids. The same conclusion was drawn for the sugar/amino acid ratio. The amino acid profiles were globally similar. They nevertheless allowed a discrimination between the two genotypes on a few amino acids (alanine, leucine, isoleucine, arginine, ornithine) only. Moreover, the degree of resistance can be related neither to GABA concentration, nor to that of sulfur amino acids, because these constituants were either absent, or in trace amounts, whatever the lucerne genotype taken into account. Stylectomy parameters revealed some interesting differences in the sap exudation of the two genotypes. Average volume of exudation by stylet and average duration of exudation were respective 2.8 and 2.3 times higher in the susceptible genotype. These results suggest a reduced flow of phloem sap, after puncturing of the sieve-tubes by the aphid stylets on the resistant genotype; this could result in a greater difficulty in phloem sap ingestion by aphids settled on the resistant genotype and thus in suboptimal performances.  相似文献   

The conducting elements of phloem in angiosperms are a complex of two cell types, sieve elements and companion cells, that form a single developmental and functional unit. During ontogeny of the sieve element/companion cell complex, specific proteins accumulate forming unique structures within sieve elements. Synthesis of these proteins coincides with vascular development and was studied in Cucurbita seedlings by following accumulation of the phloem lectin (PP2) and its mRNA by RNA blot analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunocytochemistry and in␣situ hybridization. Genes encoding PP2 were developmentally regulated during vascular differentiation in hypocotyls of Cucurbita maxima Duch. Accumulation of PP2 mRNA and protein paralleled one another during hypocotyl elongation, after which mRNA levels decreased, while the protein appeared to be stable. Both PP2 and its mRNA were initially detected during metaphloem differentiation. However, PP2 mRNA was detected in companion cells of both bundle and extrafascicular phloem, but never in differentiating sieve elements. At later stages of development, PP2 mRNA was most often observed in extrafascicular phloem. In developing stems of Cucurbita moschata L., PP2 was immunolocalized in companion cells but not to filamentous phloem protein (P-protein) bodies that characterize immature sieve elements of bundle phloem. In contrast, PP2 was immunolocalized to persistent ␣ P-protein bodies in sieve elements of the extrafascicular phloem. Immunolocalization of PP2 in mature wound sieve elements was similar to that in bundle phloem. It appears that PP2 is synthesized in companion cells, then transported into differentiated sieve elements where it is a component of P-protein filaments in bundle phloem and persistent P-protein bodies in extrafascicular phloem. This differential accumulation in bundle and extrafascicular elements may result from different functional roles of the two types of phloem. Received: 31 July 1996 / Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

莲胚子叶中维管束的发育和传递细胞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莲子叶组织中的维管束均等的分布于两瓣子叶里,形成1周。筛分子由2个维管束母细胞分裂而来。维管束无形成层,无导管,也不具有螺纹管胞,呈有筛分子。子叶维管不好育成熟约在受一的20天,成熟时细胞核消失,次生壁向内延伸,筛管分子的细胞壁形成网纹结构。子叶组织中传递细胞在物质分布广泛,传递细胞首选发生于维管束的末和边缘,其细胞壁内突,显极性生长。表面积与体积的比值有利于昨管的装载,同时在物质运输的受体和供体  相似文献   

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